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Top 10 Supplements for Healthy Skin

There’s no way around the makeup issue. As we discuss supplements to benefit and beautify your skin, it serves well to clear the air about the do’s and don’ts of makeup usage. So here it is …

How to guarantee unhealthy skin: wear cheap makeup

“Of all the news coming from the beauty community, the loudest buzz may be about the power of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to give skin a more radiant, healthy, and, yes, youthful glow.” – WebMD

The truth is that makeup isn’t necessary for looking good – and it is potentially harmful to your skin. Here is a list of makeup ingredients to avoid:

  • coconut diethanolamine (and other foaming agents)
  • preservatives (e.g., formaldehyde, parabens, Quaternium)
  • lanolin
  • astringents (e.g., toners)
  • scrubs and acids

A good rule of thumb, if you are going to wear makeup, is to look for products that are fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, and non-comedogenic. Makeup that fits this description is relatively harmless and even beneficial in some ways, such as protecting against UV rays.

Ten Skin-Boosting Supplements That Are Well Worth a Try

Here are ten supplements that will help support healthy skin.

supplements healthy skin

1. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals such as pollutants and other toxins that can damage the skin. CoQ10 helps to energize the skin, replenish cells, and protect against photo-aging – aging brought about by prolonged exposure to the sun.

While our body produces CoQ10 naturally, aging and stress drastically lower the body’s reserves. Ask your doctor or wellness professional if CoQ10 supplementation is proper for you.

2. Vitamins C & E

Vitamins C and E are excellent antioxidants that counter the effects of photo-aging. Both vitamins eliminate free radicals such as pollution, smoke, and sunlight, protecting against wrinkles and other effects of sun damage. Vitamin E acts as a natural moisturizer, soothing and nourishing the skin.

Sources of vitamin C include oranges, lemons, broccoli, cauliflower, and dark green vegetables. E sources include asparagus, nuts, olives, seeds, and vegetable oil.

3. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is crucial to the healthy look and feel of your skin. Critical to skin tissue maintenance and repair, studies show that vitamin A controls acne, reduces lines and wrinkles, and relieves symptoms of psoriasis.

The best sources of vitamin A are dark green veggies, tomatoes, fruits, dairy, and eggs.

4. Selenium

Yet another powerful antioxidant, selenium, can help protect our skin cells from damaging free radicals and other harmful compounds. The human body requires selenium as it cannot replicate the mineral. Sources include eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds, and soy.

5. Copper

Peptides are a natural growth hormone important to cellular production, and copper is a rich source of these hormones. Copper peptides actively seek out and eliminate sun-damaged skin cells. Additionally, they reverse the aging effect, stimulate skin cell genesis, and thicken the subcutaneous fatty layer of the skin.

Sources of copper include avocado, beef liver, dark chocolate, dried apricots, hazelnuts, sesame and sunflower seeds, and quinoa.


6. Biotin

Biotin is one of the most popular supplements for hair and nail health. Studies show that biotin could help strengthen and protect the skin, as well as help lessen the symptoms of brittle nails.

Dietary sources of biotin include eggs, nuts, red meat, and seeds.

7. Vitamin K

According to research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, topical vitamin K supplements help with the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. They also reduce the effects of bruising. Subsequent studies demonstrated that vitamin K might be more effective when combined with vitamin A, reducing wrinkles.

Sources of vitamin K include asparagus, blueberries, dark leafy vegetables, edamame, lettuce, pickles, and pumpkin seeds.

8. Zinc

Topical applications of zinc are purported to help with many skin conditions. Supplementing with zinc may help treat acne and heal skin rash and lesions. Topical applications of zinc are possibly helpful for reducing the symptoms of herpes simplex and skin ulcers.

Dietary sources of zinc include eggs, legumes, nuts, poultry, seeds, and soy products.

9. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Per research conducted by Oregon State University, essential fatty acids (EFAs) are critical to the protection and “structural integrity” of the skin. Furthermore, EFAs – omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids – are necessary for the skin to receive adequate hydration.

Supplements are the best source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. However, they can be found in fatty fish, flaxseed, chia seeds, olive oil, leafy vegetables, and walnuts.

10. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Alpha-Lipoic Acid, or ALA, is perhaps the most potent anti-aging, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. Applied topically, ALA thickens the skin membranes, resulting in firmer and healthier skin. ALA also reduces swelling and puffiness of the face. Finally, ALA helps regulate nitric oxide production, which controls blood flow to the skin. Regular application of ALA, then, can leave the skin looking more radiant than ever.

nutritional supplements

Final Thoughts on Supplements for Healthy Skin

The use of supplements for healthier skin can give you a certain glow your skin might otherwise lack. So feel free to incorporate these nutrients into your daily diet. At the same time, you should also be sure to remove your makeup, cleanse thoroughly, and spot-treat dry patches or acne. You will see results in a few weeks to a couple of months. Should skin concerns persist, contact your dermatologist–they will be able to perform a thorough skin exam and make the appropriate recommendations.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Stop Eating These 5 Foods If You Want To Get Rid Of Acne

Your eating habits affect your body more than you’d think. If you suffer from acne, it might be time to take a look at your plate and see if you have acne causing foods in your daily diet. Numerous studies have now proven that there are clear connections between what we eat and the health of our skin. Would you like to know how to get rid of acne? Read on! This article is lovingly written to those of us with skin woes with regard to how to get rid of acne simply by cutting certain foods out of our diet. Get ready for clean, clear, glowing skin!

What Is Acne?

Acne is classified as a “disease” that affects the oil glands and pores of the skin. The diagnosis is not limited to the face anymore; reports of people with acne breakouts all over their bodies are now common. It’s no wonder that people don’t know how to get rid of acne; we are living in an increasingly toxic world where it is becoming harder and harder to maintain the health and integrity of our bodies, and it is evident all over our faces. Dirt, excess oil, and other toxic substances clog pores on the face and other areas of the body, producing the unsightly bumps you know as acne.

True Cause Of Acne

The production of excess sebum, or oil, underneath the top layer of skin is directly related to rising and falling levels of insulin in the bloodstream. If your diet is such that your blood sugar levels are consistent throughout the day, there is no need to produce excess oil by the oil glands. Thus, no acne. If you are eating foods that cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then fall, then you will most likely be able to tell all over your face. Would you like to know how to get rid of acne? Change your diet!

Here’s how to get rid of acne by avoiding these foods:

Ditch the breadbasket

Oh, bread…..the ultimate comfort food. The real culprit here is gluten, which causes a sharp spike in insulin production. This will clog up those pores for sure. If you find you must have something doughy with your meal, look for gluten-free or unleavened options to satisfy that craving. Do you have the urge for a good burger? Wrap up that juicy deliciousness in lettuce for a satisfying crunch.


Get rid of acne naturally by cutting those glutenous, gluttonous disks out of your diet. Other foods containing refined flours and grains should be avoided too, if at all possible. You don’t need them–instead, try putting some schmear on a flaxseed cracker or some slices of cucumber as a mid-morning snack.

Milk chocolate

Not only is milk chocolate loaded with sugar, it causes a host of acne-causing chemicals to be released throughout the body after the first decadent bite. If you must indulge in something sweet, opt for organic dark chocolate, and enjoy in moderation.

Milk and dairy

Drinking milk and consuming dairy products produces an insulinogenic response in the body, wherein the body produces more insulin than is needed to control blood sugar. This is bad news for your skin. In addition, milk and other dairy products trigger the release of hormones in our bodies that wreak havoc on our complexion as well; it’s best to steer clear of them altogether. Choose a frozen banana almond butter concoction for dessert, rather than your standard vanilla ice cream cone. Get rid of acne naturally as you learn to substitute some of your standards for healthier and more delicious fare.

get rid of acne


Soda has it in for the win—-it is the absolute worst “food” known to cause acne. I state “food” in this manner because it is nearly impossible to find any nutritional value in this fizzy drink. Studies have now proven that soda is as destructive as alcohol on the body–with these new findings regarding its destructive behavior, how can we continue to drink it in good conscience? Cut it out, and opt for some water with fresh lemon, or a refreshing iced tea instead?

Knowledge is power; we’ve now shown you how to get rid of acne by making small and consistent changes to your diet. Sticking to a whole food, low sugar program will have your body and your skin thanking you simultaneously. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and the effects of what we are doing to ourselves will eventually surface, reflecting back to us our level of care that we are devoting to our wondrous body. Consider cutting some of these toxic substances out of your diet, and you will soon see the results staring back at you in the mirror. You’ll see a happier, healthier, radiant version of you!

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(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Things Your Daydreams Say About Your Personality

Have you ever wondered what your daydreams reveal about you? We all try to escape reality in various ways; after all, we would probably drive ourselves crazy if we didn’t! Life can get pretty stressful, so if it doesn’t hurt you or others, there’s no harm in trying to forget about reality for a bit. Bills, responsibilities, work, school, kids, the fact that we all will die someday – all of these things can become quite a burden on our minds.

People have various methods of escaping the mundane, but almost everyone does one thing each day – daydream! Daydreams can help us to think of a more positive reality or sort out our goals in life. Maybe you daydream while at work or just while doing chores around the house, and what these daydreams reveal about you may surprise you!

Here’s what daydreams say about your personality:

“If you don’t daydream, your life is a nightmare.” – Karl Lagerfeld

1. You are satisfied with your life.

Wait, isn’t the whole reason for daydreaming because you are drifting away from your life?! Well, most of the time. However, if your daydreams involve thinking about relaxing on a beach somewhere with friends or just hanging out with them, that probably means you actually like your life. It means you have meaningful connections with people and just want to spend time with those you care about.

2. You’re creative.

If you daydream about showing off in a competition or winning an award, it might mean you have a great creative streak. Research shows that people who play out scenarios in which they get to do something exciting or fun while showcasing their natural talents want to put their skills to good use and get rewarded for them.

3. You’re smart and have an efficient brain.

Daydreams also can reveal your intellectual abilities. A study from the Georgia Institute of Technology found that people whose minds wander may just have so much brain capacity that they can’t keep their minds focused on the task at hand.

Eric Schumacher, a Georgia Tech associate psychology professor and co-author of the study, as well as his students and colleagues, including lead co-author Christine Godwin, measured the brain patterns of more than 100 people. Participants had to focus on a stationary fixation point for five minutes while lying in an MRI machine. Researchers used the data gathered to determine which parts of the brain worked together.

Once they figured out how the brain works together in an awake, resting state, the team compared the data with tests the participants took that measured their intellectual and creative abilities. Additionally, participants filled out a questionnaire about how much their minds wander on a daily basis.

The results? The participants who reported more frequent daydreaming scored higher on the intellectual and creative test and had more efficient brains as measured by the MRI machine.

4. You need to solve a problem.

For example, let’s say you daydream about quitting your job and telling your boss off while slamming the door in his face and skipping off happily to a much better opportunity. Obviously, this might mean that you feel trapped or unfulfilled in your current job, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you should quit. Maybe you need to talk to your boss and figure out how you can feel happier in your job or what other opportunities might be available for you. You can also try positive thinking in order to get more satisfaction out of your life.

5. You miss a loved one who passed away.

Daydreams about your parents or grandparents who passed on might mean you need to process your grief or that you just miss them. You might remember happy memories with them or imagine them in a better place. Sometimes, nostalgia can reveal what daydreams say about your personality.

6. You want to take charge of your life.

If you daydream about becoming world-famous or getting your dream job, it means you seek greater control over your life. You want to become your own boss and feel more powerful. Daydreams like these might mean you want to escape your current life because you feel bored or overwhelmed. You wish you could transport into a world where you feel more engaged and excited.


7. You need a change.

Daydreams that involve you running away to travel the world, for example, mean that you may just need a change in your daily life. Don’t take it literally; it might not mean that you really want to travel the world, but that you should try to do a few things differently. Maybe you need to get a new hobby or figure out how you can express your passions.

Final thoughts

Daydreams provide valuable tools for our lives. Unlike what your teachers or parents may have told you, daydreaming is not a bad thing! Pay attention to your daydreams, because just like our “real” dreams while sleeping at night, daydreams can give us great insight, and help us solve problems and understand our own personality better.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Best Breastfeeding Positions: A Step by Step Guide

When you arrive home from the hospital with your new baby, breastfeeding can seem intimidating. In the hospital, you may have had help from nurses and lactation consultants, but at home, you’re on your own. Fortunately, there are many tried and true techniques that will help you feed your child and get you on the way to a successful nursing relationship. Using the best breastfeeding positions will make feeding easier for you and baby.

Breastfeeding is a unique way for mother and child to bond. A breast is always clean and the correct temperature; you don’t have to deal with warming and sterilizing bottles and nipples. Breast milk contains many beneficial substances that formula does not have, including antibodies to protect the baby against disease. Breastfed babies have a lower incidence of medical problems like ear infections.

Our step by step instructions on the best breastfeeding positions will help you begin a beautiful relationship.

Best Breastfeeding Positions

Step 1: The Latch

Before you choose breastfeeding positions, it’s important that your baby have an efficient latch. When the baby is properly latched, he or she will be able to get the most milk possible and have a satisfying meal. Incorrect latching can also lead to nipple pain for the mother.

Step 2: Holding

Hold your baby on her side facing you, with your bellies touching. Bring your baby up to the level of your breast for the best breastfeeding positions. Don’t lean over to nurse. You may need a nursing pillow to get this right.

Step 3: The Sandwich

Hold your breast with your fingers around your areola. Compress your breast a little bit to form a “sandwich.”

Step 4: Open Wide

With baby’s head tilted back slightly, gently rub against her mouth as if you are tickling her. Tickle from her nose to her lips. She should open her mouth wide with this stimulation.

Step 5: Time to Latch

Tilt baby’s head back a bit and move him or her into the right position at your breast if necessary. With baby’s lower jaw below the nipple, tilt her head forward so that the breast is entering her mouth. Her upper jaw should be deeply placed on the breast. Check and make sure the whole nipple is in her mouth, along with 1 ½ inches or more of the areola in her mouth.

It is also important to make sure that baby’s lips are not inverted. An inverted latch will cause pain for the mother and inefficient nursing. Flip her lips out gently with your finger if you find that they are inverted.

Baby should be able to nurse deeply with this latch. You will hear and feel her suck and swallow. She may pause at times. Her nursing will probably slow as she gets toward the “end” of the breast and encounters the richer hindmilk.

If your baby is not latched correctly, take her off the breast and try again. To take a baby off the breast, gently slide your finger into her mouth beside the nipple. This will break the suction and allow you to take her off without pain.

Different Breastfeeding Positions to Try

The standard hold with baby lying on her side against your stomach is good for many situations, but there are times when you will need to nurse in other positions. Moms who have had C-sections especially need a different approach to avoid putting pressure on their incisions. Here are some of the best breastfeeding positions you can try.

Cradle Hold

As described above, this hold begins with the baby lined up with your forearm. You should have baby’s head in your crooked arm. Be sure to support her bottom so she can lie with her body in a straight line.

best breastfeeding positions

Football Hold

This hold is one of the best breastfeeding positions for moms who have had a C-section. Place baby beside you on a pillow. Bring his head up to the level of your breast and support his body with your arm. Latch as described above.


If you need to rest while you are nursing or have had a C-section, this is a useful hold. Lie down on the side you want to breastfeed from. With your head on a pillow, bring baby close to you and lie stomach to stomach. Hold her steady with your arm. Bring the breast to her mouth with your opposite hand.

With these step-by-step directions, you will find it easier to encourage a proper latch and to feed your baby with ease. When you have a proper latch and a comfortable breastfeeding position, you will be able to nurse successfully.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Find Your True Love

Modern dating is often stressful and unpleasant to say the least, especially with all the new humiliating ways that potential partners now employ to dump someone, such as “ghosting” and “bread-crumbing.”

These ridiculous tactics virtually scream signs of someone’s immaturity and inconsiderate nature.

Unfortunately, many people get away with abusing others with them for years though because of the desperation that men and women have to finally find true love.

Luckily, there is a better, safer way to attract a mate though, and it is called “the law of attraction.”

Most people who have ever read about the law of attraction know that it is commonly used for manifesting money, jobs, and specific items that a person wants to have. But it can also be successfully used for obtaining your true love. To get it to work for you, it helps to use the following tricks.

Here’s how to use the law of attraction to find your true love:

Focus on You, Not Them

One of the hardest things to do whenever you feel lonely and down is to stop thinking about how bad you feel inside. But that is exactly what you have to do to introduce the positive changes into your life that you need to make to find true love.

In order to do this, you have to begin to remember who you were inside before you got your heart broken. What hobbies did you have? What was your favorite music? Which places did you like to go to in your free time?

Make a list of them all, and get back to doing them again.

Be Specific

Once you have started feeling better about yourself, it is time to make a list of all the things that you are looking for in a potential partner. Remember to be specific though and include things that really matter to you, such as their honesty, the hobbies you wish to share with them, or the type of personality you want them to have.

You can even write down certain physical characteristics that you think are attractive, like eye color and height.

Visualize Success

After making your list, try to come up with an image in your mind of what your true love looks and acts like. Put as much emotion into this as you can because the stronger that you feel about them, the easier it will be to attract them into your life. Then, each day before you go to sleep at night, and any other time of the day that you aren’t busy, let your mind drift off into thinking about them and what your life will be like together when you finally meet.

Don’t Settle

One of the mistakes people make whenever they are dating is that they come across a person who they think is potentially their true love, so they stop looking for anyone else. Somewhere in the back of their mind though, they know that things aren’t really working out. But they keep holding on because they don’t really believe that they could get anyone better. Settling for less than what you want isn’t doing you any favors in the long-run though. Sooner or later, things are going to come to a screeching halt, and a choice will have to be made regarding whether or not to continue investing energy into a relationship that is going nowhere fast. So, in order to use the law of attraction successfully, it is very important to keep your mind and heart open to the possibility that your perfect true love is out there searching for you too.


As you can see, using the law of attraction to find your true love isn’t a complicated process. It does take time and dedication though. Still, some people may find that it takes them longer to draw their true love to them than it does for others. If this happens to you, try not to get discouraged because negative emotions will limit the good that comes into your life. So it is very important to stay positive each day. And remember, just as it is when manifesting any other good things that you want to happen to you in your life, you have to let go and trust that the love that you want is coming to you, and it will be there at the perfect time.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This Powerful White Tea Leaves Mix Will Transform Your Skin

When you are looking for natural ways to support healthy, vibrant skin, consider using white tea. This delicate blend contains powerful compounds that combat aging and prevent environmental damage. White tea also has benefits for the entire body. Compounds in white tea have anti-inflammatory properties. They can also fight bacteria, viruses, and fungus.

White tea can benefit your skin as a topical preparation, or it can be brewed and enjoyed to receive some of the same benefits. Applying a white tea mask to the skin can be refreshing and can combat signs of aging. Discover these incredible benefits for yourself by using white tea in your beauty routine.

Benefits of White Tea Leaves to Transform your Skin and Body

White tea has amazing benefits for the entire body. White tea leaves are the freshest and youngest leaves and buds from the Camellia sinensis plant, the same plant that produces green and black tea. White tea leaves and buds are picked the day before they open, preserving more of their natural active ingredients.

Benefits of White Tea

White tea benefits are many. Among all types of tea leaves, white tea leaves have the highest levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants are known for preventing aging of the skin. They prevent elastin and collagen in the skin from breaking down, encouraging a radiant and youthful look. They also combat the effects of free radicals on the body and prevent cellular damage.

White tea benefits the body as well. The active ingredient in white tea, EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate, is a flavonoid. It has been shown to support weight loss by increasing the body’s metabolism and helping the body burn more fat. Drinking white tea may have as many benefits for the skin as applying it topically.

While all forms of tea from the Camellia sinensis plant contain some EGCG, white and green tea have the highest concentrations. This makes white tea benefits greater than those of black tea.

Like black and green tea, white tea contains tannins. These compounds have been well-studied by leading scientists. Tannins have anticarcinogenic properties. They also have antimicrobial properties and can reduce inflammation in the body.

Face Masks with White Tea

White tea leaves and brewed tea can be made into refreshing facial masks to reap their antioxidant benefits.

To make a DIY white tea facial mask, finely grind one teaspoon of white tea. Add a small amount of baking soda and a teaspoon of honey. Mix all ingredients together and apply to your face. Allow the mask to sit for 10 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. This will brighten your skin and reduce the effects of environmental damage.

Another mask combines brewed white tea leaves with green tea powder and lemon juice. Apply this mask to the face. Rinse it off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes. Adding green tea and lemon pumps up the power of this antioxidant mask.

white tea leaves

White tea can also reduce the look of puffiness around the eyes. Soak a washcloth in freshly brewed white tea and allow it to cool to a comfortable temperature. Close your eyes and apply the washcloth. Relax for 20 minutes, or until the washcloth is cool. This will revive you and give your skin a more youthful appearance.

For dry skin, combine a few tablespoons of white tea with 1 teaspoon of cream and 1 teaspoon of sugar. You can also use coconut oil in place of the cream. Gently apply the mask with clean fingers. Allow it to sit for 20 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Final Thoughts

White tea is beneficial to the skin by refreshing cells and preventing the breakdown of collagen and elastin. The powerful active ingredient in white tea, EGCG, works as an antioxidant. The compound is also a flavonoid, conferring extra benefits for the skin and body. White tea has many exciting benefits, including antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

When you choose white tea as a beauty aid, you can make at-home masks to take advantage of its healthful properties. You can also purchase commercial masks and lotions made with white tea extract. No matter what preparation you choose, you will feel good about using white tea in your beauty routine.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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