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10 Homemade Recipes With White Tea Leaves That Can Help You De-Stress

After a long day at work or school, most people want to come home, get in comfortable clothes and relax in the evenings. Some choose from a variety of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages as their go-to relaxing drink because it helps to make their mood better and their evening smoother. While the majority of these options are unhealthy, there is a drink option that is popular in Asia and making its way to the rest of the world.

Drinking a cup of white tea leaves is the drink that is changing people’s lives. With the added health benefits, you can drink this tea and not feel guilty about too many calories or other negative side effects. White tea helps you lose weight, improves the appearance of your skin and hair, helps in cancer treatment, used for patients with diabetes, enhancing your memory, helps you stay alert, and most importantly (for a lot of people) aids in the process of de-stressing. The list if white tea leaves benefits goes on and on! If these side effects sound like something you need, then get yourself a glass of white tea and start relaxing as soon as possible!

Here are 10 homemade recipes with white tea leaves that can help you de-stress.

tea or coffee

Click to learn if tea or coffee is the healthier beverage.

1. Bai Hao Yinzhen (Silver Needle)

The Bai Hao Yinzhen tea is the most popular and desired tea in China, as it is originally from there. The tea has silver leaves that have silver hairs, or needles coming off of it This tea when first brewed has a yellow tint at first, and you need to steep the tea 5-8 minutes to get the best taste out of the leaves. You will be able to see the leaves in the tea as you are making it.

2. White Puerh Tea

If you are looking for a tea with a delicious aroma, try the White Puerh Tea, grown in the mountains of China. Every spring these white tea leaves are hand picked and have a rich, delicious taste and smell.

3. Shou Mei (Noble, Long Life Eyebrow)

The Shou Mei tea comes from the leaves at the tips of the white trees that are grown in China. When brewed, this tea will have a greenish hue, but it is still considered to be white tea leaves because it comes from a white leaf tree! Don’t steep this one too long, or you will not be happy with the rich taste. Steep in hot water for about 2-3 minutes and it will be perfect!

4. Bai Mu Dan (White Peony)

If you like the taste of the silver needle teas, but you aren’t a fan of the cost, try a white peony tea and enjoy just as delicious taste, without spending as much on it. As you are brewing this tea you will enjoy the aroma as it makes most people feel very light-hearted and happy. The color will be a pale green/golden hue and will taste fruity.

5. Gong Mei (Tribute Eyebrow)

The Gong Mei tea is more processed than most of the other tea options. This tea is a dark hue when brewed. But you must first steep it for two or three minutes or until you have the desired taste.

6. Ceylon White

Not all delicious white teas are grown in the country of China. Some are grown all over the world, and Ceylon White is grown in the Sri Lankan area. This is a very pricey tea because it is grown by hand. Ceylon White tea is known for being a very light option.

7. Assam White

Another option if you prefer light white tea leaves is Assam White. This tea is very light tasting and also has been known to have a very malty taste. While drinking this tea, the aroma and taste will leave you feeling stress-free and relaxed.

8. Darjeeling White

The Darjeeling White tea is another hand-grown tea that thrives in rainy weather areas. With fluffy leaves, this tea has a taste similar to honey as it is very sweet. The delicate taste and texture of this tea will leave your taste buds and your mood positive and happy.

9. African White

In the Kenyan and Malawi parts of Africa, you can find the African White tea leaves growing. This is a top pick for people who need more caffeine in their cup of tea and enjoy a darker tasting tea as well.

10. White Mango Tea

All of the above tea options are delicious to try with a variety of fruit added. This particular recipe can be used with any tea you want, depending on the desired taste and texture. To make this tea, you need to boil 12 cups of water and steep the tea bag for approximately 5 minutes. While your tea is steeping, you need to mix peaches, mango and sugar in a large pitcher. Add the hot tea and serve over ice.

medicinal tea

White Tea leaves benefits are amazing to learn and read about. There are a variety of different tastes and textures, and they can be grown all over the world. People who are tea drinkers have found that this tea has a lot of white tea benefits and helps them to feel good throughout the day. Tea is usually a better option for a morning drink, and if it has health benefits, like white tea does, it is an obvious choice what your morning or evening beverage will be.

If you are looking to clear up acne, help your body lose weight or if you simply need to relax and de-stress, grab a cup of white tea today and feel more relaxed instantly!

5 Early Warnings of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

People with chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS, usually have tremendous difficulty doing the things that many of us take for granted. For example, we probably don’t think twice about getting dressed or driving someplace provided we’ve gotten enough rest. However, this is not the case for someone who is chronically fatigued.

CFS is a very frustrating condition for many reasons. First, rest does little to nothing to quell CFS symptoms. Second, the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome are not well known (though a weakened immune system, hormonal imbalances, viral infections, and stress may contribute). Lastly, CFS has no known cure.

While there may not be a cure, there are effective methods of self-care that do seem to work for many. We will discuss these at the conclusion of this article.

But first, let’s talk a bit about five warning signs of chronic fatigue syndrome.

“Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disorder characterized by extreme fatigue or tiredness that doesn’t go away with rest and can’t be explained by an underlying medical condition.” – Healthline (Source)

  1. Debilitating fatigue

As its name implies, fatigue is the overarching symptom in CFS. Think of how fatigued you feel when sick with the flu. Anyone who has had a nasty case of the flu will attest they only want to do one thing when sick: rest.

Now imagine feeling the flu-like tiredness every day. Next, imagine that the rest you so desperately seek gives you little to no energy. This describes chronic fatigue syndrome in a nutshell.

  1. Cognitive problems (“brain fog”)

In a 2015 academic paper, researchers from the Columbia University School of Medicine found differences in the immune system of individuals diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS patients had higher levels of cytokines, immune system chemicals typically released following the onset of a viral infection.

In other words, CFS patients showed signs of a highly active immune system – with no apparent physical illness. Moreover, the wayward inflammatory response found in CFS patients appears to trigger a “brain fog.” Common symptoms of brain fog include difficulty concentrating, poor memory, and slow reaction time.

  1. Non-restorative sleep

All of us need sleep to recharge and be productive. Without sleep, we simply can’t function at anywhere near our capabilities. CFS sufferers are all too familiar with these feelings. For reasons unbeknownst to doctors and other medical professionals, sleep does not seem to provide people with CFS the required rest needed to function normally.

A common complaint among those with CFS is the feeling that they didn’t get any sleep. Others report feeling as if they experience an “every morning hangover.” Even with sleeping pills and other sleep aids, many CFS patients find it very difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

  1. Posture-related problems

Some medical professionals, including chiropractors, believe that poor posture either causes – or results due to – chronic fatigue syndrome. It’s entirely possible that both are correct. While this “posture theory” has yet to catch on, most experts will concede that poor posture can result in low energy levels.

As mentioned, some consider that bad posture is a possible sign of CFS. Maintaining an upright, “alert” posture requires more energy than many people with CFS can or will expend.

poor posture exercises

RELATED: 3 Exercises That Reverse Poor Body Posture:


  1. Numerous other symptoms

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a highly individualized disorder with highly individualized symptoms. Because the possible signs of chronic fatigue are numerous, it is difficult to diagnose CFS. In fact, some estimate that upwards of 91 percent of people with CFS never receive a diagnosis.

Many others receive an incorrect diagnosis of depression. (The reality that many doctors, for some inexplicable reason, have yet to recognize CFS as a legitimate disorder doesn’t help.)

Other possible signs of CFS include:

  • frequent headaches
  • insomnia
  • joint pain
  • muscle aches and pains
  • a sore throat

How to treat CFS

Treatment for CFS varies for each person. As we have no known cure, treatment focuses on alleviating symptoms. Treatment for CFS falls under three categories: medications, complementary medicine, and lifestyle changes.

In some cases, depression may be the cause of prolonged fatigue. As such, a physician may prescribe an antidepressant. Pain-relieving medication may be prescribed for muscle and joint pain if symptoms are severe enough. Finally, a physician may recommend sleep-inducing medication.

Changes to lifestyle may help with CFS symptoms. These include: limiting alcohol and caffeine, regular light exercise, creating and sticking to a sleep routine, limiting stressors, and refraining from physical exertion.

Alternative forms of therapy may prove useful – meditation and yoga, in particular. Acupuncture, aromatherapy, breathing exercises, massage, and tai chi may also help boost energy and alleviate CFS-related stress.

Finally, some researchers believe that inflammation is the primary catalyst of CFS. So, sticking with an anti-inflammatory diet and taking NSAIDs (e.g., Advil, Aleve) when necessary may go a long way in eradicating many symptoms of CFS.

12 Secrets To Make Your Friendship Last For A Lifetime

Friendships are such a precious thing. They don’t have the obligation of romantic relationships, but they can be just as special. When you have a close friend, you have a gift that keeps on giving. One of the best friendship quotes says that “a best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find, lucky to have.”

Some people have difficulty keeping friendships going. People will lose touch or just fall out of favor with one another.

These are 12 secrets to make your friendship last for a lifetime.

1. Support one another

A friendship cannot be one-sided. It requires both parties to show dedication and appreciation for one another. You and your friend should support each other through words and through actions. Let them know how much you care about them on a regular basis and show them by supporting their hobbies and aspirations.

2. Agree to disagree

You’re not going to see eye-to-eye on everything with your friends. If you do, that would make for a rather boring relationship. When disagreements do come up, don’t let them ruin your bond. Instead, you should discuss how each of your viewpoints came about and focus on what you do agree on.

3. Spend time together

A relationship cannot be expected to blossom if you aren’t spending time with one another. You don’t need to be around your friend all the time, but you should certainly be around them enough to feel as though you are growing with them.

friendship quote

4. Be confidantes

A strong bond is forged on trust. If you have a close relationship with a friend, you should be able to talk about anything with them. This doesn’t mean you should be spilling out your social security number, but you should definitely be willing to talk with them about things that have been bothering you. Research suggests that understanding what bothers a friend can create more harmony in your relationship.

5. Have a secret language

No, you don’t need to create an entirely new way of speaking. However, a close relationship with a friend is one that lets you communicate in ways you couldn’t with most other people. You might have inside jokes or catchphrases that you throw around. It can make your relationship much richer.

6. Pay attention to them

You might take your relationship for granted after a while, but that doesn’t mean you should stop noticing things about your friend. For instance, if they get a haircut, you should totally compliment them on it. Your support means a lot to them.

7. Do them favors

Friends are people who are there for you in times of need. This can range from simple things like helping you move to being a shoulder to cry on when you’re feeling low. You don’t have to wait for them to ask you either. Just ask if there’s anything they need help with.

8. Share new experiences with them

Going to classes and trying new foods is fun enough when you’re alone. However, it’s even more fun when you have a friend by your side. The two of you can enjoy reminiscing about the experience and telling others about it.

9. Don’t judge them

Do your friends annoy and embarrass you? That probably means you really care about them. When you know someone for a long time, their flaws can become more apparent. Don’t let yourself end friendships over trivial details. You need to be there for each other, without judgment. One of the best friendship quotes comes from Elbert Hubbard: “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”

10. Surprise them

Whenever you see fit, you should do something very generous for your friend. It could be buying them tickets to a show they’ve wanted to see. It could be throwing a surprise party for their birthday. Whatever it is, they should feel warm feelings and satisfaction about being your friend.

11. Have great conversations

A strong relationship is forged on strong communication. You should be doing your best to have eye-opening conversations with your friend. Talk about things you’re reading, things going on at work, or whatever else crosses your mind. When they bring up a topic, engage them as much as possible, even if it’s something that doesn’t necessarily interest you.

12. Stay in touch

Just because a friend moves away, it doesn’t mean the relationship has to end. Yes, it might be changing, but changes aren’t necessarily bad. You want to keep in touch in a meaningful way. You should text and email them or even talk on the phone and write letters. When you get a chance to see one another, take advantage of it. You want your relationship to withstand the boundaries of city lines.

A long-term friendship cannot be forced. It requires selflessness and understanding in order to work. If you want to make the most of your friendship, you need to be willing to be vulnerable and supportive. By using these tips, you should be able to do that.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Ways This Personality Type Test will Help you Discover Yourself

Personality type tests are multiplying in popularity amongst online tests. It’s no surprise that the word “personality” appears more in quiz titles than any other word. Personality tests date back to 1917. An early psychologist, Robert Woodworth, created a test to determine the mental status of soldiers upon the return from war. Unfortunately, he failed to have the test ready by the time the soldiers returned home. The test later became the basis for all personality tests issued today.

There are five broad domains that the personality type test covers.

– Extraversion – the ability to actively interact with others

– Neuroticism – the rate and intensity of negative emotions experienced

– Conscientiousness – includes perfection, self-control, and organization

– Agreeableness – the ability to get along well with others

– Openness to Experience – traits that are either creative and intellectual or structured and predictable

There is a spectrum for each domain. On the end of each spectrum is the extreme behavior. For extraversion, one end of the spectrum is extreme extroversion, and the other end is extreme introversion. The neutral point lies somewhere in the middle of the two extremes. The purpose of the personality type test is to measure where you fall on the spectrum for each domain. Learning where you fall on the spectrum has advantages.

Seven Benefits of Taking the Personality Type Test

1. Freedom

Taking the test is like looking into an HD mirror. The reflection that reflects back is a more precise image with much greater detail. Ralph Emerson wrote in his book, Invisible Man, “When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” There is freedom in learning who you are and living unapologetically in your truth.

2. Self-Awareness

Gaining insight into your behavior and thought processes is a vital skill for success in your career and life. Self-awareness enhances enlightenment. Enlightenment uncovers opportunities for growth both mentally and emotionally. This growth increases your ability to practice self-control.

3. Strengths and Weakness

No one is perfect. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Identify the key areas in your life that need improvement. Improve what you can improve. Stay aware of these areas but focus on investing quality time in developing your strengths.

4. Social Communication

Communication is at the core of every relationship. Issues with connecting to others increase social awkwardness and social anxiety. Becoming consciously aware of how you communicate can help you to improve your communication skills.

5. Career Assessment

Identifying your strengths will assist you to uncover the hidden path for your career. You can use the personality type test to gauge your likes and dislikes when choosing a career. For example, if the test reveals that you scored high on the extraversion trait, working alone from home or in a cubicle away from everyone will be a challenge for you.

6. Decision-Making Process

We make choices from either the logical or emotional sides of the brain. Understanding how you make decisions can aid with better decision processing in the future. “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped,” – Tony Robbins. If you make decisions based on your emotions, consider taking a moment to view the logical side and vice versa.

always myself quote

7. Greater Understanding of Others

Self-enlightenment helps with understanding others better. The test reveals that we all have weaknesses and flaws, and we fail to reach perfection every day. We excel in some areas and are lacking in others. By gaining this insight, we develop different perspectives on how to view the world around us and the people in it.

Self-discovery is the key to unlock a life rich in fulfillment, compassion, empathy, and understanding. The personality type test assists in this journey of discovering self. While we can’t go back into the past, the personality test gives us a roadmap of how to move forward, different but better.

type a personalityPersonalities are Extremely Difficult to Change

With personality tests, using the knowledge you acquire about yourself increases your opportunities to lead a successful, balanced life. Our personalities are hard to change. We begin establishing our personalities from birth. We can’t undo any of our life experiences that mold and shape us into who we are. However, we do have the ability to learn about ourselves.

Personality tests give us insight into our internal operations. It reveals our blueprint and helps us to understand how we are internally built. The test explains why we do the things we do and how to do those things better. Alternatively, it helps us to realize that after taking a more in-depth look, maybe we don’t need to do those things at all. The purpose is not to change your personality but to transform yourself into being the best the person you can be with the new knowledge you have now. Thanks to personality type test, we can make this our reality.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Magnesium Chloride Rich Foods That Are Good For Your Health

Magnesium, in the form of magnesium chloride, is absolutely essential for the proper functioning of nearly every bodily system. This mineral is most often found inside of the cell. There, it regulates enzymes that control the body’s use of carbohydrates and amino acids, which go on to create proteins. Magnesium controls neuro-muscular systems through its balancing of calcium and regulates the balance of acid and alkaline in the body.

Magnesium chloride benefits

It allows the body to absorb and use vitamins such as C and E and the B complex vitamins. It also lets the body utilize other important minerals such as sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Most magnesium is found in the bones, and it aids in bone growth and supports the functioning of muscles, nerves and the heart. The mineral also helps to regulate body temperature. Magnesium chloride also converts blood sugar, or glucose, into energy. Fortunately, we can easily find foods rich in magnesium for an affordable price.

Foods rich in magnesium chloride include:


Nuts are the hard seeds of certain trees. Hazelnuts and almonds provide magnesium chloride benefits. Some people consider the peanut a type of nut, even though it’s actually a legume. Whether it is a nut or a legume, it is also magnesium rich. Peanuts have 48 mg of magnesium per ounce, while almonds have about 78 mg of magnesium per ounce.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables that provide magnesium chloride benefits include kale, spinach, Swiss chard, beet greens, mustard greens and collard greens. They are excellent sources of magnesium chloride because the magnesium atom is necessary for plants to make chlorophyll, which is their source of energy. One cup of cooked kale provides 23.40 milligrams of magnesium, 6 percent of the daily value of the mineral. The amount of magnesium for a cup of spinach is even greater. Spinach has 37 percent of the DV for magnesium. The daily value indicates the percentage of the nutrient a person needs every day.


Though nutritionists stress the importance of eating cold water fatty fish such as salmon for their antioxidants, flatfish seem to be the best when it comes to magnesium. These fish swim on the bottom of the sea and have both eyes on one side of their body. Halibut, a flatfish that can grow very large, offers a good amount of magnesium. Two hundred and four grams of halibut fillet has 13 percent of the DV of magnesium.

Whole Grains

Grains are the seeds of plants used to make bread and flour such as wheat, barley, rice, quinoa and oats. Nutritionists stress the importance of eating whole grains, for they still have the nutritious germ, endosperm, and bran. Refined grains have been stripped of these structures and are often bleached, though some of the vitamins and nutrients are added back after the grain is refined. Three-quarters of a cup of cooked quinoa has 28 percent of the DV of magnesium, or 118.40 milligrams.


Seeds that have lots of magnesium chloride include pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. A quarter of a cup of dried sesame seeds contains 126.36 mg of magnesium or 30 percent of the DV. The same amount of pumpkin seeds contains 190.92 mg of magnesium, or 45 percent of the DV.


Legumes, which are seeds produced in pods, provide abundant levels of magnesium and thus magnesium chloride benefits. Besides peanuts, you can choose soybeans and black beans. A cup of cooked soybeans has 147.92 mg of magnesium, which is 35 percent of the DV. The same amount of black beans has 120.40 mg, which is 29 percent of the daily value.

How Magnesium Works

We absorb most magnesium through the small intestine. The parathyroid hormones regulate this absorption. In other words, these hormones choose how much water the body absorbs at the same time as small amounts of calcium, phosphate, and lactose. When a person takes in too little magnesium, the absorption rate can be as high as 75 percent. When they take in a lot of magnesium, the absorption from the small intestine can be as low as 25 percent. The human body excretes magnesium through the kidneys. The rate of this excretion is controlled by the hormone aldosterone.

magnesium chloride

Magnesium Deficiency

A deficiency in magnesium can occur in people who are suffering from diabetes, alcoholism, pancreatitis, kidney disease, or a diet that is high in carbohydrates. People who suffer from chronic diarrhea or vomiting may also have low levels of magnesium, as can people who take hormones as medications. Symptoms of a deficiency may include blood clots and deposits of calcium in the blood vessels and the heart. Interestingly, people who have a magnesium deficiency should not be given milk, because the vitamin D in fortified milk binds with whatever magnesium is in the body and takes it away.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

40 Things Every Person Should Do Before 40

For all intents and purposes, 40 years is the halfway point for most. Actually, depending on where you’re from, the big “four-O” may be a tad more than halfway. In the U.S., the average life expectancy is about 79 years while in the U.K., it’s a tad under 82. (In case you were wondering, the Japanese live the longest coming in at a shade under 84.) Perhaps our average life expectancy explains why many of us consider our 40th birthday a big deal. We will be showing you a list of things you should before 40.

It’s not uncommon for someone to choose the age of 40 to reflect on their life, also. Often, at this phase, we tend to evaluate previous life choices that have led us to our current situations. Some people just turn their fortieth year into one big bash, and that’s that. Hey, whatever floats your boat!

But the bottom line is this: if you’re happy with your life, there are no regrets – the same applies to every age. Speaking of regrets, the funny thing is that they always seem to be about what we didn’t do. “Have I really been living?” is a common question people ask around their fourth decade. (And, no, work usually doesn’t make it into the conversation.)

Which brings us to this article. If you’re still breathing, you still have more life to live. And, with this mind:

Here are 40 things every person should do before 40!

“You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” – George Burns

  1. Forgive yourself:

It’s not uncommon to conjure up some long-held guilt at this age. But remember, life is a journey – let that crap go.

  1. Say “no”:

You’re probably realizing that life is short – and getting shorter. Politely decline that which doesn’t contribute to your happiness.

  1. Look at your 401k:

Listen, life is not about money. But the last thing you want is to quit working with nothing to show for it.

  1. Do what you love:

Work plays a big part in our lives. If you’re miserable at work, prepare yourself mentally and make a change!

  1. Practice silence:

If you can, go on a week-long meditation retreat. The experience is so life-altering that you may just feel ten years younger. Silence is that golden!

  1. See your favorite band live:

Live concerts kick serious butt. Few things are as thrilling, and you’ll remember the experience forever.

  1. Skydive:

Okay, so this is more thrilling than a concert. Skydiving teaches you about managing your fears – and that’s not just for adrenaline junkies.

  1. Scratch your entrepreneurial itch:

If you’ve dreamed about owning a business, perhaps it’s time to make it a reality (maybe start part-time?).

  1. Get healthy:

Before 40 is usually a time of more aches and pains, because this is simply part of getting older. If you want your future years to be vibrant, eating right and getting exercise is critical.

  1. Exercise:

Right on cue. If you don’t regularly exercise, why not? Find something fun (yes, fun) that also breaks a sweat – and do it!

exercise quote

  1. Volunteer:

Those who volunteer experience camaradery, fun, and, of course, the deep satisfaction of helping someone (or something) in need.

  1. Embrace solitude:

Remember that thing about silence? It’s a great teacher – and the best way to experience it is alone.

  1. Find yourself:

You’d be surprised how many people don’t know who they are inside. And it’s okay! Just work on it.

  1. Make a move:

If you’ve wanted to “get out of dodge,” make it happen. Hey, you only live once.

  1. Conquer the stage:

Speaking in front of others can be a wonderful and exhilarating experience. Take the stage, whether you are a want-to-be actor, comic, or poet!

  1. Try an instrument:

Few things fire up those brain cells more than learning an instrument. Make your own beat laboratory.

  1. Sponsor a child:

Sadly, many children need help and are not getting it. Reach out if this is something that moves you.

  1. Speak a second language:

Talk about an I.Q. booster! Learning a second language is about as cool as it gets too.

  1. Visit your dream country:

If you start saving a little each paycheck, you’ll make it to your little paradise in no time.

  1. Drive across the country:

Or just pack up your stuff and drive! (Really fun, by the way.)

  1. Learn to dance:

Dancing really is a magical feeling. If you’ve been wanting to learn swing, tap, or salsa, just do it!

  1. Take up martial arts:

Besides being great for your health, martial arts will enhance your self-discipline and confidence.

  1. Face a fear:

Fears. We all have them. Pick one, overcome it, and feel your confidence soar.

  1. Go camping:

If you’ve never been camping, it’s time. Borrow a tent or pack up a camper and head out into the wild.

  1. Climb a mountain:

While you may need to train for a while, few things are more exhilarating than scaling a peak.

  1. Try yoga:

Have you ever watched a yoga master in action? It’s beautiful. A close kin to meditation, yoga will enhance your flexibility and increase your body strength.

  1. Teach a course:

What do you do better than just about everyone else you know? Try your hand at teaching it. Search online for places you can serve as a volunteer instructor! Besides being a fun experience, you’re changing people’s lives.

  1. Try firewalking:

Want to know the power of your mind? Google “firewalking” and see if that’s your sort of thing.

  1. Ask for that raise:

If you’ve been kicking butt at your job and haven’t asked for a raise yet, maybe now is the time to do it.

  1. Get a good savings account:

Okay, so “better” may be a more accurate word. Embarrassingly, the “best” savings account in the U.S. doesn’t even pay 2% interest. Anyways, get an interest-bearing savings account.

  1. Go minimalist:

Minimalism is about having what you need – and a few things that you enjoy. Sell all that extra crap lying around (put the cash you gain in your new savings account!)

  1. Stop smoking:

Or at least cut back. Your 40th birthday is a perfect time to kick this life-taking habit to the curb.

  1. Try online dating:

If you’re single and ready to mingle, there are plenty of quality online matchmaking sites.

  1. Visit a park or the zoo:

How rejuvenating is it to take a stroll through the park or feed animals at the zoo? Both are great stress-relievers.

  1. Take Omega-3s on the regular:

Omega-3 fish oil is one of the best supplements you can take for your brain and heart. If you’re vegan, try organic flaxseeds or quinoa!

  1. Get a Swedish massage:

By most accounts, the Swedish massage is the massage for achy muscles, relaxation, and stress-relief. Aromatherapy massages are great too!

  1. Try aromatherapy:

Because your brain is finally getting the love it deserves, aromatherapy calms the brain’s amygdala and induces relaxation.

  1. Revisit your childhood:

In a nostalgic mood? Revisit your childhood by looking at old pictures, flipping through the yearbook, or talking to your mom. This might serve as a good reminder of how short life is.

before 40

  1. Take up reading:

If it’s been a while since you’ve picked up a book, find a topic of interest and get back at it! Reading is a great way to keep your mind sharp.

  1. Celebrate:

Celebrate life. Practice gratitude. Count your blessings. Do all of these before 40.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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