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11 Things Mature People Never Do

When you think of mature people, you probably think of those who take care of responsibilities, know how to rise above drama, and don’t let the little things in life bother them. Although being mature involves effort, life lessons, and being positive, having an “adult” perspective allows you to see the bigger picture. Maturity comes from experience and sheer will, so not every mature person will act in the same way.

However, if you know mature people in your life, you probably will never catch them doing the following things.

Here are 11 things mature people never do:

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~ e.e. cummings

1. Care what others think.

When you grow up, you start to realize that other people’s opinions of you don’t matter; only your opinion of yourself matters. Mature people understand that placing importance on gaining approval from people results in feeling trapped and unsatisfied. After all, caring what people think is like being in a cage, so why would you want to feel that way?

2. Give up on goals.

According to an article on Psychology Today, people living in an adult frame of mind rather than a child’s know what they want in life and go after it. They respond bravely to setbacks and don’t let those stop them from achieving their dreams. They utilize positive thinking and don’t allow petty things to stand in their way. Mature adults have a clear vision of what they want in life. They have their priorities straight.

3. Become involved in unhealthy relationships.

Mature people don’t seek to take on the role of either parent or child in a relationship; they want someone who will act as their equal. Growing up means finding a partner who will stand by your side in life, not having to take on all the responsibility or asking someone to do that for you.

4. Have a need to be right all the time.

When you grow up, you understand that you won’t always have the right answer. You’ll make mistakes or not know what you’re talking about all the time, and that’s okay! Mature people realize that life involves a lot of trial and error, and we could all learn something from one another. They have humbled themselves because they see that we all are on an equal playing field here, and being wrong at times is just a part of life.

5. Gossip or get involved in drama.

Mature people understand that drama and gossip do no good for anyone involved. The gossiper will only hurt the people that they’re talking about, and those that follow in the gossiper’s footsteps just to feel a sense of belonging will only cause more pain. Mature people steer clear of gossip because they understand that bullying, calling names, and talking about people behind their back is a child’s game.

6. Be afraid to fail.

As you get older, you start to understand that you can’t get anywhere in life without failure. No one tries something and just magically knows what they’re doing the first time; it takes experience and skill to master a craft. Therefore, adults try different strategies in business, life, and relationships to see what personally works for them. They don’t allow fear of failure to hold them back. After all, failure means you’re trying, and that means you’re at least attempting to move forward in life.

7. Procrastinate and waste time.

Sure, everyone gets tired and needs a break, but that doesn’t mean you can quit altogether. Mature people know the difference between resting and giving up; one involves self-care and the other involves self-defeat. These adults make sure to reach all their goals now so that they can rest later.

8. Play the victim.

Maturity involves the understanding that acting like a victim will result in getting treated like one. Therefore, mature people take full responsibility for their lives and don’t blame anyone else for their circumstances. If they don’t like where they’re at in life, they take action to reach their goals and don’t ask for handouts.

9. Allow their emotions to get the best of them.

While no one is perfect, mature people know how to step back from their emotions and detach themselves so they can get a clearer perspective on a situation. They know that overreacting will only lead to making rash decisions, so instead of thinking with their emotions, they think with logic. Emotions have a role to play in life, but mature people understand the importance of rational thinking as well.

control emotions

10. Accept a bad situation.

We can’t always control what happens to us in life, but we can control how we respond. Mature people don’t just admit defeat and remain stuck in a situation that makes them unhappy. They make the best of the situation while also actively trying to better their circumstances.

11. Think they have all the answers.

Part of becoming an adult means being able to accept constructive criticism and admit that you can do something in a more efficient or effective way. Adults don’t allow their ego to get the better of them; they put it on the back burner and have an open mindset toward new ideas and people. Having a closed mind results in a limited life, and mature people understand this fully.

Final thoughts

Maturity involves taking care of responsibilities, treating others as you would want to be treated, and having an open mind. With these concepts, you can take your life to the next level and truly take charge!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things A Strong Woman Will Never Put Up With

A strong woman will not put up with certain behaviors from friends, family, or her significant other. She does not think she’s better than anyone, but she has certain standards and won’t allow others to trample on them. All women are strong, but some may just not remember their power and influence as a woman. However, those who do acknowledge this power choose to only allow people into their life who respect and cherish them.

“We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.” – Kavita Ramdas

Here are 10 things a strong woman will not tolerate:

1. Lack of respect

It does not matter the nature of the disrespect; once you cross that line, a strong woman will not trust you or want your company any longer. Strong women want people in their lives who honor them and their opinions and don’t try to belittle them. They want to surround themselves with those who respect themselves as well, so respecting others will come much easier.

If you don’t respect her or her beliefs, why should she keep you in her life?

2. Controlling behavior

Obviously, strong women can govern themselves and their lives just fine. They don’t need a manager or boss to show them how to live and what moves to make. They trust themselves foremost to make decisions that will better their lives or further their chances at success. They don’t mean to act “holier than thou,” but they don’t appreciate other people trying to dictate their lives. 

A strong woman will never tolerate a person who only wants to control her and not nurture her.

3. Treating her unfairly

As long as you treat her as an equal rather than above or below you, all will be well in your relationship with this strong woman. Otherwise, she’ll show you to the door. She values equality and fairness above all else and just wants friends and a partner who can respect her. 

4. Testing her limits

If she has given you clear boundaries and you repeatedly cross them, this won’t fly very well with her. Strong women know what they do and do not want in life, and they know their own limits. In your relationship with her, whatever it may be, you’ll learn what behaviors she’s comfortable with and which ones are off limits. For instance, she might tell you that she needs some space after a long week of work and responsibility. If you don’t give her that space and always want to hang out, she probably won’t stick around to give you time when she has it.

5. Negativity

She only keeps positive people in her inner circle, so if you constantly spew negativity and a poor attitude, a strong woman will not want to keep your company for long. She has built herself up over the years and crossed many hurdles, so she does not want anyone to drag her back down. 

6. Unsupportive people

To continue on the point made above, strong women only want people around who will support their goals and dreams. They have no time for the naysayers and Debbie Downers of the world; they’re far too busy building empires and chasing after their dreams. 

Researchers analyzing what creates feelings of well-being in relationships found that supportive relationships are less psychologically distressful while unsupportive relationships breed anxiety and fear. Which one of these relationships sounds more successful to you? 

7. Emotionally unavailable people

Women thrive on emotional connections with others. In a study of women in lesbian relationships, most of the women wanted two things – clear communication of emotions with their partner and the freedom to make decisions independently. People in heterosexual relationships also report wanting these same things.

8. No trust

In order to form a deep bond with you, a strong woman needs to feel that you are trustworthy. Strong women know what it’s like to be burned by relationships, so they don’t open up very easily. They’ll test the waters with you first to determine if they can trust you or not. However, once you’ve earned a strong woman’s trust, she will become an open book and a reliable friend.


9. Laziness

This mostly applies to romantic relationships because both partners need to be motivated to reach their goals in every aspect of life to keep the relationship afloat. If one person has the drive and determination to succeed while the other doesn’t believe in themselves and has a poor attitude, this will result in a one-way relationship. Strong women don’t allow themselves to be lazy, so they don’t want this quality in a partner, either.

10. Poor communication skills

More than anything else, people want to feel heard and understood. If you interrupt a strong woman while she’s talking or continually put down her ideas, she won’t want to keep opening up the lines of communication. She listens to the person who’s talking to her, so she expects the same in return.

Final thoughts

Strong women know what they want in life and have a great amount of self-respect. They won’t allow anyone to come in and tear down their self-esteem, positive thinking, and work ethic. Strong women will only keep people in their circle who honor their greatness.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Incredible Magnesium Chloride Benefits For Hair Loss

Hair loss is distressing, but it is not a disease. Hair loss is often a symptom of underlying health issues. Nutritional imbalances are a leading cause of thinning hair and baldness. Your body needs a proper balance of nutrients to do its job. Too much or too little of a single nutrient can cause significant problems. Magnesium chloride benefits your scalp–too little of it could be the cause of your thinning hair.

The fact that hair loss is so common does not make it easier to accept. We love our hair. Before you begin looking for ways to treat your hair loss, you need to look at why you might be losing your hair. Calcium deposits in the scalp and a magnesium deficiency may be causing your hair to fall out. Research studies are showing promising results using magnesium chloride for hair loss.

Why Magnesium Chloride?

You may already be taking magnesium supplements or a multi-vitamin with magnesium. The magnesium in your supplements is most likely magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate has an absorption rate of about 4%. That is how much your body may absorb under optimal circumstances. Magnesium chloride has a much higher absorption rate. It is the most effective form of magnesium for cellular detoxification. It works by removing calcium trapped in the scalp and other cells in the body. Magnesium citrate supplements and magnesium sulfate in Epsom salts are less effective.

Magnesium Chloride Benefits

1. Reduces calcium ions blocking hair follicles.

Magnesium chloride breaks through the calcium deposits in blood vessels in the scalp. Magnesium, as well as vitamins D and K2, prevent calcium deposits from forming in blood vessels. Excess calcium in the blood leads to calcium deposits and restricted blood flow.

2. Regulates calcium imbalance in the body.

Magnesium is important in the transport of calcium and phosphorous across cell membranes.

3. Removes excess calcium from the blood.

Magnesium chloride benefits your body by activating vitamin D. Vitamin D helps remove calcium build-up from the blood.

4. Activates Vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium.

Vitamin D absorption relies on at least eight functions requiring magnesium. A recent study showed that women with hair loss were more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency.

5. Decreases or halts progression of calcium deposits on vessel walls.

Calcium builds up in the bloodstream and the cells when there is not enough magnesium to regulate it. Calcium buildup leads to hair loss and more serious health problems. Magnesium chloride benefits your entire body, not only hair follicles. Almost every function in your body requires magnesium.

6. Increases blood flow to the scalp.

Magnesium helps remove calcium deposits and increases blood flow to hair follicles. This results in more nutrients reaching the hair follicles. It also increases the amount of waste allowed to pass out of the cell and into the bloodstream for elimination.

7. Prevents cell death in the scalp.

Calcium deposits restrict blood flow to the scalp. Proper blood flow is necessary to allow nutrients into hair follicles. When blood flow to cells slows or stops, cells begin to die. Hair loss is a result of cell death in the scalp. That sounds scary. Magnesium chloride benefits cellular health by restoring the blood flow.

8. Restores the number of healthy cells in the scalp.

Using magnesium chloride for hair loss works by restoring the blood flow to the scalp. It allows more nutrients to pass through cell walls and more healthy cells to reproduce.

9. Reduces inflammation.

Chronic inflammation can cause hair loss. If inflammation is causing hair loss, it may be causing other problems in the body as well. Magnesium chloride is an effective treatment for chronic inflammatory diseases.


10. Improves sleep and reduces stress.

Your body goes to work when you go to sleep. In fact, your body does much of its rebuilding while you are asleep. Not enough restful sleep inhibits the body’s ability to rebuild bone and grow new cells. Magnesium chloride benefits sleep. It produces a calming effect in the body that helps you relax.

Emotional stress is an important factor to consider when treating hair loss. Stress and anxiety affect your health. A magnesium deficiency can make matters worse. Magnesium chloride is a natural way to calm your nerves.

Closing Thoughts

Any time there is an imbalance in your body, your body reacts with symptoms. Some of those symptoms are visible, while some are not. Hair loss may not seem like a major health concern, but it may be a sign that something is not quite right under your skin.

It is important for you to pay attention to your body. Your skin and hair are a window to what is happening inside. Nutritional balance is a key factor in your health. It seems incredible that one or two little minerals can have such a huge impact on your health. Calcium and magnesium are essential for life, and they need to be in balance. Calcium has been the champion of a healthy lifestyle for decades. Magnesium is rarely mentioned. That is why magnesium deficiencies and hair loss are so common. You owe it to yourself to find out if magnesium chloride is right for you.

Essential hair oil for hair growth

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10 Teas That Support Weight Loss, According to Science

Weight loss doesn’t come easily. It takes blood, sweat, tears, and an iron will to achieve it. Some people spend thousands of dollars a year on weight loss supplements, powders, and other products promising results. But don’t fall for those gimmicks. Indeed, these weight loss teas can help support your efforts and help keep you on track.

In fact, studies show that diet promotes weight loss much more than exercise because cutting calories takes less time and is more sustainable than working out. Why? Well, to put things in perspective, it takes a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound per week. According to Holly Lofton, M.D., an assistant professor of medicine and director of the weight management program at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, you would have to run seven to ten miles per day to lose a pound a week. To achieve that same weight loss through diet, on the other hand, you could cut out sodas, ice cream, or other high-calorie foods or drinks.

Plus, working out vigorously every day will increase most people’s appetites, which will hinder weight loss and can even lead to weight gain. This isn’t to say that exercise isn’t important because moving your body helps prevent disease and keep your bones and muscles working properly. However, in terms of weight loss, research proves time and time again that most people will see positive results through fine-tuning their diet.

In addition to eating healthier foods and cutting out the bad ones, drinking tea can also help you achieve weight loss. Studies explain that specific teas are full of antioxidants that support good health, in general. And that’s a must when you are trying to slim down.  Below, we’ll go over which tea for weight loss you should be drinking that will help you even more than exercise.

Here are ten weight loss teas that help support your overall wellness.

1. Green tea

Green tea is one of the most popular types of tea in the world. It might support your efforts at losing weight loss because it’s high in catechins, natural antioxidants that may increase your metabolism, and fat-burning hormones. Green tea also contains caffeine and EGCG, which can boost your metabolism even more.

green teaHow to Make Green Tea

Whether you use tea leaves or bags, the process is mostly the same. You need water and, depending on how much tea you want to prepare, a teacup or teapot. If you prefer sweetened tea, make sure you have natural sweeteners ready such as sugar, honey, or maple syrup.

Using a strainer or tea infuser to remove floating leaves from your cup is helpful, too. If you don’t have one, you can always use a fork to scoop them out instead.

The first thing to note is that steeping green tea in boiling water causes it to be bitter. You want to turn the kettle or pot off before it begins to boil or allow the water to cool for a minute or so. Once the water is ready, pour it over your tea leaves and let it steep for around three to five minutes.

When the tea is as strong as you like it, strain the tea to remove leaves. Consider adding sweeteners and other natural flavorings, including fruit, spices, or herbs, to enhance the flavor of your weight loss tea.

2. Puerh tea

This type of tea may not have the popularity of green tea, but it certainly deserves the spotlight. Named after the town of Pu-erh in the Yunnan province, it belongs to the black tea family.

Some studies done on both humans and animals showed that Puerh tea suppresses fatty acid synthesis, which results in the process of lipogenesis, transforming fat into energy. Not only does it promote weight loss, but it also can lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels in the blood.

How to Make Puerh Tea

When steeping tea leaves for Puerh tea, make sure to do so for about three or four minutes. This amount of time offers the best flavor and the most benefits. You can steep these leaves multiple times, but each cup will have a slightly different taste.

To make Puerh tea, fill a pan with water bring it to a boil. Pour 8-10 ounces of the boiling water over the top of approximately one teaspoon of leaves. Let it steep for five minutes before straining the leaves from the liquid.

3. Black tea

Black tea, another popular tea packed with nutrients, can also help you lose weight.  A study by the European Journal of Nutrition explained how polyphenols in both decaf green and black tea inhibited weight gain in mice. This result, they believe, stems from the polyphenols supporting a healthy gut microbiome.

Besides that, if you replace sugary drinks with readily available black tea, you can shave off hundreds of calories per day with zero effort.

How to Make Black Tea

Making black tea requires accurate timing for the best flavor. You will fill a pan with water and add sugar, cooking the sugar over medium heat until the water begins to boil. Then, add the tea leaves or bag and continue stirring the water for two minutes while keeping the flame on medium heat.

After the two minutes is up, turn the flame down to low and put a lid on the pot. Allow the water and tea leaves to simmer for another two or three minutes before straining the tea.

4. Oolong tea

A traditional Chinese tea, oolong tea, has been described as having a fruity smell and unique flavor. Researchers cannot fully explain why, but they agree that oolong is an effective weight loss tea.

Besides that, they note that it helps lower triglycerides and body fat. So brew yourself a cup of this flavorful drink and enjoy!

How to Make Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is easy to make using a teapot or a regular pot on the stove. Traditionally, a Yixing teapot or gaiwan are used, but the other options are easy for beginners. Paying close attention to the water temperature and steeping time is key to making the perfect cup of weight loss tea.

For the best flavor, use loose tea leaves rather than a teabag. Use about two tablespoons of loose tea leaves or one teaspoon of balled leaves and six to eight ounces of water. Heat the water but don’t let it boil, then rinse the leaves in a little hot water before pouring the remaining water overtop of them.

Steep the tea for one to five minutes, depending on how much flavor you want. The longer you steep it for, the more full-bodied and rich the tea will turn out. If you prefer cold tea, use these same steps but allow the tea to cool before drinking it.

5. White tea

The benefits of white tea include aiding in weight loss, killing cancer cells, and preventing the formation of new fat cells. Since fat cells can’t accumulate, weight loss can be more effectively achieved. Also, white tea stimulates the fat-burning process in the body, which helps further weight loss efforts.

How to Make White Tea

To make white tea, you will need six to eight ounces of water and up to two tablespoons of white tea leaves. Heat the water to a boil and then give it a couple of minutes to rest. Pour the water over the top of two teaspoons of tea buds or two tablespoons of tea leaves.

Place a lid or small saucer over the top of your cup and let the tea steep for anywhere between one and five minutes. Remember, the longer you steep it for, the more full-bodied it will become. Before you drink it, make sure you strain the leaves from your weight loss tea.

6. Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea, an herbal tea made from the South African bushy plant called Aspalathus linearis, researchers state can aid in weight loss. It is rich in antioxidants like aspalathin and nothofagin, which help reduce free radicals in the body, neutralize blood sugar, and balance insulin levels. In turn, this may help to curb cravings and reduce appetite due to insulin levels remaining stable.

How to Make Rooibos Tea

You can make rooibos tea using tea bags or loose leaves, using one teaspoon of leaves for every eight ounces of water. While you heat the water, add the tea leaves to your mug.

Once the water boils, pour it into the cup and steep for around five minutes. If you want to add any sweeteners, do that while your tea steeps and before you strain the loose leaves.

For a more robust rooibos tea, double the amount of tea leaves. Steeping it for an extended time will only make the tea bitter rather than more flavorful.

If you like iced rooibos tea, put four tablespoons of tea leaves in a pitcher or jar. Pour one liter of cold water in and cover the container with a lid. Put the container in a cool area and let the tea steep for eight hours before straining the leaves and storing the tea in the refrigerator.

7. Matcha tea

Matcha tea comes from the same plant as green tea, but it is processed differently. It comes in a powdered form and contains just three calories for one gram. This powerful drink can help curb your appetite and reduce cravings while also helping you to lose weight. Research suggests that matcha tea may have a much higher concentration of the phytochemicals found in traditional green tea, which help increase metabolism and induce weight loss. This tea can also boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.
matcha tea

How to Make Matcha Tea

Making matcha tea requires that you add ice, which dilutes the tea. Since it’s diluted, make sure that you double the amount of matcha powder you’ll use. So, for a single serving, you will need two teaspoons of powder.

Once you know how much tea you will need, boil water and allow it to cool for about five to seven minutes. Pour the water into the matcha powder and whisk it until it’s frothy.

When it’s ready to drink, pour it over ice and consider adding a little extra flavor. Some of the things you can add to your tea include:

  • honey
  • sugar
  • milk
  • lemon juice
  • creamer
  • vanilla extract
  • half and half

8. Lemon balm tea

Lemon balm tea is a very calming, soothing tea that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. In addition to reducing stress and aiding in sleep, lemon balm tea can also improve digestion. And if you have improved gut health, you’ll find it much easier to listen to your hunger cues and your own body. This will help you achieve weight loss as well as have better digestive health.

How to Make Lemon Balm Tea

You can use fresh or dried lemon balm to make tea. Use two teaspoons of fresh leaves and one teaspoon for dried lemon balm. Put the leaves in a mug and pour boiling water on top of them.

With lemon balm tea, the longer you steep it, the stronger the flavor is. Anywhere from five to 10 minutes is a safe option, but you can taste it as it steeps to know for sure. You can add other flavors to the tea, too, including:

  • mint
  • honey
  • sugar
  • lemon juice
  • cinnamon

If you prefer cold tea, double the number of tea leaves and steep it over ice in a large jar. Leave the jar in the sun all day, and then serve the weight loss tea over ice.

9. Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon can help to regulate blood sugar levels, which will result in fewer insulin spikes that cause unwanted hunger and increased appetite. Rich in a substance called cinnamaldehyde, cinnamon contains a large number of antioxidants as well that promote overall health. Cinnamon actually has the third-highest antioxidant content among all herbs and spices, which means it’s a powerhouse ingredient that you should make sure is included in your daily tea regimen.

How to Make Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon tea is easy to make with a cinnamon stick and water. Fill a pot with one and a half cups of water and add one cinnamon stick. Cover the pot and heat it over medium-low heat until it comes to a boil, taking approximately 15 to 25 minutes.

For a bolder tea flavor, you can break the cinnamon stick into a couple of pieces before putting it in the water. Even when it comes to a boil, the water might be a pale yellow color. It will darken over time, so don’t be alarmed or think you ruined your weight loss tea.

After the water has come to a boil, turn off the burner and let the tea steep for about 15 minutes. As the tea cools, the stick will release more cinnamon, darkening the liquid into a golden-red color.

Strain the liquid into a mug and drink it right away. If you want your tea hotter at this point, you can put it back on the stove without cinnamon pieces in it and reheat it. You can’t do this with all tea, but cinnamon tea still tastes delicious reheated.

10. Turmeric tea

Turmeric is most famous for its use in curry and other Indian and Asian dishes. Additionally, it can provide great health benefits due to the antioxidant curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and disease-fighter. It can treat many metabolic conditions that cause weight gain, help stabilize blood sugar, and even destroy free radicals that can lead to cancer formation. Due to this, it makes it an easy choice on your weight loss and health journey.

How to Make Turmeric Tea

Turmeric tea requires turmeric, ginger, black pepper, lemon, honey, and water. Boil one cup of water and, while you wait, add the spices to your mug. You will need one teaspoon of ground turmeric, half a teaspoon of ground ginger, and a pinch of black pepper.

When the water boils, pour it into your mug and mix it up well. Then, add one teaspoon of lemon juice and as much honey as you like.

weight loss teasFinal Thoughts on Drinking Weight Loss Teas to Help You Reach Your Goals

While positive thinking certainly helps, you also need to maintain a strict diet to lose weight and get healthy. These teas for weight loss can help you reach your goals while also boosting your health in plenty of other ways, too!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Find Your Soul Mate And Never Let Him Go

Still haven’t found your soul mate? That’s too bad, but if your answer is no, then you may not have been going about it the right way. The odds are high that the perfect someone is out there for you, but you’ll never find him if you don’t use the proper methodology.

You need some guidance to find your match. These seven helpful tips will put you on the path to romantic happiness if you follow them. Check them out and then prepare to find your soul mate and live a fulfilling life.

Here’s how to find your soul mate:

1. Get to Know You

The first step toward finding your soul mate is figuring out who you are in the first place. You can’t find a soul mate unless you know your own soul first. Therefore, it’s necessary for you to take some time by yourself to get to know who you truly are. You need to discover what passions you have, what your goals are and what you believe about the world around you. These concepts will be the key to tracking down your counterpart. Take a dating hiatus until you figure it out. You’ll thank yourself for it later.

2. Start to Love You

Many people end up in poor relationships with people who aren’t their soul mates at all. Lack of self-love is part of the reason for that gross error. Every creation on the planet has positive qualities and uniqueness. Have you found out what yours are? Do you appreciate them? Can you list reasons that another human being should want to spend time with you? You’ll need to take a personal journey and learn how to love and appreciate yourself before you should expect anyone else to do so.

3. Create a Wish List

The next thing you need to do is figure out which qualities and attributes you desire in a mate. You need to create a wish list of sorts so that you can visualize the perfect man’s personality and lifestyle. You need to stick to your wish list after you create it. It makes no sense to date an irresponsible man if you’re looking for a provider or father figure. It’s pointless to date a dry and stoic person if you really want a bubbly person who has a fantastic sense of humor. Don’t believe common clichés such as “opposites attract.” NBC News online posted a recent study by psychology professionals that revealed that opposites actually don’t attract. Stick to your wish list.

4. Define Your Dealbreakers

Knowing your dealbreakers is just as important as knowing your desires is. Are there some situations or attributes that would nullify your interest in another person immediately? Write those down and carry the list with you if you have to. Avoid going against your dealbreaker list because of some other pseudo-attributes. A dealbreaker is a dealbreaker, and following your own advice can save you a lot of time and heartache.

5. Become Your Best Physical You

All men and women are visual creatures to some extent, so you should try to spruce yourself up a little bit. Try to think of some areas that you can improve. Maybe you’d like a nice makeover. Perhaps you could tone up a little bit. What about a new hairstyle or a slight wardrobe change? It may be a fun experience for you, and you may just attract some folks that you can consider letting into your life.

soul mate

6. Boost Your Self-Confidence

You’ll need to boost your self-confidence before you go out there into the big, bad dating world. You can do that in many ways. You can give yourself some positive affirmations every day. Words carry a lot of power, and you can lift your spirits immensely by speaking the right words to your soul. You could also spend lots of time with positive friends and family members. Hang out with the people who genuinely care about you and lift your spirits just by being wonderful people. You could meditate, pray, get involved in a craft and so on. Do something that makes you feel good about being you.

things that happen when you meet your soulmate7. Leave Your Home

Finally, you have to leave your home before you can find that perfect mate. Hiding in your bedroom isn’t going to help, and it’s not likely that Mr. or Mrs. Right is going to just show up at your doorstep without any efforts from you. You can creep back into society slowly if you like. Start frequenting some shopping malls, fitness centers, parks, etc. Eventually, you’ll run into a potential mate. You have to take action to increase your chances, though.

Those are just a few ways you can start searching for that perfect match. You must remember not to get discouraged, however. There is someone out there for you. You just have to be patient and have faith in your destiny.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Feel Good Even When Things Seem Bad

In today’s world, there are a wide variety of life circumstances, family situations, and individual issues that can lead a person to conclude that life is horrible and they can’t do anything to improve their condition. In some cases, people experience a financial hardship. As a result, they face social isolation, low self-esteem, or the inability to engage in activities that formerly brought one deep joy or an ongoing sense of purpose.

In other cases, individuals find themselves estranged from loved ones as a result of lifestyle choices, differences in opinion, or long-standing grudges that preclude people from interacting in a loving, authentic manner. Another life issue that can cause an individual to acquire a sense of hopelessness and helplessness is an ongoing health problem. Because health problems can produce problems with mobility, longevity, and mood stability, they oftentimes lead people to conclude that there’s no point in attempting to cultivate a meaningful life.

Despite the fact that life is full of challenges that can seem to hamper one’s sense of happiness and holistic well-being, there are always strategies that individuals can implement to feel good when things seem bad.

Here are four ways to be happy even when things seem bad:


1. Implement Self-Care Strategies. 

One of the best ways to ensure that you can maintain high levels of productivity and a positive mood despite challenging life circumstances is by implementing self-care strategies. These strategies help you maintain holistic well-being while also boosting your self-esteem. Note that any strategy which contributes positively to your self-concepts and/or health can be considered a self-care strategy.

One strategy that can prove particularly effective is getting enough sleep. When in a sleep-deprived state, people tend to think less clearly, experience mood instability, and compromise their ability to maintain healthy relationships. On the other hand, the Council of Nonprofits reports that getting 7-9 hours of sleep empowers people to make better decisions. Some other self-care strategies that can elevate your mood include massage, meditation, and yoga.

2. Get Outside. 

One of the best ways to start feeling good even when things seem bad is by getting outside. This step is immensely important because it will provide you with a wide range of wonderful health benefits that can improve your mental and physical well-being. As noted in Harvard Health Publishing, going outside causes your vitamin D levels to rise as sunlight hits your skin. In addition to metabolizing the process of creating and activating vitamin D, getting outside on a regular basis can promote mood stability, longevity, and lower blood pressure.

3. Talk To Someone You Can Trust. 

In many cases, being able to discuss a serious or minor problem with someone you trust is the key to remaining emotionally and psychologically stable when times get tough. Being able to clearly communicate your thoughts and feelings is important because doing so entails clarity, mutual understanding, and an increasing awareness that there is someone who will support you when things seem bad. Your trusted confidante can be anyone from a romantic partner to a counselor to a mentor.

4. Solve The Problem. 

Oftentimes, people experience ongoing depression in a bad situation because they perceive that there’s nothing they can do about it. In some cases (such as a death in the family), this perception is somewhat accurate. Yet even when you’re dealing with this type of loss, there’s always something that you can do to sustain your mental health and physical vitality. Also note that there are many life situations that people unconsciously or consciously remain in despite the fact that they’re experiencing ongoing pain and problems as a result of the relationship or circumstance.

In these cases, it’s almost always a good idea to solve the problem by devising some type of viable resolution which will preclude you from experiencing ongoing difficulties unnecessarily. In some cases, solving the problem will involve ending an unhealthy relationship. With respect to issues involving addictions to things like food and gambling, many people have found themselves capable of leaving this all behind them by attaining counseling services in a clinical setting.

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Individuals who are serious about leading profoundly rewarding lives should know that tough times will come no matter what. If you are not prepared to deal with the extensive stress, ideological shaking, and other shifts that transpire during difficult times, you make yourself susceptible to a wide range of unwanted outcomes. Some of them can include weight gain, social isolation, job loss, financial challenges, and low self-esteem.

In recognizing that being unprepared to deal with difficult times can cause numerous life-hampering outcomes. Thus, you should develop strategies that will help you maintain your physical and mental equilibrium irrespective of what’s going on in the outside world. You can use the advice and information outlined above to ensure that you can remain productive and positive no matter what unfolds in the world around you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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