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How to Fight Cancer With Nutrition: 7 Foods to Never Ignore

According to the National Cancer Institute, there were approximately 15 million individuals living with cancer in the United states in 2015. Clearly, the numbers are rising and an increasing percentage of our loved ones are being diagnosed with this disease.

Thus, the question remains, are we treating cancer effectively? Is there more we could be doing to combat this epidemic and fight cancer with nutrition?

Interestingly enough, studies seem to suggest that up to 40% of cancers are preventable. Other studies estimate that number to be even higher.

But could simple lifestyle changes have such a huge impact on preventing cancer? Could it also have a huge effect on fighting cancer?

When these abnormal cells uncontrollably divide, they invade neighboring tissues, spreading to the body and seeping into the blood and lymphatic systems. This un-tempered cell growth leads to tumors, and these tumors can sometimes lead to death.

Thankfully, nutrition can play a role in both preventing the formation of and in reducing the size of these tumors. You just simply have to avoid cancer-causing foods in favor of cancer-fighting foods.

These nutrient-rich, whole-foods will provide you with invaluable antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. So, buy organic, pasture-raised, grass-fed, and additive-free products instead of those processed and packaged.

Of course, trying to fight cancer with nutrition can be overwhelming, which is why we have started you off with a list of seven foods you can’t ignore when battling such uncontrolled cell division.

Here are 7 ways to fight cancer with nutrition:

1. Sugar

This one is one you can’t ignore because you need to ignore it. It is hidden in almost everything, yet it is not doing you or your cancer any good.

Ketogenic diet expert and nutritionist, Maria Emmerich, explains why sugar is the number one thing to eliminate for both prevention and treatment of cancer: “If most aggressive cancers rely on the fermentation of sugar for growing and dividing, then take away the sugar and the cancer can stop spreading.”

Not only do you need to stay away from sweet desserts but you also need to look at the ingredient lists of your favorite foods, for sugar has found its way in many products you wouldn’t expect.

2. Carbohydrates

This is another one you need to take notice of. You are probably eating a lot more carbohydrates than you realized.

Unfortunately, these carbohydrates act just like sugar in the body, and that is not good for cancer growth. This is why many people work alongside their doctors to combat cancer with the Ketogenic diet, a fat-rich, low-carb, no-sugar diet.

In fact, there have been numerous studies pointing to the effectiveness of the Ketogenic diet on fighting cancer. In animal studies, the diet appeared to both slow down tumor growth and lead to higher rates of survival.

In one study involving mice, a Ketogenic diet led to 60% of the mice surviving. None of the mice on the standard diet survived. Additionally, when the mice where given exogenous ketones, the survival rate jumped up to 100%!

In another study involving humans, those on a high-carb diet saw their tumor grow by 32.2%. Those on the low-carb, Ketogenic diet saw their tumor shrink by 24.3%.

Another human study showed that 3 of 5 patients who were both on radiation or chemotherapy and the Ketogenic diet went into complete remission. The other two saw the cancer progress after they stopped eating a Ketogenic diet.

So, don’t go for your old favorites: the pasta, pizza, rice, and bread. You’re only going to be further feeding your cancer if you do.

3. Protein

Even the American Cancer Society admits that the individual with cancer should eat plenty of protein. This is because protein promotes growth and repair and boosts the immune system. If you are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, this protein is even more vital for your recovery.fight cancer with nutrition

If you plan to fight cancer with nutrition, organic meats will be one of the most nutrient-rich foods you can eat, especially if you eat from parts of the entire animal.

Eating this source of selenium, zinc, and vitamin B will help ensure the removal of toxins from your bloodstream and digestive system.

4. Leafy Vegetables

These are a must when you fight cancer with nutrition because they’re such a great source of minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins. In fact, they have both vitamin C and beta-carotene, two cancer-fighting vitamins.

They are also sources of glucosinolates. This means they will help kill off cancer cells and prevent cancer cells from reforming!

5. Cruciferous Vegetables

These are also great soures of vitamin C and are plentiful in gluthathione, which is referred to as the “master antioxidant”. They also contain isothiocyanates that are correlated with prevention of cancer.

Even more, cruciferios vegetables, such as broccoli, have sulforaphanes and indoles, two antioxidants that further help detoxify!

6. Cultured Dairy

Because more than 80 percent of your immune system resides in your gut, it’s imperative to get those good probiotics. Cultured dairy products will do just that by cultivating bacterial balance in your gut, which has been known to reverse tumor growth.

7. Tumeric

This spice is one of the most effective foods in any cancer-fighting diet, for it has been shown to reverse tumor growth and fight off both breast and colon cancer!

A cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to be beginning of the end. There are ways to fight cancer with nutrition.

Thankfully, there are other options, too. For example, fasting has been shown to help combat cancer.

Of course, any individual with a diagnosis should consult with their doctor before solely relying on nutrition.

However, it is important to do your own research instead of simply following every advice of any doctor.

For example, if you have breast cancer, it is best to research whether or not chemotherapy is going to provide your more benefit than harm.

Your health is important, which is why you should use nutrition to properly fuel your body and fight your uncontrolled cell growth. These are tools you will not regret using.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Reasons Why High Expectations In A Relationship Leads To Disappointment

It can be mind-boggling to find yourself in a relationship where nothing turns out like you thought it would. You may begin to question whether you really know the person that you’re sleeping next to every night. Before you start to over analyze the situation though, you should ask yourself if your partner has really changed, or did you have unrealistic expectations of how you wanted things to go in the first place?
We are only human, and it is perfectly reasonable to expect the best from your significant other. However, to think that your relationship will be nothing, but smooth sailing is improbable. Disappointment is almost a promise when entering a relationship with unrealistic goals of how it should work.

How to Deal With Disappointment

Having fairytale expectations for any long-term relationship will only lead to a headache. The best part of being in a relationship is knowing that there is someone there for you through the good times and the bad. If you go into a new relationship thinking you will forgo the ups and downs that come along with it, you will have to learn how to deal with disappointment.

Long-Term Effects

In the long run, your partner may begin to resent you for having unreasonable relationship expectations. It is essential to understand that you are both individuals, with your own thoughts, wants, and needs. Things can’t be perfect all the time, but we can be respectful all the time.

Expectations Vs. Reality

Many of us, through no fault of our own, will try to mimic the traditional relationships that we see on television or read about in books. We tend to try this out early in life because generally, these are the first times we see the way relationships play out besides our parents. Unfortunately, there’s a lot that happens after living happily ever after. Real life includes a certain amount of disappointment.

Not a Fairytale Ending

As mentioned, most real-life relationships don’t follow the happy ending theme. Throughout your lives together, there will be triumphs, and there will be a disappointment. The key to getting to the good times is to get through the bad ones.

Mind Reader

Your partner cannot see the future. They do not have a crystal ball either, so expecting them to know what you’re thinking at all times is a surefire way to set yourself up for disappointment.

Always keep in mind that your significant other has their own jumble of thoughts rolling around in their head. If you want them to know something you will have to tell them.

Things are Not Always Perfect

Your relationship will be tested, that is a fact. Nothing can last forever without hitting some bumps in the road. Whether your relationship can withstand the test of time is entirely up to two people involved. Every relationship has its snags. Learning how to deal with disappointment, and not always getting your way about things is imperative to getting through the harder times.

difficult times in relationships

Passion Filled

Typically, at the beginning of a relationship infatuation flows freely, and vigorously. It’s hard to comprehend a time where you can keep your hands off each other, but it will happen. Over time, as the honeymoon period fades away the want and need to be close to your significant other all the time will subside a bit as well. This does not mean that your partner no longer desires you, it just means you are entering a new phase in the relationship.
You must remember, when it comes to your other half, you should be aiming for quality time, not quantity. You will have to deal with disappointment when you set unrealistic passion intensity goals.

Recognize Your Differences

Minor differences in a relationship should be celebrated, not discouraged. We all have our ideas and perspectives. Your partner should always be there for you emotionally and physically when you need them. They are not, however, obligated to bend to your will and agree with everything that you say. They are still their own person. You are almost guaranteed disappointment if you think that your partner will concede with everything you say for the rest of your lives together.

The best way to go into a new relationship or first date is to have zero expectations. Of course, the person should treat you with respect and appreciate you for who you are. Those two things are a given. Nonetheless, we should always receive our partners with an open heart and an open mind. Not with some preconceived notion of how we think they should be.

It isn’t fair to project our ideas of what a perfect man or woman should or shouldn’t be onto our significant others. Doing so will only lead to having to deal with disappointment and frustration. You should love your partner for who they are, not who you want them to be.

5 Step Plan For Finding Your True Love After A Bad Breakup

Been in a bad breakup? Now more than ever is a good time to figure out how to find true love. Some know how hard it can be because they always thought of that ex- as “the one,” and after they  break up, finding someone new can be terrifying. But after a while, we must all get back on the horse. Facing that deeply felt fear of rejection while putting oneself out there repeatedly. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.

Like most things in life, it’s more straightforward to wrap your head around once you implement a plan. Do you have dreams of starting your own company, traveling to new locations, or rising out of debt? Plans always make those things more manageable, so now you’re trying to recover from a breakup?

We have a strategy for you, and it only takes five tips to find true love.

true love

1. It’s time to let go of your ex 

I always knew in the back of my mind that if I were constantly thinking about my breakup while meeting new people, there wouldn’t ever be space for new passions. Is there still some negative energy surrounding your ex? For your true love to come into your life, letting go of anger, resentment, or other feelings is the first step.

How? First, don’t suppress your negative emotions. Refrain from expressing them at the wrong time. The time to let it out is with someone who empathizes with everything you need to communicate without any judgment. Don’t believe you have someone to confide in? Give it some more thought and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how many people are willing to lend a helping hand when you’re in a dark place.

2. Just because someone isn’t like your ex doesn’t mean they’re a good match 

As you’re experiencing a rough breakup, you may tell yourself you won’t ever associate with a person similar to your ex again, “That’s it!” you exclaim, “Never again!” Your ex avoided adventure and being spontaneous? Time to find an adrenaline-seeking, world-traveling rock-climber. Your ex had brunette hair? Only blondes now! I think you get the idea.

As you may be able to tell, the issue with an approach like this is that it’s not a proactive decision. It’s reacting to something besides what you want in your true love. Going out with someone only because they’re unlike your ex isn’t the solution to your woes.

The next step tells you what you need to do.

3. Clear up the values you’re looking for in your true love 

The things we value are the north star for our relationships. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. Once you start dating someone that shares your values, it won’t take nearly as much effort as previous relationships.

Review your most recent relationship. I’ll bet that you brushed aside some of the bad parts of them thinking they would get better over time, right? Over time, things stayed the same, didn’t they? Become crystal clear on what you want most in your true love and don’t settle. As you complete this step, you’ll notice massive improvements towards who you are attracting into your life.

4. Learn how to say “no” to incompatible people 

If you hesitate to say “nos,” you’re wasting both your time and the other party’s time. We settle for less than what we want and draw it out into a more significant problem with our stress, fear and indecision. I’d much rather have someone tell me “no” as soon as possible than hear about all the reasons why it won’t work.

true love

Of course, someone may get offended by your honesty. But you can’t control other people’s feelings towards you. It shines a light on people to help them grow. Integrity is going to benefit both of you to progress towards more healthy relationships.

5. Work it! 

If you want to discover your true love, you have to get out in the trenches and search for them! As we continue to put our true personalities on the line, leave our comfort zones and crush our fears, beautiful things will unfold.

Go to social outings with people you’ve never met before. Attend groups that interest you in the surrounding areas. Chat up a stranger on the metro or bus. Even try online dating for the hell of it! Yes, not everything is going to end up with you in a loving relationship, but getting uncomfortable will lead to more growth.

As things start to take a turn for the better undoubtedly, you’ll see that it was all worth it, and you may miss the times when you were figuring out how to find true love. If you aren’t in a relationship yet, keep trying. Just like a rainy day doesn’t last, it won’t be like this forever. With these tips to find true love, I know you’ll get what you’re looking for.

10 Proven Ways to Lose Weight Faster

It’s challenging to stay healthy with today’s lifestyle and conveniences. That’s why in the last four decades, obesity has risen to astounding numbers and has become a global health problem. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, nearly 1.9 billion adults are overweight and 650 million are obese. But while there are many strategies for dropping the pounds, there are also some proven ways to lose weight faster.

Here Are 10 Proven Ways to Lose Weight Faster

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” – Francois de La Rochefoucauld

1. Drink mostly water and occasionally have tea

Water has zero calories, so it’s the perfect drink to have when you are trying to slim down. Water also flushes the toxins and helps with your metabolism, so you can lose weight faster. If water is too bland, enjoy a cup of warm tea from time to time. Both green tea and black tea are loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols that aid in weight loss, according to a study in the European Journal of Nutrition.

2. Chew your food slowly

When you eat at a slower pace, you lose weight faster. Countless studies have shown that your body becomes more satiated when you take time to chew your food. Apparently, it takes 20 minutes for the brain to send signals to the rest of your body that you’re taking in nourishment. In addition, eating slowly lowers the chances of overeating. A study in the Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics revealed that fast eaters tend to have heavier body mass and gain weight faster than slow eaters. Remember this the next time you are having a meal.

3. Eat spicy foods

Spicy foods accelerate the pace by which your body burns the calories. A study in the European PMC shows that these foods can also increase your metabolism by eight percent. People who love to eat spicy food also chew at a slower pace, which helps them lose weight faster.

4. Snack on healthy food more often

Snacking prevents your body from crashing so that you are not forced to overeat during meals. However, you have to be smart about what you are snacking on. Instead of chips, eat more nuts and fruits for a healthier option. Enjoy slices of apple with peanut butter or have plain yogurt with berries. These snacks are just as delicious as a tasty, crunchy, but unhealthy batch of fries.

5. Have a filling soup before your main meal

A study in the journal Appetite revealed that having a warm bowl of soup right before you eat your meal could fill your appetite faster. Hence, you won’t have a need to eat too much of that red meat, fried chicken, or pasta once it is served. Similar to chewing your food slowly, waiting for your soup to cool down gives your brain time to signal that your stomach is about to get satiated. When the signals coordinate, your body feels a lot fuller, so you tend to eat less of the high-calorie portion of meals.

6. Catch up on those sleep hours

Experts from the University of Colorado said that a lack of sleep causes people to eat and gain weight more. When you are feeling lethargic during the day because you didn’t have quality sleep, your body will demand that you eat rich, high-calorie foods to give you energy. Having poor sleeping habits also slows down metabolism, hence your body stores – instead of burns – more fat.

7. Sleep in a cold bedroom

Your body temperature drops when you sleep and your body burns stored fats to keep you warm.  But those who sleep in cooler rooms (below 66 degrees) burn seven percent more calories than those who sleep in rooms with above 75 degrees temperature, according to a study from the American Diabetes Association. Experts also said that the amount of good fat your body burns doubles in a cooler room, hence it improves your metabolism.  A cooler room also helps you gain quality sleep so you don’t only lose weight, but also wake up refreshed, energized, and more primed to start your day.

8. Embrace a positive outlook full of laughter

Researchers at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center said that your body loses 10 to 40 calories when you laugh for 15 minutes. You lose the same number of calories when you do a 30-minute weight exercise. But while experts don’t recommend that you sit and watch comedy films and TV shows for hours, embracing positive thinking, positive thoughts, and finding things that make you laugh each day can definitely do wonders for your body’s wellbeing. Apart from burning off the calories, a positive lifestyle also bolsters your immunities so you are healthier against diseases.

9. Mind your stress levels

Physical and emotional stress might initially cause you to lose weight. Over time, however, as your body’s cortisol levels increase due to stress, you will tend to eat more as a way to cope. To manage your stress levels, try engaging in more relaxing activities like yoga, walking or running, gardening, and arts and crafts, and skip the food indulgence.

lose weight

10. Do away with multitasking

Juggling so many tasks at once triggers stress and leads to more distractions for your brain. You could completely lose sight of a proper diet when you are multitasking because all you can think about is feeling overwhelmed by the number of things you have to accomplish. Multitasking also leads to mindless eating, where you end up consuming more calories than your body needs, according to Harvard Medical School.

Final Thoughts

Losing weight isn’t just about eating. Your activities, habit, and lifestyle also impact how your body works. Along with following this guide, set reasonable weight loss goals as well so that you will be motivated to keep with the program.

If You See Frogs Often, This Is What It Means

When the frog shows up frequently in your life, Spirit wants you to learn to grow from change, and not let yourself become intimidated by it. Frogs have a strong association with transition and the temporary, constantly evolving nature of our lives. They can show us to become open to what these changes will bring, and to connect with our emotions and feminine energy in order to stay in tune with our higher selves.

Animal guides such as  frogs act as messengers delivering important messages from beyond, and frogs help us to cleanse old emotions and fear-based mentalities, and allow us to embrace our true selves. The frog represents a renewal and rebirth of the self, and a complete metamorphosis. Frogs move quickly, and as such, show us to do the same and not get held back in the past or on emotions that no longer serve us.

Do you see frogs appearing frequently in your life? If so, you might want to keep reading in order to find out what this means for you on your personal journey.


If you see ravens often, this might be why…


  • Associated with cleansing in a variety of ways, the frog represents the ability to look into your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health in order to see where you can remove toxic energies. Since the frog lives near water, and water runs deep like our emotions, it might mean that you need to look into your feelings and see what you can remove from your life in order to feel your best. Or, you might need to examine your physical health and see what you can improve upon in order to feel more vibrant. Finally, you might also need to examine your mental state – do you feel clouded and off balance a lot of the time? Maybe you need a fresh perspective in order to gain more mental clarity and remove harmful beliefs.
  • The frog also represents the process of transformation, as it too undergoes a powerful process from growing into an adult frog from just a small tadpole. We all go through similar transformations, and the frog wants to remind you to remain aware during all the stages of your personal journey. Frogs have been associated with a rebirth of the self, and ancient civilizations have viewed the frog as a symbol of resurrection and fertility. Are Frogs Always Happy? Click the link to find out.
  • An amphibian, the frog moves easily from Earth to water throughout its life. You can use this spirit animal during times of transition, and if you need support during big changes in your life. Frogs remind us also to remain flexible, and to adapt to a new environment with ease. Don’t fight your current reality – simply embrace it, look around to see how you can best survive, and use what you have in order to live your best life.
  • Since the frog comes out at night, it has been linked with the dark arts such as witchcraft. You might feel inclined to play with magic and just explore life in all its mystery. Frogs live in two different environments, and as such, encourage you to explore a variety of perspectives and planes in life. Get to know all the different sides of yourself, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.


  • In Native American tradition, they view the frog as the rainmaker. They call on him or her when they need rain, and view it as a sacred animal. Frogs come out at night, so they’ve also been linked to moon energy. When you feel a calling to your intuitive self and creative energies, remember to rely on your frog friend for support and expansion of your abilities.

Related article: If You See Dragonflies Often, This Is What It Means

As with any other animal totem, frogs will show up the moment you need a sign from beyond, and will guide you to continue down the right path in life. The frog represents feminine energy, ease in transition, emotional and spiritual cleansing, and exploring life in all its wonder. No matter what stage of life you feel you’re in, you can count on the frog spirit animal to guide you in many different areas of life.

Anxiety Attack : Causes, Symptoms And Cure

Imagine being trapped in a cage in the jungle, with strange and menacing noises all around you. The air feels so thick, it squeezes all the air out of your lungs. Your heart pounds. Somewhere a branch snaps. You duck, knowing that death is certain to come for you now.

What you’ve just read is a simulation of what it feels like for people who have panic attacks. Unfortunately, for those who do, the jungle in question remains steadfastly in their heads, making it difficult for those around them to understand why an anxiety attack can feel so debilitating. But the anxiety attack symptoms described above, the feelings of being trapped, of not being able to breathe, the heart palpitations, the feeling like you’re dying, those are all part of the disorder.

If you or someone you know suffers from an anxiety disorder, here’s what you need to know.

What Is It/ What Causes It?

An anxiety or panic attack is like a sudden burst of fear and dread that comes on unexpectedly, often catching the person who has it off guard. The fear a person experiences can seem almost irrational, not only to the sufferer, but also to the people around him/ her.

This is partly due to the fact that there is no obvious threat that the person is responding to. However, the body gives all the signs of threat response because of a reaction in the person’s amygdala. The body also produces an adrenaline response.

Sudden bouts of anxiety can have numerous causes. eMedicine health suggests that the cause of different anxiety disorders could be rooted in a person’s hereditary makeup. Additionally, an article on the Mayo Clinic website reminds people that a medical condition can cause anxiety problems. Finally, an overwhelming amount of stress in a person’s daily life can push the panic response into overdrive.

Women suffer from panic attacks more frequently than men. It’s most common in people in the 18 to 25 age range. Although a bout with anxiety can feel like it lasts a lifetime, most of the time it only lasts around 15 or 20 seconds, according to the American Psychology Association (APA). However, the after effects of the attack can last much longer – sometimes hours in some cases.

Several types of anxiety-related disorders exist, ranging from agoraphobia to generalized anxiety disorder. Panic disorder, which is part of this, is when a person experiences multiple panic attacks on different occasions. (It could be said to be chronic in this respect.) Other types of disorders include mutism, phobias, social anxiety disorder, and substance-induced anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of Panic Disorder

Anxiety attack symptoms can be deceiving in that they often mimic other health issues, like heart disease or even menopause. If you’re trying to determine if you have a panic disorder, it’s best to take all the symptoms together.

When you’re having an anxiety attack, you could experience one or more of these symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Shaking, trembling
  • Heart issues, like a faster heart rate, heart palpitations, or a pounding heart, as well as chest pains
  • Difficulty breathing – It can feel like you’ll smother – hyperventilating
  • Sweating
  • Upset stomach, nausea, discomfort in the abdominal area
  • Afraid of dying, feelings of being detached from the self, fear of going crazy or losing control
  • Hot flashes, or on the opposite end, chills
  • Numbness, tingling

Many people who are in the midst of an anxiety attack feel unable to adequately express to others what they are feeling.

Anxiety Attack Treatment

Typically, doctors suggest a multi-pronged approach to treating an anxiety attack. Although genetics play a role in a person’s susceptibility to anxiety disorders, some environmental and health conditions play a role.

First, a person who experiences on-going anxiety attacks should visit a doctor to rule out an underlying medical cause like heart disease, diabetes, or thyroid problems. This is especially important if you don’t have a relative who also has a panic disorder.

anxiety attack

Second, once health-related issues are ruled out, anxiety sufferers should also avoid consuming a lot of caffeine and avoid smoking cigarettes, both of which can increase their risk of having an attack. And some, who might be coming down from drugs will experience panic as their bodies detox from the drugs.

Third, it may be also important for the anxiety attack sufferer to deal with other mental health issues, like past trauma or depression. These conditions also give rise to panic attacks and anxiety disorders.

Finally, getting out and getting physical can help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety. Regular exercise like walking or yoga work well for treating this condition. As well, the anxiety sufferer should make a point of not isolating him/ herself. Social interaction can help a great deal.

Final Words on Anxiety Disorders

Successful anxiety attack treatment begins with knowing the causes of the condition. Many times, a person experiences bouts of anxiety due to their genetic makeup. In other words, one of their blood relatives also had anxiety or panic attacks. Additionally, a person can have a disease, like diabetes or heart disease, which brings on attacks.

Finally, it’s important to address environmental and dietary factors that can cause an attack. Too much caffeine or nicotine will produce anxiety in the body, as will substance detox. Participating in activities, like yoga or running or other sports can go a long way to relieving anxiety at its root.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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