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5 Ways to Become A Natural Leader

They say that great leaders aren’t made, but born. In other words, natural leaders supposedly possess innate impressive qualities that make them a success. Experts say, however, that everyone can bring out their natural leadership with the right nurturing and training. The skill can be acquired, learned, and honed. So, take a look at a few ways to develop your natural skills as an effective leader.

Here Are 5 Ways to Become A Natural Leader

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell

1. Re-assess what being a leader means for you.

When people think about a natural leader, they instantly picture this person who’s charismatic and a good orator, like Winston Churchill or Martin Luther King, Jr. But there are also effective leaders who don’t necessarily have a loud voice in the figurative and literal sense.

Some natural leaders might hardly talk. They may work quietly behind the background or approach key people personally to discuss issues and problems. But when push comes to shove, they’re on the front lines directing everything and guiding everyone on their team.

So, if you’re the type who’s not too keen on speaking up in front of a large crowd, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a natural leader. You can have a more personal, intimate, and inclusive approach to leadership and that’s perfectly fine, too. Besides, being a great communicator also means you’re a great listener and observer.

natural leader

2. Learn to manage your emotions.

Energy drives feelings and emotions. If you supercharge these emotions in a way that could cause damage, people working under you might bear the brunt. A good leader shouldn’t let his emotions overcome him, but you don’t have to be an unemotional and unsympathetic superior. Natural leaders know how to properly channel their feelings to connect with others so their working relationship remains in harmony.

For instance, if a project at work has been delayed which could cause a big loss for your company, would you let your agitation trigger a breakdown? Natural leaders figure out what really happened, and they work to find a solution. Instead of berating a staff member, they assure the worker that in spite of mistakes, it’s not the end of the world. They can fix the problem together.

Natural leaders thrive on positive reinforcement, positive thinking, and giving positive feedback to help boost staff morale, especially in problematic situations. Isn’t it always better to see the half-glass full? In that case, everyone will be motivated to work harder and better.

3. Recognize that you’re still part of a team.

In fact, the success and accomplishments of your team members will reflect well on you, if you are an effective, natural leader. If you work to bring out the best in your staff, it shows you are a capable leader. You give others support and positive guidance in their work and credit them for their accomplishments. You give them the spotlight to shine as well.

Natural leaders who are givers earn the respect and loyalty of their subordinates. They also have more productive staff members. For instance, Google’s chief executive officer, Sundar Pichai, believes it’s his job as a leader to help the people who work for him become successful. He believes in helping his team members overcome the roadblocks. By doing so, he has made Google one of the most successful tech giants in the world.

4. Share what you know.

Natural leaders who are effective share knowledge and information with their subordinates. They become mentors by guiding their staff members to find the path that brings out their best potential. According to a leadership coach, not all leaders possess this quality. Some leaders don’t trust their team members enough to provide them with the knowledge and training that will help them grow and develop.

Some leaders push their team through fear and conflict, and there’s no openness with each other. A team with flexible leadership encourages the exchange of ideas, skills, and capabilities, thus making the organization more successful.

5. Resist micromanaging.

Rather than being productive, acting as a micromanager is counterproductive and damaging to any organization. Leaders who think that they are the only one who can fix the problem indicate two things: either they don’t trust their staff, or they don’t give their team members the opportunity to learn, grow, and perform better. A natural leader steps back to let their staff or aide figure the process out, even if they make mistakes. They won’t step in to fix the problem, because dealing with issues can still be part of learning.

This is where your delegating skills and willingness to try out different approaches will also be tested as a natural leader. If you let your people handle the nitty-gritty, you can then shift your focus on to bigger things and issues that need to be addressed in your company.  This will set you apart from being just a manager or boss to an actual leader.

Final thoughts

Whether you’re the head of a large business, the boss of a small corporation, or the manager of a team of 10, apply these natural leadership strategies to inspire your group and meet your goals. Good luck!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Things Your Hands Can Tell You About Your Health

Did you know that your hands can reveal the state of your overall health – including possible health conditions and deficiencies? Well, it’s true. Your hands say a lot about you, from the fingernails to the wrists.

Here are eight things that your hands can tell you about your health:

Here are some things to know:

  1. Heart health

It turns out that your hand strength is potentially indicative of heart health. Grip strength, the force with which one can squeeze or hold onto objects with the hands, is said to be a reliable measure of heart attack and stroke risk.

Loss of strength in one or both of your hands is a scary and severe abnormality that requires immediate medical intervention. In the United States, heart disease and stroke are the first and fifth leading causes of death. Loss of movement or numbness or one or both hands is a telltale symptom of both.

Grip strength is also linked to biological age and overall muscle strength.

hands go numb

  1. Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis, also referred to as excessive sweating, is a relatively common–but treatable–condition. The onset of this condition occurs around the age of 13, sometimes earlier for those dealing with excessive underarm sweating. The underarms, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet are the most common problem areas.

Treatment options for the health condition of hyperhidrosis include over-the-counter and prescription antiperspirants, oral medications, and neutralization of the sweat glands.

  1. Hand eczema

Eczema is a health condition characterized by cracked, itchy, scaly, and rough patches of skin. Eczema is another common inflammatory disorder that affects, at least to some degree, more than three in every 10 people in the United States. As the name implies, hand eczema describes the disproportionate effects of eczema on the hands.

Treatment for eczema involves the healing of problem areas and the alleviation of symptoms. There are many home treatment options for eczema, including a regular application of moisturizer, use of mild soap, air drying instead of using a towel, and avoiding symptom triggers.

  1. Nutrient deficiency

The color of your fingernails can signal potential nutrient deficiencies and resultant health issues. Brown-gray nails are a possible sign of vitamin B12 shortage; white nails could mean an iron deficiency; while nails that appear overly pink or reddish may suggest malnutrition – dangerously-low levels of various nutrients and vitamins. These vitamins and nutrients include vitamin A, vitamin C, biotin, zinc, and others.

If fingernails begin to grow outwards and take on a concave (bowl-shaped) appearance, it could sign a long-term lack of protein.

  1. Thyroid problems

The thyroid gland is responsible for producing hormones that are necessary for controlling and maintaining metabolic rate, digestive function, brain and heart health, digestive function, bone structure and health, and overall mood.

When the thyroid does not produce enough hormones – a condition called hypothyroidism – the appearance of your hands and fingers will change. Often, hypothyroidism may cause the hands to swell or get cold. When the gland produces too many hormones, hyperthyroidism may lead to tremors and reddish or dehydrated skin around the hands and fingers.

  1. Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the brain that inhibits motor control movement. Common symptoms of Parkinson’s include changes in speech, muscle tremors, and a limited range of motion.

Among the first signs of Parkinson’s disease is increasing involuntary movements and shaking of the hands. While stress may cause similar symptoms to appear in the hands, the resulting tremor is short-lived and quickly forgotten. Perhaps the most noticeable physical manifestation of Parkinson’s onset is the repetitive, uncontrollable thumb and index finger movement.

  1. Anemia

Anemia is a “condition (when) you don’t have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the body’s tissues.” Tiredness and weakness are frequently reported, as is coldness of the hands (and feet). Pale hands and whitish nail beds may also be signs of oxygen shortage in the body.


The most common anemia is a health condition caused by a shortage of iron in the blood. Iron is essential for the body to produce hemoglobin, which helps support oxygen transport from the lungs to the body’s tissues and organs. Correcting your iron intake can go a long way in preventing the disorder.

  1. UV exposure

Too much or too little sunlight isn’t healthy for the body. When overexposed to sunlight, a person will often grow brown spots (“liver spots”) on the hands and arms. Too much sun can also cause various types of skin cancer, such as melanoma. This type of skin cancer may also produce black streaks underneath the fingernails.

If you plan to be out in the sun for any significant amount of time, it is wise to apply a quality sunscreen. Try using a strength of SPF 30 or higher, and make sure to apply the product regularly throughout the day.

Scientists Explain 8 Reasons People Bruise Easily

While bruises can be unsightly and painful, they’re mostly harmless and easily treatable. We all take a bruising from time to time, but some of us are more prone to black and blue than others. In this article, we’ll talk about why some people bruise easily, what to do about it, and – to cap things off – how to prevent bruises in the first place!

Without further delay, here are eight reasons that people bruise easily:

  1. You’re getting older

It is completely normal to bruise easier as you age. As we get older, our skin loses some of its density and thickness, including a fatty layer (“subcutaneous fat”) that serves as a cushion for our small blood vessels.

A simple acronym to remember is RICE, which stands for the RICE method. The RICE method is a simple yet effective means of treating sprains, strains, and bruises. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation can ease pain, reduce swelling, and assist healing, even if you do bruise easily.

  1. You have an active lifestyle

Kind of a no-brainer here. If you are the sporty type, you’re well aware that you are more prone to injury and accidents than the rest of us. Something else that often happens, especially when the adrenaline is pumping, is the person comes into contact with an object and only finds out later that a rather nasty bruise is forming.

Most bruises do not require medical attention. For mild bruising, use the RICE method.

  1. You take medicines or supplements.

Various medications and supplements can cause a person to bruise easily. Blood thinners, NSAIDs (e.g., Advil, Aleve), and even supplements such as ginkgo and fish oil may cause the occasional black and blue spot.

Generally, the longer you’ve taken the medication or supplement, the more likely you are to bruise. While the bruising is probably not harmful, it may be wise to speak with the doctor who prescribed the drugs.

  1. You’re a “sun worshipper.”

Not literally, of course. Long-term exposure to the sun may weaken blood vessel walls, causing a person to bruise easily. Two common conditions, actinic purpura and senile purpura, produce strange-looking patches of dark blue or purple on the hands and forearms.

Sun exposure is dangerous for other reasons, of course, including a higher risk of skin cancer and heat stroke.

  1. You’re taking steroids.

Corticosteroids, an anti-inflammatory drug commonly prescribed for asthma, arthritis, eczema, and COPD, may produce bruises as a side effect. Corticosteroids are present in many forms of prescription medicine, including topical rubs, pills, and inhalers.

Long-term use of steroids may cause thinning of the blood vessels, thereby increasing the degree of bruising a person experiences.

  1. You’re genetically predisposed.

There is undoubtedly a genetic factor at play here. If your mom, dad, or grandparents bruise easily, you may also. Genetic predisposition for thinner skin and more fragile blood vessels is very real, with the bruises typically appearing around the arms, butt, or thighs.

Once again, bruising is nothing to worry about, unless other symptoms accompany the bruising (see #7 and #8).

  1. Your platelet count is low.

People born with a platelet disorder seem to bruise for no reason. Blood platelets are flat fragments of cytoplasm that clot and obstruct bleeding before it intensifies.

To illustrate platelet function, think of a paper cut. The resultant bleeding from a paper cut is short-lived because the cut is small and because platelets can quickly obstruct blood from such a cut – sometimes within a couple of minutes.

Now, if you get a paper cut and you have a low platelet count, the cut will probably bleed more extensively.

bruise easily

  1. You have a potentially serious condition

Liver damage and blood cancer are two severe medical conditions that may cause blood clotting and more frequent bruising. Common causes of liver damage include alcohol abuse, obesity, viral infections, and genetic predisposition.

Blood cancers include leukemia and lymphoma; both conditions cause a person to bruise easily. If your bruising appears with other symptoms such as bone or joint pain, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes, it is advisable to see your doctor.

Preventing and Treating Bruises

Prevention is always the best kind of medicine. To prevent bruising, here are a few important tips:

  • Clean up clutter, especially on the floors.
  • Arrange appliances and electrical cords in a way that doesn’t disrupt your walking.
  • Have your hearing and vision checked every couple of years (to avoid preventable accidents such as falls).
  • Discuss bruising side effects of medications with your doctor.
  • Keep your home well lit, especially at nighttime.

Regarding treatment, most bruises will simply go away on their own, and without medical intervention. However, frequent bruising may signal an underlying condition that requires treatment.

Of course, you may always treat your bruises at home using the RICE method. Despite being a simple technique, most doctors will prescribe the exact same thing in most cases. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation is the quickest way to treat mild cases of bruising.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Teeth Care: 10 Simple Ways To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally At Home

Did you know that annually, Americans alone spend over $11 billion on teeth whitening and $1.4 billion on at-home teeth whitening products? According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the most common complaint among people about their teeth is that they aren’t white enough.

If you relate to this, realize that you don’t have to go out and burn a hole into your wallet buying expensive products for teeth care that aren’t even good for you. That’s right. A lot of the products made to whiten your teeth are made with chemicals that bleach them, leading to loss of enamel and other health concerns.

There are many items you can acquire that are inexpensive and easy to use for at-home teeth care.

Here are 10 options for at-home teeth care so you can get started right away!

1. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a tried and true at-home method of teeth care. It is an Indian folk remedy to improve oral health and remove toxins from the body. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes to remove bacteria that causes yellowing of the teeth. You can use coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil to get the best results.

2. Brush with Baking Soda

Teeth care at home doesn’t have to be complicated and you don’t have to use strange techniques to get good results. Brushing your teeth with baking soda helps to scrub away stains because it is a mild abrasive. It also boosts the alkalinity of your mouth, which prevents the growth of bacteria. This is not an overnight remedy but with time you will have a much healthier smile.

3. Try Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent. You can also use it for at-home teeth care as it prevents the spread of harmful bacteria that can lead to inflammation of the gums. Acquire a natural toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide and use it every time you brush your teeth, which should be about three times a day.

4. Brush Your Teeth After Consuming These Things

Coffee, black tea, wine, and other sugary beverages can not only stain your smile, but they can also break down the enamel of your teeth. Part of your teeth care regimen should be to brush your teeth immediately after you have any of those items.

5. Scrub with Strawberries

The acidic content of strawberries makes for a good whitening agent. Mash some up and use brush onto your teeth for a boost. When you’re finished, rinse your mouth with a little bicarbonate of soda to reduce the acidity and protect your teeth.

6. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is full of anti-bacterial properties that will improve the health of your smile. Try using it as a mouthwash or even drinking a shot of it to experience the benefits of taking it internally.

7. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal absorbs toxins that stain the teeth. These are called tannins and they stick to the teeth after consuming beverages like coffee and soda. Dip your toothbrush in some activated charcoal powder (ensuring that it is food-grade) and brush your teeth as you normally do.

8. Orange Peel Rub Down

Rub your teeth with the white part of an orange peel! It contains limonene, a substance with natural solvent cleaners. You’ll actually find it in many commercial teeth whitening products. Though the flesh of the fruit is highly acidic, the peel is not, making it safe to use on the teeth without damaging enamel.

9. Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is a jack of all trades. Not only is it good for your health in general, it is an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and contains high amounts of antioxidants. When you brush your teeth with it, turmeric has a mild abrasive effect to help further remove stains and plaque that has built up on the teeth. If you’re looking for quicker results, this is the method you will want to try first!

teeth care

10. DIY Whitening Toothpaste

Make your own toothpaste! This is a great idea not only because you can add the ingredients that best whiten your teeth, but because you will also avoid harmful chemicals contained in commercial toothpastes. Take some coconut oil, bicarbonate of soda, a tiny bit of lemon juice, and a drop of peppermint essential oil to make your own stain-removing toothpaste that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and leaves your mouth smelling fresh.

At-home teeth care is easy, inexpensive, and fun once you figure out what works for you. Give any of these techniques a try in order to whiten your teeth at home!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Bedtime Habits That Make It Hard to Lose Weight

As we’ve mentioned numerous times, there is much more to maintaining and losing weight than diet and exercise. How you sleep may influence how easily you lose weight, for example. In this article, we share ten bedtime habits that can make losing weight a colossal pain in the rear. The solution to each of these couldn’t be simpler: do the opposite!

10 Bedtime Habits That Make It Hard to Lose Weight

“Sleep and weight have been linked by scientists for a long time now. On average, the less people sleep, the more they weigh, and the more likely they are to put on excess pounds over time.” – The National Sleep Foundation (Source)

  1. Lack of sleep

Research has found an inextricable link between lack of sleep (four hours per night) and increased appetite, cravings, and hunger. Worse, people are more likely to opt for foods dense in carbohydrates. Studies have, consequently, discovered a relationship between poor sleeping habits and obesity, including in children and adolescents.

lose weight

  1. Use of digital devices

Our smartphones and tablets emit blue light, which sharpens attention and reaction time and increases wakefulness. While these benefits are undoubtedly beneficial during daytime hours, they are counterproductive when drifting off to sleep. And if your sleep suffers, you are less likely to lose weight, as stated above. Try allocating 30 minutes to an hour of screen-free time before lights out. If you use your device before bed, install a free app that blocks blue light emissions.

  1. Consuming caffeine

Caffeine blocks the action of adenosine, a chemical that helps us sleep. A good rule of thumb is to refrain from too much caffeine during the day and to stick with non-caffeinated drinks after dinnertime. Caffeine is also a diuretic, which may cause us to become dehydrated if misused; this is a problem because we essentially fast while sleeping, and the body uses stored liquids to nourish the body while we rest. If you wake up dehydrated, you’re more likely to consume unhealthy foods, and less likely to lose weight.

  1. Eating late

Per a study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, eating late at night causes weight gain, spikes cholesterol and insulin levels, inhibits metabolic function, and increases hormones linked to diabetes and heart disease. Namni Goel, Ph.D., says that late-night snacking is “implicated in diabetes, and cholesterol and triglycerides” caused by the body’s glucose and insulin hormones spike.

  1. Lack of exercise

While the role of exercise is somewhat inflated concerning weight loss, regular activity does help with shedding pounds. Regarding overall health, there is nothing more beneficial than regular, moderately-intense exercise. The various benefits of physical activity include more energy and a better sex life, as well as improvements in fighting disease, heightening mood, and, of course, promoting sleep! To maximize these benefits, try leaving a three- to five-hour gap between exercise and lights out.

  1. Too much light

For reasons beyond comprehension, some people like to sleep with the light on! Per research, exposure to even low lighting levels can disrupt sleep and promote depressive symptoms. One hypothesis for these effects is that sleep is necessary to restore and re-balance the brain’s neurotransmitters. Sleep disruption, then, can inhibit this process. And once again, hindrances to your sleep can affect your efforts to lose weight. If you like brightness in your room while dozing, get a cheap night light.

  1. Midnight munchies

The body’s metabolic rate drops significantly during sleep to conserve energy and repair itself. (This helps to explain why a good breakfast is so vital to metabolism and overall health, by the way.) Given that we are far more likely to crave refined carbohydrates and other junk foods during this time, eating when we’re supposed to be sleeping can quickly sabotage plans to lose weight.

  1. No sleeping schedule

While you don’t need to go to bed at the exact same time every day, you should have about a five- to 10-minute window in which you do so. Our body’s sleep/wake cycle, the circadian rhythm, is very sensitive to change. It is also quick to become wayward and fall into bad habits. To avoid this unhealthy pitfall, consider sticking to a sleep schedule. (If you’ve been too flexible with your sleeping habits, reestablishing a routine may take some time.)

sleep habits

  1. Too much alcohol

While alcohol can help you fall asleep, but it disrupts the body’s transitions during sleep. Perhaps the worst side effect of alcohol (besides the nasty hangover) is that it seriously disrupts deep (REM) sleep. REM sleep is essential for the regeneration of energy that depletes during the day. Keep this in mind when you get an urge to grab a beer or glass of wine at night.

  1. Not eating breakfast

As your mother said, breakfast is the most important meal of the day – and there are many reasons why this is so. As discussed, breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, which is critical for weight loss and feelings of satiety (“fullness”). Breakfast containing protein (which it should!) promotes muscle growth, enhances concentration and memory, and even lowers the risk of high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

10 Mind Boggling Facts About Forgiveness That Will Change Your Life

Forgiveness is defined as a deliberate decision to stop harboring negative feelings toward people who have hurt you. Knowing how to forgive someone is key for moving forward in peace. Without exception, we will all be faced with disappointments related to people who betray us or harm us in some way.

That’s why it is important to learn how to process the negative emotions that these types of acts inspire. It might not be easy to forgive a person who has harmed you or someone you love, but it is essential you recognize why you should. Below are some good ideas that may help you forgive.

Here is how to forgive someone and the reasons for doing so:

1. You forgive other people because it is good for you to do so.

Hate is a destructive emotion and hurts the hater more than anyone else. That’s why it is so important to let these emotions go by figuring out how to forgive someone rather than harboring ill will towards that person. As you begin to transition from anger to a more peaceful state, it will change your life.

2. By forgiving others, you increase your capacity to be more compassionate and understanding.

When you forgive other people, it can lead to more feelings of compassion and understanding. Once you start down a positive path of forgiveness as a way to mend relationships, you start to acknowledge the fact that most people have good in them and are doing their best based on their unique circumstances.

3. Forgiving a person for bad behavior does not condone what they did.

People are often reluctant to forgive another person for a nasty act simply because they believe that their forgiving behavior implies that they are okay with what happened. That is not what forgiving should be about. An essential life skill people need is to learn how to forgive someone based on the benefits it provides them. Blame has no place in this positive action to move past a friend’s or family member’s transgression.

4. An apology isn’t necessary for you to forgive that person.

If you wait for an apology before you decide to forgive another person, you may be waiting forever. Don’t expect an apology. Go ahead and forgive that person so you can put this negative event behind you and move forward.

5. Forgiving others promotes good physical health.

There is strong evidence that learning how to forgive someone is good for your health. Specifically, heart health seems to benefit, with lower blood pressure ratings linked to forgiving others.

6. When you forgive someone, the good feelings reaped from that action flow over into other relationships.

A mindset change related to forgiving others instead of blaming them leads to better relationships with other people in your life. If you are programmed to forgive and understand others as a new approach, you will spend more time understanding others. You are then less likely to imagine slights and disrespectful actions, which can be a problem if you tend to be overly sensitive.

7. Forgiving someone does not mean you have to remain in a relationship with them.

While forgiving the people in your life who harm you is advisable, that does not necessarily mean you should also continue a relationship with them. Each situation differs based on unique circumstances. You should “detach with love” in cases where you perceive an ongoing threat associated with continuing to be involved in the relationship.


8. It’s not your responsibility to judge them.

Judging others won’t lead to happiness for you. It will only promote a negative mindset. We all come from different backgrounds and have our own reasons for doing what we do. While you can’t always understand why people act the way they do, it is not essential that you do. All you need to recognize is that you don’t need to corrupt your positive mindset by holding a grudge and continuing to act like judge and jury instead of spending your energy on more positive emotions that will enrich your life.

9. The act of forgiving may not be one event, but a series of events.

As humans, we might need to reaffirm to ourselves that we are forgiving that person. It may happen over time, instead of involving one thought to forgive.

10. Revenge is a mutually exclusive event, separate from forgiving others.

Plans for revenge must be dropped if you plan to forgive someone. It might not be easy, but if you “bury the hatchet” with the handle still sticking out, it means you have not truly forgiven.


Learning how to forgive someone is something that will serve you well as you move through life. Your mental and physical health will benefit significantly when you make an effort to forgive others. Life is indeed short and should be focused on love instead of hate and revenge.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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