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7 Simple Ways To Learn To Love Yourself Even More

In the midst of our hectic lives, it can be hard to remember to take some time to sit back and appreciate who we are and what we have accomplished. The movement of loving yourself more could not come at a better time. The concept of self-love is gradually becoming destigmatized. No longer is it seen as a selfish concept, but an essential and healthy one.

A lot of loving yourself is learning how to treat your body and mind with the respect they deserve. Luckily, with only a few simple steps, you can be well on your way in your journey of self-love.

Here are 7 ways to start loving yourself more:

Get Active

Hours of binge-watching on the couch may seem relaxing and rejuvenating. In reality, it will just make you feel sluggish and unproductive later. Multiple studies have linked regular exercise to building self-esteem and self-confidence. Even just 15 minutes of cardio could help your body release cortisol, a hormone that builds up when you are feeling stressed. Not only can exercise help clear your mind, it can eventually help tone your body. When you look and feel better, there is no question that you will love yourself a little more.

Eat Right

Your mind and body are also largely affected by the kinds of foods you fuel up with. Eating lots of processed junk food will not give you the sustained energy you need to tackle your day. To treat your body right, give it necessary vitamins and nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean proteins. And if you think superfood and super expensive are synonymous, think again.

Practice Self-Praise

Too often we are so wrapped up in our own faults and failures that we forget to recognize all of our attributes and successes. Instead of wallowing in self-criticism, work on practicing self-praise. Try to keep a journal with an ongoing list of your daily accomplishments, however big or small they may seem. On those days when you feel discouraged, this journal will be a great mood boost. Loving yourself is taking conscious time to recognize and celebrate your successes.

Don’t Forget to Play

Playing should not only be reserved for children. It is important for all ages to work in some play daily. Along with bringing some more fun into our lives, playing can help boost creativity, relationships, and problem-solving skills. For some, play may be reading a good book, while for others it could be a board game or a sport. If you are unsure of what to do, think back on your days as a kid and try to remember what you did for fun. Maybe a half an hour of coloring is all you need to give yourself a little pick-me-up.

Take Time to Unwind

When you are stressed out from work, relationships, or whatever else, the stress can quickly overwhelm you and lead to negative thoughts about yourself. As much as you may want to succeed, no one can sustain fully committing themselves to something for an extended period of time. Allow some time every day to prioritize your well being. It could be as simple as taking a walk among the trees or simmering down on your favorite chair with a steaming mug of tea.

Eliminate the Negativity

As important as it is to clear our minds of negativity, the people we interact with can have a large impact on ourselves. To truly focus on loving yourself, you need to rid yourself from the toxic distractions of those who make you feel bad or uncomfortable. Others’ unwanted words can make you doubt your goals or values—things that only you should ultimately decide upon. Whenever possible, drift away from or break up with friends that fill you with self-doubt. You may also want to unsubscribe from family members’ negative social media posts.

loving yourself

Trust Yourself

Loving yourself and trusting yourself go hand in hand. Every decision we make can have an impact on our happiness and well-being, so how can you ensure that you choose the right one more often than not? The answer is to trust your intuition. Yes, that little gut feeling really does know more than you think. You might need to learn to listen and obey its wishes more often. When you make decisions that your deepest self morally stands behind, you are automatically living a more authentic and self-loving life.

When you choose to prioritize loving yourself, you may soon find other outer aspects of your life falling into place. Your inner positivity and assurance will radiate out and subtly influence other people and situations to turn out more positively. The domino effect is very real, and it all starts with a healthy dose of self-love.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Early Warnings of A Brain Tumor to Never Ignore

Unfortunately, we sometimes tend to ignore important signs that might point to serious health concerns. The brain tumor is one of the latest diagnosed forms of cancer. People in potential risk groups tend to ignore the tell-tale signs that might signal a dangerous disease with possibly fatal coincidences.

Brain tumor symptoms are very dependent on their location, according to experts in the field. Every cell of the brain can form a tumor, so discovering the location of a tumor can also tell us whether it’s malignant or not. Some brain tumors can be benign, but still very difficult and stressful to treat. For this reason, always keep an eye on your own health and that of your family. Also, immediately get in touch with a doctor if you exhibit one of the following hidden symptoms of a brain tumor.

Here Are 7 Early Signs of a Brain Tumor to Never Ignore

“Too often you see someone fall, break a rib, go in to the doctor and discover a tumor.” – Elizabeth Holmes

1. Headaches

This is the most often dismissed symptom of brain cancer, just because it is so prevalent in daily life. We are used to taking a painkiller and getting on with our day. In fact, severe headaches that cause nausea, dizziness, and other symptoms are one of the most common signs of a brain tumor. Those headaches don’t respond to classic painkillers for normal headaches or migraines. So, if you have any doubts about the nature of your headaches, contact your GP and inform them so you can get the right tests done.

2. Unexplained nausea or vomiting

A stomach upset, a common symptom of a brain tumor, can often be dismissed for something like food poisoning or other generic feelings of nausea. But in fact, it can indicate a brain tumor in the part of our brain that controls our digestion. It could also mean a number of other things, so don’t ignore this issue.

3. Balance problems

Undiagnosed patients with a brain tumor often first start noticing balance problems before anything else. They start tripping for no apparent reason or misjudging the distance between objects. This is because the tumor is in the part of their brain responsible for balancing the two sides of their body and it confuses their balance apparatus. Make sure not to ignore this important symptom.

4. Personality changes

This is one of the hardest ones to diagnose because there can be a multitude of reasons why someone’s personality would change. From mental illness to pregnancy or menopause, personality changes can often be dismissed as symptoms of something else. But when combined with other symptoms, they can also signal a brain tumor. Those wouldn’t present as dramatic mood changes. Someone may experience confusion, difficulty remembering simple tasks, or recalling the names of everyday objects – also known as aphasia.

5. Seizures

Seizures are a very important symptom and one of the easiest to recognize, especially in people with no history of seizure-inducing conditions – such as epilepsy or a B12 deficiency. These episodes can be very dangerous, especially if they occur in a dangerous place like in the middle of crossing the road. They range from mild loss of control and consciousness to violent bursts of shaking. If you or anyone you know experiences unexplained seizures, visit the doctor as soon as possible.

vitamins that help prevent cancer - brain tumor

6. Loss of sensation in limbs

Extremities are all controlled by special brain impulses that are sent to your arms and legs. If you find that you can’t move your arm or that your leg feels numb and unresponsive, do not ignore this concern. Many confuse it with normal muscle spasms or with another muscle-related injury, but the fact remains that unresponsive limbs are one of the first symptoms of a brain tumor. And many people tend to overlook this.

7. Changes in vision

Those of us born with bad vision may not pay much mind to things like your vision getting progressively blurrier. But those can be early warning signs of an untreated brain tumor. Floating spots or shapes – also known as “aura” – can also be an early sign. Many cancer patients find that after a while their vision in one or both eyes is completely gone. That would be because of the increase in intracranial pressure, which directly affects the nerves of eyesight. Go to your optician first and if there’s no understandable reason for the change in your vision, consult your doctor for an appointment with an oncologist.

Final thoughts

It’s very easy to ignore the early symptoms of a brain tumor. We all like to be positive and encourage positive thinking, and thus we try not to worry about the possibility of serious health issues. Unfortunately, more and more people in America find themselves with late-stage brain tumors that can no longer be helped. Look out for your wellbeing and that of your family. If you experience any of the warning signs of a tumor, see your doctor straight away.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

If You See Snakes Often, This Is What It Means

If you see–or are dreaming of snakes–often, the universe wants you to pay attention to significant life transitions and healing opportunities. Snakes represent life force and primal energy, and have been linked to essential changes and manifestations of dreams.  If you see snakes often, healing will soon occur in your life, and the snake will guide you spiritually to great transformations. The snake carries a potent energy. So understanding snake dream meanings can help you reach new spiritual and emotional heights in your journey.

Snakes slither through life with precision and steadfast determination, and we can learn to look at each step ahead before we take them. Since snakes represent healing powers., They also invite you to delve deeper into your abilities and direct your energy toward your strengths. Pay attention to the animals and signs around you, especially if you see snakes often – the universe is trying to teach you powerful lessons.



Snakes are one of the most common symbols in dreams, and their presence can be fascinating and unsettling. Snakes represent wisdom, transformation, healing, and rebirth in many cultures. However, they can also represent fear, danger, and temptation. Snake dream meanings can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on the dream’s context and the dreamer’s associations.

One common interpretation of dreaming of snakes is that it represents transformation and change. As snakes shed their skin to reveal a new one, dreaming of snakes can symbolize the dreamer’s growth and renewal. It can also signify that someone is ready to abandon old habits or beliefs and embrace new perspectives or opportunities.

Another interpretation of dreaming of snakes is that it represents fear or danger. Snakes are often associated with venom, and their bite can be lethal. Dreaming of snakes may indicate that the dreamer feels threatened or vulnerable in some way. It might alos represent a challenging situation requiring caution and awareness. It suggests that dreamers must confront their fears and find ways to overcome them.

Ultimately, the symbolism of dreaming of snakes is complex and multifaceted, and many factors, such as personal experiences, cultural beliefs, and individual associations, can influence it. Whether snakes in a dream represent positive or negative forces, paying attention to the emotions and sensations that arise and using them as a guide for self-reflection and personal growth is essential.


Snakes represent primal energy. Thus, you should pay attention to where you get your energy from and what you use it for if you see these animals. Snakes also represent healing powers, so you should take this a sign to look at your natural abilities and strengthen them as you see fit.

  • Snakes also represent spiritual guidance and can direct you to discover yourself further. They signal a time of transition and growth and offer abundant knowledge and cosmic wisdom to help you along your path. This animal will appear as you take steps into unknown territory. They can also remind you to stay grounded as you change, as the snake lives close to the ground. As we transition, we must keep our energy grounded and stable to enjoy life fully.
  • Dreaming of snakes means the universe wants you to examine parts of your life that may need attention, and oftentimes, the dreams might seem disturbing due to the strong energy associated with the snake. However, such dreams can ignite your dreams and transform your life,. So don’t discount the dreams just because of the negativity that might be present.
  • The dreams might have positivity to them as well. But no matter the energy present, examine the meaning and delve deeply into what it could signify for your life. Snakes in your dreams reveal the poisonous parts of your life that you must clear to live your best life. If you dream of a snake chasing you, this might mean that you need to look at the relationships in your life. Ask hard questions. Do you see if you’ve swept any issues underneath the rug? If you have, the issues will keep chasing you until you address them. Furthermore, if you dream of a snake biting or attacking you, use extra care.
  • Use the snake’s energy whenever you need spiritual guidance or extra grounding energy. Also, snakes can help you during the transition, so call on this beautifully powerful creature whenever you need an extra energy boost. Snakes can provide you with the strength and guidance you need during difficult times and invite you to examine situations in your life to see how you can better approach them.

chinese zodiac


As with any other animal totem, snakes will appear when you need a sign from the universe. They should assure you that you’ve chosen the right life path. The snake carries a variety of meanings. But no matter what, remember to look at the bright side of any situation. Focus on what you can learn from each experience. Snakes can teach you important life lessons and help keep you on the right path.

10 Surprising Benefits Of Gratitude On Your Health

Even though it’s all well and good to ‘count your blessings’ on Thanksgiving and similar holidays, allowing yourself to show gratitude during the entire year can beget extraordinary gains for your quality of life.

Truthfully, to practise gratitude is probably one of the best things you can do for your health that’s normally neglected. Improving your sense of gratefulness doesn’t have to come with any monetary costs and it definitely doesn’t have to take a lot of time, however, the advantages are tremendous.

Studies now show that showing appreciation can provide the following benefits:

1. Gratefulness opens up the opportunity to have more relationships.

According to a 2014 study issued in Emotion, saying, “thank you” doesn’t only develop great manners, but bestowing your thankfulness can support you in winning new friends and influencing people.

The research discovered that praising a new associate makes the other person more inclined to explore a more ongoing connection. So whether you are thanking a random stranger for keeping the door open, or just sending a prompt thank-you message to your co-worker that assisted you with your project, taking into account the other person’s participation can grow into budding relationships.

2. Being grateful enhances your physical well-being.

Thankful people encounter fewer physical discomforts and they describe how they feel better than people in similar situations, based on a 2012 examination printed in Personality and Individual Differences.

Not markedly suspicious, people that show gratefulness more often are also more apt to stay on top of their health. They work out more regularly and are more inclined to go to routine check-ups with their physicians, which is why they experience extra longevity.

3. Being thankful enhances mental health as well.

Gratitude decreases a variety of toxic feeling, varying from resentment and envy to regret and frustration. Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., who’s a leader in the research on gratefulness, has directed many investigations on the connection between well-being and gratitude. This analysis verifies that gratitude effectively boosts happiness and subdues depression.

4. Gratitude reduces aggression and improves empathy.

According to a 2012 inquiry by the University of Kentucky, people who are grateful are more prone to act in a mutually advantageous fashion, even if other people are acting less than kind.

Research participants that scored higher with gratefulness rankings were less disposed to act in an antisocial way, even when supplied with negative feedback. They encountered more empathy and sensitivity from other people and a diminished propensity to attempt revenge.

5. Thankful people have better sleep.

According to a 2011 investigation issued by Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, writing down your in a gratitude diary promote better sleep.

6. Being thankful will enhance your self-esteem.

Studies show that gratefulness improved an athlete’s self-esteem according to the Journal of Applied Sports Psychology. This is a critical element of elevated achievement.

Additional research has proven that gratitude lowers social judgments. Instead of being envious towards others that may have more money or gainful employment – which is one main factor of lowered self-esteem, people that show appreciation can acknowledge other’s achievements.

7. Praise improves mental fortitude.

For many years, studies have revealed that thankfulness doesn’t just reduce anxiety, but it can play a supportive function in mastering trauma. Studies showed that Vietnam Vets with greater levels of appreciation endured reduced amounts of PTSD, according to a 2006 inquiry written in Behavior Research and Therapy. It was discovered that being grateful was a primary contributor to increased resilience after those traumatic experiences.

Realizing and taking account of everything that you have to be thankful for – also throughout the most distressed parts of your life – encourages resilience.


8. Being grateful allows for better patience

Studies by the Northeastern University have observed that those who practise gratitude for the little things were more composed and able to make better choices, as opposed to the individuals that weren’t feeling very gracious on a regular basis.

Each one of us possesses the capacity and possibility to develop a greater sense of gratefulness. Just set aside a few minutes to direct your attention on all that you’re thankful for – instead of complaining about everything you believe you should have had by now. Cultivating your “attitude of gratitude” is probably the easiest means of improving your happiness in life as a whole.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Step Home Workout Plan That Is Perfect For Beginners To Lose Weight

Weight loss is a major goal of many people. However, the problem lies in figuring out just how to reach these lofty goals we have for ourselves. We can visualize where we want to be and how much weight we want to lose, but getting our bodies to comply is a harder story.

But does it really have to be all that hard? Unfortunately, for many of us, we give up before we even start.

We look at all that gym equipment, we see all those super-fit Zumba instructors, and we see all the time we don’t have to work out; and because of this, we often don’t even allow for our weight loss beginning.

Many of us simply become overwhelmed. Maybe we don’t know enough to do it well, maybe people will mock us for using the equipment wrong, or maybe we’ll pay for a membership we’ll end up never using.

This is why home workouts are so useful for beginners. You don’t need to take time to drive to and from the gym. You don’t have to work-out within the time the gym is open. You don’t have to feel judged by anyone.

At home, you can tailor the workout to you and your needs. You can go at your own pace and make any necessary modifications, all within the comforts of your own home.

I know what you‘re thinking, yes, all this sounds nice in theory, but how do we make this a reality? How do we decipher all that exercise information out there so that we find the best home workout plan for us?

Here’s how!

1) Remind yourself of all benefits of exercise

Motivate yourself by telling yourself how important exercise is for you. Don’t focus solely on weight loss. While helping with weight loss and being a great source of managing weight, there is so much more to exercise. Focus on that!

Remind yourself that you can enhance your body, all the way down to your DNA. Need some extra reminders of its wonders, look at all the benefits the Mayo Clinc outlines. You will improve your mood, help your depression, become less insulin resistance, and help your body regenerate effectively. You will reduce your risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

So, when you find yourself procrastinating on your at-home workout, remind yourself how good you will feel, both mentally and physically. Remind yourself of all the new energy you will get from simple exercises!

2) Don’t forget about diet

If you do not also get your diet in check, you will not reap all the benefits from exercise that you want. It’s that simple. You must figure this out first before you begin your exercise regimen. The only way to see amazing results is to combine both good dietary choices with healthy movement.

3) Start slow 

As a beginner, you are not an athlete, so don’t exercise like one. All this will do is put stress on your body and increase cortisol, which will only tell your body to stop burning fat. One home workout plan advocates for those with a lot of extra weight to begin with low-impact exercise, such as walking or swimming before moving into the higher-impact exercises. Essentially, you must start at a manageable pace.

You know your body. You know what you are capable of. So, ease into it and build up. Focus on your progress as you increase the intensity of your workouts. You do not want to start too strong so that you injure yourself or give up feeling defeated.

4) Do your workout at home two to three times a week

This at-home workout plan is very explicit in that you are to not overdo it. Your body needs time to rest. Your muscles build during the time you rest after the workout, not during the workout. Thus, you do not need to do your workouts on consecutive days. You must have a day in-between to allow your body to rest and rebuild.

5) Make the most use of your time

To burn the most calories and increase the most muscle mass, you want to do resistance training exercises. Unsure of what exercises to do, find some simple ones to begin with. Like stated earlier, start slow, allow yourself to become more proficient with each round of an exercise.

Having a hard time thinking of what specific resistance exercise to start with, here’s a list of five one-move exercises. Have specific areas you know you need to focus on, such as your lower abdomen where you have that little pooch that sticks out? Then maybe you should look here for some targeted resistance training exercises.

The thing to keep in mind is that you want to make the most use of your time. Thus, you want to start with interval training in the beginning, meaning while doing one exercise, vary the intensity of the exercise. Look at what NBC News has to say about the science behind interval training and how you can get the same degree of benefits from one minute of intense exercise as you can from 45 minutes of moderate exercise.

That is quite an astounding time-saver! If you just alternate between eight seconds of intense exercise followed by 12 seconds of low-intensity exercise for only 20 minutes, three times a week, you will lose more weight than you would if working out at a steady pace for twice the time!

However, once you are ready, the best way to make the absolute most use of your calorie-burning time is to incorporate interval training with circuit training, meaning you will add more exercises into your 15-20-minute routine. Why is that? You will simply be able to burn more calories both during and after the workout, and you’ll be working even more muscles.

6)Why you can’t just do cardio?

First, you want to build muscle. You want that improved physique and that long-continuing fat-burning that muscle-building brings. You need that strength training to increase your metabolism. You need that “afterburn” effect of muscle-building.

Unfortunately, cardio on its own is simply one of the least effective ways to lose weight. Need more convincing? Look at what fitness experts have to say about cardio here.

Of course, that’s not saying you shouldn’t do cardio. On your days between your resistance training workouts, go for a walk, do something to get your heartrate up. You will be doing your heart good. You just don’t want to only rely on cardio for weight loss.

The best thing about doing your workouts at home is that you are in charge. However, this might also be your biggest challenge. For this reason, you must hold yourself accountable and look at the various resources out there to cultivate a plan custom-made for you.

Your mind and body will thank you.

8 Amazing Fulvic Acid Benefits For Tired Moms

The kids are making Mom climb the walls. The dog is even hiding under the sofa. When Dad comes home, Mom runs outside for a couple hours. Sound familiar?

No one understands that Mom is chronically tired. Everyone blames the kids, the ringing phone, and daily life for her fatigue. The real culprit is the depletion of any healthful nutrients from the soil. Our food just looks good; it’s no longer good for us. Mom needs to feel fulvic acid benefits to set her body straight.

What Has Fulvic Acid To Do With It?

When something organic, like dead trees, decomposes, it goes back into the soil. Fulvic acid is released with this decomposition. This puts back into the soil the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, flavonoids, phytochemicals, and dozens of other nutrients necessary to foster all life.

What Are The Benefits?

The Basics

Fulvic acid is one of the best electrolytes ever found. It works behind the scenes with things like enzyme production, hormone makeup, as well as being instrumental in the use of vitamins.

Fulvic acid sets the stage for the body’s metabolism at the most basic level. It sustains the environment in which the decomposition and its resultant nutrients attract other such nutrients. This results in charging electrons which then become antioxidants, fighting off damaging free radicals.

It is the cause of enzyme activity. Enzymes are the building blocks of proteins, without which cells (or anything alive) would exist. Nutrients are enhanced, transported through the body and helped to be assimilated by the body.

What All This Means

Ongoing research is discovering that fulvic acid benefits may include fighting diabetes, inflammation that causes joint problems, and fatigue. Digestion, brain health, and cellular health are also benefits. Testimonials are available in which people explain the effects fulvid acid benefits had on them:

Improvement in arthritis pain

Disappearance of psoriasis

Migraine relief

Improved immune system and no allergies

Healed burns

Eight Benefits For Tired Moms

Now that we understand both Mom’s fatigue and fulvic acid, we should learn how it can be of benefit to Mom. Dr. Axe explains what Mom’s fulvic acid benefits are:

1. Gut/Immune Health

Poor gut/immune health is the basis of many chronic illnesses. Fulvic acid strengthens the cells supporting the immune system and the gut which means energy.

2. Digestion

Since fulvic acid allows the body to better absorb nutrients from the cells on up, then Mom will reap the energy benefits from her fresh fruits and vegetables.

3. Boosts Energy

At the cellular level, the improvement of blood circulation and blood oxygenation fights fatigue. One of the most important fulvic acid benefits is a decided boost in stamina and energy for Mom.

4. Detox

Mom will benefit from her system being cleansed and detoxified of viruses, parasites, and toxins of all types. The energy from her food, multivitamin and other nutritional things won’t be used by these things to sustain themselves.

5. Thyroid Support

They thyroid gland regulates the hormones. These instruct the body to sleep, how much to sweat, if we are too cold or warm, when we are hungry, and if we are tired. Fulvic acid supports the thyroid, which also governs the metabolism. A slow metabolism means equals tired. A faster one equals energy.

6. Brain Medicine

The brain processes our information and memories from one day, files it away, and then sets itself up for tomorrow’s information and memories. It receives signals from the body’s systems, processes them, then sends messages back such as pain relief.

When the brain receives an influx of oxygen, endorphins kick in, making us feel like Supermom. Fulvic acid works from the cells up to the brain, giving Mom a big smile and more energy.


7. Inflammation

Inflammation causes most of the body’s illnesses such as joint pain, headaches, asthma and sinus troubles. Fulvic acid benefits ensure no inflammation. A Mom not hurting is a Mom with energy.

8. Muscle Health

Favoring tired or painful muscles takes more energy than just walking. Fulvic acid works from a cellular level to support the musculature, thus giving Mom a stride instead of a limp.

We have been robbed of essential nutrition by Big Corporations and their profits and farmers who have to pay their bills. Together, they have stripped any goodness out of the soil. Knowing this, people compensate with herbal supplements and organic foods.

It isn’t enough. We must help ourselves, because no one else will. Beginning at the most basic cellular level, we now have the tool to bring Mom to maximum good health.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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