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8 Easy Ways to Relieve A Migraine Naturally

A migraine can be debilitating and uncomfortable. To experience an intense throbbing pain that radiates in the head can render you helpless. When you have a migraine, you might not want to do anything but lock yourself in the bedroom, turn the light off, and try to sleep. Although there are medicines that can help with the pain, you could also try some of these easy ways to relieve a migraine naturally:

Here Are 8 Ways to Relieve A Migraine Naturally

“By taking the time to focus on our mental and emotional well-being, we can minimize our triggers and reduce the likelihood of a recurrence.” ? Sarah Hackley

1. Use an ice pack.

An ice pack helps to numb a throbbing headache, according to the Cleveland Clinic. When the blood vessels are inflamed, as in the case of a migraine, an ice pack helps reduce inflammation. Hence, you’ll find relief if you apply cold compress when a migraine strikes. If you don’t have those ready-to-use ice packs, you can put ice in a sealed plastic bag that’s partially filled with cold water. Cover this with a damp towel before putting over your head. Let it stay on for at least 15 minutes. If ice is not available, then a cloth rinsed with cold water should be a good alternative as well.

2. Drink a warm cup of ginger.

Drinking a cup of warm and fresh ginger helped 100 patients who had migraine attacks in a study published in Phytotherapy Research. Fresh ginger apparently works even better than the common migraine medication called sumatriptan. Some people even eat ginger raw after boiling it to get the most out of its medicinal benefits. Ginger’s medicinal properties have been proven since the ancient times but if you’re not fond of its taste, you can mix ginger juice with pineapple, pear, and coconut water for a refreshing and tasty natural migraine treatment.

3. Try inhaling lavender essential oil.

Research shows that lavender essential oil is an effective and safe treatment for migraine headaches. Of the 129 participants in a study published in the European Neurology, 92 reported that lavender oil worked for their migraine attacks. Experts said that inhaling the scent of lavender oil, which should be diluted in water, took effect within 15 minutes.

4. Massage peppermint oil on your temples.

Peppermint oil has menthol properties that reduce the pain of a migraine. The menthol solution also curbs feelings of nausea and vomiting that are so common during a migraine attack. Researchers from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences saw the positive effects of massaging peppermint oil on the temples of people who experience migraines regularly and it might even prevent migraines from returning.

But why just limit the massages to the temple? A study in the Society of Behavioral Medicine indicated that migraine patients who get regular body massages for at least 13 weeks could decompress and minimize their physical stress. Hence, their sleep cycle and circulation improve to where their migraine attacks come less often. If you try body massages using peppermint oil, you’ll likely get double the migraine relief.

5. Hydrate with water.

Dehydration triggers migraines and tension headaches, according to a study published in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Drinking a glass or two of water can relieve migraines after 30 to 120 minutes. To lessen migraine triggers, aim to drink regular amounts of water every day. You can also hydrate your body by eating foods that have high water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, soups, cabbage, and grapefruit.

6. Consider acupuncture.

Acupuncture is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. Experts who reviewed the procedure stated in the Pain Management Nursing journal that acupuncture is also effective in getting rid of migraines without the side effects. Another study involving 4,400 respondents who underwent acupuncture showed that it provides even better migraine relief than taking medication. For quick relief, however, try pressing your fingers in spots that ache, such as your temple and your forehead’s middle area. The pressure should help relieve the tension.

7. Do yoga.

Doing yoga addresses many aspects of health. It’s for stress relief, body flexibility, inner peace, and to encourage positive thinking. People with frequent migraines also find that they have fewer attacks if they practice yoga regularly, according to the International Journal of Yoga. If you know of a class in your area, why not give it a try? See if it can help improve your condition against a migraine. Give yourself three months to get significant results.


According to another study published in the Headache journal, patients in a yoga control group felt that the occurrence and the severity of their migraines lessened after joining yoga classes consistently for three months. For immediate relief from a migraine, do stretching and breathing exercises in your bedroom to help your body relax. You can also practice stretching and breathing every morning as a preventive measure against migraine attacks.

8. Have a warm bath.

A warm bath or a hot shower can relieve your neck and back region and lessen the intensity of an attack. If possible, use essential oils like lavender and peppermint when you soak in the tub for that extra relief.

Final thoughts

Some of these natural migraine remedies work best on the onset, while others require consistency and regular practice. But because these are natural methods, results may vary with every person. Some people might take a while to respond to the procedures. Nevertheless, do what you are most comfortable with in treating your headaches. The most important thing is to feel better and stop the attacks from recurring.

You Won’t Find Your True Love Until You Do These 8 Things

Whether we would like to admit it or not, we are all seeking to find true love that complements us perfectly. We desire to have someone by our side who shall love us when we are at our worst, and share the memories of our existence with us. The Notebook and other numerous love flicks have dominated the silver screen for decades. So, does true love exist?

Well, here’s the thing, the myth that love is a fairy tale, is just that; a myth. So, stop looking for that perfect ‘10’ that will check out in all the qualifications that you have in your wish list. Relationships are hard because people are not perfect. Love is about being comfortable with someone’s flaws, although this does not mean imperfections that are borderline criminal or need psychiatric intervention. You can still find true love, and it will be in someone that is willing to stand by you, through the messiness of our world, and help you enjoy life to your fullest potential.

So, how do you set the foundation that will help you find real love?

Here are eight things that you must do to find true love:

1. Be Authentic

You must first be true to yourself if you are ever going to find true love. If your dream is to find someone that will love you even through your moments of weakness, you must be ready to do that for them as well. Be true to yourself, so that you are prepared to appreciate somebody else’s authenticity.

What are the things that make you happy? What makes you mad? What are you looking for in life? You must be able to answer these questions if true love matters to you. Do not get caught up in the vicious cycle of pleasing others, or doing what is popular. Do not shift your purpose, passions, and personality just to accommodate another individual as you will be untrue to yourself. People admire authenticity and are attracted to it. Know yourself so you can love yourself.

2. Be the Best Version of You

Even though it is said that opposites attract, you also need to realize that ‘like attracts like.’ This means going out of your way to becoming the person that you would wish to attract. If you don’t want a complainer in your life? Then quit complaining. Are you attracted to someone who is fit and healthy? Start going to the gym. Do you want someone who lives with integrity? Start practicing it.

3. Be Confident

You have to be confident in your abilities and the person you are before you can attract the best kind of love in your life. This ties in with the second point. You first need to practice your ideals until they are part of you. That way, you shall be confident in your ability to attract true love as you know you are whole and complete.

4. Be Open

If you want to meet someone new, you must be willing to connect with those around you. This means being open and willing to engage with people who desire to talk to you. This openness will allow you to meet a lot of people, and who knows, the love of your life might be among them.

5. Be Happy

Everyone loves happy people. Focus on doing things that make you happy. Happiness is magnetic.

6. Know Your Boundaries

You must know your deal breakers. What are the things you cannot accommodate? Is it excessive drinking? Drug abuse? Financial instability? Verbal or emotional abuse? You must know what your non-starters are before you get into any emotional involvement.

Once you have identified your deal breakers, you must follow through with them. Do not compromise because you are afraid to lose that other person, doing this will only lead to losing yourself.

7. Limit Your Requirements

Stop looking for everything you desire in one person. There isn’t such a person. This goes hand in hand with being authentic. Understand there’s no perfect individual, so do not waste your life chasing a fantasy.

true love

8. Accept Who they Are

If you are in the quest for true love, you must accept and be comfortable with the personal life of your significant other. To be in love with a person means being comfortable with every aspect of their being, including their quirks. They might be doing everything right, but they just love sleeping with their socks. And even though you found this habit strange at first, you will find it amusing once you accept their personality.

The quest to find genuine love is one that many people have undertaken, but only a small percentage has achieved. This is because when most people are looking for true love, they often look outwards instead of inwards. Thus, they have expectations of what their ideal partner is supposed to be, without looking at whether they have ideal qualities themselves. Work on yourself, become the best version of you and be open to anything while not accepting anything less than you have to offer. Also, be okay and proud of who you are, it is the most important thing.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

A Simple Exercise To Help You Live A Beautiful Life

Living a beautiful life is not about glitter and glam and the kind of beauty that’s only skin deep. Living a beautiful life can make you glow with an inner light and make those around you feel good just by being in your presence.

People who have figured out how to live a beautiful life have an inner beauty that transcends mere prettiness. There are simple things that anybody can do to make their life beautiful.

Try incorporating the following suggestions to help you live a beautiful life:

Accentuate the Positive

This is not just a corny Bing Crosby song from the 1950s – it’s a great way to help create a beautiful life. Get into the habit of looking for the silver lining instead of focusing on the dark cloud. A beautiful life isn’t a perfect life. Nobody has a perfect life. You can’t have hills without valleys. Having a positive outlook can help you get through those low points in life and make you appreciate the high points more.

Do a Good Deed Every Day

Imagine what the world would be like if we all tried to do at least one good deed every day. Every one of us has the power to do good, and we should exercise that power daily. So, pick up a piece of trash, help a turtle cross the road, choose vegetarian options instead of eating meat, or adopt an animal from a shelter. No matter how small or how large the deed is, it will help to increase the total amount of goodness in the world. Doing something to make the world a better place will also make you feel good about yourself.

Commit Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty

The smallest act of kindness can have a huge impact on someone’s life. A sincere compliment, a kind word, or even just a smile can make someone’s day a little brighter. There is a whole organization devoted to the concept of being kinder to one another. Check out for an enormous list of “kindness ideas”.

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Do you have a roof over your head and food in your belly? If so, you are better off than millions of others who aren’t so lucky. Whenever you are feeling depressed or overwhelmed, take a few minutes to list all the good things in your life. Even those in the direst of circumstances can usually find at least a few things for which they are grateful. Being able to appreciate what you have will help you to lead a beautiful life.

Simplify, Simplify!

As Thoreau once said, “Our lives are frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.” Most of us have too much stuff. We spend so much time taking care of our stuff and working hard to buy more stuff, that we don’t have any time left over for the truly important things in life. Remember that the best things in life are not things. Declutter your home and get rid of anything that you don’t need anymore. Give it to someone who will use and appreciate it. Keep only the things that are truly useful, beautiful, or that give you joy. When you are surrounded by only useful and beautiful things, you are well on your way to a beautiful life.

Let Go

In addition to removing objects from your home that are no longer useful, letting go of anything else in your life that doesn’t add beauty or joy will help you to lead a beautiful life. Don’t hold grudges. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Don’t hold onto anger, hatred, bitterness, or resentment. These negative emotions only harm the person who is feeling them. As the Buddha once said, “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” Learn how to forgive others, and don’t forget to forgive yourself. We are all imperfect. However, it’s also okay to let go of people who don’t add joy or beauty to your life. Forgive them for whatever negativity they brought into your life, and then stop spending time with them.

a beautiful life

Have Fun!

Make sure that you carve out time in your life to do the things that will bring you joy, because what’s the point of living if you aren’t having any fun? Pamper yourself. Get outside and commune with nature. Sing, dance, play, laugh. We are absurd creatures living in an absurd world, so try not to take yourself too seriously.

Figure out what living a beautiful life means to you. Then make a conscious decision to create that kind of life for yourself. You have the power to make it a reality. What are you waiting for?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Experts Explain Why Introverts Make Awesome Parents

Introverts make wonderful parents.

But, it comes with a few challenges. Being the quiet parent in the playground is likely to get you a few glances from other parents, but there are some perks of having introvert characteristics. If you enjoy the quiet time and the calmer side of things with your child, experts believe that being an introverted parent can be of benefit to you and your child.

The author of ‘Introverts in Love: The Quiet Way to Happily Ever after’, Sophia Dembling states that there are various benefits to being an introvert in this beautiful and extremely wild world of parenthood. This sentiment is something that the brain science professor and psychologist Susan Krauss Whitbourne of the University of Massachusetts agrees with.

Here are some reasons that support expert claims about why introverts make awesome parents:

They are in tune with kids needs

An introverted parent is likely to be more in tune with the children’s feeling to the point that theu can understand it on a deeper level. Dr Whitbourne says, “They tend to be more inward-oriented as the name [introvert] implies, and therefore, more thoughtful, more quiet, and perhaps more aware of their inner state.”

They are surprisingly warm

Introverts are not in your face kind of people, and this does not mean that they are unfriendly. According to Dr Whitbourne, “an introvert can be warm, caring, and interested in people just like everyone else.” So, the next time you take your kinds to the playground and you see a quiet parent around, be kind enough to say hello.

They are excellent listeners

To communicate with the kid is one of the primary motives that a parent desires to have from when a child is at a young age This is accompanied by being a good listener, and most introverts have this knack. Sophia states, “introverted people are excellent listeners,” they are also good at dealing with kids who are known to keep quiet. An introverted parent will sit quietly beside a child who wants to play quietly.

They tend to avoid conflict

Introverts tend to back off when conversations are tense, and they do not like shouting and yelling. Sophia states that “they keep things to themselves and avoid conflict.” There is a chance you might notice the parent being passive at first when their child is having a meltdown at the playground.

Selective with whom they give attention to

Introverts, in general, are quiet and reserved. Therefore, it is a big deal if they consider you to be of importance in their lives. Sophia explains “introverted people do not need a lot of relationships. They are selective about who they give their time and attention to, so they tend to be very loyal and invest deeply when they decide to invest.” Their offsprings benefit significantly from this.

They do not typically thrive in chaotic social situations

Being in a crowd of over-hyped screaming children is not something introverts look forward to. According to Dr Whitbourne, “it can be a struggle for an introvert to enjoy themselves at events such as kids parties. However, on the positive end, there are plenty of extroverted parents ready to jump in, so they are not going to stand out as much if they happen to blend a bit into the background.” it is not a bad thing to blend into the background, it shows that you are child-oriented more than self-focused. It is an excellent parenting trait.

They love hanging out at home

It is often known that some of the most memorable memories can be made in your backyard, and people with introvert characteristics do know how to capitalize on it. It can be cuddling with a bowl of popcorn, making arts and crafts with the kids, playing in the backyard with the pet, or doing wheelies. The home is the best place an introvert wants to be. According to Sophia, “your kids will have someone to sit quietly with on the couch and someone who is not afraid of silence.”

good parent


These are some of the benefits that come with being an introverted parent. Your personality and your parenting style might be different, but you are doing what is best for you and your child, never forget that. Not everyone can be the parent who is always on the go, or who invites neighborhood children over for snacks or initiates playdate. Realizing you are an introverted parent does not mean that you will not provide for your child. You will provide, but it will be different from an extroverted parent.

There are areas you are confident in as an introverted person, and in other areas, you are struggling but doing your best. You need to celebrate the little things you are doing and not focus on your shortcomings. Being an introvert should not be regarded as a bad thing, you should embrace your introvert characteristics.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Why Hopeless Romantics Make The Best Partners

For a hopeless romantic, life is love, and love is life. Theirs is a world of love at first sight, soul mates, destiny, chivalry, true love, happily-ever-after — and finding “The One.” They’re not just looking for love; they’re on a noble quest for it. Friends and family may dismiss their lovestruck notions as signs of a hopeless romantic: idealistic, unrealistic, and irrational, with perceptions skewed by rose-colored glasses.

A romantic is incompatible with a world of one-night stands, phone sex, booty calls, casual dating, and sexting. They want the courtship, hand-holding, walks in the rain, candlelit dinners, love letters, and roses. Does this mean that they’re unsuitable for a relationship? Not at all. In fact, their unwavering pursuit of love and the conviction that they’ll find it makes them a very hopeful romantic.

Here’s why a hopeless romantic makes the best partner:

These are the best reasons to pursue a relationship with a romatic person.

hopeless romanticSHE’S EASY TO PLEASE

This doesn’t mean that she’s a pushover. It means that she will notice — and appreciate — the thoughtful little things that you do for her. When you hold a door for her when you see that she’s wearing a new perfume, and even when you rinse your beard shavings down the drain, she’ll be touched that you are so courteous. It’s easy to notice big things. Someone who observes the small, unique items that come from the heart is equally remarkable.


She has fantasized, possibly for years, about a date where she could finally express her romantic visions. Whether the two of you travel to a resort in Fiji or hit the local McDonald’s, the experience with be phenomenal. After all, romance is what she lives for. You get to benefit from it.


When you’re in a relationship with a hopeless romantic, you will be loved more passionately than you ever have been loved. A romantic may have had their heart shattered countless times, but their faith in love is so unwavering that they’ll love you utterly, totally, and completely. Their idealism and willingness to commit to you in the face of all of that adversity is a rarity.


Remember that this is someone who has seen every rom-com since the day Meg Ryan was born. Displaying signs of a hopeless romantic, she knows every possible outcome of every possible romantic situation with every conceivable personality type.

Are you burned out after a stressful meeting at work? She’ll be your champion and best friend. And, she’ll understand why you want to sit alone on the patio with a cup of coffee. Are you obsessing over the guy who gave you the finger in traffic? She’ll know that you have to flee to the bedroom and distract yourself with mindless TV. Being a romantic means she wants what’s best for you, and that includes giving you space.


She wants to be the best lover you’ve ever had. She believes that lovemaking is the most fundamental aspect of romance, and since romance is her raison d’être, sex with her is incredibly passionate. Her sexual fantasies are finally — finally! — being given waves of expression. Towering waves. They’ll engulf you, too.


She profoundly believes in intoxicatingly dramatic displays of affection, and she also appreciates the power of a small tender gesture such as:

  • Kissing you hello and goodbye on your cheek
  • Holding your hand
  • Cuddling you
  • Gazing tenderly into your eyes
  • NOT checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media sites while the two of you are on a date. The same goes for email and voice mail.


You may not recognize your worth, but the romantic wholeheartedly does. She’ll encourage you to recognize your significance and potential. Through the eyes of a romantic, these are heroic pursuits, and she’ll cheer you on as you chase them.


It takes a special kind of strength to be a romantic in a world that, largely, is not. She goes through much of life feeling like an outcast yet retaining the courage of her convictions. She is incredibly resilient, picking herself up time and time and time again after failed relationships and moving forward with unwavering optimism that she’ll find love. Romantics aren’t afraid to be vulnerable, openly expressing their emotions. Do not mistake a hopeless romantic for a meek, mousy weakling. They’ll bring rock-solid strength, fearlessness, and invincibility to your relationship.


A romantic sees true love in all aspects of life. The way an autumn leaf drifts to the ground or how the air smells right before a storm. The way an elderly couple gazes fondly into each other’s eyes or how her lips feel when they ever-so-lightly brush yours.

Hopeless romantics can be counted on to make the best partners in a relationship. Contrary to their label, they are not hopeless at all. They simply believe in true love. They love it so much that you’ll love it, too.

10 Things You Should Know Before Falling In Love

Falling in love is a wonderful experience that transforms our life. That’s why romantic love is the stuff of our favorite books and movies. Life is more meaningful because of the gift that is love.

Being prepared for love when it comes calling means you can make the most of the experience. Mental preparation is key for getting your head straight. There are some things you should know before falling in love.

Below are the ten things you should know before embarking on your journey of love.

1. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship.

While high expectations is never a bad idea, it is important to be realistic about the normal challenges lovers face. Effort is required from both parties to work through disagreements and minor bumps in the road. The important thing to remember is that arguments are normal and should be expected.

2. Learn from your past romantic experiences and use that knowledge as you consider a new love.

Lessons learned in those early relationships are important to remember moving forward. Take them with you and remember them when you find yourself falling in love again. Recognizing that we all need alone time is important so that you won’t expect too much and can relax into a relationship. Realizing that lust fades and the giddy feeling that you had when you first got together is replaced by a stronger connection called love, if you are mature enough to understand that fact.

3. You should always honor your own needs and identity as you approach love.

While we all want to fall in love, it is impossible to truly love another person unless you are sure about who you are and what you want. Any relationship that lasts is built on trust and based on truth. That’s why it is essential to know yourself well so you can reveal your authentic personality to another person and build something meaningful.

4. True love is built on friendship.

The first step to romance should be friendship. Superficial factors such as physical chemistry and charm should be viewed as fleeting and less important comparatively. Keeping an evolving relationship in perspective and seeking to connect as friends first with shared interests and values will serve both parties well.

5. Lasting love has little to do with sex.

Great sex is a force of nature that leaves you weak in the knees and on a cloud of endorphins. This good feeling is impossible to ignore. Enjoy these wonderful experiences for what they are and don’t confuse it with love. Great sex and love may or may not go hand in hand.

6. Accept the responsibility you have for your own life first.

Too many people want to shift the responsibility of their happiness to the person they fall in love with, hoping this new person can make them happy. Nobody is responsible for your happiness, except you.

7. Love does not guarantee your happiness.

Falling in love is no guarantee that the relationship will last. Physical attractiveness and chemistry can play a large part in new love, seducing us into believing we are head over heels in love. But in the light of day, this type of love often fails.

life quote


8. You have to be willing to walk away from a new relationship even after you feel like you’re falling in love if you can’t see yourself growing old together.

Some people swear that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the “right one” for you. As exhausting as this process can be, with many first and second dates, you have to be willing to do what is necessary if you want to
fall in love with Mr. or Miss Right.

9. No two people are exactly alike.

Falling in love is amazing, but it takes work and compromise to make it work. Since no two people are exactly alike, compromise is key for success.

10. You can’t force a loving connection.

Love defies logic at times. A person can be nice, attractive and seemingly the perfect person for you, but they may not feel the same way. You should never try and force romance.

Relax and enjoy the ride. Take your time. Dating can be a lot of fun if you take some of the pressure off yourself and let the magic of love happen when it is time.

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