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10 Things Women Do When They Lose Interest In A Relationship

Relationships aren’t perfect, but these imperfections make a relationship so dynamic and unique to be part of. What doesn’t feel fun or favorable to your connection is when the woman who used to adore you has changed. Have you noticed this loss of interest in your girl?

“When you do anything too long, you either wear it out or lose interest.” – Miles Davis

Note: We also recognize that males display specific behaviors when they lose interest in their partners. Because male behaviors subtly differ from females, we cover them in a separate article.

Here Are 10 Things Women Do When They Lose Interest in A Relationship

A few obvious signs are that a woman has begun to lose interest in a relationship. Here are a few signs to watch for.


1. She doesn’t get jealous anymore.

In essence, jealousy isn’t good, but it usually bothers women when they see their man engaging with another woman, even if it’s only a casual, civil, and purely platonic conversation. A woman shows her jealousy as a reactive response to perceived threats she sees around the man she truly cares for. And when she suddenly seems fine that you’re hanging out with your female friends, or if no snide remarks are coming from her when she sees you’re texting a female co-worker, something could be up.

2. She replies to your messages in one word.

This is an unusual behavior because women love to communicate. (You may feel they sometimes communicate too much.) However, if you get one-word replies, she might have more significant issues or lose interest in your relationship.

3. She’s not bothered that you’ve been busy.

When you barely have time for her because of work, and she doesn’t make an issue out of it, it could signal her disinterest in the relationship. She’s not understanding; she’s okay that you’re not around enough anymore. This should raise a red flag since women generally don’t like it when they are taken for granted or neglected. This is one of the most common relationship complaints, according to counselor Christine Northam via The Independent. If she’s not complaining, then it’s likely she’s losing interest.

4. She has stopped being affectionate.

Caring and nurturing characters come naturally to women. However, if your girl used to be affectionate towards you but then she’s suddenly lukewarm, that should raise some warning bells. You’ve got to wonder why you’re not getting pecks on the cheeks and touches on your shoulders. There is a chance her feelings have changed.

5. She doesn’t want you to take her home.

Suddenly, your girlfriend wants to do things all by herself, and it seems like she would rather be alone than have you for company. When you offer to take her home after your dinner date, but she refuses, it hints that she’s losing interest in the relationship.

6. You don’t annoy her anymore.

She used to get annoyed and start complaining when you made mistakes or forgot to do what she asked. Now, she doesn’t make a big deal about it; you can get away with anything. Has your girlfriend suddenly developed patience? This may be all because she’s not into the relationship anymore.

7. She doesn’t laugh at your jokes anymore.

She used to laugh out loud even when you cracked the corniest jokes. Now, she appears like she doesn’t appreciate your funny stories, and you can’t even amuse her with your silly antics. Instead, she marvels at the jokes of someone she knows at work and tells you about it.

Women, in general, are attracted to funny guys, according to Men’s Health. Despite your efforts to make her laugh, you sense she seems happier in other people’s company. Worse, her friends tell you she was hilarious at your missed party. When you can’t make her laugh anymore, but she’s having fun with others, it’s a sign she has lost interest in you.

8. The intimacy has become rare.

You no longer have passionate moments together because she often says she’s tired or needs to get up early in the morning. When you do get intimate, you sense she’s not having a great time. She doesn’t want to cuddle or put pillows between you when you’re in bed together.  If the intimate moments have become rare, it could be because she has grown bored with you and the relationship.

fall out of love

9. She says she’s fine, but her actions show differently.

When you attempt to talk about your issues with her in the hopes of resolving the problems in your relationship in a positive way, she shoots you down by saying she’s fine. However, her actions clearly show she’s not okay. When your girl refuses to open up, it’s a sign of her unwillingness to work things out in your relationship. When there’s no effort to patch things up, she’s probably not into you anymore.

10. She’s not sorry if she’s in the wrong.

Does she act like she doesn’t regret making mistakes or hurting you? In the past, she used to be quick to apologize if she offended you in the slightest bit. She would make amends and win back your good graces then, but now she doesn’t even care if you’re still mad at her.

Six Tips for Healing Your Heart

If you or your partner lose interest in the relationship, it is vital to take care of yourself. Here are a few things you can do to start healing your heart.

  • Acceptance and Grieving: Allow yourself to grieve and feel the pain. Accepting that the relationship has ended rather than repressing emotions is essential. Understand that grieving is a process; it comes in waves and is different for everyone. Acknowledge your feelings and give yourself the grace to heal in your own time.
  • Maintain a Support System: Reach out to friends, family, or a counselor who can provide support and a listening ear. Surrounding yourself with people who care about you can help alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness. Sharing your thoughts and emotions with others who understand your situation can be very therapeutic.
  • Focus on Self-Improvement: Use this time to focus on yourself and your growth. Identify areas you want to improve or develop, and set achievable goals. Whether it’s learning a new skill, picking up a new hobby, or getting in shape, personal development can build self-esteem and provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • Limit Contact with the Ex-Partner: While it might be tempting to seek closure or clarity, maintaining distance can help in healing. It allows you to detach emotionally and gain perspective on the relationship. Also, avoid their social media, as it can exacerbate feelings of loss and block the healing process.
  • Practice Mindfulness and Gratitude: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help manage stress and improve overall well-being. Additionally, focusing on gratitude can shift your perspective and help you appreciate the positive aspects of your life, fostering a sense of contentment and happiness.
  • Seek Professional Help if Needed: If feelings of sadness, anger, or anxiety become overwhelming, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Therapy can provide a safe space to explore your emotions, understand patterns, and develop coping strategies to move forward.

women relationship

Final Thoughts on Recognizing When a Woman Loses Interest in a Relationship

While feelings change and people change, the actions of your girl could still be hurtful. You can still do something to win back her affection and put your relationship back on track. You can remain optimistic that this is just a phase. However, if nothing improves despite positive thinking and your best efforts, it might be time to face the truth that it’s over.

Losing a relationship can be incredibly challenging. But it is also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By practicing self-care and focusing on healing, one can emerge from this experience stronger, wiser, and more resilient. Remember, healing is not linear, and you must be patient with yourself as you make key decisions about whether to move on – or patch up the relationship.

The Only Self Care Guide You Will Ever Need To Live A Successful Life

We’ve all had those days where it feels like the to-do list never ends and the rewards for crossing each item off are meager at best. Burning the midnight oil can be frustrating and lead to general unhappiness and a lot of other unpleasant side effects. This is what makes self-care so important.

Learning about self-care and how to manage it can be a big step for anyone in their lives. That’s because it allows us to take control of our situation and bring the important things back into focus, rather than leaving them to sit on the back burner. Self-care can help you improve your mental health and feel healthier in that aspect. In addition, depending on the type of self-care you get involved in, it can also help to improve your physical health as well. This article will talk about what self-care is, how it can benefit you, and ways to incorporate it into your everyday life.

What is Self Care?

The definition of self care can include a wide range of things, depending on the person who is using it.

It is basically done as a way to disconnect from the current surroundings in a healthy way. This is done, not as a way to hide or disassociate, but rather as a way to refuel and recharge yourself.

If you are finding yourself overwhelmed frequently, then it may be time to incorporate some relaxation into your daily routine. In fact, it is a good idea to include self-care on a consistent basis as a way to prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed and feeling frustrated in the first place.

This helps ensure your mind and body are taken care of. In fact, this lack of self-love leaves you able to more effectively handle the stress of daily chores and tasks. Additionally, self care is a task that is chosen by you and done by you. In short, it is not something that another person can provide for you except to allow you the time and space to do so.

Ways to Practice Self-Care

The ways of how a person begins to practice self care depends entirely upon the person practicing and how their body handles stress.

Exercise is often thought of as a great way to take care of yourself for several reasons. The first is that it provides numerous health benefits. It also helps the body produce certain chemicals that can make the person feel happier. These can be things like dopamine and endorphins.

If you are unsure of ways you can practice self-care, then try thinking about some of your favorite hobbies. It is often these things that bring us the most joy and help us relax. Self care like this may include things like:

-going to the gym
-visiting with friends or family members

If you don’t really have any hobbies like this, self-care can still be possible by simple things like:

-reaching a goal you set for water intake
-making sure you include some sort of green vegetables a certain amount of times during the day
-making it a point to take a walk after dinner.


From this information, you can start to see just how important including self-care into your routine is for your health. It can help you keep a clear and level-head while you make your way through the tasks and chores of your day, and keep you from feeling frustrated and unhappy with your life. Self-care also has the potential to improve your physical health. This can be done by doing activities like walking, swimming, running, or any other sort of physical activity that you enjoy.

The main purpose of self-care is for you to take a few minutes each day that are dedicated to yourself. This makes it a versatile thing that can be accomplished by doing any number of things. Self-care can be as simple as meditating each day or writing in a daily journal. You are even able to research this topic further and find new ways of caring for yourself that you may not have tried before. The possibilities of providing yourself a calm and peaceful mind are endless when it comes to showing love to yourself.

If You Want Someone To Trust You, Repeat These 15 Phrases

Have you always wanted to know how to make people trust you? Building trust is valuable in any kind of relationship. It allows you to cultivate this unspoken agreement between yourself and people with whom you relate. It establishes how much you can count on each other. Whether it’s in your personal or professional relationship, we want to share some important phrases you can use if you have always wanted to know how to make people trust you.

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” – George MacDonald

Here Are 15 Phrases to Repeat If You Want Someone to Trust You

1. “Thank you.”

“Thank you” is such a powerful phrase if you hope for others to trust you. These two words promote blessings and goodwill. When you’re expressing gratitude, you’re setting off and energizing the Law of Multiplication. “Thank you” conveys how much you value and appreciate the people around you. It promotes trust among people, even those who feel content and happy with doing you favors.

2. “I care about this issue as much as you.”

Building trust requires camaraderie and transparency. When you say these words, you’re telling people you are interested in the same things; that you connect and relate to the same topics, issues, or causes they also care about. If possible, you could even tell them a personal story on this issue and it will help gain their trust faster.

3. “It was my fault.”

Accepting your shortcomings is a big gesture as far as building credibility. It shows you are an imperfect human who is self-aware. A person who acknowledges that she’s not perfect is a lot more likable than someone who exudes perfection. A humble person is easier to trust.

4. “I trust your judgment.”

This is one of the best phrases to use when you’re learning how to make people trust you. Basically, you’re telling the person how much you believe in them. Putting your faith in someone can be uplifting for that person, who will likely in turn put their faith in you as well. The path to earning someone’s trust is a two-way street, according to the journal Academic Medicine.

5. “I understand.”

Being empathic easily wins someone’s trust. When you say you understand someone, you’re showing a deep connection for this person. Even if you don’t agree with his opinion, by saying that you understand shows a respect for his views. Experts in psychology say that humans long to be understood above all. Hence, having genuine empathy and good listening skills are important facets to building trust in a relationship.

6. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

These words promote such a positive relationship. Giving due credit is also about showing gratitude.  But more than that, it is about giving value to teamwork and collaboration. People always get the best results when they help each other. Trust can definitely grow in this kind of collaborative relationship.

7. “What can I do to help?”

It’s a simple question but it’s a loaded one. It tells the other person that you’ve got their back and you’re offering your support. It also shows that you’re someone who can be relied upon and this will win their trust.

8. “Absolutely.”

Responding in the affirmative is always a welcomed gesture. However, saying “absolutely” whenever it’s appropriate evokes even more positive feelings. It’s a sure way to gain a person’s trust.

9. “The data shows …”

Providing data or scientific research will give credence to your presentations at work. It’s not just your opinion or your experience that will help win the trust of other people because sometimes you need to support those opinions with facts and figures.

10. “What can I do differently?”

Similar to asking someone if you can help out, asking people their opinion on how to go about your goals shows that you look at them as leaders. A boss or team manager who asks his staff these words is a leader who won’t stand in the way of the success of his subordinates. It’s this type of person that can win other people’s trust without any problems.

11. “Tell me more …”

These words are actually a conversation starter. This phrase puts the other person at ease, helping them open up to you. What you are really saying with “tell me more…” is that you are interested and willing to listen. It’s also flattering for another person when you want to hear more about them or their opinion, and who doesn’t appreciate flattery?

12. “Sorry about the bad weather …”

People apparently put their trust more easily in those who apologize for something that’s not their fault, according to a study from the Harvard Business School. Apparently, making an unnecessary apology is a perspective-taking tactic that even world leaders use to gain trust.

13. “My friend, I think you know …”

People are drawn to people they have similarities with and saying these words to someone you’ve just met will win their trust faster. These words also say you’re trustworthy because you know and understand similar things.


14. “Yes, I see what you mean.”

These words indicate that you’re paying attention to the other person and you’re interested in what they are saying or showing. It works the same way as saying “uh-huh” or other relevant affirmations during a conversation with someone.

15. “Allow me to introduce myself …”

In a professional setting, these are the words that people need to hear from you first if you’re addressing an audience. You open the door to gaining their trust by starting with establishing your credibility.

Final Thoughts

Remember, however, that as you say these words to gain trust, you need to back up your words with actions, and also with positive thinking. The truth is, no words in any language will be able to replace your character as someone trustworthy if you don’t show it in your behavior as well.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

15 Signs You May Have An Acute Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety can often make one feel alone in their struggle, but it’s a condition that many people are affected by. Though anxiety is a normal response to different forms of stress, you may consider acute anxiety treatment if your symptoms become debilitating and hold you back from doing the things you need to do throughout the day.

Acute anxiety signs and acute anxiety treatment vary from person to person. These symptoms are a general overview, and every person can exhibit acute anxiety differently. We’ve compiled a list of fifteen signs that can help you decide whether or not you should check in with your healthcare provider to discuss your options if you believe you are suffering from an anxiety disorder.

15 Signs That May Reveal Acute Anxiety

“Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” — Benjamin Franklin

1. If Your Morning Ritual Doesn’t Go Just Right, Something Goes Wrong

One of the tell-tale signs of an anxiety disorder is compulsive behavior. This does not imply that you have a disorder just because you like to have coffee every morning. Still, if not having that one cup of coffee with exactly 1 teaspoon of sugar has the power to ruin your entire day, you could be experiencing a lot of anxiety regularly and need acute anxiety treatment.

acute anxiety

2. You Are Always Too Early

A habit of those with high-functioning anxiety has to arrive early at their destination- every time. Whether it’s a movie date, doctor’s appointment, or getting to work in the morning.

3. Your Friends List Frequently Changes

If you are dealing with the insecurity that results from anxiety, you may realize that you’re friends change frequently.

4. You Write A lot of Lists to Try to Manage Your Acute Anxiety

Keeping all those lists will not do much for you if you feel unorganized. All of those lists you write, are they helping you?

5. Perfection Is a Priority in Everything You Do

People with anxiety are more likely to want everything to be perfect because it makes them feel nervous and insecure when things are pointed out that are wrong. Many who struggle with anxiety are over-achievers.

6. You’re a Busy-Bee Because of Acute Anxiety

If taking time to relax makes you nervous- you may have an anxiety disorder. Do you always feel like you need to be doing something or you’re wasting your time? Try taking some extra rest and see if it makes you uncomfortable.

7. You Bite Your Nails

Nail biting is a compulsive habit that usually points to anxiety disorder. The same applies to excessive fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or a nervous tick.

8. You Have Trouble Sleeping

Having trouble falling and staying asleep or never feeling rested enough is a common sign of an anxiety disorder. Acute anxiety treatment can help you get back to a regular sleep schedule.

acute anxiety

9. You’d Rather Stay in than Socialize

You may feel lonely and like you want to socialize, but something holds you back, and you end up staying in. But why? Anxiety can make it a challenge to put yourself into situations where you have to socialize voluntarily.

10. You’re the First One to Leave Because of Your Acute Anxiety

This one goes hand-in-hand with wanting to stay home. When you’re anxious, you are more likely to become overwhelmed and may choose to leave certain situations as quickly as possible.

11. Your Heartrate is Normally Elevated

You may notice this when you’re more stressed or about to have an anxiety attack.

12. You Imagine the Worst Case Scenario All the Time

Anxiety triggers the fear response in our brains and makes us feel unsafe even if we aren’t in a dangerous situation. Though being safe should be a priority in everyone’s life, are you feeling threatened in situations that aren’t threatening?

13. You Have to Plan Everything

Excessive planning is a sign of anxiety as it is another compulsive behavior that attempts to prevent things from going wrong or getting out of control. Do you get nervous when you have to “wing it” even if it’s for something that isn’t significant?

14. You’re Very Serious

When was the last time you laughed at yourself when you made a silly mistake? If you have difficulty “loosening up,” you could have an underlying anxiety disorder. Are you frequently told by others to relax or not take everything so seriously?

15. Your Acute Anxiety Manifests as Fear and Holds You Back

If you’re so afraid of what might happen if you walk out your front door you don’t end up leaving the house, you may need acute anxiety treatment. It’s normal to be afraid of certain things. Still, you should be able to do what you want with your life despite the fear.

intimidating personality

Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Signs of Acute Anxiety

There are many reasons why someone develops an anxiety disorder and many acute anxiety signs. Your treatment will depend on the severity of your condition, but you may be surprised to find that simple things like exercising more and eating the right foods help keep panic attacks and anxiousness at bay. Talk to your healthcare provider if you feel your condition may be serious.

5 Juicing Recipes That Make You Lose Weight

There are tons of studies out there confirming that the benefits of consuming more fruits and vegetables with juicing are many. This includes increasing the rate at which the body can lose weight.

This happens due to a number of reasons. For example, drinking juice decreases your body’s desire for extra calories so you are less likely to overeat during the day and night. Also, consuming more fruits and vegetables provides a boost to your metabolism, helping you lose weight more effectively by properly digesting and absorbing more nutrients from the foods you eat.

There are certain ingredients you can add to your juicing recipes for weight loss to gain better results. We’ve compiled a list of the top 5 so the next time you put together your grocery list and head to the store you’ll know exactly what to grab.

5 Of the Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

1. Classic Green Juice

Can you find the secret weight loss ingredient in this recipe? It’s parsley! Parsley is a nutirent powerhouse that’s low in calories. It’s a mild diuretic which will help clear toxins from your body and will add lots of flavor to your juices.

2. Tomato-Veggie Juice

  • 1 cup chopped hearts of romaine
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 2 large stalks celery
  • 1 medium carrot

You may have noticed that celery was in both the last recipe and this recipe and it’s for good reason. Celery shows up in many juicing recipes for weight loss because it helps keep cravings at bay. It is also super hydrating and full of vitamin K, allowing your body to quickly absorb and metabolize nutrients. It will also help to clear your body of excess water weight.

3. Strawberry-Cucumber Juice

  • 6 fresh strawberries
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 large red apple

Cucumber is very high in fat-burning nutrients as well as certain plant compounds and antioxidants that further promote weight loss. This veggie is also high in water content aiding in the loss of water weight. Cucumbers are a great addition to juicing recipes for weight loss because they will help you to feel full for longer periods of time and reduce cravings for other sugary beverages and snacks. They’ll also have a mild effect on the rest of the recipe so if you have a hard time drinking your greens because of the taste, cucumbers may be a good option for you.

4. Blueberry-Cabbage

  • 1/4 medium red cabbage
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 large apple

Red or purple cabbage, when consumed in its raw form, is high in antioxidants and when used in juices can reduce the total amount of calories consumed on a daily basis. It will also drastically improve your digestion allowing your body to more effectively release what isn’t good for it. This one of the most effective juicing recipes for weight loss because cabbage is high in a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients that help the body detoxify itself gently, assisting you in your mission to shed the pounds.

5. Pineapple-Ginger Juice

  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger
  • 1 lime

We’ve talked about the most effective juicing recipes for weight loss, now let’s talk about the tastiest! Ginger is the weight-loss star of the show here but let’s give some attention to how mouthwatering pineapple juice is. It is like a desert all in itself and can help reduce cravings for unhealthy sweets. Ginger is where this juice gets its kick. Known for being a natural appetite suppressant, ginger helps to reduce the chance of overeating and still provides the body with a wide variety of nutrients. It is also a major metabolism booster and improves the function of the digestive system.

juicing recipes for weight loss

There are several different ways of incorporating juices into your daily routine to increase weight loss but the best way is to have one or two juices a day between meals for your body to absorb the most nutrients.

You may have heard of juice cleanses or fasts as a successful way to rapidly lose weight but we caution you against those. Fasting can actually starve your body of carbohydrates and fats it needs to function properly. A lot of the weight lost on a juice cleanse is water weight and weight from muscles breaking down, not fat. When your body is in starvation mode it actually holds onto the fat to use for energy and proper organ/brain function.

Try any of these juicing recipes for weight loss to get great results and improve your overall health. Rotate them throughout the week to achieve the best results!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Text Messages to Never Send Your Ex

Are we ever justified in texting our ex-partners? Normally, if something’s over, it should be over for good. However, experts claim that in today’s digital age we never really break up with our partners. Despite positive thinking and a positive outlook of life, it’s harder and harder to avoid people you don’t want to speak to ever again, especially if their faces are all over your Instagram and Facebook feeds. That can only lead you into the temptation to reach for your phone and text your ex with messages you’ll only regret.

In some situations, texting your ex isn’t that much of a horrid mistake. But you need to make sure that you’re not in an emotional standstill and you’re giving yourself some space to move on. It’s very rare that relationships end in friendship, despite what you might tell yourself. That’s certainly a very polarizing opinion yet, in fact, a study in 2000 found that it’s nearly impossible to stay “just friends.” So, the best thing is to break away if you can. No matter how tempted you are, here are some texts you should never even consider sending your ex, even if you’ve decided you’ll stay friends after the break-up.

Here Are 10 Messages You Should Never Send Your Ex

“Sometimes we need to forget some people from our past because of one simple reason. They just don’t belong in our future.” – Anonymous

1. “I am really, really sorry.”

We feel very fragile after break-ups and we tend to try and apologize for things that aren’t necessarily our fault. If you do have something you need to apologize for, that’s fine – but if not, you’ll just be making yourself vulnerable to someone who might be turning themselves into the victim. That’s only guaranteed to bring you more heartbreak. Additionally, if you have made mistakes and you’ve already apologized for them, don’t do it again via messages. It’s just a way of convincing yourself you need to contact them, when in fact you don’t.

2. “Why aren’t you replying to me?”

Not only is this very clingy and needy, but it can also be a bit smothering. You’re not dating anymore, and your relationship ended for a reason. As much as you wouldn’t like to hear it, they have no obligation to reply to you anymore. Consider that every time you think about sending a message to them saying something like the above question.

3. “I have a new job!”

Or really, any unsolicited information about how you’re getting on in life. That way, you’re robbing your ex of the opportunity to move on and heal from your failed relationship. Besides, it means that you might still be seeking validation from them, which isn’t something you should need any more after you’ve broken up. If they ask you how your life’s going, give them as little information as you can without being rude.

4. “Happy birthday!”

Experts agree that wishing your ex happy birthday is often an opener for other, more serious conversations. There is no way to be altruistic in birthday wishes for ex partners. You’ll always overthink their response – or lack thereof – so the best thing to do is save yourself the pain and not even wish them a happy birthday on Facebook if you can help it.

5. Song lyrics

Every couple has “their song,” or several of these. After the break-up, those songs can be very hard to listen to. That’s understandable. But don’t try to pour salt into old wounds by texting your ex the lyrics to your song, even if you just heard it on the radio. Instead, try and make new memories to connect to that song so that you don’t have to think about them every time you hear it.

6. “I met someone.”

There’s nothing worse than a very clear attempt to try and make your ex feel jealous. You wouldn’t text any of your other friends to let them know you’re in a new relationship so quickly – so when you text your ex, your intentions will be very transparent. Let it go and enjoy your new adventure instead.

7. Anything beginning with “remember when …”

When you’re grieving the loss of something like a relationship, you always want to think back to the happy times. However, that way you’ll never be able to move on. Focus on creating new happy memories you can enjoy that don’t have the presence of your ex in them.

8. “Are you engaged?”

This happens most often if you’re going through their Facebook profile and see engagement-looking high-quality photos. It’s upsetting, but it is how life is – it goes on after a break-up. It’s a good sign to look up from their profile and try to continue your own life. Besides, if you text them that, they will know that you’re still preoccupied with them. Try to focus on what you can look forward to and – if it’ll make you feel better – remove them from your Facebook feed.

9. Mean, resentful messages

You’re allowed to be mad at your ex for weeks and months after your break-up. But if you keep telling them how mad you are, you’re not giving yourself – or them – a chance to move on. Invest in a diary, or start a private blog, where you can channel all those emotions. No matter how hurt you feel, you shouldn’t feel the impulse to be mean to another human being. Keep your dignity and don’t be resentful by sending such messages.


10. “How are you?”

This is probably one of the worst messages ever. You and your ex both know that you’re expecting to hear something like “I’m missing you” or something else that you see in rom-coms. But you’ll most likely not get it. It’s an excuse to talk to them, masked under small talk – it’s time to let go and move on. No matter how tempted you are, don’t try to strike up a conversation. It’ll only end in tears.

Final thoughts

It’s very hard to let go. But in many cases, refusing to move on will keep you from realizing your full potential. Resist the temptation to send messages to your ex. Find new experiences to devote your time to. Time heals all wounds and as unlikely as it may seem, it will heal yours too. You are certain to find a way to move on if you are actively looking for it.

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