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These Comics Perfectly Capture Life With a Boyfriend

Catana, a talented cartoonist from Saratoga Springs, didn’t expect her comics to blow up in such a short period of time. She illustrates daily life with her bearded boyfriend John, who actually uploaded her comics online without her knowing! Catana never intended for her comics to even reach the Internet, but to her surprise, people ate them up.

She had to scramble to come up with a website and social media accounts as well as a name for the comics. After a short deliberation, Catana Comics was born, and thanks to her boyfriend, she now has an awesome website to showcase her work and the inspiration to keep creating cartoons. Her Instagram account now has 1.4 million followers and continues to grow every day. We hope you enjoy her comics about long-term relationships and can relate to some of her art!

These comics Catana created of life with her boyfriend couldn’t be more relatable:

1. “I’m tired.”

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2. “John takes his fries very seriously.”

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3. Some gifts are sacred, as these comics show, and should be kept forever. Wouldn’t you agree?

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4. “My memory is bad.”

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How many of you can relate to this one? Hey, life gets busy and people forget things. It’s totally understandable!

5. “House date tomorrow night?”

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Who says you have to get dressed up and go somewhere for a date, anyway?

6. “I need my towel time…”

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Sometimes, you just need a breather before getting up to get dressed.

7. Letting go means going to work, and no one wants to do that!

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8. “We neglect our responsibility ghost.”

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Doesn’t everyone, though?

9. “Nailed it.”

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Does anyone else high-five or hug each other after taking an awesome picture?

happy couples

10. Even your worst snaps can look beautiful to your significant other.

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We sincerely hope you enjoyed these adorable comics as much as we did! Relationships are a beautiful thing, and sometimes, we forget about all the little moments that make them special. These comics do a great job of taking those precious memories and turning them into art that we can all appreciate. If you liked Catana Comics, check out more of her work on Instagram and share this post with your friends and family!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

12 Things to Never Tell Anyone About Your Relationship

While it can be relaxing and fun to talk to your friends about your relationship, some things should never leave the confines of your bedroom and your home. Being in a committed relationship is all about trusting the person you’re with and keeping relationship secrets, a secret. Once trust is broken, it’s very difficult to gain it back – so ideally, you never want to find yourself in that unpleasant situation.

Why do we have the impulse to tell our friends the dirty details of our relationships? There are different reasons – sometimes it’s to brag and sometimes it’s to vent. But other times, we don’t know what relationship secrets are appropriate to share and which ones are not. Airing your relationship’s dirty laundry in the open can lead to broken hearts and an irreparable loss of trust. Take a look at this handy go-to list about a few things to never tell others about your relationship.

Here Are 12 Things to Never Tell Anyone About Your Relationship

“The biggest guru-mantra is: never share your secrets with anybody. It will destroy you.” – Chanakya

1. Money

Whether you’re doing well or doing horribly, it’s none of your friends’ business what your partner earns or how you pay the bills every month. Money is a very touchy subject in society these days, so you want to make sure you’re staying on the right side of those conversations. To be honest, that’s one of the few things on this list that you’re more likely to get asked than to volunteer yourself. In short, it’s none of your friends’ business, and it should stay that way.

2. The fact that they dislike one of your friends

It’s in our nature as human beings that we simply can’t get along with everyone. If your partner tells you that they don’t like someone from your inner circle, they’re sharing that with you in confidence. Spreading such information around causes tension on both sides of your relationship. In the worst cases, you might be forced to choose between your friendship circle and your significant other. Spare yourself the trouble and keep your partner’s opinions to yourself.

3. Bad gifts

This is one of the things to never tell about a relationship. Picking gifts for people – even if it’s someone you know really well – is a talent that not everyone has. If your significant other has given you socks that don’t fit you or a piece of jewelry that you absolutely hate but still resign yourself to wearing for anniversaries, don’t tell others. It’ll just make them look stupid. Also, if word gets back to them, they’ll feel even worse knowing that you hated your present so much you had to tell your friends. This can be a real blow to the ego of a sensitive or creative person, especially.

4. Fights

It’s always unpleasant to fight with your significant other, so why relive the fight by talking about it with someone else? Not only is it, in a way, airing your dirty laundry, but it’s also a sign that you probably haven’t gotten over that fight yet. Let it go and get over it, and if you need to talk to anyone about it – talk to your partner.

5. Intimate details

What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom and that’s how it needs to be. Even if you’re having problems, there’s no way to stay positive about solving them if you keep thinking about them. Besides, think of the way your friends will start seeing your significant other after you tell them something so private. These relationship secrets should be kept private. Give your partner some dignity and save your intimacy to yourself.

6. Stories about the awful in-laws

When saying something negative, always think about how those words might come back and bite you. Some people aren’t lucky enough to have in-laws. Sure, you’re under no obligation to like them, but if you have a problem, talk to them, and not behind their back. Besides, if your significant other hears your gripes, it will only cause resentment and hurt feelings.

7. Their secrets

This one should be obvious – relationship secrets are, after all, meant to stay between two people. But not everyone is that cautious about betraying confidentiality. You’d be surprised just how many people feel the need to betray someone’s deepest secret. Whether it’s a family secret or something insignificant, the fact they’ve trusted you with it is substantial – don’t waste it.

8. Their insecurities

Everyone has them, but not everyone wants them to be revealed. Your partner feels like they can be themselves around you and that’s a rare gift. If you say that they’re really insecure about something, it’ll attack their confidence because they’ll think you see it as a flaw. Don’t betray them like that.

9. Their oddities

Again, this is all about the other person being comfortable and happy around you – enough to truly be themselves. If they like to sleep with stuffed animals, so what? It’s their life and their choice. But it’s not information they’ve volunteered to be public and there’s probably a good reason for that. Your confidentiality will indicate the future of your relationship.

10. Cheating

That’s one that others will definitely try and make their business. If one of you cheated but you’re trying to move past it together, keep this to yourselves. You might have enough love and forgiveness to forgive and forget, but your friends will likely never move past it. They’ll be that nagging voice in your head, personified. You definitely don’t need that in an already complex and difficult circumstance.


11. Your texts

This is one of the things to never tell about a relationship. If your partner wanted to text your best friend, chances are they would. Even if it seems insignificant, your texts are private correspondence and they should stay private. Besides, it makes you look cheap in front of your friends – like you’re showing off with your relationship.

12. Details about their past relationships

Let bygones be bygones and stop talking about their ex-partners with your friends. Your partner is with you now and that’s what matters. Your friends and family will over-analyze why their last relationship failed and it’ll only make you more anxious. The key is to keep up the positive thinking and remember that now you are together.

Final thoughts

Airing your dirty laundry in public is a big no-no in relationships – but as long as you follow those simple rules of trust, you can be sure that your partnership will be strong and stable for many years to come!

11 Photos That Prove Kindness Is What Brings Us All Together

In the crazy world we live in today, kindness is the glue that holds it all together. Without a sense of compassion for our fellow humans, this world would simply implode from violence, greed, and other issues that plague our planet. Kindness simply feels better than hostility, and the photos below prove that we all benefit when people show compassion for one another.

Here are 11 photos that prove kindness is what brings us all together:

1. What a great birthday present from kind human beings who just want to spread happiness to someone else.

My son, Callum, suffers from a very rare muscle disease. He LOVES supercars! Recently, for his bday, 30+ guys who own supercars (Lamborghinis, Ferraris etc.) spent an afternoon driving Callum & mates in their amazing cars! Most were strangers who wanted to help. I was so humbled. from r/randomactsofkindness

2. Some families struggle to buy Christmas trees, so this guy saved the day and came through for them. Amazing story of kindness!

This really warms my heart. Article in comments. (x-post from /r/AdviceAnimals by suggestion) from r/randomactsofkindness

3. This anonymous stranger just made two kid’s lives a little bit better.

Someone left this on our doorstep. People never cease to amaze me. Thank you to whoever you are!! (x-post /r/starwars) from r/randomactsofkindness

kind quote

4. Luckily, the wallet was found by people who had the owner’s best interest at heart. Kindness wins every time!

My sister left her wallet on top of her car like a dingus, and then drove home 2 states away. She got a package with this note a few days later. from r/randomactsofkindness

5. What a compassionate way to spend that hard-earned money.

My wife’s grandpa died yesterday, and she hired a babysitter for the day so she could get things done. The sitter sent this to my wife using the money we paid her. (x-post from /r/pics) from r/randomactsofkindness

6. This act of kindness probably turned that waitress’ day around in a heartbeat.

Our waiter at IHOP had a nasty table and seemed to be having a bad day, so my girlfriend and I decided to leave this tip on a $30 meal. from r/randomactsofkindness

7. Kindness always comes back around in the least expected ways.

In the “special instructions for delivery” area I wrote “you guys have the best potato salad! :)” They sent me an extra potato salad for free! from r/randomactsofkindness

8. They could’ve stolen her purse quite easily, but instead decided to do the right thing. Beautiful!

I got home and found this on my porch. Thank you, kind stranger! from r/randomactsofkindness

9. Social media friends are real friends, too, and this proves it.

Last week littledidyouknow learned that I was having life troubles. He asked if he could help me out. I gave him my address (because Yay compassion!) and today I found this in the mail. He has no idea that I am currently penniless with almost no food… from r/randomactsofkindness

10. Passing on the kindness, one shampoo at a time.

Redditor minngirl donates over $3000 worth of supplies to battered women’s shelter. (x-post pics) from r/randomactsofkindness

11. Little miracles are all around you if you just open your eyes. 🙂

I found this at a bus stop after work. I’ll definitely pay it forward 🙂 from r/randomactsofkindness

Which of these stories was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Plan : A Complete Guide

There are times in life when conventional wisdom goes out the window. For many years now, dieticians have advised us to have six small meals a day and, of course, start off with a hearty breakfast. After all, Tony the Tiger, Toucan Sam, and the Trix rabbit can’t be all wrong, right? Many dieticians now feel they are wrong. Individuals are now embracing the ancient ritual of intermittent fasting. It’s ancient because it has been practiced throughout most of human history but secret because, until lately it has been practically forgotten.

Many people are now rediscovering this ancient practice and realizing it can carry huge benefits if done right. Some of these would include increased energy, weight loss, reversal of type 2 diabetes, and many other vital changes in your life. Top this off with saving time and money, and you have a winning combination.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Of course, there are a lot of naysayers when it’s time to try something new. For example, when you broach intermittent fasting, many believe this is simply starvation. The answer to that description of an intermittent diet is a resounding no. This is simply because intermittent fasting is based on the factor of control. Whereas starvation is simply the involuntary lack of food, this type of fasting is just where you refuse to eat food for a set period. Indeed, religious proponents have been fasting for centuries, even thousands of years. Moreover, those against fasting must realize that everyone does it. Any time you do not eat, you are fasting. Even the word “breakfast” has roots in this practice – it simply means to “break the fast” that occurred while you were sleeping.

As you can see from the information above, fasting is not some oddball approach to dieting. Instead, it is a time-tested, natural part of everyday life. The key is making this traditional diet work for you. Let’s look at more information and see if this diet is proper for your weight loss goals.

Here’s the ultimate intermittent fasting plan:

Intermittent fasting

How Can Fasting Work For You?

Fasting can work simply because it will allow the body to burn off those extra pounds. When we eat, insulin rises, and sugars get planted in the liver. There is limited space in the liver, so this glucose is then exported to the other parts of the body in the form of fat. For intermittent fasting, weight loss occurs because this is more than simply dieting, it is a dieting pattern. By consuming your calories during a specific period of the day, you are giving your body time to “catch up,” so to speak.

We are bound to lose weight when we increase the time we burn food energy. Simply put, stop constantly eating! If you break your eating cycle into much smaller meals, you are constantly eating, your body will use the incoming food energy, and your body fat will never be burned. If you store it you will lack balance and will not have any fasting whatsoever.


For intermittent fasting, weight loss is one of the most obvious benefits. However, there are other benefits to consider. These would include improved mental clarity, lowered insulin levels, a possible reversal of type 2 diabetes, an increase of energy, how are the use of growth hormones, potential prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, and reduction of inflammation issues. Women concerned about their menstrual cycle will be glad to know that this weight loss strategy will not disrupt that cycle in any way, shape, or form.


The first thing you must look at is the advantages of this method over the traditional diet. Consider the following: diets are complicated; fasting is not. Diets are expensive; fasting is not. Diets take time; fasting takes very little time at all. Finally, dieting is hit-and-miss; fasting has been proven time and again to work effectively.


Now that I’ve sold you on this fantastic diet method, here are some ways to do it well.

20:4 Fast

For this fast, you would only have a four-hour eating window. This would be accompanied by the fact you do not eat anything for 20 hours per day. People preparing to have this fast usually only have one meal or two smaller meals during this brief period.

16:8 Fast

This is the same type of fast, except in this version, you have an 8-hour eating window. Both of these fasts will usually skip breakfast.

Other Intermittent Fasting Options

There are also longer fast, such as 24 hour fast, 36 hour fast and a fast where you eat normally for five days and then eat limited foods for 2 days.

Foods for weight loss infographic

Final Thoughts on Intermittent Fasting

These options are great simply because they are tried and tested. There is no special food to buy or a specific formula that needs to be followed.

The greatest thing about intermittent fasting plan is that they are much less restrictive than other eating plans. Moreover, this diet is easy. As long as you are disciplined, you will lose weight.

5 Things To Remember Every Time You Feel Lonely

Loneliness is a difficult feeling. It can leave you feeling stressed and unhappy. Yet at the same time it’s hard to pinpoint why. This is because loneliness is a very individual experience. It might manifest itself as frustration at others, or feeling misunderstood.

When you’re in the midst of loneliness, there are a few helpful things to remember. These will help you stay focused and positive despite the circumstances. It’s not false positivity, either. Claim it for yourself and make it real.

Here are 5 things to remember when you feel lonely:

1. This, too, will pass

One of the things to remember about loneliness is that it doesn’t last. Recognize that you’ve felt lonely before. But don’t beat yourself up about it! You survived that last period of loneliness. You’ll survive this one, too. It’s been said that “You can come out bitter or you can come out better. There is purpose in your pain.” This temporary feeling does not define you. Remember these things the next time you’re struggling with loneliness. Mindfulness can be a good exercise here. It involves stilling your mind. Allow your thoughts to come and go instead of hanging on to them. Sometimes you might have to “fake it ’till you make it,” but that’s ok, too!

2. Take care of yourself

Overcoming loneliness starts from within. Make yourself a priority. Low self-esteem directly contributes to loneliness. Reverse the process! Part of recovering from low self-esteem is becoming your own best friend. This looks different for everyone. It involves surrounding yourself with whatever makes you happy.

Be gentle with yourself while you’re trying to remember these things. It’s important to acknowledge your feelings without judgement. Lonely people stay lonely when they try to ignore what they’re feeling. Or, worse yet, they keep dwelling on the past. They believe that old habits are things to remember instead of let go of.

3. Seek out positive and supportive relationships

Loneliness can be physical as well as mental. A key sign of loneliness is a feeling of disconnection from those around you. Lonely people also have an unfortunate tendency to self-isolate.

Instead, consciously reach out when you find yourself slipping. Good friends will help you come up with better things to remember. People love to be thought of! Sometimes all it takes is making that first step. Making that connection is a relief and a tangible reminder that loneliness can’t control you. Besides, loved ones can remind you of happier times. They’re great for taking your mind off whatever is bringing you down.

4. Reassess your priorities

You might also feel lonely because you’ve been focused on work and other projects instead of loved ones. Take a break! Decide what’s truly important to you. Of course, when it comes to your to-do list, you should remember these things. But try rewriting that list. What do you want to accomplish today? Pick something you’ve always wanted to do. It could be an art piece or learning a new language. That will also give you an excellent sense of accomplishment. It brings you out of your shell. Think of what your “why” is. Redefining your purpose helps increase your value to others, too.

5. You are important

Feeling valuable and loved can be among the hardest things to remember when you’re lonely. There’s the temptation to feel justified in your loneliness. Start believing that you’re better than that. Make a point of looking out for positive signs instead. That might seem easier said than done, but everything starts with baby steps.

fall in love


One step could be to start keeping a gratitude list. Write down good things people did for you. Write down good things you did for others. A list of this kind illustrates that you are worthy of love. It rejects the assumption that you are doomed to feel lonely. You don’t need to be surrounded by people all the time to feel important. Don’t define your self-worth by what others think of you.

Understand that loneliness will happen. That’s why you should prepare for it instead of being afraid or feeling weak because you’re going through this. We are all lonely at one point or another. It’s how you handle loneliness that really counts.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How These Quotes About Positivity Can Pull You Out From Negative Thoughts

When life is difficult, turning to positivity quotes can help you feel better. These quotes will help you put things in perspective and turn your focus away from your present problems to the future. Quotes on positivity are refreshing when you’re feeling down. They will make you smile and turn your thoughts away from negative influences.

When you rely on positivity quotes, you will open yourself up to greater happiness and success. These positivity quotes come from many different sources including poets, religious figures, and self-help experts. Model your thoughts on these 21 helpful quotes and build a spirit of positivity in your life.

21 Amazing Quotes on Positivity to Refresh Your Perspective

good quotes

1. “Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.”

Jenn Proske

2. “Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm, and genuine people.”

Tena Desae

3. “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”

Lyndon B. Johnson

4. “The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being.”

Lee Iacocca

5. “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

Mark Twain

6. “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”

Helen Keller

7. “In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision.”

Dalai Lama

8. “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

William Shakespeare, Hamlet

9. “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”

Marcus Aurelius

10. “The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.”

Stephen Richards

11. “Life is a bowl of cherries. Some cherries are rotten while others are good; it’s your job to throw out the rotten ones and forget about them while you enjoy eating the ones that are good! There are two kinds of people: those who choose to throw out the good cherries and wallow in all the rotten ones, and those who choose to throw out all the rotten ones and savor all the good ones.”

C Joybell C.

12. “Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.”

Stephen Richards

13. “I must die. Must I then die lamenting? I must be put in chains. Must I then also lament? I must go into exile. Does any man then hinder me from going with smiles and cheerfulness and contentment?”


14. “I promise you that the same stuff galaxies are made of, you are. The same energy that swings planets around stars makes electrons dance in your heart. It is in you, outside you, you are it. It is beautiful. Trust in this. And you your life will be grand.”

Kamal Ravikant

15. “Most of all, I’ll remind them each morning that we make a choice to bring positivity or negativity into the world, and that within every single person where lies an extraordinary story waiting to unfold.”

Adam Braun

16. “Elevate your inside game. A negative attitude is below the horizon… a place for lonesome hearts.”

T.F. Hodge

17. “I say looking on the bright side of life never killed anybody.”

Jenny Han

18. “Your life is a movie. You are the main character. You say your scripts and act to your lines. Of course, you do your lines in each scene. There is a hidden camera and a director who you can ask for help anytime up above.”

Diana Rose Morcilla

19. “Learning to distance yourself from all the negativity is one of the greatest lessons to achieve inner peace.”

Roy Bennett

20. “Don’t be a reflection of your depression, your dark, or your ugly. Reflect what you want. Your light, your beauty, and your strength. Aspire for greatness – reflect who you are, not which deficits you maintain. Showcase the hidden treasures.”


Tiffany Luard

21. “You know what’s just as powerful as a good cup of coffee in the morning? Starting your day with some good, loving thoughts. It can change how your whole day unfolds.”

Karen Salmansohn

Final Thoughts on Positivity

When life’s stresses bring you down, revisit this list of quotes on positivity. They will bring a smile to your face and remind you that your problems can be surmounted. Looking forward to the joys of your life will keep you grounded and remind you of your personal goals. Don’t let negative thoughts bring you down. Positivity is a skill anyone can learn.

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