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10 Behaviors Men Show That Reveal Insecurity

“I think we are all insecure, and there is nothing wrong in accepting that. But the problem arises when we try to counter this insecurity by cultivating this illusion of control, and we start taking ourselves and everything we know too seriously.” – Sushant Singh Rajput

It’s very easy to get bogged down in the trap of insecurity and start showing insecure behavior. After all, the whole world around us teaches us that we’re never good enough, no matter what we do with our lives. This is a dangerous mindset to get yourself into, and it’s doubly dangerous if you’re in a relationship with someone who’s insecure.

There’s a very fine line between recognizing insecure behavior and genuine affection. In fact, there are several certain signs to look out for with which men can display their potentially insecure behavior and personality. Those are not always easy to pick up on. You have to remember that no matter how insecure your boyfriend or husband is, it’s not your job to remedy that. Insecurity is only made better with positive reinforcement of the self. Here are the warning signs to look out for – and what they could mean for your developing relationship.

Here Are 10 Insecure Behaviors Men Display That Reveal Insecurity

1. He tells you he loves you only two dates in

Has he professed his undying love to you after your first date? Is he asking to move in after the third time you’ve been together? If so, that’s a sign to run in the other direction. He’s too insecure for his own good and he believes that if you don’t commit to him straightaway, then something horrible will happen. This sign is very difficult to recognize because normally, someone telling you they love you is wonderful – but not after knowing you for a week. Make sure to trust your instincts and recognize it as a sign of insecurity rather than honesty.

2. He avoids eye contact

Body language can sometimes speak louder than words. Insecure men have a really hard time maintaining eye contact. That’s because eyes can be very expressive to someone’s inner world. When a man is insecure, he doesn’t want you to see that. Whether it’s during intimacy or over dinner, avoidance in eye contact is always a big red flag.

3. He’s scary

Bullies are often just insecure, very deep down, yet they channel it through insults or verbal and physical violence. That is, of course, no excuse for them treating you badly. If you experience any form of abuse or bad treatment, know that such treatment is never acceptable. You may consider directing your partner to a counseling service, so they can tackle their issues directly. Do not let them continue to take it out on you. Also, never be fooled by the tough persona – it’s the deep insecurity that’s plaguing him.

4. He threatens to leave you

Another very important sign of insecurity is that he believes he has an enormous influence on you, so much so that he’s threatening to leave. This threat probably indicates that he fears you’ll leave first and wants to save himself the pain. He’s also demanding the validation that he desperately craves from you – using manipulative methods to get it.

5. He doubts you

Does he question you when you stay late at work or go out with your friends? Extreme jealousy is a classic sign of insecurity. Again, it stems from the fear that you will leave him before he can do anything about it. He doesn’t feel like he’s good enough for you, so he’s trying to avoid getting hurt the only way he knows how – by hurting you first. Don’t let it fool you. Try to look past this manipulative tactic to see the insecurity lurking beneath.

6. His self-esteem suffers

If he’s constantly comparing himself to your other male friends, or to male celebrities you like, then it’s very likely that his self-esteem is suffering. This one is probably easier to fix than the other ones, because his insecurity is tied to his physical appearance. Try to arrange a “makeover” day for him if you can. Encourage him to treat himself to some nice clothes, a new haircut, a shave with a nice razor. Even those small things will do wonders to fix the way he feels about himself.

7. He doesn’t let things go

One of the tell-tale signs of a healthy relationships is getting past petty fights and learning from your mistakes. If the man in your life has a habit of holding grudges, then it’s very likely that he’s suffering with insecurity about your relationship. Try to convince him to let bygones be bygones and focus on the present rather than the past arguments you’ve had.

8. He’s everywhere on your social media

Does he like every single thing you post on Facebook or Instagram? It’s likely that it’s not just because he’s a fan of your content; it’s possible he may be digitally stalking you. He may see himself as an online detective and thinks he knows everything about you from your social media. Be careful what you share on there, and let private things be private.


9. He doesn’t understand personal space

If you find him reading your texts, going through your browser history, or looking through your messages, then it’s very likely that he’s suffering from extreme insecurity. He’s trying to catch you out “in the act” of leaving him, so that he doesn’t feel as bad if it actually happens. Try to tell him how that makes you feel – and explain to him that you, like any other person, need your privacy and he needs to respect that.

10. He’s angry when you’re not there

A couple’s life doesn’t revolve around their relationship; it’s crucial that both people have a life outside of it. If he’s being obsessive about you going out and leaving him alone, it means he doesn’t trust you or your connection. Don’t make him feel uninvolved, but also convince him that you need your own time where you can focus on yourself.

Final thoughts

Very often, insecure men don’t realize that they are revealing insecure behavior. They can be very difficult to help, but with the right approach, you can build your partner’s confidence and make him feel more comfortable in your relationship. If necessary, seek professional help from therapists and experts. You’ll definitely see a change in attitude once positive thinking replaces the negative thoughts!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things Men Do When They Lose Interest In A Relationship

The buzz of the honeymoon phase in a relationship makes falling in love such a great feeling. But once this high fades and the relationship shifts, you could also notice your man changing. But how will you know if he’s no longer into you? There are some telltale things that men do when they lose interest in a relationship:

10 Things Men Do When They Lose Interest in a Relationship

“When a thing ceases to be a subject of controversy, it ceases to be a subject of interest.” – William Hazlitt

1. He takes a long time to respond to your messages.

There was a time when every message you sent to your man got an instant reply. Lately, however, he’s noticeably answering your messages without any sense of urgency even when you know he’s not tied up at work. He also doesn’t try to call you back even if his phone registered five missed calls from you. Additionally, he doesn’t make any attempts to call or send messages to you first since you are always the one initiating it.


2. He stops planning your dates.

You got so used to him setting up your weekend dates that all you needed to do was anticipate what exciting things and surprises he had in store. But now, you are the one deciding your weekends together and it feels like he’s just tagging along. He doesn’t actively plan your dates anymore.

3. There’s no more passion in his kiss.

He used to make you feel positively weak in the knees because there was passion in the way he kissed you. But now that his feelings might have changed, his kisses also feel different. The worst thing is that he kisses you like he’s kissing a cousin – with a peck on the cheek! What’s that about, right?

4. He bails on you and hangs out with his buddies.

You were practically together every night during the first few months of dating, and he even tried to rearrange his schedule so that he could hang out with you. Now, he can afford to bail on you and spend his free time with his friends. When the honeymoon phase has passed, a relationship usually balances out. Couples normally get back into their routines and disruptions, but there’s something off about a man who would rather spend time with his friends than his partner.

5. He openly flirts with other women.

Do you catch him looking at other women? Does he openly flirt with them even when he’s with you? A study revealed that while a man can still be attracted to other women, acting on this attraction, even with someone, could signal commitment problems. However, one problem can be resolved if you communicate your issues with your partner.

quotes for women

6. He doesn’t want to talk about your relationship.

He changes the topic when you bring up stuff about your relationship.  He’s not keen on defining your status at this point. His non-committal action might be his subtle way of telling you that he’s not ready to get serious with you.

7. He doesn’t talk about how his day went anymore.

You used to get blow-by-blow accounts of how his day went. You always knew what he was up to every minute of the day. You had his daily schedule pretty mapped out in your head because he would often send you photos of the exciting things he saw or did while you weren’t together. He would chat you up even in a meeting or with others. Now, you don’t even know where he’s spending his time after work, and he’s been awfully silent or vague about what he did for the day, aside from being in the office.

8. He stops smelling fresh.

It seems like a chore for him to freshen up, and you are getting this feeling he is deliberately trying to repel you by skipping showers. He doesn’t make any effort to look good around you. This level of comfort might indicate a new phase in your relationship but it could also mean that the romance is dead. If he doesn’t care enough to impress you, he might no longer be interested in other aspects of your relationship.

9. He has become moody.

Everyone has his or her good and bad days but when your man is always in a bad mood and doesn’t even make any apologies for his behavior, it might indicate dissatisfaction. When slightest hitches set him off, it could be that he is struggling with his feelings of needing to do the right thing for your relationship when what he really wants is different. It’s possible he would rather be someplace else than with you.

10. He’s spoiling for a fight.

He gets into an argument with you for no reason. Either you’re getting under his skin, or he’s pushing your buttons. His behavior makes you wonder if you should break up with him. But he could be deliberately spoiling for a fight so that he won’t come off as the bad guy when you do call it quits. This is actually a manipulation. From the outside, it might look like you drove him out of the relationship with your anger.


Final Thoughts on a Man Who Loses Interest in a Relationship

Despite positive thinking, it might be heartbreaking to realize that your man could be losing interest in your relationship. However, you can choose to see these signs as a positive wake-up call. It’s up to you to decide if you want to stick it out and fight for this relationship or stop wasting your time.

How To Get The Spark Back In Your Relationship: 5 Things To Remember

The beginning of most relationships is almost magical; every word that your significant other utters increases your admiration, affection, and happiness. But after a while, the things that made you feel immensely attracted to your partner may become the very things that make them insufferable.

There is nothing as frustrating as feeling the spark in your relationship slowly dwindle away. One of the most important things to remember , however, is that it is common in all relationships for that spark to fade away. Nevertheless, intimacy and attraction are not magic. This means that there are things you can do to reignite that spark and have a fulfilling relationship once more.

Here are five of the most important things to remember when looking to ignite that spark.

1. Be attentive

Ignoring your partner and taking him/her for granted is a habit that is easy to get into. Therefore, one of the best methods of reigniting that spark would be to start to pay more attention to them.

This does not imply starting to go out to dinner every night, it only means talking – and really listening – to the other party.

Do not talk about mundane topics such as kids or work, instead talk about the things that each of you enjoys. Have the conversations that you enjoyed having when you began to date. You could talk about your hobbies, the movies you have seen, mutual friends, and so on.

The purpose of this technique is to reconnect with each other. Remind yourself of what got you attracted to them in the first place.

2. Flirt

Out of all the things to remember, this should be at the top. After all, once you are married or in a long-term relationship, you don’t have to flirt with them anymore, right? Wrong! Flirting is what got you feeling the butterflies in the stomach when you first met. Why should you stop now that you have them in your pocket?

A little flirtation between you and your partner will go a long way in improving your relationship. It will replace the grumpiness caused by the pressures of life with lightness and playfulness.

There are many things you could do. Leave each other flirty notes, look good for your partner, have some in-jokes, or just let them know how attractive they are. Everyone loves to feel desirable. Therefore, appreciating them will put away the negative vibes.

3. More Sex

This should not even be on a things to remember list. The moment the spark goes so does sex. Understandably, it is hard to want to jump into bed with someone who you no longer feel attracted to.

Nevertheless, sex is among the most important things in a relationship since it is one of the few things that you get to do exclusively with your partner. Sex is vital for feelings of connection, and once it goes away, so does the intimacy.

Have sex more frequently, and not just when you are in the mood. Even though it might not feel natural at first, the more you consciously do it, the more intimate you will become with your partner, thus resolving most of the underlying issues.

4. Plan Dates

After meeting your partner for the first time, chances are that you went on many dates, and did a lot of things with each other because you enjoyed each other’s company. But now, you rarely go out together because of work, kids, and other couple responsibilities.


Nevertheless, you should make a deliberate effort to plan dates and spend some alone time with each other. The thing to remember here is that not all dates should lead to sex, as it will start feeling like an obligation. Additionally, you do not even have to go out; you can be creative about it. For instance, you can have a candlelit dinner when the kids are out at sleepovers or watch a movie together when they go to sleep. The point is to try to get quality time together whenever possible.

5. Surprises

Who does not like nice surprises? Unfortunately, one of the effects of long-term relationships is that you stop doing the little surprising things that got your partner smiling and happy.

You know, like buying them a book from their favorite author, or buying an impromptu piece of jewelry. These little gestures have a profound impact on your partner because they show that you care about your partner.

This does not mean diving into the deep end right away and begin buying expensive stuff for each other. It will feel manufactured. Rather, do thoughtful little things such as cooking their favorite meal, or buying movie or book that you know they will like.

Things to Remember About a Relationship

Most relationships will get dull after a while, and it is only in our nature; familiarity breeds contempt, remember? Nevertheless, you can always rekindle that flame and regain the passionate intimacy you once shared with your partner. Above are the most important things to remember when you are looking to put that spark back into your relationship.

12 Tips to Let Go Of All The Negative Energy From Your Life

Each of us possesses a unique blend of talents, dreams, and capabilities in the vast tapestry of human potential. We stand on the precipice of countless possibilities, with the horizon of greatness beckoning us forward. Every individual has within them the seeds of extraordinary achievements waiting to sprout and flourish. Yet, for many, an invisible chain holds them back, preventing them from reaching their full potential. This chain is woven with threads of doubt, fear, and self-criticism. To truly embrace the greatness within and unlock the abundant opportunities that life offers, it’s crucial to recognize and break free from this chain. The first and most crucial step in this journey? Let go of negativity.

Ten Good Reasons to Let Go of Negative Energy

  1. Physical Health: Chronic negative thinking has been linked to various health issues, including weakened immune function, cardiovascular disease, and hormonal imbalances. Over time, persistent stress and negativity can lead to chronic inflammation, which is a precursor to many severe health conditions.
  2. Mental Well-being: Negative thought patterns can pave the way for mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and chronic stress. By letting go of negativity, we reduce the risk of these disorders and promote a healthier mental state.
  3. Improved Relationships: Negative thinking can strain relationships, leading to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a lack of trust. A positive mindset fosters understanding, empathy, and better communication, strengthening bonds with loved ones.
  4. Better Problem-Solving Skills: A negative mindset can cloud judgment and hinder our ability to see solutions. Conversely, positive thinking expands our perspective, allowing us to approach challenges creatively and find innovative solutions.
  5. Increased Resilience: Letting go of negativity builds resilience. When faced with setbacks, a positive mindset helps us bounce back quicker, learn from the experience, and move forward with renewed determination.
  6. Life Satisfaction: Continual negative thinking can rob us of joy and contentment. By focusing on the positive, we can appreciate life’s blessings, leading to increased happiness and life satisfaction.
  7. Manifestation and Attraction: Many believe in the law of attraction, which posits that like attracts like. Maintaining a positive mindset attracts positive experiences, opportunities, and people into our lives.
  8. Personal Growth: Letting go of negative thinking allows for personal growth. It opens us up to new experiences, learning, and the ability to evolve as individuals.
  9. Increased Energy: Negative thinking can be draining. By shifting to a more positive mindset, we often have more energy and vitality to tackle daily tasks and pursue our passions.
  10. Longevity: Studies have shown that optimists tend to live longer than pessimists. By cultivating a positive outlook, we might improve the quality of our lives and extend them.

let go

Read the 12 tips below to discover how to let go of negativity.

When you let of negative thoughts, you cultivate a more holistic approach to improving every facet of your life, from your health and relationships to your careers and overall life satisfaction.

1. It’s Them, Not You

If you’ve ever heard the famous breakup line, “It’s me. Not you,” it really is true. People will treat you in the way you allow them, but the way they react to you is all them. If you’re a genuinely nice and someone gets mad at you, you need to know it’s their problem and not yours. If they’re mad, they have a responsibility to deal with their own emotions just as you have a responsibility for yours.


2. “Their Reality Is Not My Reality”

It’s okay to be different, and it’s time to let go of trying to fit in with everyone. You need to be different to be of any benefit to the world. It’s time to embrace your individuality, and just because someone is different than you doesn’t mean you have to be upset about it. Celebrate your individuality every day by being your true self.

3. Let Go of Codependency

Let go of trying to fix someone and allow yourself to feel bad just because someone else feels bad. Save your energy for more important things like having an awesome day. Trying to fix people and allowing your emotions to go up and down based on others’ emotions will leave you exhausted. You can’t enjoy life when you’re constantly worried about how someone else is feeling. Release yourself of this negativity, and don’t put others’ needs ahead of yours.

4. Stop Beating Yourself Up

People can be their worst critics sometimes. It’s astounding that people will be incredibly nice and forgiving of others but then be overly critical with themselves. You are a person too. Beating yourself up is mean; you don’t deserve it, even if it’s from yourself.

5. Let Go of the Past

Imagine if you tried walking forward while looking behind you. You’d eventually fall, and you wouldn’t get to see all the amazing things coming in front of you. You can’t possibly enjoy where you are now or see what’s to come if you constantly focus on the past. You need to heal past pain, but from there on, let go.

6. Let Your Feelings Out

Negative feelings have a bad way of lingering if they never see the light of day. If you can’t speak your feelings out loud, you’ll need to commit to daily journaling, but it doesn’t really matter how you let your feelings out so long as you do. Take time to journal each morning. Even if you have nothing negative to write down, you can put down all your thoughts to successfully plan your day.

let go

7. Say “No” to Negative Thoughts

People don’t realize the impact of their thoughts. Whether a person thinks something bad about themselves or something bad about others, it creates more negative thinking to occur. These negative thoughts make their way into the heart after a while. As a result, negative behaviors will be born. It’s important to guard your mind against negative thoughts before they enter your day-to-day life.

8. Create Goals

If you’re not reaching for goals, one day can dangerously start to look like the last. In fact, you may lose sight of which day it is because each day does look like the last. Creating goals fills your life with positivity, which removes room for any negativity to come in.

9. Clean Up Your House

You’d be surprised by the impact your environment has on your feelings. While you should think about how you want to react to something, your environment affects your thought process and how you feel, in general. When you clean up, your mind is more focused and calm.

10. Keep a Gratitude List

It’s hard to be negative when you’re busy being grateful. It doesn’t have to be huge things either. You can always find something. Things aren’t always going to be perfect, but you can celebrate what you have. You can be grateful for what’s to come too.

11. Get Rid of Stressors

If you’ve never thought of your stressors, it can initially seem overwhelming. However, writing down things that bother you allows you to let go of them. More than getting them out, you need to resolve to remove them from your life to let go of negativity.

12. Forgive Yourself

The person you are today isn’t necessarily the same person you were before. Any amount of change can make a huge difference between who you were and who you are today. Just as it’s unfair to continue to judge someone else over the past, it’s equally unfair to judge yourself for old things.

let go

Final Thoughts on Learning to Let go of Negative Energy and Thoughts

The good thing about negativity is that you don’t have to have it in your life. Negativity is evidence of things that are not good for you. Thankfully, it’s completely your choice whether or not you will have negativity in your life.

Killer Tips For Boys Who Feel Awkward On Dates

One of the greatest obstacles that boys face when they begin dating is the fear of awkwardness. This fear often prevents many young men from approaching women they are attracted to. If this fear is left unchecked and is ignored, it can lead to a massive loss of confidence and can prevent you from creating meaningful relationships in the future. Nobody wants that!

Don’t worry though, because nearly everyone goes through this at some point or another. Even the vibrantly confident dandies and philanderers at some point, more often than not, have had to overcome fear of being awkward. Eliminating this feeling while dating isn’t rocket science and there is a wealth of information and advice out there for you, so there’s no need to fear. Keep in mind the tips below, and you’ll go from Poindexter to Casanova in no time!

Here are 4 tips for guys who feel socially awkward on dates:

1. Be Yourself

One of the greatest and most awkward mistakes a young man can make while dating is trying to be what he is not. While on a date, especially a first date, you need to present an authentic image of yourself, flaws and all. If you are pretending too much, your date will immediately sniff out this lack of authenticity, and your first date with her will surely be your last. Being yourself, and ditching the facade will, more often than not, keep you from being socially awkward. Take some advice from perhaps the greatest self-help author of all time, Dale Carnegie, “you can sing only what you are. You can paint only what you are. You must be what your experiences, your environment, and your heredity have made you. For better or for worse, you must play your own little instrument in the orchestra of life.”

2. Listen More, Speak Less

Many people who feel socially awkward have a tendency to talk too much. The more you talk, the higher the chance you will say something silly and embarrass yourself and your date. Instead of blabbing on and on about yourself, try showing some genuine interest in your date. She will appreciate this, and it will allow you to learn more about her. The more you learn about your date, the easier it is to carry on a conversation. It will also help you to find common interests, so you can start to create a real bond. Be aware of talking too much, though. Attempting to fill every silence with your words will increase your feelings of awkwardness and make you appear self-centered. Stef Harder says, “Self-centered people have only one topic to talk about…themselves.” Don’t be the guy that always talks about himself. Practicing your listening and watch the awkwardness slip away.

3. Practice Social Acuity

Countless studies have been made into social acuity and its effect on relationships. A popular Harvard study defines social acuity as “the ability and inclination to perceive the psychological state of others and act accordingly”. This is basically the opposite of awkwardness. For instance, if you are talking about something and your date starts to look around the room or shift their attention away from you, then change the subject to something more interesting to them. If you said something to your date that made her feel a little uncomfortable, avoid that subject altogether. Although it may sound difficult in the beginning, practicing social acuity eventually just becomes part of your personality in a positive way. As you focus your energy on them and start to pay less attention to the voice inside your head, your tendency of being socially awkward will disappear.

socially awkward

4. Be Confident

It almost goes without saying, but confidence is arguably the most important key to avoiding awkwardness. A person lacking confidence is bound to create awkward situations, especially during a date. It’s easy to simply say “just be more confident,” but things aren’t always that easy. There are countless ways to build self confidence, so keep yourself open to all avenues. One of the greatest keys to confidence in the dating world is imagining the worst thing that could possibly happen during the date, and mentally accepting that. Imagining and accepting these extreme possibilities strengthens your psyche and lets you approach your date with a more carefree and easy going attitude.

While the tendency to be awkward plagues many young men as they begin dating, you don’t have to be one of them. Educating yourself is the first and most vital step to overcoming social issues. Having faith in yourself and maintaining a positive self-image is crucial not just in the dating world, but in life.
Keep these tips in mind, take it easy, and go out and enjoy yourself! After all, that’s one of the reasons we go on dates in the first place. Don’t let social problems turn dating into a fearful situation. Its supposed to be fun for both people! Cut loose, be yourself and have fun!

21 Things To Do To Boost The Power Of Positivity In Your Life

Thinking positive thoughts isn’t always the most easy thing. Though we frequently find ourselves being able to benefit from positivity, it can be difficult to know where exactly to find it. For many, this leads to a cycle of self doubt and other methods of negativity that actually can become repetitive and ultimately not productive.

Science is showing that breaking these cycles is important for those who want to bring change and happiness back into their life. In fact, there is an abundant amount of research that is showing that happiness is something perfectly within reach, but much more nuanced than we once previously thought!

Here are 21 Things To Do To Boost The Power Of Positivity In Your Life!

1. Know What Is Happiness:

We take many things for granted in our lives, meaning that we should constantly remind ourselves of what makes us happy—take the time to remind yourself of what is positivity in life to welcome more in.

2. Know What Isn’t Happiness:

Some people may be involved in negative actions, relationships, or careers without even realizing it. Taking the step to realize what you need to change is the first motion to find more positivity in life.

3. Cut Out Bad Habits:

Smoking, drinking, and substance usage are all activities that can decrease your overall happiness. Cut out these activities from your life to get your mind on track!

4. Balance Your Diet:

Figuring out which foods you eat that are unhealthy and taking them out of your diet can be a great way to improve your overall physique and mental mood.

5. Call Someone You Love:

Calling someone you love to tell them that you love them is a great way to remind yourself of your own happiness.

6. Take Up A Creative Hobby to Increase Positivity:

Painting or writing are all great ways to let yourself express yourself, allowing happiness to take hold!

7. Talk To A Medical Professional:

Medical professionals will be able to help you significantly with proven methods of how to deal with your feelings better and welcome happiness in.

8. Talk To Someone:

Even if they’re not a medical professional, letting off steam over the phone or to a friend can be a great way to welcome happiness back in.

9. Get Out More:

Getting out more often can be a great way to improve your happiness!

10. Meditate Daily:

Meditation is something that is difficult to do every day, but makes things significantly easier and calmer if you do. It also brings much more happiness in your life.

11. Plan Some Days Off:

If your schedule allows it, give yourself some time off from your job, project, or whatever it is that is taking up so much of your time. Happiness forms best in gaps!

12. Early Morning Walks:

Going on walks in the early morning may seem like something crazy if you’re someone who stays up all night, but getting up early and being in touch with nature can be really wonderful. It can not only help you stay in touch with your surroundings, but also enjoy some peace and quiet before everybody else is awake!

13. Always Have A List:

If you ever feel like you’re caught in a rut of negativity, having a list of things you CAN do (not things TO do) can give you some ways to move forward and embrace happiness! Bonus points if you add items on your list that are purely fun!

14. Keep A Journal:

Keeping a journal that you write in regularly is one of the easiest ways to keep your mood up and your mind clear of anxious thoughts!

15. Write More Letters:

Writing letters to friends and family can be a great way to relieve stress and let people know how much you love them!

16. Try Different Ways To Get To Work!:

Try a different route or a different means of transportation one day, you’d be surprised at how much of a difference it can make!

17. Exercise to Boost Positivity:

Positivity can be helped by releasing endorphins in your body, something greatly helped by exercising regularly!


18. Take More Breaks:

While in the middle of a long workday, try giving yourself a 5 minute break each hour to give yourself some release amid the tension. It will also help you focus more!

19. Focus On Things You’ve Done Instead Of What You Haven’t:

Taking the time to reflect on what you’ve done at the end of the day can be a much more positive alternative to thinking about what you have to do at the beginning of each day.

20. Read Books On Positivity:

Writers like Pema Chödrön and Oprah Winfrey understand how to let happiness into your life in effective ways. So check out their books for some solid information!

21. Understand That Some Things Must Happen:

Coming to terms with how much you can or cannot control in your life is a great way for you to embrace happiness!

What did you think of our 21 Things To Do To Boost The Power Of Positivity In Your Life? We hope this list has been helpful and that you’re able to channel your energy in different ways moving forward!

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