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7 Things Nobody Told Me About Depression (That I Wish I Had Known)

It’s the disease that’s in the news almost daily. Almost everyone in the country knows someone or has been affected by it and doctors have no known cure. This scary proposition sounds right out of a horror film but it’s all too real. Depression is an all too common disease that affects over 300 million people around the globe according to the World Health Organization.

If you suspect that you’re suffering from the disease, you may think that you can just hop online, check your symptoms, and find a way to get better–wrong. Not all people deal with the disease the same way or even the right way. There are all sorts of remedies like meditation, therapy, and a change in behavior. The true answer is that it’s a combination of solutions that will help to ease the disease.

In the meantime, if you’re researching how to deal with the disease, you’ve found the right place.

Here are 7 things that I wish I had known about depression:

Sadness Is Not What You Think

Sadness isn’t always a symptom of the disease. It can appear in some but not others. So how do you know when you’re experiencing sadness and not the disease itself? Sadness is a completely normal human emotion–everyone experiences sadness. The disease of being depressed, however, is a completely different animal.

Sadness in those that are are trying to deal with depression is pervasive, constant, and life affecting–it’s an abnormal reaction to external stimuli. Things that don’t normally trigger sadness will now ruin your entire day. It’s an emotion that will sap the energy from all other emotions.

Physical Pain

It’s not just a mental disease, but a highly physical one as well. The daily toll that grinds down on your body will leave you fatigued and cause you physical pain. Chest palpitations, aching muscles, and a constant desire to sleep are symptoms found in many sufferers.

It’s ironic, however, that a common way to treat depression is through exercise. Your body and mind will be screaming “NO!” The disease tells your mind that you won’t get better and it tricks the body into thinking the same.

It’s Not A Choice

Nobody chooses to be depressed. If you’re experiencing the disease, you will know that that phrase rings with truth. Often, people may come up to you after hearing of your diagnosis and say, “Snap out of it,” or “Oh yeah, I had that.” They’ll offer up unsolicited advice and counsel that can actually do more damage.

The worst part about the disease is that it grows and expands across your brain and thoughts. It shows you a path filled with dark and dreary but it is a well laid out map. You can’t just will your way out of the disease. It will take a concerted effort to fight your way out of the depths. The hard part is not depression, it’s getting away from it.

Anxiety is Your New Best Friend

Anxiety doesn’t always go along with depression but if you are suffering, the chances of being impacted by anxiety rise by 60-70%. A 70 percent chance is good odds in Vegas but with your mental health, it’s terrifying.

Everything will stress you out and may be a trigger leading to a horrible day. A flippant comment from someone on the street may have you reaching for the covers and pulling them tightly over your head as you curl into a little ball. You’ll replay the incident over and over until you no longer want to get out because the stressors of anxiety will be too much to bear.

Suicidal Tendencies

Many think that suicide is a universal symptom of the disease–it’s not, by the way. Sufferers of the disease may never even think about suicide. Some may just think about death or disappearing from the world. If these manifest into thoughts of suicide, you should seek help immediately.

Suicide is never the answer. Help is available even if it doesn’t seem like it now. According to studies, 8 out of 10 people that consider suicide will let their intentions be known. If you are experiencing or know someone who is experiencing these intentions, please call a suicide hotline.

The Disease is Sneaky

You could be having a great day and then “Boom!” something is triggered and you’re deep into your head again. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it and at the most inopportune times.

You won’t even know you have the disease, at first. It starts as a tiny, little seed. Each passing day things may cause that seed to grow and grow and grow until it’s fully mature. At this point, it’s difficult to get rid of and there was nothing you could do to prevent it.

You Are Not Alone

Being depressed can leave you isolated and withdrawn from the world. Going out for drinks, shopping for groceries, or seeing a movie at the theater may feel like a chore. You’ll stop talking as much with friends and family and you’ll wonder where everyone went.



They didn’t go anywhere; they’re still there. They also might not understand what you’re going through. This only compounds matters because if you were to lash out or avoid these people in your life altogether, they may even come to resent you. All this piles up into the feeling of loneliness and abandonment that is difficult to get over.

Realize that you’re not alone. According to the ADAA, depression affects 6.7% of the population, or 16 million adults. Chances are that at least a few people in your life have experienced or are experiencing the stresses of the disease.

Don’t give up. It may seem like the easy thing to do but to deal with depression, it takes a monumental effort on your behalf. Friends and family may not be the ones to get you that assistance. Sometimes, the first step is identifying the issue and then seeking treatment. One thing is for certain–it does get better. It may not seem like it now but it truly does and when you emerge from the depths of the disease, you will be a whole new person–tougher and stronger, with eyes wide open.

21 Things You Can Do When Bad Things Happen

When misfortune enters our lives, we often wonder what we have done to bring trouble upon ourselves. Everyone experiences bad things in their lives from time to time. Dealing with setbacks is part of the human condition. Sometimes these bad things are career related and sometimes they are related to dealing with family and friends.

No one can stop bad things from happening, but we can control our reaction to them. Taking action can help you process your disappointment. These 21 tips will help you learn to move forward from misfortune and find a sense of peace.

21 Things You Can Do When Bad Things Happen

“Here is the rule to remember in the future. When anything tempts you to be bitter: not, ‘This is a misfortune’ but ‘To bear this worthily is good fortune.'” – Marcus Aurelius

1. Focus On What You Can Control

Rather than obsessing about the ways life has let you down, it’s a good idea to focus on what you can change. Don’t focus on the ways you failed.

2. Avoid Unhelpful Thoughts

When bad things happen, do your best to adapt your thinking to a more positive mindset. Don’t blame yourself for your misfortune.

3. Reach Out to Friends

Friendly support can help you deal with bad things when they happen. Find a trusted friend with whom to share your emotions.

4. Exercise

Exercise can burn off the bad feelings in your heart and give you a boost from endorphins.

5. Think Objectively

Rather than focusing on how the bad things make you feel, look at them without interference from your feelings.

6. Ask for Help When Bad Things Happen

Always be willing to swallow your pride and ask for help fixing your problem.

7. You Can Change Your Reaction

It’s important to remember that while you can’t stop bad things from happening, you can change your attitude. Try to take control of your emotions.

8. Accept What Happened

Moving forward requires letting go of our self-pity and blame.

9. Do Your Part

When misfortune happens to other people, focus on how you can help them. When they happen to you, take concrete steps to make the situation better.

10. Write Down Your Feelings

Journaling can be an immense help in processing your thoughts. If it makes you feel better, write out your troubles and then burn or destroy the paper to symbolically let them go.

11. Think of Your Misfortune as an Obstacle

Rather than focusing on how your difficulties have interrupted your life, try to view them as obstacles to be overcome. You will learn from your mistakes and move on as a stronger person.

12. If You Survive This You Can Survive Anything

Focus on how your misfortune has strengthened you as a person. If you’ve lived through the worst, life can only get better.

13. Reach for a Higher Power

If you have a religious or spiritual practice, look toward it for help in a bad situation.

14. Meditate If Bad Things Occur

When we find ourselves in unfortunate situations, our minds often race and continually go over the mistakes we’ve made. Meditation can help you clear your mind and organize your thoughts.

15. Take Time to Feel Your Emotions

Rather than sweeping your negative emotions under the rug and pretending nothing bad has happened, take time to work through your feelings. Acknowledging your pain can help you move on.

16. Make a Plan

When you’ve made a mistake, make a plan to keep yourself from making it again.

17. Turn to Great Minds

Find inspirational words and take comfort in them. You will find that reading about someone else’s experiences may help you process your own.

18. Don’t Ignore the Problem

Denial and emotional walls will only delay your suffering, they won’t remove it.


19. Be Philosophical

Don’t allow your negative emotions to take over your life. Try to detach yourself from your problems and think about them in relation to your life as a whole.

20. Think Ahead to the Future

Just because you’ve experienced troubles in your life doesn’t mean that your life is ruined.

21. Focus on the Lessons You Learned

This can be challenging, but it will help you move on. Identify the issue that got you into the bad situation and focus on ways you can change.

Final Thoughts

Life’s misfortunes can be overwhelming, but don’t let them make you bitter. Don’t bottle up your emotions: share them with a trusted friend or family member. Changing your reaction to unfortunate events can help you put them in perspective and help you move forward positively.

Do Soul Mates Really Exist? 5 Signs You Have Found Yours

As you go down through life, are you fated to find one person that makes you feel emotionally and spiritually complete, a soul mate? Or are you destined to meet several ‘ideal’ mates? Research on human behavior and even science has time and again proven that this crop of individuals exists. A recent population poll by Marist, for instance, affirms this with its reporting that over 73 percent of Americans believe in the idea of finding this perfect while the rest don’t.

A soul mate is by far a person ideally suited to complete and compliment you as a close friend or a romantic partner. It is, therefore, hard to imagine that you can’t find such a person or persons in the world of over seven billion people. You can hence undoubtedly conclude that soul mates do really exist.

These are the soul mate signs that you might already have found yours:

1. You can feel it

When you have found a match for your soul, you don’t have to wait for eternity to write off your relationship as a happily-ever-after affair. You have a palpable gut feeling telling you its right from the onset. Importantly, you connect on more emotional, spiritual, and physical levels than you can really explain. There is always this unexplainable energy drawing from both ends of the involved parties. And even when you hit a bump or face some potential ‘deal-breakers’ along the way, you always find a way of rekindling the passion.

2. They give you a sense of peace and comfort

Finding a soul mate is also comforting and takes away all the unease characterizing most relationships. Psychologists argue that you have found a soul mate when you can sit quietly in the same room, or car without a cloud of suspicion and unnecessary anxiety hanging all over you. And while most couples are only able to cultivate this feeling late in their relationship life, you can strike it off quite early in life. Such depths also allow soul mates to listen in on each other’s thoughts effortlessly even when not verbally expressed.

3. Your values and aspirations align

Your background plays a huge role in determining how you interact with other people and by extension the type of relationships you get into. This particularly manifests in your morals, core values and beliefs that define your uniqueness. Everyone, therefore, goes about life finding a person that matches these values and aspirations as closely as possible. You will, therefore, know when you have found a soul mate because they match your values perfectly. The aspirations and dreams of life perfectly align with your making them a perfect match.

4. You understand each other

The realization that you have found a soul mate stems from understanding each other in and out. In such a case, you know what makes your friend or partner tick and what can drive them into depression. From such a deep understanding of each other, you can tell when they have a dampened spirit and how to uplift them and vice versa. This level of understanding also creates room for the both of you to complement and cover up flaws. And even when you don’t agree on some issues, it helps form a mutual respect for each other’s decisions instead of always agreeing to disagree.

soul mate

5. You don’t shy away from conversations

Do you feel aggrieved by your friend or partner’s action or habits? Are there some closeted skeletons you dread talking about? This form of relationship doesn’t allow for elephants in the room. Instead, it gives you the freedom to discuss just about everything and raise your views and concerns about virtually anything affecting either of you freely without fear of reprimand or being judged. Such openness eliminates jealousy in the relationship, and none of you have anything to worry about should either of you crave for some alone time.

As Dr. Jacqui Gabb from Open University, England, would put it, soul mates don’t lead “rose-tinted lives.” They too have their ups and downs like any other ordinary couples and best friends. The only difference between the two is that the bonding with the former makes them better at “enjoying their relationships, warts and all.” In summation, the scholar is only trying to say that while finding the perfect match for your soul doesn’t eliminate familiar frictions between friends and couples, it reduces their incidence and makes you better adapted at addressing any of these relationship issues when they arise.

Bottom line

There exists a perfect match for every soul waiting to be found. You only have to be patient enough,look out for the above soul mate signs and in one way or another, it will land on you. Through interactions with different individuals drawn from varied backgrounds, your perfect match will find their way to you. And you will know it by the way you connect with each other, how you feel when around one another as well as how your values and aspirations match and complement each other.

5 Steps To Breakup With A Narcissistic Partner

For those who are in an unhealthy or difficult relationship, your partner may be the cause of your issues. In many cases, the individual can be narcissistic, which can significantly impact your well-being and state of mind. You may have developed insecurities in the relationship or feel emotionally abused by the individual.

Some of the most common signs of a narcissistic partner include a superiority or an entitlement that they carry. They may also have a lack of empathy and need to control or always strive for perfectionism, making the relationship unbalanced and can lead to unhappiness. If you’re ready to leave the relationship, there are a few critical steps to take.

What is a narcissistic personality disorder?

Those first months of your relationship were great, but now you’re seeing things in your partner you didn’t notice at first. Their extreme selfishness, aggressiveness, and desire for praise seem out of the ordinary. You may wonder why you didn’t notice these characteristics before this.

narcissisticNarcissist personality disorder (NPD) is a condition where a person has an over-inflated view of themselves combined with an extreme need for admiration and lack of empathy for others. Those who have NPD are often unhappy, disappointed individuals with few real friends or relationships.

Don’t be surprised if you didn’t observe your partner’s classic narcissistic tendencies because narcissists are very charming at first. You may have been drawn to your partner’s self-confidence and charismatic personality. Many narcissists appear at first to be self-assured, warm, and funny. They are often attractive and very competent. First impressions of narcissists usually fade after a while as you see their true nature and tendencies.

What causes NPD?

Doctors aren’t sure of NPD’s exact cause, but it’s thought that these things could contribute to this condition.

  • Childhood maltreatment or abuse
  • Genes
  • Personality
  • Temperament
  • Hypersensitivity to noise, light, or textures as a child
  • Overprotective parenting

Recent studies determined that that individual with NPD had one common experience: overly protective parents. Researchers now think parental overvaluing is a bigger factor than understood before.

In the same studies, it was found that these individuals were overprotected with lenient parental discipline as kids. The overvaluing by parents reinforced the sense of entitlement so common in individuals with NPD. Other things that contribute to the NPD disorder include

  •  Overprotection: Parents seek to prevent the child from failure or perceived dangers
  • Oversensitivity to the needs of a child: Parents cater to every whim and need of their child has
  • Helicopter parenting: Parent gives exaggerated attention to their child’s every experience or problems they encounter.
  • No rules or boundaries for the child: Parent’s cave into the child, never enforcing rules
  • Overinflated view of the child’s ability: Parents overly emphasize how intelligent, athletic or talented their child is
  • Never correct their child’s bad behavior: Parents turn a blind eye to the child’s bad behavior making excuses for their actions.

What are the signs of a narcissist?

A person width NPD has every area of their life affected by the disorder. They have problems relating to others at work, at home, and school.  Someone with a narcissistic personality will display signs, such as these behaviors:

  • An exaggerated view of themselves
  • Overstate their accomplishments and talents, rarely achieves what they brag they’ve done.
  • Strong sense of entitlement
  • Needs constant praise and admiration
  • Feel superior to others
  • Enamored with success, beauty, and power
  • Want to hang out only with those they feel have beauty, success, or power
  • Control conversations
  • Mock, bully, and name anyone they feel isn’t as special as they are
  • Hate to have people disagree with them
  • Take advantage of others.
  • Must win, they will cheat to get what they want.
  • Have little empathy for others can’t relate to other’s emotions.
  • Envious of others assume others envy them.
  • Arrogant and haughty
  • Boastful, conceited
  • They expect the best of everything: house, clothing, cars, and job.
  • Angry and impatient, especially if they’re not getting what they want
  • Need praise and acknowledgment
  • Play the victim if they feel anyone is disloyal to them

More serious side effects of NPD include the following indicators:

  • Can’t control their emotions or behavior
  • Can’t handle stress or change. They don’t adapt easily.
  • Depression, moodiness, and feeling disappointed by life
  • Hidden feelings of guilt and insecurity
  • Feel humiliated and shame

Are there other complications of NPD?

Narcissistic personality disorder causes many difficulties in a person’s life, including these things:

  • Depression: Narcissists are unhappy people. They suffer moodiness and anxiety.
  • Addictive behaviors such as drug use, alcoholism: They’ve prone to anxiety and stress-related problems.
  • Suicidal thoughts-Self harm is common for those who suffer from NPD.
  • Physical health issues-Heart problems, stomach problems like ulcers, and weight grain
  • Difficulty functioning at work or school-Can’t self govern well. Not used to boundaries or rules. Rule breakers.
  • Relational problems in the family causing divorce-Narcissists never get over their divorce. They blame the breakup for the marriage on the other person, never admitting their contribution to the troubled marriage.

Here’s how to leave a narcissistic partner:

You tried, but you cannot salvage this relationship. Here are tips for when it is time to say goodbye.

1. Establish Boundaries

If your partner has a narcissistic personality disorder, you may be used to not feeling respected or allowing them to take control of different situations. They may be the one who makes decisions in the relationship or determines your future together. When you break up with your partner, you can expect them to do what they can to change your mind or convince you that you’re making the wrong decision. You’ll need to establish boundaries to protect yourself and prevent them from convincing you to go back to the relationship.

In some cases, you may need to block their phone number or avoid seeing them until you no longer have feelings for them or aren’t tempted to get back together. Zero contact is important in the first few months or year after you break up because you’re in a vulnerable position where you can easily be lured back in with validation from your ex-partner. You’ll need to take on the mental state of pretending that they never existed and spend time with family members or friends to stay distracted.

You may need to say no to them and stand your ground to ensure that you aren’t prone to returning. Make it a point to look towards the future and know that something better is coming to ensure that you don’t feel like the individual is what you deserve.

2. Process Your Feelings

Ending a relationship with a narcissistic partner can be emotionally challenging and difficult to move on from once you break up with the individual. Allow yourself to process your feelings to ensure that you can heal and stand firm in your decision and avoid anxiety or stress during the transition. You’ll also need to shift your thoughts and stop thinking about the abuse you endured, making it easy to live in the past. Instead, think about what you want for your future and begin making goals that allow you to look forward to meeting new people or returning to your hobbies or passions. Without processing your feelings, it can be easy to return to the relationship or find another narcissistic partner to date.

3. Build a Social Network

Building a social network of friends is necessary to avoid feeling alone or isolated after ending your relationship. Make it a point to stay busy and have fun, which will allow you to think less about your ex and enjoy your time with other people. You may want to join a gym or find dance classes to take where you’ll have an easier time meeting other people and forming relationships with people who treat you better.

Making connections online in Facebook groups or online forums will also prove effective in ensuring that you can find people in the local area.

4. Be Kind to Yourself

Being kind to yourself is necessary to break free from your partner if they have a narcissistic personality disorder. You’ll need to forgive yourself for allowing them to treat you poorly and for remaining in the relationship. Practice self-talk, which will build yourself up and allow you to have more confidence in who you are as an individual. Allow it to be a learning lesson that teaches you how to choose healthier relationships and to avoid being controlled or emotionally abused again.

kind quote


5. Don’t Practice Honesty

Although honesty is important when you’re in a relationship with a healthy individual, breaking up with a narcissist will require a different approach to prevent them from becoming defensive or manipulative. Act like the decision is best for both of you and don’t make it a big deal. Avoid assigning blame to prevent it from turning into conflict.

Breaking up with a narcissistic is never an easy process but can allow you to break free of the relationship with the right tips followed. By standing your ground and understanding that you deserve more, it’ll be easier to move on with your life and avoid looking back.

Can a narcissist change?

Maybe. Usually, it’s not a matter of not being able to change for the person with NPD, but they feel threatened by it. Their personhood is tied to their narcissism. They feel like being like this is necessary and protects them. This person surrounds themself with people around them who make them feel important and necessary.  They like being the center of attention. Because they fear people and a failed reputation, they often move on to other people or situations where they can gain newfound acceptance and praise. This helps them hide their flaws.

A narcissist may change some of the poor relational patterns. They will never totally lose their narcissistic ways, but they may be willing to yield a bit and shift to a less rigid sort of personality. The identity is so wrapped up in being a narcissist that it can be tough for them to let go of these characteristics.

narcissistFinal Thoughts: Be careful throwing around terms like a narcissist

When it comes to narcissism, you must never jump to conclusions about people at work, school, or in your family as having a narcissist personality disorder. Everyone has their quirky ways. You can have narcissistic tendencies without having NPD. It takes psychiatrists years to evaluate and diagnose a person looking at their childhood and entire life to be sure they’re getting an accurate understanding of them. Since you can’t do that, it’s important to be slow to judge people.


Signs of a narcissistic partner

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You Won’t Be Able To Resist Working Out After Reading These Inspirational Quotes About Fitness

The most profound inspirational quotes about fitness carry a weight capable of elevating a rough workout from demoralizing struggle to righteous, eye-opening victory of mind over body. Sometimes, you only need a single reminder that someone before you rose to incredible heights only after challenging the definition of “impossible” through consistency, clearly defined goals and the will to see the finish line beyond one bad day.

Remember, every healthy body is the product of individual positive decisions chained together into a greater whole. Which thoughts will you choose to feed the next time your usual drive to finish a run or set aside an hour for yoga goes AWOL?

Memorize these inspirational quotes. Hear them in your head before you doze off to sleep. Set them to an adrenaline-pumping soundtrack and upload a montage to YouTube. However you internalize them, make each word a tiny plate of armor the next time anything or anyone suggests your fitness goals will never be within your reach. Whatever might be stopping you right now, bet that somebody has already overcome it.

Here are some inspirational quotes to help you on your fitness journey:

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

The most successful professional basketball player the world has ever known didn’t make his high school varsity team as a freshman. Unfortunately for every opponent he would face from that day forward, failing to make the cut at Emsley A. Laney High School only stoked Michael Jordan’s fire.“Whenever I was working out and got tired and ?gured I ought to stop, I’d close my eyes and see that list in the locker room without my name on it,” he later explained. “That usually got me going again.”

For the rest of his career, that same competitive blaze became Jordan’s hallmark, a reason to fear just exactly how driven he would be if anyone ever got the best of him.

“Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth.” – Mike Tyson

As inspirational quotes about fitness go, this one doesn’t mince words: what do you do when someone or something defeats your best strategy? Whatever you do, things can and will go awry. In the ring, Mike Tyson always had the same choice as any fighter after catching one on the chin: give up or adapt.

Remember, when Plan A fails, you still have 25 letters left in the alphabet. Try the next best thing. Take what circumstance gives you, and you may find it pans out surprisingly better than what you originally had in mind.

“Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” – Muhammad Ali

Always trust a fighter accustomed to scraping for every hard-fought win to one day produce at least a few insightful, inspirational quotes. Few were ever quite as introspective as the late, great Muhammad Ali.

Here’s a doozy of a reality check: anxiety stems from focusing too far ahead of the present. Meanwhile, depression often takes root because we spend too much time looking backwards. Stop keeping score of how many days you supposedly have left to meet a fitness goal or how many you spent without living up to your own expectations. Instead, acknowledge today as all the guaranteed time you have and make the most of every moment.

“Create healthy habits, not restrictions.” – Unknown

You could file this under “inspirational quotes about about fitness” or simple common sense. Above all else, you may need to change the way you look at yourself. What receives more of your valuable energy, thinking about everything you cannot do or exploring positive actions you know will benefit your well-being? Celebrate the good things your choices bring into your life, and savor them as your rewards for constantly working toward your goals. As another old saying goes, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

”No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” – Tony Robbins

To his millions of followers, Tony Robbins could practically pen a personal religious text using only his own advice. This one places relative success into a particularly stark light for anyone who has ever spent a month or more working out and still hated what stared back from the mirror.

OK, so your thighs may not crush walnuts yet. Your biceps wouldn’t lock up this year’s Mr. Universe title. Compare that to how far you are ahead of someone who refuses to take a single step toward a goal such as yours. Getting off the couch for just one set of push-ups still lands you ahead of anyone remains seated.

”If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs

Surprise! Inspirational quotes about fitness don’t always come from athletes or celebrated personal trainers.

In this case, Apple founder Steve Jobs would remind you to never forget why you started chasing something. Yes, you want to run a marathon, but why? What is it about running such an insane race that compelled you to start training? Zero in on that triumphant dream and everything associated with it that moves you. Focus on everything you cannot stop wanting. Do that, and you will never lose sight of what pulled you to your feet in the first place. Just get to the very heart of your desire.

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” – Vince Lombardi

The NFL has never known a more hard-nosed, bluntly spoken coach than the legendary Vince Lombardi. Truly, inspirational quotes such as this one encapsulated the one thing he asked of every player he ever led onto the gridiron: everything.

inspirational quotes

Lombardi was realistic. He knew that every man had his limit. That’s why he demanded only that every player who suited up under his watch left nothing in the tank at the end of the day. If his team ended up on the short side of the score, so be it, as long as they left no doubt they had not an iota of energy or effort left. On those days, someone else’s “best” was simply better. That was out of anyone else’s hands.

Final Thoughts

Ask yourself, “Could I have done anything else today?” No? Then cut yourself some slack.

For all the inspirational quotes about fitness listed here, there are another hundred or so worthy pearls of wisdom out there capable of lighting a profound fire beneath anyone. From Wayne Gretzky to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, the world’s most decorated names in fitness have often overcome untold adversities before passing along their lessons. Now, go out there and become someone else’s role model. You never know who might be watching.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Signs He’s About to Confess His Love for You

Is the man you’re dating ready to say the L-word? There’s something about crossing this milestone in a relationship, especially since men and women express their love differently. So, how do you know if he is going to confess his love for you soon? While positive thinking helps, there are some signs you can observe from your partner that indicate he’s about to confess his love for you.

Here Are 6 Signs He’s About to Confess His Love For You

“The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.” – St. Jerome

1. He uses the word “we” more often.

When he starts using the word “we” more than “I,” or “us” more than “me,” then it could be an indication of how he sees your relationship. He doesn’t regard you as two different people anymore. Instead, he considers the two of you as an inseparable pair. Dating expert David Wygant told Match.Com that a man’s choice of pronouns is an important clue. It tells a woman how much he’s really into her and he hopes you will like hearing the word “we” more often, too.

2. He can’t stop looking at you in an adoring way.

Do you catch your man looking at you and admiring your every feature? It might feel creepy but this is another sign he’s so into you.  If he can’t stop ogling, he’s actually saying he’s very attracted to you, and passion is so important in a long-lasting romance. A Japanese study revealed that a man who stares at his partner activates a part in his brain that triggers deep love. When your man looks at you and observes your every movement, he’s actually realizing how special you are in his life.

3. He makes you his priority.

If the man you’re with makes you his priority, then it’s a sure sign that he’s ready to take this romance to the next level. While he has not yet put a label in your relationship, his actions towards you should be telling enough. When he goes out of his way to do things for you, or when he indulges in stuff that interests you, then he’s letting you know you’re his priority. If his plans always involve you and he wants to spend his free time with you, then it’s a good sign he’s ready to say he loves you.

When you plan a date that doesn’t work out because he’s suddenly tied up at work, he’ll feel awful about canceling things. He’ll make an effort to do something else, or perhaps even surprise you with a bigger and more elaborate date, so you will not be disappointed that your original plan did not push through. A guy who keeps his promises wants to let you know you’re important to him. Soon enough, he’ll be saying how much he really loves you.

4. He doesn’t stay mad at you.

Arguments and disagreements occur in every relationship, especially when you’ve been dating for quite a while. But your guy is likely in love with you if he can’t stay mad after a fight. This is a clear indication that he cares about you so much that he’s willing to patch things up as soon as possible.

Relationship expert Kia James revealed on Insider that if he’s willing to enjoy an ice cream with you after an argument, then that is love. But more than just simply patching things up so you both can go back to the way things were before a fight, a man who is willing to work out the issues you’ve argued about is a man who’s ready to get serious with you. He’s ready to evolve just for you.

5. He values your opinion.

Respect is a good foundation of a successful relationship. If a man shows that he values your opinion, then it’s a sign that he is serious about being with you. Does he consult you when he needs to make big decisions? Does he ask for your advice?

If he is changing his point of view to incorporate your ideas, then that’s even better than simply asking you about your say. This is a positive sign that he has so much trust in you that he’s willing to take your advice. It also shows the level of honesty you both have in your relationship. It’s not always easy for a man to open up, more so to a woman he’s been seeing for a few months.


6. He introduces you to his friends and family.

He’s taking a huge step in your romance if he finally introduces you to his inner circle of friends and family. It’s a bonus if your boyfriend has actually talked about you to these people before he brings you over for dinner. It shows that he talks about you when you’re not there to people who really matter in his life. This is also a sign that he wants to show you how he really is around friends and family, according to Glamour. With this gesture, he’s opening up to you in a big way. Are you ready to take him for how he is?

Final thoughts

If he hasn’t actually said, “I love you,” yet, then these actions are hints. Maybe he’s just waiting for that perfect moment to declare his love for you so that it’s really special and unforgettable.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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