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7 Breathing Exercises That Help You Lose Belly Fat

Yogis are some of the fittest people on the planet. A yogi, or “one who performs yoga,” engages in a practice that involves connecting the body and mind on a very deep level. To sustain themselves both mentally and physically, yogis use a breathing technique called pranayama. This is one of those breathing exercises that have been around for a long time.

Prana means life force or breath sustaining the body; Ayama translates as “to extend or draw out.” Together (they) mean breath extension or control.” – Yoga Journal

Yogis believe that the breath is incredibly powerful, containing the essence and energy of life. This vital life force is known by various names – “qi,” “ch’i,” and “ki” to name a few.

In the Western world, the concept of chi is looked at with a heavy dose of skepticism, and even disdain. As a result of this ignorance, we waste billions of dollars on substandard medical care every year, while something as simple as breathing exercises could make a huge diference.

Case in point: the United States, despite spending nearly $3,000 USD per person more on health care than any other country, ranks 37th.  Who ranks first? France. The French, by the way, welcome proven forms of alternative care (e.g., acupuncture). The French also spend less than half per capita than the Americans.

Anyways, digression aside, breathing exercises have proven useful as a method of weight loss.

On that note, here are seven breathing techniques (with their proper names in Sanskrit) that can help you lose belly fat!

Seven Breathing Exercises that Help You Lose Belly Fat

Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

breathing exercises

  1. Sit in a comfortable spot with your spine and head straight.
  2. Comfortably relax your left hand, palm down, on your lap.
  3. With the right hand, rest your pointer and middle fingers between your eyebrows.
  4. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Do this for 30 seconds.
  5. Close your left nostril with the left thumb and inhale, filling your lungs (slow and steady!)
  6. Following the full inhale, hold for a few seconds. Release.
  7. Repeat step 6, but this time close your right nostril with the right ring finger so that both nostrils are closed.
  8. Hold for a few seconds. Release and exhale.
  9. Repeat step 5, but with your right nostril closed. (The breathing sequence should be: left closed, both closed, right closed, repeat).
  10. Continue for 5 to 10 cycles. Concentrate your mind on following the breath for best results.

Abdominal Roll (Uddiyana Bandha)

  1. Stand or kneel down on a mat
  2. Exhale completely
  3. Closing the air passageway in your throat, perform a “mock inhale” with your chest. Relax your abdominal area.
  4. Hold the breath and attempt to inhale with your abdomen relaxed.
  5. Release the mock inhalation and allow the abdomen and chest to drop. Exhale and repeat for 3 to 5 cycles.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

  1. Begin by sitting comfortably or, if you are new to diaphragmatic breathing, lying on your back.
  2. Place your hands above the area of the diaphragm.
  3. Slowly inhale through the nose; feel your stomach expand underneath your hands.
  4. Exhale through pursed lips (like you’re blowing out a candle).
  5. Practice for 5 to 10 minutes. Pay attention to the flow of the breath to realize maximum benefits.

(The point here is to learn how to breathe correctly. Most people are “shallow breathers,” meaning that they breathe with their chest. Over time, this habit can drain our energy and increase stress. This is one of the breathing exercises that you can practice pretty much anytime.)

The “Bellow” Breath (Bhastrika Pranayama)

  1. Sit comfortably on a mat or chair, with your palms resting on the knees. Your spine and neck should be straight.
  2. Release the stomach muscles and close your eyes.
  3. Forcefully inhale and exhale. Experiment a bit until you find a breathing pattern that is swift and brisk, yet comfortable and rhythmic.
  4. Continue for 5 minutes.

The “Humming Bee” Breath (Bhramari Pranayama)

  1. Begin by sitting comfortably on a mat, legs crossed. Rest your palms on the knees. Straighten your spine and release all tension from your shoulders.
  2. Close your ears with the thumbs while resting your index fingers on the forehead. Use your middle and ring fingers to close the eyes.
  3. Keeping your mouth closed, slowly and deeply inhale and exhale while humming with your throat on the out breath. Pay attention to the vibration.
  4. Continue step 3 a few times. Return to the starting position as described in step 1.
  5. Repeat for 5 to 10 cycles.

Traditional Deep Breathing

  1. Sit comfortably on a chair or mat. Rest your hands on your knees or thighs. Straighten your spine and release all tension from your shoulders.
  2. With your eyes closed, breathe normally for about 60 seconds. Use this time to relax your forehead, eyes, jaw, and neck.
  3. Inhale deeply and exhale to a count of four. Pull your navel inwards, as if trying to connect it with the spine. Focus on your breath and your breath only.
  4. Continue the exercise for 5 to 10 minutes.

chillThe “Stomach Vacuum”

stomach vacuum

  1. Lie down on a mat, arms rested naturally at your side with palms down. Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Exhale as much as you can while bringing your stomach inwards, as if you were attempting to connect the navel with the spine.
  3. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
  4. Release by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. Repeat several times.

Closing Thoughts

At first, some of these breathing exercises might not come naturally to you. You may feel awkward while you are practicing them. Keep them up, however, and you will find great benefits in not only losing belly fat but also improving your ability to manage stress and maintain a more relaxed demeanor.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Make A Homemade Face Mask for Wrinkle Removal

Wrinkles aren’t just signs of aging. They also develop because of stress, bad lifestyle habits, and toxins from the environment. The beauty market is littered with products that promise to prevent or fade out wrinkles but many of these contain harsh ingredients that could cause more skin damage. A few easy solutions for wrinkle removal are actually in your kitchen. You can create a homemade face mask from ingredients you use for food and mix it with bentonite clay for best results.

“Most people do not have a problem with being old. They have a problem with looking old.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

But first, what’s in bentonite clay and how does it work?

Bentonite clay is collected from volcanic ash, so it’s 100 percent natural. It’s named after Fort Benton in Wyoming, which has the biggest clay deposits in the U.S. It’s also called “Montmorillonite clay,” based on a region in France also known for its large deposits of the clay.

In ancient times, people used bentonite clay for beauty and wellness, according to the Iranian Journal of Public Health. Aside from reducing wrinkles and scars, it exfoliates and clarifies the skin, unclogs and shrinks pores, and makes skin softer. It also works well for all types of skin.

Below are some homemade facial masks for wrinkle removal to make with bentonite clay. Never use metal bowls and spoons when making your facial mask with bentonite clay because it will apparently affect its healing properties.

wrinkle removal

Here Are 5 Homemade Masks for Wrinkle Removal

1. Yogurt

Use plain yogurt, not flavored yogurt, and combine with one to two teaspoons of bentonite clay. After mixing the ingredients well, massage it evenly on the face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water and wipe with a clean washcloth.

2. Honey and Lavender Oil

Mix a teaspoon of clay powder with a teaspoon of raw honey and two teaspoons of water. Add two drops of lavender essential oil and continue to mix well. Apply on your face but be careful around the eye area. Leave this mask on for 15 minutes before washing it off with water.

3. Rosehip Oil

Use the bentonite clay without any food ingredient but add two drops of rosehip oil and two teaspoons of water. Apply as desired and let it stay for 20 minutes before rinsing off with water.

4. Coffee and Apple Cider Vinegar

Add two teaspoons of bentonite clay to a teaspoon of coffee grounds. Mix in one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and add three drops of tea tree oil. Spread evenly on the face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Clean off with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer afterward.

5. Charcoal

Using charcoal powder, mix three tablespoons of bentonite clay and three tablespoons of distilled water. You can also add witch hazel as an optional ingredient. Put 20 drops of tea tree oil and mix well before applying on the face. Distilled water reduces the chances of facial irritation for people with sensitive skin as it lowers the pH levels of the clay mask.

Facialist Sharon McGlinchey, who owns a line of organic skincare products, said in Allure magazine that clay masks shouldn’t dry completely while on your face. Doing so can dehydrate your skin and cause itchiness and irritation. A completely dried face masks appear flaky and lighter in color. If your mask is dry but still sticky, that’s a good indication it’s time to wash it off.

You can also mix other homemade ingredients into a facial mask for wrinkle removal without using bentonite clay. Here are a few recommendations:

Here Are 4 Facial Masks for Wrinkle Removal Without Bentonite Clay

1. Avocado and Oatmeal

Mash the avocado with the oats properly before putting it on the skin. This combination is rich in antioxidants that fight skin aging and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Potato and Carrot

Grind these two ingredients with a few tablespoons of water until it turns to paste. Add a drop of rosehip oil and mix everything with a spoon. Leave it on the face for 20 minutes before rinsing. Potatoes and carrots are rich in Vitamin A that helps clear the blemishes and dark circles, as well as lessen the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Aloe Vera and Lime

Use Aloe Vera extract with lime juice and let it sit on the face for 10 minutes before washing it off with water. This combination has a healing effect and lessens collagen damage that usually leads to wrinkles. Some homemade face masks can work effectively with regular application twice a week but this Aloe Vera and lime combination is best applied every day.

4. Papaya and Yogurt

Mash the papaya and mix with plain yogurt. Leave it on the face for less than 10 minutes. Papaya has papain that helps clarify and smoothen the skin. For sensitive skin types, however, use only half the papaya so that it won’t cause redness.

Final thoughts

When using homemade face masks for wrinkle removal, you can actually tweak the ingredients depending on what you need for your skin type.  While home ingredients are generally safe, it’s still best to do a skin patch test in a small area first to ensure you experience no adverse reaction. Also, make sure you’re picking fresh ingredients and use the facial mask as soon as you’ve mixed it. Storing it overnight will expose it to bacteria (which you don’t want).

Here’s a good rule to follow with homemade masks: don’t put something on your skin that you won’t otherwise eat. Always check out the expiration date of the product, such as yogurt, even if it has been unopened in your fridge, as bad ingredients might cause blotches. Finally, be positive and remember that there are always more natural ways to remove wrinkles than opting for expensive health care beauty products.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Overcome Self Doubt – 5 Life Changing Lessons For People Struggling With Self Doubt

Avoiding self doubt can be an incredibly difficult task for those who are not experienced with instilling confidence in themselves. Even for those who are generally confident people, it can only take a slightly stressful day for someone’s confidence to cave in. As a result, they give in to self doubt.

This can be a stressful dilemma for those who aren’t expecting it, causing the normal aspects of somebody’s personality that help temper confidence to give into feelings of distraught anxiety.

However, this doesn’t mean that everybody must succumb to a lack of confidence. In fact, what if we were to tell you that there were actually many ways to overcome doubt and begin leading a happier, healthier life?

Though there are many ways to effectively overcome doubt, we’ve come up with a few of the best to help you out.

Here are 5 ways to overcome self doubt:


1. Don’t Focus on What Other People Say

One of the key reasons why people develop a lack of confidence stem from the belief that they are not as good as they appear to be. This results from anxiety about what people think, something that is often easy to amplify in one’s own head. While it is important to take criticism from others and internalize it, there is a point where you have to let go of other people’s perceptions of you, as it can ultimately be more negative than positive and a true deterrent for those looking for a sense of mental clarity and relief.

2. Take Time to Wander in Nature

One of the biggest aspects to do with anxiety and losing confidence is our connection to the modern world. Social media in particular is an aspect of our modern life that has improved many things, but has also added a feeling of constant sharing that appears to be universal, but oftentimes feels more constricting. For people with self doubt, focusing on their appearances can be multiplied by how they feel they represent themselves on social media.

This is not a phenomenon unique to social media, but a way to alleviate it is to unplug for a while. Whether it be a few hours, a day, or even a month, taking a break from electronics in general can be incredibly helpful for those experiencing self doubt. Understanding that the way in which you represent yourself and your appearance is not an essential thing to worry about can be an incredibly liberating feeling for many and can inspire feelings of enlightenment.

When you indulge in disconnecting yourself from electronics, use the opportunity to take a walk in nature and surround yourself by the beauty of the natural world. This will allow you not only to have a moment of sincere reflection among the peaceful surroundings, but also remember that life and the natural forces feel much more urgent than any of our worldly concerns and fears. Realizing this will help you gain more independence in your overall demeanor and life.

3. Surround Yourself With Positive Material and Affirmations

One of the best ways you can help your overall self confidence is to stop indulging in content and literature that encourages negative moods. Instead, you can focus on the various authors and publishers whose content is able to help instill confidence. Surrounding yourself with things to boost your confidence have been shown time and again to be effective ways to bring your mood up and decrease the power of your self doubt. For example, two great suggestions are the books of Pema Chödrön and Oprah Winfrey. Both are extraordinary women who understand a lot about keeping internal balance.

4. Use a Gratitude Journal Each Day

An entirely underestimated way to stay motivated and inspired is to keep a gratitude journal on a daily basis. Through writing about what you are grateful for at the end of the day, you can remind yourself of the many positive events of your life. Writing positive affirmations about your experiences and ambitions can help keep you going and inspire you to do better each day. It serves as a type of affirmation that many people would benefit from if given the chance.

self doubt

5. Talk to a Professional

Undoubtedly the most effective way to overcome your lack of confidence is to reach out to a counselor. Indeed, talking to anyone is helpful on its own, at the end of the day only a medical professional will be able to provide you with objective methods to deal with your mental health effectively and get yourself back on your feet.

For more tips, check out these helpful lists!

10 People Who Transformed Their Health On A No Sugar Diet

One of the latest health trends is the no sugar or sugar-free diet, and people on Instagram have proven the positive results one can get from it. Many foods with added sugar contain a lot of extra calories, so cutting them out can make for easier weight loss. Not to mention, sugar can cause health problems due to how the body breaks it down as well as its addictive nature.

While following a no sugar diet might seem challenging, these people prove that it can be done, and doing so can totally transform your life!

Here are 10 people who got healthier by following a no sugar diet:

1. A no sugar diet did wonders for this woman!

2. In just three months, this woman lost 20 pounds and 10 inches on a no sugar diet!

3. One year and 75 pounds down!

4. After just five weeks on a no sugar diet, you can see how the inches have melted away!

5. Obviously exercise plays a role in weight loss, but a no sugar diet can certainly help, too!

6. Now this is amazing! 80 pound weight loss on a no sugar diet!

7. 100 pounds down following a sugar free diet. You go girl!

A post shared by coco | ? 102 lbs (@keto.coco) on

8. She looks healthier and happier in this transformation photo, all thanks to a no sugar diet!

A post shared by Tori ? (@shrinking_tori) on

lose weight

9. We almost couldn’t recognize the woman in the second photo. Amazing work!

10. Not only does a no sugar diet make you lose weight; you have a lot more energy and mental clarity, too!

We hope these photos provide inspiration for those of you who want to lose weight and cut out sugar at the same time. In today’s world, eating healthy and maintaining positive thinking toward weight loss can prove quite difficult, but just remember that you can still enjoy your favorite foods from time to time. The important thing is to remain consistent and jump back on the bandwagon if you fall off. Eating a small sugary treat in moderation will not hinder your results, but try to look up recipes for a no sugar diet that will help you satisfy that craving without making you feel guilty.

Which of these no sugar transformations inspired you the most? Share with us in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains Why People Get Back Together After Breaking Up

Ever wonder why people break up and get back together? Well, science says there is no surprise because half the couples breaking up end up giving their relationship another go. Take a look at some explanations based on science that point out why couples who supposedly have sworn off each other get back together.

Here Are 9 Reasons Why People Break up and Get Back Together

“To know when to go away and when to come closer is the key to any lasting relationship.” – Domenico Cieri

1. They were unsure about why they were breaking up in the first place.

Researchers at Kansas State University discovered in a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships that at least 50 percent of couples are usually ambivalent about the breakup in the first place. They might have doubted calling it quits. Or they might have made a mistake by breaking up a relationship for shallow reasons.  Thus, in this case, getting back together would be fairly easy since there was no real harm or trauma in the relationship.

breakup2. They didn’t really stop hooking up.

Couples who have ended their relationship but still continue to see each other for a hookup aren’t really over each other. Experts from Bowling Green State University and the University of Wisconsin found it’s harder for individuals to separate for good if they are still physically attracted to each other. Apparently, each time ex-partners get together, their bodies release oxytocin hormones. These hormones make them feel attached and interlinked, hence renewing the relationship becomes inevitable.

3. They think the way they communicate with each other has improved.

Communication is important in any relationship, as it helps couples relate to each other. Communication is also the tool couples use to compromise with each other when there are issues that bother them. Breakups happen when there’s a breakdown in the communication. But when two people begin talking again without friction and tension after they’ve been apart for a while, they could find it easier to express their feelings. Because they assume that their communication has improved, many couples decide to give each other another chance.

4. They hope their partner changed for the better

Scientists from the University of Utah and the University of Toronto learned in another study that many couples agree to get back together because they believe their partner changed for the better. They are positive about renewing the relationship with someone they think has improved.

5. It’s a shame to throw away all those years of being together.

Speaking of investment, long-term couples who have broken up decide to be back in each other’s arms because they don’t want to start a new relationship with a new person. They don’t want to go through dating again when they have invested so much time with their old partner. For them, it would be a shame to throw away all those years, even if some of those years were filled with conflict and tension.

6. They believe that a familiar intimacy is better with a former partner.

It is hard for people to start all over in the realm of intimacy after breaking up, especially after being intimate with one partner for a long time. Some people might not be willing to go through the motions again with a new person. They think getting back together with a former partner is a good idea because of that familiar intimacy.

7. They are not open to change.

Psychologists at Stanford University stated that people struggle after a breakup because they aren’t open to change. Even if all signs indicate they were in a relationship with the wrong person, they still want to return to the love affair. They may hope to try again because the prospect of change is much more nerve-wracking.

difficult breakup

8. They still haven’t dealt with the breakup properly.

Researchers from the Northwestern University learned that people who haven’t properly dealt with the breakup could be easily tempted to get back together with an ex after breaking up. If they’ve been trying to bury the pain instead of acknowledging it, they could find themselves back in the arms of their former lover. Unfortunately, according to the University of Arizona experts, these people have yet to develop a strong sense of self. They do not yet know who they are and what they want from life as an individual. This can happen even among older and supposedly more mature people because self-discovery is never-ending.

9. They don’t want to be alone.

Sometimes, the thought of being alone pushes people to get back with an ex. However, this choice doesn’t have to do with the way they feel about their partner. Rather, it’s about their feelings of vulnerability. It’s also about whether they were ready to exit the relationship to begin with.

breaking up

Final Thoughts on Breaking Up and Getting Back Together

So, you see there are many reasons why people breakup and get back together. Such couples may discover that love can be lovelier the second time around. For this to happen, couples need to stay positive. They must also work harder to make their relationships stronger. Otherwise, the same issues they disagreed about in the past may return and bring down their relationship once more.

Feeling Stuck? 10 Motivational Quotes To Get You Going Right Now

We all have terrible days; there is always something in the back of our minds that keep tearing us apart slowly once in a while. Nowadays, it is hard always to stay positive. I believe that for us to make huge differences in our lives, we need to work on the little things. That is why when I have a bad day, I usually pull out some cards where I have written down motivational quotes to keep me going.

I have written different kinds of motivational quotes for different seasons on different cards. I tend to like having the cards; you don’t have to print your motivational quotes down, but having them around in any form helps.

Below is a list of my favorite motivational quotes that help me get through the toughest moments of my days. I hope they shed light on your path as you sail through the storms in your life.

Here are 10 motivational quotes to keep you going:

short motivational quotes

“Tomorrow is fresh, and it has no mistakes in it.” by Lucy Maud Montgomery

If you plan failed today, that is okay. You have tomorrow to bounce back. You could have made some mistakes today, but you need to know that mistakes do happen. When you turn off your lights to sleep at night, remind yourself that you are going to start a new day which carries new opportunities. Tomorrow is always a gift.

“Become the change you wish to see in the world” by Mahatma Gandhi

This is among the great motivational quotes about life that stands the test of time. I love it. It tells us to make a mark in the future. You need to be the change in this world, and you need to act on what you want to be in this world. Change always starts with one person.

“If an opportunity does not knock, build a door” by Milton Berle

There are times when we feel like we are not getting the opportunity that we want. But the truth is, you don’t have to wait for it, you can create it. You need to go out there, fight and create the opportunity you want for yourself. You can do it!

“Do not let one cloud cover the whole sky” by Anais Nin

This is one of my best quotes because it tells us to avoid letting the small things affect us too much. I have come to realize that our plan will not always go as we thought. You should not let a small hiccup or problem cause darkness in your life. You don’t have to feel like the world is against you because of one problem. Just acknowledge the problem and move on without letting it take center stage.

“Out of difficulties grow miracles” by Jean De La Bruyere

This quote helps me get into action especially when things are not working out well. It helps me to look for opportunities when others are losing their minds. Interesting enough, when I focus on getting things done with a sober mind, I end up getting a way out of it by letting a friend in to help or solving the issue myself or another way comes in that I never expected; that is a miracle.

“Believe in yourself and everything that is in you. There is something inside you that is greater than any challenge” by Christian D. Larson

When the tough times get to you, there are situations when you feel like you cannot complete what you started. You feel inferior and even a failure, but that is when you need this quote. It is such an inspiring quote that usually helps me to stick to my path and even drive new energy into what I’m doing.

“When you have faith it’s like having wings” by J.M Barrie

This is a quote that comes from the Broadway show, “Finding Neverland.” Faith means different things to different people. Always have faith in anything that I do. However small your faith is, you can grow it to build belief in yourself to achieve what you want to achieve.

“Most obstacles melt away when we decide to walk boldly through them” by Orison Swett Marden

There are times when I feel down because of the things that go through my mind. But when I got to read this quote, I realized that my perceptions are what makes me feel down and its a relief how getting through yourself can create possibilities of doing more.

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope” Martin Luther King JR.

I came to realize that hope is the best thing to counter the disappointments that will always come but only for a while. When you learn to have hope in any challenge, you have a good chance of becoming a better person no matter the outcome.


“It does not matter where you are on the journey of life, that’s exactly where you need to be. The next road is always ahead,” Oprah Winfrey

One of Oprah’s best motivational quotes about life teaches us always to appreciate everything that happens to us no matter how painful it can be because it is the only way for us to move on to the next path of our lives.


Motivational quotes help to bring new energy into our lives to keep pushing on our goals and objectives. we hope the quotes listed above will serve as life lessons for when you feel stuck.

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