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7 Secrets To Attract Your Soulmate In Just 30 Days Using The Law Of Attraction

What is the law of attraction and how can we use it to transform our lives? There is a common belief that the law of attraction is just a set of techniques that people use to manifest their lives. Although it is true, it’s important to note that everything we do is manifested voluntarily and involuntarily. Therefore, the law of attraction is not just about techniques, but the ability to attract whatever we focus. According to credible professionals, the law of attraction can be used to draw soulmates.

The Law of Attraction: How to attract your soulmate

Using the law of attraction can be a good way of finding your soulmate or true love. In fact, according to research by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the law of attraction applies to even 4th graders. The law dictates that you attract what you like. For instance, you are likely to attract a confident person when you are satisfied with yourself. On the other hand, you are likely to attract a person with negative mindset if you entertain negativity. Below are seven steps of attracting your desired soulmate.

1. Love Yourself

Loving yourself is the first step towards attracting a soul mate. Most times we are told that we have to love ourselves before we can love others. Although it is good advice, how exactly do you do it? The best way is to try and focus on the things that you love about yourself. This may seem a hard task at first but can make a significant difference in the long run. Actually, self-love helps to increase confidence. Proponents of the law of attractions indicate that self-confidence attracts naturally.

2. Focus On Finding Your Soul Mate

After finding self-love, take time to figure out the type of person you want in your life. Picture everything about the other person such as look, smell and personality. Go to the extent of imagining meeting them. Imagine you are there with that person and experience it entirely in your thoughts. This will give you a clear image of the character you would like to spend your life with. You have to know what you want before you get it.

3. Be Grateful

It is difficult to feel grateful when you have tried looking for a soulmate in vain. You have every reason to feel that way. However, it is essential to know that you are likely to vibrate at high levels to the outside world when you fill your attitude with gratitude. Ensure each day you are grateful for something. When you continuously become thankful for even the small things in your life, you are more likely to attract positive energy.

4. Believe It Will Happen

You should not worry about how your soulmate will enter into your life. If you work on improving yourself, the law of attraction will make the rest happen. Don’t focus on any obstacles that come your way or else you will miss important signs. The universe is magical and you should allow it to lead the way in your quest for finding a soulmate.

5. Meditate

Stress causes you to worry and therefore radiate negative energy to the outside world. Meditation considerably reduces stress. If you have never tried the practice of meditation, you can start by taking ten minutes each day in a quiet and comfortable space. Sit or lie with your eyes closed, focus on your breath and try to relax as much as possible. Nowadays, there are numerous guided meditations online that are related to the law of attraction.

6. Control Your Thoughts

You think what you believe and vice versa. Apart from helping to deal with stress, meditation will also help you concentrate on positive thoughts and therefore creating energy that is released into the universe. The law of attraction is likely to lead you to your soulmate when you engage in positive thinking.

be happy


7. Follow Your Heart

If you apply the above tips, you will notice signs of change in your life and help you discover your true love. In addition, most of the things you want will start to appear before you if you pay attention to your heart. Shutting down the negativity and focusing on the right things is one of the essential elements of the law of attraction.

How do You Tell the Law of Attraction Is Working for You?

After mastering the art of how to attract soulmate, it’s important to know whether or not the law of attraction is working for you. First, you are likely to feel the negativity and burden melting away. The things that used to bother you before seem easy to handle. You feel happier and excited and ready for anything that might come your way. Secondly, you will feel more at peace regardless of what happens around you. The peace within you allows you not to get bothered by things outside your reach. Finally, you will notice that good things keep happening and life seem effortless.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

25 Things Every Marriage Needs

It takes work for a marriage to last. Two people who have made a commitment to stay together for better or worse need to properly sort out problems together. A marriage grows strained when only one person is carrying the load of the relationship issues. So, here are some things every marriage needs to be a successful union.

Here Are 25 Things Every Marriage Needs

“Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years.” – Simone Signoret

  1. To have the same goals

Couples remain in a long-lasting relationship if they are on the same page, according to therapist Kimberly Hershenson. While they might disagree on certain things or pursue separate interests, they should have the same goals, values, and beliefs when it comes to things like buying a house or car, investing for their future, or raising their kids.

  1. To have a special place

Couples must have a place they consider most special because they’ve made a lot of memories there. It can be anywhere – the neighborhood park, a restaurant, or a favorite vacation spot – where they relive happy memories and continue to build more moments together.

  1. To have a tradition

Couples need to celebrate milestones and traditions because these will fortify their relationship. These events need to be in the spotlight every year because they are what makes your partnership unique.

  1. To look presentable for each other

Physical attraction is still important in a long and enduring relationship. It’s admirable to see how couples make an effort to look presentable for their partner, just like when they were still dating.

  1. A collection of photos of each other

Your marriage photo is probably what you have on display at home or at your place of work. But if that was taken five or ten years ago, then wouldn’t it be nice to have an updated photo of each other? Why not add a framed photo every year so you have a collection that showcases your years of togetherness? Make this into a new tradition.

  1. To show each other good manners

Couples often grow comfortable in marriage, but the familiarity may cause partners to forget to say “thank you” or “please” for the little things. Nothing teaches children good manners better than if they see their parents setting an example by showing appreciation for their partner even in the most common situations.

  1. To believe in “till death do us part”

Every marriage goes through challenges and trials. But the ones that remain standing are the ones with partners who fight for their relationship because they believe that only death can separate them.

  1. To give way and be giving

Do you give the last piece of the cake to your partner? Does he give way knowing it will make you happier if you watch that romantic movie than an action film together? A good marriage is about giving way to your partner once in a while.

  1. A bond with other couples

Having regular get-togethers with other couples strengthens your marriage. When you have shared friends, you have the support system from people who understand what having a partner involves, according to relationship expert Dr. Wendy Wash via Huffington Post.

  1. To apologize and forgive over and over

Saying sorry and forgiving each other many times over isn’t about enabling or tolerance. Rather, it is about letting go of pride and grudges each time relationship issues crop up. It’s about committing to being positive even when there are problems you have to settle.

  1. To be kind to each other

Remember this the next time you’re in an argument with your spouse: sometimes it’s better to be kind than to be right. Showing kindness helps bring a positive vibe to an otherwise tense situation.

  1. To respect each other

Even if you argue and fight, you shouldn’t belittle your partner or criticize your partner’s mistakes. Respect begets respect.

  1. To write love notes

You used to do this when you were dating your partner and it will help keep the romance alive in your marriage. Surprise each other by leaving sweet notes inside her bag or scribbling naughty messages when you hand him the grocery list.

  1. A clean house

A home that’s tidy increases the happiness and satisfaction of the people that live in it, according to a study of over 2,000 adults in the U.S. When couples are happier and more satisfied, there will be less conflict between them.

  1. To complement each other in public

It will make your spouse feel good to hear you praise her or brag about him in public.

  1. To kiss each other “hello” and “goodbye” every day

Be affectionate with your hello and goodbye kisses. You don’t know what’s going to happen when both of you have busy lives during the day, so make sure you connect this way daily.

  1. To have unplugged days

Occasionally, spend a day together without any access to phones or devices. Couples need to experience this type of downtime, when they have nothing else to do but talk, connect, relate, and interact with each other.

  1. To have a sense of humor

Couples that get silly with each other are likely to have a successful marriage, according to a study from the University of Kansas. Having a sense of humor in a relationship says so much about a couple’s satisfaction with each other.

  1. To have time alone

It’s okay for couples to give themselves time alone. They need to pursue their own interests to grow as an individual. If they do the same things all the time with their partner, it could make the relationship boring.

  1. To take separate vacations

Once in a while, it’s okay to take vacations separately so that you can also experience missing each other.

  1. To make new adventures

Familiarity in a marriage brings comfort. However, new experiences usher in excitement that every relationship needs, especially the ones that have lasted this long. So, go ahead and try that new restaurant or take a trip some place you’ve never been before. Make new memories and adventures to keep the spark in the marriage.

  1. To stick to a budget

According to a research by psychologist Terri Orbuch, seven in 10 couples admit that arguments about money lead to tension in their marriage. By having a budget and sticking to it, couples could avoid fighting about money.

  1. To have patience

Patience is indeed a virtue. A successful relationship has two members who possess unending patience for each other.

happy marriage

  1. To show selflessness

Selfishness has no place in a relationship. Selflessness defines a person’s ability to compromise and to commit.

  1. To communicate and listen

Relationships break down when partners don’t make an effort to express what they really feel. Good or bad, couples have to talk about their relationship issues and really listen to what the other partner is saying.

Final thoughts

With positive thinking, remember that it will take every bit of yourself to accomplish all these things to make your marriage a success. However, your efforts will be worth it when you’re doing this for the great love of your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Signs Someone is Too Critical

The phrase ‘everyone’s a critic’ has been used for decades to downplay the sting of negative comments and responses. Criticism seems to have reached epic proportions in recent years.

Experts warn that this propensity to snap judgment may contribute to unhealthy self-esteem and erosion of both relationships and social interaction.

There can be many motivational factors behind chronic criticism. Apparent control issues, a need for dominance, or just plain selfishness may hide root issues of self-doubt, fear, anxiety, or overwhelming responsibility for others.

10 Warning Signs of Over-Criticism


1. Unfair Criticism of Self

Everyone makes mistakes, but for some, any apparent flaw becomes a reason to pick themselves apart. Do you find your efforts at work or with others are never good enough or criticize your appearance every time you look in the mirror? Extreme self criticism can lead to criticism of others.

2. Never Enjoy Anything

If you are such a perfectionist that all you can see are flaws no matter where you are, you may have some serious criticism issues. If you can never just relax and enjoy the moment, it’s time to consider changing your thinking habits.

3. Critical Upbringing

If your parents or other responsible adults in your childhood were highly critical, criticism could be a learned trait. It becomes a bad habit you may not even be aware of, yet it affects every area of your life. One symptom of a history of criticism is the inability to accept or give compliments.

4. Focus on the Negative in Others

If it is easier to see the faults than the strengths in others, and it’s nearly impossible to give praise, you may be overly critical. The issue may be more yours than theirs if you can carry on a continuous negative commentary on others’ appearance, personality, work, or personal choices.

judging other people

5. Those Closest to You Say You’re Negative

Do your friends, family, or coworkers comment on your inability to be happy or positive? Maybe it’s time to take those comments to heart and change your perspective. Have you been called a complainer? If you find yourself outside of the group because you never seem to have positive input, it may be time to change your view of life.

6. Criticism Leads to Becoming Easily Offended

Self criticism can also lead to an over-sensitivity to criticism from others. You may begin to perceive every word as a confirmation of a lack of self-worth. Soon you will find yourself in a continuous bad mood because nothing is right with you or anything related to your life. This may result in even more isolation in a vicious circle of rejection and self-defeat.

7. Preoccupied with Missed Details

If a coworker or employee completes 95 percent of a project, but all you can see is the 5 percent that was not completed, you may be overly critical. If you cannot bring yourself to compliment any positive contributions or strengths in others or perhaps make useful suggestions for future assignments but find yourself completely focused on imperfections it’s time for a mental change.

8. You’re a Micromanager

If you find you just can’t let go of a task that is being performed by another, whether at work or home, but feels the need to constantly correct and remind others of expectations or goals, or if you feel a need to redo projects to your own liking, you may be overly critical.

9. Reluctance to Share Your Own Opinion

This may seem strange, but being overly self-critical can lead to self-doubt. You may fear making a mistake yourself, saying the wrong thing, or giving the wrong advice. Maybe you believe that your comments would be uninteresting to others. If you hold back in situations where you know you have helpful input, you may be overly self-critical. In turn, this practice leads to a negative mindset.


10. Physical and Mental Disorders May Stem from Criticism of Yourself

If you have developed a physically harmful disorder, such as an eating disorder or similar issue resulting from being overly self-critical, it’s time to seek immediate professional help. Continued over-criticism of others can lead to narcissistic disorders or paranoia. If you find yourself increasingly withdrawn in an unacceptable world on every level, seek counseling or therapy now.

Don’t allow a negative mindset to steal your enjoyment of life. Learning to focus on the positive and delight in the little things is possible. You can train your mind to pay attention when you are slipping into a critical mentality, and you can learn ways to counteract those tendencies. When you do, you will be amazed at how good life is and how wonderful the people you share it with are.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Ways to Lose a Double Chin

While a double chin is often associated with weight gain, the truth is that genetics, age, and lifestyle habits also play a role. It can, however, be argued, however, that weight is the biggest determinant in whether we form submental fat. So we’ll include some tips to help tilt the odds in your favor!

First, an introduction to the issue:

As we age, skin loses its elasticity or ability to reshape itself after being stretched or compressed. Women are more likely than men to notice this loss of elasticity, which begins to become visible between the ages of 40 to 45 for many.

In this article, we’ll talk about ways to lose the appearance of a double chin. Let’s do this!

Five Exercises to Help Lose a Double Chin

While there is little scientific evidence that facial exercises eliminate a double chin, numerous personal accounts of activities – especially ones that target the jaw and neck – reduce the fatty areas of the face. These areas include submental fat that accumulates around the chin.

Here are five helpful exercises:

  1. Bottom jaw jut

  • Look up at the ceiling by tilting your head back at a 45-degree angle.
  • Rotate your head to the right
  • Slide your bottom jaw forward (kind of like you have a bad overbite)
  • Hold this position for ten seconds, then release
  • Repeat the above steps with your head turned toward the left
  1. Ball press

  • Place a 10-inch ball on top of a table or desk
  • Using the area between your chin and neck, hold the ball in place
  • Push the ball downward with your chin
  • Repeat the process twenty to thirty times
  1. Neck stretch

  • Look up at the ceiling by tilting your head back at a 45-degree angle.
  • Lift your tongue upwards and hold it against the roof of your mouth.
  • Hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds and then release.
  1. Straight jaw jut

  • Look up at the ceiling by tilting your head back at a 45-degree angle.
  • Slide your jaw forward until you feel a bit of a stretch.
  • Hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds.
  • Repeat the above steps one more time and then relax your jaw. Open your mouth wide if you still feel tension, repeating if necessary.
  1. Tongue stretch

  • Keeping your eyes and head straight ahead, stick your tongue out as far as possible.
  • Curl your tongue upwards as if you were trying to lick the tip of your nose.
  • Hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds and release.

Dietary changes to lose a double chin

As mentioned, one’s weight (followed closely by genetic makeup) is likely the most influential factor in accumulating fat around the face, neck, and chin. By merely incorporating a few foods into your diet, you can get rid of that double chin – along with any other stubborn fat that doesn’t seem to go away!

  1. Fatty fish

While this one may sound a bit (okay, very) counterintuitive, fish such as Atlantic mackerel, sardines, and wild salmon are packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are strong inflammation fighters; they also encourage a healthy metabolism!

  1. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are a vegetarian alternative to fatty fish. Just one tablespoon of chia seeds contains over 60 percent, or 2,457 milligrams, of the recommended daily value (DV) for omega-3s! According to studies, here’s an added benefit: it can help reduce your cholesterol.

double chin

  1. Cranberries

Cranberries are packed with vitamins and minerals, but the drink’s ursolic acid makes it a potent fat-fighting food. Numerous studies have shown Ursolic acid to stimulate muscle growth, accelerate metabolic rate, and burn fat.

Of course, there are easier ways to make a double chin disappear! (Hey, it’ll do until you lose it for good, right?) Here are a couple of noteworthy methods:

  1. Electrical myostimulation (EMS) to reduce a double chin

Electrical myostimulation, or EMS, involves the introduction of relatively light electrical pulses to stimulate underlying muscles. While the technique is generally reserved for areas of the body like the arms, abdomen, and thighs, it could also work around the face and neck area.

  1. Sculpting and contouring makeup to minimize the look of a double chin

Skillful use of some makeup can decrease the bulge of any double chin. While this is certainly not a recommendable long-term option, a bit of makeup never hurt anyone. For maximum results, take an online lesson in sculpting or contouring if you’re interested.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Relationship Mistakes That Are Just As Bad As Cheating

When it comes to relationship mistakes, for many couples, cheating is the ultimate deal breaker. It’s a betrayal that some people will never tolerate in their relationship. But while an affair can be devastating, there are also other relationship mistakes that can also crush your happily ever after. In fact, some relationship mistakes can be considered as bad as cheating.

“It’s not how we make mistakes, but how we correct them that defines us.” – Rachel Wolchin

Here Are 7 Relationship Mistakes That Are Just As Bad As Cheating

1. Taking each other for granted

In mature relationships, partners recognize each other’s need to pursue their own interests and spend some time apart. And while it’s normal to remain an individual who is given her own space, togetherness in a relationship should still be a priority.

Partners who fail to spend quality time together because they lead such busy lives can easily grow apart. But when you take each other for granted, you lose that connection and bond, which could trigger attitudes that lead to cheating. According to relationship expert Vijayeta Sinh via Insider, being disconnected from your partner can breed affairs.

So, the next time you find yourself with nothing to do on a weekend, don’t set up get-togethers with friends. Instead, spend time with your partner. Curl up on the couch and watch a movie on Netflix together. Or better yet, plan a weekend trip so you can reconnect and bring back the romance.

2. Lack of communication

The lack of communication is one of the most common relationship mistakes. According to a survey, this is the number one reason couples break up or get divorced.

This isn’t just about talking to each other or sending a text or chat messages five times a day. This is more about really opening up to your partner, especially when you think there are serious issues that you have to discuss and settle in your relationship. Communication is also about listening to what your partner wants to get across when you’re having a disagreement.

Couples who don’t communicate with each other could end up piling up their frustrations and resentments. When these aren’t expressed, then it could damage the relationship far more than cheating.

3. Lack of trust

What issues do you hide from your partner because you’re too embarrassed to admit your relationship mistakes or you want to avoid an argument? For instance, do you hide your money problems or debts from your partner?

Nothing screws up any kind of partnership more than a lack of trust.  Being open and transparent is a must in a committed relationship. While tension can be expected, sorting out the issue would be a lot better than keeping secrets from each other, according to psychologist Dr. Stephen Shainbart via Woman’s Day.

At least 1 in 5 couples apparently keep secrets from each other, according to another poll. And just like cheating, a lack of trust can be considered a form of betrayal, too. The longer you keep this deceit, the harder it will be to fess up and repair what’s broken.

4. Failing to appreciate your partner

When was the last time you felt grateful to have that someone special in your life? Do you find yourself complaining more about the little things that annoy you about him? Do you ever talk to him about this?

You’re likely jeopardizing your happiness and your relationship when you fail to focus on the positive things about your partner. If you don’t tell him about what annoys you, and instead talk about your issues to other people, then you’re setting up your relationship to fail.

Being appreciative of your partner, despite his shortcomings, is a more productive attitude. It fosters positive thinking, and positive feelings of love and respect for someone you’ve agreed to be committed to.

5. Abstaining and withdrawing affection and intimacy

According to relationship Lucinda Loveland via Bustle, someone who is physically and emotionally unavailable in a relationship is worse than a cheating partner. It’s the most selfish act that a person can do. It can trigger so much negativity. Without the physical and emotional connection, couples also slowly lose all the important aspects of a relationship, such as love, trust, and respect.

6. Giving up on the relationship

Relationships are complicated but at the same time, they can also be beautiful and magical, if you invest time and effort. Giving up is actually the easiest way out of your relationship mistakes. However, if you really love the person you’re with, you’ve got to give each other a fighting chance.

Realize that love takes work. It also requires compromise, acceptance and being there for each other in times of bliss and hardships.  Live in the hope that most problems in a relationship can always be worked out.

relationship mistakes

7. Staying on for convenience

Are you still in love with your partner or are you in the relationship for convenience only? It’s a relationship mistake if you feel you need to be together for the sake of the children or because you don’t want to disappoint the people around you.

Nothing good will come out of staying together for the sake of convenience or because you’re simply co-dependent, even when there’s no more spark. Eventually, the resentments will fill the cracks and you could end up fighting and bickering with each other. This will only cause so much more heartbreak and hatred.

Final thoughts

If these are problems you face in your relationship, then you have to discuss and act on fixing things with your partner. Otherwise, it would make much more sense to end the relationship now, than to be forced to stay together. This way, you can still be friendly and maintain a positive relationship with each other.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Change Your Life Just By Reading Quotes

Sometimes it can feel like our lives have become stuck. We are in the same unfulfilling job. The town we live in may offer very little in the way of culture, enrichment, or entertainment. Perhaps the relationship we’re in has flatlined and is no longer bringing any level of contentment. Or we’re in a creative rut facing a blank page that seems to taunt us. Maybe it is just an ever-present state of ennui that has us immobilized.

Fortunately, we are not alone in these struggles. Many highly successful people have found themselves in a cycle that they needed to break free from. We can learn from their examples and use their words of wisdom as inspirational quotes about life to free us from negative cycles and change our lives.

How Inspirational Quotes About Life Can Help You

As Les Brown once said, “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” If our thoughts are constantly derogatory or we engage in negative self-talk, we may find ourselves perpetuating cycles that we would rather be free from. However, by finding inspiration from quotes on life from people we admire, we can begin to free ourselves from patterns that may be doing more harm than good.

It is often said that whatever we put out into the universe is what we will get back. By infusing our thoughts with inspirational quotes about life we can start changing our lives for the better. Our thought patterns can turn into self-perpetuating cycle — what we think truly effects how we feel. Reset the mind to reset our lives.

Turn Inspiration Into Mantras

When we find ourselves particularly stressed or stuck, mantras can help. Research done by Herbert Benson of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine has found that reciting a mantra can help people cope with stressors and major life events. By turning our favorite quotes on life into mantras, we can easily access them when we need to find our center.

By turning inspirational quotes about life into mantras, we will better be able to access a more zen state of mind, which will enable us to find solutions to problems. Further, by reframing a particularly challenging emotional state we can gain greater control over thought patterns that may be reinforcing negative cyclical patterns — and change our lives for the better.

Turn Your Favorite Quotes into Art to Keep Moving

When facing a tight deadline it may seem counterintuitive to walk away from a project. But in order to gain fresh perspective — whether it be about a project or life in general — sometimes that’s exactly what we need to do. By turning inspirational quotes about life into art, we can exercise our creative sides while making a tangible reminder of our goals. The break will allow the subconscious to work out solutions to problems and come up with fresh ideas.

When our inner critic is particularly loud it can be difficult to think that we are talented enough to keep on going. By reaching for our favorite inspirational quote, we can quiet the critics in our heads and make beautiful art to share with the world. As Walt Stanchfield once said, “We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us. The sooner we get them out the better.”

Give Voice to Your Feelings with Inspirational Quotes

When we’re experiencing particularly complex emotions it’s often difficult to come up with the exact words to give voice to what’s going on. Often, by turning to our favorite inspirational quotes about life — or finding new sources of inspiration — we can find the words that can give us strength and be a catalyst for change. By using the catalyst to propel us into action so we begin making the changes to break out of harmful cycles.

happiness quotes

Take Action

Dodinsky wrote, “Do not let your shadow walk you. You are not a slave to your past.” While quotes and words of wisdom may provide us with motivation and inspiration, it is not enough to simply read them. We need to apply the advice to our lives and take action. By taking action we can break out of patterns of behavior that no longer serve us and change our lives for the better. Inspirational quotes give us the tools by helping us change our thoughts. It is up to us to use them.

Our favorite quotes don’t need to merely remain memes on our social media pages or mental totems to trot out when we need a quick pick-me-up. Motivational and inspirational quotes can be the jolt we need to get out of our ruts. When we use quotes on life to inspire us and take action on our inspiration, we can change our lives for the better.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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