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5 Bitter Truths About Being A Hopeless Romantic Woman In Today’s World

Love is a half-full glass, and a hopeless romantic’s ideal partner will fill the other half to create a perfect balance rarely seen out of a Hollywood or Disney romances. In other words, you’re in love with the idea of perfect love and seek it out in your romantic relationships. You’re in good company; I’m a hopeless romantic too, and I always will be.

Today’s world, however, is less about romance and long term relationships and more about casual dating and one night stands. This is the bane of a hopeless romantic. We want someone who values love like we do. Maybe, if we’re lucky, we find a hopeless romantic partner just like ourselves. Your journey, however, can be more complicated because of the following bitter truths.

Here are 5 truths about being a hopeless romantic:

1. You Might Be Part Of The Problem

I remember the first time a (now ex) boyfriend said, “Maybe he wasn’t the problem.”

The sheer rage that ran through my veins at hearing those words could’ve started WWIII. At the time, I’d recently left a 17-year mentally abusive relationship and reentered the world of dating. Obviously, I’d found a tool of a guy who’d dared to blame me, but he was sort of right too. After all, I was dating him. I had unconsciously lowered my standards while ignoring flaws and warning signs. Moreover, I had done it repeatedly and expected different results.

In romances, yes, we do accept and forgive flaws, but we must recognize, accept, and love them first. What we do as hopeless romantics is ignore their existence, then an ah-ha moment occurs later, and we suddenly can’t understand how we missed it. You will have or have had these ah-ha moments, and yes, if not for our unrealistic view on love, we wouldn’t be in those relationships in the first place.

2. We Do Unexplainable Things In The Name Of Love

Here are a few.
• Lower standards and not just your physical standards. This means possibly putting yourself in a dangerous or abusive relationship.
• Give people second chances when they don’t deserve it or texting/emailing past lovers out of desperation.
• Raise your standards to unrealistic levels to prove to yourself you don’t need anyone or to make yourself feel worse.
• Become a serial dater in a sense that goes against being a hopeless romantic, like random hookups and casual sex.
• Do unrelated dating/love things, like losing weight (which should be for yourself), in hopes to attract a partner.

3. The Path To True Love Is A Rollercoaster Of Emotions

Being a hopeless romantic is like any other addiction, but the cure itself is not to forget or ignore our hearts, unlike an addict who gives up their drug to battle their addiction. Finding love with another hopeless romantic partner is ideal. It’s not always possible, but no one understands what your journey has been like except for someone who views love in the same way.

You might not fall for every person you meet, but you will love often and hard. After a bad breakup, you might temporarily stop looking for new relationships. There is nothing wrong with this. We can learn from taking a step back and reevaluating our love lives. Plus, you need to recharge and reexamine yourself.

4. You Will Constantly Date The Wrong People

This can be good or bad; depends how you look at it. A hopeless romantic partner often has dating experience like no other. This doesn’t mean you’re easy (or they are). It doesn’t need to mean sex or sleeping around, which today’s hookup culture almost redefines dating as, but it does mean you meet a lot of people.

If you take the time to reflect on why your partner(s) didn’t work out, you can avoid those types in the future. This is why dating the wrong people is good. It also means you’ll appreciate the right person more when you meet them. However, if you’re not careful, you will wind up repeating the cycle and dating the same type until you’re so hurt and frustrated that you temporarily give up on love.

5. You Will Attract Narcissists

Two types of people move fast in relationships: hopeless romantics and narcissists. Narcissists move like lightning through relationships and few occur without the victim suffering a form of mental abuse.

hopeless romantic

You should beware of the signs, but also understand that present signs don’t make someone a narcissist; after all, we all have some narcissistic traits at varied degrees. When you take relationships slowly, you run less risk at attracting not only narcissists but also the wrong people in general, including abusive ones.

If you’re currently in an abusive situation, please reach out to someone for help. You’re not alone.

Love is a wonderful emotion that each of us deserves to feel free of abuse or unhealthy conditions. When you find real everlasting love, you will know it. I’m not an expert on all things love, but I knew at the sound of my soul mate’s voice that my heart had finally found its home. It might be a bumpy ride for you too, but love is real. Don’t ever give up hope.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Top 10 Best Vegan Dessert Recipes Anyone Will Love

More and more people have embraced the vegan lifestyle. Many of them have done so, due to the health benefits associated with a plant-based diet. As an article on Healthline points out, those who embrace this diet often reduce or eliminate their risk for cancer and heart disease, often have lower body weights, and experience lower rates of degenerative diseases, like arthritis.

However, for every benefit of veganism there are also drawbacks, one of the biggest being bland-tasting recipes. This dietary disappointment seems especially pronounced where vegan desserts are concerned. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Vegan desserts done right can taste just as delicious as other types of desserts and even be good for you.

If you’re on the hunt for some delicious vegan desserts, be sure to try these 10 vegan recipes.

1. Vegan Cheesecake

Who knew that it was possible to make tofu taste like creamy cheesecake filling, but this recipe is among the tastiest vegan recipes around. The results are deceptively delicious.

You start with silken tofu, a little vanilla extract, and some lemon and apple juice. A graham cracker crust provides the nutty, crunchy foundation for the cheesecake. Like most cheesecake recipes, this one allows for flavorful toppings, like fresh strawberries or caramel sauce.

2. Chocolate Chip Cookies

The Daily Rebecca features a vegan chocolate chip cookies recipe that even includes vegan chocolate chips. (She advises people to shop for those at Trader Joe’s.) Coconut oil and brown sugar act as binders for this recipe. Almond milk and vanilla then give the cookies their traditional flavor. They only take about 10 minutes to bake. If you’ve ever felt that tinge of sadness that comes from not being able to do your yearly cookie exchange since becoming vegan, this and other vegan cookie recipes get you back in the game.

3. Crispy Rice With Peanut Butter and Caramel

Crispy rice treats count as one of those easy staple desserts of childhood. The combination of crispy rice cereal and a bit of peanut butter always hit the spot. And given how these foods are often associated with comfort food, they’re a go-to dessert even for adults. And as it turns out, the vegan version of the dessert counts as one of the best vegan desserts around.

4. Snickerdoodles

One of the yummiest vegan recipes is this snickerdoodle recipe that appeals to both vegans and paleo eaters alike. The recipe has the same sugar and cinnamon coating as the snickerdoodle cookies of old. Coconut and almond flour make it paleo and no dairy means this recipe is decidedly vegan. The absence of those ingredients also means that this vegan recipe won’t cause inflammation in the body, like recipes that feature white flour. Now, that’s a bonus.

5. Vegan Truffles

The thing about vegan dessert recipes is that to make them taste good, you often have to use ingredients that you’d never expect to get the results you want. Case in point? This vegan truffle recipe that’s featured on Delish. It’s also one of the simplest recipes out there, vegan or not. It only has five ingredients – chocolate chips, vanilla extract, kosher salt, cocoa powder, and avocado. (Avocado is the odd ingredient here.) But odd ingredient or not, these truffles taste just as good as the truffles you’d buy in specialty shops, without the dairy guilt.

6. Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip N’ice Cream

Quite a few people have dairy allergies, which prevent them from having ice cream during the warmer months of the summer. But dairy-free N’ice cream recipes allow those with dairy allergies to enjoy a sweet frozen treat again. Frozen bananas replace the dairy in this recipe. Peanut butter and chocolate give this recipe a peanut buttercup flavor, without all the “bad” stuff that goes with it. It’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll love this vegan recipe!

7. Vegan Brownies

Jamie Oliver has given vegans brownies back. (There was much rejoicing!) It has the gooey, chocolatey flavor that you’ve come to associate with the best traditional brownie recipes. That it happens to just be one of the best vegan dessert recipes is a bonus.

8. Fresh Berry Bars

The tastiest and healthiest vegan recipes use the freshest fruits as a matter of course. These vegan berry bars allow you to use up the fruits of the season in one delicious baked dessert. And this recipe is so versatile, you don’t have to limit yourself to eating the fruit bars for breakfast.

9. Vegan Rice Pudding

Vegan rice pudding substitutes coconut milk and raw cashews for dairy. But this recipe doesn’t skimp on all the things that make rice pudding delicious. It still has plenty of Arborio rice, vanilla extract, and some zest of lime. Adding berries or coconut on top make this one of the more flavorful vegan recipes that you’ll find.

vegan diet


10. Banana Bread

This vegan banana bread recipe puts sweet bread back on the table for vegans – literally. It combines ripe bananas, vanilla powder, and sunflower seeds, making it as hearty as it is healthy. If you’ve been looking for a sweet bread recipe to put in your proverbial recipe box, this is a good vegan recipe to add.

Recap of the Best Vegan Recipes for Dessert

Vegan recipes often taste bland, making it difficult for many people to transition into a vegan diet. And if those same people also happen to be dessert fans, the transition is even more difficult. However, these 10 vegan dessert recipes can make all the difference when it comes to reintroducing dessert to the diet.

The best vegan recipes are sweet and tasty and some are even appropriate for meals other than dessert. Make them when you need something delicious for a dessert exchange or even when you just want something sweet after dinner.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Love And Appreciate Your Body Just The Way It Is Right Now

Do you look at yourself in the mirror and disapprove of the way you look? Have you ever been told that you are beautiful but wonder what people are talking about? At times, do you get the feeling that people are making polite compliments of the way you look because they are afraid of telling you how fat or too thin you look? This is something most people go through.

Not everyone is blessed with an amazing body that can bounce back after giving birth or gaining weight. Magazines, society conceptions, friends, family, or at most times, ourselves place a lot of pressure in trying to ensure that we are in the “right” shape, weight, or size, regardless of what we are doing or where we work.

You need to start by looking in the mirror and appreciating who you are, with your rolls, cellulite, flat butt and pouch. All the “flaws” that are seen by other people should not lead you to take extreme measures to look like a supermodel or your favorite celebrity.

We are going to go through a few ways in which you can start to appreciate your body.

Get new role models

We are 8 billion people in the world; you are going to find a role model you can look up to who is real and not airbrushed. Choose a role model who is larger than just their physical appearance. When you focus mainly on models or celebrities who have had alterations, you are going to have super high expectations, which when they fail, you are going to feel worse than you already do.

Get rid of fitness and fashion magazines

All the models who are on these magazines, their images have been altered or photo-shopped to look a certain way. Some of these models are going through hard times, or have eating disorders that they either talk about or are not willing to acknowledge.

40% of fashion models have reported having either bulimia or anorexia, which they most likely will not talk about for fear of losing their jobs. When you buy a fitness magazine, try and figure out the reality of the ads. Stop wasting your time reading about “the best way to get rid of fat” or “How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week.” Steer clear of all these ads, and you will feel better about yourself.

Talk to someone

This does not mean you complain about your body; you are talking to someone about how you are insecure about your body.

The person you talk to might have a different opinion or outlook on it, or even share about something they are insecure about. Talking about your insecurities reduces the chances of you internalizing it.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Do not compare yourself to others; you are likely to feel inferior about yourself. Also, you should not compare yourself to others and think you are superior to them; this does not do any good to your self-esteem.

Comparisons tend to put one party down. No matter the outcome of the comparison, you should know that life is not all about competition.

Girls think about looking better than the girls sitting next to them, while guys focus on muscles being bigger than others. The New York Times states that there is 6% of boys who use steroids to change their body; more than 90% of boys aged 12-18 lift weights, and 38% use protein supplements. We are all lovely and beautiful in our own right, and you should embrace it completely.

Dress in clothes that will flatter your body

Go out and do some shopping! Get Greek apparel Delta Sigma Theta that compliment and accentuate your body. This will improve your confidence immensely! There is no point in squeezing yourself in tight clothes that make you look like you wore your younger sister/brother’s clothes; neither is it good to hide behind baggy clothes.

Appreciate your body by wearing flattering but comfortable clothes that make you appreciate your body more.

Health is all that matters

Is your health at risk? Did a doctor inform you of changing your diet or reducing weight? If you don’t relate to these statements, then enjoy your body and appreciate it. Take walks, hike, ride a bike and eat well, and you will have nothing to worry about.

List what you like about yourself

At first, this will be an uphill task, as one tends to focus solely on the negatives. You might come up with one or two things or even none. 42% of girls in the first to third grade in the US, want to lose weight, this is according to the National Eating Disorder Association. This is sad and something that should be discouraged at all costs.



Practice as often as you can to figure out the positive attributes that you have, and it will get easier each time. When in need of a confidence boost, look at the list, and you will appreciate body more.

Final thoughts

Each human being is different from the next human, therefore, accept yourself the way you are. Remember, you are a beautiful, exceptional human being whose “flaws” are what make you unique and special.

I hope these tips are going to help you appreciate yourself more, and appreciate your body regardless of what you are being told. Never aspire to attain unachievable body standards that will tear you down. Be confident in who you are, and nothing will shake the self-confidence you have for yourself.

Be your own best friend, appreciate body, treat yourself with love, respect, and kindness.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Do Affirmations Really Work? How To Make Them Work For You

How to Make Positive Affirmations Work for You

Do you recall a time when the word “affirmation” wasn’t part of your vocabulary? Truth is, these pronouncements have been part of the human condition for centuries—-we just hadn’t made the connection until recently.

From the Greek philosopher Epictetus, through some of the most insightful thinkers of our time, positive thought has emerged from the souls of greats like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill to Norman Vincent Peale and Earl Nightingale. These icons helped drive empowerment movements and they’ll never be forgotten

The growth, care and feeding of positive affirmations

We’ve come a long way, baby. Seminars, self-help groups, counselors and best-selling books talk about positive affirmation as a way of inspiring ourselves while discovering the strengths that reside inside—traits we may not know about or acknowledge in a day and age when “put downs” and guilt follow us around at every turn.

But once you strip the commercial face of the affirmation away and get down to the core of its power—the place you may not yet have discovered in yourself—you can discover a way to believe in yourself that forms a solid foundation rather than a wish–that’s when the art of affirmation shines!

What is a positive affirmation?

How much time do you have? We ask because this simple question comes with myriad answers, thus even the tip of the iceberg may not do this topic justice. For purposes of getting on with definitions and getting you started on your own journey to acceptance, warts and all, here is a mini-introduction to the definition:

Dr. Carmen Harra, whose “Huffington Post” article showcases Arlene Taylor’s pioneering behavioral research, describes positive thoughts and the psychological and physical benefits they deliver.

When we affirm our self worth, our brains respond by pushing out “feel-good” hormones that generate what Taylor refers to as “positive thought” neurons. Affirmations can rewire our brains in positive ways, just like physical exercise, and they play a pivotal role in breaking negative thought patterns that can demoralize us.

What are typical affirmations?

Sometimes, it’s easier to learn by example, especially if you’re just getting started on a journey to the essence of your being. Grab a cup of tea before perusing “The Only 100 Positive Affirmations You Will Ever Need” list on, but if you don’t have time to read the whole list, allow us to give you a taste of these uplifting statements:

-Feeling alone? “I feel the love of those who are not physically around me.”
-So scared, you can’t think straight? “Following my intuition and my heart keeps me safe and sound.”
-Did somebody make you feel like you don’t matter? “I may be one in 7 billion, but I am also one in 7 billion.”
-Can’t get on top of your anger? “I forgive myself for all of the mistakes I have made.”
-Has hopelessness invaded your soul? “I may not understand the good in this situation, but I know it’s there.”
-Has decision-making become an impossible task? “I trust myself to make the best decision for me.”
-When sleep won’t come: “I release my mind of thought until the morning.”
-Can’t get out of bed? “I will fill my day with hope and face it with joy.”
-Wresting with a problem that seems hopeless? “There is a great reason this is unfolding before me now.”

How to put these statements to work for you

According to Dr. Ronald Alexander’s inciteful “Psychology Today” magazine column, getting into the habit of employing affirmations requires a little practice. But it takes just three steps to get into the habit and you can add two more steps if you’re extremely eager to do the work.

1. Grab a pad of paper (or boot your PC) and list every negative quality about yourself that you can muster. Dig for criticisms, gossip and rumors you’ve internalized so you see how much damage has been done to your psyche over time—damage that isn’t your fault.

2. Counter-punch! No boxing gloves required, of course, unless you want to add stress-relief to your routine and have access to a gym. This step asks you to scan that list and “translate” each negative into a positive. Ask a close friend to monitor you. Don’t be surprised if she comes up with more positive things to say about you!

3. Speak up. And make it loud. Devote five minutes of time morning, afternoon and night to articulating those positive statements about yourself while standing in front of a mirror. Worried you’ll forget your assignment? Hang your list on the wall so you don’t skip a single gem.

4. Dr. Alexander suggests identifying part of your body experiencing pain every time you are emotionally hurt. Maybe it’s your stomach. Or your chest. Increase the power of your mirror sessions by placing a hand on that area and taking a deep breath every time you utter your new reality in the form of a positive affirmation.


5. Also optional, but very powerful: get an affirmation partner. A judgment-free friend, colleague, cousin or anyone with whom you feel safe can act as a witness to your declarations of self-worth. You can always return the favor, right?

Do the work—you’ll never regret it!

Didn’t your mom tell you that everything worthwhile in life requires time, dedication and focus? Affirming your self-worth could be the most important thing you do for yourself during your lifetime.

Think of driving those negative thoughts out of your brain—especially after a lifetime of accepting those criticisms—as your personal exorcism. It’s the gift you give yourself and it’s as powerful as anything you’ll experience now or in the future.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Having A Bad Day? Read These Happiness Quotes To Change Your Mood

Never underestimate the power of happiness quotes! If you’re having a bad day, one of the quickest things you can do to turn it around is by reading material that uplifts and improves your mindset. By stimulating the part of the brain that is receptive to happiness or pleasure on a regular basis, you will build resistance to stress, get sick less often, sleep better, and maintain greater levels of focus.

All that being said, we can’t control the fact that bad days happen, it’s life’s way! What we can control, or learn to control, is how we react to those bad days and how long we allow ourselves to dwell on whatever it is that has made us upset.

Quotes About Happiness are Good for Your Brain

So why happiness quotes? Psychologists at the New School for Social Research have found that reading can enhance your ability to better understand people’s states of mind and more successfully navigate complex relationships. People who read often report feeling more satisfied with life, experience lower levels of depression or anxiety and even report feeling higher levels of self-esteem on a day to day basis.

If you don’t have the time to pick up a new book, looking for resources that can supply you with a quick boost of motivation can still work wonders for your brain such as, you guessed it, quotes about happiness! You can bookmark these resources and read them on the bus, your lunch break, before you go into a meeting, any time you feel like you need a pick me up. In fact, add happiness quotes into your morning routine by reading a few before you go to work for the day. The key to happiness can be quite simple, the more you surround yourself with positive experiences, the more you will live your life with a positive mindset.

Without further a due, we’ve compiled a list of quality happiness quotes for you to read in order to turn your day around. As you read this list, open your mind to what they’re really saying and allow yourself to let go of whatever is holding you back at the moment. Write down your favorites and revisit them whenever you feel compelled to!

1. “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” -Elbert Hubbard

2. “Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.”
-Frank Tyger

3. “When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.”
-Helen Keller

4. “True happiness arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one’s self.” -Joseph Addison

5. “Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.” -Walt Whitman

6. “Happiness? That’s nothing more than health and a poor memory.” -Albert Schweitzer

7. “Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.” -Thomas Jefferson

8. “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” -Dale Carnegie

9. “If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?” -Roy T. Bennett

10. “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

11. “The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.”
-Mark Twain

12. “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”
-Oprah Winfrey

13. “In our lives, change is unavoidable, loss is unavoidable. In the adaptability and ease with which we experience change, lies our happiness and freedom.” -Buddha

happiness quotes

14. “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” -Albert Camus

15. “Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness.” -Ayn Rand

Simple ways to find happiness
Refer to these happiness quotes on a rainy or sunny day to improve your sense of wellbeing. It’s never a bad time to remind yourself of all the good things in life. Share your favorite quotes about happiness with family and friends or those you know are having a tough time themselves and spread the love!

How To Make Friendship Last : 10 Things You Need To Do

Both adults and children often worry about the status of the friendships and relationships in their lives. Friends often give them some of their most cherished memories. Close friendships can result in romantic relationships and job offers. But often, there are conflicts that pop up and time constraints that prevent people from spending time with their friends.

Making friends is hard and keeping those friends is much harder. People often throw up their hands and have no idea what to do. However, keeping friends is not an impossible puzzle that nobody can do anything about.

Here are ten friendship tips you can take to keep friends and improve the quality of the friendships that you already have.

best quotes on friendship

Stay in touch

People are busy. They are always spending time at their jobs, finishing chores around the house, or taking care of their families. One in three workers believe they do not have enough time to do all the things they want to do at home. These responsibilities often pile up and seem particularly important. The internet has made such communication ridiculously easy. One can send a tweet or a Facebook message in between checking work emails. They can send a text and reply to it later that day. Such efforts take only a few seconds but can be considerable to sustaining friends over time and distance.

See your friends

An online connection is only part of friendly communications, however. If possible, a busy person still needs to make room for significant connections. Within reason, they should set a goal to see another individual in person on a reasonable basis. Some friends try to meet up with each other either once per week or once per month. Not everyone can meet all of their friends that often. But even the most infrequent face-to-face meetings can help provide a close connection that is lacking in an all-digital friendship.

Prioritize the friendship

In order to make room for friends, individuals need to prioritize that friendship over other parts of their lives. They need to focus on the positives that friends bring to their lives. Studies show that having lasting friendships makes people happier and live longer. They are able to live with less stress and have better avenues for problem-solving. In order to keep those friends, you need to go the extra mile to show your friends that you care and that they are a priority in your life.

Give gifts

Small gifts and favors will help facilitate the friendships in your life. A favor given means that another one may be received in the near future. Favors and gifts also open up dialogue and help two people communicate more often. A favor or gift may serve another purpose as a litmus test. If you have bought your friend with means ten birthday gifts in a row and have received nothing back, you may need to evaluate whether or not that friend should be a priority for you.

Handle conflict carefully

Conflict is inevitable in a relationship as well as a friendship. Even the closest friendships involve some level of conflict. It should not be ignored or swept under the rug in every possible situation. Instead, you need to make sure that you fight quietly and fairly whenever you do fight with your friends. One serious mistake could lead to a lost friend and a brand new enemy.

Connect your friends and your significant other

You should never have your friends avoid or be kept secret from your significant other. They will hold a special place in your life that may be in conflict with that of your friends. If you bring your friends and your special someone together, you can learn how to balance all of these important relationships without having to choose one over the other.

Agree with your friends (every once in a while)

If your friend just keeps getting things wrong, you should strive to find common ground. Common ground is critical and keeps you from simply being a nag. While you need to be able to disagree with your friend, constantly asserting how right you are can end up torpedoing the friendship.

Use anger sparingly

Anger is one of the most frequently expressed emotions between friends. Some situations warrant an angry response. Even when you are angry at a friend, you should always try to curb your anger with your friends. This advice is especially true for those friends who cannot handle an angry person. They may respond to your anger by fleeing and removing you from their lives.

Be polite with criticism

Your friends will make mistakes. They may also want to know about those mistakes. This desire does not mean they also want their feelings hurt. Try to be as careful as possible when making such criticisms. Follow the golden rule and keep insulting language to a minimum.


Treat family with caution

Family is always a third rail in friendships. Individuals want to be able to criticize their families but feel defensive at other people making similar criticisms. Make sure to become familiar with how your friends talk about families. The wisest thing to do when a friend is discussing family may be to simply nod along silently.


Not all friendships last more than a few years. You have to be ready to reevaluate your friendships, follow these friendship tips, and reject toxic people from your life. However, a sustaining friendship can provide comfort and happiness for decades. If you go the extra mile and show that you care, the right people will be excited to stay in and enrich your life.

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