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Everything You Need To Know About Fulvic Acid Benefits

The significance of fulvic acid in regards to the quality of life is frequently underestimated because many people are unaware of its impact on the cycle of life. The compound has a direct impact on the health of the body and its uptake of nutrients. Fulvic acid, a compound formed when plants and animals decompose, is a yellow-brown substance that occurs naturally in soil, coal, or water in streams and lakes. The compound typically stimulates the growth of roots in plants. Therefore, plants are able to easily extract water and minerals from the soil.

Further, in traditional times, the primary source of fulvic acid was through natural uptake from soil. In recent times, science has led to the development of food-grade fulvic supplements that people can consume to get the compound. The primary benefits of such supplements are to improve gut health and boost intake of nutrients.

Here are the important things you need to know about fulvic acid benefits.

Improves Uptake of Nutrients

One of the important fulvic acid benefits lies in its ability to transport energy-rich nutrients. The electrolytes found in fulvic acid enhance the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Consequently, the digestive system is able to process vitamins, proteins, minerals, and herbs in a more efficient manner.

Additionally, the compound is highly bioavailable and thus gets easily absorbed into the blood. Consequently, nutrients are absorbed along with fulvic acid and into the bloodstream via the digestive system. The compound has a low molecular weight; therefore, it is able to pass through protective membranes with ease carrying along minerals, vitamins, and nutrients in the right quantities. Essentially, the fulvic acid benefits through enhancement of nutrient intake can lead to a healthy body.

Improves Gut Health

Fulvic acid plays a major role in the digestive system aiding it to maintain optimum function. The ample nutrients and elements including electrolytes, probiotics, fatty acids, and prebiotics in the compound can enhance gut health. The elements nourish the gut and improve proliferation of good bacteria thus creating a healthy microbiome environment. Essentially, fulvic acid enables growth of good bacteria because it has nutrients that the bacteria need. An improved microbiome environment improves overall functions of the gut.

Eliminates Toxins

Fulvic acid has an incredible ability to reduce the level of toxins in the body. The compound is able to dissolve and remove the toxic elements in the body. Further, it also acts as an antioxidant that dissipates free radicals which are harmful elements known to cause instability in the body. Subsequently, fulvic acid slows down aging and prevents the occurrence of diseases such as cancer. Fulvic acid also activates a variety of enzymes that aid in the breakdown of various foods.

Metabolism of Fats

Research studies have shown that fulvic acid helps to metabolize fats. Essentially, it helps the body burn fat. Additionally, fulvic acid enhances the functions of insulin and growth hormone. Such compounds and hormones are important in metabolism. In addition to hormones, enzymes responsible for digestion of fat are also activated, thus enabling the body to break down fat.

Improves Brain Function

Alzheimer’s disease affects more than five million individuals over the age of 65 in the U.S. Research has shown that one of the fulvic acid benefits is that it prevents the formation of a particular protein linked with Alzheimer’s disease. The mechanism by which it does this is through manipulation of proteins. Studies show that the plaques located outside the cells and proteins inside the cells are connected. The tangling of the proteins inside the cells has been shown to trigger Alzheimer’s disease. Fulvic acid mitigates the tangling of proteins thus alleviates the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

Improves Skin

Fulvic acid benefits for skin arise from its constituents. One of the components of fulvic acid is silica, an element known to stimulate the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is an important compound because it is the primary protein that forms connective tissue and forms a major part of the skin, hair, as well as nails. Moreover, due to its enhanced ability to aid in nutrient absorption, fulvic acid promotes the growth of healthy and strong hair and nails. Therefore, the fulvic acid benefits for hair arise from its ability to stimulate the formation of hair.

detox your skin


Additionally, fulvic acid has antibacterial properties which improve and balance the pH levels in the body. Therefore, the compound is used to treat various skin conditions. Studies show that eczema treatment regimens that incorporate fulvic acid are more effective than any other types of treatment. Therefore, out of the key fulvic acid benefits for skin, it is applied to restore skin. Also, fulvic acid is used to treat different types of rashes and irritations arising from spider bites, poison ivy, or other potential irritants.

Evidently, there are numerous fulvic acid benefits such as boosted brain health, improved digestion, and enhanced body health. Subsequently, the compound can lead to a boost in energy and rejuvenation in the body. A rejuvenated body not only has a balanced internal environment but also manifests on the outside. This is the reason why fulvic acid benefits for hair and skin are applied to develop remedies. Although the compound has been in use for thousands of years, it was not until recently that the awareness on its benefits was raised. It is now consumed as an oral therapy for diarrhea, gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, and diabetes.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Ways To Add More Positivity In Your Life (When Negativity Surrounds You)

We are all different, but what is the main thing that differentiates us from each other? Attitude. Your attitude within and around you can determine what sort of life you will live. The little difference is whether you have a positive attitude or a negative attitude. So, how do you bring more positivity to the forefront?

If you are a positive person, have you ever encountered a pessimistic person in your life? Or do you have one in your life right now? These type of people are likely to ruin your day even when you have not had a bad day. It can be emotionally taxing to be around them such that it affects your attitude regularly. Having negativity cloud your mind will make happiness seem like an unfathomable thing to grasp.

In case you find yourself surrounded with negative energy, there are a few ways you can stay motivated to work through the hard times and remain happy and confident.

Below are 11 ways to add positivity in life despite the negativity surrounding you.

negativity detox

Surround yourself with people with more positivity

Negative conversations will make you lose focus on your goals. Walk, talk, associate yourself with people who are positive. In case you find yourself among people having a negative conversation, remain neutral, or you can refuse to participate in the discussion. Be around likeminded individuals who are smart and driven. Have friends who are proud of what you are doing, respect and love you, and make your day brighter than it already is.

Learn from past mistakes

We are prone to making mistakes, and it is in our nature. The critical thing to remember is to learn from your mistakes and move on. Reevaluate situations that you were in and analyze how you handled the situation. Come up with ways that you would have done better and noted down the solutions. The notes will come in handy when you find yourself in a similar situation, and you will think to handle it in the best way.

Celebrate achievements

The achievements do not necessarily have to be significant, and even small accomplishments should be celebrated. Reward yourself when you attain a goal. You can take yourself out to see a movie, or go away for the weekend. Think about what you have accomplished in the recent week, and plan on how you will celebrate yourself. Ice cream or watch can be the reward. This would bring some positivity in your week or day even if it were going wrong. You will appreciate the small things in life.

Find the good in the bad

You might lose the promotion you wanted, get rained on, or you miss the bus, anything can go wrong. Instead of focusing on the negative, find a way to spin the situation, or try and find some positivity in what is going on. There is always a degree of good to be learned when something terrible happens. Find what that might be, regardless of what happens to you.

Focus on solutions

When you focus on the solutions, you will remain positive. “Be solution focused, not problem focused … This way, you will feel control, and feel hope for the future,” this is according to psychologist Nicole Martinez. Do not fixate on the wrong things and complain about them. Look for ways to get out of the rut and how you can move from the unfortunate situation.

Change your thinking toward positivity

We live in a world where we presume that rich people live abundantly and the poor have limitations in their life. The poor think of “either/or” but never “both.” They think that the obstacles in their lives are preventing them from achieving their goals. When you change how you think, you will create more opportunities for yourself. Be open-minded, and you will be surprised at the doors that will open and the positivity in your life.

Start with gratitude

Do you have food on the table? Clothes? A place to call home? You might see these things as usual, but there are others who would like to have what you own. You might not have everything you want, but you have the necessities. Count your blessings, and you will feel the abundance growing. This might push you to work harder and smarter.

Show appreciation

Have you been feeling lonely and negative? According to Martinez, “appreciate the little things that people do for you, and let them know you appreciate them.” Showing a little bit of appreciation for the little things people do for you can help. The more appreciate them, they might decide to make it a regular occurrence, and you will be happy.

Believe in yourself to attract positivity

If you decide to believe in something, start with yourself. Understand your pros and cons, and be honest about them. Figure out how you will make changes in your life and advance the positives to make your dream a reality. When you believe in who you are, nothing negative said against or about you will shake your faith.

Take care of yourself

It is in our human nature to be liked by everyone, but most times we are wearing ourselves down by being what other people want us to be. You need to shift the focus to what you want and how you are doing. “It’s crucial to take care of your actions, how you live each day. This is reflected in your thoughts and emotional state of mind,” says Daffnee Cohen. Look after yourself and bring some positivity in life.

Never stop dreaming

You might be happy with your life right now, but never stop wanting more. Since you have achieved your goals, there are more mountains to be climbed if you push yourself past your comfort zone. You will remain humble and never lazy if you decide to see how far you can push yourself to attain more goals in your life.


Final Thoughts on Attracting More Positivity

It is never easy to remain positive in a world of negativity. But you can control the attitude that you have. All the negativity in the world cannot push you down if you do not let it get to your head. Defend yourself against all forms of negativity and bring some positivity in your life. 77% of our sickness and diseases are as a result of stress. Therefore, ensure you have positive vibes in your life, and this will reduce stress levels.

You have to believe, think, and speak positive things in your life to make no room for negative thoughts or feelings to creep in. Infuse your life with positive perspectives, and you will be motivated to do more than you already are going. Soon, you will have positivity all around you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

21 Disappointments Everyone Goes Through (That Actually Makes You Stronger)

As we grow older, we tend to experience disappointments at times. It’s just an unfortunate part of growing up that is destined to happen a few times as we stumble through our lives. It may seem cynical to say, but there tends to be a period in everyone’s life where every corner turned brings you face to face with a new disappointment.

The critical thing to take away from these minor hiccups in life is that each time you deal with disappointment, you grow and become a much wiser person because of it.

The following is a list of the most common disappointments that people experience.

1. Love

The way we perceive love before we’ve actually fallen in love with anyone seems to be filled with hearts and flowers, but in reality, it can be the exact opposite. Having love and maintaining that love can be very difficult at times. In the beginning, it can be just like the movies and storybooks, but lasting love is extraordinary and does not come to a couple effortlessly.

2. Work

When you were a kid, maybe you fantasied about heading off to work every day just like your parents would. Just the idea of not having to go to school every day seemed like a prize all on its own. However, we quickly learn that there is a reason why it’s called work.

3. Owning Your Own House

It’s something we all strive for at some point in our lives. It seems to be a staple in the life accomplishment department. Owning your own house may come off as the ultimate luxury for some people, but the reality of it brings on a whole new set of responsibilities.

4. Dreams

Learning that a tiny percent of the population follows their dreams and becomes what they want to be can be disheartening. It’s also a big disappointment to learn that not everybody has a dream.

5. College

Going off to college and beginning your adult life is dramatically different than what is depicted in movies and tv shows.

6. Pregnancy

There are mothers out there who will say that every minute of their pregnancy was pure bliss, but for the most part, it’s not. Growing another human is hard work. You get sick all the time because your organs are moving around trying to make room for another body to grow. There are constant sharp pains and sleepless nights, but it’s all worth it in the end.

7. The Best Intentions

One of the biggest disappointments you’ll learn to deal with in life is figuring out that not everyone you encounter has your best interest in mind.

8. Metabolism Failure

Most likely when you were a kid, you could eat whatever you wanted and still maintain a high level of energy without gaining much weight. As we grow older, our metabolism slows down and eating fast food and candy at all hours of the day seems like a terrible idea suddenly.

9. Adulting

Being an adult does have its perks, but with those also comes the bill paying and stress of life that can be a real drag sometimes.

10. The First Breakup

The first relationship breakup is always a major disappointment, but it is important to keep telling yourself that someone else will come along, and in the meantime, you should learn to love yourself on your own.

11. Cooking

Not everyone is a fabulous chef, and that’s okay. That’s why we have take-out food.

12. Day to Day

Our regular, everyday lives can seem mundane at times when we fall into routines. Not every day will be met with something spectacular which makes the particularly special ones all the more memorable.

13. Goals Not Met

It’s great to set goals for your life, but you also need to accept the fact that not every goal you set for yourself will be accomplished.

14. Memories Lost

As our mind ages, it starts to forget specific dates or memories that might have been cherished in the past. It’s just another fact of life that creates disappointments at times.

15. Money

The effect that money has on people can be a real disappointment. For some it can change them for the better, for others, it’s just the worst.

16. Time

When you were younger, you probably thought you’d have all the time in the world to do the things you wanted to do by the time you became an adult. There never seems to be enough time in the day though.

17. Moving Out

Finally getting your own place after living with your parents all your life is super exciting until rent is due.

18. Old Dogs, New Tricks

The older we get, the harder it seems to master new tasks.

19. Friendships End

After high school, you really start to see who your real friends are.

positive quotes


20. Didn’t Get the Job

We’ve all had that great interview for a position that we wanted, only to find out days later that we didn’t get the job.

21. Adults Cheat Too

Cheating didn’t seem like such a big deal in school, but when it happens in love, it can be soul crushing.

When we learn how to deal with disappointments in life, we grow as an individual. There is nothing that the average person cannot overcome. And you are strong. You will shine through. There will be a tomorrow, so don’t let life’s little disappointments control your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Perfect Quotes To Deal With Loneliness And Depression

Many people feel isolated as they deal with loneliness and depression. Feeling alone and feeling like no one cares about you is a burden. According to scientists from Brigham Young University, loneliness and depression are associated with a 32% higher risk of mortality. It is in everyone’s best interest to build their social networks and stay in touch with loved ones. Loneliness and depression are difficult to deal with, but it’s possible to turn your life around and reconnect with the people you care about.

When you are trying to overcome loneliness, turn to these encouraging quotes. They will show you a path forward from despair, loneliness and depression.

10 Perfect Quotes to Deal with Loneliness and Depression

1. “If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.”

Kris Carr

2. “That’s the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end. The fog is like a cage without a key.”

Elizabeth Wurtzel

3. “If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.

Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It’s hard to be a friend to someone who’s depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do.”

Stephen Fry

4. “When you’re lost in those woods, it sometimes takes you a while to realize that you are lost. For the longest time, you can convince yourself that you’ve just wandered off the path, that you’ll find your way back to the trailhead any moment now. Then night falls again and again, and you still have no idea where you are, and it’s time to admit that you have bewildered yourself so far off the path that you don’t even know from which direction the sun rises anymore.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

5. “Listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for even when you don’t believe it. Seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future. Be brave; be strong; take your pills. Exercise because it’s good for you even if every step weighs a thousand pounds. Eat when food itself disgusts you. Reason with yourself when you have lost your reason.”

Andrew Solomon

6. “Why do people have to be this lonely? What’s the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?”

Haruki Murakami

7. “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God.”

Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

8. “Some of us go full circle. Some of us blindly go nowhere. The circle doesn’t have to be very large to make a point, kick your ass and/or be entertaining. Remember that and stay light. Even the deaf know good music when they hear it.”

Jason Mraz

9. “All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn’t. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.”

Loneliness and depression

Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

10. “You must draw from that strength. You must increase it. And you must hold on to it because sometimes that small glimmer of inner strength is all that we have to help us press forward through the darkness.”

Morgan Rhodes, Falling Kingdoms

Final Thoughts

When you take these quotes to heart, you can learn ways to overcome loneliness. These quotes encourage you to make your own way in the world and to be true to yourself. Trust in your inner strength. Stay in touch with your friends and family. If you don’t have anyone to turn to, join an interest group and try to make some new friends. Loneliness and depression don’t have to rule your life. You can fight back against them and bring sunlight back to your existence.

7 Nutrients You Need If You Are Stressed

When you think of stress eating, the image that comes to mind is devouring a bag of chips or a pint of Ben and Jerry’s at the end of a long and stressful day. Too often, people that are stressed out turn to food as a source of comfort when they experience emotions that they cannot handle, and this results in weight gain, low self-esteem, and poor health. We may reach for foods that boost our endorphins and serotonin levels initially, but these are usually fat-laden, sugary disasters that only temporarily solve the problem.

With all of the adverse consequences arising from eating when stressed out, it’s likely to cause more anxiety and stress; no one wants to face the fact that their emotional indulgences have resulted in twenty extra pounds. What if we could use foods to heal ourselves and reduce our stress? Can we incorporate food into our stress relief techniques and improve our health significantly?

Below are some combinations of foods that we have found to be particularly successful in reducing stress, improving your health, and enhancing overall quality of life. Put on your apron, dust off those pots and pans, and use the items in your fridge and pantry to heal body, mind, and soul.

Here are seven healthy nutrients that will help if you’re stressed out:


While certain types of teas contain moderate amounts of caffeine, studies have shown that sipping a few cups of tea daily reduces stress, promotes healthy sleep, and boosts mood. Amino acids present in green and black teas have a calming effect on the body, reducing the adverse effects that stress can have. Studies done on tea drinkers in 2006 concluded that black tea drinkers recovered from stress faster and were less stressed in general than those who didn’t take a little tea time on a regular basis. Invite your friends over for some afternoon tea and relax together.

stressed out

Dark chocolate

Mmmmm….how can you go wrong with chocolate? Dark chocolate, in particular, has amazing health benefits. Regular consumers of dark chocolate had lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone present in the body, than those who didn’t indulge their sweet tooth. Flavonoids present in dark chocolate boost antioxidant properties in the body, and they boost the “feel good chemicals” present in the brain.

Fatty Fish

Salmon, tuna, and other fish that are rich in omega 3’s are known to calm those of us who are stressed out. Regular consumption of omega 3’s can lower anxiety by almost 20 percent! Fatty fish can also inhibit the body’s own production of cortisol, making responses to stressful events much less taxing. Serve up some salmon over rice for a relaxing dinner at home.


While it is widely known that eating carbs is a natural mood booster, people tend to shy away from extra carbs these days. Oatmeal is a high fiber food, however, which packs an added nutritional punch by elevating your mood while taking hours longer to digest. That filling bowl of oatmeal is a day-long mood booster.

Leafy Greens

Magnesium is a mineral that is present in abundant quantities in most leafy, green vegetables. It is known to relax the muscles and aid in reducing anxiety. Nutrient power packed veggies like spinach and swiss chard have double portions of the mineral, so eat up!

Citrus Fruits

A 2002 German study on citrus fruits found that healthy doses of vitamin C aided in recovery after stressful life events. Blood pressure and cortisol levels are dramatically reduced, and quality of sleep improved in patients taking higher quantities of vitamin C in their daily diets. Reach for an orange over an oreo for dessert, and you’ll feel better about life in general.

Milk: It Does A Body Good

Calcium present in milk aids in the regulation of mood swings, and aids in reducing depression symptoms. Women who consumed milk reported fewer issues with PMS and other reproductive system complications; proteins called caseins present in milk are known to relax regulatory systems in the body, reducing stress and improving overall mood. When you’re stressed out after a hard day at work, reach for that relaxing glass of warm milk.

Bottom line, you’re never too busy to prioritize your health and well being. In today’s increasingly stressed out world, doing what you can to reduce your anxiety and stress will dramatically improve your relationships, your health, and your life. Incorporating stress relief techniques and a solid nutrition plan into your life will improve every aspect of your life and health. Here’s to a healthier you!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

You Will Sure Love The Beauty Benefits Of Flaxseeds

The benefits of flaxseeds are numerous. The use of this seed for beauty and health purposes dates back to ancient civilizations. In modern times, beauty gurus are rediscovering the incredible power of flaxseed when it comes to our diet and skincare routines.

Discovering the Benefits of Flaxseeds

“Wherever flaxseeds become a regular food item among the people, there will be better health.” –Mahatma Gandhi

When it comes to flaxseeds, Gandhi got it right. With the incredible nutritional value of flaxseeds, it’s almost a sin not to take advantage of these natural nuggets of goodness. Wondering what the best benefits of flaxseeds are? Scroll down to find out.

1. Flaxseeds are High in Nutrients

Flaxseeds are an excellent choice for anyone trying to reduce their cholesterol intake. When ground into powder and dissolved in liquid, flaxseeds add the required amount of fiber to any diet, ensuring your digestive system is functioning as it should.

Other nutritional benefits of flaxseeds include their alpha linoleic acids. These acids work to reduce inflammation caused by many chronic heart conditions, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, and the like. Similarly, these linoleic acids help to protect your body from colon cancer. When these seeds are takin in addition to fish and walnuts, your body gets a total dose of linoleic acid.

2. Flaxseeds Give Your Skin that “Glow”

Adding ground flax seeds for skin care to your diet will give you the glowing skin you’ve been hoping. Ground flaxseeds are full of short chain omega-3’s and are the gateway to beautiful skin. Add ground flaxseeds to your diet with smoothies and drinks, or by baking it into your food. With flaxseeds as a consistent part of your diet, your skin will soon experience the transformative benefits of flaxseeds.

3. Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Trying to get rid of the fine lines around your face with no luck? Before resorting to plastic surgery, consider turning to a flaxseed-heavy diet to get the results you’re hoping for. Using flax seeds for skin care is a great way to take advantage of their phytochemicals and antioxidants that can help your skin bounce back from the effects of aging.

4. Get Rid of Rashes

Inflammation is aggravating and embarrassing for anyone to experience, especially if it’s in an apparent area like the face. The omega-3’s in flaxseeds work to amp up your body’s healing process, allowing you to recover from inflammation as fast as possible. Additionally, flaxseeds have natural anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce your risk of inflammation altogether.

5. Treat Acne

Acne can be embarrassing for anyone, regardless of their age. Depending on your body, you may frequently experience hormonal changes that lead to frequent breakouts. For anyone suffering from acne, flaxseed can be an incredible solution.

Flaxseeds are a natural alternative to acne medication. Acne is formed by the production of sebum that can attract and trap dirt in the skin. By regularly adding milled flaxseeds to your diet, you will see just how effectively flaxseeds manage your body’s production of sebum.

6. Rejuvenate Your Skin

Looking for ways to bring back the skin of your youth? Instead of turning to fancy products and exfoliants, use flaxseeds. When used topically, flaxseeds are a great way to help scrub off dead skin, revealing the glowing, healthy skin underneath. Make a habit or exfoliating with flaxseeds every week in order to experience the best skin of your life.

benefits of flaxseeds


7. Tone Your Skin

There are a few ways you can give your skin a healthier tone– using flaxseeds is one of them. The seeds have incredible moisturizing properties that work to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. With the abundance of omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseeds, you can work to even out your skin tone and get back to a healthy overall glow.

Flaxseeds: The Miracle Workers

You’d be hardpressed to find another natural powerhouse seed like flax. As nutrient-packed as flaxseeds are, you are guaranteed to see a boost in your body, skin, and attitude the more flaxseeds you consume.

There’s nothing keeping you back from getting the skin and healthy body you deserve. Use this guide to help you navigate all the many health benefits of flaxseeds. With a consistent diet and beauty regimen, you’ll live your best life in no time.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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