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Peace Of Mind Quotes : 10 Amazing Quotes To Live A Peaceful Life

Have you ever blared your horn at someone who cut you off in traffic? Have you envied a friend, a neighbor, a coworker — even a celebrity? Do you beat yourself up over things you did in the past? When you think about the future do you catastrophize what may happen?

These 10 amazing peace of mind quotes to live a harmonious life will help you find a quiet place within the storm:

These are just a few ways we rob ourselves of serenity.

1. “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” — Buddha

Buddha (Sanskrit for “awakened one”) was the founder of Buddhism. Buddhism is not a religion, but the spiritual practice of attaining enlightenment. In the Western world, Buddha is sometimes mistaken for a god, but he was actually a mortal.

2. “Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and in no other way.” — Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey was a renowned motivational speaker and author whose defining book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People,” provided personal and professional time-management training. The New York Times listed him among 1996’s 25 most influential Americans.

3. “Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.” — Mother Teresa

Revered as a saint, beloved as a nun and missionary, Mother Teresa spent her entire life working tirelessly and selflessly in service of the impoverished, ill and abandoned. She lived among Calcutta’s staggeringly destitute inhabitants — including lepers — relentlessly striving to improve their lives. In 1979 she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her philanthropic work.

4. “Peace, like love or like hope, is an action one can take, something that can be done, not just something that might arrive.” — Mister Rogers

Mister Rogers (née Frederick McFeely Rogers) was the pioneer of children’s educational programming. In his show, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” Rogers gently and supportively encouraged children to love themselves and their neighbors, often imparting wise peace of mind quotes. He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his contribution to children’s education initiatives.

5. “Peace is not merely a goal but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a visionary social activist who profoundly affected civil rights and race relations. His iconic “I Have a Dream” speech poignantly and powerfully declared that there could be unity among all races. In addition to many honors, King received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

6. “Peace in your mind, peace on earth, peace at work, peace at home, peace in the world.” — John Lennon

John Lennon was known for many peace of mind quotes, including this stirring sentiment that peace in your mind will permeate all aspects of life. Lennon, a member of the musical phenomenon, the Beatles, was also a solo artist and an anti-war activist. Ironically, a crazed fan murdered this messenger of peace in 1980.

7. “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” — Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf was an innovative mid-20th century author known for her unique literary stylings. Similar to impressionist paintings, she crafted her novels to create impressions rather than reflect reality. Her most prominent novels are “Mrs. Dalloway,” “To the Lighthouse” and “The Waves.”

8. “There is peace even in the storm.” — Vincent Van Gogh

Artist Vincent Van Gogh was a brilliant Dutch post-Impressionist Master whose groundbreaking artwork powerfully influenced modern Expressionism, Fauvism and early abstraction. Van Gogh was astoundingly prolific, producing more than 2,000 works during a 10-year period. One of his signature paintings, “Starry Night” endures as a timeless classic.

9. “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of being.” — John Wooden

John Wooden, college basketball’s most successful coach, created a sports dynasty with UCLA’s Bruins. The team, which featured superstars Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Bill Walton, won 10 national championships from 1964 to1975, and a record-breaking 88 consecutive games from 1971 to 1974.

peace of mind quotes

10. “It is my conviction that there is no way to peace — peace is the way.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist monk, author, and teacher who also imparts profound peace of mind quotes. He shares his wisdom about meditation and mindfulness as transformative paths to finding joy and peace in the moment. His endeavors compelled Martin Luther King, Jr. to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967.

Indeed, you don’t have to be a monk on a windswept Himalayan mountaintop to access peace of mind. It isn’t something that is bestowed during the course of several lifetimes. It is completely accessible, practical, and available to you right at this very moment. May these peace of mind quotes light your path.

The 7 Best Homemade Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne

Our skin is a very accurate indicator of our state of health. If we are fresh-faced, glowing, and radiant, it is assumed that we care for, hydrate, and nourish ourselves well. On the other hand, skin that is riddled with trying to get rid of acne, whiteheads, and scars. Often times, these may actually indicate that we lack proper nutrition, good hygiene habits, and hormonal balance.

The American Academy of Dermatology states that acne is the most common skin problem in the United States, with over 17 million people suffering from this inconvenient and embarrassing skin malady.

While it may be considered a common skin condition, many of us simply do not know how to get rid of acne. If left untreated, it can cause hyperpigmentation and scarring on the face, neck, chest, back, and arms, causing emotional distress right along with physical discomfort. Breakouts, stress, and poor self-esteem set up a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. We rush into our dermatologist for the latest innovation in skincare, a nutritional consultation, even prescription medication, and little do we realize that the answer to our clear skin needs may be right at home in our own cupboards.

The following home remedies have been proven to be remarkably effective at diminishing existing outbreaks of acne and preventing new ones from occurring.

Say goodbye to the outbreaks of the past as we learn how to get rid of acne naturally.


Not only will vampires steer clear, pimples will disappear in the presence of this magic substance. Whether you choose to take it internally or rub it on the skin, the properties of allicin present in garlic will go to work almost immediately, soothing inflamed tissue and naturally detoxifying the pores. Garlic will help you to get rid of acne naturally.
Garlic can be:

  • taken internally or consumed as part of your diet
  • rubbed directly on the skin
  • mixed with water to form a paste, then applied to the skin as a mask twice weekly

Whatever your preferred method of administration, you are bound to see healthier skin as a result of using this protocol.

Aloe Vera

Another miracle plant found in nature, aloe vera has strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It can be applied directly to the skin, reducing inflammation and promoting the rejuvenation of fresh healthy cells, or it can be taken internally as a dietary supplement. Aloe vera contains a natural form of salicylic acid, a known treatment for effectively eradicating acne. When applied to the skin, it has a cooling, soothing effect that leaves behind a fresher, softer, more supple complexion.


Honey is nature’s most potent antibiotic. Acne forms as a result of bacteria in the skin becoming inflamed and irritated, causing redness, rash, and pimples to appear. You can apply honey directly to the skin for a quick and easy face mask that strips the skin of all impurities without stripping it of its natural moisture balance. Simply rinse affected areas off after an application of honey has been allowed to sit for 15-20 minutes, and you have a beautiful canvas to work with once more.

Tea Tree Oil

This is the Cadillac of home skin treatments. Tea tree oil has long been praised for its ability to cleanse and tone even the most problem-prone skin. While tea tree oil is not recommended for internal consumption, it can be applied topically for best results without any health complications or consequences that arise from treatment. A fresh, clear complexion awaits you after only a few applications.

how to get rid of acne

Baking Soda

One of the main causes of acne is the buildup of excess oil on and underneath the top layer of skin. The application of a baking soda and water paste to the skin as a natural mask will draw out impurities, restore the delicate Ph balance of the skin, and allow it to retain its natural moisture. Apply a few times a week for best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

You may not “relish” the thought of smelling like a pickle, but your skin will thank you. Our skin is naturally acidic, and the cleansers we use to clean our skin tend to strip its natural Ph balance, leaving us susceptible to infection and inflammation. A simple application of diluted apple cider vinegar twice daily after cleansing the skin will restore that balance and leave you with the most radiant complexion you’ve ever had. Scarlett Johansen knows how to get rid of acne; she has suffered from it for years. A simple application of apple cider vinegar toner is partially responsible for the beautiful woman we now see in film and in print.

Salt And Olive Oil

Getting that top layer of dead skin off our face so dead skin cells don’t have the opportunity to clog pores is essential for healthy, clear skin. A mixture of olive oil and salt will produce an effective, moisturizing scrub that will remove that pesky outer layer and leave fresh, healthy skin behind. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil with salt, apply to skin using a gentle circular motion and allow to dry. Rinse with warm water and pat dry, and you’ll see a new you looking back in the mirror.

There Is Hope, Acne Sufferers!

Do you know how to get rid of acne? There are hundreds of products on the market with lofty claims that they can give you that Cindy Crawford complexion that you’ve always dreamed about, but many of us do not have the time or money to invest in these expensive, complicated regimes. Sometimes the best remedies for natural skin and body care are found right at home. If you wish to get rid of acne naturally, there is hope right in your own home. Try these effective home remedies on how to get rid of acne and find fresher, clearer skin is just a recipe away!

Home remedies for treating acne that really work

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10 Health Benefits of Gratitude You Didn’t Know About

Even though it’s all well and good to ‘count your blessings’ on Thanksgiving and similar holidays, allowing yourself to be grateful during the entire year can beget extraordinary gains for your quality of life.

Truthfully, to practise gratitude is probably one of the best things you can do for your health that’s normally neglected. Improving your sense of gratefulness doesn’t have to come with any monetary costs, Plus, it definitely doesn’t have to take a lot of time. However, the advantages are tremendous.

Studies now show that showing gratitude can provide the following benefits:

increase thankfulness

1. Gratefulness opens up the opportunity to have more relationships. 

According to a 2014 study issued in Emotion, saying, “thank you” doesn’t only develop great manners, but bestowing your thankfulness can support you in winning new friends and influencing people.

The research discovered that praising a new associate makes the other person more inclined to explore a more ongoing connection. So whether you are thanking a random stranger for keeping the door open, or just sending a prompt thank-you message to your co-worker that assisted you with your project, taking into account the other person’s participation can grow into budding relationships.

2. Being grateful enhances your physical well-being. 

Thankful people encounter fewer physical discomforts. Besides that, they describe how they feel better than people in similar situations, based on a 2012 examination printed in Personality and Individual Differences.

Not markedly suspicious, people that show gratefulness more often are also more apt to stay on top of their health. They work out more regularly and are more inclined to go to routine check-ups with their physicians. That explains why they experience extra longevity.

3. Being thankful enhances mental health as well. 

Gratitude decreases a variety of toxic feeling, varying from resentment and envy to regret and frustration. Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., a leader in the research on gratefulness, has directed many investigations on the connection between well-being and gratitude. This analysis verifies that gratitude effectively boosts happiness and subdues depression.

4. Gratefulness reduces aggression and improves empathy. 

According to a 2012 inquiry by the University of Kentucky, people who are grateful are more prone to act in a mutually advantageous fashion, even if other people are acting less than kind.

Research participants that scored higher with gratefulness rankings were less disposed to act in an antisocial way. In fact, that was true even if they received negative feedback. They encountered more empathy and sensitivity from other people and a diminished propensity to attempt revenge.

5. Thankful people have better sleep. 

According to a 2011 investigation issued by Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, writing down your in a gratitude diary promote better sleep.

6. Being thankful will enhance your self-esteem. 

Studies show that gratefulness improved an athlete’s self-esteem according to the Journal of Applied Sports Psychology. This is a critical element of elevated achievement.

Additional research has proven that gratitude lowers social judgments. Instead of being envious towards others that may have more money or gainful employment – which is one main factor of lowered self-esteem, people that show appreciation can acknowledge other’s achievements.

7. Praise improves mental fortitude. 

For many years, studies have revealed that thankfulness doesn’t just reduce anxiety. Indeed, it can play a supportive function in mastering trauma. Studies showed that Vietnam Vets with greater levels of appreciation endured reduced amounts of PTSD, according to a 2006 inquiry written in Behavior Research and Therapy. It was discovered that being grateful was a primary contributor to increased resilience after those traumatic experiences.

Realizing and taking account of everything that you have to be thankful for – also throughout the most distressed parts of your life – encourages resilience.


8. Being grateful allows for better patience 

Studies by the Northeastern University observed that those who practice gratitude for the little things were more composed and able to make better choices. Conversely, the individuals that weren’t feeling very gracious on a regular basis made rash decisions.

Each one of us possesses the capacity and possibility to develop a greater sense of gratefulness. Just set aside a few minutes to direct your attention on all that you’re thankful for – instead of complaining about everything you believe you should have had by now. Cultivating your “attitude of gratitude” is probably the easiest means of improving your happiness in life as a whole.

I Tried These Amazing Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss And They Worked Wonders

Juicing is an excellent way to eat your daily nutrients without having to consume whole vegetables and fruits. It can also have a significant impact on reducing body fat. Juicing recipes for weight loss include extracting liquid from fruits and vegetables either by hand or a motorized juicer. The juices for weight loss do not contain any skin, pulp, seeds or solids. You can still benefit from the fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants without the whole fruit. Juicing recipes for weight loss can involve replacing one meal per day with fresh juice or committing to a juice fast where you only drink juice all day. You should invest in a high-quality juicer or press to squeeze out your herbs, fruit, vegetables, and leafy greens.

Many people use juicing recipes for weight loss to also detox. Ridding your body of harmful toxins can jumpstart weight loss. Juicing supports the body’s natural process of clearing itself of caffeine, sugar, refined and processed foods. Juices for weight loss can also:

  • Detox the liver
  • Improve the appearance of the skin
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Improve athletic performance
  • Improve nutrient absorption
  • Help you lose weight quickly

To start juicing, all you need is to blend the ingredients in an electric juicer. Begin by washing all the ingredients and pat dry. Remove any peels and cut the fruit or vegetables into small chunks. Place the ingredients in the juicer and process.

Here are some of the best juicing recipes for weight loss:

potato juice

1. Green Detox Juice 

Green juice is one of the most popular juicing recipes for weight loss. It contains the perfect balance of vegetables and fruit to detox your body after a rough night out. This recipe includes apples that are an excellent source of vitamin C and polyphenols that provide a number of health benefits. To make this delicious juice, place in a blender:

  • 2 green apples
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 8 kale leaves
  • 1 sprig of mint
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger

2. Carrot Apple Juice 

Carrot apple juice is chock-full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This simple juice is a great source of beta carotene, vitamin A, B, and K. It is naturally sweet and tart thanks to the apples. Below is a list of the carrot-apple juice ingredients:

  • 1 large apple
  • 2 large carrots
  • 2 pieces of fresh ginger
  • 1/4 can pineapple chunks

3. Lemon Apple Detox Juice 

This amazing juice for detoxing is light and tangy and makes for the perfect breakfast juice first thing in the morning. Here is how to make the lemon apple detox juice:

  • 4 apples quartered
  • 2 lemons peeled
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 cup water

4. Green Juice For Kids 

Juicing is an excellent way to get your kids to consume their daily source of fruits and vegetables. This kid friendly green juice contains vitamin K, C, carotenoids, iron, calcium, folic acid, and other essential minerals. The tasty kid friendly green juice ingredients include:

  • 2 peeled oranges
  • 1 peeled lemon
  • One green apple
  • 1 leaf of kale
  • 1 cup spinach



5. Red Zinger Breakfast Juice 

This juice works best when taken in the morning. It includes beets which are vital for liver health. The red zinger juice is a good source of folate, manganese, vitamin C, iron, and other vitamins and minerals. The healthy red zinger juicing recipes for weight loss are:

  • 2 lemons
  • Two apples
  • 2 beets
  • 2 carrots

It’s fun to experiment with new fresh ingredients, so you never feel bored. Try to use organic fruits and vegetables when possible to reduce the risk of harmful free radicals and pesticides. Replacing your meals with low-calorie juices will indeed help you lose weight. Always consult with a doctor or health care professional especially, if you intend on juice cleansing for a long period.

This One Habit Can Improve Your Self Esteem In No Time

Everyone wants to feel better about themselves. It just makes sense. Certainly, no one sets out every morning freely thinking that they want to wade through a dark and strangling pit of depression. It’s not easy being sad, but it’s also not exactly easy learning how to be happy. Working on your self esteem can be a difficult journey, and some days it may seem like you are taking steps backward instead of forward.

Learning how to build your self esteem doesn’t have to be that long, difficult road though. It’s important to take time out of every day to work on how to build self esteem, as this will benefit you in so many other aspects of your life. You will have an overall happier mood, more confidence in yourself and your abilities, and you will seem more approachable to others. Keep reading to learn what you can do to set yourself up for success on this journey.

Here’s how to build self esteem:

One great way to help you build self esteem is to ensure a small part of each day is dedicated solely to this aspect of your life. You can make it a part of your morning routine as you prepare yourself for the day, or set an alarm for a part of the day that you particularly struggle with. Doing this helps make the task a conscious effort that you are constantly reminding yourself to focus on. It also aids you in taking control over it.

Think of it this way. If you know you have to lose weight and are trying to focus on it each day, it can be overwhelming and you may be flooded with thoughts of inadequacy and overall negative thoughts. However, if you break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks that you can gain satisfaction from crossing off, then you are already a step ahead of the game. This same concept can apply as you work on your confidence in yourself. Each day, set out to do one small thing that is going to assist you on your journey. Deciding what that task will be and the how and when of accomplishing it puts all the control in your hands. You are able to automatically feel more in charge of your life and the direction it’s going by doing this.

There are a few simple ways that you can use to practice this skill. The first is to start tracking your moods and negative thoughts. This can help you determine if these thoughts are being triggered by something else, such as additional stress during a specific time at work or a premature hunger attack. A lack of sleep can also contribute to self-destructive thoughts and negativity. This list from Forbes has some great apps that you can use in this manner to help build self esteem.

Once you’ve conquered this step, you can begin to target the trends you found in your moods and use them to your advantage to help further boost your self esteem. For example, if your negative attitude is being caused by the dreaded 3 pm work slump, then set an alarm and make it a point to go on a quick walk outside. The extra sun and pumping heart can easily boost your mood, and you can practice saying a couple nice things about yourself along the way.


As you can see, getting your self esteem to a level that makes you feel happier on a daily basis can be done by taking small steps at a time. Start tracking the things that are making you feel insecure so that you can learn patterns about your behaviors and environment as they relate to your thoughts about yourself. Once you have gained this insight on yourself, you can begin taking the necessary steps to not only correct the current issue, but prevent further issues from occurring completely.

It is very important that you take the time to work on these skills, because if you don’t then the issue can grow and be even more intimidating to try and tackle at a later time. Doing something about this issue each day can help you feel more in control of the situation. Gaining your self esteem can be a very powerful tool for success in life.

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10 Signs Your Partner Is Falling Out of Love (And Not Telling You)

Being in a relationship can be the most incredible thing, but the tide can quickly change for a couple, especially if they’ve been together for a few years. But how do you know if your relationship is just in a rough patch or if your issues are serious? Take a look at some signs that your partner might be falling out of love with you.

Here Are 10 Signs Your Partner Is Falling Out of Love (And Not Telling You)

“How do you know when it’s over? Maybe when you feel more in love with your memories than with the person standing in front of you.” – Gunnar Ardelius

1. They hardly spend time with you.

Spending time alone is necessary. You need to pursue your own interests even if you’re in a relationship. But if your partner hardly makes any effort to spend time with you, it could be red flag. It may indicate that they’re falling out of love. A study from the University of Minnesota has shown that couples are a lot happier as individual people when they make time for each other. They are a lot more satisfied with life in general when they are able to grow individually as a person, yet at the same time spend quality time together. If this is lacking in your relationships, it could affect your positive outlook in life.

2. They don’t ask about your day.

Can you remember the last time your partner asked about your day? Have you stopped discussing things like movies, current events, or the bar that recently opened around the corner? If you have not been talking about the daily grind as much as before, it could be a sign your partner is no longer interested in doing things with you. If he doesn’t bother to ask about the mundane things, you’ve got to wonder if he’s still concerned about important matters in your relationship.

3. There’s a failure to communicate.

You don’t want to jump to conclusions about why he’s not interested in asking about your day. Of course, you don’t want to immediately think he’s falling out of love with you. So, you initiate a serious talk about what’s really going on, but you realize that communication is no longer fluid between the two of you. He’s having a hard time opening up and he’s becoming defensive, while you’re unloading your frustrations on him. Poor communication is one of the biggest reasons couples breakup and seek a divorce, according to a survey done by University of Washington professor John Gottman.

4. There’s no more intimacy.

There’s no more spark in the bedroom and you don’t hold hands in public anymore. The physical connection has faded. Intimacy, however, involves more than a physical connection; it also considers the emotional connection. If you can’t remember the last time you had deep discussions about your life together, there could be something seriously wrong with your relationship that could lead to a divorce.

5. There’s nothing BUT physical intimacy.

On the flip side, your physical chemistry in the bedroom might still be amazing but what if it’s the only thing you share together? Outside of the bedroom, your partner is distant and you no longer connect. This likely indicates someone falling out of love because there’s no more emotional value in the relationship except the physical aspect.

6. Their priorities have changed.

You were once the center of her universe and she always considered you in most of the decisions she makes every day. But if that is no longer the case now and you’re no longer the top priority, then it’s a sign that she’s not into you anymore.

7. There’s no more laughter in your relationship.

In the beginning, you used to do so much crazy stuff together. He used to crack you up or she used to laugh at anything you said (even if your jokes are corny). It’s not a good sign when the laughter has died down in your relationship, according to Enda Junkins, who wrote the book “Belly Laughter in Relationships: Something Else Positive Below the Belt.” When partners no longer share fun and joy, it could indicate they are not satisfied with the relationship anymore.

8. Your fights are becoming more intense.

Disagreements happen even between the happiest couples but when fights become more intense, then a breakup and a divorce may be imminent. When couples argue over the same things or can’t seem to let go of the small disagreements, then there are unresolved core issues in the relationship, according to family therapist Talia Wagner. Unresolved issues can grow into resentment or anger that wrecks your relationship, leading to a breakup.

out of love

9. There’s no more respect.

Respect is more important than love in relationships, according to psychologist Peter Gray. Without respect, your partner could belittle you, disregard your opinions, or question your choices. Someone who takes you for granted and has stopped saying positive things to you isn’t just showing signs that the love is no longer there. It’s also a sign of disrespect, and this is unhealthy for any relationship.

10. There’s no effort to fix the problems.

Problems multiply when there’s no love, respect, and trust in relationships. If your partner is not interested in fixing these problems, you might be happier being apart.

the one you love

Final thoughts

No matter how hard you try positive thinking, it’s sad to imagine that your relationship could be heading for a breakup and a divorce. However, it is better to see the signs earlier so you can do something about it instead of becoming unhappier in your relationship.

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