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10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally

The arteries consist of blood vessels that deliver nutrients and oxygen from the heart to the rest of the organs. If the arteries are clogged, however, the condition could lead to major cardiovascular diseases. Thus, it’s essential to keep your blood vessels clean and unclog arteries healthy through proper diet, regular exercise, and a good lifestyle before it becomes a major problem.

If you seek tips on how to unclog arteries naturally with food, take a look at some recommendations below.

Here Are 10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally

“With a healthy diet and only moderate weight loss and reduction in blood pressure, you can see regression of plaque that naturally progresses over the years.” – Iris Shai

1. Apple

An apple is one of the foods that unclog arteries naturally. Scientists from the Ohio State University discovered that apples can prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. The experts said that eating one apple daily for at least four weeks can reduce bad cholesterol by as much as 40 percent. This fruit contains polyphenols or antioxidants that prevent bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from oxidizing. Toxins that oxidize in the blood vessels harden the arteries.

2. Meaty Fish

Fish with fatty meat – such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna – contain healthy fats that can unclog arteries. These healthy fats are also known as omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the blood vessels and prevent blood clots and high blood pressure. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests eating baked or grilled meaty fish at least twice weekly to lessen plaque buildup in the arteries.

3. Avocado

Avocado is one of the foods that unclog arteries naturally. Experts recommend replacing butter, creams, mayonnaise, and salad dressing in your food with just one ingredient: the avocado. A study published in the U.S. National Institutes of Health indicated that daily consumption of avocado can decrease bad cholesterol by 11 to 22 percent. An average serving of avocado also contains lots of fiber, protein, and vitamins that benefit the heart.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is loaded with vitamin K, that works against blood clotting, according to natural medicine expert Joe Pizzorno. This vegetable is also rich in fiber that helps lower blood pressure. Broccoli also reduces the stress that plaque build-up and LDL might cause in the arterial wall, thus this veggie helps keep your heart healthy and your arteries clear.

5. Coffee

While some studies indicate that too much coffee intake can be bad for health, researchers at the University of Western Australia learned there are also positive effects. If you drink eight to sixteen ounces of coffee daily, you may actually unclog arteries and reduce heart disease risk by 20 percent. Coffee is one of the best sources of antioxidants, as it has high chlorogenic acid content that prevents heart problems from developing. Just make sure to drink in moderation to minimize the side effects of too much caffeine.

6. Nuts

Snacking on almonds and walnuts is healthy for the heart. These nuts are rich in alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, protein, and fiber. Nuts can also reduce the inflammation in the blood vessels, which helps clear the arteries naturally.

7. Spinach

Spinach is one of the foods that unclog arteries naturally. Eating a serving of spinach a day can reduce the homocysteine levels in the body, which has been linked to heart diseases like atherosclerosis or clogged arteries, according to Circulation, the AHA journal. Add spinach to your salads, soups, and sandwich, or prepare it with lemon and apples for a delicious smoothie.

8. Watermelon

This fruit is packed with L-citrulline, an amino acid that helps unclog arteries. Watermelon is also a rich natural source of nitric oxide, which the heart needs for lowered blood pressure and clearer blood vessels. Enjoy watermelon as a dessert or drink or include this fruit as a salad or salsa ingredient for a flavorful but healthy meal.

9. Oranges and other citrus fruits

Like apples, oranges and other citrus fruits contain pectin that clears the arteries. Pectin is a type of fiber that also reduces bad cholesterol in the body, according to Harvard Medical School. So, instead of snacking on junk food, eat citrus fruits to prevent cholesterol build-up. Oranges also boost the immune system which improves your body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases.

unclog arteries

10. Asparagus

Asparagus is one of the healthiest foods that unclog arteries naturally. It’s packed with vitamins B1, B2, C, E, K, fiber, and minerals. This vegetable also boosts the production of glutathione which lessens toxic substances from oxidizing in the arteries. Asparagus has alpha-linoleic acid and folic acid too, which minimizes the hardening of blood vessels.

Final thoughts

So, if you’re looking for how to clear arteries, remember that eating the right kinds of food can be the most efficient way to clean arteries naturally. However, other than adding these recommended heart-smart foods to your regular diet, also try to lessen your intake of sugar and saturated fats. These ingredients are just some of the main culprits that increase bad cholesterol. Along with positive thinking, be consistent, committed, and disciplined in your diet. Removing plaque build-up naturally can take some time. However, taking this step can be the best thing you do for your body and health.

21 Inspiring Traits to Learn From Highly Successful People

Success is something everybody wants. There’s no clear-cut definition of what thus ‘success’ entails. Some might argue that it’s about wealth and career attainment, while others may passionately counter that it’s about settling with a family you love or developing a more open-minded worldview.

Just as there’s no clear-cut definition of success, there is also not a clear-cut path. No matter your definition however, those who we often look up to and consider to be successful and inspiring all share a pocket of similar traits. Work on mastering the list below, and you’ll be well on your way down the path of success, however you may choose to travel it!

Here are 21 inspiring traits to learn from highly successful people:

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Dream Big

If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough! Highly succesful people know that it’s good to take a chance on yourself. Aim high, and shoot for the moon; if you fail, you’ll still land among the stars and learn something about yourself along the way!

2. Learn From Your Mistakes

Whenever you stumble, there’s always an opportunity to get back up. Don’t let your mistakes discourage you. Let them motivate you to try again, but in a different way!

3. Take the Path Less Traveled

The path to success is never clear-cut. Take the path less traveled and forge your own way.

4. Get Decisive

People who are highly successful don’t talk themselves into doubt and discouragement. They consider all of their options, but make the final call with deftness.

5. Curiosity Won’t Kill the Cat

While the old adage may warn that “curiosity kills the cat”, a little curiosity is perfectly healthy and moreover, encouraged! Don’t be afraid of delving into new experiences and subjects. Ask questions, and be open to making mistakes. People who use curiosity to their advantage know that mistakes are just a stepping stone of learning.

6. Trust Your Gut

It’s true that oftentimes, your gut feeling is the right feeling. When you find yourself second guessing a decision or becoming skeptical of something, tune in to your intuition, not out.

7. Communication is Key

Communication is the backbone of every prosperous relationship, be it personal or in the workplace. Communicate honestly, openly, and frequently, and always provide or ask for clarification to avoid misunderstandings.

8. Find a Solution

Find a solution, not an excuse or someone to blame. Excuses and blame, while somewhat helpful in cushioning the blow of the problem, only extend the problem further.

9. Be Resourceful

Those you find inspiring may be big dreamers, but they’re also realistic in what they can do with what they have available to them. Be aware and innovative of your resources and don’t let any opportunity go to waste.

10. Take Time to Recharge

No matter how extroverted the individual, everyone needs time alone to recharge. Whether this is a time to relax on the couch and watch a movie or partake in a favorite hobby, time alone helps us to stay rested and stay in-tune with our mental health.

11. It’s All About the Passion

Sometimes, passion can make all the difference. Believe in yourself and others will too! No inspiring life is lead without an eager, driven passion.

12. Take a Risk

Just as highly successful people are decisive, this decisiveness sometimes means having to take a calculated risk. Outside of one’s comfort zone is just where the reward may reside!

13. Change is a Good Thing

As cliche as it may sound, it really is important to roll with the punches and go with the flow. Change is a good thing, and successful individuals know that no inspiring life is lead without a lot of change, and subsequently, a lot of flexibility and adaptability.

14. Appreciate How to Negotiate

The idea of “buy low, sell high” works for selling others on your project too! Don’t sell yourself short, but learn how to negotiate to get what you want. Even if you’re a little afraid of hearing “no”, remember that there is never harm in asking.

15. Grow Your Network

It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know. Attend events in your community that will allow you to connect with other professionals and mavericks in your industry. Moreover, work on creating authentic connections, not merely shallow ones.

16. Honesty is the Best Policy

Transparency not only with others, but yourself is important. Be realistic about expectations, as well as mistakes or miscalculations so that they can more easily be resolved.

17. Get Inspired

It can be hard to stay motivated when you aren’t feeling inspired. Get inspired by listening to music, taking a walk, attending a convention, meeting up with fellow creatives– whatever will get those innovative gears turning again!

18. Inspire Others

One of the most rewarding aspects of working towards defining your own success is the potential you have to be inspiring towards others. Once you’ve begun to pave a path in the direction you want, be sure to help others do the same!


19. Keep Your Emotions in Check

Control your emotions or they will control you.

20. Make a Commitment

Getting started is rarely the hard part of a project; rather, it’s the finishing that’s tricky! Once you’ve started something, make a commitment and keep with it.

21. Challenge Accepted

One of the most inspiring tenets of those who are successful is that they treat every experience, (positive, negative, and anywhere in-between) as an opportunity for learning and growth. When a challenge crosses your path, don’t be discouraged; instead, look it square in the eyes and say: challenge accepted.

No matter your definition of success, developing and perfecting these traits will help you to achieve that definition. Moreover, developing these traits can help to improve your outlook on navigating everyday life. What’s best of all however, is that these traits can help you to serve as an inspiring figure to others.

As you work on mastering these traits, keep in mind that it’s alright to stumble. Stumbling is inevitable and part of the process. Our definition of success? Remembering that it’s more about the journey than the destination.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Dangers of High Blood Pressure to Never Ignore

Did you know that high blood pressure, or hypertension, is now defined as having a blood pressure (BP) of 130/80? With this new measurement, experts estimate that 46% of U.S. adults have Stage 1 hypertension. Here are what is now defined as ‘normal’ and ‘elevated’ blood pressure and ‘stage 1’ and ‘stage 2’ hypertension:

  • Normal: Less than (<) 120 systolic, and less than 80 diastolic, or <120/80
  • Elevated: 120-129/<80
  • Stage 1 hypertension: 130-139/80-89
  • Stage 2 hypertension: Greater than (>) 140 systolic, and greater than 90 diastolic, or >140/90

The top number, systolic pressure, measures that of your arteries when your heart beats. The lower number, diastolic pressure, measures the pressure of your arteries between heartbeats.

High blood pressure is dangerous and becomes increasingly so as it rises. Here, we are going to talk about the potential dangers of high blood pressure (HBP) and things that you can do to improve your blood pressure health.

Here are 5 Dangers of High Blood Pressure You Don’t Want to Ignore

“High blood pressure (hypertension) can quietly damage your body for years before symptoms develop. Left uncontrolled, you may wind up with a disability, a poor quality of life or even a fatal heart attack.” – Mayo Clinic Staff

Danger #1: Heart attack or heart disease

High blood pressure damages the body if left unchecked. Remember that the health of blood vessels is vital for every part of the body, including organs, to receive the blood-oxygen it needs to function. Hypertension raises the risk of various heart-related diseases and disorders, including:

Coronary artery disease: This disorder affects the arteries responsible for supplying blood to the heart. CAD causes the narrowing of these arteries, cutting off needed blood-oxygen. CAD may lead to heart attack, chest pain, or irregular heartbeat.

Heart failure: The strain that hypertension places on the heart will cause it to weaken. Eventually, the heart may not be able to sustain the extra work required of it, which may lead to heart failure.

Danger #2: Brain damage

The brain requires a steady supply of blood to operate. When this blood supply drops, brain cells may begin to die, leading to potentially life-threatening or debilitating health complications. These complications include:

Transient ischemic attack (TIA): A short-term disruption of blood supply that’s usually the result of a blood clot. A TIA is a big warning that someone may be headed for a full-on stroke.

Impairment: The brain is responsible for cognitive processing, an energy-intensive task which is dependent on blood-oxygen. When blood supply is disrupted, it can no longer function at standard capacity, thus risking impairment.

Stroke: A stroke is the worst thing that can happen to the brain. At this stage, brain cells are rapidly dying. Without medical intervention, a stroke may lead to disability or death.

Danger #3: Kidney damage

Our kidneys’ primary responsibility is filtering waste out of the blood – a process that, in itself, requires sturdy blood vessels. High blood pressure can cause all sorts of kidney problems, including:

Aneurysm: When something obstructs a blood vessel, it may lead to a buildup of fluid which forms a bulge, or aneurysm. When the blood vessel wall can no longer contain the fluid that’s been building up, it may burst.

Kidney scarring: Scarring of the kidneys is usually the final step before kidney failure. Kidney scarring can occur for a variety of reasons, including disease, drug abuse, HIV, or diabetes. Since scarring occurs in a cluster, the kidney may not be able to filter out waste – which may lead to failure.

Kidney failure: When a kidney cannot filter waste from the blood, dangerously high levels of fluid and waste may build up. The organ can only handle so much damage before it fails entirely.

Danger #4: Eye damage

You may have noticed the tiny, web-like vessels in your eyes. Like all other blood vessels, those in the eyes can become damaged by high blood pressure. Such concerns include:

Fluid buildup: Known as choroidopathy, fluid buildup that occurs under the retina – a result of porous blood vessels – can cause eye damage. It may result in blurred vision, scarring, or loss of vision.

Nerve damage: The optic nerve is responsible for transferring images received by the retina to the brain. When damaged due to a restriction of blood, the optic nerve can become damaged. As a result, bleeding of the eye or vision loss may occur.

Danger #5: Systemic damage

While this last danger is broad, it is crucial to understand all of the potential complications of hypertension. These often appear in forms such as sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis (loss of bone density), gout, and insomnia.

Every area of our body depends on a regular flow of blood. While the main complications are listed here, the truth is that high blood pressure can weaken or damage nearly every part of the body.

The Keys to Blood Pressure Health

A balanced diet, physical activity, and a proactive approach to your health can effectively prevent hypertension. Let’s get a bit more specific.

Maintain a healthy weight

Your weight may be the most crucial factor in determining whether or not hypertension becomes a chronic issue. Losing even five to ten pounds can help prevent hypertension.

high blood pressure

Eat right and exercise

While this advice may sound a bit monotonous, it is nonetheless accurate: eating a healthy and balanced diet is critical, not only to overall health but blood pressure health.

Get your BP checked

Since doctor’s visits cost an arm and a leg, if your BP is a concern to you, think about purchasing a blood pressure machine. By comparison, these portable machines are very affordable. Check if your BP is in the range of 120-129/80-89. If your readouts are higher than average, you may want to consult your healthcare provider.

10 Early Signs of A Tapeworm to Never Ignore

Just in case the title was not enough of a warning, please know that this discussion contains information that’s a bit – how do you put it? – “sensitive” in nature. Yes, we are going to talk about the commonly known, but not often identified tapeworm. In order to keep nausea at a minimum, we will omit as many of the grosser details as possible.

What is a tapeworm?

A tapeworm is a long, whitish parasite that is acquired through the consumption of a tapeworm’s eggs. This can happen for various reasons, the most common being poor hygiene, and certain types of food – such as raw pork, beef and fish – or water containing traces of contaminated feces.

It is estimated that more than 1,000 species of tapeworms (Cestoda) exist. An adult tapeworm, like other worms, have a head, neck, and series of body segments that produce eggs (proglottids).

Tapeworms sustain themselves through the ingestion of food particles within the host’s digestive tract; something made possible through “hooks” used to penetrate the host’s intestinal wall. Astoundingly, tapeworms can live up to 30 years in the host (infected animal or human.)

Ten Early Signs of Tapeworm

The degree to which a person experiences symptoms resulting from a tapeworm infection depends on (a) the size of the tapeworm(s), and (b) the extent of the infection. For the most part, symptoms are either nonexistent or very subtle. Without further delay, here are ten early signs of tapeworm to never ignore:


  1. Abdominal pain

Anytime there is something foreign living in the intestines, it is possible that abdominal pain will result. Abdominal pain from tapeworm infection is often described as sharp, shooting, and sudden pain that lasts for a long period and occurs regularly.

  1. Dysentery

(Remember Oregon Trail? “You have died of dysentery.”)

Dysentery is inflammation of the intestine that usually produces symptoms such as blood and mucus in the feces. The condition is also known to cause chronic diarrhea. Inflammation of the intestines by bacteria or – as with tapeworm – infestation are the two leading causes of dysentery.

  1. Epilepsy

A condition known as neurocysticercosis is caused by the ingestion of eggs from tapeworm Taenia solium or pork tapeworm. Taenia solium is one species of tapeworm that can invade the brain (disturbing!). When this occurs, the person may experience both headaches and seizures, or epilepsy.

  1. Fatigue

Unusual tiredness is often reported by people with a parasitic infection. Experts think that this fatigue is due to loss of energy, caused by the heightened immune response needed to fight tapeworm infection. The loss of nutrients from a tapeworm infection is also a possible cause.

  1. Feces that contain larvae

Hopefully it never gets to this point, but there you have it. Yes, you can excrete worms in fragments or as a whole.

  1. Flu-like symptoms

Irritation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract can lead to loss of appetite. Worse, a parasitic infection of this type can cause symptoms that mimic those of the stomach flu, including diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

  1. Jaundice

Jaundice is a condition that causes yellowing of the skin or the white area of the eyes. As a tapeworm expands and takes up more space in the intestines, it can cause an obstruction of the bile duct. When this happens, it can produce an excess of bilirubin – a yellowish liver pigment – leading to jaundice.

  1. Liver damage

Tapeworm larvae can escape the intestines and invade the liver. Left unchecked, these larvae can interrupt the liver’s function by interfering with blood flow. Per the Mayo Clinic, some of the most common symptoms of liver damage include abdominal pain, swelling of the ankles and legs, skin irritation, dark urine, chronic fatigue, and loss of appetite.

  1. Nutrient deficiency

As mentioned, tapeworms acquire nourishment through the ingestion of food particles. A particularly bad infection can lead to a sizable loss of nutrients, leading to nutritional deficiencies. In fact, a blood test may reveal signs of anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency, a vital nutrient, is also common.

  1. Weight loss

Yes, tapeworm infection can get this bad. A significant loss of weight is likely due to the combination of nutrient deficiency and loss of appetite over an extended period. (Any inexplicable loss of weight is a potentially dangerous symptom that should be examined by a medical professional ASAP.)


Prevention and Treatment

Common sense measures can greatly reduce the likelihood of acquiring a tapeworm infection. These include:

  • Cooking all food thoroughly (especially pork and vegetables) before eating.
  • Thorough washing of the hands before eating. Also be sure to wash your hands after using the bathroom.
  • Extra care when visiting or living in a developing country.

There are effective treatments, usually in the form of prescription medications, for tapeworm infections. Contact a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • blood or pus in the stool
  • extreme fatigue or dehydration
  • high body temperature that isn’t going down
  • frequent vomiting

5 Natural Ways to Prevent Stretch Marks (And How to Get Rid of Them)

Stretch marks are thin lines that form on the skin following a period of “intense growth,” such as pregnancy, puberty, weight gain, and weight loss. Pregnancy appears to be the leading cause of stretch marks. Per a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, between 52 to 59 percent of pregnant women develop stretch marks while carrying. Some estimates are much higher, citing as high as 90 percent.

Other factors that may increase the risk developing stretch marks include:

  • the use of steroids
  • genetic predisposition (e.g., for thinner skin)
  • hormonal imbalances
  • undergoing breast enhancement surgery
  • medical conditions (e.g., Marfan syndrome and Cushing’s syndrome.)
  • prolonged use of corticosteroids
  • chronic diseases
  • obesity

The abdomen, breasts, buttocks, flank, hips, and thighs are the most commonly affected areas. Stretch marks are not dangerous to physical health and often fade in appearance without medical intervention. However, stretch marks may cause emotional or psychological effects such as anxiety and/or low self-esteem.

Despite the attempts of the pharmaceutical industry to cash in on the prevalence of stretch marks, there is little to no evidence suggesting topical (medicine applied onto the skin) treatment of the condition is effective.

While there is currently no “proven” treatment for stretch marks, they can be prevented or easily covered up. Again, stretch marks are not associated with any known medical condition. They are solely cosmetic in nature.

(Note: It is worth mentioning here that anecdotal accounts of some skin products do seem promising. That is, a particular product may indeed work for certain people; this includes the application of vitamin E products, as well as pharmaceuticals. The “problem” is that medical studies demand both observable and measurable differences for many people to deem a treatment “effective.”)

How to Prevent Stretch Marks

Even though (stretch marks) never really go away, they might fade over time or with help from certain products and procedures.” – WebMD

Here are a few ways to prevent the development of stretch marks:

  1. Exercise: Rapidly gaining weight is one of the leading causes of stretch marks. Exercise along with proper diet (see below) can go a long way in preventing unwanted alterations to the skin’s appearance.
  2. Eat a balanced diet: Along with getting proper exercise, make sure to eat a diet with the right mix of healthy fats, protein, and non-refined carbohydrates.
  3. Get your healthy fats: Consuming healthy fats (poly- and mono-unsaturated) is a sure way to improve your skin’s appearance. Fatty fish, avocados, and walnuts are three favorites.
  4. Avoid “yo-yo dieting”: As mentioned, it is the rapid fluctuation of weight (fat gain and fat loss) that is mostly to blame for stretch marks. Instead of gaining weight, dieting, and repeating the cycle, resolve to eat healthily every day.
  5. Hydrate: The skin is made up of 64 percent water, so drinking 8 to 10 glasses of H2O per day will surely promote skin health. Beyond the skin, proper hydration aids both the digestion and transportation of nutrients, which helps the body eliminate waste, maintain a healthy weight, and normalize the metabolism!

How to “Get Rid” of Stretch Marks

As discussed, stretch marks will generally fade on their own. Getting plenty of water, eating a healthy diet, and working out regularly will make these marks go away faster. And while there is no quick fix to get rid of them, there are ways to make stretch marks less visible.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Try a coffee, honey, and sugar scrub

A natural ingredient home scrub may be just what the doctor ordered. There are plenty of homemade skin scrubs out there, but coffee and sugar, because they are abrasive, may be the best option. Honey is a wonderful anti-inflammatory and moisturizer, which makes its addition to any homemade scrub a must.

  1. Consider laser therapy

Bad news first: most insurance plans will consider laser therapy for stretch marks a cosmetic procedure and, because of this classification, will not cover any of the expenses. Good news: laser therapy is getting much cheaper, safer, and more effective.

  1. Skin pigment tattoo

Okay, so you’re going to need to find an excellent tattoo artist to pull this off. But if you can find one that’s good enough, they can closely match your skin pigmentation with an available ink. Needless to say, you don’t want to go cheap here.

  1. Get a regular tat

A tattoo can be a real work of art. Seriously, there are some absolutely gorgeous designs that, when inked on with capable hands, can look stunning. Discuss this option with a reputable artist in your area.



  1. Speak with a dermatologist

While research on the efficacy of stretch mark treatments is inconclusive at best, dermatological procedures such as microneedling improve all the time. You may want to consult a dermatologist for advice in this domain. Dermatologists are licensed physicians specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. (Just make sure to do your own research as well.)

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains Why Your Hands Go Numb At Night (And How to Fix It)

Various medical conditions may make your hands go numb or even cause long-term numbness in the hands. The common thread among all of them is that they are characterized by compression, damage, or irritation of the peripheral nerves.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) may be the most widespread of all disorders that fit the following description:

“Hand numbness is usually caused by damage, irritation or compression of one of the nerves or a branch of one of the nerves in your arm and wrist.” – Mayo Clinic Staff

Per the Virtual Medical Center, CTS is a relatively common disorder that affects nearly three percent of the population at some point. CTS is more common in women than in men, with an average age of 40 to 50 years.

Causes and Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS is caused by the compression of the median nerve within the wrist. In the wrist, the median nerve is encompassed by the carpal tunnel, a narrow structure that sits below the wrist at the hand’s heel. Besides the median nerve, the carpal tunnel also consists of various tendons.

The median nerve is quite long, extending from about six inches below the surface of the middle of the shoulder all the way down through the wrist and fingers. The most common CTS symptoms include numbness, weakness, and pain in of the thumb, index, and middle fingers, as well as half of the ring finger. Pain is also usually felt in areas of the wrist.

The link between why your hands go numb and office work

Undoubtedly, one’s work environment can contribute to the onset of CTS. It is very common for people to work on computers nowadays, and bending the wrist – say, when typing on a keyboard – is a leading cause of why your hands go numb.

But it isn’t only how you type, as you will quickly find out. Other lifestyle factors also contribute to the development (and prevention!) of CTS and any arising hand numbness symptoms.

Without further ado, here are some ways to prevent or fix hand numbness:

  1. Wear a splint

If you are currently experiencing troublesome symptoms, it may be best to wear a wrist splint for a time. A brace is helpful because it prevents abnormal bending or contorting of the wrist. A splint is particularly helpful when sleeping or typing. Occasionally remove the splint to check your symptoms and to clean your hands and wrist.

  1. Check your chair’s height

If your office chair is too high or low, you will find that your wrist must bend to carry out routine tasks. While you’re at it, consider the comfort of your chair. Do you need to replace it, or will adding a seat cushion or another accessory make things easier? The support of your chair directly affects not only your posture but your attitude toward work.

  1. Exercise your wrists

Simple exercises and stretching can go a long way in reducing, preventing, or even eliminating your hands. Here is a quick and simple one that you can do at work. While seated, place your hands, palm up, underneath a desk or table. Press upwards and against the bottom and hold for five to yrm seconds. Another easy and quick way is to get a stress or tennis ball and squeeze it for five to ten seconds.

  1. Sit upright

All of us know that sitting up straight is necessary for healthy posture. However, leaning either too far back to too far forward can compress – you guessed it – the median nerve. When this happens, your hands go numb. Make sure to sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

relieve back pain


  1. Take mini breaks

Get away from your computer. Seriously. Many office jobs require repetitive motions that will eventually tire out your arms, back, hands shoulders, and wrist. Also, the reduction of blood flow from remaining seated likely contributes to hand numbness.

  1. Apply a cold compress

Or ice, whatever. Ice and cold compresses are cheap, effective pain relievers. Soak your wrist in an ice bucket for five to ten minutes if you prefer. Afterward, put your wrist splint back on (you remembered to get one, didn’t you? 🙂

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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