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10 Pictures That Show Why Parenting Is The Best (And The Hardest)

Every parent knows that raising children comes with a lot of joy and a lot of challenges, too. You get to literally shape your child into who they will become, and this journey you go on together will definitely have its ups and downs. Some days, you’ll laugh, play, and share beautiful, positive memories together, and others might make you want to tear your hair out. Welcome to the world of parenting!

To show the different facets of what it means to be a parent, we’ve gathered a few parenting photos that will hopefully make you laugh, or at least make you say “I’ve been there!”

Here are 10 photos that show both the joys of parenting and the challenges that come with it:

1. Kids definitely make shopping more interesting!

A post shared by Anna Macfarlane (@kidsaretheworst) on

2. A diaper would’ve come in handy, Dad…

A post shared by Anna Macfarlane (@kidsaretheworst) on

3. Kids have to be entertained somehow while waiting on their food, right?

A post shared by Anna Macfarlane (@kidsaretheworst) on

4. Parenting isn’t always hard work; just look at those smiles! What a beautiful sight.

5. Sometimes parenting means cooking with your kids…

6. …Or dressing up as your favorite Mario characters!

7. Yeah, parenting can drain your energy, but it’s so worth it!

A post shared by nini_funny (@ninii_funny) on

8. Even though Mom is annoyed, you can still feel the love in this pic.

A post shared by Renee Priem (@renee_priem) on

good parent

9.  One of the joys of parenting is showing your kids the natural beauty of this world.

A post shared by ELLEN FISHER (@ellenfisher) on

10. When it comes to family photos, they don’t always go as planned.

Which picture was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Ways The Law Of Karma Actually Works

The concept of karma, prominent in religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, essentially says that our actions in the present affect our lives in the future. As one’s life is affected, they can look back to their decisions and consider how they lead to their current situation.

Some might write this off as nonsense. While they might see a link between doing good deeds and being rewarded and doing bad deeds and being punished (such as going to prison), they might think this is just a matter of human intervention, not some kind of universal action. However, karma is a deeper concept than they realize.

Here are ten ways the law of karma actually works.

Actions speak louder than words

You might have the best intentions and believe this makes you a good person. However, the law of karma might tell you otherwise. When you hold good thoughts in your mind by don’t put them into practice, you’re going to harm your personal karma due to not following through.

Everything matters

The butterfly effect is commonly cited for an example of how seemingly inconsequential actions can have long-term effects. If you practice law of karma, you can see how important all of your actions are. Small acts of kindness can have a greater effect on the world around you than you might ever imagine.

Acknowledging our past

In order to move forward and improve our circumstances, we must be willing to consider our past actions. The law of karma requires us to forgive ourselves for our past misdeeds while also avoiding repeating those mistakes. Growth comes through admitting that we need to grow.

Return on investment

If you’re wondering why the world isn’t giving you any positivity, you should think about if you’re giving the world any positivity. When you practice law of karma, you gain a better understanding of why you need to make an effort in order to have good things happen to you. There’s no sense in waiting selfishly for good things to happen to you.

Staying in the present

The past is completely out of our control. Meanwhile, we can determine our future somewhat but only if we stay focused on the present. When we are in the moment, we give our future selves a tremendous gift.

Willingness to change

Being stubborn will do nothing to improve circumstances in life. We have to be willing to admit that we have made mistakes and show that we want to be better. Karma requires us to stop passing the buck and cop to our faults.

Staying positive

Karma allows us to realize how much joy is out there in the world. It just starts with us making the right decisions. If you’re feeling negative, you can remember that setting a positive example can greatly improve your circumstances and perception of an event.

Being responsible

Unconditional responsibility for your actions is one of the greatest aspects of karma. With every decision, you’ll be considering what the long-term effects will be. Whatever happens in the aftermath, you’ll be able to view it with the proper sense of understanding of what caused it.

Letting the world be

When we’re easily frustrated, it can be due to thinking that the world owes us something. Life is not inherently fair or unfair. Life is just life. The quality of our life is determined less by external factors and more by how we perceive it. Through karma, we learn how freeing letting go of things that are outside of our control is.


Not giving up

Karma teaches us that good things do come, but we need to be willing to wait. You never know just how close you are to glory at any given moment. By pushing ourselves to do the right thing, even when it seems like no one else notices, we can be even closer to an eternal reward.

The law of karma is not meant to make life burdensome. It works to give people better control of their lives by ensuring that they understand the consequences of their actions, positive and negative. When you understand that your decisions determine the course of your life, you can be sure to make better ones.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Do These 7 Simple Things When You Feel Anxious

There’s a reason why self-care is a topic of conversation in society. So many people are dealing with mental health issues and are struggling to figure out how to balance it all. For many people, their mental struggle manifests in the form of anxiety. When this happens, it’s very difficult for some people to function. That anxious feeling can be very crippling and cause people to want to curl up and not get anything done. It’s important to recognize that anxiety is a mental manifestation of a deep-rooted fear. However, it can be conquered. Anxiety does not have to get the best of you.

If you have the struggle, consider these seven techniques to help you stop feeling anxious.

1. Practice breathing exercises.

If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, there’s a relaxation period at the end of each session. During this time, the teacher leaves the students through prompted breathing exercises. The teacher tends to start from the toes and go all the way up to the crown of the head. This exercise happens while students lie on their backs. As they intentionally breathe in and out, they also relax every part of the body. If you can do this whenever you feel a sense of anxiety creeping up, this can help you. However, if you’re not in the space where you can lie down, do breathing exercises wherever you are. If you’re feeling anxious, this is an exercise that can help you get through the difficult moment.

2. Exercise consistently.

Exercise is excellent because it helps you to release endorphins. Endorphins naturally help people feel happier. It’s also great for the moments where you feel anxious. In the mornings, try to get a workout in. It’ll help you set the tone for your day. At the end of the day, it’s nice to go for a walk to cool down and decompress from the day. Find ways to get physical so that you can deal with anxious mind.

3. Unplug from everything.

Oftentimes, people deal with an anxious mind because they are too connected to the news and the digital world. If you find that you spend a lot of time on social media, it’s time to unplug. Begin to find ways to limit the amount of time that you connect with people online because it can lead to a sense of isolation and anxiety. Unplug from work. You don’t want to spend most of your life working. Instead, find ways to go on vacation, enjoy family and enjoy your present life.

4. Take it one task at a time.

Make sure that you take it one task at a time. Eliminate the temptation to multitask. When you multitask, it encourages you to constantly think about a lot of things at one time. This can contribute to the layers of angst in someone who’s struggling to deal with anxious mind. Focus on the task in front of you and get it done. Then, you can move on to the next task. If you continue this type of habit, you’ll find that you’re able to get a lot more done. Additionally, the anxious feeling you have will decrease.

5. Take breaks.

It’s important to take breaks. No one is a machine. As humans, it’s important to take time to breathe and regroup. Consider the Pomodoro method. Set your timer for 20 minutes. Within those 20 minutes, get work done. Then, set your timer for another five minutes. During those five minutes, listen to a great song and have a dance party in your office. Unwind with a few stretches. Take a walk around the block. Drink a bottle of water. As you get acclimated to this practice, you can increase the work time from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. However, don’t forget to take breaks.

anxiety relief techniques

6. Consider the worst-case scenario.

In many cases, people struggle with anxiety because they don’t want to deal with the worst-case scenario. However, it’s important to think everything through. What is the worst-case scenario? Once you figure out what that is, decide if it’s really unbearable. In some cases, it might not be what you want. However, it’s something you can deal with it. It’s not the end of the world. Take a look at the full scope and once you really get a grasp of what you’re dealing with.

7. Unload your to-do list.

When you’re feeling anxious, notice your pattern. Do you tend to feel a sense of anxiety after you look at your to-do list? This might be an indication that you need to unload and do less in a day. People overestimate the number of things that they can do in one day and underestimate the number of things that they can do in a lifetime. Pace yourself. Do not try to cram a bunch of tasks into one day. If you spread it all out, you’ll be able to deal with anxious mind and get everything done. Give yourself some slack.

As you work on these tips, take note of the ones that seem to be the most effective. Don’t be afraid to incorporate new tricks into your daily regimen to increase your level of peace and happiness. As you becoming determined in your pursuit of peace, you’ll find that your life will change.

Do These 7 Simple Things When You Feel Anxious

There’s a reason why self-care is a topic of conversation in society. So many people are dealing with mental health issues and are struggling to figure out how to balance it all. For many people, their mental struggle manifests in the form of anxiety. When this happens, it’s very difficult for some people to function. That anxious feeling can be very crippling and cause people to want to curl up and not get anything done. It’s important to recognize that anxiety is a mental manifestation of a deep-rooted fear. However, it can be conquered. Anxiety does not have to get the best of you.

If you have the struggle, consider these seven techniques to help you stop feeling anxious.

1. Practice breathing exercises.

If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, there’s a relaxation period at the end of each session. During this time, the teacher leaves the students through prompted breathing exercises. The teacher tends to start from the toes and go all the way up to the crown of the head. This exercise happens while students lie on their backs. As they intentionally breathe in and out, they also relax every part of the body. If you can do this whenever you feel a sense of anxiety creeping up, this can help you. However, if you’re not in the space where you can lie down, do breathing exercises wherever you are. If you’re feeling anxious, this is an exercise that can help you get through the difficult moment.

2. Exercise consistently.

Exercise is excellent because it helps you to release endorphins. Endorphins naturally help people feel happier. It’s also great for the moments where you feel anxious. In the mornings, try to get a workout in. It’ll help you set the tone for your day. At the end of the day, it’s nice to go for a walk to cool down and decompress from the day. Find ways to get physical so that you can deal with anxious mind.

3. Unplug from everything.

Oftentimes, people deal with an anxious mind because they are too connected to the news and the digital world. If you find that you spend a lot of time on social media, it’s time to unplug. Begin to find ways to limit the amount of time that you connect with people online because it can lead to a sense of isolation and anxiety. Unplug from work. You don’t want to spend most of your life working. Instead, find ways to go on vacation, enjoy family and enjoy your present life.

4. Take it one task at a time.

Make sure that you take it one task at a time. Eliminate the temptation to multitask. When you multitask, it encourages you to constantly think about a lot of things at one time. This can contribute to the layers of angst in someone who’s struggling to deal with anxious mind. Focus on the task in front of you and get it done. Then, you can move on to the next task. If you continue this type of habit, you’ll find that you’re able to get a lot more done. Additionally, the anxious feeling you have will decrease.

5. Take breaks.

It’s important to take breaks. No one is a machine. As humans, it’s important to take time to breathe and regroup. Consider the Pomodoro method. Set your timer for 20 minutes. Within those 20 minutes, get work done. Then, set your timer for another five minutes. During those five minutes, listen to a great song and have a dance party in your office. Unwind with a few stretches. Take a walk around the block. Drink a bottle of water. As you get acclimated to this practice, you can increase the work time from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. However, don’t forget to take breaks.

anxiety relief techniques

6. Consider the worst-case scenario.

In many cases, people struggle with anxiety because they don’t want to deal with the worst-case scenario. However, it’s important to think everything through. What is the worst-case scenario? Once you figure out what that is, decide if it’s really unbearable. In some cases, it might not be what you want. However, it’s something you can deal with it. It’s not the end of the world. Take a look at the full scope and once you really get a grasp of what you’re dealing with.

7. Unload your to-do list.

When you’re feeling anxious, notice your pattern. Do you tend to feel a sense of anxiety after you look at your to-do list? This might be an indication that you need to unload and do less in a day. People overestimate the number of things that they can do in one day and underestimate the number of things that they can do in a lifetime. Pace yourself. Do not try to cram a bunch of tasks into one day. If you spread it all out, you’ll be able to deal with anxious mind and get everything done. Give yourself some slack.

As you work on these tips, take note of the ones that seem to be the most effective. Don’t be afraid to incorporate new tricks into your daily regimen to increase your level of peace and happiness. As you becoming determined in your pursuit of peace, you’ll find that your life will change.

The Magical Weight Loss Power Of These Amazing Overnight Oats

Does your breakfast leave you feeling unsatisfied? Having a breakfast that isn’t filling can drive you to snack between meals, which sabotages your weight loss plans. When you’re looking for a way to amp up your diet plan, turn to the oats overnight benefits.

Oats have amazing advantages for weight loss and overall health. The secret of oats lies in their soluble fiber. This fiber forms a gel-like substance in the stomach, leading you to feel satisfied while cutting down on your overall calorie intake. Oats are also important for lowering cholesterol, contributing to overall health. They can even lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

One of the easiest ways to add this superfood to your diet is by making your oats overnight. Overnight oats are incredibly easy to make, involving only a few healthy ingredients. The basic recipe calls for only oats and skim milk. You can jazz up your oats overnight by using ingredients like fruits, nuts, and sweeteners.

10 Delicious Overnight Oats Recipes

Basic Oats

For all of these yummy topping and mix-in recipes, use a base of plain oats overnight. All you need to do is mix the oats and milk together and put them in a covered jar in the refrigerator overnight. It’s that simple.

1 cup old-fashioned oats
1 cup milk (use skim for the best health benefits, or you can try almond milk or soy milk)

1. Pecan Pie Oats

Try these yummy oats overnight to satisfy your sweet tooth while providing the health benefits of oats and nuts.

Toast 1/2 cup of chopped pecans with a little bit of maple syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract. Use this mixture to top your oats in the morning. You’ll love the sweet and crunchy flavor.

2. Pina Colada Overnight Oats

This tropical mixture gets its kick from coconut yogurt and chopped pineapple. Use 1 container of coconut Greek yogurt and 1 cup of light coconut milk. Stir in chopped pineapple. Let this mixture sit overnight in the fridge with the oats.

3. Blueberry Muffin Overnight Oats

Mix ½ cup of mashed blueberries, 2 tablespoons of chia seeds, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and a teaspoon of lemon zest into your oats. You can also add vanilla Greek yogurt if you want a thicker texture. In the morning, top this mixture with fresh blueberries and granola.

4. Chocolate Covered Strawberry Oats

Add cocoa powder, vanilla Greek yogurt, honey, chia seeds, and mashed strawberries to your oats. Top with a nice piece of dark chocolate and a halved strawberry.

5. Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats

Add ¼ cup of canned pumpkin to your oats, along with maple syrup, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Top with crunchy pecans for texture and an added nutritional punch.

6. Amazing Avocado Oats

Slice half of an avocado. Add cocoa powder, a pinch of salt, and a little bit of maple syrup or honey and mix in with the oats. You may think that the avocado and chocolate combination seems strange, but it’s creamy and delicious.

7. Matcha Green Tea Overnight Oats

The active ingredient in green tea, EGCG, is much stronger in matcha than in brewed tea. EGCG has proven weight loss benefits. Combined with the heart-healthy high-fiber oats, this recipe packs a double punch of weight loss goodness.

Combine 2 ripe bananas, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 2 teaspoons matcha powder, and a pinch of salt. Add sliced strawberries and fresh blueberries.

8. Carrot Cake Overnight Oats

Put 2 ripe bananas, 4 dates with pits removed, and 2 peeled and chopped carrots in the blender with 2 cups of almond milk or skim milk. Mix this in with oats, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and a pinch of sea salt.

9. Orange Overnight Oats

Combine the juice of 1 orange, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, and ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract with your oats and milk mixture. Let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. Add a little more milk in the morning to make the mixture smooth.

oats overnight

10. French Toast Overnight Oats

Add maple syrup, cinnamon, a mashed banana, and ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract to your oats and milk mixture. This will give you a French toast taste sensation in the morning.

Final Thoughts

Oats overnight benefits include a feeling of fullness and satisfaction that lingers long after the meal is finished. Together with the soluble fiber and cholesterol-reducing powers of oats, they are a fantastic source of manganese, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and vitamin B-1. Oats are a nutrient-dense food and are gluten-free. Enjoy your oats overnight with these tasty recipes and make your breakfast both healthy and satisfying.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Want To Lose Weight Fast Naturally? Here Is What You Need To Do

Most people look at weight loss as a war that they are waging against unwanted fat on their bodies. They want to know the secret to how to lose weight fast naturally, but don’t have any luck. Try taking a different approach. Embrace the journey as you quickly shed those excess pounds in a natural way. Think of it as taking charge of your body to restore balance and regain your full potential. This is your chance to be all that you are meant to be, as you achieve a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Focus on your body with practices that you can follow for the rest of your life and the rest will fall into place.

Here’s how to lose weight fast naturally (and safely):

When you are struggling with unwanted pounds hanging on to your body, you want to lose weight fast. Otherwise, it’s hard to stay motivated and stick with a program. If you don’t see your body changing, you’ll tend to give up. At the same time, you don’t want to go to extremes, taking dangerous supplements, restricting your calories to a level that is too low to be healthy, or pushing your body past the point of exertion with exercise. You need to be sensible. You need to be safe. You also need to take the scientific approach as you takes steps to embrace how to lose weight fast naturally. When you tap into the tried and true weight loss tips instead of fads, you’ll see the difference happening. Once you embrace the following changes, you will find practices you can do every day for the rest of your life.

  • Add more lean protein, fresh vegetables, and healthy sources of fat to your daily diet
  • Trim back on your carbs and sugar
  • Be sure to include strength training in your weekly exercise regimen

You may have a heard all of these suggestions before when you’ve tried to find out how to lose weight fast naturally. Now learn about more healthy practices you can follow that are effective and backed by research.

Turn Your Body into a Fat-Burning Machine

Something is out of balance in your life right now that has resulted in weight gain. It might be emotional upheaval. You could be under a great deal of stress. Your time may be so crunched that it is hard to devote your energy to getting the sleep and exercise that you need. You may work long hours at a desk that make it harder to burn calories. Your choices in what you eat may not be the best. There could be an underlying health condition that could be working against you. Regardless of what has led you to where you are now, you can turn the situation around. Take it from the experts when it comes to how to lose weight fast naturally. You’ll find it isn’t rocket science. It does work. You will watch the pounds melt away and it won’t take forever.

Embrace Whole Foods

If you don’t know what people are talking about when they say whole foods, they mean foods in their original, natural form without any additional ingredients. In other words, eat plenty of fresh produce without anything on it. Eat meat that is fresh and has no additives or carbs to complement it. Try whole grains when you need variety and crave carbs. When you eat foods in their natural form, your body is going to trim down.

Stay Away from Foods that are Processed

Cutting out processed foods goes hand in hand with eating whole foods. Foods that are processed are chock full of additives. There’s extra fat, they’re often loaded up on sugars, and there are preservatives as well. You’re putting ingredients in your body that don’t belong there when you veer away from whole foods.

how to lose weight fast naturally

Don’t Forget the Water

Water really is the elixir of life. It doesn’t have any calories. It flushes out your body. It helps all of your systems to function properly. Drink at least half a gallon a day. If you add ice, you’ll get your metabolism to pick up the pace as it works to warm up your body. Try having a glass of water before you eat any meal. You’ll tend to eat less because you will already feel full.

Keep Track of What You Eat

As you think about how to lose weight fast naturally, you’d be surprised to know that keeping a journal of your eating habits can really make a difference. It makes you conscious of what you eat. Be completely honest. When you see what you are doing, you can pinpoint any changes you need to make.

Stay the Course

There are many simple changes you can make in your life that will help you as you figure out how to lose weight fast naturally. Combine an active lifestyle, drinking water, eating natural foods, and getting enough sleep. You’ll see results. Once you’re headed in the right direction, you won’t want to ever go back.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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