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These Yoga Moves Gave Me Relief From My Lower Back Pain

I began my yoga journey much, much later than I should have. Entering my mid-forties with physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion, I was carrying around at least thirty extra pounds that were nearly impossible to lose. Juggling a career, kids, and a home was an enormous challenge. From the first morning coffee to a glass of red wine each night after dinner, stress management was goal number one, but it was fast becoming a losing battle. Something had to be done.

One fateful fall afternoon, I had lunch with an old high school friend that I hadn’t seen in years. Much to my shock and dismay, she walked into the restaurant looking like she’d come straight off the pages of our high school yearbook. How could this “doll” be so spry and full of life, so youthful, so trim and slim, while I sat on the other side of the table looking schleppy? She told me that she had “found yoga” as a result of needing to manage a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis twenty years earlier. Through a combination of regular yoga and healthy diet, she had been able to manage her pain and her weight for years.

Before leaving the restaurant that day, she gave me a few resources to look at, and my journey began. Little did I know how much yoga was going to change my life as a result of that lunch date. I found relief from my back pain, the answer to those stubborn extra pounds, and peace of mind and a strength of resolve I didn’t know existed.

For those of you that are also struggling with “middle-aging” and pains that you can no longer ignore, I wanted to share with you some of the most effective postures that I’ve come to know and love in my practice, and how they have revolutionized the way I approach my health and my life. I encourage you to try these yoga moves as soon as possible; it is a matter of quality life or “death” while living.

Here are yoga moves that help with lower back pain:

Supine twist

Twisting the spine offers great tension relief while easing the muscles around the spinal column. Simply lie on your back, arms extended out perpendicular to your body, and bend your knees in toward your chest. Slowly lower both your knees to one side while keeping shoulder blades in contact with the floor. Stay in this position anywhere from 1 to 4 minutes, then switch sides. This position is great for reducing lower back pain.

Sphinx pose

The sphinx is great for toning up the spine and stimulating the area of the back known as the sacral lumbar arch, which relieves lower back pain typically after one simple stretch. Sphinx pose promotes the natural curvature of the back, which is a very effective lower back pain treatment. Lie on your stomach and bring your elbows underneath your shoulders, pushing your upper body up off the ground. Extend the stretch as far as you can, then lower yourself back down to a supine position. Repeat two to three times, stretching a bit farther each time.

Thread the needle pose

If our hips are tight, they will pull on the muscles across the lower back, resulting in extra lower back pain. Thread the needle pose promotes loose, fluid hips and hip flexers, which will ease up pressure on the lower back. Lie on your back and bring your knees into your chest. Cross one ankle over a bent knee, threading your hands through and grabbing the hamstring, bringing in toward you for a deep stretch. Uncross the ankle and switch legs, pulling the other leg across and threading your hands through to pull the other hamstring toward you. Get ready for some back pain relief!

Cat/Cow combo

With this simple movement, you will be stretching and decompressing the entire length of the spine. Kneel down on all fours. While you inhale, drop your belly toward the floor and lift your tailbone towards the ceiling, and while you exhale, arch your back like an angry cat, extending the spine outward fully. Continue this cycle of movements for 6 to 8 repetitions. This is an all-encompassing move that will relieve even the most stubborn lower back pain.

Triangle pose

Triangle pose is a fantastic strength building stretch for the torso, arms, legs, and back. Especially effective at targeting the muscles along your outer hip, it contributes to a strong and healthy lower lumbar region. Start in a standing position, feet wide and arms fully extended. Stretch your torso out to the side while fully extending your arm out to the side over your leg, reaching down to grab calf, ankle, or floor while your opposite arm goes to the ceiling. Hold this position with legs straight for as long as you can, breathing in slowly and exhaling fully as you stretch, strengthen and lengthen.

Child’s pose

Child’s pose is actually an active stretch that elongates the back while reducing stress and tension all along the spine. Starting on your hands and knees, bring your buttocks down and back so that they are resting on your heels, lowering your forehead to the ground while your arms remain stretched out in front of you. Hold this position for several minutes if possible to stretch tight and sore muscles.

Downward dog

This is perhaps my favorite of all yoga poses. Down dog is an active relaxation pose, it reduces stress while at the same time working all large muscle groups in the body. From a hands and knees position, rise to an inverted V position, hands and feet pushing away from the ground. Your buttocks should be high in the air as you work to expand the area in between your shoulder blades and lengthen your hamstrings, which will aid in decompressing your lower back. Stay here as long as you like!

yoga poses

Pigeon pose

While it may not seem an obvious answer to lower back pain, the fact that pigeon pose stretches out tight hips contributes to loosening out the lower back as well. Start in downward dog position and bring one leg in, bent so that your ankle lands on the floor near your groin area and your knee is facing outward. Your other leg should be stretched out behind you as you push your upper body away from the floor with arms extended. Feel the stretch in your outer hip and groin area for several minutes before switching sides.

For me, finding an effective lower back pain treatment was essential to creating a quality life. I am healthier, happier, slimmer and trimmer than I have been in years, and I owe it all to my friend at that fateful fall luncheon who introduced me to the wonders of yoga. Give it a try–it will change your life!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Superb Stress Relief Techniques For All The Stressed Out Moms

Are you stressed out? You are in the company of millions.

According to a 2018 study conducted by the Mental Health Organization, approximately 74 percent of those who participated in the study stated that they have been so inundated with stress that they have been unable to cope with their stressors at least once within the last year. As a mother, you understandably are no stranger to feeling stressed out and frazzled. In fact, if you feel intense stress almost daily as a mother, you are not alone.

Stress is your body’s natural reaction to different external stimuli, so it is reasonable to expect to feel some stress level regularly. However, when you constantly feel stressed out and struggle to cope, you need to find realistic ways to relieve stress. Keep in mind that excessive stress can take a toll on your body. Physical effects of stress include fatigue, headaches, chest pain, reduced sex drive, indigestion, irritability, anxiety, depression, and more.

Here are some techniques for all the stressed out moms to relieve the tension:



Whether you feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things that you have to get done soon or one of your children is having a major temper tantrum, one of the best things that you can do is to close your eyes, take deep breaths and focus on the sensations of your breath for a few minutes. This is an introductory way to meditate, and it can provide you with considerable relief from a stressful situation. You may also want to read a book or download an app to your smartphone that can help you to learn how to take full advantage of the benefits of meditation. Some mothers find that meditating first thing in the morning helps them to feel more centered and better able to cope.

Laugh Freely

Another excellent idea is to laugh. It can seem impossible to laugh when you are severely stressed out, but this simple step may profoundly and positively impact your mood. Try to find something funny about the current situation, or head to a quiet area to watch a few short and funny video clips on your phone. This may only take a minute or two, and it can substantially settle your emotions and relieve stress.

Hug Your Children

Many causes of motherhood stress are linked to your children in some way. When they are acting up or have misbehaved in some way, you may be inclined to send them to their room. Clearly, you need to punish children in some situations. However, you may be able to diffuse the situation by simply reaching out and hugging your children. This also works well even when they do not cause your stress. Physical contact with those you love unconditionally can help you feel more grounded and immediately remind you about the most essential things in life.


Some people eat when they are stressed, but this habit can hurt their health. A healthier way to cope with stress is to get moving. You may be able to slide into your running shoes and pound the pavement for a while after your husband gets home. Another idea is to learn a few yoga poses and to practice your poses when you are facing a difficult situation. While you can exercise after feeling stressed, exercising daily can also help you manage stressful situations more easily.

stressed out

Read Motivational Quotes and Books

Another excellent idea is to read positive books or quotes regularly. Some mothers download a few affirmations apps on their phones. Others enjoy reading a few pages in a book about positivity to start their day. Find what works for you, and tap into this source of positive energy regularly to improve your mood.

Improve Your Environment

Your environment can dramatically affect your mood and ability to cope with stress. If you commonly feel stressed out, you may find that a few environmental changes can have a great impact on your life. For example, open the blinds to let natural sunlight into your space. Playing music that you find relaxing at a low level. Burn scented candles or incense. For the best results, take these steps before you begin feeling stressed out.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Be Stressed Out; Try These Techniques Instead!

Your ability to adequately manage stress well as a mother is essential to your health. It can also can have a positive impact on your children in different ways. If you regularly feel overwhelmed by stress, consider adopting a few of these tips into your life. You will better cope regardless of the challenges each new day brings.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Say Goodbye To Damaged Hair : Essential Oils For Hair Growth

One of the most frustrating things about trying to maintain a lustrous mane of hair is having to battle the damage and split ends. It seems no matter how much we trim and treat our hair; the elusive split end continues to haunt our heads. Over the years we’ve just come to except that damaged hair always comes with the territory of coloring, straightening, and curling.

Sometimes we can combat permanent damage by taking intermittent breaks in-between coloring and putting unnecessary heat on our hair. However, wouldn’t it be great if we could keep our hair healthy and looking great at the same time? It’s a little-known secret that you can achieve this with essential oils.

The following is a list of those essential oils and how to use them to their fullest potential.


Though it may have a bit of an off-putting sent, using the bergamot essential oils for hair growth can be very beneficial. Bergamot oils help to promote a healthy amount of blood circulation. This considerable increase helps to generate hair growth for even the most damaged hair follicles.
In addition to hair growth, this essential oil is mainly used to soothe and calm anxious nerves. It’s a great way to relieve some nervous tension when inhaled through a diffusor if you are prone to anxiety or panic attacks.


Many would not even consider rosemary as anything other than a great spice to season roast chicken. Rosemary oils are a fantastic source of antioxidants that may prevent your hair from turning gray and thinning out.
Rosemary essential oils are also an excellent flake buster. If you happen to suffer from a dry, itchy scalp, you may want to consider this particular oil as it is excellent for clearing pores and evening out the scalp’s production of sebum.


Peppermint is one of, if not the best essential oils for hair growth. Like it’s fellow herb rosemary, it works to unclog pores and prevent a flaky scalp. It’s most predominant power, however, is the amount of blood flow it can generate to the scalp upon application.
It’s also a great stimulator of the mind as well. When inhaled through a diffusor, peppermint can help to wake-up the senses and increase your vigor to get things done.


If peppermint is the go-getter, then chamomile is the ultimate relaxer. There’s nothing better for the soul than a hot cup of chamomile tea right before bed. It’s soothing properties, and faint apple scent are a great bring-me-down after a rather invigorating day.
The oils made from the plant are an excellent conditioning agent that will shield your hair from further damage. You can even use chamomile oils as a leave-in conditioner as it is much less greasy than most oils and does not leave behind a sticky residue.


Lemon is a great clarifying essential oil. When we think of lemon, we generally think of clean or sanitized. This is because lemon is an organic antiseptic which will help to clear up any excessive shampoo residue that may be lingering in your hair after washing. When hair is not weighed down by heavy product, it is given the freedom to grow on a more regular basis.

essential oils

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is probably one of the most commonly used essential oils on the market. When used on the face in diluted portions it can decimate a pimple practically over-night. You must be careful with the level of tea tree oil that you use in any capacity because it is so potent.
When used on the scalp, it can help to prevent hair fall by providing your hair with some much-needed nutrients that it may not be receiving through your everyday shampoo and conditioning routine.


Patchouli is another one of those essential oils with a rather unsavory scent. Unpleasant smells aside, it is one of the most naturally beneficial anti-inflammatory oils out there. Someone who suffers from eczema, for example, would benefit significantly from this oil. When used on the scalp it can prevent inflammation and dandruff, a leading cause of hair loss.

Each of these oils is special in their own way, but they all contribute to the same cause. It is imperative to understand that the only way you will see results with any of these essential oils is to be consistent with your use of them.
You should not expect to see results overnight, apart from the tea tree oil. When used on a regular basis, any combination of these oils is sure to yield results within a month. You must remember that trying to reverse hair damage will take time, but it is entirely possible with the consistent use of these oils.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The Key To Happiness : Let Go Of Painful Feelings And The Past

Everyone is in the pursuit of happiness. They’re searching for a way to enjoy every minute to the fullest. They want to know the secret of life. What everyone may not realize is the way to unlocking the door to enduring happiness is to let go of the past. Embrace the present. Don’t worry about the future. There’s an old saying. “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is a promise of things to come. The only thing you have right now is today.” When you learn how to concentrate on the here and now, your entire outlook will change.

Here’s How To Just Let Go And Be Happy

For many of us, one of the hardest things we will ever do is learn how to let go of past worries, troubles, and cares. Visualize anything negative in the past. It doesn’t matter if it’s a job you lost or a hostile ex-partner. Think of it like stones that are hanging on a chain around your neck. They are weighing you down, making your spirits plummet. It’s exhausting. You need to find a way to let go. One of the best places you can start is to count your blessings that you have right now. Consider others that are in a worse place than you and be grateful for what you have right now. Will Rogers once said, “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” Wise words.

Forgive Yourself

One of the best things that you can do in order to let go of past mistakes is to give yourself a break. Stop beating yourself up. Acknowledge that you are not perfect. Nobody is. Remember you can’t change what has already happened. You can only do something about right now.

Make “It is What it Is” Your Motto

Whatever happened to you before can’t be changed. Whatever guilt or sorrow you carry can’t be changed. What is happening right now can’t be changed. It is what it is truly says it all. If you are going to let go of past trials and tribulations, you need to learn acceptance. You have no control over your past actions. You have no control over other people. There is only one thing that you can control and that is you.

  • Accept who you are
  • Figure out who you want to be
  • Pay attention to your thoughts
  • Walk the path that you want to be on and stay the course

Figure out what things you can do something about right now and take action. For the rest, accept that it is out of your hands.

Have a Positive Attitude

In the end, life is 10% of what is actually happening to you and around you. 90% of it is your attitude. Put the negative behind you. Let go of your anger. And let go of any hard feelings of situations beyond your control. Put away your shame. None of these thought patterns or emotions will help you. Focus on the positive. Look at others who let their troubles roll of their back. You can do it to.

Stop Worrying

Worrying is like standing around outside with your umbrella on a sunny day, just waiting for the clouds to open up and rain on you. It isn’t accomplishing anything. It isn’t going to help you. And it isn’t going to change the outcome in life. Worrying is dwelling on what might happen in your future. Here’s the best thing you can do. Shake off your worries. You have right now. If something worrisome is going to happen, you will cross that bridge when you come to it. If you have learned how to be happy, you will roll with the punches.

Let it Be

Paul McCartney knew what he was talking about when he wrote, “Let it Be.” It focuses on those times when you are troubled and tells you to let it be. Don’t pick at it. Do not keep bringing it up. Don’t mull it over or beat that tired horse to death. If you are going to be happy, you say to yourself, “Let it be.” What will come is going to come. You aren’t going to change it, but your positive energy and attitude of acceptance will help you to deal with whatever lies ahead.

past quote


Be at Peace with Yourself

The beauty of being human is you are a work in progress. Everyone is flawed, but like the diamond in the rough, you are being polished every day. Your past and your mistakes made you who you are. You are being refined by your challenges on a daily basis. You are stronger and better than you ever were before. You’ll continue to more forward to a brighter tomorrow when you can let go of your pain. Dig deep and find that warm inner glow that is inside of you. We all carry a divine spark inside of us. Let yours shine as a beacon for today. The past is over and tomorrow will get here when it gets here.

Overcoming Anxiety: A 7 Step Therapy Response For Anxiety Attack

Have you ever had a panic attack before? If you have, then you are aware that anxiety is an overwhelming feeling. Although there are many descriptions for it, the best one would be that it feels like you are at war with your mind and you are the only soldier fighting against it. You have a feeling of impending doom, your body goes into fight or flight mode and it feels like you are going to die. However, there is a solution. Training yourself is the key to holding any type of panic attack at bay.

With that thought, here are some steps you should keep in mind for guarding against an anxiety attack:

anxiety attack

Education is the first step

Educating yourself about your anxiety attacks can help you a great deal. Simply put, you need to figure out what triggers you and how to avoid it. Some out-of-the-box thinking could possibly be required. For example, if you are in a committed relationship, there is some research that co-sleeping with your spouse or significant other can make a huge difference on your emotional well-being. Furthermore, you should utilize education to help you understand the nature of your panic attacks, what to expect regarding your panic attacks and how to combat them when they occur.

Identify the signs of a panic attack and practice self-talk

Although anxiety can happen at any time of day, one of the keys is to know what to do when you are having one. The signs are generally the same: you have heart palpitations, chest pains or sweaty Palms. Sometimes when you realize you’re actually having one, many people exacerbated by going into full panic mode. However, you can utilize your realization of a panic attack to your own advantage. You can practice self talk, saying something to the effect of, “these are just signs that I’m having a panic attack. Nothing bad is going to happen to me.”

Take deep breaths

Although this can seem really hard, one of the most powerful techniques for overcoming anxiety attack would be to simply breathe deeply. Since this is easier said than done, many medical professionals recommend that you practice, starting with this little as 10 minutes before bed, in the shower or while you’re doing some other type of household activities. The main endeavor is to breathe for 4 minutes, hold for 4 minutes and let out for another 2 to 4 minutes. Focus on the breathing in and breathing out and imagine all of your anxieties and fears going away with it. Increase the time on this technique every time you practice.

Practice grounding yourself

When you are having a panic attack, one way to counter balance it would be through grounding. This is an excellent form of natural treatment because it helps you rationalize your brain and helps you to avoid fighting with it. Moreover, it can be a great distraction tool. Some of these grounding strategies would include focusing on your feet on the ground, placing your hands on the steering wheel, or examining the texture of a wall. This helps you decrease focus on your stressful thoughts and decrease your anxiety.

Use affirmative phrases

Using affirmative phrases is all about replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones. Simply put, do you need to convince yourself of the positive. That means you say such things as, “This is just a panic attack. I’ve been through worse.” if you are not sure what to say, simply Google something to the effect of, “mantras for anxiety” and this will help you promote positive self-talk.

anxiety attack

Get some fresh air

Another great way for overcoming your anxiety attacks will be to simply just get a breath of fresh air. If you are out with friends, all you have to say is something like, “excuse me, I’m going to get a little bit of fresh air.” no one will judge you for it, because everyone, at times, needs exactly the same.

Utilize the “Aware” technique

If you have a considerably serious case of anxiety, this might be the way to go. First of all, be aware that the “aware” technique is simply a literary device (see what I did there?) for conquering an anxiety attack that is made up of the following steps:

A – Accept your anxiety attack symptoms.
W – “Watch over” your attack, playing like you are someone else observing you.
A – Act as if nothing has happened at all.
R – Repeat these steps until you relax.
E – Eliminate negative thinking and expect the best.


Having an anxiety attack is no fun, but diligence is the key to avoiding your panic attacks. Educate yourself on the various techniques and there is no question in my mind that you will find a strategy that will work for you. Above all else, don’t judge yourself; anxiety attacks happen to the best of us.

DIY Home Decor to Make Your Home More Inviting on a Budget

Your home can shine even when you’re on a budget. It may seem unlikely, but remodeling and  decorating doesn’t have to cost lots of money. Your home décor reflects your personality. You choose its colors, furnishings and knickknacks.

While magazines showcase flawless layouts and pricey pieces, you can achieve a similar effect without breaking the bank. It’s all about the color schemes, effort, and time invested in crafting the space.

This DIY home decor can make your home more inviting:

Focus on Colors

Choose one focal color.

For each room in your home, choose a focal color. Use this on the walls in paint or wallpaper. Connect the color to the room’s use. For example, paint the kitchen a sunny yellow. A bedroom benefits from restful colors like blue or lavender. Seafoam green works beautifully in a bathroom. Match the color to the room’s activity. If you’re looking for a variety of wallpaper options to bring these colors to life, consider visiting a Wallpaper Store.

Choose two accent colors.

You needn’t paint with your accent colors. You can though. Another option is stenciling in them on the walls or using a wallpaper border that features them. Use these colors for knickknacks and décor items throughout the room, too. If you want to add a historical touch, consider putting Revolutionary War flags into the decor for a patriotic and timeless feel. Interior and exterior painters know the best colors for different rooms.

Create Cozy Areas

Arrange furniture groups.

Especially in a small apartment or house, cramped space can cause you to push everything against the walls. This often creates distance between seating that keeps guests from intimately visiting with you and others but you can check bed ideas for small houses to ensure that your room has adequate space. Group your seating to create a cozy chat area in your home. Go ahead and move items away from the walls. Place chairs across from the sofa with a coffee table or storage ottoman between them.

Group plants or cherished photos.

Put corners to great use as a display area for plants or a collection of porcelain or crockery. A corner baker’s rack or grouping of corner shelves can provide the ideal spot for these items. Your DIY home décor can use silk plants, too. For a fun look, twine faux ivy up one side of the baker’s rack, especially if you’re using it as a plant stand.

Pile on the pillows.

Make any couch, love seat or window seat look more inviting by covering it in pillows. Vary the sizes. Use the accent colors you chose for the room as the pillow colors. Liven up the center of the display with a single large pillow in the main paint color. Also have a look at these gorgeous horse pillows as they are just wonderful.

Make the old look new again.

Recover an old couch or sofa.

You can DIY this easily without experience. You don’t have to reupholster anything. Simply toss on a sofa cover and tuck it in where the directions tell you to do so. These cost anywhere from $20 to $100 depending on the material and style. Some come with the furniture tacks you’ll need to secure it. If not, a box of them costs less than $5. If you’ve no funds for a cover, use a king sized top sheet in a design you like. You can pick one up at a garage sale or the Salvation Army store for less than $2.

Use chair covers in the dining room.

Did you know that those opulent looking chairs you dine on at sit down weddings or outdoor dinner parties are really metal or wood folding chairs covered with linen chair covers? Sure enough. That means even if you live in a tiny student apartment, you can seemingly have a dining table and chairs like a Southampton’s party. The tables are nothing but nicely topped folding card tables covered with good linens. Chair covers cost less than $50 for a set. A nice tablecloth on your card table or grandmother’s antique dining table will make it look lovely, homey and protect it.

Declutter and organize.

Throw things away.

Whether papers piled up or old magazines took over, toss it. Your home will thank you for it. You need what you use or enjoy viewing.

Organize your life.

Your closets, kitchen, briefcase and purse deserve organization. Hang outfits together in the closet. Hang pots and pans in groupings from a hanging rack or on the wall in the kitchen. Buy or make a briefcase or purse organizer. It’s easier to enjoy a stress-free space.

morning habits


Clean house weekly.

Bummer, right? Not really. When you keep a clean, neat house, you retain the perfect look it had the day you decorated. All the DIY home décor in the world won’t make your house look like a castle if you don’t clean it and keep it up. Purchase scented cleaners you really love that make your abode smell of oranges, cherries or apples. You’ll enjoy the counter cleaning and mopping more when it results in a homey smell, too.

You can give your house a new look for less whether you go big and add crown molding throughout your home or go small by rearranging the furniture. You can decorate like the pros. They focus on color, texture and groupings. You can do that, too.

You don’t need to spend hundreds on a throw rug. You do need something that complements your existing room colors. No item needs to cost a lot. You do need to invest time and effort into planning and executing your new décor.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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