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10 Arguments That Can End A Relationship

Breakups are tough and unpleasant. No one likes dealing with them, but unfortunately, they’re an intrinsic part of life. One of the most common causes for ending a relationship is arguments. Whether it’s something small that escalates into feelings you kept bottled up for a while or a sudden realization that you and your partner don’t share the same viewpoint on an important issue, some things are just way too big to talk through.

Even couples that are most devoted to each other argue and sometimes even breakup because it’s a part of life. But if you find yourself arguing with your significant other more and more, especially about important things, this may be a sign that your relationship is nearing its end. Here are some of the most common arguments that can end a relationship almost immediately.

Here Are 10 Arguments That Can End A Relationship

“Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance.” – Robert Quillen

1. The stress argument

We all live under various stress factors in our lives. Sometimes it’s good to share that with our partners; however, offloading all our stress onto our significant other is a big no-no. At the same time, the other extreme of bottling everything in can be even worse. Research has shown that an inability to open up and share your stress with your partner can actually be one of the number one causes of arguments within committed relationships. It’s a challenge to achieve that golden balance of sharing just the right amount of information about what you’re dealing with. Finding a way to openly communicate with your partner will eliminate the stress argument straight away.

2. Money

Finances will always be a tough thing to work out together, as it’s such a sensitive issue to attempt to even figure out. However, arguing about who has more money or whether the money you spend on something is too much/too little may well mean that you weren’t meant for each other. Arguments like that reveal a basic rift between your values or understanding of the world. Additionally, they often show exactly what you think of the other person in the relationship. If the top earner between you tries to undermine the other because of finances, then it’s a sure sign that this partnership is nearing its breakup point.

3. Kids

While there are few things that significant others need to agree on from the get-go to ensure a peaceful cohabitation – an agreement regarding kids is definitely one of them. If you desperately want kids and your partner is adamant on staying childless, you can’t just expect for that enormous rift to go away. Additionally, if you already have children, differences of opinion on how to raise them and on the best parenting practices can also easily cause the end of a relationship.

4. Abandoned dreams

Relationships are all about compromise and making sure the other person is just as happy as you are. However, they may also mean passing up on lucrative opportunities because that would mean breaking up. If this has happened and it’s something one of you is still sour about, that can easily come back and bite you when you least expect it. That kind of negativity can be carried along for a very long time and it can grow into a huge relationship-ending type of problem.

5. Other people

And we’re not talking about friendships. Insecurity, experts agree, is perhaps the number one reason why relationships end. If you and your partner are constantly having arguments about someone’s wandering eyes, that means one of you is insecure in the strength of your relationship and is seeing the other as a cheater. This isn’t a difference that can be ironed out easily and it’s a lot more complicated than just jealousy. It’s born out of a fear that someone will get cheated on.

6. The downtime argument

Or, better known as the introvert-extrovert dilemma. If your ideas of a relaxing Sunday evening are extremely different, where one wants to go out clubbing and another wants to spend it on the sofa with Netflix, it means there’s a big mismatch between your personalities. Those kinds of arguments can easily grow into bigger issues about respect. Ultimately, they also highlight a difference in character that’s really difficult to overcome.

7. Intimate moment arguments

People have different intimate drives and different preferences in the bedroom, but if your preferences are so different from your partner’s that you end up arguing about it, that is a sign of trouble. Physical intimacy shouldn’t be forced or thought about in too much detail. If one of you worries about it to such an extent, there’s something inherently wrong in the way you feel about each other. Whether it’s insecurity or boredom, there’s always a deeper reason why you may be having less intimate moments than normal. Communication is key in resolving this issue to prevent a breakup.

8. Chores

This may sound menial, but fights over chores can easily end year-long marriages. Normally they are a sign of deeper underlying issues, such as a feeling that the other person isn’t pulling their weight in the household, or just a desire to be a bit more equal. To avoid this dangerous argument, split up the chores based on who does what best – and don’t fall into age-old gender stereotypes either! There’s nothing wrong with men cooking or doing the dishes.

9. Unhappiness

This is one of the hardest ones to tackle as it often manifests in unexpected ways. If one partner is unhappy in the relationship, positive thinking becomes a challenge. If they’re unable to get over it – they find ways to pick fights with the other without telling them what they really feel. Try and communicate more clearly and think about the true cause of your unhappiness. It could signal that this relationship has run its course.


10. The same fight, over and over again

Last but not least, some fights happen more than others. If you find yourself constantly arguing over the fact that your significant other is spending more time with their friends, or that you’re bad with money, then that means it’s something you simply can’t get over. A compromise is no longer possible, so you need to either look for outside help or come to terms with the fact that the relationship has come to an end.

Final thoughts

It’s hard to stay positive when arguments like these happen, but knowing the early signs of a breakup in a relationship may save you more suffering in a long time. Even if it’s unpleasant now, you will feel like it was the right thing to do eventually. It might take a while to get over, but things will get better in time.

9 Ways to Help You Get Over a Difficult Breakup

Any breakup is difficult to get over, but some are harder than others to step beyond. If it was a particularly long relationship or even just one full of passion and emotion, it can be especially difficult to move on. But there are some things that you can do to help make a difficult breakup a little bit easier.

Here Are 9 Ways to Help You Get over A Difficult Breakup

“Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.” – Paulo Coelho

1. Make your home an ex-free environment.

Get rid of everything that reminds you of them. This is often one of the harder things to do, which is why it is the first step to help you get over a difficult breakup and move on with your life. If they are out of sight, they are out of mind and honestly, you don’t need that stuff around. Think of those things as bad juju and kick them out quickly.

2. Don’t immediately suggest “staying friends.”

Yes, being friends with an ex can be great, but it isn’t for everyone. There is always going to be a need for time apart right after a difficult breakup to let both of you heal and move on. This time apart is crucial to allow any unreciprocated feelings settle before testing the waters of friendship.

3. Identify your emotions.

A difficult breakup will tend to bring out a lot of emotional baggage. It is so important to let yourself just feel and acknowledge these emotions and thoughts instead of trying to block or numb them. It will hurt, and it won’t be all sunshine and rainbows, but studies have shown that this is necessary to allow yourself to really move on and grow.

4. Let yourself cry.

Along with number 3, during a difficult breakup, you need to let yourself cry if you want or need to. You need to allow yourself time to grieve the relationship. Crying is beneficial and healthy as it releases hormones that the brain needs and helps relieve stress.

5. Cull the social “demons.”

Block them on social media and give yourself time away from it too. Posting about your relationship breakdown isn’t going to make you feel better and is going to be something you regret. If you wouldn’t want it posted on a billboard near the airport, don’t post it on social media.

6. Block their number.

Number 5 isn’t going to help if you can still “drunk call” them, so block their number. If you still don’t trust yourself not to call or text them after a difficult breakup, give a friend your phone for a time.ex

7. Hit the gym.

Exercise boosts endorphin levels. Endorphins make us happy. And a cathartic kick-boxing session has never looked so good.

8. Eat all the bananas and chocolate you want.

Exercise isn’t the only way to get endorphins and feel happy inside. Bananas and chocolate contain endorphin creating proteins, so go ahead and have the banana split with extra fudge sauce. You deserve it.

9. Spend time outside with friends.

This is kind of two tips in one. Getting outside is great for your health and will definitely help clear your head. The same goes for catching up with friends. Add them together and you are in for a good time.

lossFinal thoughts On Moving On After A Difficult Breakup

There is no definitive quick fix to getting over a difficult breakup. As much as we all wish there was, everyone needs a different amount of time to heal and move on. So, give yourself a break and take the time that you need. Positive thinking will help (but let yourself feel sad if you need to). You know what you need to move on, so trust yourself and you will be back to your best self in no time – remember, be positive.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

3 Pieces of Emotional Baggage You Shouldn’t Have to Carry in Your Life

Just like regular suitcases mean that you are going on a journey and changing things up, emotional baggage means that you are leaving something behind. Hopefully on your way to something better. However, not all baggage, speaking of emotional baggage, is useful to take along with you.

Your past experiences have changed you and made you into the person who you are today. Hopefully, they have taught you something – either about yourself, about reactions to circumstances or emotions toward people in your past.

Once you have learned the lesson involved, though, you can put down the heavy emotional baggage and move on. You should only take with you the positive things you have learned from the experience. This makes your future lighter and brighter and creates happiness and contentment in your life. You should in no way believe you’re obligated to carry around that baggage anymore.

Here Are 3 Pieces of Emotional Baggage You Shouldn’t Have to Carry in Your Life

“Forgiveness is the process of dropping off your emotional baggage.” – Tim Fargo

1. Your family is not you.

Most of what happens in our early years shapes us, our family of origin usually being the biggest part of that. Hopefully most of us have happy childhoods. The ones that fill us with joy and laughter when we look back. Hopefully, our memories bring the good kind of nostalgia, as well as happiness; and our early experiences have made us into well-functioning adults with high self-esteem and a great self-image. Unfortunately, not everybody has had that. When you come from a family with dysfunction and deep, emotional problems, it is easy to make them your own.

If your parents always put you down, you may have a low self-esteem and feel that every comment someone makes is a put-down. In such a case, however, you might need to acknowledge that whatever your family said about you is not the absolute truth. This will help you not feel as defensive whenever someone makes a comment in general. And if you feel the same hopeless or helpless feeling around a specific person as you used to feel around your family, you can take it as a sign to exclude that person from your life.

Maybe you saw your parents involved in cheating or a divorce, and that makes you feel less trusting towards new partners even when they have done nothing to deserve it. This is a sign that it is time to take a long look at that baggage, learn what there is to learn from it, and finally, to put it down. This way, you can begin to create a healthy and fulfilling relationship with your significant other.

2. Your new partner is not your ex.

Relationships are intense, especially when they do not end well. The actions of an ex-partner – and their resultant feelings in you – can cast wide ripples into future relationships, even years later. If your ex cheated on you, it can make you feel paranoid towards future partners, even when there is nothing to worry about. The emotions can create an unhealthy relationship dynamic that not many partners are willing to put up with, and rightfully so. A relationship needs to be built on trust and confidence, not on paranoia and checking up.

Of course, when you are in the process of letting go and learning to trust again, you can ask your new partner to have some patience with you. You can be honest and let them know you might need a little bit more assurance than usual. This is perfectly normal and healthy to do, as long as your need for such assurances decreases eventually, rather than increases.

If you have faced abuse in the past, you will understandably find it even more difficult to trust a new partner. You might suffer from deep fears that they would hurt you in the same way. Abuse is not something anyone, ever, should have to live through, whether it be physical, emotional, or psychological abuse. It takes a lot of work (often with the help of a therapist) to let go of the wounds that were inflicted, although often scars will remain.

As difficult as this may be to believe, you do not have to keep on carrying that painful, emotional baggage. If someone abuses you, that is 100% on them. Not a single part of it is your fault or responsibility. You left when you could, whether that was after six months or 20 years. Now you have a right to a new relationship, to being happy, to feeling loved by someone who treats you right.

3. You are not your past you.

Maybe this is the most difficult one to grasp. If you have done things in your past that you are not proud off, you will have to eventually accept this. We cannot change the past. We can however learn from it, and make sure we do not make the same mistakes again in the future.

Especially if you have had issues with addiction, it can be difficult to leave all that behind. Many addicts live with a feeling of constant guilt for past actions. It also happens a lot with people who have been bullies or abusers and then come to realize how much they have hurt other people.

However, guilt is a counterproductive feeling. Feeling guilt over what you did in the past means that there might be a chance that you would do it again. Or better said, a fear that you might do it again. Once you learned what there is to learn about the past, and you can be relatively sure you will not repeat the same mistakes, it is ok to let go of the guilt. You are not the same person anymore that you were back then. You have grown, you have learned new things, and you are better for it.past quote

Final thoughts

Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. The simple act of living means that we accumulate baggage. Some positive, like fondly looking back on outings to the zoo when we were children. Some, however, are not so positive. Still … you do not have to keep dragging all that baggage with you. It is okay to unpack it, learn what you can from it, and leave it behind so you can move on to a happier and brighter future. Remember, positive thinking and a positive attitude to life can help you release these pieces of emotional baggage so that you don’t have to continue carrying them throughout your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs of Burnout (And How to Fix It)

Everyone deals with a little stress now and then. Some people deal with more stress than others or deal with periods of prolonged stress. When your body is subjected to long periods of stress, it can cause something called a ‘burnout’.

When you experience burnout, your whole thought process changes. Burnout can persist even after the immediate stress is resolved. You may still feel hopeless and like nothing will ever get easier. Being able to recognize the signs of burnout will make them easier to avoid, and get you back on the track to a healthier state of mind.

Here Are 7 Signs You’re Experiencing A Burnout

“Burnout occurs when your body and mind can no longer keep up with the tasks you demand of them. Don’t try to force yourself to do the impossible.” – Del Suggs


When you’re experiencing burnout, you may start to feel like a real pessimist. You have trouble seeing the brighter side of a situation, or even believing that there may be a silver lining. When this happens, you may even start to say and do things that you wouldn’t normally do. You’re emotionally exhausted and even the things that you once loved aren’t bringing you any positivity.


When burnout gets to be too much, it can be tempting to drop everything in your life and disappear to a cabin in the woods where no one will be able to find you. When you experiencing prolonged stress and burnout is imminent, your fight-or-flight instincts are bound to kick in, and you’ll feel tempted to just disappear from whatever is causing you a significant and prolonged amount of stress.


Burnout can cause your motivation and performance to drop. The quality of your work may seem sloppy, and it can feel like you just don’t care about getting it right. Your motivation is completely depleted, and you’re having a hard time remembering deadlines or plans that you’ve made with friends and family. Your entire cognitive functioning isn’t working the way it’s supposed to.


Even if you’ve slept the recommended 8 to 10 hours, you can’t help but just want to crawl back into bed. No amount of sleep will ever be enough. You feel exhausted from the moment you wake up, to the moment you go back to sleep. Even taking a midday nap doesn’t seem to do the trick. It feels like you’re never getting enough sleep, and you may have forgotten what it feels like to be well-rested.


It’s no secret that stress can give the immune system a bit of a shakeup. When you’re in the middle of a burnout, your body’s immune system has been suppressed by the amount of stress that you’re feeling. This means that you’re more likely to catch a cold, have headaches, and even have digestive problems.


Things that you once excelled at feel harder than usual, and you don’t trust your own skills. Burnout can make it hard to trust your own perceptions, and when that happens, your confidence starts to slip. All of the negativity that’s been building up in your head will start to play tricks on you. Indeed, you may even hear a little voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough.


The major sign of a burnout is when you’re no longer actively enjoying life. You start to feel like you’re just trying to make it from one moment to the next. You’re no longer actively engaged with your job, and you can’t stop fantasizing about quitting – maybe so you can just stay in bed all day with how exhausted you’re always feeling.

If you’re experiencing a burnout, it can feel a little hopeless. Fortunately, not all is lost. While a burnout can feel endless and like nothing will ever get better, that’s just the stress and negativity talking. While it may feel hard to bounce back from a burnout, it can be done, even when your motivation to do so feels low.

Being able to get your mind and body to work together to heal you from the stress you’ve been experiencing can be incredibly daunting, but you can do it. There are several ways a burnout can be stopped right in its tracks.


Here Are 4 Ways To Successfully Fix Burnout


Friends and family are always going to be there for you in your time of need. Taking the time out to simply connect with them and relax can reduce your stress levels tremendously. When you’re able to just let go about the deadlines and stress at work. Even if it’s only for a few hours, your brain will have time to rest and get ready to take on the tasks at hand.


All work and no play means that you’re going to be burnt out sooner than you realize. Taking the time to stop and just do something that you love can make dealing with stress and work easier. Whether you like reading, listening to music, or even going for a jog, whatever you do to destress will make your life ten times easier. Treating yourself right makes it harder for a burnout to occur.


Run a warm bath and get your favorite bath bomb out, or even go to a spa and get a massage. Stress can cause your physical body to experience pain, so make sure you’re taking care of your mind and your body during stressful times. Burnout can be easily reversed when you take the time to just enjoy an hour to yourself and let your whole body relax.


With new smartphone technology, you’re almost always connected into the things that stress you out. Turning off your phone and laptop for a few hours can give you enough time to just relax and stop thinking about work and stress. Make a schedule on when you’ll answer calls or emails, so that you don’t let the stress of work overwhelm every single part of your day.

Even though burnout can seem overwhelming, there are simple things that can be done to make sure that your mind and body have a chance to catch up. When you’re not giving yourself time to relax, it means that your brain doesn’t have time to handle the stress that you’re experiencing, especially if it’s a long-term type of stress.

Burnout can feel endless, but it doesn’t have to be! Recognizing it in yourself and taking the steps to counterbalance the feeling will make sure that your mind and body stay healthy, happy and performing at your best.

5 Proven Ways to Clear Ear Infections Naturally

Do your ears tend to hurt a lot? Do you feel dull and ill, like you’re going to be sick any moment? Does your ear feel like it’s constantly full and you’re having trouble hearing? If you have any of those symptoms, then you might be suffering from an ear infection. Ear infections can affect any part of the ear. They’re unpleasant and take a very long time to clear if not attended to properly. There are different causes for ear infections, but one indisputable fact is that they’re really unpleasant and highly contagious – so you always want to do the best you can to get rid of them quick. This article will show you how to heal ear infections.

You might have heard of various ear infection remedies, but what are the best ways to cure an ear infection? Some might say to turn to an antibiotic or to your General Practitioner. Of course, if you have any serious concerns about your hearing or your health, you should always talk to a medical professional. However, if you’re looking for how to heal ear infections naturally, there are several great natural cures you can prepare at home to battle your ear infection. These remedies are cheap, easy to make, and have all-natural ingredients – so you don’t have to worry about what exactly you’re putting in your body. Check out the best natural cures for ear infections, all tried and tested.

Here Are 5 Proven Ways to Clear Ear Infections Naturally

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new health regimen.

 “While positive mental states may be associated with less stress and more resilience to infection, positive well-being might also be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.” – Michael Greger

1. Garlic

This is one of the most popular ear infection remedies out there. Whether it’s garlic oil, bulbs of garlic, or anything else garlic-related – you can be confident garlic is incredibly beneficial not just for your ear but also for your general health. Garlic is well known to provide natural pain relief as well as antibacterial qualities. There are several things you can do with garlic to help your ear infection. The simplest one is to eat as much garlic as you can, whether raw or cooked. It also helps if you boil some garlic and then crush it with some salt, holding it with a hot compress against your ear for a few minutes.

2. Tea tree oil

It’s no secret that tea tree oil is very useful for your body because of its antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. The best way to apply tea tree oil to your ear is to mix it with olive oil. Make sure to warm the mixture slightly – though not to the point where it’s scalding as you don’t want to hurt yourself. Then, using a pipette, put a few drops of that mixture into your ear. Spend between three and five minutes lying on your side, letting the oil cleanse your ear. Afterward, make sure to drain and wash your ear thoroughly. Don’t leave it in for any longer. Repeat this process every day for a few days and you’ll start seeing the positive change soon.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Ear infections are normally caused by a fungus that lives inside and outside of your ear canal. Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful natural antioxidant, which helps kill the fungus. The best way to apply the vinegar to your ear is to mix it with a bit of hot water – again, make sure it’s not too hot to hurt your ear – and dip a cotton ball in it. Then put the cotton ball in your ear, much like you would an earplug. Leave it there for a few minutes, and then wash and dry thoroughly, with a hairdryer if you prefer. Additionally, if your ear infection has made it all the way down your throat, you can also gargle with the apple cider vinegar. While not pleasant, it’ll effectively help cure an ear infection.

4. Rubbing alcohol

If you have ever treated a cat scratch or a scrape, you’ll know that rubbing alcohol has great disinfectant qualities. It’s also wonderful for drying up any excess moisture, so if you think that’s what’s causing your ear infection, consider using rubbing alcohol as a medication. Pour three or four drops of rubbing alcohol into the offending ear two or three times a day. If you feel a burning sensation, contact your doctor, because it might be a sign of a more serious infection or an allergic reaction – but those are rare. The antibacterial qualities of rubbing alcohol will definitely serve as one of your most beneficial ear infection remedies.


5. Heat

It might sound a bit too obvious, but heat is among some of the best natural cures for any kind of infection. Whether you’re dealing with sailor’s ear or another type of ear inflammation, heat will most likely help you reduce the swelling. It acts as a natural painkiller. The easiest way to apply heat to an ear infection is to fill a bottle with hot water, wrap it in a dishtowel to prevent burning yourself, and put it on your ear. Additionally, heat kills microorganisms that tend to cause the infection to spread, so it’s an important part of the healing process. Finally, make sure to only apply heat to your ear for about five minutes, not more – repeat it a few times a day if you need to.

Final thoughts

If you’ve been constantly searching about how to heal ear infection with natural cures, the above-mentioned ear infection remedies will definitely help. Ear infections can be very unpleasant to deal with, but you have to keep your positive thinking cap on. There’s no magic cure for ear infection either, but those natural remedies will definitely help you keep the pain and discomfort at bay. Remember, if you’re not feeling better in several, or you’re worried about your hearing, don’t hesitate to see a doctor. They might be able to recommend the best kind of natural remedy for you, too.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

You Should Stop Searching For Your Soul Mate: Here Is Why

It’s easy to get caught up in searching for “the one.” If you listen to books, movies, TV shows and social media, once you’ve found them, you’ll “just know.” In fact, the idea of your other half being out there somewhere dates all the way back to Plato and ancient Greece! You can find plenty of articles about soul mate signs. If a healthy, committed, long-term relationship is your goal, however, here are at least three good reasons you should probably stop searching for your soul mate.

Here’s why you should stop searching for your soul mate:

1. Believing in a Soul Mate Can Make Relationships More Likely to End 

Theories such as the “law of attraction” encourage you to believe that, with some positive thinking and believing in the magic of the universe, you’ll be able to pick up on the soul mate signs the universe is trying to send. This wonderful video from Alain de Botton helps to explain where some of our ideas about finding a soul mate came from, and why they can be harmful. Instead, Mr. de Botton argues for more “romantic realism” — acknowledging that love is difficult, and is going to require work and a consistent effort to understand ourselves and be kind to our partner.

The argument for a more realistic approach is supported by scientific research that shows belief in a soul mate can actually be harmful to relationships. People who believe in romantic destiny – that they have only one relationship out there that is “meant to be” – focus on their initial attraction and chemistry with someone, that is, whether they “click” immediately. When problems inevitably arise, however, then it can lead to the conclusion that they are simply with the wrong person – instead of working on making the relationship better, it’s time to move on to the next one. People who are less focused on destiny and more focused on relationships as a place to grow may not experience the same initial euphoria and passion, but are willing to put more work into relationships, leading to longer, more satisfying relationships over time.

2. Searching for a Soul Mate Makes it Less Likely You’ll Find One! 

We’ve learned from the research described above that initial chemistry can be a very poor predictor of long-term happiness and compatibility in a relationship. Focusing too much on your initial attraction to someone might lead you to reject a potential partner too quickly, by refusing to give them or the relationship a chance. Dating coach Evan Marc Katz is a strong proponent of refusing to get too intoxicated by looks, money, and charisma, and instead looking for qualities like kindness, character, and consistency. His evidence?

Even though he didn’t have “that feeling” about his girlfriend, he realized that she listened, made him laugh, and accepted him for who he was – and decided to propose. Even though he didn’t “just know” it was right until six months AFTER he was married, it turned out to be the best decision that he ever made! Having doubts about someone when you first meet them and start dating is OK – it doesn’t mean they’re not “the one,” it just means you’re perceiving things realistically.



3. Soul Mates Can Be Made, Not Found 

If you give up on the idea of finding your soul mate, does that mean you’re giving up on the idea of love? Not at all. More and more people – whether scientists, researchers, or philosophers – seem to be concluding that we can all learn to be better at relationships, and can take concrete, practical steps to learn and to grow. Essentially, we are imperfect people who can learn to love imperfect partners. Dr. John Gottman famously learned how to predict which couples would divorce with over 90% accuracy. By avoiding criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling – particularly contempt – we can give our relationships a much better chance of success.

things that happen when you meet your soulmateAlain de Botton has founded an entire School of Life dedicated to improving emotional intelligence – to help us understand that compatibility is an achievement of love, not a precondition. In many of his books and articles, he argues that we need to be careful about how we treat our partners, listen to them with compassion, be generous in the way we interpret their actions, and keep in mind the way our own relationship histories might be distorting our perceptions and making us more upset than we should be. While this may sound a lot harder than waiting to be rescued by Prince Charming, it’s also a lot more likely to work!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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