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11 Signs You Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a chronic (long-term) health condition affecting the large intestine. IBS, while undoubtedly uncomfortable, does not pose any serious threat to health. The symptoms of IBS can be quite severe, however.

Today, we are going to talk about 11 possible signs of IBS. We’ll also discuss some ways to prevent and relieve IBS symptoms.

Let’s start by discussing 11 possible signs that you have irritable bowel syndrome:

1. Pain and cramping of the abdomen

IBS pain and cramping occur almost exclusively around the stomach area. This pain is often described as sharp and sudden. It is common for this pain to be sporadic, but when it does occur, it is intermittently experienced throughout the day.

2. Abrupt changes in bowel habits

The onset of IBS almost always begins with a change in bowel habits. So sudden are these changes that the person often feels an immediate need – an emergency – to locate the nearest toilet. (Think Jeff Daniel, a.k.a. Harry, in the infamous “Dumb and Dumber” toilet scene ?.)


3. Sour taste in the mouth

For some strange reason, the onset of IBS may produce a nasty, sour taste in the mouth. If this symptom is not due to  recently eating a potent food; for example, garlic, grapefruit, etcetera,  a sour taste of the mouth may be a possible sign of IBS.

4. Frequent need to urinate

The urge to pee is often associated with IBS. Not only is this potential sign annoying, it is also extremely disruptive. If this happens, try cutting back on excess fluids, including water if you drink a lot of it (64 ounces is the recommended amount.) If this doesn’t work, seek the advice of a doctor or your wellness professional.

5. Weird-looking poopirritable bowel syndrome

Okay, so this one is gross, but the size, shape, and texture of your BMs can indicate a problem with your gut. While talking about your poop with a doctor may feel uncomfortable, it’s better to be safe.

6. Watery diarrhea

Speaking of weird-looking poop, there’s the kind that seems to resemble more water than food. Also called watery diarrhea, this is a near-universal sign of either IBS or some other gut trouble.

7. Anxiety and stress problems

The mind and body are connected. This fact has been proven and re-proven by experts in the scientific medical community. The gut, in particular, seems to have a close relationship with our brain. In fact, the discovery that the gut contains a disproportionately high number of neurotransmitters has earned it the nickname the “Second Brain.” (By the way, it is the presence of this “second brain” that is responsible for that “gut feeling.”)

8. Bloating and swelling

No surprise here. An irritated gut is a bloated gut – that’s just inflammation for you. If your tummy feels more swollen and bloated than usual, seek some medical advice.

9. Heart palpitations

Heart palpitations – a heart that feels as if it’s “fluttering” – is a telltale sign of anxiety. As mentioned, anxiety is closely linked to IBS. Obviously, then, the heart may act a bit strange in the presence of an irritated gut.

10. Fatigue

When the gut is overly active, it drains the body’s energy reserves. Of course, low energy resources leads to tiredness (which, by the way, often manifests as brain fog and cloudy thinking).

11. Acid reflux

Lauren Gerson, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Stanford University, says that about 40 percent of those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome experience acid reflux, and vice versa. Both conditions produce bloating and swelling, nausea, and possibly heartburn (in the case of IBS.)

Preventing and Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The most important thing when it comes to preventing IBS symptoms is avoiding what are called “triggers.” These controllable factors irritate the stomach. At times, they can also lead to a bout of IBS.

Here are some common triggers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

  • Diet: too many refined grains and processed foods; excess alcohol and caffeine; fatty dairy products; and a lack of fiber.
  • Environment: stressful work; financial problems; feeling out of control; not enough rest and relaxation time.
  • Drug-related issues: anti-depressants, antibiotics, sugar substitutes (e.g. sorbitol, aspartame, etc.)


Here are some natural ways to curb IBS symptoms:

Diet: Eat the right amount of fiber. Some high-fiber foods include fruits, vegetables, beans, and legumes.

Relaxation: Suppressing an overactive stress response (“fight-or-flight”) is critical to avoiding IBS flare-ups. The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders cites three research-proven ways to reduce IBS symptoms. These include abdominal and diaphragmic breathing, positive imagery and visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation.

Movement: Try to get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise every day. Here are a couple of tips to make sure you get this recommended half-hour: split exercise sessions into 15-minute segments, find an enjoyable activity (e.g. cycling, basketball, tennis), and walk outside whenever possible during work.

Herbs and spices: Herbs and spices like ginger and peppermint can relieve some of the overactivity of the gut. In effect, this can potentially prevent IBS flare-ups.

To your continued tummy health!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The 1 Week Plan to Learn How to Start Juicing For Weight Loss

Getting into shape can be a struggle, to say the least. There is a lot of hard work and dedication that goes into weight loss. When you consider how busy we are in our day-to-day lives, it’s hard to imagine how one might be able to dedicate the amount of time it takes to go to the gym daily.

It may seem like you must be working hard in the gym every day to achieve an ideal physique, but in all actuality, it’s the choices you make outside of the gym that really matter. You will find that working out on a full stomach of greasy, hard to digest foods, feels like treading through sinking sand. This is why more and more people are turning to juices for weight loss.

Here’s a 1 week plan of juicing recipes for weight loss:

Day 1: Do Your Research

Juicing is a relatively modern concept, which is why we are seeing such an influx of juicing recipes for weight loss. In addition to the methods, we are also experiencing an industry serge. The food market has taken notice of their consumers interest in using juices for weight loss. As a result, we are seeing more beverage driven companies offering a higher volume of juice-based drinks. The only problem with this is the fact that these companies are not able to supply us with these “healthy” beverage alternatives without adding preservatives and unnecessary sugar.

Day 2: Buy a Juicer

Buying a juicer is highly recommended if you are looking to start using juicing recipes for weight loss. By creating your own juices, it gives you complete control over what is going into your body. This will make it so much easier to monitor what is and is not working for you.

Day 3: Green Makes You Lean

The best part about using juicing recipes for weight loss is the fact that you can get most of your daily nutrients all packed into one glass. Usually, you are also able to mask a lot of bitter tastes that you may not be so partial to by adding in sweeter fruits.
If, for instance, you despise the flavor of kale, you can suppress that taste by adding more bananas or mango to your juice. Bananas are one of the most sugar intense fruits that are easily accessible at your standard grocery store.
Mixing sweeter fruits with leafy greens will give you the added benefits of vitamin K and a high quantity of antioxidants without having to stomach the bitter taste of the dark green leaf.

Day 4: Fresh Vs. Frozen

By the fourth day, you may start to find the DIY juicing a bit taxing on your time. Although some may argue that fresh whole fruits and vegetables are the only logical choice for your juicing recipes for weight loss, it’s not always the case. Frozen fruits and veggies give you the convenience of quick access to a refreshing juice.
They cut prep time practically in half because most frozen fruits are already peeled and cut into manageable pieces, perfectly sized for blending or juicing. Adding in some frozen element will also result in a more slushy-like consistency.

Day 5: Get It While It’s…Cold

Meal prep is a great way to get you seamlessly through the week without having to do much of the guesswork before eating. However, when it comes to fresh juice you should not prepare more juice than you are ready to consume immediately. As mentioned before, the juice you produce at home does not contain preservatives. Meaning that a juice left standing, even if it is refrigerated, becomes susceptible to harmful bacteria.

juicing recipes for weight loss
Even if it is kept in an airtight container, if the juice has not been consumed within a 24-hour period, the leftover juice should be thrown out to prevent the possible spread of food born illness. Getting sick on questionable juice can easily be avoided by only preparing one to two servings of juice at a time.

Day 6: Fruits Too High in Sugar

The monotony of the same flavors may be getting to you by the sixth day and you may want to add a bit sweeter fruits to your juices. Though they may make your juicing recipes for weight loss taste as sweet as a milkshake, the fruits with the highest grams of sugar should be used sparingly. The correct balanced guidelines to follow would be 2/3 vegetables to 1/3 use of fruit. Fruits such as figs, grapes, pomegranates, and cherries contain the highest amount of sugar and calories. Figs and grapes tying for the most sugar-filled at 13.8 grams.
They are obviously the more health conscious alternative to a spoonful of sugar but should still not dominate your juice.

Day 7: Just Add Water

With every glass of fresh juice you consume, try adding a companion glass of water. It will aid your freshly squeezed or pressed juice in flushing out toxins and keep you hydrated as well.
Many have found using juices for weight loss a great tool to have in their arsenal. When they’re not in the gym, they tend to reach for a fresh pressed or squeezed juice instead of a filling meal. The heartier green juices work fantastically as meal replacements. Before and after the gym they are doing the same and thriving because they are no longer weighed down by a full, heavy meal.
The key to weight loss is the balance. You will not experience your desired results without taking both your diet and your workout regimen into full account. Doing one without the other will leave you spinning your wheels.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Forgive Someone Who Is Not Sorry

In this life, it’s very possible that we will have encounters with multiple people in which they hurt our feelings deeply and show little to no remorse. One of the hardest things to do is to learn how to forgive someone despite the pain they have caused you. However, once you figure out what works for you, you will undoubtedly experience less longterm pain created by others.

We can’t control their actions, but with some practice, we can control how we react to them. We’ve put together a list of things for you to consider and try if you’re struggling with how to forgive someone who isn’t sorry.

Here’s how to forgive someone who isn’t sorry:

Turn Your Focus Inward

Forgiving is often associated with absolving the person who hurt you from their wrongdoing, but, if you change focus from them to yourself, you’re able to work on the things you can control. Ask yourself, what do I need to feel better right now? Practice giving yourself whatever it is that you need. By focusing on what you need in the present moment, you remove yourself from the past experience and take action towards making yourself feel happy. Making yourself a priority is one of the most powerful ways to heal yourself.

“In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.” -Deepak Chopra

Take Responsibility for Your Feelings

The words and actions of others can absolutely hurt us, but when we’re learning how to forgive someone we have to learn how to take responsibility for our own feelings. Though it may be challenging at first, we can only blame others for how we feel for so long. You must realize that when you’re holding onto grudges it only hurts yourself.

“By changing the way you choose to perceive the power that others have over you… you’ll see a bright new world of unlimited potential for yourself… you’ll know instantly how to forgive and let go of anything.” -Dr. Wayne W Dyer

Recognize the Part You Played

This is one of the hardest parts of forgiveness but a necessary component in our personal growth. Our ego wants us to feel hurt without having to take any responsibility for the part we played in whatever happened but the truth is that not everything is one-sided. Though the person who hurt you may have a cold personality, ask yourself if there was anything you may have done to provoke them and answer yourself honestly. In acknowledging your part, you will be able to let go of the negative feelings you are holding for someone more quickly because it forces you to realize that no one is perfect and arguments are typically a two-way street.

“It can be hard to forgive and let go but it’s important to remember that harboring the resentment and holding a grudge can hurt you even more. The word ‘forgive’ really means to give something up for yourself, not for them.” -Jack Canfield

Remove Yourself From the Pastpast quote

If you haven’t figured out how to forgive someone for what they’ve done, you’re more than likely living the experience over and over in your head. You have to recognize that this does nothing for you- what happened has happened and there is nothing you can do to change it. The longer you keep holding on to those moments, the longer it is going to take you to forgive someone for what they did. Instead of replaying those moments, get back to the present where things really need your attention.

“When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive.” -Nelson Mandela


Talk to Someone You Trust

If there is someone in your life that you can go to that will always give you their honest opinion, go to them. Getting someone else’s point of view can be very helpful as they can shine a light on the things we may not be willing to look at. Others can give us tips on how to forgive someone and provide us with personal stories we can relate to and use as inspiration to move on from an attitude that isn’t serving us.

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude.” -Martin Luther King

Learning how to forgive someone can take a lot of time and patience. Be gentle with yourself, work on letting what happened to you in the past go, even if it’s only a little bit at a time. With practice, you will find that the actions of other people have less and less control over you, and this will set you free.

“Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” -Mahatma Ghandi

Science Explains Why People Get Back Together After Breaking Up

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How My Life Changes When I Cleanse Negative Energy From My Home

One of the most effective ways to change your life for the better is to cleanse negative energy from the environment that you live in. It may seem benign and something that is not so noteworthy. But where you live determines a surprisingly large portion of your well-being and can greatly affect your mood.

This was something that I underestimated until I found myself in a rut; no matter what I tired, I felt stuck in my life with my mood never seeming to truly lift. I decided to try out methods of cleansing the energy in my apartment and saw an almost instant benefit. When letting go of negative energies in one’s life, you can find that not only will you feel more confident about where you live. But you will also push yourself to do things you may not normally do.

Why is this? As it turns out, there is a strong link between your emotional headspace and your physical space. Amy B. Scher, a professional energy therapist, wrote a fascinating book describing this phenomenon in greater detail—it’s called How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can.

To help you take the steps in your own life to cleanse negative energy, we’ve compiled a list of tips you can follow to make noticeable changes to your life quickly and efficiently.

Here’s how your life can change when you cleanse negative energy:

release negative thoughts

1. Clean Your Living Space Thoroughly

The first step you should be taking to remove negative energy from your living space is to give it a good clean. Change your bed sheets, give the floor a vacuum, put everything back in order; ensuring that your place is tidy and in order allows you to clear up some crucial headspace which can put you on the path to feeling better. Many find that they experience instant benefits from this, feeling comfortable and organized in their head when they can see it visualized and in front of them.

2. Rearrange Furniture And Your Layout to Cleanse Negative Energy

Following a tidy living space is making sure that the layout is comfortable for you—once you have a grasp on where exactly it is you’re living, you must ask yourself if it feels right for you. If it doesn’t, this doesn’t mean that you have to immediately throw out everything that makes your space unique. As an alternative, you can begin to re-arrange your space to give yourself more freedom overall.

For example, a huge trouble I had in cleansing my most recent apartment of negative energies was re-arranging it so the TV was not a focal point of the room. A lot of my negative energy comes from being distracted and absorbing the unpleasant events going on in the news, so changing the focal point of the room allowed me to not be drawn to my TV whenever I entered my apartment and keep watching the news to specific occasions.

3. Burn Incense To Smell A New Tomorrow

Changing the scent of your environment can play a huge role in decreasing the negative energies surrounding it. Incense is a great way to completely change the dynamic of your living space, also having an important role that can be utilized in meditation. By cleansing the air that you breathe, you will be allowing calmer, more pure elements into your body, no doubt affecting your mind and the way it sees and feels things.

4. Cleanse Negative Energy by Surrounding Yourself With Houseplants

One of Amy B. Scher’s most important tips in her book to healing yourself is to embrace the natural elements that can be combined with a living space. As humans, we are constantly navigating the technological compromise of embracing the benefits of technology while also staying connected with the natural environment that bore us. Because of this, bringing nature back into your home environment can greatly help you cleanse negative energy in a room. When picking out a houseplant that is right for you, we recommend checking out this list of houseplants to choose from.

5. Cleanse Yourself Of Unproductive Habits

Changing the environment in which you live is important for dealing with negative energy. But you’ll find that many of the attitudes we need to change must come from within as a means of coping. To cleanse negative energy, we recommend taking a closer look at the things that you do that may be clouding your general worldview. For many this may be related to mental illness and other struggles, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be.

cleanse negative energy

After trying the things listed above, I found that my life has changed significantly and for the better. One of the most amazing things about trying to cleanse negative energy is that it can be done. It often seems like a daunting task that requires a lot of changes to be made. But you’ll see how a little goes a long way when affecting your environment.

Negative energy can be a tumultuous thing, as it can overwhelm us and make us feel like there’s not much else we can do to fix it. By taking control of the energy by making changes in your surroundings, you can begin to take control of your life and all its potential!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy! 10 Best Quotes About Happiness To Help You Stop Worrying

These quotes about happiness can help you whisk away the worries you feel today. And why not?

No level-headed person would say that they enjoy worrying, but given how much time we spend caught up in our own minds, it almost seems like we take pleasure in not feeling good. We keep thinking that we need certain things in order to be happy. However, happiness is really much closer than we think. Doris Mortman is right when she says “Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.”

Finding happiness is all about realizing it at the moment. We can embrace our present circumstances and not feel so overwhelmed by what’s stressing us out. When we worry so much, we sabotage our chances at happiness.

These quotes about happiness should help keep worries from getting the best of you.


1. “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.” – Elbert Hubbard

Life really is too short to worry as much as we do. Quotes about happiness, like this one from author Elbert Hubbard reminds us that spending life fretting about what is or could be going wrong is just a waste of time. Instead, we should embrace how utterly unpredictable it all is.

2. “To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.” – Albert Camus

You should love and appreciate others, but for true happiness, you shouldn’t be caught up in what their opinions are. Not everyone will agree with you, and that’s their right. If you spend your whole life trying to live up to other’s expectations, you’re going to be confused about who you even are. Do things because you want to do them, not because you think you should do them.

3. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius

Arguably no name is as synonymous with wisdom as Confucious. He accurately describes how we get our lives so jumbled up with problems that don’t need to exist. Instead, we can just embrace the moment and live our lives how we need to. If necessary, we can reduce our material goods to give ourselves a break.

4. “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment, wisely and earnestly.” – Buddha

Another incredibly wise name, Buddha gives us one of the best quotes about happiness by letting us know that by staying focused on the present, we can keep ourselves from worrying. The past and future might be out of our control, but we do have control over the present, which can lead to true happiness.

5. “Most people would rather be certain they’re miserable than risk being happy.” – Robert Anthony

While you might think that happiness is anything but a choice, many people are happy with just letting themselves brood and wallow in their unhappiness. To actually become happy takes work, but it’s an effort worth making.

6. “The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than growing with them.” – Bernard Baruch

One doesn’t avoid worries by having nothing to worry about. Instead, they approach their responsibilities and concerns with as much pragmatism as possible. They don’t themselves get caught with thinking about how circumstances are unfair or impossible to deal with. They just deal with them.

7. “In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” – Deepak Chopra

It’s impossible to keep the world calm, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create calm in the world that’s inside of you.

8. “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” – Dale Carnegie

Quotes about happiness like this remind us that our perceptions are really what counts when it comes to feeling good.

9. “The problem with people is they forget that most of the time it’s the small things that count.” – Jennifer Niven

When we’re so caught up in wanting one particular thing out of life, we tend to forget that the small pleasures are really what make life worth living.

quotes about happiness

10. “Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever.” – Peter Hagerty

It’s important to not see life as your enemy. It’s an exciting adventure with all sorts of ups and downs, ready for you to embrace it.

These happiness quotes will hopefully remind you to enjoy every moment of your life. When we worry too much, we tend to see nothing but clouds. By reading quotes about happiness, we can remember that hope exists and that much of it lives within us.

Take the time to consider each of these happiness quotes. Think about how they could apply to your life right now. Even if you’re not worried at the moment, you can still benefit from remembering these quotes in a further emergency.

5 Things I Have Learned Being A Hopeless Romantic

Movies and television would have you believe that being a hopeless romantic is something cute and funny. However, anyone who has actually been one knows that it can cause a whole lot of confusion and frustration. When you believe in love, it can be easier to be crushed.

Over the years, I’ve gone through all kinds of challenges in love. I’ve been with people who weren’t right for me and have had trouble just letting my feelings be. However, I have become educated along the way.

Here are five things I have learned from being a hopeless romantic.

People think I expect too much

Being a hopeless romantic causes people to think I need a reality check. They want to give me all kinds of hopeless romantic tips as if to cure me of my condition. In my view, they’re the ones who need the reality check. When people are so cynical about romance, I wonder why they even bother. I’m not asking for some kind of a whirlwind, fairytale romance. I just want to find someone who believes in love the way I do. There needs to be natural compatibility, of course. I want someone who respects love as much as they respect me.

I’ll give more chances than I should

I do my best to believe in the power of love, but this can often backfire. In a relationship, I’m prone to thinking the other person understands love the way I do. After all, they say they care for me. So, why does it feel like I’m doing all the work? Yet, I’m not quick to move on. I will stay with someone even if they’re arguably not a good fit. In times like this, I need advice from my less-romantically sentimental friends. It can be difficult to break away, even when I know I need to. Following a breakup, I do my best to reflect on what happened and move on.

I wish I could settle for less

No one chooses to be like this. I’ve certainly gone through the experience of bemoaning my nature. In the past, I’ve tried to tell myself to relax in relationships. I can barely make through a day of pretending to be chill with romance. No matter how hard I try to deny it, I will fall in love fast and hard. Sometimes, I can’t believe how easily this happens. I protect myself by telling potential partners about my nature. This gives them an easy out if they know they won’t be able to keep up with me.

love quote

When I’m in love, I’m really in love

Love is such a powerful drug. It makes me feel joy all around my body and mind. Some people fall in love but are able to focus on other things. When I’m in love, it’s all I can think about. This can be a lot of fun, because being in love is wonderful. It can also be a source of stress. All those good feeling at once make me worry about something going wrong. Still, I prefer this to being someone who is tired of romance.

I wouldn’t want to be any other way

Through it all, I’m proud of who I am. My perception of love is not skewered. It might be incredibly optimistic, but I see no serious harm in that. I’ve developed enough hopeless romantic tips for myself over the years. Plus, my skin has thickened through experiences. I might still get hurt in my attempts at love, but I have developed wisdom along the way. I can give advice on love to just about anyone who wants it. Many have found my more earnest perspective to be refreshing. The way I see it, love is meant to be, so we might as well make the most of it.

Calling someone a hopeless romantic is more insulting than it seems. No one wants to be labeled hopeless at anything, especially not love. I’ve learned that the key is embracing the romantic side of myself and not letting anyone else tell me how I should or shouldn’t love.

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