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How To Prevent Being Cheated On By Your Man

There’s nothing easy about the dating world. Once you find a man you want to hold onto, it may be harder than you think. There is always going to be someone that tries to turn his eye. To hold on to your man, you must be one step ahead of the game.

Here are some effortless ways to prevent a wandering eye and being cheated on.

1. Keep Things Exciting

All relationships are wonderful initially. However, whether you are married or not, after you have been together for some time, things can get stale. Life seems to morph into a pick up the kids, cook dinner, do the laundry kind of day. Take time out to do special things to avoid being cheated on. They may be small and trivial, but even something as nice as packing him a snack for work can remind him that you’re a gem. Do things “just because” and he won’t be tempted to look anywhere else.

2. Be Adventurous in The Bedroom

Making love is what makes a couple more than just friends. It’s a way of connecting yourselves mind, body, and spirit. You must make sure that you don’t become stagnate in the bedroom too. Watch some videos, read articles, and educate yourself on what your man wants. Even the worst days can be a memory with a great lovemaking session. Openly communicate about likes and desires. It’s the best way to relieve stress and stay linked. Plus, if you are giving a man what he wants in the bedroom, his eye will never wonder. Don’t deny him continuously when he wants to be together, or you could get cheated on.

3. Take Time for Things Important to Him

Okay, so he wants to sit on the couch watching football on a Sunday. Rather than excluding yourself from his world, learn to be a part of it. Compromise is something that you must learn as a couple. If he loves it, then you should occasionally try to do or watch what he loves with him. How many chick flicks have you dragged him to kicking and screaming? Having a relationship means someone a partner in all things. You want to make sure that you are both getting 50/50 of the say in activities.

4. Never Underestimate the Value of Good Conversation

Did you have a dreadful day at work? Perhaps, you haven’t been feeling so good lately. Having someone to share your soul with means talking about the good and bad things. Communication is key in any relationship. He should run to you when there is a problem at work or he is feeling blue. You should be his best friend first and foremost. That doesn’t mean that you cannot have other friends, it just simply means that you must learn how to be “his person.” Make sure that you have an active line of communication regarding all things. You should know what is going on in his world and he should know all about yours.

relationship quote

5. Nurture the Relationship

How long will a plant last if you forget to water it? It’s common to be so caught up in your day that you forget about that plant. Sure, it’s sitting there staring you in the face, and you walk by it 100 times a day, but you keep neglecting it. Use this analogy on your relationship. Once couples move in together and get on with the daily grind, they often forget that they need to nurture the relationship for it to grow. No one wants to be cheated on, so you must learn to nurture what you have. Don’t forget date nights and staying out late talking over coffee. While they may not be the only person in your world, you need to make sure they are an important part of it.

6. Speak in Love

It’s so easy to get angry and snip at each other over the stupidest things. Do you become verbally aggressive when you’ve had a dreadful day? Learn to speak in love toward one another, even when in the heat of an argument. Remember that words hurt terribly. Once you say something hateful, it is hard to take it back. Speak to your man the way you want to be spoken too.

Relationships don’t come with instructions. However, if you want to avoid cheating, you will learn to paper and nurture your man. Remember, if you don’t make him feel special, give him the love and attention he needs, and learn to keep things consistent in the bedroom, someone else will always be waiting to meet his needs. Make an extra effort each day to let him know how special he is and that he is loved.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

There Is More To Life: How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You And Move On

Forgiving people who have wronged you is one of the most challenging things to deal with in life, especially when the other person does not think they have done anything wrong. When you forgive someone, you are doing it for their benefit, but not as much as it is done for your own mental well-being.

Forgiving someone else makes you the bigger person and allows you to move on without feeling guilty for holding a grudge. Learning how to forgive someone can be difficult but once forgiveness has been granted, you can carry on knowing you did the right thing.

Here are a few ways to help you forgive someone who has hurt you and move on with your own life.

1. Mentally Move On

When you are trying to learn how to forgive someone, remember that one of the best things you can do as you try to make forgiveness a reality is to forget about the situation. The more you allow the situation to take up space in your brain, the less likely you are to move on without feeling a grudge toward that particular person. Don’t allow someone to live rent-free in your brain, instead move past the situation and think only positive things about the other person.

2. Clear Things Up Quickly

A great way to forgive someone and not allow it to dominate your life is to remember the saying in the Bible that states that you should not let the sun go down on your wrath. Before you go to bed, make the situation right and clear the air between you and the other person. You will sleep much sounder and your conscience will be clean as you begin a new day.

3. Don’t Blame Others

In your quest for understanding how to forgive others, consider the idea that you might be at fault. While chances are that the other person has plenty to blame for, try to put the majority of the blame on your own shoulders to avoid feeling negative about someone else. Take responsibility for how you behave in these challenging situations and know that no one is forcing you to act in any way, whether right or wrong. Allow the situation to come to light and the blame will fall where it is due.

4. Don’t Tell Someone How To Behave

If you treat others the way you want to be treated, then the act of telling someone else what to do should never be an issue. If you do not want someone to tell you how to handle a situation, don’t assume they want you to boss them around either. Take a step back and allow free-will to take place on your end and the other person’s end as well.

5. Just Let Go

Learning how to forgive someone includes learning the art of letting go. In life, there are a number of situations that are simply out of our control and the more we try to control them, the worse off we will be. Become a softer and more gentle person by allowing things to roll off your back. Once you are able to do this, your forgiveness will come much more naturally.

6. Accept Some Of The Blame

The key word here is “some”. When you are practicing how to forgive someone, do not roll over like a scared puppy and allow someone to walk all over you. Instead, accept the fact that you might have been wrong in some areas and take responsibility for your part in the situation. Even if you might not feel like you are wrong, be the bigger person and accept partial responsibility for the way the cards fell and learn from these different situations.

7. Do Not Hold A Grudge

One of the worst things you can do is hold a grudge against someone else. Any amount of resentment needs to be let go as you try to move past the situation at hand. Remember that storms are not permanent, and the sun always shines on the other side. Do everything within your power to create a sense of peace and calmness between you and the other person.


8. Always Be Kind

Even when you want to lash out and say hurtful things, always consider the impact of your words on someone else. If you are unsure what to do, always be kind and you are sure to be making a good decision. Sometimes this is a very difficult thing to do but the harder you try to be kind, the better off you will be, and the better off the other person is going to be as well. The old saying of “kill them with kindness” allows you to be nice while giving the other person no ammunition against you.

When learning how to forgive someone, you will find it to test your inner strength and your faith at times. When you persevere, you will be able to face that person in the future with no ill-will as you come in contact at work or within your social circles.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Excellent Ways To Increase Positivity In Your Workplace

The workplace can be a stressful, negative place. With one crisis happening after another, it’s challenging to see the bright side of life. Sometimes a simple attitude shift can help a workplace turn from toxic to positive. With positivity on your side, you can turn a good workplace into a great one. Having the right attitude goes a long way toward creating a collaborative spirit.

By changing your attitude toward the workplace, you will model a better way of dealing with problems. You’ll be a beacon of light in your office, and people will come to appreciate the way you encourage others toward positivity in life.

Here are 10 ways to increase positivity in your workplace:

1. Change How You Think of your Job

Psychology Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky of the University of California has focused her research on how employees can increase their happiness in the workplace. One method of gaining positivity is for employees to think about the reasons why they do their job.

“Unhappy employees can improve their work life by adjusting their mindset to a ‘calling orientation,’” says Lyubomirsky. This means connecting your work with personal goals and aspirations.

2. Spread Gratitude

Workers who are thanked regularly for their hard work are happier. Thanking coworkers spreads positivity. Take the time to write a thank-you note or an email to someone who has helped you. Be sure to send a copy of your note to their boss.

4. Friendly Greetings

Take the time to smile and say hello to your coworkers. Make eye contact. Don’t go overboard or you may come off as fake, but simply putting a smile on your face will brighten someone’s day.

5. Take Time to Think Before Responding

If something isn’t going your way, take the time to calm yourself down before firing off an angry email or confronting a coworker face to face. Taking a deep breath and deciding on your next move in a calmer fashion will help keep your workplace positive.

Try to be as civil as possible in your dealings with coworkers, clients, and customers alike. Especially in a demanding, fast-paced workplace, this can be a hard ideal to reach. Do your best, and don’t beat yourself up when you make mistakes.

6. Celebrate Milestones

It’s nice to have birthday parties at work, but it’s even better to celebrate positive work milestones. Whenever a project is going well, meet this news with a little celebration. This will help to spread workplace positivity even further. Recognize fellow employees for their efforts. People work harder when they know that their contributions are valuable.

7. Try to Stay Organized

You’ll find that your attitude toward work improves when you have a clean, organized workspace. Knowing where everything is will help you get your work done more efficiently. If you’re always digging for important papers on your desk, you’ll be stressed out and more likely to snap at a co-worker. This also applies to your computer files. Be methodical when you set up your organizational system.


8. Engage in Fun Activities

Take a little time to enjoy yourself at work. Take breaks to go out for a walk or jog. Ideally, take a work friend with you and spend the time building personal relationships.

Playing games with coworkers can bring a fun spirit of competition that increases positivity. Take your department out for a trivia night or a movie.

9. Listen to Everyone’s Ideas

Employees are happier when they feel that their thoughts and contributions are valued. When you are working on a project, be sure to ask others for their take on the situation. Create an environment where people are less worried about territorial workplace behavior and more focused on collaboration. Too many bosses neglect this part of managing a workplace, and resentment can spread.

10. Give Yourself Achievable Goals

Small, achievable goals can keep you motivated at work. Create some for yourself or for your workgroup if you are a supervisor. Setting the bar too high often leads only to disappointment when the goals aren’t met on time. Give yourself and your employees little rewards for accomplishing these goals.

inclusionFinal Thoughts

These 10 tips will help you create a more positive and friendly workplace. Small actions add up to major changes. Keep a smile on your face and try to be flexible. When you model friendly work habits, you’ll encourage others to follow your example. When you take care to spread positivity in life, other people will respond.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Weight Loss Secrets From People Who Got In The Best Shape of Their Lives

Everyone knows that weight loss takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and willpower. It doesn’t come easily or overnight, but you can lose weight as long as you stay committed. However, you can also utilize some tips and tricks from people who have lost a lot of weight already and know how to lose weight the right way. If you’ve been struggling with your weight loss efforts, you’ll find some real people below who have shared their weight loss secrets with us.

Here are 11 weight loss secrets from people who lost some serious pounds:

1. “Quit asking for the secret and work for it. Dieting and exercise are the only things that will make a difference; nothing else.”

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This woman had a very blunt but clear message that can help all of us with our weight loss goals. There are no shortcuts, but the hard work will be worth it!

2. “Our bodies are incredibly resilient and they WANT us to be healthier. Your body will work with you and for you. Trust it. Start slow. Start somewhere. Even if that’s in your bed or chair with a stretch band. You got this! We got this!”

3. “Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.”

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4. “Sometimes we don’t want to try something because we are afraid to fail. We doubt ourselves before we even try and think, it’s is better not to even try that way we do not fail. But what I say is, how will you ever know what you are capable of if you never try?”

5. “All I can do is speak on what has worked for me. It’s not about being smart, fast or strong. It’s about refusing to quit even though everything around us feels like it’s falling apart.”

6. This woman personally used Weight Watchers to lose weight, and it looks like it worked wonders for her!

7. “I know that I keep saying it but your success starts and ends in your mind. The REAL TRANSFORMATION between these two versions of myself is how I would treat myself and my inner dialogue.”

As you all probably know already, positive thinking and being kind to yourself are king when it comes to what kind of life you will have. This guy’s weight loss pictures prove that weight loss is definitely mind over matter!

8. ” I remember I started buying motivational tees which helped keep me going, this is one of those shirts (L). I always looked forward to wearing a t-shirt with a cute quote or saying, not so much looked forward to the gym part of it, lol. But day after day I got through the workouts and I set new challenges.”

9. “Little changes everyday lead to huge results and if you are dedicated and consistent every day I promise x100000 you will see change!!!”

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10. “So many people wonder what my “secret” is. It’s a simple answer, oftentimes overthought. Believe in yourself. Shifting my mind, from “I can’t” to “I can”, is what helped me to succeed. Losing over 200 pounds would have been near impossible, if I didn’t trust myself.”

weight loss

11. This girl lost 100 pounds naturally with good old-fashioned diet and exercise. Consistency is key!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Reveal How Black Coffee Actually Helps In Losing Weight

For many early risers they day can’t begin without a morning cup of coffee. The pleasant aroma and the jolt of caffeine gets us awake and ready to face the day. It’s a morning ritual so important that many can’t even start their day without a cup of Joe.

Upon closer inspection however, this morning routine may have more benefits than just getting you up in the morning. The black java may actually assist in losing weight, and keeping it off.

Here are seven reasons that drinking coffee for weight loss can help you stay fit and trim.

1). It’s a rich source of caffeine.

Caffeine has shown the potential for burning extra calories. A laboratory study published back in 2012 found that caffeine boosted thermogenesis, the production of body heat. Producing heat requires energy, and that energy comes from calories. So coffee can increase the calories expended in any activity, from working out even just sitting at your desk.

Since it’s such as rich source of caffeine, there’s evidence that drinking black coffee for weight loss is not a bad way to start the day.

2) Keeps waste from accumulating

Constipation is a constant worry for obese and overweight people. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it forces your body to carry around unneeded weight. A morning cup of Joe can act as a natural laxative, helping your body rid itself of the excess weight it may be carrying around. Coffee also has a nice benefit as well — increased urination helps cleanse your body of harmful viruses and bacteria that may be trying to infect you.

Coffee on an empty stomach can be a nice, natural way to relieve constipation without resorting to medication or a visit to the doctor.

3) Good source of antioxidants

Coffee is high in antioxidants, which support weight loss.

The process goes something like this: every time you ingest food, you’re also taking in free radicals, uncharged molecules that are highly reactive. These free radicals cascade throughout your body, damaging your cells. Antioxidants protect your cells against these free radicals.

This protections leads to better functioning cells, which in turns leads to more efficient energy production within each cell. Finally, this will increase the quality of your metabolism, allowing you to convert more fats and sugars into energy and burn more calories, leading to weight loss.

4) It’s a low calorie beverage

Amazingly, plain java juice contains no calories. Many people add in sugar and cream, potentially increasing their energy intake by up to 300 calories. However drinking it without any of the extras is basically like consuming water, except water doesn’t have that extra kick. Drinking it on an empty stomach can actually lead to weight loss by stimulating your metabolism. A higher metabolism means more calories are being burned.

It also reduces fat absorption when consumed after a meal. This is due to the presence of chlorogenic acids. These acids stimulate increased absorption of glucose into the bloodstream during digestion. This increased absorption of sugar reduces the amount of fat being absorbed.

5) Burns more fat 

Aside from reducing fat absorption, the chlorogenic acids act to break down fat during digestion. Because the fat is broken down into more easily managed molecules, more fat ends up being burned on a daily basis.


6) Reduces your appetite

The phytochemicals found in caffeine have been found to actually help suppress an individual’s appetite. It can reduce feelings of hunger and extend feelings of fullness, leading to less food intake.

7) Eases Digestion

A plain cup of Joe has been shown to increase overall heat production in your body. How does this relate to digestion? Well, when you digest food it requires a bit of energy, or calories, to be burned in the process. This process uses a little bit of heat energy. Since caffeine increases your body’s overall heat production, more heat means more calories burned during digestion, thus helping you lose more weight.

The sweet brew will not only help you get up in the morning, but will also help you get more fit as well. The numerous benefits of coffee in helping to lose and keep off weight make it an easy way to supplement your diet. Remember that a cup of Joe isn’t just a way to start your day, it’s a way to start your weight loss routine.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Early Warnings Your Body Is Low in Vitamin C

As an essential nutrient, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) protects the body against deficiencies in the immune system. The body needs regular doses of vitamin C for prevention against the development of common sickness and serious health problems. But most people don’t get enough of this important nutrient. When the body is low in vitamin C, its symptoms can manifest in many ways. Take a look at some early signs that your body is deficient in vitamin C.

Here Are 9 Early Signs Your Body Is Low in Vitamin C

“Vitamin C is the world’s best natural antibiotic, antiviral, antitoxin and antihistamine…” – Andrew W. Saul

1. Your gums swell and bleed easily.

Your teeth and gums need adequate amounts for optimum health. This nutrient strengthens the epithelium tissue, which is present all over the body. On the gums, the epithelium works as a barrier against bacteria that might cause dental diseases. If your body lacks vitamin C, your gums tend to swell, become inflamed, and bleed easily. Your gums could also recede. Low vitamin C has been linked to periodontitis, according to a study by the American Society for Microbiology. This disease leads to gum infection and damage that could cause tooth loss as well.

2. Your hair is dry with lots of split ends.

What vitamin C your body takes in goes to the more important tissues and organs first before the nutrient makes its way to the hair. If your vitamin C levels, however, are less than ideal then your hair roots won’t be able to benefit as much as they need to. So, you end up having dry hair with split ends. Additionally, vitamin C aids in faster hair growth, as it helps the body absorb more iron. A deficiency, therefore, may not just slow down hair growth. It could also lead to hair loss.

vitamin c

3. You frequently have nosebleeds.

Regular vitamin C intake lessens the fragility of the capillaries. Since the nose is lined with several of these small blood vessels closer to the skin’s surface, then the nose can be quite sensitive. If you experience frequent nosebleeds, you may have inadequate “C” levels in your system. A nosebleed, also known as epistaxis, is one of the symptoms of scurvy, or a condition that highlights the body’s ascorbic acid deficiency.

4. You have dry, rough, and red skin.

Dry, rough, and red skin are also some indications that there is not enough ascorbic acid in your system. Your body needs vitamin C to synthesize with the skin’s collagen, so your skin remains in the pink of health.

The lack of “C” might also lead to the development of a skin condition called keratosis pilaris. Although most common among young people, this condition can occur at any age. It is characterized by rough patches or tiny bumps that appear on the thighs, buttocks, upper arms, and cheeks.

Keratosis pilaris can cause mild itching. While it doesn’t hurt and it’s not a serious condition, the sandpaper roughness could be uncomfortable. Moisturizers and lotions with vitamin components help treat dry skin and lessen the wrinkles.

5. You’re prone to bruising.

Because your capillaries are weaker without vitamin C, a simple bump might result in instant bruising. Are there instances when you don’t know how you got your bruises on the thighs or arms? Now, you have an explanation for it – your body probably lacks vitamin C. According to the University of Michigan Health Systems, bruising might also indicate an underlying health condition. Experts recommend that aside from eating foods rich in vitamin C, take daily supplements of about 400 mg “C” along with 400 mg of flavonoids.

6. Your wounds heal slowly.

Do you have cuts or scrapes that have lingered for weeks? Have you gotten surgery and still feel some tenderness around the wound? It might not be healing fast because you don’t have enough vitamin C that helps the connective tissues bind with the wound. “C” has an important role in tissue repair, as per the Journal of Dental Research.  It can also prevent infection of wounds.

7. You have painful, swollen joints.

Joints that swell with pain could be inflamed. This is common for those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. According to the Arthritis Foundation, people with low vitamin C levels have three times the risk of developing this disease compared to those with a regular intake.

8. You’re susceptible to colds and flu.

Vitamin C helps with the production of white blood cells that attack virus and bacteria. It’s also an antioxidant that protects your cells from infections. If your body is low in “C”, you’re likely susceptible to the common cold, and you’re weak against the flu virus or strep throat infection.

9. You’re in low spirits.

Ever find yourself easily tired and in low spirits and you can’t explain why? This deficiency has been proven to have psychological links as well. Separate studies in hospitalized patients and high school students with anxiety showed that their mood became more positive by as much as 34 percent after taking vitamin C supplements.

Final Thoughts on Increasing Your Intake of Vitamin C

The best way to increase your vitamin C intake is by naturally adding this to your diet.  Eat or drink plenty of fruits and vegetables – such as broccoli, capsicum, kale spinach, berries, and citrus fruits – to boost your body’s daily “C” requirements.

You get more benefits from eating fruits fresh, instead of juiced or blended. Studies have also shown that overcooking vegetables may reduce their nutritional value. So, make sure to add vegetables in soups and stews when it’s already boiling, and not before.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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