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How To Live A Beautiful Life – Life Changing Tips For Living The Life You Deserve

A wise person once said that in order to live a creative life, you have to lose the fear of being wrong. The same could be said about living a beautiful life. For each person living a beautiful life, it’s important to note that it’ll look unique differently. No person is the same. However, you know the things that will make you happy. You also know the things that will make you feel miserable and stuck.

In life, there is a balance. There is a desire to make others happy, but it can’t come at the expense of your own happiness and self-acceptance. In order to live a beautiful life, you’ll have to make some tough choices that involve putting yourself first. If you say yes to one person, you’re probably saying no to yourself in another way. This doesn’t mean that you can’t say yes to others. This just means that you need to be aware of the opportunity cost.

In moving forward to create a beautiful life, there are a few things you should consider. Start today with the following tips.

1. Indulge in the things you love.

Whether you love field hockey or the idea of spending time traveling abroad, make room for the things that you love. The reason why this is so important is that so many people live their lives chasing money, fame and notoriety. Too often, people live lives for the approval of others. They don’t really make decisions based on authentic desires. They make decisions based on their ego and how they want to be perceived in life. This doesn’t help you to be true to yourself. Discover what you want. As long as those desires are legal, take time to enjoy the things that make you happy.

2. Express gratitude.

There’s something to be said about someone who is constantly in a state of gratitude. It’s not something that’s easy to cultivate if you’re a pessimist. However, it’s not impossible to turn the tide. Start by keeping a gratitude journal. Every day, write down three things that you’re so grateful for. When you find yourself in a situation that is frustrating, do your best to find the silver lining of it all. When you practice a spirit of gratitude, you open up your heart to be able to receive more.

3. Be positive.

Life will offer its fair share of ups and downs. It’s easy to be positive when everything is going well. It’s very difficult to be positive when all you can see is trouble. However, understand that the tough times won’t last. Your spirit will. The best way to get through the challenging times in your life is to remember to be positive. Always focus on the good. It’s not that you shouldn’t notice or recognize the bad. However, it’s important to create a plan, take a deep breath and be positive through it all. A beautiful life has its challenging moments.

a beautiful life

4. Notice your patterns.

Notice your patterns. If you tend to find yourself in a specific predicament on a regular basis, take note of what you’re doing that gets you in that position. It might be that you need to change the circle of people you’re around. It could be that you need to learn the art of discipline. Perhaps you need to learn to talk less and listen more. Notice the things that are getting you into trouble and work towards changing yourself for the better.

5. Serve others.

Remember that you’re not an island. You live in a world with other people and should honor that. A wise woman once said that service is the rent we pay for living. Find different ways to serve those in your community. It will deepen your heart’s ability to give and receive love from others. A person who is living a beautiful life tends to possess a beautiful heart.

6. Discover and pursue your dreams.

Many people walk around aimlessly because they don’t really have any dreams. Realized dreams play a role in a beautiful life. Once you discover what your dreams are, pursue them. If you desire to travel the world, create a plan to save money and make that happen. If you’d like to become a multi-millionaire, study other multi-millionaires and implement the strategies you learn. It’s one thing to know what your dream is. It’s another thing to actually pursue the dream and implement the steps to get there. Don’t become stagnant if you experience disappointments. They’re a part of life. Even though you might hit a few bumps in the road, never give up on your dreams. It’s a part of what makes your life feel worthwhile.

As you work towards making this life a reality for yourself, know that you will experience obstacles. Whenever you’re trying to move in a positive direction, life will throw a few curve balls at you. Don’t let the obstacles deter you. Be relentless in your pursuit of a beautiful life and you will have it.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Health Warnings to Never Ignore From Your Fingernails

Our nails are little more than hardened extensions of the skin. In fact, our skin, nails, and hair all contain the fibrous structural protein, keratin. Keratin, as a vital compound, protects our hair and skin. The hardened outer layer of fingernails and toenails is called alpha-keratin, damage to which could potentially indicate a health problem.

As stated by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the state of our nails is often reflective of our overall health and wellbeing:

Nails often reflect our general state of health. Changes in the nail, such as discoloration or thickening, can signal health problems including liver and kidney diseases, heart and lung conditions, anemia, and diabetes.” – American Academy of Dermatology

Fingernail health and bodily health are inclusive, in other words. So if you want to know how your health is holding up, take a close look at your fingernail health. But don’t worry, we’re going to tell you how!

In this article, we are going to discuss eight potential warning signs from your fingernails never to ignore. Let’s go!

Here are 8 warning signs to never ignore from your fingernails:

1. Concave (Spoon) nails

Concave (Spoon) fingernails are linked to a number of internal health problems. While most healthy nails are rather thin and curve upwards, giving nails that naturally rounded appearance, concave nails are curved inwards.

Concave nails can link to various health conditions, including the liver disorder hemochromatosis, where the liver absorbs too much iron. Other possible health issues include cardiovascular disease, anemia (iron deficiency), and hypothyroidism.

2. Clubbed nails

In contrast with healthy nails, the appearance of clubbed nails is the most striking. They appear almost bulbish with bright white pigmentation. Clubbed nails form when the skin underneath the nail rises, forcing the nail to swell.

Clubbed nails have been linked to severe disorders such as AIDS, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, and lung disease.

3. Discolored nails

Healthy fingernails appear pink with a whitish-pink base. Nails that take on any other coloration may indicate a possible health issue. Nails that look “dull” in color points to a potential vitamin deficiency, for example. Here are a few other possible conditions linked to fingernail discoloration:

  • Bluish nails may indicate a low blood oxygen level in the body.
  • Green-yellowish nails signal a possible bacterial infection.
  • Red streaks found in the nail could be a sign of a heart valve problem.
  • White nails with no pink pigmentation could be a symptom of liver disease.
  • White streaks in the nail may indicate a kidney problem.

4. Cracked, dry, or brittle nails

Nails that are cracked, dry or brittle are typically the result of either a bacterial infection or a hormonal imbalance. Thyroid disorders can cause dry and brittle fingernails that often split or crack. Fungal infection of the nails – a condition that affects around 12 percent of Americans – can cause the nail to become powder-like as well.

5. Rutted or pitted nails

Nails that show numerous small holes or dips can result from trauma to the nail, among other things. Rutted or pitted nails could be connected to one of the following health conditions:

  • Alopecia areata, a disorder of the immune system resulting in hair loss.
  • Psoriasis
  • Tissue disorder
  • Zinc deficiency

6. Parallel ridging

Nails that have evenly-spaced horizontal ridges, a condition known as Beau’s lines, is also a possible sign of nail trauma. The condition may also surface after a long bout of high fever from an underlying medical disorder. Beau’s lines may also result from:

  • Diabetes or pre-diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Zinc deficiency

7. Split nails

It isn’t uncommon for split nails to leave a noticeable discoloration and gap right down the nail’s middle. Split nails have many of the same signs as cracked/dry/brittle nails, but instead of crumbling, the nails peel away in layers. Common medical conditions associated with split nails include:

  • Long-term malnutrition
  • Psoriasis
  • Nutrient deficiencies, including vitamin C, folic acid, and protein.
bite nails

This Is What Biting Your Fingernails Reveals About You

8. Proximal inflammation

The proximal nail fold is located immediately outside of the nail cuticle. If you hold your index finger straight (like if you’re pointing at something) and look from the side, you’ll see the surface of the finger rises where the nail bed ends. This is the proximal nail fold.

Proximal inflammation of the nail fold can indicate a connective tissue disorder such as lupus. Skin infection may also cause this fold to become irritated and inflamed.

Proper Care of Fingernails

If you experience repeated health problems with your nails, you should probably seek advice from a specialist. Doctors known as dermatologists specialize in diagnosis and treatment of skin, nail, and hair conditions. The specialist should also be able to point you in the right direction in terms of treatment options, including help for any underlying condition, should one exist.

Here’s a list of fingernail health health “Do’s and Don’ts.”


  • Apply a nail hardener, if necessary
  • Consider taking a supplement of biotin, which may strengthen brittle or weak nails.
  • Practice good nail hygiene by using manicure tools and trimming nails straight across. Afterward, gently round the tips.
  • Thoroughly clean and dry your nails.


  • Bite your nails.
  • Forcefully pull off hangnails.
  • Neglect any obvious nail problems. See a doctor or wellness professional.
  • Use too many chemical nail products.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This Is What I Did To Lose Weight Fast Naturally (Without Gym Or Dieting)

Losing weight takes time. We all are excited to see the progress we make, it’s important to be patient throughout our weight loss journies. While there is no miracle pill for overnight weight loss, you will notice a difference immediately as you continue to put in work. Here is how to lose weight fast naturally.

Here’s How To Lose Weight Fast Naturally

“It’s just making the choice for myself to be healthier because I know that I’m less sick when I’m more active; I have more energy when I’m more active”– Jordin Sparks

Your weight loss journey must begin with the understanding that you are the only one responsible for making this change in your life. The only way you’ll see your desired results is if you choose to go all in and take action. Read on to check out these five habits that will help you achieve the weight loss you desire.

1. Consider Eating Less Carbs

At the University Hospital of England, 115 overweight women underwent a study to determine the effectiveness of cutting carbs as part of a weight-loss plan. The results of the study showed that the women that were on a low-calorie plan lost five pounds, while those that were in the low carb group lost nine pounds. These results speak to the effectiveness of cutting back on carbs rather than counting calories.

Wondering how to lose weight fast naturally? While you don’t have to follow a strict diet, it is a good idea to get rid of bad carbs. Go on a carb detox to get rid of any excess weight brought on by all of the unnecessary carbs in your meals.

To cut back on your carbs, consider the meals that you eat. While that bowl of spaghetti or that box of pizza may be within your calorie limits, the sheer amount of carbs in those meals will quickly add on a few extra pounds. When you intentionally cut out carbs from your meals, you’ll soon see you’ve lost anywhere up to five pounds in the first few weeks of the detox.

2. It’s All About the Protein and Veggies

Learning how to lose weight fast naturally is all about finding out exactly which changes to make to the way you eat. When cutting carbs, it is best to fill up on proteins. Proteins allow your body to find a new energy source, instead of relying on the sugars broken down from the carbs.

When looking for protein to add to your diet, consider beef, salmon, eggs, and chicken. Another great alternative to boosting your protein intake is to eat protein bars or throw in whey protein powder with your drinks and meals.

3. Sleeping Well Keeps the Weight Off

Getting the proper amount of sleep is seriously underrated. If you truly want to live a healthier life, it’s time to start honing in on your sleeping habits. With the right amount of rest, your body has time to recover from the stress of each day, allowing you to focus on perfecting your diet and fitness routine.

Similarly, with less sleep, you will be more prone to making poor decisions when it comes to healthy choices. A sleep-deprived version of you may be more likely to run to the McDonald’s for a quick bite in the morning instead of having your smoothie with your morning run.

4. Get Into Regular Exercise

As you continue to learn how to lose weight fast naturally, you’ll want to start finetuning your exercise routine. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that staying healthy requires a minimum of exercising three times each week.

how to lose weight fast naturally

Committing to exercise doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym. For your workout, consider doing cardio like running or walking at home and around your neighborhood. Building a consistent routine that you can follow every day will help you maintain your weight loss. With consistency, you will be able to clearly see the results of your fitness efforts and lose weight fast.

5. Choose Higher Quality Foods

Ever satisfy a food craving only to soon realize that your body isn’t enjoying it? For this reason, as well as wondering how to lose weight fast naturally, you’ll want to get into the habit of choosing higher quality foods. With all, of the work you have done with detoxing and routine fitness, filling your body with low-grade meals will undo all of your hard work.

Choosing meals that are made with key ingredients and higher grade foods will allow you to feel great and lose weight fast. Consider cooking most of your meals yourself or opting for a weekly meal service. Knowing how your meals are made and where the ingredients come from will allow you to make healthier choices about your body.

Weight Loss is About Building the Best You

Weight loss is so much more than running endlessly on the treadmill. Getting the body you want starts with making a major shift in your mindset and lifestyle. As you start to make key changes to your diet and routine, you’ll notice that your weight loss journey is quickly gaining momentum.

By introducing these five strategies into your life, you’ll be able to give your body and mind a major overhaul. Remember, while you won’t see your weight loss results immediately, you will instantly be able to feel a change, and that means that you’re on the right path.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Drink Your Coffee When On A Keto Diet

If you’re like thousands of Americans, you dread any lifestyle or diet that dares to take away your caffeine. In nearly every food-based lifestyle, mixed opinions arise on caffeine consumption—keto included. Weeding through study data and deciphering medical and scientific jargon can be a headache-inducing, especially when you’re all looking for a simple and definitive answer.

Can you have caffeine while on keto? Yes, you can, but there are ways to maximize nutrition and positive benefits to work with your keto lifestyle.

Benefits of Caffeine 

Caffeine consumption can benefit your health. It’s a mood enhancer, reduces depression, and it might offer protection against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Other benefits can include:
Liver protection
Cancer risk reduction
Skin protection
MS risk reduction
Prevents gout
Promotes a healthy gut

Coffee and Keto 

Adding coffee for weight loss to your daily diet might help you achieve your goals quicker. For instance, caffeine can increase your metabolism by up to 11% and your fat burning potential by up to 13%. This translates into your ability to burn about 79 extra calories per day.

Caffeine also promotes using fat as fuel, which is part of the science behind a keto diet. The glucose stored in your muscles can also last longer, which delays muscle fatigue and exhaustion. Coffee, specifically, works as an appetite suppressant and can be useful as an in-between meal beverage or added to meals/keto-approved snacks.

butter coffee

Keto-Friendly Brews 

Taking it black is certainly keto friendly, but let’s face it, only a handful of people can palate it. You can safely add up to two tablespoons of heavy cream and a keto-approved sweetener without compounding your carb count. Restaurants vary on what they have on hand. Don’t hesitate to ask questions. This beverage is easy to order while you’re on the go or make at home too.

Optimizing Your Coffee Intake for Weight Loss 

Consuming coffee for weight loss at home is easy. Dave Asprey created the original bulletproof recipe because, after reading studies, he believed the production and nutrition were important to maximize the health benefits of coffee.

His recipe uses Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT). What are MCTs? They’re medium chain fatty acids that provide you with energy, satiate hunger, and aids in burning excess calories and digestion. You’ll find them in coconut oil and animal milk. They also have a laxative effect, so if you’ve never used them before, slowly introduce them into your diet.

Bulletproof Coffee (BPC) Recipe—Net Carbs 0.1g 

  • One cup coffee, freshly brewed
  • 1 tbsp. grass-fed butter, unsalted
  • 1 tbsp. virgin coconut oil or MCT oil of choice

Place all ingredients in a heatproof jar (for immersion method) or blender and blend until well combined and frothy.

Bulletproof Substitutions 

If you can’t tolerate dairy, you can substitute all coconut oil or use virgin coconut butter. You will benefit from MCTs, but it might not be as frothy as using butter.

You can choose a natural caffeine-free variety, such as hickory. Matcha and chai recipes do well with the bulletproof method for those who prefer tea or want a change. The bulletproof method also works in smoothies, shakes, dressings, and keto-friendly ice cream recipes.

dangers of a ketogenic diet

Caffeine Concerns 

Caffeine isn’t for everyone. Some people will metabolize caffeine more slowly, have a sensitivity, or they experience adverse side effects. Others might be on medications that don’t mix well with caffeine. You can also consume too much caffeine and negate the health benefits according to research.

How much is too much? The opinion varies, but any consumption beyond 400mg is excessive. This equals about four cups a day.

Common Caffeine Beverage Contents in 8oz a serving:

Brewed Tea—40-120mg
Yerba mate—65-130mg
Decaf coffee—3-12mg

You can enjoy your caffeine on keto, but you’ll have to be careful with carb counts in additives, such as sweeteners and milk. Adding bulletproof methods to your daily caffeine consumption can increase its natural benefits while optimizing your nutrient absorption and keeping you satiated. Don’t give up something you enjoy that’s not only good for you, but also good for your keto lifestyle.

Reasons to drink coffee everyday

10 Positive Things To Remember When You Are Feeling Negative

It is a no-brainer that taking care of your physical health is a necessity in our lives. Have you ever considered, though, the importance of taking care of your emotional or mental health as well? Many of us neglect one of the most important parts of our lives and wonder why we end up in such an unhappy place.

To take care of our emotional needs and ensure a happier version of yourself, all you have to do is spend a little bit of time focusing on you. There are a number of books available for you to read but these resources will not make you immune to the hard parts of life. It is inevitable that in life we will have good days and bad days, but to help ourselves feel better we have to focus on the positive aspects of our day and of our lives.

Here are 10 positive things to remember when you are feeling negative.

1. Challenges Help To Mold You

No one wants to admit that going through hard times will help you become a better person. Once you are on the other side of the hurdle life has thrown in your path, you will look back and see that each challenge you went through was designed to help you become a stronger person. No matter how hard things seem to be, just remember that once you overcome it you will be better off.

2. You Are Stronger Than You Think

You need to take a step back and consider how strong you are to be handling your current situation. Some things to remember are that we have to dig deep and find the strength to carry on, but the deeper you dig, the more strength you will find. Trusting in your strengths will allow you to face your challenges with positivity and confidence.

3. Consider Your Challenge an Opportunity

Sometimes when we get bogged down with the trials of life, we often think to ourselves that the whole world is out to get us. This is not a realistic mindset and if you aren’t careful you can wind up making matters worse for yourself by overthinking the situation. Once you look at your negative situation ahead of you with a new perspective, you will see that it is an opportunity to become better in all different areas of life — your job, your family life, financially, etc.

4. Be Careful What You Think

Some things to remember as we face hard times is we can all become our worst enemy by spending too much time overthinking a situation. The more we think about something in a negative light, the harder it is going to be to find some positivity in the situation. Spend your time focusing on positive things and you will feel so much better.

5. Find Your Inner Strength

Something that will help you through your trials and challenges is remembering that you are not the first one to go through whatever it is you are dealing with, and you surely won’t be the last. Believe in yourself to get through this tough spot and focus on the outcome rather than dwelling on the current situation. When you have a goal you are working towards, you are more likely to succeed.

6. Fall In Love With Yourself

When we are dealing with negativity, it is easy to think that you will never get through the current situation you are facing. A great way to change your mood from negative to positive is to remember that YOU are in control of your life. If you don’t like the person you currently are, simply change. You need to love the person you are and if that means changing some things, then so be it.

7. You Are Not Alone

One of the best ways to overcome hard times is to lean on the people around you. Finding strength in others will help you to gain perspective and persevere. Whether it is a co-worker, family member or close friend, lean on them for comfort and support and always remember that you are not alone.

being alone


8. Don’t Be So Sensitive

Another aspect among the list of things to remember is that challenging times have a way of making us hypersensitive to everything around us. One of the best things you can do is simply chill out and relax. The more relaxed you are, the better your chances are of making a negative situation a positive one and focus on the positive things.

9. Know That You Might Fail

One of the best things to remember is that no one is perfect and sometimes the outcome of a situation does not go how we think it should go. Being open to failure will lower your expectations and help you to be more open-minded about situations you will face in the future. Failure does not mean it is the end of everything, it simply means you need to stand up and continue to try hard in the future.

10. Trust Your Strength To Overcome

When we take a step back and trust our inner strength to shine and have the willpower to overcome, we are going to be strengthened and more positive overall. Once we are aware of our weaknesses, we can become a better person and face our negative situations with more positivity.

It is no secret that overcoming negativity is a challenging thing to do, but with some motivation and encouragement, you can do anything you set your mind to do! The best way to handle a negative situation is to focus on the positive elements and push through to the other side.

8 Ways to Let Go and Move On After A Breakup

Trying to let go after someone has hurt you is no easy task. However, this process encourages both resilience and self-confidence. Mastering techniques to let go of past relationship mistakes and forgive yourself is easier than it may seem.

The writer Lewis B. Smedes once said that “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” You are more than worthy of being set free! Above all, be gentle with yourself. Honor the time it takes to let go of a bad relationship and reflect on what you’ve learned. You’re much stronger for it.

Here are 8 ways to let go and move on after a breakup:

1. Adopt a Mantra

Try finding a phrase, or set of phrases, that you can repeat anytime you want to move on from a painful breakup. It’s a great way to let go of any previous difficulties and stay focused on the present. Some of these phrases can include reminding yourself that “I am still breathing” and that “I am strong.” These quotes affirm for yourself that you are able to let go.

2. Change Your Diet

The stress of a breakup can cause unhealthy eating habits. You don’t have to fall into that stereotype! Allow your emotional healing extend to the physical by avoiding junk food.

3. Practice Compassion

It’s right there in the Golden Rule, which has been found within almost every culture: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Don’t lash out because you’ve been mistreated, but that doesn’t mean being a doormat, either. Again, it’s about strengthening your sense of self-worth, which may have been damaged by the way your partner treated you.

4. Avoid Social Media

Hit that unfriend button and unfollow your ex on any other social media apps that you had in common. This is one of the most direct ways to let go of past relationships. Out of sight, out of mind! You might feel tempted to just do “one quick check” from time to time. Be disciplined and have someone hold you accountable if you feel yourself slipping and unable to let go of that habit.

5. Don’t Seek Them Out Offline, Either

This may be hard if you and your former partner met through hobbies that you both still enjoy, or if you share a workplace. However, try to minimize your time with them at these events as much as possible. Be civil if you do cross paths, but don’t go out of your way to interact. Let go of painful memories you may associate with those events. Take ownership of your experience; your ex can’t influence your enjoyment!

let go

6. Take Time for Yourself

Breaking up can actually be quite freeing. You no longer have to answer for anyone but yourself. Recognize this freedom by making a list of everything you can do now that you’re single. This could be as small as renting a movie you’ve always wanted to see, or visiting a local museum that you love. It could also be a major life decision such as moving to a new city, or even a new country! A breakup might mean the end of a relationship, but you should also think of it as your new beginning.

7. Keep a Diary

It might seem counter-intuitive to keep a record of a painful experience. However, getting it all down on paper, or a digital journal, has mental health benefits. It keeps you from overthinking about what might have gone wrong. You have a clear visual of what your thought process was at the time, which can help you avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

8. Find a Support Network

This can take many different forms. It could be a professional, such as a therapist who’s trained to help you let go of past fears. Other networks could be more personal: friendships, family members, or other loved ones. That second category can strengthen connections that may have languished while you were in the midst of a toxic relationship.

It’s important to remember that moving on from a bad relationship is not always an instantaneous process. Don’t get frustrated if you’re not over it right away. However, adopting these suggestions can help you recover from a breakup more quickly.

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