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10 Ways To Make A Man Fall In Love

It takes less than one second to fall in love with someone. If you’re smitten with a guy, it can be frustrating to feel like you’re going unnoticed. However, you can’t hope to get their attention unless you’re willing to put yourself out there. Getting someone to fall for you can’t be done through force or mind-willing, but you can make it possible through consistent effort.

When trying to get someone to fall for you, it’s important to understand and respect their boundaries. No healthy relationship can be formed through deception and manipulation. These are ten easy ways to make a guy fall in love with you.

1. Be yourself

It might be one of the most clichéd sayings, but it’s certainly true. If you want to get someone to fall for you, it’s crucial that you show them who you really are. If you’re afraid of being yourself around them now, it’s going to be even more difficult as you get closer to one another.

2. Be a good person

Most everyone fancies themselves as a good person, but have you ever taken the time to really evaluate your moral compass? Having good intentions is not the same as being a good person. Your actions speak louder than your words. So, make sure you’re actually doing things that you’re proud of.

3. Solicit their help

People love feeling that they’re valued. There’s no better way to show someone you appreciate them than by enlisting their help. Ask them for a favor or for their advice on a difficult situation and see if they are drawn to you more.

4. Be confident

If you want a guy, you need to show it. You shouldn’t be yelling in the streets about how much you love them, but you should put yourself out there. Talk to them whenever you get a chance. Take initiative by asking them out or complimenting their clothes. You want to show that you’re willing to take a leap of faith.

5. Be their friend

It’s rare to have a strong relationship that goes straight into romance without a platonic introduction. To get someone to be in love with you, it’s important to show them that you are someone who cares for them. You should have fun with them and be willing to let your guard down. Relationship coach Chris Armstrong says that “being in love is about the physical connection we make with someone, sprinkled in with what limited intellectual and emotional connection we’ve made with them.” Keep this in mind as you look for love.

in love

6. Be a good listener

Being in love with someone means that you should care about what they have to say. Don’t make it all about you. It’s very likely that you’ll be eager to share about yourself, but you should also remember that they have things to share about themselves. It should be an even distribution of information shared between both parties.

7. Look them in the eyes

Eye contact is such an overlooked aspect of courting. When you give someone eye contact, you don’t necessarily say that you’re in love with them, but you do suggest that you are highly interested in them. They should hopefully return the eye contact and help spark a mutual attraction.

8. Look good

Everyone is beautiful, but not everyone knows how to show off their beauty. If you want to catch a guy’s attention, you need to work on your appearance. Make sure your clothes fit well and are well-matched. You should also be well-groomed, making your hair and nails look great.

9. Consider similarities

While opposites attract, there needs to be enough common ground between you and the guy to get him in love with you. Think about all the ways that you are alike. It could be a shared hobby or a friend in common. This can be a great branching off point and way to get closer.

10. Let him court you

When you put your bait out for a fish, you should be patient and wait for them to bite. Similarly, getting a guy to fall for you means you should trust your instincts. If he is keen on your signals, you just have to wait for him to reciprocate them.

Getting a guy in love with you should not be rushed. It’s important to take your time with each expert and trust yourself. You want to be considerate, not only to them but to yourself. Take things one step at a time and let yourself enjoy the journey of romance.

14 Natural Pain Killers That are Scientifically Proven

Traditional medicine doesn’t always involve natural methods, but research shows natural pain killers are helpful.

In fact, many doctors say that natural pain killers can help with lower back pain, toothaches, headaches, arthritis, and other painful situations.

The National Center for Health Statistics explains that chronic pain affects more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Around 11% of adults suffering from chronic pain, and another 25% suffer from pain that lasts more than 24 hours. Plus, nearly 18% of adults suffer from severe pain regularly.

Traditional pain relief methods often require a pill that alters your brain chemistry. When abused, they can cause hospitalization, overdose, coma, dependence, or death. The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine lists the most common treatments for chronic pain relief as:

  • antidepressants
  • anticonvulsants
  • muscle relaxants
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • opioids

With the potential dangers of traditional pain killers, choosing from the below variety of natural pain killers is safer and healthier. Many herbs and spices reduce pain levels, and other natural methods such as acupuncture and yoga are beneficial, too.

Try These Fourteen Natural Pain Killers

Interested in learning the best natural pain relief options? Try some of these fourteen home remedies for pain.

natural pain killers1. Willow Bark

Willow bark can help ease inflammation that causes aches and pains. The bark contains salicin, which is a chemical that is similar to the main ingredient in aspirin.

You can find willow bark as a dried herb that you can brew into tea. You can consume it as a liquid supplement or in capsule form. Willow bark helps with headaches, lower back pain, and symptoms of osteoarthritis. It can also alleviate severe knee and hip pain.

Taking too much willow bark can cause problems, though, so be careful that you take the right amount. Otherwise, it can cause an upset stomach, decrease kidney function, prolong bleeding time, and increase the risk of bleeding.

2. Turmeric

Curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric, contains pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an antioxidant that helps protect your body from free radicals that can damage cells and tissues. Research shows that when compared with other pain relief methods, turmeric was more effective.

Turmeric can help with pain caused by inflammation, including pain from arthritis. It can also help with pain associated with autoimmune disorders and tendonitis.

3. Cloves

Cloves can help relieve pain from headaches, arthritic inflammation, and toothaches. You can add ground cloves to meat, rice dishes, pies, and other foods. Additionally, you can consume cloves in capsule form, powder, or oil.

Eugenol is a natural pain reliever and an active ingredient in cloves. It is often found in over-the-counter pain rubs. You can rub it on your tooth and gums to ease a toothache until you can get to your dentist.

4. Acupuncture

Researchers at the World Health Organization have found that acupuncture is effective in nearly 96% of chronic pain situations. It helps most with lower back pain and headaches, two of the leading causes of chronic pain. Acupuncture can also help with migraines.

Acupuncture involves having needles placed just beneath your skin at your pressure points. The thin needles might be placed far from where you feel the pain, but this is because it affects your internal energy.

In some cases, acupuncture can make the pain disappear entirely, and other times it’ll subside drastically. Acupuncture can alter the pathways that go from your body to your brain and perceive pain. As the neural pathways become balanced, your body will release serotonin, making you feel better and experience less pain.

5. Essential Oils

Essential oils are known to help with many ailments and are one of them. You can inhale them through aromatherapy, add them to your massage oil, or dilute them and apply them to your skin.

Before applying oil to your skin, test a small area to ensure you don’t negatively react. Some of the essential oils that are natural pain killers include:

  • peppermint oil
  • rosemary
  • lavender

6. Massage Therapy

High-quality massages can promote blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and boost overall feelings of wellness. Massage therapy manipulates your muscles, tendons, and ligaments, helping reduce pain naturally.

Make sure to choose a licensed massage therapist, as their professional massage will benefit you the most. While other massages might feel good, they don’t manipulate your body the way a professional can.

7. Meditation

Meditation comes in different forms, and finding the one that works best for you is essential. Some people find that listening to a pleasing sound, closing their eyes, and sitting comfortably while repeating the sound works best. If you try this approach, recognize when your thoughts wander and return to the sound.

Another meditation technique that can help relieve pain is guided imagery. Guided imagery involves imagining yourself in a better place. You will use hearing and internalizing suggestions to help devalue pain signals.

natural pain killers8. Cold Compress

Applying an ice pack or cold compress can reduce swelling and inflammation. When your pain is due to a strained muscle, tendon, or ligament, the swelling and inflammation could be responsible for the discomfort. If you have a headache, you can hold a cold pack to your head for a few minutes to reduce the pain.

For pain in other areas, apply a cold pack to the painful area for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then, wait about two hours before you do it again. When you put the cold compress on your skin, put a layer of cloth between the ice and your skin.

9. Warm Compress

Sometimes, a warm compress is better than a cold compress. Once the inflammation is gone, you might experience stiffness after a sprain or strain. When this happens, a warm compress can help reduce the stiffness and help regain motion without intense pain.

If your pain is due to arthritis, applying a warm compress to the affected joint can help reduce pain. A warm compress will also help with muscle spasms, but avoid heat if you have any swelling in the area.

10. Dry Heat Therapy

Since warm compresses typically create moisture, some people prefer dry heat therapy. Another benefit to dry heat therapy is that you can apply heat more often this way, too. You can use heat packs or an adhesive back wrap that offers continuous heat without getting anything wet.

11. Anti-inflammatory Diets

Studies show that an anti-inflammatory diet can stop pain progression and improve pain tolerance. If your pain is related to obesity, osteoarthritis, or blood sugar, changing your diet can help significantly.

As you switch to a healthier diet, you don’t have to worry that your food options will be limited. There are plenty of  to choose from, including:

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • legumes
  • nuts
  • fatty fish
  • healthy oils
  • whole grains
  • beans
  • unsaturated fats

12. Sleep

Without enough sleep, your pain tolerance will be lower, and you won’t heal as quickly from injury. Work on getting more sleep at night by making some simple lifestyle changes, and you will notice that your pain subsides. If you are prone to overthinking at night or struggle with insomnia, there are ways to remedy the problem.

Find some activities that make you feel calm and relaxed. Exercise before bed, practice meditation, or do anything else that slows your mind and body. As you improve your sleep health, you will notice a significant improvement in your pain management.

13. Exercise

Exercise can help relieve chronic pain by altering the neural pathways of your brain. The pain causes them to become out of sync, and exercise can fix the problem. Exercise helps release your endorphins, which are natural painkillers produced in your body.

Endorphins bind to the opioid receptors in your brain and block your perception of pain. If you promote increased production of these hormones, your pain will naturally subside. You will also experience feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.

Any activity that gets your blood pumping for a sustained period counts as exercise. Consider things like:

  • yoga
  • running or jogging
  • walking at a brisk pace
  • playing tennis
  • swimming

14. Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a natural phenol produced by several plants when the plant is injured or under attack. Researchers discovered that some of the properties found in resveratrol help with pain regulation on a cellular level.

If you want to use this for pain relief, you can find it in grapes, red wine, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, and peanuts. You can also find resveratrol supplements to help increase your intake.

natural pain killersFinal Thoughts on Natural Pain Killers That are Scientifically Proven

Suffering from pain can be debilitating and interfere with your daily life. It can interfere with your ability to live a fulfilling life, and you could miss out on so much. Natural pain relievers can help you alleviate the pain until you can see a doctor, and sometimes they can eliminate the pain.

Don’t give up if one of the natural pain remedies doesn’t work for you. What works for some people might not work for others, so keep working your way through the pain-relieving tips. Once you find one that works for you, use it in place of traditional pain relievers.

10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain Naturally

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States (and quite possibly, globally). Arthritis pain can be quite severe, as can other symptoms of arthritis, including joint swelling, stiffness, and limited range of motion. The condition is considered debilitating because arthritis pain can make it difficult to perform even the most basic daily tasks.

In this article, we are going to talk about how to relieve arthritis pain naturally. The following ten suggestions include both home remedies and natural remedies. Implementing even one of the following natural ways to relieve arthritis pain can make a big difference in your life or that of someone you love.

Here are ten scientifically proven ways to relieve arthritis pain naturally:

“Over 50 million Americans have arthritis, making it the number one cause of disability in the country. That means 1 in every 5 adults, 300,000 children, and countless families.” – The Arthritis Foundation

1. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.

It comes as no surprise that the food we eat affects our inflammation levels. Soda (or any other form of sugar), processed meats, and refined carbs all trigger an exacerbated inflammatory response. Avoid these.

There are also foods that have the opposite effect in that they lower inflammation and suppress the inflammatory response. Such foods include dark leafy green veggies, fatty fish, olive oil, seeds and legumes, and fruits like blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and oranges.

2. Try aromatherapy.

Certainly, aromatherapy is becoming increasingly popular among arthritis pain patients. Studies show that sniffing certain scents, including eucalyptus, ginger, helichrysum, lavender, orange oil, and vanilla, produces a measurable inflammatory-inhibiting response in the body.

Dr. Oz states, “Aromatherapy is effective because it works directly on the amygdala, the brain’s emotional center.” The stress response ingrained in us all can cause a bout of inflammation and contribute to arthritis symptoms.

3. Make a homemade heat pad.

Want to know a cool, cheap, and simple way to relieve arthritis pain? All you need is a cotton sock and some rice! Take a sock, fill it halfway with uncooked rice and tie a knot in the top of the sock to seal it. Put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, and then allow it to cool a bit. Finally, place it on the affected area for about 30 minutes.

Rice is an excellent heating ingredient because, unlike other solids like ice and foam, it can adjust its shape to any part of your body.

4. Drink some green tea.

The polyphenols within green team act as anti-inflammatories. In a study conducted by researchers at Case Western Reserve University, mice that were given green tea instead of water were “much less likely” to develop arthritis even after receiving an arthritis-inducing compound. Additionally, these elements in green tea may prevent cartilage damage and improve the immune response.

5. Try some turmeric.

The active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, is a potent anti-inflammatory compound. Curcumin is so powerful, in fact, that studies have shown that less than a teaspoon of turmeric reduces the same amount of pain as 800 to 1,000 milligrams (mg) of ibuprofen.

6. Get your vitamin C.

Vitamin C serves double duty by producing joint-stabilizing substances and destroying joint-harming free radicals. Studies regularly show that people with high vitamin C intake are at a much lower risk of developing arthritis. Because our bodies quickly absorb and excrete “C,” you’ll want to consume C-containing drinks and foods throughout the day rather than take one large dose.

7. Use canola oil.

If you’re the cooking type, bear in mind that your choice of oil can impact both the chances of developing arthritis and the severity of arthritis symptoms. A good rule of thumb is to choose canola oil over corn or other cooking oils, as the former contains a high concentration of omega-3s, which ease inflammation and relax the joints. Omega-6s, meanwhile, can induce an inflammatory response and make symptoms worse.

8. Add some spice.

The heavier spices, such as cayenne and garlic, possess properties that effectively stop the transmission of pain signals from the affected area to the brain. Dr. M. Elaine Husni, the vice-chair of rheumatology and director of arthritis and musculoskeletal center at the Cleveland Clinic, says that research shows certain spices actively reduce inflammation levels.

Black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and saffron are also considered effective anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing spices.

9. Get some sun.

Sunshine is the best natural source of vitamin D, which stimulates collagen production within the joints. Numerous studies have linked vitamin D deficiency with arthritis onset. Something quite exciting is that the body doesn’t need much sun exposure to get the levels of “D” it needs. Furthermore, getting outside for as little as 10 minutes, two or three times per week should be enough.

How sun affects your health

10. Check your allergies.

Per a study by researchers at the University of Oslo in Norway, individuals prone to allergic reactions or autoimmune disease are more likely to develop some types of arthritis. Food sensitivities may also play a role. A list of known foods that may induce inflammation include: beef, codfish, coffee, corn, dairy milk, eggs, oats, oranges, pork, rye, and wheat.

The typical culprit among all of many of these foods is a body chemical known that is linked to inflammation, known as arachidonic acid.

Final Thoughts

In summary, while arthritis remains a debilitating condition, there is hope. Try to maintain a positive attitude while you try the methods listed above. Additionally, keep in mind that certain methods will work better than others. If one doesn’t seem to have much of a positive effect, go on to the next. You can try many of these remedies at home, and also for little cost.


7 Easy Ways to Reduce Swelling Naturally

Our super-intelligent body is usually pretty good at monitoring and adjusting the flow of water. But, as we all know, sometimes our body likes to do its own thing. Usually, such autonomy is for our own good. Other times? Eh, not so much. Consider inflammation and swelling. Seeing yourself balloon up can be a bit shocking, even scary. More than that, swelling can be downright uncomfortable. And painful. It may even restrict your movement.

Doctors call swelling of the arms and legs peripheral edema. Edema occurs as the result of excess water kept in the body tissue. In most cases, this swelling of the legs and feet appears on both sides of the body. In such cases, it is not considered a medical emergency. The condition is usually temporary, and it goes away on its own.

But for others, edema can be a severe – and sometimes even life-threatening – health issue. In these rare cases, inflammation and swelling occur on one side of the body, with the face also affected. In such a scenario, it is critical to seek immediate medical care.

We’re going to focus on the usually harmless variety of inflammation and swelling. More specifically, we’re going to talk about ways to reduce swelling naturally!

Let’s go!

7 Ways to Reduce Swelling Naturally

“When it comes to swelling, it’s about management and getting through the days. There’s nothing that’s necessarily (therapeutic.)” – Georgeann Botek, DPM, Head of Podiatry and Medical Director at Cleveland Clinic

1. Try some magnesium!

Magnesium can assist with preventing or treating a variety of ailments, whether physical or psychological. “Mg” suppresses the stress hormone cortisol, which is responsible – at least in part – for conditions such as insomnia, diabetes, and obesity.

The Mayo Clinic reports that adding a 200- to 400-milligram magnesium supplement to your diet may effectively reduce inflammation caused by water retention.

2. Do some yoga (or exercise).

Stimulating blood flow is critical to the reduction of inflammation and swelling. Any light to moderate exercise will help kick your circulatory system into gear! Yoga has the added benefit of relaxing the mind as well as the body.

If you’re a beginner to yoga, it is beneficial to seek the advice of an experienced practitioner. Someone with advanced knowledge of the practice may be able to suggest poses that can help with swelling and inflammation.

3. Soak in a bath with Epsom salt.

Many people who naturally reduce swelling swear by Epsom salt bath soaks – and for a good reason. One ingredient, in particular, that’s found in Epsom salt – magnesium sulfate – is readily absorbed through the skin. This provides near-immediate relief of inflammation, swelling, and pain around the affected areas.

Most Epsom soak instructions call for a half-cup to a cup (depending on the size of the tub) mixed into with lukewarm water. Soak for 10 to 20 minutes daily to obtain maximum benefit.

4. Get a massage.

Just the thought of getting a massage is super relaxing, isn’t it? Gosh, it feels good!

Anyways, swelling is often the result of a buildup of waste products around a damaged area of the body. Massage therapists understand the ins and outs of both the causes of – and relief from – such damage. A big part of reducing the swelling is getting the blood, oxygen, and energy flowing back into the body. A massage is a wonderful way to do just that! Acupuncture has also shown to be useful in reducing swelling and inflammation.

(If you’re pregnant, you should seek out a therapist who specializes in prenatal massages.)

5. Elevate, elevate, elevate.

When it comes to swelling, gravity is not your friend! Ask anyone who works at a tough job that requires them to stand all day – a waitress or mechanic, for example. By the time work ends, some of these folks have a difficult time merely standing. That’s the swelling working in cohort with gravity. (It isn’t fun.)

Elevation, on the other hand, is your BFF. When you’re kicking back and relaxing at night, use some pillows to prop those legs up. Ideally, you want to elevate your legs just above your upper torso or a bit higher!

6. Take in some H2O.

Too much salt in the body is a big reason for the swelling. Gulping down some H2O can balance your sodium levels and flush out any excess. To add a twist, slice up some lemon or cucumber and drop two or three pieces into a cold glass of water. Both lemon and cucumber also contain a good dose of vitamins and possess potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Perhaps most important, drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day helps you feel better. It boosts circulation, sharpens thinking, and reduces stress.anxiety

7. Try compression socks.

Compression socks work by creating pressure around the lower legs. This, in turn, stimulates blood flow, which eases swelling, pain, and general discomfort. Compression socks can come up to your knees, thighs, or all the way up to the groin.

Do a bit of research or speak with your healthcare or wellness professional to get a personalized recommendation.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Are You Jealous Of Your Best friend? Here Is Why It’s A Waste Of Time

Stop running from your true feelings! If you sigh and foam at the mouth when you see your friend getting the attention that you crave, your problem is obvious. You’ve fallen victim to the spirit of jealousy. Since this spirit often finds a way into the hearts of men and women, you can rest assured that you’re not alone. More importantly, you’re not out of luck. It comes down to your ability to accept your reality. Sometimes, in life, what’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander, and this definitely applies to you and your friend. Now, don’t drown in your emotions! Just accept the fact that your journey won’t be filled with similar experiences and successes.

Why do you feel this way about your friend? Well, here’s a quote from Robert A. Heinlein: “A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.” Neurotic people are emotionally unstable or chronically anxious, and insecurity breeds a heightened sense of doubt and unworthiness. Ergo, you might envy him or her because, deep down, you’re truly unhappy with yourself. The good news is that jealous thoughts can’t dominate your mind if you have an adequate amount of self-value. The sooner you learn to love your unique self, the better.

Being jealous is a major hindrance to genuine happiness within a friendship, and this is why:

1. It ruins the bond and love.

If you allow those bitter feelings to persist, it’s only a matter of time before they cloud your judgment. This simply means you won’t view your pal in the same light. With each passing day, you’ll become more agitated and distant, and you’ll gradually forget how to be a good friend. Has this already happened? The spirit of jealousy is always on the prowl, seeking to destroy the bond of true friends.

2. It stirs up a whirlpool of problems.

When you’re jealous, you’re more likely to cause unnecessary problems because you’ll seethe for any reason. Even when you engage in playful banter with your buddy, you’ll probably get offended easily. Jealousy has the power to make you see the negative in every situation. Slowly but surely, your attitude will become too toxic for others to tolerate, so don’t be shocked if your text messages go unanswered. This is simply a consequence of being jealous. No one wants to spend time with a bitter person who’s snippy and combative.

3. It sends you in a downward spiral.

Once you allow jealousy to gain a foothold in your life, hang on! You’re going on the wildest ride whether you want to or not. This spirit is hard to rein in because it randomly activates all your emotions. For instance, after watching your friend score the winning goal, you’ll jump up and down with everyone else, but you’re simply going through the motions to hide how you truly feel. Your joy will quickly turn into sheer hate. Thankfully, you don’t have to go out of your way to stop being jealous because the solution involves looking within.


How to Overcome Jealousy

First and foremost, you have to understand that one-size-fits-all solutions don’t work when you’re dealing with emotions. To get rid of your jealous ways, the key is to hit the reset button, and we’re talking about the one that controls how you feel. This will be easy to do if you stop looking for answers in our flawed society. According to the rest of the world, the focus belongs on wealth, material possessions and physical appearances. That’s why you may think you’re inferior to your friend who has natural beauty, an extravagant lifestyle and many admirers. Society will leave anyone with a warped outlook on things, especially success. What you need is some time alone. A little introspection can go a long way toward helping you to realize your true potential. After all, you’re awesome in your own way. Once you gain a better understanding of who you are and what you can do, you’ll finally be able to look at your friend without being green with envy.

When you start to feel like your buddy is overshadowing you, don’t rant and rave inside your head if your goal is to overcome jealousy for good. Try working on yourself instead. There’s always room for improvement. If you clear your mind of the negativity, you just might come to this realization: You’re wasting your precious time and energy by being jealous of your best friend.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs You Are In Love With A Hopeless Romantic

Love is a wonderful thing. There are many ways in which love can enhance your life. However, there are hopeless romantics out there who just have a skewed version of life and love. Those who think that love and romance are a power that will solve everything in life can be difficult to be around. If you are in love with a hopeless romantic, it can be an even bigger problem.

Here are seven signs that you are in love with a hopeless romantic.

They are constantly daydreaming

One of the biggest signs of a hopeless romantic is that they are constantly daydreaming about love and romance. While thinking of your love life can be good from time to time, you should spend most of your day working towards having a better future.

Romantic flicks are easily their favorite types of movies

Another one of the signs of a hopeless romantic is their choice in movies. If cheesy romantic chick flicks are their favorite type of movies, they may be a hopeless romantic. It is ok to tell your lover that you would rather watch some action movies from time to time. You don’t need to subject yourself to sappy romance movies every time you turn on your TV for a night in.

They fell for you too quickly or believe in love at first sight

It can be scary when your partner is moving too quickly. If they became attached to you far too early, it may be a sign that they are a hopeless romantic. There are things that you can do to identify this. Ask them if they believe in love at first sight. Their answer to this question will show you a lot about the way they view romance. You can introduce them to a more logical way of looking at love. This may help them to have a healthier and more realistic view of the progression of your relationship.

Your partner thinks you are their soulmate

When you look at the odds, out of nearly 7.5 billion people, it is very unlikely that you have only one soulmate out there. While it can be a cute sentiment, it also puts a lot of pressure on you when your partner thinks that you are “the one.” You need to explain to your partner that it makes you uncomfortable that they would think you are their soulmate. While this may be hard for them to take at first, it will sink in and make your relationship more grounded in reality.

Their expectations for your relationship are extremely high

It can be exhausting when your partner has extremely high expectations for your relationship. This is one thing that hopeless romantics don’t understand that they are doing to your relationship. Trying to put your relationship on the same plane as a fictional relationship is just never going to happen. When their expectations are too high, you need to help them understand what it is like to be in a real relationship. There will be hardships. It isn’t always going to be like it is in the movies.

Believing fate played a role in your relationship is a regular conversation topic

While it can be cute to think that fate has some role to play in you two being together, if you hear this over and over again, it is going to get a little old. Look, choices are really what determine your life. The two of you decided to be together. When a hopeless romantic keeps talking about fate, it can start making you question whether or not they appreciate all of the hard work that you have put into the relationship.

love quote


It is way too easy to make them cry

Have you caught your partner crying to inspirational videos on YouTube far too often? This might be a sign that they are hopelessly romantic. The smallest things can make your partner cry and this might make for an emotionally unstable relationship. It is important that your partner understands there is a time and a place for tears. If they are coming out all of the time, they might not mean as much during the really difficult or really wonderful times of life.

These are just a few of the many signs that you may be in love with a hopeless romantic. While it is difficult to be in love with one of these individuals, it doesn’t have to be a deal breaker. You can talk with your partner about how you can have a more stable and realistic relationship. Just like anything in life, it will take a lot of time and effort to make your relationship work. With the right amount of effort, the two of you can go on to live a very happy life together.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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