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Essential Oils For Hair : 8 Best Essential Oils For Hair Growth

Your hair is not something that should be left on its own. It may seem like there is nothing more that you can do for your hair — it has its own glands that produce sebum to layer it and protect it from external weather conditions. However, this is not the case. The health of our hair is greatly compromised by the frequent use of shampoos that wash away the protective oil from it and all other weather conditions such as the sunrays, wind, and hard water.

Anyone who has decided to grow their hair long knows that the task is unaccomplishable without the use of oil masks. Certain essential oils are better at sealing the hair shaft, moisturizing hair, and improving the follicle strength to give you a hair that is shiny and durable in all environments.

8 Best Essential Oils For Hair Growth

Here are the best essential oils you can include in your hair maintenance regiment to see wild results.

Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass is a pleasant-smelling herb that is effective in cleaning and deodorizing besides its other healing properties. The essential oil of lemongrass fortifies hair follicles and soothes any inflammation that the scalp may be experiencing. Using lemongrass for dandruff improves the condition after just 7 days. Removing irritants, like dandruff-causing fungus, is the first step to promoting hair growth.

Clary Sage Oil

The clary sage is used for reducing the scalp inflammation and maintaining natural oil production. These two factors are a precursor to good hair growth. Besides this, the oil is natural stress-reliever. It is proven that stress is the main internal cause of hair loss.

Cedarwood Oil

One of the essential oils for hair growth is the oil from a cedar tree. It improves circulation to the follicles, which provides more nutrients for hair growth to the scalp. If you want to have thicker hair, this essential oil can do that as well.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is that great-smelling scent you remember from your favorite toothpaste. The essential oil from the plant is magical when it comes to promoting hair growth. The oil increases the follicle numbers and depth because of its stimulating and antiseptic properties on the scalp.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil makes your hair shiny and soft. The soothing properties of this oil rid the scalp of irritation and inflammation. The oil gently cleanses pollutants from the skin on the scalp and protects it from environmental factors. Unlike other oils, chamomile essential oil is non-greasy, so you can use it as a leave-in conditioner for your hair.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary is the best oil for increasing hair thickness and promoting hair growth. The compounds inside the oil increase the production of new cells. This promotes healing of damaged hairs and helps new ones grow in their place. Rosemary essential oil is used as one of the main remedies for balding hair. This is due to the antioxidants that promote blood circulation to balding spots while stimulating the hair follicles to grow and multiply.

Lavender Oil

A favorite oil of all times with an incredible aroma is lavender oil. The oil is notorious for its hair-growth properties. It increases hair follicles and makes them grow in deeper. This thickens the thermal layer of the scalp making the hair follicles less susceptible to being pulled out. The soothing and antiseptic properties of lavender heal and soothe the skin on the scalp from any fungal or bacterial infections that may be contributing to poor hair growth.

essential oils

Thyme Oil

Thyme oil is one of the most potent essential oils out there. Highly aromatic and strong, the oil is excellent for disinfecting skin and hair from damaging factors like fungus, bacteria, or environmental pollutants. Because it is so pungent, the oil increases blood flow towards the scalp to improve the feeding of the hair follicles. Once enough blood is brought to them, the follicles can do their job and grow out new hair faster.

Using Essential Oils

It is important to remember that essential oils are highly concentrated products from plants that are already potent enough. To use them as a massaging therapy, dilute the oils with a carrier oil. A good carrier oil would be one that is non-irritating to our skin. Good examples of carrier oil are jojoba, coconut, and olive oil. Start out with 2-3 drops for the stronger oils into a carrier oil, and work our way up to see what is the maximum concentration that does not irritate your skin. You can also add a few drops of an essential oil into your shampoo or conditioner to reap their beneficial effects.


Once you dilute the essential oils into a carrier oil, you have the safest and most natural remedy for your hair. You will notice results after the first times of using the oils, and as time goes by, your hair will finally be able to achieve the length and look that you have always desired. It is not all about genes — sometimes, it is more about care and nourishment.

11 Things to Never Brag About

There’s a fine line between confidence and conceit, and positive thinking won’t help clear that fine line. Confidence is when you know you can take action, step up, deliver, and get the job done. Conceit, on the other hand, is a coverup for insecurities and ego, so you tend to brag about yourself. Being boastful, however, isn’t the mark of a truly mature person. Here are several things you shouldn’t brag about because it’s not polite. And, you could turn off people.

Here Are 11 Things to Never Brag About to Other People

“Bragging about yourself violates norms of modesty and politeness – and if you were really competent, your work would speak for itself.” – Adam Grant

1. Your promotion at work

If there are a few things to not brag about, one of the most important is your promotion at work. Yes, it is inspiring and positive to see a person take pride in their work. Additionally, if you’re a hardworking person, then you do deserve a recognition for your efforts. But the only people that might care about your promotion and your awesome place of work are family members and really close friends who only want you to be happy.

Remember that many people are stuck in a job they don’t particularly like but still have to do because they need to provide for their needs.  Besides, if you tell people you’re doing better now because of your promotion, they might wonder why you don’t offer to pick up the tab at the bar and resent you even more.

2. How you quit your old job

Sure, your former boss might have been the worst and you might have had your “Jerry Maguire” moment when you marched out of your office with your head held high. But bragging about that time you quit your job isn’t something to boast about, especially in this financial climate. There are plenty of people who cannot afford to quit the way you did, so this is a story you should never go around telling people who don’t know you that well.

3. The car you drive

Only teenage boys brag about the car they drive to look cool. It’s “so not cool” for a grown adult to regularly posts photos of their tricked-out vehicles on social media. If you’re in a car enthusiasts group, then it’s fine to share the new audio system or engine you’ve had installed within that circle. However, other people in your network will not understand why you’re always posting photos of your ride. To them, you’re not being an enthusiast; you’re being boastful. Executive life coach Peggy Klaus’s advice via The Cut is to tweak your social media settings to share your enthusiasm or success to a selected group of people only. In other circles, however, it’s definitely ones of the things to not brag about.

4. Your favorite sports team’s last win

Gloating about your favorite sports team’s recent win can annoy a lot of people. Your great support as a fan might be commendable but realistically speaking, team sports fans can be the worst type of braggarts. Those who really don’t care about the sport might wonder why you can’t stop talking about the win when you had no direct participation in the victory. Perhaps it’s best to share your pride and happiness only to people who have similar interests as yours so you won’t come off as arrogant.

5. How many intimate partners you’ve had

Some people can easily charm their way into striking a liaison with any person they fancy. These are the type of smooth operators who don’t talk about their prowess. A man who boasts about his conquests does not deserve any applause because nobody likes someone who kisses and tells. What happens in the bedroom needs to stay in the bedroom.

6. Your special significant other

Your closest friends and family will be happy you’ve found a lifetime partner, but people outside your immediate circle might find nothing significant about your new girl or new guy. It is wonderful if you believe in how lucky you are for finding such a great person, but it’s not necessary to pronounce this greatness. You’ll diminish your significant other’s worth if you keep telling the world he or she is special when you can simply embrace and enjoy what you have.

7. The success of other people

To be proud of the accomplishments of your children or other family members is natural. To constantly comment about the success of people you’re acquainted with, highlighting the role you played in that success, can be seen as bragging. If you always emphasize how you know these people or claim to be instrumental to their success, then it’s not their achievements that make you proud. In fact, psychologist Susan Krauss Whitbourne says this behavior violates social norms such as modesty.

8. How much you can handle alcohol

When you were 15, maybe it was fine to boast about how much alcohol you’ve had without passing out. When you’re an adult, talking about your drinking can be a sign of a serious alcoholism problem and that’s neither healthy nor cool.


9. Your nerd or geek credibility

There was a time when being a nerd or geek meant being a social outcast but today, these types of people are seen as a pretty chill and sophisticated lot. People with nerd or geek credibility are the go-to experts of stuff. You’ve got the movie geeks, the music nerds, the comic book and action figures experts, and so on. Some of these people, however, sometimes go too far and act like the only people authorized to discuss their favorite topics.  Such a dismissive behavior can be such a huge turn-off, according to experts in a study published in PLOS One.

10. The way you “tell it like it is”

You’re an upfront person who likes to tell it like it is. You’re not fond of filtering your thoughts because you believe that reality is harsh and the truth should not be sugar-coated. But to remind people and openly say you’re this way is actually telling people you are rude and ill-mannered – not something to brag about.

11. You did not vote in the last election

It’s your right not to vote. However, there must be at least one issue that’s important to you such as gun laws, health care, or the environment (even if you think that there wasn’t a good choice for a leader). Boasting that you did not vote might have sabotaged the potential change that can be done for these issues you care about.

Final thoughts

Dr. Whitbourne suggests that it’s better to take a self-depreciating stance when sharing the positive things in your life. People will get you more for being happy and proud if you’re not bragging.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Signs A Relationship Isn’t Going to Last (That Most People Don’t Realize)

It’s easy to get swept off your feet in a new relationship. But when the excitement fizzles out and the honeymoon phase is over, you can actually see signs that a relationship will work out for the long term. (If you pay attention in the beginning, those red flags will become deal-breakers.)  The signposts of a future breakup are many, but most people don’t realize what those look like.

So, we want to provide you with some things to look out for that signify a broken or ill-fated relationship.

Here Are 11 Signs A Relationship Isn’t Going to Last

“Find the strength inside yourself to value your own worth more than staying with someone who only keeps you down.” – Anonymous


1. You don’t talk about the future together.

One of the signs of a relationship not working is if you’ve been dating for a while but haven’t talked about your future. For instance, if you’ve been living together for 18 months but your partner refuses to discuss marriage, it could be a big red flag. If you didn’t have the “marriage” talk before moving in, you could be in a difficult position. Maybe you want marriage, and they don’t or visa versa. Have a difficult conversation and get on the same page. It’s better to find out now, than when you’re invested too deep.

2. You’ve been in the relationship just for the passion.

Passion has brought you together as a couple but what happens when that mellows down? If you haven’t experienced a strong connection in other areas, it won’t become long-term. For a new relationship to flourish, it needs to go beyond the physical connection. You should be emotionally and mentally connected as well. So, if you feel that you’re in this together for the passion only, it’s probably best to end the relationship because that kind of connection won’t last long.

3. There’s no honesty and openness.

Mature relationships allow partners to be forthcoming and open with each other because of their level of intimacy. It becomes a big problem when you hide stuff from your partner or when you feel you cannot be yourself. Psychologist Antonio Borrello told Huffington Post that hiding feelings can happen because there is no trust. It’s also possible someone is doing things incompatible with their ideas as a couple, so they bury the details. If this is the case, then the relationship doesn’t have a solid, strong foundation.

4. There are no fights, but no communication either.

You believe you’re in a blissful, stress-free relationship because you don’t fight. But you might not realize that fighting is a form of communication. It happens when couples are trying to reach a compromise together. Couples who don’t fight aren’t communicating their feelings. It’s a sign that they don’t want to work their conflicts out, which could signal the end of a relationship.

5. You don’t like your partner’s friends.

The company you keep defines who you are. People are usually drawn to make friends with folks who like the same things they like or have the same qualities they have. So, if you don’t like their friends, this can be one of the signs of breakup. Why? You’re likely going to discover more things about them that you might not like as well. Remember, friends reflect who you are.

6. You’ve developed similar interests but have not pursued others.

Partners, who love to do similar things ideally live happily together, right? When two people like the same stuff, it’s supposed to be positive, or at least that’s what everyone thinks. But relationship expert Erika Boissiere told Bustle that this isn’t always a good thing. If you’ve been doing the same things together and have stopped pursuing your separate and unique interests, then you could end up with a broken relationship. This implies too much dependency on your partner, which won’t allow you to grow and evolve into your own person.

7. There’s no empathy.

Your partner had a huge fight with their best friend, but you can’t understand why they’re so depressed about it. So, you become dismissive of their feelings. But the lack of empathy for what your partner is going through is another sign that the relationship won’t last. If you’re attuned to each other, you must be able to understand and imagine each other’s struggles since empathy is also a form of connectedness. If this feeling doesn’t exist, you’re in a broken relationship.

8. You don’t have decisions in the relationship.

Who always chooses where you eat or what movies you watch? In the beginning, always letting him pick the places might seem fine because it does feel good that he has taken care of these simple choices. But small choices do matter to your relationship if you’re trying to make it last for a long time. If your partner constantly dismisses your choices, that’s a sign that your opinion isn’t valued. This can hurt your connection with each other.

9. There’s no give and take.

In the same way as giving value to your choices, how often do you compromise? Who is always the first to make up and apologize when you have a misunderstanding? The romance can quickly burn out if there’s no give and take.  If you’ve been sacrificing your needs just to “compromise,” you will soon be drained and exhausted. The relationship will quickly end because it is already a broken one.

10. Your partner treats other people poorly.

People always put their best foot forward at the beginning of relationships, but you should always pay attention to your partner’s behavior towards other people. For example, how do they treat waiters? How do they act toward their parents or co-workers? If you’re in a long-term relationship with this person, you will have ups and downs. And when the love and affection aren’t there, how will they treat you? Your relationship might not have much of a shot if they’re this way.

11. You feel obligated to be with your partner.

If going out for dates feels like an obligation, consider this a sure sign the relationship isn’t going to last. When you have no energy and enthusiasm to be with them, other than because you think it’s your obligation, maybe it’s time to fess up and end things for good.
How To Deal With A Stubborn Partner In A Relationship

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Signs of a Relationship on the Wrong Track

There are many signs of an unhealthy relationship most people don’t realize, but these red flags can be dissolved if you discuss your issues with each other. If your partner is willing to talk and fix the issues, then you have a gleam of hope that you can pull through together.

4 Ways to Make Your Hormones Go Into Weight Loss Mode

Truth be told, losing weight – and keeping it off –  is one of the hardest things that a person can do. And the immense amount of misinformation pertaining to the subject makes it even more difficult. Not to mention those so-called health gurus promising the latest and greatest “weight loss secret,” usually by promoting their latest how-to-lose-weight-fast product. In other words, it’s more about profits and less about health – business as usual in the so-called weight loss industry.

At this point, it should be common knowledge that there’s more to weight loss (and weight gain) than “just eat right and exercise.” Again, it should be common knowledge, but it’s not.

Genetics, gut health, chronic inflammation, nutrient imbalances, environmental toxins … all of these things influence one’s ability to lose weight. Oh, there’s also the ‘small’ matter of balancing your hormones.

If you take nothing else away from this article, let it be this: all of the factors mentioned above are interconnected. While we will focus more on rebalancing hormones in this article, we’ll also provide some tips that account for all weight loss factors, including exercise and dietary habits.

Getting Your Hormones Into Weight Loss Mode

Hormonal imbalances are an oft-overlooked yet critical component of weight loss – primarily cortisol, insulin, thyroid, and sex hormones (including estrogen and testosterone.) Today, we’re going to discuss four ways to get these hormones into weight loss mode.

1. Get the right amount of nutrients.

It’s no mystery that the health of the thyroid gland is crucial to weight loss. Therefore, we must maintain our thyroid health. A big part of doing so is acquiring the right nutrition in the right amounts.

Hypothyroidism, also referred to as an underactive thyroid, is a disorder featuring the diminished production of the thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism affects approximately 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men. Too often, the condition goes undiagnosed.

One of the leading causes of hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency. The World Health Organization estimates that over 30% of the global population is iodine-deficient. Other nutrients that affect thyroid health include selenium, zinc, and iron.

  • Iodine food sources: seaweed, seafood,  dairy, soy, supplements
  • Zinc food sources: seafood, poultry, eggs, legumes, soy, supplements
  • Iron food sources: beans, legumes, iron-fortified cereals, tofu, supplements

Recommended Daily Intake (RDI): Iodine, 150 micrograms (mcg); zinc, 15 mg; iron,  17-19 milligrams for women, 19-20.5 for men.

2. Limit exposure to stress

A certain level of stress is to be expected. At the right levels, stress can even be healthy for us. However, it is common in today’s “get up and go” society to merely accept excess stress as part of life. This is a mistake – and a potentially costly one.

Prolonged exposure to stress leads to the activation of metabolic resistance pathways, often causing insulin resistance and weight gain. The culprit behind such physical and psychological changes is the hormone cortisol. While a critical hormone for awareness and survival, high cortisol levels disrupt the normal functioning of the metabolic system and slows digestion.

The solution? Avoid unnecessary stress. While everyone is different, commonly-shared stressors include:

  • Toxic people
  • Unfulfilling work
  • Inability to let go
  • Regrets about the past
  • Financial distress

While a couple of these may be beyond your control at the moment, you do have alternatives to accepting unnecessary stress. We’re going to talk about relaxation techniques next.

3. Practice “active relaxation” every day.

Please understand this crucial point: you (and only you) can control your mind. It sure as heck doesn’t seem that way, does it? The reason is that we humans are afflicted with what the Japanese call “monkey mind.” Similar to how a monkey hops, moves, and swings around – the mind loves to jump from one thought to another to another.

It is also essential to understand the mind and body connection. Tension, shallow breathing, a stiff posture – all of these things directly affect the brain. Make it a practice to sit and stand in an upright and relaxed posture. Ease the tension in your shoulders and muscles. Repeat.

Active relaxation techniques include anything that takes your mind off of things. Get a massage, take a hot bath, or practice deep breathing.

Now,  if you are seeking to alter and potentially master your mind, there is nothing better than regular meditation. Meditation is nothing more than paying attention to the present moment, usually while focusing on breathing deeply. Of course, there is much more to the discipline – and there is much to be gained by becoming a skilled practitioner; the most beneficial (and elusive!) being mind mastery.

life quote

4. Embrace a lifestyle of balanced diet and exercise.

As stated, diet and exercise are necessary for balancing hormones and weight loss. The problem is that many people think of diet and exercise as a short-term solution to a long-term problem. (“I just want to get this weight off.”)

No, no, no! The key to benefiting from proper exercise and diet is making it a non-negotiable part of your life. In other words, consider it a lifestyle, not a phase. Bearing this in mind, here are some pointers:

  • Maintain a balance: eat the right amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Studies show that a diet high in healthy fats and protein and low in refined carbs (e.g., sugar and starches) is most conducive to overall health.
  • Get your fiber: Fiber is necessary for healthy digestion and metabolism. Good sources of fiber include organic fruits and vegetables, whole wheat, bran flakes, and oats.
  • Get on the wagon: Too much booze causes all sorts of problems, including hormonal imbalances.
  • Try an active hobby: Play basketball, cycle, hike, swim, or something else. Exercise that is tediously boring can make it tough to stick with a routine.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Organize Your Home: 10 Brilliant Ideas To Organize On A Tight Budget

Everyone who has ever tried to organize their house will tell you that if you aren’t careful, you can end up spending way more than you need to on home organization tools. While it might seem easier to just purchase everything you see on the shelf, there are other ways to organize in a smart way. Similarly, when moving to a new home, finding affordable movers Florida can help you manage your relocation costs effectively without breaking the bank.

Organizing your home can be an expensive endeavor if you go at it blindly and don’t use the resources you have. There are ways to organize your home without breaking the bank, you just have to be a little bit creative and openminded to new ideas. Once you have your home organized, you can make it your sanctuary and your happy place.

Here are 10 brilliant ideas to organize your home on a tight budget.

1. Throw Things Away

One of the most inexpensive ways to organize your home is to just throw things out that you no longer need. This could be an old pair of shoes to a play yard your child outgrew four years ago. Regardless of the item, if you don’t need it, toss it. This will free up space for the things you really need or want.

2. Organize Your Drawers

If you go to the store, you can easily spend a lot of money on drawer organizers, but using household items will accomplish the same goal for a fraction of the cost. Or, if you have any spare meal trays around your house, stick one in your drawer as a great way to separate paper clips from sticky notes. If you don’t have one, you can buy them for cheap at the dollar store. You will be on your way to having organized drawers in no time.

Another way to organize your drawers is to use the box your sliced cheese comes in for small storage space. If you have a young daughter, this is a great way to organize her hair accessories or even her jewelry as well.

kids closets

Organizing pros share six easy ways to help organize your child’s closet.

3. Reuse Your Glass Jars

Mason jars or other glass jars you use for food items can be reused as a pen or pencil holder when you empty it out. This simple hack will keep you from never having to buy a pen holder ever again. You can even paint the outside of it to spruce it up a little bit! If you have small children in your home, use the glass jars to organize crayons and markers as well.

4. Save Your Shoe Boxes

Old shoe boxes are usually thrown in the trash or forgotten about, but if you save them, they make great storage containers for various things in your home. If you don’t like the appearance of the box, purchase a wrapping paper or use newspaper to cover them and add them to your closet or drawers.

5. Use Your Hangers Wisely

To save space in your closet and feel more organized every day, try hanging up your clothes by the outfit instead of individual pieces in a jumbled mess. This will make it very simple to pull out one hanger for the following day and you won’t have to worry about where the different pieces to your outfit are located.

6. Baskets Galore

Baskets are very “in” right now and serve a great purpose in organizing your house. You can put a basket in your kitchen as a catch-all for your keys, wallet, sunglasses, and phone when you get home from work. Baskets make great shoe holders as well as mail storage. The more organized you are, the better off you will be at staying on top of things!

7. Tidy Up Your Shower

If you don’t own a shower caddy, now is the time to invest in one. Having a caddy on your shower head will keep your bottles from taking over the edge of the tub and is a great use of space. Most shower caddies have a hook to hang your loofa or shower sponge as well.

morning habits


8. Magnets

If you have women living in your house, then your bathroom drawers are probably covered with bobby pins and other miscellaneous items that all have metal on them (tweezers, scissors, hair accessories, etc.). Hang a magnetic strip across your bathroom wall and hang all of these metal items on it to free up space and keep you from digging through your drawers for these easy-to-lose items.

9. Throw Away Products

It might seem wasteful, and it probably is. But once a month you should go through your bathroom cabinets and simply get rid of things you no longer use. These items usually don’t last for years. However, if you haven’t used them in the last month then chances are they are just taking up useful space.

10. Peg Board In The Closet

For women especially, having a pegboard is a great way to keep your jewelry from getting tangled as well as providing a great way for you to see everything you own. You can use hooks and pegs to help you hang hats, purses, scarves and more! Men might find it useful to hang ball caps, ties or belts on a pegboard, too.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Practical Tips For People Who Are Looking For True Love

Some people may not admit it, but basically, everyone is seeking to find that one special mate that compliments and completes them. Humans are social creatures and, in fact, the existence of people depends on coupling up. It is a part of a person’s nature to find true love.

Finding the love of your life may be the natural thing to do, but it isn’t an exact science. It also isn’t easy.

Here are ten tips that can make your search for true love easier

1. Love yourself first.

Before you can expect someone else to love you, you have to love yourself. Loving yourself is one way that you strengthen your confidence and confidence is what will attract a person to you. Also, loving yourself will lead to knowing yourself and this is the only way to recognize the love that is right for you. If you don’t love yourself, you should take the time to build a relationship with yourself first.

2. Once you love yourself, be yourself.

Be genuine and authentic. Show your true personality upfront. Don’t be the person that you think your potential mate wants if that isn’t who you are, because they may fall in love with the “fake” you. You will then become exhausted trying to keep up a facade and the relationship will fail as your mate realizes you weren’t truthful with them.

3. Be happy and positive.

Being happy and positive attracts other happy and positive people. When trying to find true love, you need to put your best foot forward. Being negative will only get you negative results (meaning no results). No one wants to be around Negative Nancy, so think happy thoughts and put out happy vibes to attract your soulmate.

4. Be open to meeting new people.

You can’t be a closed oyster and expect anyone to see the valuable pearl inside. To find true love, you need to be an open book. This can be scary, since opening up may leave you feeling emotionally vulnerable, but it is the only way for a potential mate to know if you are their true love. You don’t want to fall in love with someone only to find that they don’t love you back because they don’t know you.

5. Don’t try to force love.

If you meet someone who you know isn’t right for you, then back away. You will do both of you a favor. If it isn’t true love, don’t force it because you may miss out on your real true love. Love should feel easy and natural.

6. Know how to accept love in your life.

Many people want love but don’t know how to accept it. Many people block love because of fear of being controlled or being emotionally unavailable. If you don’t fix this before getting into a relationship, the result will be that your mate will begin to feel inadequate since you don’t ever seem to need them.

7. Don’t let the past determine the future.

Maybe you have had some bad relationships in the past, but don’t let them scar you for life. You don’t want to punish your new bae for your old bae’s actions. Also, dwelling on these past relationships can prevent a potential mate from seeing your positive qualities due to the chip on your shoulder. Be sure not to take too much time getting over the past. You don’t want love to pass you by while you are wallowing in sorrow.

8. Throw your idea of the “ideal” partner out of the window.

Love can come in all sizes, shapes, and forms. This doesn’t mean you should throw out your basic rules of attraction in a mate, but it does mean that you shouldn’t be super picky. What you should be looking for is someone who will fully love you and who will work to build a future with you, not someone who has a certain amount of money or a certain type of job. Remember, happiness and love are abstract concepts, not materialistic.

love quote

9. Take your time and enjoy the moment.

Just like you shouldn’t force love, you also shouldn’t rush love. Maybe you feel like your biological clock is ticking or that all your friends have already settled down, but you still need to take your time. Get to know your potential mate well. Date more than one person before becoming committed. By taking your time, love will just happen instead of being forced.


10. Don’t “settle” out of fear of loneliness.

Some people feel that its easier to just accept someone who “sort of” fits into the category of true love. This is a bad idea because you will feel like your partner is inadequate during the entire relationship. It could also lead to resentment. Ultimately you will be unhappy and so will your mate.

At the end of the day, the most important part of finding true love is making sure that its true. There should he no mental or emotional obstacles, barriers, or doubts about the possibility of spending your life with your mate. Follow these tips and your search for the live of your life will be as sweet as pie!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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