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These Super Cute Love Quotes Will Make You Feel Warm Inside

Whether you are experiencing the romance of a new relationship or the abiding love that grows between partners over time, love quotes are a beautiful way to share your sentiments. Love quotes show the various aspects of a romantic relationship in a new light. These cute and sweet love quotes will bring a smile to your face while giving you insights into a healthy relationship.

Sometimes sending love quotes to a loved one can express your feelings better than you can yourself. Share these beautiful quotes about love with your partner to show him or her how much you care.

These Super Cute Love Quotes Will Make You Feel Warm Inside

1. “I’m happiest when I’m right next to you.”

2. “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
Dr. Seuss

3. “As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

4. “Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.”
Neil Gaiman, The Kindly Ones

5. “You love me. Real or not real?”
I tell him, “Real.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

6. “Sometimes there is more magic in “I miss you” than in “I love you.”

7. “You have no idea how hard it is to force myself to stop thinking about you sometimes.”

8. “I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.”
Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

9. “We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.”
Robert Fulghum, True Love

10. “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.”
Marilyn Monroe

11. “I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.”
Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

12. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
Anonymous, Holy Bible: New International Version

13. “Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.”
Zelda Fitzgerald

14. “Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.”
William Shakespeare, Hamlet

15. “Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that’s beautiful.”
Milan Kundera

16. “You could have had anything else in the world, and you asked for me.”
She smiled up at him. Filthy as he was, covered in blood and dirt, he was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.
“But I don’t want anything else in the world.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Glass

17. “If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.”
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

18. “My night has become a sunny dawn because of you.”

love quotes

19. “You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.”

20. “If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.”
Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

21. “True love is rare, and it’s the only thing that gives life real meaning.”
Nicholas Sparks, Message in a Bottle

Final Thoughts

These sweet quotes will bring warmth to your heart. These 21 quotes about love will help you express the depths of your feelings. When we share the best of ourselves with a loved one, we will find that their love is reflected in our souls. Use these love quotes to remind you how precious these feelings are in your life.

Signs of A Stroke Women Should Never Ignore

For many women, it can be difficult to predict when their health will decline as they age. Unfortunately, strokes can occur at a moment’s notice and cause long-term disability or death. Knowing the signs and how to decrease stroke risk can save lives, as treatment must begin as soon as possible.

There are many different signs of a stroke, which can occur due to tobacco use, high blood pressure, and a poor diet. Strokes occur when the blood supply from the brain stops, resulting in a loss of motor control or function.

Immediate help is necessary to reduce the effects on the individual and avoid long-term complications. If you want to protect your health, there are a few signs of a stroke you should watch for that indicate you may be at risk. Please don’t ignore them or assume they’ll go away on their own.

Five Signs of A Stroke

Once you know the signs of a stroke, you can address any issues and improve your health. There are ways to decrease stroke risk, but recognizing the symptoms is the first step

1. Numbness or Weakness

You may begin to notice weakness or paralysis of the body once a stroke occurs, which can develop on one side of the body, the face, or the arm or leg. If you look in the mirror, one part of the face may appear different or deformed.

Numbness or weakness that comes on suddenly can also occur and is one of the most common signs of a stroke. The symptom can be accompanied by a sensation of pins and needles on specific body areas. It’s essential to call 911 immediately once the symptoms develop.

Avoid waiting more than five minutes to call medical professionals. Emergency treatment is required before seeing a neurologist or other specialist.

signs of a stroke

2. Severe Headaches

Strokes don’t just occur in older adults, but young women can also be at risk due to tobacco use, a poor diet, or stress. One of the most common signs of a stroke in women is if you experience a severe migraine or headache. A severe headache increases your risk of a stroke or death by 50 percent.

If you begin to experience a debilitating headache, it’s necessary to call a medical professional immediately. It’s easy to dismiss intense headaches as part of life, but it could signal something much worse.

3. Dizzy and Nauseous

Many women at risk of suffering from a stroke can begin to feel dizzy and nauseous, often due to vertigo. Although it may be easy to ignore the symptom, it can be your body’s way of telling you that your health is declining. The signs may be minor but need the attention of a medical professional, especially if you’re experiencing additional symptoms.

In many cases, nausea can result in vomiting that doesn’t subside and indicates an underlying issue is present. Figuring out the problem is essential to overcoming a stroke and living a healthier life.

4. Altered Mental State

One of the most common signs of a stroke is an altered mental state, which can cause you to become confused and disoriented. Sudden behavioral changes, hallucinations, agitation, and unresponsiveness are common and require immediate medical attention.

If another individual has the signs of a stroke, you’ll want to ask them to repeat a specific phrase to determine if they’re slurring what they say. The individual may also have changes in their personality and may not act like themselves. They may become more agitated or hostile, which is a red flag that requires attention.

Avoid driving yourself to the hospital and stay where you are when you experience an altered mental state. Contact emergency services immediately and avoid moving until they arrive. You’ll need to undergo a physical exam at the hospital and have diagnostic tests.

5. Difficulty Walking

Difficulty walking or maintaining balance is considered one of the main signs of a stroke in women, leading to falls. You may have trouble standing up straight or walking from one side of the room to the other. The individual may have issues with coordination, which can affect their ability to perform basic activities.

Due to the lack of blood supply to the brain, it can be challenging to function. The individual may also become injured due to a lack of balance or coordination.

Fainting and seizures can also develop out of the blue, often one of the most overlooked signs of a stroke. The fainting and seizures come on suddenly and are often unexplained, requiring medical tests to determine if you’re at further risk.

Eight Ways Women Can Decrease Stroke Risk

Prevention strategies can significantly decrease your stroke risk. Research shows that you can lower your risk by half or more with the best methods. While you can’t change your family history or reverse your past, you can positively move forward.

1. Treat Health Conditions

Underlying health conditions can increase your stroke risk, so you must take care of them. If you are unsure of any health conditions, visit your doctor if you notice any unusual symptoms.

Treat atrial fibrillation, a form of irregular heartbeat. This condition causes blood clots to form in the heart, which can travel to the brain and cause a stroke.

Atrial fibrillation causes heart palpitations and shortness of breath. If you experience either of those symptoms, see a doctor right away for treatment.

You should also treat and manage diabetes, as high blood sugar damages blood vessels. Clots are more likely to form and cause a stroke if you have damaged blood vessels. Monitor your blood sugar and follow a healthy diet and exercise regime.

stroke rehabilitation

2. Regulate Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a risk factor for having a stroke. Monitoring your blood pressure is essential, and you should treat it right away if it’s high. You can lower your blood pressure by making the following changes to your diet:

  • Reducing the salt
  • Increasing polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats
  • Eating more fruits and vegetables each day
  • Adding fish to your diet
  • Consuming whole grains and low-fat dairy a few times a day

3. Lose Weight

If you’re overweight or obese, losing weight is essential to minimizing your stroke risk. Obesity can contribute to high blood pressure and diabetes, affecting your overall health. Set realistic weight loss goals to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

4. Regularly Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to decrease stroke risk. It helps with weight loss, reducing blood pressure, and managing blood sugar levels. Experts suggest exercising at a moderate intensity five days a week or more.

Some ideas for getting more physical activity include:

  • Going for a walk around your neighborhood at least once a day
  • Taking the stairs whenever you can
  • Joining or starting a fitness club
  • Gardening

If you missed out on a day of physical activity, you can still get movement by doing housework instead. Studies show that cleaning your home, making dinner, and doing other household chores can reduce your stroke risk by 27%.

Any motion helps reduce the risk factors of stroke. Get moving and do as much housework as you can in place of your regular regime.

5. Reduce Drinking and Stop Smoking

Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are highly detrimental to your health and contribute to stroke risk. If you drink, be mindful and do it in moderation. Don’t have more than one alcoholic drink per day, and watch portion sizes.

Smoking cigarettes speed up clot formation by thickening your blood and increasing plaque buildup in your arteries. If you stop smoking, your risk of having a stroke decreases significantly.

6. Eat More Potatoes

Eating a potato with the skin on it each day can help regulate your blood pressure. Potatoes contain potassium, helping balance fluids and electrolytes. This balance helps reduce your chance of having blood pressure spikes and decreases your risk of a stroke.

Ensure you don’t deep fry the potatoes or cover them in butter and sour cream. The potato is healthy, but any toppings or other ingredients could change that.

7. Drink More Tea

Research shows that drinking tea can significantly reduce your risk of stroke. Green or white tea contains polyphenols, acting as antioxidants that help decrease triglyceride production. Since stroke victims usually have high triglyceride levels, it’s a sure sign that it can help reduce your risk.

8. Eat More Cooked Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain lycopene, the pigment that produces the red color. Lycopene also has anti-inflammatory properties, protecting your arteries from damage.

However, you can’t eat the tomatoes raw for the full effect. Lycopene absorption is only possible if you break down the tomato’s cell walls. Spaghetti or tomato sauce counts, so don’t waste time before adding more cooked tomatoes to your diet.

signs of a stroke

Final Thoughts on Signs of a Stroke and How to Decrease Stroke Risk

Protecting your health and understanding the signs of a stroke are necessary to reduce the risk of long-term disability or death. By understanding the symptoms in women, it can be possible to reduce the effects and obtain immediate medical attention by responding quickly.

If you recognize the signs in you or anyone around you, don’t hesitate to call for help. However, do what you can to reduce your stroke risk and start living a healthier life.

Life Changing Peace Of Mind Quotes To Read When You Are Stressed Out

Everyone has times when stress feels overwhelming. When you’re stressed out, it can be hard to regain a feeling of peace and fulfillment. This peace of mind quotes will help you navigate a stressful world and become centered within yourself. Your life will seem easier when you keep this peace of mind quotes in your heart. Regaining balance will help you deal with life’s struggles and bring calm to your life.

When you have inner peace, you will be better able to deal with life’s ups and downs. This peace of mind quotes will lead you to a better understanding of yourself and a calmer outlook on life.

18 Meaningful Peace of Mind Quotes

1. “Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, values, morals or self-worth.”

2. “There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life — happiness, freedom, and peace— are always attained by giving them to someone else.”
Peyton C. March

3. “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

4. “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
Dalai Lama

5. “Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”
Wayne W. Dyer

6. “You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”
Eckhart Tolle

7. “Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.”
John F. Kennedy

8. “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

9. “The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.”
Norman Vincent Peale

10. “We don’t realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

11. “Grudges are for those who insist that they are owed something; forgiveness, however, is for those who are substantial enough to move on.”
Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile

12. “If you are driven by fear, anger or pride nature will force you to compete. If you are guided by courage, awareness, tranquility and peace nature will serve you.”
Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power

13. “People will always notice something about you. It might be the way you walk or the way you talk, or just simply your personality. Live each day in the way you want to be remembered. Live in such a way that people will be inspired by those unique qualities that you have and strive to live better lives for themselves.”
Amaka Imani Nkosazana

14. “Happiness is a choice. Peace is a state of mind. Both are free!”
Amy Leigh Mercree

15. “Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.”
Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata: A Poem for a Way of Life”

16. “A balanced inner calmness radiates from a peaceful centre. It neither craves others’ approval nor rejects others’ presence. It neither pulls towards nor pushes away. It has a reverent attitude towards life and all its inhabitants.” Donna Goddard, The Love of Devotion

peace of mind quotes

17. “Truth is not for sale. The man who sells truths that could help and guide humanity will never have peace of mind. Share truths freely, and you will always be revealed more.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

18. “Learn to say no to demands, requests, invitations, and activities that leave you with no time for yourself. Until I learned to say no, and mean it, I was always overloaded by stress. You may feel guilty and selfish at first for guarding your downtime, but you’ll soon find that you are a much nicer, more present, more productive person in each instance you do choose to say yes.”
Holly Mosier

Final Thoughts

This peace of mind quotes will remind you to keep a balanced perspective on life. Protect yourself from others’ demands and expectations, and you will find that your life is much easier. Take care to preserve your peace in the face of life’s demands. These quotes will help you by giving you daily reminders to practice peace.

ways to relief stress

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7 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Stubborn Fat Fast

In the court of public opinion, losing weight ranks pretty high on the list of things that are challenging to do. Whether a person is trying to lose the last 10 pounds of baby weight or get rid of 50 pounds they gained during a stressful period, the stubbornness involved in weight loss can be a challenging experience. However, it’s only challenging if you take that approach. If you adopt the mindset that it can be really easy to lose weight, you can have that experience. Consider these seven ridiculously easy ways to get rid of stubborn fat and achieve the body you desire.

1. Drink more water.

Too often, many people drink their calories. Because it’s liquid, so many people don’t pay attention to the calories that are found in juice, alcohol and those beloved coffee drinks. The calories are often high because of the amounts of sugar. If you go to a local coffee shop and order a latte, know that you’re probably drinking exorbitant amounts of sugar. The amount of sugar in an average serving of soda tend to be twice the amount of sugar that people should consume a day. Drink more water and if you want to add flavor, add fresh lemon juice. You can also choose to infuse water with mint, cucumbers or berries. Additionally, many people believe that they’re hungry when in reality, their bodies just need water. Focus on drinking a lot of water every day and this will help you decrease the number of calories you consume. As a result, you lose weight.

2. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbs.

In many instances, a person who struggles to lose weight can rework their diet. Nutrition is probably one of the key elements to focus on in a weight-loss journey. When people feel like they’re hitting a plateau and experiencing stubbornness in weight loss, this might be because of their nutritional habits. Start by replacing simple carbs with complex carbs. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you need to avoid carbs altogether. Complex carbs are better for your body because they contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. They also help to fuel your body for longer periods of time. Try eating complex carbs like quinoa, black beans and other sweet potatoes. Avoid simple carbs like muffins, pasta and white bread.

3. Get more rest.

When you don’t get enough rest, this affects everything. If you’re trying to lose weight, make sure that you not only make sure that you are practicing proper sleep habits. You also want to make sure that you take time off from your exercise regimen. If you try to exercise seven days a week, you will burn yourself out. Additionally, poor sleeping habits are bad because they help you crave more food. You tend to be more irritable when you don’t get a lot of sleep and your body produces more of a hormone called leptin. When your body produces more leptin, you’ll end up feeling hungrier and will want to eat more.

4. Lift heavy weights.

When you’re working to overcome stubbornness, it’s a good idea to lift heavy weights. If you spend 20 minutes in the weight room, focus on giving it your all for those 20 minutes. If you think about it, the average person spends eight hours at work every day. If you can endure eight hours at a job you don’t like, 20 minutes of weightlifting will be a cinch to move past your plateau of stubbornness. During this time, focus on lifting heavy weights. As you lift, pay close attention on your form. Make sure that you do great repetitions and know that you only need to do a few to get the job done. If you do a solid round of seven repetitions on a specific machine, you can move on to the next. This short span of time can be effective in helping you to burn fat because your body responds to weightlifting differently than cardio. Your body continues to burn calories long after you’ve gotten off of the machines. A 20-minute session has the power to push you past the stubbornness to help you achieve the body you desire.


5. Take a supplement.

In many cases, there are people who complain that they don’t have enough energy to work out. In this case, this might be an indication that you need to start taking a supplement. Consider taking a multivitamin in the morning. To deal with the stubbornness, some people opt to take a fat-burning supplement. Whatever you decide to take, get it approved by your physician.

6. Add more steps to your daily activity.

Something as simple as walking can help you overcome stubbornness. The more steps you’re able to get a day, the better off you’ll be. Take time in the morning to go for a morning walk. Put on your headphones and get moving. This one act can help you melt the pounds away.

7. Incorporate HIIT exercises.

When it’s time to do the intense cardio workouts, focus on HIIT exercises. The intervals are enough to keep your body guessing and will help you burn calories quicker. Plus, it exercises are great. You can be in and out of the gym in 30 minutes with HIIT workouts.

As you get used to your new regimen, you’ll realize how easy it is to switch things up and overcome stubbornness. Remain consistent with your efforts. Also, take a look at what’s working and don’t be afraid to revamp your approach. Before you know it, the weight will be long gone and you’ll be able to rock your new and improved body.

How To Prevent Anxiety Attacks : Anxiety Management Techniques

Anyone who has dealt with anxiety attacks knows what a horrible experience it is to go through one. It can feel like your entire world is caving in around you and that there is nothing you can do to stop it. Even if you logically know that nothing is actually threatening you, an anxiety attack can become too massive for you to shrug off.

You are not alone when it comes to anxiety attacks. Countless amounts of people have to deal with them and genuine anxiety attack treatment has been developed.

This guide will help you in preventing an anxiety attack.

1. Music

For many people, listening to music can put them in a positive headspace like few other things. When you hear a song that relaxes you or one that is associated with good feelings, you can feel yourself become less stressed. When you feel anxiety coming to you, put on a relaxing song and just close your eyes and absorb it.

2. Accept anxiety

When you are feeling anxious, you might want to run away from your feelings at all costs. However, an anxiety attack doesn’t get any better by denying its existence. Joseph A. Shrand, MD advises embracing your anxiety attacks through acceptance and recognition. When you let your anxiety know you’re aware of it, you reduce its power.

3. Breathe

Proper breathing techniques are absolutely crucial when dealing with an anxiety attack. Getting a strong supply of oxygen into your lungs can do wonders. You should know all about how to breathe effectively. Take a moment to sit down with a straight back and breathe in slowly through your nose, allowing your stomach to rise, and then let it all out through your mouth. Repeat as necessary. Dr. Andrew Weil considers breathing to be number one when it comes to fighting off an anxiety attack.


4. Meditation

You don’t need to be an enlightened monk to benefit from meditation. All it requires is yourself and a few minutes of time. Take a moment every day to sit in silence for at least five minutes. Observe your breath as it rises and falls and notices how thoughts arise. You can help prevent an anxiety attack by knowing your thoughts before they can really cause problems.

5. Exercise

Working out is another great form of anxiety attack treatment. When you exercise, you help bring positive chemicals into your body. You can appreciate these benefits by running, swimming, dancing, and more.

6. Sleeping

When going through an anxiety attack, the idea of going to sleep might seem impossible. However, you can help prevent them by receiving a proper amount of sleep on a nightly basis. You should be getting between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. You should also do your best to make bedtime a relaxed time. Avoid screens and caffeinated beverages for at least a couple of hours before going to bed. You can try doing yoga or mindfulness meditation to fall asleep faster.

7. Eating right

A proper diet can help prevent anxiety attacks. You should be eating foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins. These include dark chocolate, nuts, and avocado. You also want to make sure that you aren’t avoiding meals. Even if stress is limiting your appetite, you should still be eating on a regular basis.

8. Journaling

Writing about your feelings can really help with anxiety. It can often feel like your emotions and thoughts are trapped inside your mind, with no means of getting them out. The best way to fight this is by writing about how you’re feeling. Simply put your worries on a page and evaluate them. Don’t worry about whether or not they seem serious enough to write about. All of your feelings are valid, because they are your feelings.

An anxiety attack is not something to feel shame over. It can be extremely difficult and cause tremendous stress when you’re already feeling overwhelmed. However, you can prove to your anxiety that you’re not going to let it get the best of you. What matters is that you believe in yourself and your ability to make it through the storm.

10 Things Nobody Told You About Lowering Your Blood Sugar Naturally

Controlling blood sugar levels (also referred to as blood glucose levels) can sometimes be difficult. Despite the difficulty, it is important to know how to control blood sugar naturally anyway because it can lead to diabetes. 

In 2015, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that over 30 million Americans have diabetes and over 80 million have pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels will reach diabetes status within a five years.

Diabetics are well aware how to control blood sugar naturally. Unfortunately, people don’t usually discuss controlling blood glucose levels until they actually have or are at risk for diabetes. If you don’t fall into one of those categories, chances are no one told you anything about it.

Below we have provided ten ways that nobody told you about how to control blood sugar naturally.

1.Control the amount of carbohydrates that you eat each day.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that women with diabetes eat 45 grams or less of carbohydrates per day and that men eat 60 grams or less of carbohydrates per day. To put this into perspective, one 16 oz. bottle of cola has an average of 47 grams of carbohydrates. When thinking about how to control your blood sugar naturally, counting carbohydrates should be at the top of the list.

2. Be mindful of the sugar content of foods.

Sugar can be tricky, especially when eating out. You can make the low-carb choice to eat a salad but you pile on sugary carbohydrates from the salad dressing that you use. Many foods that are supposed to be healthy can contain sugar. Make sure that you are actively checking food labels before eating.

control blood sugar

3. Test yourself regularly to see which foods make your blood glucose spike.

Testing your blood glucose regularly after eating different foods can help you to understand which foods aren’t good for your body. When figuring out how to control blood sugar naturally, knowing which foods spike your blood sugar is half the battle. You will then be able to avoid those foods and save yourself a headache (both literally and figuratively).

4. Exercise more often.

Exercise can help to burn some of that excess sugar in your blood so it doesn’t build up. It doesn’t have to be traditional exercise such as running on a treadmill in a gym. Any type of physical activity that gets your heart rate up for an extended period of time will work. When making plan on how to control blood sugar naturally, exercise should definitely be on the list.

5. Eat meals on a consistent schedule and at a consistant size.

In order to effectively control diabetes, it is important for your body to be on a consistent basis with burning glucose. Skipping meals or eating huge portions can actually lead to a higher blood glucose number. The liver may not be aware that you already have glucose in your system, so it sends out more leading to a blood glucose spike.

6. Lose a few pounds.

Losing a little bit of weight is one of the most recommended methods when discussing how to control blood glucose naturally. You don’t have to lose a lot or become super thin, you only need to lose around 7 percent of your body weight. It is especially helpful if you can lose a couple of inches from your midsection.

7. Try to reduce stress.

Stress can wreak havoc on your midsection as well as your diabetes. When your body is stressed, your liver is queued to release a lot of glucose to give you a boost of energy. This boost of energy is supposed to aid in a sort of “fight-or-flight” scenario. While this makes sense if you are under attack, it doesn’t make sense if you are stressed about bills.

8. Drink a lot of water.

Your body needs water to function and one of those functions is the operation of the kidneys. Kidneys use water to flush out extra sugar in the body, but if you are dehydrated, the kidneys can’t do their job. This leads to a build up of sugar in the blood.

9. Add apple cider vinegar to your diet.

Apple cider vinegar has been shown to reduce high blood glucose levels. It could possibly reduce glucose production by the liver or increase the efficiency in which the cells use it. You can try adding a few tablespoons to your food each day.

10. Use Berberine to control blood glucose levels.

Berberine is a natural substance found in certain herbs that have been shown to reduce blood glucose levels. It is so effective that scientists and doctors have compared the effects of Berberine to the diabetes drug Metformin. Berberine is available over the counter as supplements, but you should check with your doctor first to make sure that Berberine is safe for you.

In summary, when thinking about how to control blood sugar naturally, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to ingest anything to accomplish this. Certain lifestyle changes can make a significant difference. Use the steps above as a starting point and continue on to a more natural way of managing blood glucose–the way nature intended.

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