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How To Forgive Someone : 5 Practices To Let Go Of Anger

A famous quote from the English poet says that “to err is human, to forgive divine.” Everyone makes mistakes, but few people possess the emotional maturity to not people’s mistakes against them. It can often be easier to hold onto grudges than to forgive.

However, holding onto anger just lets us become even more consumed by it. No reasonable person would say that they want to be angry, but so many are happy to let negative feelings grow inside them.

If you want to learn how to forgive someone, this guide will help you out.

1. Consider the size of their offense

Not all wrongdoings are made alike. Some acts are so heinous they might be all but impossible to forgive. However, most are small enough that they can and should be forgiven. It might not be an immediate forgiveness, but that doesn’t mean they have to live inside you forever. Even if something seems like a huge offense to you, it’s very likely that it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

When someone has caused you harm, take a moment to think about what it really means. What has their offense deprived you of? Is it something that you can never get back? Did they hurt you or did your interpretation of their action cause you the most harm? Is this problem still affecting you, or are you just letting it affect it?

2. Ask yourself if you want to be angry

When learning how to forgive someone, you need to look inward. Consider your anger and think about all the pain it’s causing you. Take a moment to consider if this is something you want. It’s possible that you’ve become so used to anger that you’re afraid of letting go of it. However, that doesn’t mean it’s actually doing you any good.

As your rage courses through you, take a moment to step back and think about if it has any worth to you. There’s nothing wrong with feeling angry when someone hurts you, but when the moment has long passed, it only becomes a burden that makes you feel worse without any sort of personal growth.

how to forgive someone

3. Meditation

Anger can cause us to fear our thoughts and believe that we have no control over them. In a way, we don’t. Our thoughts and feelings can come up without warning and cause us tremendous pain. We can reduce their power through the awareness that meditation allows us.

When you meditate, you don’t try to push your problems away. Doing so would only be counterintuitive. It involves observing your thoughts as you would observe a passing car. As you breathe and out, you can remember that your thoughts and feelings do not define you. Should your anger be triggered, you can distance it from your essence instead of letting it consume you.

4. Accept your anger

Anger doesn’t always start and end with the triggering situation. What often happens is that we get angry at someone for hurting us. Then, we get angry at ourselves for being angry. This leads to further frustration as we don’t know how to stop our anger from getting bigger and bigger.

An easy solution is to just accept that you are angry. You won’t be angry forever (hopefully), but you are angry at the moment. Emotions are temporary and you can reduce their power by letting them be in the moment. You can let anger pass like water through a drain by accepting it.

5. Talk to the other person

You might want to do anything but talk to the person who hurt you, but if you want to learn how to forgive someone, you need to have the maturity to face them. Forgiveness through avoidance can be much more difficult to achieve.

When you let yourself see the other person, you remember that they are a human. They might have caused you harm, but they are capable of empathy just like anyone else. You should let them know exactly how you feel about what they did. They might not realize how much harm they caused to you and feel genuine remorse. Remember to accept their apology and move on. Research suggests that forgiveness is good for us.

Pride can keep us from knowing how to forgive someone, even if we understand how it would benefit us. When we make the decision to forgive someone, we free ourselves of a tremendous burden. We no longer have to go through life with the curse of unhelpful anger looming over us.

If you want to learn how to forgive someone, you just need to remember what your values are. Do you want to be someone who is mature and understanding or someone who lets their mind be poisoned by the actions of others. We think we know the answer.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Ways to Lose Weight That Don’t Require Diet Or Exercise

Doctors always emphasize that diet and exercise are the most effective natural methods to lose weight. Experts say that if you want to improve your health, then you’ve got to work hard at it with a good workout and meal plan.

These methods, however, require months and years of discipline and commitment. But how do you lose weight fast without diet or exercise? Is this even possible?

Yes, you can lose weight without dieting. You can lose weight without exercise. You can lose weight without going to the gym. Sounds too good to be true?

If you’re having a challenging time with exercise and tough diet plans, then here are some tips that will help you lose weight without dieting or exercising.

“Weight loss can change your whole character. That always amazed me: Shedding pounds does change your personality. It changes your philosophy of life because you recognize that you are capable of using your mind to change your body.” – Jean Nidetch

Here’s How to Lose Weight Fast Without Diet or Exercise

1. Chew and eat slowly

Apparently, how fast or slow you eat affects your weight. Experts from Japan found out in a study that fast eaters were likely to gain pounds faster compared to slow eaters. Their findings proved what dieting advocates have pointed out for years that if you chew and eat your food slowly, you’ll feel fuller. You’ll decrease snacking in between meals as well. Probably the easiest way to lose way without dieting!

2. Portion your foods on a smaller plate

If you want to lose weight without exercise, change your plate. Use a smaller plate to portion your meals. This trick applies the concept of the Delbeouf Illusion that controls your brain’s perception. In one study published in the International Journal of Obesity, experts learned that following the Delbeouf Illusion elicited positive effects on people trying to lose weight.

The idea behind this concept is this: if you portion less food on a large plate, your brain might perceive that you won’t be full. So, you would tend to add more servings (and more calories) to your meals. But if you use a smaller plate, you can trick your brain into thinking that you’re eating larger portions.  In this way, you prevent overindulging in unhealthy meals.

3. Increase your water intake

If you want to know how to lose weight fast, remember that drinking more glasses of water before your meals can reduce hunger pangs. In a study published in the journal Obesity, a group of middle-aged and older adults, who drank at least 17 oz of water 30 minutes before a meal, lost weight more effectively compared to those who did not change their water intake. Water helps cut down your calorie intake as well, especially if you avoid drinking soda or juice.

4. Repaint the walls in your dining room

Wall colors with yellow and red undertones can influence your appetite and trigger your brain to eat faster. It’s no wonder why fast food chains, such as McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Burger King, have yellow or red colors for their brand.

It’s a deliberate attempt to make their customers eat more. So, why not repaint your dining room with blue undertones? A person’s appetite apparently responds less to this color. This is why weight loss experts also suggest using blue plates to eat on.

5. Change the lighting in your dining room

While you’re already making changes by repainting your dining room, why not consider changing the lighting fixture to something brighter? A study from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab showed that people who ate in dimly-lit dining areas or restaurants were more likely to have 39 percent more calories in their meals.

They also went for less healthy foods, more fried dishes and lots of desserts. Those who ate in well-lit places, on the other hand, were prompted to choose vegetables, and grilled or baked food. The experts said that bright lights keep people alert, so they can make healthier choices on what to eat, making it an excellent way to lose weight without going to the gym!

6. Keep a food journal

Writing down what you’ve eaten in a food journal could aid in weight loss, as it will help you pay attention to what you’re eating, according to experts at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. In a study, women who consistently kept a food journal to jot down what they ate (and the portions) successfully lost six more pounds than those who did not keep a journal.

7. Always get a good night’s sleep

When you’re not getting the right amount of sleep or experiencing constant sleep disturbances, the hormones that regulate your appetite (called the ghrelin and leptin) could be disrupted as well. A lack of sleep also raises your cortisol levels, which elevates body stress.

These two factors trigger food cravings and an increase in appetite. You’re likely to eat more high-calorie food when you’re feeling sleepy too, because your brain thinks you need more energy. What you really need is a good rest, so be sure to get six to eight hours of sleep at night.

8. Keep unhealthy foods out of sight

lose weight fast naturally

Maybe you got a box of chocolates as a gift or bought a more high-calorie snack than you intended to indulge on. Not to worry; you’re not supposed to consume those right away. But if these foods are visible and accessible, then you’re likely going to have more unplanned snacks.

So, experts suggest storing these snacky foods in places where you won’t be able to see it constantly – like on the higher shelves of the cupboards. Instead, keep healthy snacks like apples on your dining table or kitchen counter so that this is what you’ll reach for when you have the cravings to snack.

Foods to never eat before exercise

Final thoughts

Losing weight is never easy, but be positive. If you start making a few simple changes now, you’ll notice how quickly it will affect your quest to better health. While it’s not easy, it’s not impossible to lose weight without dieting and exercise.

So now if someone asks you how to lose weight fast, you can share these tips with them and start a chain reaction! Remember, with positive thinking you can achieve your weight loss goals!

How to Bring The Power Of Positivity Back In Your Life

Change your thoughts and change the world”.–Norman Vincent Peale

Peale had the right idea with this quote. People don’t realize that more often than not, what they think and how they behave is what shapes their world. That is why it is very important to bring positivity into our life. Positivity is a way of life, not just an idea or a feeling. It is something that must resonate within us and radiate from us. But how can a person resonate with positivity, especially during life’s hard times?

The key to resonating with positivity is to take things one step at a time rather than all in one chunk. This means to start with small actions in your life. These small, positive actions will accumulate into something bigger and before you know it, you will be radiating positivity in life without having to try hard.

Here are a few small steps that you can start doing in order to become more positive.

Make a habit of smiling more.

Research has shown that when we (humans) are free to express our emotions, we simply feel those emotions more intensely. Smiling is an expression of happiness and happiness is a positive emotion. You can actively seek out things to smile about–things you know will make you happy. Go window shopping. Go to the park and watch birds. Go to a comedy show and laugh. Tickle a baby. Constantly do things that make you smile and you will constantly be flooded with happiness. Before you know it, this happiness will turn into positive energy.


Read motivational and positive information.

Reasearch has shown that reading can actually help our brains to simulate experiences through someone else’s shoes. Because of this, reading motivational books can help us experience the author’s positive experiences. Reading positivity quotes on a regular basis is a great way to reinforce positive thinking. It is also a good idea to try to read positive news and to try to avoid the negative news.

Change bad habits.

Bad habits can be anything from eating all the wrong things to constantly being late for work. Bad habits have bad consequences and these bad consequences can make us feel negatively. Try replacing bad habits with small, good actions that will eventually develop into an upgradable habit. For example, if you are always late to work, try waking up fifteen minutes earlier than you normally do. Once that becomes a habit, start waking up another fifteen minutes early until that too becomes a habit. It takes about 66 days to develop a habit, so start slowly but consistently and eventually those bad habits will be good habits which will lead to good consequences, which will subsequently lead to positivity in life.

Look for the silver lining.

Don’t be a “glass half empty” type of person. This means that you always see the negative in the situation. Be more optimistic (glass half full). Sometimes when situations blow up in our face, it is much easier to focus on the bad parts. This is what brings you into that negative space. Instead, try to see the silver lining in the situation. If you focus on the silver lining, you can keep the positive energy flowing even in rough situations.

Put yourself first.

Taking care of ourselves is essential to being positive. When we take care of ourselves, we are helping to prevent any health problems. Having constant health problems can be a real downer, and constantly being sick and in a bad mood can make it hard to be positive. This is why, even if we don’t feel like it, we should always take care of ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Even rewarding ourselves for accomplishing small goals is a form of taking care of ourselves.

In Conclusion

Positivity is something that comes from inside of us, so it is no surprise that it is linked to our emotions. When you feel bad, its harder for you to think positively. If this goes on for a long period of time, the bad feelings and negativity become a habit. Stop negativity in its tracks with positivity quotes, smiling, and more tips from above. You will become a more positive person one step at the time.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

4 Exercises That Melt Underarm Fat

Everyone wants to find the best exercises to lose weight, especially underarm fat. But is it easy to lose weight and burn fat in a targeted way that can melt underarm fat? Underarm fat is common even among the most beautiful people in the world. Do you know that celebrities and models have their excess arm fat, also known as back bulge, digitally edited from magazine covers?

Unlike belly fat, the extra flab on the underarms isn’t linked to severe diseases like diabetes or heart problems, so there are no health risks. However, back bulge might lead to body image problems or cause discomfort for people who hope to lose weight, so their clothes fit better. So, four recommended exercises should help burn fat around the underarm and back area.

“You have to make the decision to lose weight in your head, not your stomach.” – Jean Nidetch

What Causes Fat Cells to Accumulate in the Arms?


Fat cells, also known as adipocytes, can accumulate in different body parts, including the arms. Several factors cause the accumulation of fat cells in the arms. One of the main factors is an unhealthy diet that includes high amounts of calories, saturated and trans fats, and sugar. When the body consumes more calories than it burns, the excess energy is stored in fat cells. Over time, fat cells can accumulate in different body parts, including the arms.

Another factor that can contribute to the accumulation of fat cells in the arms is a sedentary lifestyle. The excess energy is stored as fat cells when the body is inactive and does not burn enough calories. This can happen in different parts of the body, including the arms. Sitting for long periods, not engaging in regular exercise, and not moving the arms enough can all contribute to the accumulation of fat cells in this area.

Finally, genetics can also play a role in the accumulation of fat cells in the arms. Some people are genetically predisposed to store more fat cells in certain parts of their bodies, including the arms. Even with a healthy diet and exercise routine, they may still have more fat cells in their arms than others. However, with a healthy lifestyle, it is still possible to reduce the overall amount of fat cells in the body, including the arms.

How to Lose Weight Under the Arms With These Four Fat Melting Exercises

Try these moves to start sculpting your entire body–add arm strengthening for further definition.

1. Start by doing cardio exercises.

According to nutritionist and trainer Lauren Simmons via Women’s Health magazine, losing underarm fat doesn’t come with natural, simple solutions. To burn the flab in this part of your body, you must lose weight first. Hence she recommends that you start by doing calorie-burning exercises.

Cardio workouts, however, can be a complicated process because the results vary with every person. Age, gender, genetics, and current weight could impact the results. So, while others burn fat and lose weight faster with cardio, you may take a little longer before seeing any significant results.

However, don’t lose hope; keep a positive mindset. If you keep doing cardio workouts at least three times a week, you’re on the right track to losing that flabby underarm fat. With regular cardio exercises, you’re building up your core to withstand more intense cardio programs when the right time comes.

Aside from the workouts, you might want also to add swimming, biking, and running in your routines. These cardio activities not only help you lose weight but are also fun to do with a group of friends.

2. Move on to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises.

If your body is used to cardio exercises, you can move on to high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This consists of a series of short but really intense cardio movements that last from 10 seconds to four minutes per routine. These involve a lot of bodyweight work – such as push-ups – and could subsequently involve weights. A typical workout can be over within thirty minutes, but its intensity depends on a person’s fitness level.

One study indicated that HIIT exercises are more effective than regular or basic cardio exercises. Celebrity trainer Rob Sulaver also told Self magazine that all exercise and physical activities burn calories, but HIIT routines burn fat more effectively.

HIIT, however, puts more pressure and stress on the body hence it’s not advisable to do this every time you do cardio. It’s best to pace yourself and let your body rest as well. Only increase the intensity of your workouts to the level you’re comfortable. The most important thing to consider with HIIT is to give your body time to recover.

under arm fat

3. Do muscle-building exercises.

You can move on to muscle-building exercises, from simple cardio moves to HIIT. These routines are also called strength training exercises and complement cardio exercises. You must tone your muscles to keep leaner if you’re successfully burning fat and losing weight with cardio. Muscle toning is how you lose arm fat in the best way possible.

As the name implies, strength training also strengthens your body’s endurance since you’re building muscles. Your metabolism also improves because it takes more calories to build and tone the muscles than to burn fat. According to the National Council on Strength and Fitness, gaining a pound of muscle burns at least 30 to 50 calories.

Most strength training routines target your back and upper arms, but ideally, you must tone every muscle group to build up overall strength. Switch up your routines every few weeks and do take breaks as needed. Some of the muscle-building exercises you can do include:

  • Curls
  • Push-ups
  • Dips, on the bench or the machine
  • Squats and lunges using weights, dumbbells, and kettlebells
  • Step ups, with or without weights
  • Deadlifts
  • Chest press and rows, with a dumbbell or a barbell

4. Continue with weight management exercises.

Now that you’re slowly shaping your body muscles and losing that underarm fat, focus on maintaining a good weight management routine. This way, you avoid developing excess fat that goes directly to your underarms and back.

Some practical weight management exercises include walking, Zumba, jump ropes, kickboxing, and power yoga. Supplement these exercises with a good diet and healthy lifestyle to maintain overall wellness.

exercise quote

Final thoughts on Trying These Exercises to Make You Fitter

As you age, you raise the risks of developing underarm fat, back bulge, and saggy arms. This is because older people begin to lose muscle cells more quickly than when they’re younger. Geriatrician Jonathan Wanagat told NPR that stem cells don’t respond the same way in older people compared to their younger years, hence muscles can quickly turn to fat.  For this reason, he recommends regular exercises and muscle-building routines like weight-lifting for older people. While positive thinking is a start to lose weight, if you’re looking for answers about how to lose arm fat, these exercises will help!


Science Explains 5 Things That Happen to Your Body On A Vegan Diet

Do you want to know what a vegan diet does to your body? Well, you are in the right place!

First, if you are a vegan or vegetarian, you are probably a conscientious observer of the world around you. Not only are you health-conscious, but you also hold a heartfelt concern for the treatment and lives of animals. For this, you are to be thanked. You truly do make the world a better place for us all.

Second, a vegan diet is very healthy! Sometimes alternatively referred to as a plant-based diet, veganism prioritizes the consumption of fresh, wholesome, and organically-sourced foods. Fruits, vegetables, and plants are considered by many to be “nature’s medicine.” Additionally, history shows that the cultures who put Earth-grown foods at the top of their list enjoy some of the best health. They also live the longest.

As with any dietary lifestyle, vegans must also strike the right balance, indulging in foods with an intelligent and flexible mindset. Vanda Sheth, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says about a vegan diet, “Make sure it’s a well-balanced diet that has a wide variety of foods. Anything you eat can be unhealthy depending on how you make it.”

Here’s what may happen to your body when you go on a vegan diet:

“Being vegan is not always easy and accessible. But it’s a way of life and makes me as a person feel really good and physically look better.” – Olivia Wilde, actress

1. You may feel hungrier more frequently.

Vegetables are a vegan’s best friend, hence their namesake. While their heavy reliance on vegetables is mostly a good thing, vegans – just like everyone else – also require a certain number of calories. Per the National Health Service in the U.K., a male requires around 2,500 calories, and a woman, 2,000, to maintain their current weight. Losing one pound per week requires the latter demographic to consume around 1,500 calories.

Now, consider that a cup of raw, cooked vegetables contains just around 25 calories. Again, these are calories that the body and brain require to function. So, if you’re on a vegan diet, it may be wise to implement a diet that mixes in higher-calorie foods as well. Chia seeds, flax seeds, quinoa, raisins, coconut oil, and almond butter are all excellent choices!

2. You may have higher – and healthier – energy levels.

With the right amount of calories and a healthy mix of vitamins and nutrients, you will probably have more energy!

Per a 620-person study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, vegans tend to eat lighter foods that contain less fat and sugar. As a result, vegans tend to have higher energy levels, and less stress and anxiety! Vegans beat out their vegetarian counterparts, with both groups handily outperforming the meat-eating group.

3. You could lower your disease risk.

Vegans tend to eat a lot of plant-based foods, which happen to be awesome for preventing all kinds of diseases that plague humans. Scientists believe that vegans’ consumption of phytonutrients – nutrients that protect the plant from things like bacteria, bugs, fungi, and toxins – also safeguard a person from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other life-threatening ailments!

In a study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers concluded that vegans might also have a lower risk of high blood pressure (hypertension), obesity, and neurological disorders.

Foods with high levels of phytonutrients include carrots, citrus, berries, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, bok choy, broccoli, kale, garlic, onions, romaine lettuce, and spinach!

happiness quotes - lose weight without gym

4. You could have nutrient deficiencies.

Of course, we care about your health, so we have to mention what is perhaps the biggest issue with vegan diets: not getting enough key nutrients. First, it is important to understand the two main reasons for this trend.

(1) The body doesn’t absorb certain nutrients (e.g., calcium, vitamin B12, iron, vitamin D, and zinc) from plant-based foods very well.

(2) Over-consumption of dark-green leafy vegetables, legumes, and seeds can further hinder nutrient absorption.

Low iron levels are something to be particularly careful about. Iron is critical for blood cell production and transportation, and for healthy development and maintenance of muscle cells. Prolonged iron deficiency can result lead to anemia, which is tied to cancer, kidney disease, and liver damage.

Using a high-quality organic supplement can safeguard vegans against these risks!

5. You may have healthier bones.

Let’s end this on a good note, shall we? After all, there are plenty more health benefits of vegan diets than drawbacks!

Swiss scientists, following an extensive review of various sources, conclude that vegans may have healthier bones than non-vegans. Researchers attribute these results to the relatively higher number of fruits and vegetables vegans consume. Nearly all fruits and vegetables have a low-acid count. This directly links to more stable mineral levels (including all-important calcium) within the bones.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things To Remember When Life Gets Tough

If we have learned anything so far, we know that life isn’t easy; there are so many things to remember to get ahead in the “game” of life.If it was, it would be tremendously boring. While stressful occurrences can make us feel like there’s no hope, salvation is actually closer than we might realize.

Sometimes problems just go away, but they tend to linger on in our minds. Our thoughts shape our reality more than we realize.

These are ten things to remember when life gets tough:

1. There’s no shame in asking for help

When you take pride and add it to a problem, you only make it worse. You might be worried about what other people think and fear that them knowing your shortcomings will cause them to judge you. However, not asking for help means that you’ll only sink further into your issues and have even more trouble getting out. Let that aid be a gift to yourself.

2. You’ve made it through other stressful situations

Stressful moments often feel like a novel experience. However, if you really think about it, you’ve prospered over a countless number of stressful situations, even without realizing it. You’ve finished important assignments, made it through job interviews, and handled traffic jams. These are things to remember to get through whatever your current predicament is. You are tougher than you even know!

3. The future is waiting for you

Difficult situations can make it seem like life is over, but there’s so much out there for you to enjoy and experience. It might be difficult to snap out of your current mindset, but try thinking about yourself in five years. Will this problem still be weighing you down? We hope not.

past quote

4. Everyone goes through problems

This isn’t meant to invalidate your feelings. Instead, it’s meant to serve as a reminder that you aren’t alone. There isn’t an adult alive who hasn’t gone through a feeling of being absolutely overwhelmed and alone with a problem. You can take solace in knowing that you can talk to just about any person you trust. Even if they can’t relate to your exact circumstances, they should be able to understand where you’re coming from.

5. You learn from your mistakes

There is no growth without mistakes. The wisest and toughest people in the world are not perfect. They are people who can freely admit to having made some poor decisions. They didn’t let those decisions define them. Instead, they took them as a valuable opportunity to educate themselves and not repeat those mistakes again. Research shows that stress has its benefits, as it can make you a more motivated person. Remember these things to feel better when going through stress.

6. What you want and need are not the same

Should you have a never-changing idea of what your life is supposed to be like, you’re going to be disappointed. Desires only lead to disappointment, because it’ll end up exactly as we anticipated. When you’re feeling bad about circumstances, ask if it’s because you expected things to go differently. It could turn out that you’re better off with circumstances you didn’t anticipate.

7. Every step forward matters

No one goes from feeling terrible to feeling great overnight. It requires repeated action to feel better. If you feel completely terrible one day but only partially terrible the next day, you are making progress, even if you still feel bad. You can’t let yourself ruminate on the past. Instead, you need to stay focused on the present to give yourself a better future.

8. You’re allowed to change

Self-improvement is not reserved for everyone but yourself. If you feel like there’s no hope for you, it might be because you’re limiting yourself to what you believe you’re capable of. You can change yourself for the better, and you don’t need anyone else’s permission to do so.

9. People care about you

You are a human, and you deserve dignity. There are people out there who care about your well-being. Even if you don’t realize it or don’t want to think about it, your existence truly matters. You have value to the world, and your problems will never outweigh your worth as a person.

10. Tough situations make life better

It might seem ridiculous, but challenges in life are what make life worth living. The greatest joys in life come not from avoiding problems but from tackling problems. Even if you can’t solve these problems on your first try, you can feel better about yourself for having the audacity to take them on.

These are such important things to remember when life gets tough, because they help keep you focused in the face of adversity. You might not want to come to terms with stress like this, but it’s much preferred to keeping your negative feelings bottled up. Our problems really are only as big as we make them.

When you remember these things, you don’t avoid tough situations entirely. What happens is that you take the power out of tough situations. They no longer become insurmountable obstacles that make you cower in fear. Instead, they become just like any other situation that you can deal with. These aren’t just things to remember. They’re things to help make you a stronger person.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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