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Things You Should Know about Law of Karma if You Want Good Things in Life

The law of karma is simple. For everything you do, there is a response by the universe. Since karma works in mysterious ways, you cannot foresee what reaction you might get. However, one thing remains clear, as the old adage says, what goes around always comes around in one form or another. For this reason, you want to practice the law of karma with sincerity.

While you cannot control how the universe reacts to what you say and do, you can generate positive energy through the smallest act of thoughtfulness. One good deed may set off a firestorm of compassionate occurrences. One cruel misdeed can have the opposite effect. You have the ability to control your words, actions, and intentions. You can improve conditions by taking the initiative to create change for the better or correct an injustice, to make right what was done wrong on your own volition.

Below are some things to remember about universal law and tips as you practice the law of karma:


The Beatles wrote a song called “The End” in which one of the lines goes, “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” Years later Paul McCartney, who co-wrote the song, was asked if he thought that was true. He answered, “I believe the more you give, the more you get.” All words, actions, and intents carry energy. Each one vibrates on a positive or negative frequency. If you work with the best intentions, such as performing random acts of love and kindness without the expectation of reward, karma will respond accordingly.


Karmic law says that you cannot make anything happen simply by asking. For example, prayer by itself is only a sincere thought. As the Dalai Lama stated in response to those offering prayers in response to shooting in the Paris nightclub, “Stop praying and start doing.” This means in order for positive change to occur, you must be an active participant in the process. Chaos does make you move and become stronger if you allow it. Why not begin a campaign to address firearms?


When you improve yourself, you improve your surroundings. Of the many tips to practice law of karma, this is one of the most important. Karma recognizes the attempt to do good in the world and is attuned to a being’s humility and selflessness in making the greater good a priority. Give in abundance whenever you can. The law of karma doesn’t specify an amount. No gesture is too big or small, but karma recognizes the effort.

Here I’m reminded of the Native American concept of “All My Relatives.” That means all beings are considered a relative, a family member, and because this is true, one must help a relative whenever the need arises. It could be a person, an animal, or a plant. It doesn’t matter because all are connected.

law of karma


It is important to note that the law of karma knows no time limits. Karma moves at its own pace. Be patient. Many times, any endeavor of great importance involves a few steps forward followed by many steps back. It’s ok to get lost on the way–it’s all a part of life’s journey.

And, as Joseph Marshall, author of “The Lakota Way” wrote, there’s nothing worthwhile that doesn’t need to be defended now and then. That means nothing of value will be achieved without a fight. Be prepared to make great sacrifices for any worthy cause that makes you stronger.


The law of karma isn’t personal. It is what it is and the consequences for the energy you create is unavoidable. The best way to exercise karma is to give your sincere best on a daily basis. Doing so doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen. On the contrary, life is a combination of both good and bad, as you cannot have one without the other.

Remember patience is virtuous, perseverance is required, and persistence is everything. Stay focused on being true to yourself and the values you uphold in what you say and do. The world will be a better place and your efforts will not go unnoticed.


There are many resources you can find online to learn more about how to better practice the law of karma. The Chopra Center (Deepak Chopra) is a good resource for following the law of karma in your daily life. There are many quotes from the Dalai Lama that reflect the points made by the Chopra Center. As it relates to the scientific community, you can find interesting reads on how science views the concept of karma and the effects and consequences (mainly from the Hindu perspective) as they pertain to the belief in karma to one’s personal health.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

These 8 Memorable Quotes About Love Will Make You Believe In True Love

There’s something about finding true love that makes you feel like anything is possible. Whether it’s finally meeting your soul mate face to face or re-establishing a connection with the one you’ve been married to for fifty years, true love is a powerful feeling.

Maybe that’s why we love reading quotes about love so much. We have a hard time finding the words to adequately describe how we feel. But love quotes find a way to express the deep feelings of our heart. We do a great job of it ourselves, but some people describe love better than others, like the quotes listed below.

8 Quotes About Love That Will Make You Believe In Love Again

All of these quotes stretch the gamut of the emotions associated with finding – and keeping – true love. Though some may talk about the value of love, others charge the reader to love in spite of hardships. These prove that love isn’t merely an emotion, but a practice. It is something we work towards constantly and enjoy as a result.

“Love is an endless act of forgiveness. Forgiveness is me giving up the right to hurt you for hurting me.” 
– Beyonce

One of the first quotes about love is also the hardest: how to move on past a love that has either forsaken you, broken your trust, or something worse. True love is the ability to move on past heartbreak, no matter the form.

“The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” 
– Marilyn Monroe

Love doesn’t have to be composed of big showy emotions. It’s usually the little things that make the most difference. That’s why these quotes about love talk about the little things we can do every day to restart the spark in our relationship.

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” 
– Oprah Winfrey

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” 
– Dr. Suess

“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” 
– Catherine Earnshaw, Wuthering Heights

The ability to find the other half of your soul in someone else is a treat that few people get to experience. To find it is to find heaven itself. Even though it may seem like it takes forever to find it, once you do, you’ll never let it go.

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” 
– Maya Angelou

quotes about love

When you truly love someone, you begin to see all the “reasons” why you shouldn’t be together as obstacles you have to jump over instead of roadblocks that keep you apart. True love has a way of circumventing everything for the sake of your heart.

“A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.” 
– Mahatma Gandhi

In order to love, you’ll have to be willing to put yourself out there, and that means taking a chance with your heart. It could be broken and returned back to you in a million pieces, or it could be nurtured by your soulmate. You’ll never know unless you take that chance.

“When you like someone, you like them in spite of their faults. When you love someone, you love them with their faults.” 
– Elizabeth Cameron

Not all quotes about love are designed to make you feel good. In some cases, they may help you realize if the person you’re with is not worth it and when it’s time to leave. Once you know that their love is genuine, however, the perceived “faults” end up becoming some of the best aspects of their character since those are what makes them truly unique.

Finding quotes about love is not hard, but finding ones that actually speak to your soul is a completely different matter entirely. Still, many love quotes have the ability to capture a fluid moment in its entirety, allowing you to grow in your understanding of such a magnificent emotion.

Regardless of whether you’ve found love in your life or not, it’s always encouraging to hear about what love is supposed to be like from people who have experienced it firsthand, just so you know it’s still real.

10 Habits That Will Change Your Life (In Under 2 Minutes)

Habits needn’t drain our lives or our spirits; they should do just the opposite! Many people associate habits with a boring routine or mundane ritual, but healthy habits have the power to totally change your life. Just as bad habits can harm you and set you back on your path, good habits can change your life and spring you forward toward your goals.

Today, we will go over some habits that will make your life more positive and provide some direction in your day.

Here are 10 habits that will change your life (in under 2 minutes):

“Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.” – Aristotle

  1. Define your goals for the day.

It really only takes a couple minutes to figure out what you need to get done each day. However, many people skip this important step, and therefore, try to get too much done in 24 hours. In turn, they feel frazzled, unfocused, and anxious. To alleviate those feelings, simply set realistic goals for the day so that you know where to focus your energy. This is perhaps one of the best pieces of lifestyle advice we could give you, because focused energy has the power to totally change your life.

  1. Start your day earlier.

Each morning, try to wake up five minutes earlier. Not only will you have more time in your day, but you’ll have less stress since you won’t have to rush around as much to make it out the door in the morning. Habits take willpower to implement, but if you stick with them, you’ll see your life dramatically change.

  1. Drink more water.

Did you know that most Americans live in a chronic state of dehydration? This sets us up for a myriad of health problems, plus it zaps our energy and leaves us in a cranky mood. Bad habits such as being dehydrated will only lead to more problems down the road. Water eliminates toxins, eases digestion, boosts metabolism, increases energy, promotes skin health, and so forth. Try to drink at least eight glasses a day for optimal health and energy levels.

  1. Don’t multitask.

Multitasking doesn’t really exist; what you’re really doing is just rapidly switching between tasks and confusing your brain. Good habits include taking your time with each task so that you can perform it to the best of your ability. MIT neuroscientist Earl Miller says this about multitasking:

“The brain is very good at deluding itself. Switching from task to task, you think you’re actually paying attention to everything around you at the same time. But you’re really not,” Miller said, “You’re not paying attention to one or two things simultaneously, but switching between them very rapidly.”

If you take anything from this piece of lifestyle advice, just remember that we are wired to do one thing at a time, not multiple things.

  1. Practice deep breathing.

Another one of the habits that will change your life is to just breathe slowly. So many of us breathe shallowly and quickly, which leads to feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Our breathing often matches our lives: hurried and disorganized. To combat anxiety, pay attention to your breathing. Practice abdominal breathing, which involves breathing in until your lungs and belly are full, and releasing the air slowly. Studies have shown that this method of breathing can lower stress and blood pressure effectively.

  1. Put down technology for a bit.

Don’t start your day by checking emails and text messages; this will just raise your blood pressure and heartrate and start your day on an anxious note. Instead, try meditating or reading a book quietly before you get ready for work or school. You’ll feel much more relaxed, and this will help you formulate good habits upon waking up each morning.

  1. Stick to a routine each day.

Before you step out the door each morning, figure out what your day will look like. This doesn’t mean you can’t make spontaneous plans with a friend or change up your routine every so often; it just allows you to make a blueprint of your day. Having a consistent routine will allow you to practice positive habits that have the potential to change your life.

  1. Get up and stretch.

Throughout your day, take some time to stop what you’re doing and stretch. This will help keep your muscles and joints limber, boost energy levels, and promote good circulation. No one wants to sit at an office desk for 8+ hours without getting up at all, so try to take breaks at least once per hour.

  1. Block off some time to simply rest.

Our society is so focused on productivity and movement that we rarely prioritize just lying down and daydreaming for a bit. For at least five minutes a day, turn off your phone, forget about chores, and lie down in your room for a quick relaxation session. You can use this time to rest your mind and body and recharge for the rest of your day.

  1. Walk outside barefoot.


Many studies have shown the amazing benefits of walking on the earth barefoot, so take some time each day to strip off your shoes and connect with nature. Some benefits of “earthing” include increased antioxidants, improved sleep quality, and a decrease in pain and inflammation.

Final thoughts

Good habits have the power to change your life for the better. Although it won’t happen overnight, being consistent in the above habits will greatly reward you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

3 Evening Habits That Calm Anxiety And Help You Sleep

Anxiety seems to be a growing epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, it is the most common mental disorder worldwide. One in 13 people globally suffers from an anxiety disorder. In the U.S., about 40 million adults have an anxiety disorder. If you have anxiety, it might seem debilitating at times, but you can use certain techniques to help calm you so that it doesn’t interfere with your daily life as much. Some people who deal with anxiety suffer from insomnia as well, because if you have racing thoughts at night, sleep can be hard to come by. Today, we want to go over some specific ways you can ease your mind and beat insomnia and anxiety once and for all.

Here are 3 evening habits that can help your anxiety and insomnia:

  1. Write down your thoughts in a journal.

When you have racing thoughts that keep you up at night, try out this insomnia remedy. All you need is a pen and a journal to help you organize your thoughts. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, journaling can help you prioritize your fears and concerns. It also helps you track your symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize any patterns. Additionally, journaling gives you a way to initiate positive self-talk.

You might struggle at first to put down your thoughts on paper because it makes them seem more “real,” but just try your best to be honest with yourself. It might help you to consult with a therapist or counselor as well if you need someone to talk to about your anxiety and/or insomnia.

prevent anxiety

  1. Have a regular meditation practice.

We have said this many times before, but one of the best ways to beat insomnia and anxiety is to completely stop what you’re doing and focus solely on your breathing – aka meditation. In one study, researchers instructed those with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) to do mindfulness meditation for eight weeks. At the end of the program, many patients saw a significant decrease in anxiety symptoms. You can read countless studies and information about meditation and anxiety online, and some studies have even shown meditation to be more effective than medication at treating anxiety.

To start a meditation practice, simply quiet your space so that you don’t have any distractions. Turn off your cell phone, power down your laptop, turn off the TV, etc. Then, make sure you have a comfortable spot to either sit or lie down. You can grab a pillow to sit on if it makes you more comfortable and relaxed. Finally, take deep breaths and focus completely on your breathing. Try to remain in the moment and don’t think about anything except relaxation. It might help you to find a guided meditation on YouTube or elsewhere if you have trouble staying focused or have distracting thoughts.

  1. Watch something funny before bed.

In our world today, it’s easy to get caught up in negativity. News programs and even social media can bring down our mood and cause us to worry about all the issues in the world today. To combat feelings of anxiety, turn off anything that depresses or troubles you. Watch something funny instead. Laughter is one of the best medicines in the world, and the best part is, it’s completely natural and free of charge! Use this insomnia remedy if you have trouble quieting your mind at night; you can try searching YouTube for funny videos or scrolling through Netflix to find a show or movie that will make you laugh.

If you have kids or a pet, spend time with them as well, especially if you prefer to stay off technology before bedtime. Relaxing or playing a game with loved ones is a surefire way to beat anxiety and insomnia. Bonding and laughing together can ease your troubles and put things in perspective.

Final thoughts

Anxiety can feel like an all-encompassing monster at times, but it doesn’t have to. Remember that you can always refer to self-soothing techniques such as these to help calm your mind and ease anxiety and insomnia symptoms.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Early Signs Your Supplements Aren’t Working

Do you take vitamins and other nutritional supplements to boost your overall health and wellness? A lot of people believe in the effectiveness of supplements. Studies from the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) show that 71 percent of adults in the United States use supplements to complete their body’s daily dietary needs. Some of the most commonly taken multivitamins are vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin B or B complex, omega-3, and vitamin E. But do supplements work?

The effectiveness of supplements might be psychological in some cases. There are manufacturers that do, in fact, state on the label that their product has no guaranteed therapeutic benefits. So, how do you know if the vitamins you’re taking do work and how can you tell if your supplements are not working? Take a look at some early signs that might indicate the supplements you’re taking are not going to be effective.

Here Are 7 Early Signs Your Supplements Are Not Effective

“Just imagine, how much easier our lives would be if we were born with a ‘user guide or owner’s manual’ which could tell us what to eat and how to live healthy.” ? Erika M. Szabo

1. Your supplements are coated for longer shelf life.

Ever notice how some supplement pills are shiny? This indicates that the capsules or tablets have either been waxed or treated with ingredients like shellac or hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. (Long word, right?) Manufacturers add this to the supplements for a longer shelf life. While this might be good for business, it can affect the quality and benefits you get from the vitamins. Coatings decrease the solubility of the capsule or tablet, hence your body won’t be able to absorb the nutrients it needs. This is one way to check the effectiveness of supplements.

2. You’re paying for low-quality products.

Supplements aren’t manufactured equally. Some stores do offer cheaper bottles of vitamins, which might be enticing to buy. But the truth is that these might not contain any active ingredients that could benefit your health. If you’re not feeling any effects after two or three months of intake then switch to a different brand. Splurging a little bit could pay off when it comes to vitamins, but this doesn’t mean that pricier brands have better quality.

Your best bet is to always buy your supplements from a reputable store or manufacturer. Before purchasing, read up on the vitamins and manufacturer too. If you come across details that the supplements have been tested by companies like Consumer Lab, NSF International, and U.S. Pharmacopeia then you can rely on its quality.

3. You depend on your supplements too much.

A Consumer Lab study on multivitamins learned that 46 percent of popular supplements actually do not live up to their supposed health benefits. This is because most supplements have fillers, boosters, and other synthetic ingredients that change its natural contents. As a result, you could be jeopardizing your health if you’re solely dependent on supplements.

The best way to boost your vitamin intake is still the most natural way – by having fruits and vegetables, or foods rich in vitamins and minerals regularly. There really is no substitute for healthy meals. For that matter, there’s also no substitute for a stress-free lifestyle. If you’re taking supplements but still smoke, drink, or overwork your body then you won’t gain the positive effects of taking vitamins, no matter how high quality it is.

4. You’re taking large capsules or tablets.

Dr. Tod Cooperman of Consumer Lab said in a press release that large-sized capsules or tablets won’t likely work because these are the types of supplements that don’t break down well. Thus, your body will have a hard time digesting and absorbing its nutrient. Additionally, supplements in large capsules or tablets usually mean that the pills are packed with additives and lack natural ingredients. Here’s a way to do a simple test at home if the pills are soluble:

  • Drop one pill in a lukewarm glass of water with 1/4 cup of white vinegar and let it set for 15 minutes.
  • Gently stir the pill in the liquid afterward and let it keep sitting.
  • After 45 minutes, check if the pill has broken down.
  • In two hours, it should be in dissolved powder form.

If doesn’t turn to powder, it’s likely going to stay in pill form inside your digestive tract, which means the supplements aren’t effective.

5. You’re taking one pill for many vitamins and minerals.

If you’re taking a supplement that contains many vitamins and minerals in just one pill, you’re likely not going to gain from it, Dr. Cooperman added. As much as possible, buy vitamins as a single ingredient. For example, pick a bottle of just vitamin B pills because you can be 90 percent certain that this supplement contains exactly what it says. Forget the bottle with vitamin B, plus zinc and minerals all in one tablet. You can bet you’ll be drinking down placebo pills instead.

mental health

6. You’re not storing your supplements properly.

Do supplements work if they are kept in your bathroom’s medicine cabinet? Actually, the humidity in the bathroom could impact and change its composition, hence it will lose its effect. Do supplements work if they’re stored in the refrigerator? Well, some vitamins aren’t supposed to be stored in low temperatures because it will lessen their effectiveness.

Perhaps the best way to store your supplements is in the dining room or breakfast nook since you’re going to take them with food anyway. As much as possible, retain the pills in their original container, which are usually dark colored and opaque. Supplement bottles are made this way so that the capsules and tablets do not get exposed to light.

7. You’re taking expired vitamins.

Expired vitamins don’t end up tasting bad or turn to poison but this doesn’t mean it’s still good to ingest.  Expired supplements have actually lost their potency, so your body doesn’t benefit from them anymore. You need to dispose of expired capsules or tablets.

However, don’t dump these in the toilet, as they could dissolve into the water supply and affect other organisms.  If you have to put in the trash can, mix the expired pills with dirt, used coffee grounds, or cat litter first so that the pills become unpalatable, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Final thoughts

Before purchasing any supplement, consider discussing your options first with a doctor or pharmacist. Your doctors could give you proper dosage and form recommendations, while a pharmacist could guide you about what’s really in the bottle’s ingredients. And remember, positive thinking isn’t enough when it comes to the effectiveness of supplements.


When Bad Things Happen: Here Is What You Need To Do

Sometimes it can feel like the universe is conspiring against us. Everyday events, like sleeping through an alarm to losing the car keys can set a negative tone for the rest of the day. More catastrophic life events, like losing a loved one or going through a divorce, can send us into depression and make us feel like life is pointless. It usually seems like stressful events and chaos happens all at once.

The fact of the matter is that bad things will inevitably happen to us if we live long enough. How we respond when something stressful happens to us is largely dictated by our frame of mind. If we think that we are immune to difficulties or engage in negative thought patterns and self-talk, we are likely to experience more hardship and stress. But when we approach unpleasantness with a more optimistic frame of mind, we will find that we are better able to cope with the curve balls that life throws at us.

Four Tools For Handling The Bad Things In Life

Though is may seem like we are plagued by bad luck, we really aren’t. Life happens — and tough times are a natural part of life. By arming ourselves with these tools, we can better handle adversity when it strikes.

Get Out of the Negativity Cycle

It is fairly easy to cycle into negativity when it seems like the hits just keep on coming. Engaging in self-blame, slipping into depression, or reacting in anger are common reactions to stressful events. But reacting to the unpleasantness that happens to us with negativity will actually make it worse. Not better.

It may seem like an impossible task when coping with bad things happening, but we need to focus on what is going right in life. This will improve not only our frame of mind, but will trickle down and inevitably improve our circumstances. We tend to focus on the negative — which can make the situation seem much worse than it actually is. When we focus on more positive things, we will find more positive outcomes to difficult situations.

gratitude quote

Bad Things Are Going to Happen; Be Prepared with Positivity

Coping with stressful events in a productive and meaningful way actually begins before the event occurs. By paying attention to our day-to-day thought patterns, we can start to coach our thoughts in a particular direction. A study published in the Journal of Behavior Research and Therapy found that when anxiety sufferers visualized positive outcomes to stressful events or worries, their overall anxiety levels decreased. If we tend to lean more negatively, we should try to practice positive self-talk and visualization.

Numerous scientific studies show that the power of positivity not only helps us cope when bad things happen to us, but can actually have benefits beyond getting us through tough times. These benefits include lower rates of depression and lower levels of distress. Additionally, they can lead to improved cardiovascular health and a longer life span. When our physical and mental health are in good shape, we are better able to cope with stressful events.

You Don’t Have to Go it Alone

Having a strong support network is important when we are going through a difficult time. We may not want to burden our friends or family with our struggles. Still, feeling like we are all alone can make even small difficulties feel insurmountable. Furthermore, using a trusted friend as a sounding board for our thoughts can help us find a way through stressful circumstances.

Accept the Situation to Stop Your Suffering

The only way out of a stressful situation is through it. When we resist the idea that bad things will happen, when we engage in constant negative thought patterns or remain in denial, we only prolong our suffering. We must accepting that some things are just not going well. This is not the same as inviting stress into our lives — on the contrary. Acceptance opens the door to begin constructively working through whatever is happening.

When we accept what is rather than resist it, we are better able to align our thoughts and actions to address the problem. Or we may realize there is nothing we can do to “fix” it (like when a loved one passes away). Acceptance hastens healing. Acceptance can allow us to learn from unpleasantness and to take advantage of the opportunities that disruption can provide.

Bad things are going to happen to us, but we can weather just about any storm if we approach stressful events with positivity. How we approach unpleasantness will largely determine how long we are impacted by it. By remaining in a positive frame of mind, we can minimize stress, improve our health, and invite more positivity into our lives.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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