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Are You A Hopeless Romantic? Here’s Why It’s Perfectly Okay

You believe in love boldly and fearlessly. Daydreaming of your perfect love, there’s no second option for you when it comes to your dream lover. While the more pragmatic among us may look at hopeless romantics and laugh, the truth is that if any of us hope to make our love work, it’s the hopeless romantics that will win the day.

Love and the Hopeless Romantic: Why it Works

“People don’t write songs about being compatible or novels about shared life goals and stimulating conversation. The great loves are the crazy ones.” – Gossip Girl

Don’t let the others get you down: you’re a hopeless romantic, and that’s okay. You have high expectations for love and you really enjoy believing in it. While others may warn you that no one will be able to meet your expectations, don’t stop believing. Here are six reasons why you should keep the faith:

Signs you are a hopeless romantic


1. Hopeless Romantics Celebrate All of the Little Things

Hopeless romantics are likely the most hopeful people on this planet. You get excited at all of the possibilities that could happen in life and in love. Whether it’s a smile from a kind stranger on the street or a text from your significant other, taking the time to revel in little joys each day is a sign of positivity and strength.

2. Stronger Romantic Beliefs Lead to a More Fulfilled Love Life

Hopeless romantics tend to go big when it comes to their idea of romantic love. While cynics may call this wishful thinking, for hopeless romantics, strong romantic beliefs are more likely to lead to a more fulfilled relationship and love life.

The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships conducted a study to explore the effects of partners’ romantic beliefs on their relationships. The study found that though unmet expectations could be attributed to lower satisfaction in a relationship, the partners who held strong romantic beliefs were more likely to be satisfied with their expectations as well as their partner’s actions and behavior.

romantic quotes

3. Being a Romantic Means You Know What They Want

“I think the perfection of love is that it’s not perfect.” – Taylor Swift

There’s nothing wrong with daydreaming about your ideal partner or relationship. In fact, fantasizing about exactly what you hope for in life will allow you to determine what you truly want in a partner.

While you’ll never find a “perfect” person, you can still be hopelessly romantic and find someone that is perfect for you. Of course, there will be flaws and setbacks in any relationship, but don’t let that stop you from dreaming for and going after what you really want.

4. As a Hopeless Romantic, You Don’t Settle

A hopeless romantic knows the difference between settling for the next opportunity that comes your way and holding out hope for the great love of your life. Hopeless romantics wait for what they want. They know what it looks like and what it should feel like, so they fight to find that special love.

Of course, it can be tempting to go the easy route and settle into another average relationship. While this may abate temporary feelings of loneliness, in the end, you’ll realize that your soul longs for more.

5. Hopeless Romantics are Some of the Most Honest People You’ll Meet

Hopeless romantics believe in love so strongly that they are honest to a fault and have nothing to hide, especially their true feelings. They are always open and ready to be vulnerable, even if it means getting hurt. While this can be aggravating, it also means that you’ll never stop looking for your own hopeless romantic partner until you feel whole and complete.

6. There’s No Holding Back for a Hopeless Romantic

While others may tell you that the reason you always get hurt is that you fall too fast or too hard, the truth is that loving strongly is your superpower. When you find the right hopeless romantic partner, all the love you’ve longed to give will be well received and will make all the heartache and waiting worth it.

Final Thoughts: A Love for the Ages

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” – Moulin Rouge

Being a hopeless romantic is all about embracing your true self and sharing that freely with the world. Being a lover at heart is as much about loving yourself as it is about loving another, so don’t let anyone dim your light or tell you that you’re too much.

Let these words of loving wisdom inspire to keep pushing and holding on to hope. Love has the ability to transform you. Why would you settle for anything less than extraordinary?

7 Foods to Avoid If You’re Suffering From Inflammation

A lot of the foods you enjoy eating have been salted, sweetened, processed, and refined in different ways. While this might help food taste better and last longer, it could also be the reason you’re suffering from inflammation constantly. Inflammation, which manifests as body pain or swelling, can limit your ability to physically function. And when your body isn’t in the best shape, you can’t also muster a positive outlook. You can, however, make a conscious choice of staying away from unhealthy foods to lessen those negative symptoms.

Here Are 7 Foods You Should Avoid If You’re Suffering from Inflammation

“Lower your body’s burden of toxic chemicals, and you’ll turn down the flame another notch.” – Dr. Kellyann Petrucci

1. Fried foods

Yummy fried chicken and French fries are easy to prepare. These food choices are also always on the menu at most restaurants and fast food chains, so you can have it anytime. Fried foods are also comfort foods for some, but surely, you’ve heard how many doctors and health experts say these aren’t healthy.  Fried foods contain advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that trigger inflammation and accelerate the aging of the cells. Most fried foods are also cooked in trans fats (hydrogenated oils) like butter, lard, or palm oil that cause major inflammation.

A study from 2009 at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine proved that inflammation significantly decreased among a group of people who limited their intake of processed and fried foods for four months. They also experienced the restoration of their body’s immune system. If you can’t help eating fried foods, some experts suggest using healthy fat for frying these foods, such as peanut oil or olive oil. You might also want to switch to an air fryer instead of a deep fryer to cut down on the fat content.

2. White bread

Regular white bread contains refined carbohydrates and sugar. These are two food components that trigger inflammation. Our bodies apparently break down white bread faster than the whole-wheat variety, which sets off the blood sugar levels. This, then, causes an insulin spike that leads to inflammation.

If you like eating bread, experts recommend switching to the wheat and gluten-free kinds because these have no sugar and/or flour. These types of bread are also rich in fiber, which aids in your body’s digestion. In the same way, it’s also best to avoid pizza, tortillas, pretzels, pasta, and bagels made with refined flours.

3. Dairy

Milk might be good for the bones because it is rich in calcium. Yogurt, on the other hand, supposedly helps with inflammation because of its probiotic component. But milk and yogurt, as well as other dairy products like cream cheese and processed cheese, contain saturated fats that can cause inflammation. An excessive intake of these foods could worsen your swelling and pain. The key, therefore, is to consume dairy products in moderation.

If you feel a headache or other symptoms of inflammation kicking in after eating dairy foods, then it might be good to cut down on these for a while. If you’re worried about losing a calcium source because you have to reduce your milk intake, then take heart in this research from the British Medical Journal. It cited that there is no direct correlation between decreased milk consumption to bone fractures, especially in women.

4. Soda

While technically a drink, most people love to have a can or glass of ice-cold soda with their meals or snacks. But did you know that one can of a soft drink is enough to cause inflammation? Even soda filled with artificial sweeteners or “diet” drinks aren’t healthy, according to a study in the journal Nature. Soda, including the kind with artificial sweeteners, apparently raises the body’s glucose intolerance. When the body cannot properly digest and metabolize glucose, it releases more inflammatory substances that the cells secrete.

5. Fatty meat

Fatty meat has all the flavors and could be rich in protein but these types of food are also major inflammation triggers. Consuming burgers, ribs, hotdogs, and bacon regularly can lead to chronic health concerns like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. For a healthier choice, enjoy omega-3-rich meats instead – such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna. You can also acquire protein in a healthy way from beans, nuts, and soya.

6. Canned soup

Stocking up on canned soup in the kitchen might be convenient because you can use them in meal preparation at any time. But canned goods contain a lot of preservatives, including the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG). Homemade soup is much better than canned soup, but if it takes you too much time to prepare every meal, why not cook a batch and store it in the freezer? Store your frozen, homemade soup in smaller containers so you can heat a few cups when needed.

Similarly, avoid pretty much any type of canned foods if you want to limit symptoms of inflammation. Processed foods are filled with chemicals that trigger the cells to always be on “attack,” and this is why your body starts to pain and swell.

7. Alcohol

A glass of wine might be helpful because it contains flavonoids. This is an antioxidant that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Too much alcohol intake, however, will bring about the opposite effect. Alcoholic drinks have toxic ingredients that promote inflammation, lower your body’s immunity, and damage your organs. Experts always advise to drink moderately. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, moderate drinking is one glass for women and two glasses for men per day.inflammation

Final thoughts

Inflammation can lead to allergies, asthma, sinusitis, arthritis, and other types of joint pains. Consider changing your diet if you’re prone to develop these conditions. A little positive thinking and a change in diet is all you need to lead a healthier lifestyle!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Signs You’re Truly Happy In A Relationship

So many people look for answers when they want to learn how to be happy in a relationship. Exactly how can you be happy in a relationship? Having a partner and being in a relationship should add something to your life. It should make your life better, happier, and more fulfilled. In other words, there should be happiness in a relationship. However, media, movies, books, and songs often show us a wrong idea of what it is to be truly happy in a relationship. Additionally, they can make us doubt if what we have is really what makes us happy. Here are some of the signs that you are really, truly in a relationship that makes you happy.

Here Are 10 Signs You’re Truly Happy in A Relationship

“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

1. You will feel content most of the time.

Constant butterflies and extreme happiness in seeing your partner is not only impossible, it would also be exhausting. Once the first three months or so of a relationship pass, the “in love” feeling transforms into a feeling of contentment and happiness that is more calm and lasting. That is not to say that you won’t still have the butterflies and excitement. They are still there. They just show up less often, and what you have in between is a calm type of happiness … true happiness in a relationship.

2. You enjoy watching shows and movies together.

Although at the beginning of a relationship you often go out, if you only go out and be around other people all the time, it can be a sign that you are not that happy in your relationship. If, however you feel like you can also be together, just the two of you and share enjoyments like a series or movie together, you have a better chance of staying together and creating a happy fulfilling relationship.

3. You fight productively.

A relationship without fighting is impossible. Having strong discussions or arguments about things that you are passionate about is important and even healthy. The difference between a healthy fight and an unhealthy one is what you want to accomplish. If you just want to be right and have your partner be wrong, that is a sign you are more into yourself and not as much the relationship. If you and your partner have an outlook of both of you against the problem, it is much more likely that the issue will get resolved and you will not have to deal with it over and over again.

4. You make each other want to be and do better.

It is never your job to change someone else or to be changed by someone else. However, in any healthy relationship, being close to another person helps you bring out the best of yourself. Not via force, or manipulation. But in a healthy and productive and almost natural way.

5. Your intimate relationship is good and getting better.

The way you are intimately together does not always mean you are in a happy relationship. However, poor intimate relationships that neither of you is willing to work on is a sign that you are not happy in your current relationship. Sexual compatibility is also important. You can work on techniques on how to make your partner weak in the knees but you cannot keep pretending to like things you don’t. A little bit of adjusting is okay, but if you have to change your entire sexual identity to please the other person, you may want to keep on looking.

6. You like them.

Of course, you love them, but it is more than that. You actually enjoy spending time with them. You like it when they talk to you, and you have fun together. Additionally, you like who they are as a person, not only when they are with you but also when you are with others. Your partner might have some habits that annoy you, but as a person, they do not.

7. You share happiness and laughter.

Not everything in life is joy, and sometimes you must navigate difficult waters together. However, what is most important in a happy and fulfilling relationship is knowing that you can share your happiness and laughter with your partner and that you do so. This reinforces happy feelings associated with your partner and makes you want to spend more time together. Also, shared joy is double the joy that, in turn, brings more happiness in a relationship.

8. They may not always make you feel better, but they never make you feel worse.

It is not always possible to feel better about a certain situation, especially not if it has nothing to do with your partner. However, if you often feel worse about yourself or a situation after you have talked it over with your partner, that is not a good sign. Even if they cannot help you feel better about the situation, they will still be there for you, even if it is just to listen or give you a hug, or whatever you need at that moment.

9. You really communicate together.

Too often conversations follow a pattern of person “A” saying something, person “B” saying something of their own related to what person “A” is saying, etc. In a healthy and happy relationship, communication does not work that way. When a relationship is happy, you actively listen to your partner, ask questions about their experience, and are present in the moment that they are talking, instead of thinking of the next thing you might want to say. In healthy, mutually beneficial relationships, you are also aware that your partner does the same for you. Maybe that means sometimes you do not get to tell that interesting anecdote. Instead, you make sure your partner feels heard, understood, and listened to.relationship quote

10. Let the small things stay small.

There are so many things that can create annoyances in daily life if we let them. If we want to have a happy partnership and relationship with a significant other, we should make sure to keep the small things small. That means that if it annoys your partner that you leave socks all over the place, you make an effort to pick them up. And if you are the partner who is annoyed when you find socks all over the place, you recognize that they are making an effort and simply pick them up and put them away. You choose not to hold onto resentment about socks (or anything else).

Final thoughts

Happiness and healthy relationships are not like the movies. They are not fireworks and grand gestures all the time. It is in the little things that long-term happiness lies. It’s very easy to attain happiness in a relationship; all you need is positive thinking and a positive attitude towards your partner. This is truly how to be happy in a relationship.

How To Deal With A Stubborn Partner In A Relationship (1)

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11 Signs You Have Estrogen Dominance

What is Estrogen dominance?

Our hormones control nearly every function within the body. As such, we need a balanced hormonal system if we want good health. Simply, you can think of hormones as tiny chemical messengers that relay bits of information between cells, organs, and system.  Hormones also influence how we interpret and experience emotions. So they significantly impact our behavior. A normal hormonal system aids in brain health and cognitive functioning.

Both sexes possess these three hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Here’s a bit of info on each type of hormone:

Estrogen: With much higher concentrations in women, this hormone is responsible for the development and growth of “female secondary sexual characteristics.” These include the breasts, and also the hair that grows in the armpits and pubic region. Estrogen enables ovulation and fertilization, as well as regulates period cycles and the reproductive system. At abnormal levels, estrogen can be the catalyst for a variety of health conditions.

Progesterone: Considered a female sex hormone, progesterone prepares the body for conception and pregnancy. It also influences female sex drive and is considered a precursor to the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. This hormone regulates the menstrual cycle and is thought to help protect against breast cancer.

Testosterone: The dominant male sex hormone, females produce about 90 percent less testosterone than men. This hormone is vital to bone and muscle strength, sex drive, and overall energy levels. It also influences cognitive functioning and mood.

Estrogen Dominance and Signs

“Benign breast disease, breast cancer and pre-cancerous conditions have been found to be associated with a progesterone deficiency and estrogen excess.” – Ray Peat, Ph.D.

To accurately transcribe what estrogen dominance is, a bit of background knowledge should help. Female hormones work in a beautiful, intelligent synchrony that permits the body to function optimally. This synchronization requires a delicate balancing act between all hormones, especially that of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.


When the ratio of hormones involved in this “balancing act” is disturbed – by poor diet or too much stress, for example – it can carry serious health implications. One such instance is estrogen dominance, which occurs when estrogen levels are disproportionately high (to progesterone levels, usually.)

11 Signs of Estrogen Dominance

1. Breast sensitivity

The presence of estrogen causes the ducts of the breast to swell. This sign is prevalent during menopause and may manifest as symptoms of swelling and tenderness.

2. Edema

Edema is the abnormal accumulation of fluid in tissues of the body. It is most apparent when present in the legs – a condition called peripheral edema.

3. Abnormal blood flow during periods

As mentioned, estrogen – as a primary role – regulates the body’s processes during menstruation. When the hormone is out of whack, a woman may experience irregular blood flow. Sometimes this imbalance may lead to a “missed” period.

4. Sleep disturbances

Estrogen dominance is thought to make women more susceptible and sensitive to internal and external stressors. As a result, sleep disturbance and even insomnia may surface.

5. Infertility

Estrogen is responsible for fertilization and ovulation, and when present in excess can prevent both. In many cases, estrogen dominance must be rectified to allow conception.

6. Depression and/or mood swings

Estrogen, a key hormone, has effects that extend to the brain. The dominance of any primary hormone affects mood and cognition – and may lead to anxious or depressive feelings.

7. Irregular period onset and skipped cycles

We’ve covered this point: normal estrogen levels encourages reproductive health, and this also includes menstruation. Estrogen dominance suppresses the vital functions of progesterone during periods.

8. Vaginal dryness and itchiness

Among its numerous duties, estrogen also lubricates the vaginal wall and promotes health in this region.

9. Varicose veins

Both estrogen and progesterone expand the female blood vessels. When deficient in either hormone, veins may constrict and expand, producing varicose (or “spider”) veins.

10. Weight gain

A specific type of estrogen, estradiol, assists in the regulation of metabolism. Consequently, an excess of this can lead to weight gain. Weight gain is one of the most apparent signs of estrogen dominance, especially during menopause.

11. Breast cancer and breast disease

Sadly, estrogen dominance has a relationship with breast cancer. The breast contains cells that act as receptors to estrogen (and progesterone). Excess estrogen levels may link to at least one type of breast cancer.

Prevention and Treatment

Natural treatment of low estrogen levels may be the best option. The plan described below also serves as a preventative measure.

Here are a few ways that you can treat and prevent estrogen dominance:

1) Address any mineral deficiencies, particularly calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

2) Cut back on saturated fats.

3) Take an Epsom salt bath because Epsom salt contains a bunch of magnesium (great for the hormones).

4) Eliminate any and all unnecessary stressors.

5) Support your liver by consuming more protein (to 20 to 25 percent of your total calorie intake).

6) Cut back on processed foods.

7) Leave the sugar ALONE.(!)

8) Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day.

9) Get at least 30 minutes of regular exercise daily.

10) Eat more carrots – because they have been found to lower estrogen levels and relieve premenstrual symptoms.

 (C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Five Hobbies Proven to Improve Your Health

It’s fun to embrace healthy habits at any age, but when you are older, keeping a hobby also brings great benefits to your health. Regularly doing something that you love helps your mind and body stay active and occupied. Experts have proven in countless studies how hobbies boost your well-being. So, here are the some of the most recommended hobbies to pursue that can improve your health naturally.

Here Are 5 Hobbies Proven to Improve Your Health

“Hobbies are apt to run away with us, you know; it doesn’t do to be run away with. We must keep the reins.” – George Eliot

1. Dancing

Dancing is a fun way to exercise. It boosts not just your physical wellbeing and strength, but it also helps with your mental wellness. According to experts who wrote a study in the journal Human Neuroscience, dancing helps slow down the aging process in the brain. Changing choreography or following and executing dance movements apparently keep the hippocampus active. The hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for balance, learning, and memory retention.

Some forms of dancing lessons, such as Ballroom or Latin dance, have also been proven to improve body strength and heart health. A Tango class, on the other hand, can improve symptoms of anxiety and other mood disorders. You do feel more energized after a dance class because your brain releases more endorphins when you exercise. Hence, you’re inclined to carry on the day with more positive thoughts.

If you’re worried about movements that could hurt your back, weaken your legs, or trigger a fall, then why not sign up for low-impact dance classes? Dancing at least three times a week can actually prevent instances of falling, according to a study published in the Cochrane Library, therefore giving you a greater chance to live a healthy lifestyle.

2. Gardening

Being around a green space with lots of trees and plants serves as a natural mood booster. Many experts agree that older people can greatly benefit from gardening as a hobby. Gardening reportedly reduces the risk of dementia development in men or women above 60 years old, according to experts from the Lipid Research Department at the St. Vincent’s Hospital in Australia.  Gardening also helps your body get natural vitamin D nutrients, especially when vitamin D deficiency becomes more common with age.

You’ll notice signs of health improvement from regular gardening because toiling with soil can do wonders for your immune system. Another study from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden suggests that gardening lessens the risks of stroke or heart attack. There’s one other perk to gardening, too, because you can wake up each morning to a beautiful home with gorgeous flesh flowers or enjoy meals with delicious homegrown vegetables from your backyard.

3. Journaling

This is one of the few healthy habits that will improve your health and help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Do you remember keeping a diary when you were 12 years old, or 16? Wasn’t that fun to do? It can be just as fun when you’re older. According to University of Texas psychologist James Pennebaker, journaling is an effective form of therapy because it is a self-expression tool. Writing can help you process your thoughts and feelings, thus enabling you to come to terms with the good or bad events in your life. You will also be able to manage your stress levels when you make journaling a habit.

A study in the JAMA Network stated that not only does keeping a diary improve your mental health, but it can also diminish some physical symptoms of pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis or asthma. It might seem strange but writing down your thoughts and chronicling your life also helps heal physical wounds faster, according to New Zealand experts.

These days, most people take their journal online via a blogging platform. This has added benefits as well because you can grow a community around your blog and develop new friendships and interests with other people.

4. Coloring

Coloring is not just an activity for children; it also works as a stress buster for busy adults. It promotes mindfulness similar to meditation, as it keeps you focused on a specific task for one or two hours a day. According to art therapist Marygrace Berberian, coloring reduces one’s anxiety levels. Just like journaling, coloring is an expression of creativity and the process promotes inner peace and tranquility that trigger positive thoughts.


Click here for free printable coloring pages!

5. Crafting

Knitting, quilting, and scrapbooking are just some of the crafting hobbies that have been resurging in recent years. Many have gone back to these basic activities as a way to cope with the fast-paced digital world. Crafting allows hobbyists to produce something they can proudly display or give as gifts, but many indulge in these activities for their psychological benefits too.

According to expert Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in a TED Talk, these creative hobbies promote flow. In psychology, flow is that moment when you’re so absorbed in an activity that you lose the sense of time and forget your worries for a moment. Perfect hobbies for health, wouldn’t you agree?!

positive mindset

Final thoughts

You can pursue any of these recommendations either by yourself or with a group of people. You should take pleasure from doing a hobby, especially if it could be the best thing you can do to lead a healthy lifestyle. There really is no right or wrong time to start indulging in new hobbies for health and for encouraging positive thinking. There’s also no rush to complete a class or create something right away, as the most important thing is to love what you are doing. Remember, healthy habits and hobbies will lead to a healthy lifestyle.


12 Inspirational Quotes For All The Strong Women

Need some inspirational quotes about life? How about some inspirational quotes about love? You will find both here, collected and curated for those times in your life when you need a little extra boost. When you’re feeling down, inspirational quotes do what inspirational quotes do best: they inspire you and guide you towards a future that you knew existed but hesitated to grab for whatever reason.

The people who crafted these inspirational quotes recognized that the true strength of a woman lies in her perception of herself and the ability to overcome social norms and craft the life that she desires. As such, the inspirational quotes on this list did not form out of thin air but were stated after persevering through the crucible of life. Born from human experience, these inspirational quotes about life and love are perfect to keep on a mirror or bedside table, any time you need to be reminded of the strength that lay within.

12 Inspirational Quotes For Strong Confident Women

1. “Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts … good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt. They’re not painful. That’s not just with somebody you want to marry, but it’s with the friends that you choose. It’s with the people you surround yourselves with.” — Michelle Obama

inspirational quotes

2. “Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise, let it roll right off you.” — Hillary Clinton

3. “The girls who were unanimously considered beautiful often rested on their beauty alone. I felt I had to do things, to be intelligent and develop a personality in order to be seen as attractive. By the time I realized maybe I wasn’t plain and might even possibly be pretty, I had already trained myself to be a little more interesting and informed.” — Diane Von Furstenberg

4. “Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is.” — Anne Frank

5. “I just love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody’s passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn’t mind learning.” — Amy Poehler

6. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” — Alice Walker

And a Few More …

7. “We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls: ‘You can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful. Otherwise, you will threaten the man.’ Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to marriage. I am expected to make my life choices, always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important. Now, marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support, but why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage and we don’t teach boys the same?” — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

8. “We’re here for a reason. I believe that reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.” – Whoopi Goldberg

9. “I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. … that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn

10. “Be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else.” – Judy Garland

11. “The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. … who live bravely, both tender and fierce. Women of indomitable will.” – Amy Tenney

12. “If my strength intimidates you, I hope you realize that’s a weakness of yours.” – Anonymous

Closing Thoughts

All of these inspirational quotes are extraordinary, but that last one is perhaps the most special. Strength within oneself should not be tampered down to soothe other people’s conscience; indeed, the only way we grow as humans is through struggle. Let these inspirational quotes about love and life help you as you progress through your own life, and let the words from these strong women form you into one as well. In time, perhaps you’ll have your own quotes we can add to the list.

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