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These Amazing Quotes Are All About Female Friendship

Do you have a certain person in your life that just seems to always be there no matter what? A friend that will not only encourage you but will also listen to you when times get tough and walk those lonely roads alongside you? If so, that type of friendship is to be cherished and nurtured as the rarest of jewels; a friendship like that will last a lifetime.

Below are some of our favorite female friendship quotes. Surely they can apply to just about any friendship, but they seem to be just a little more special when talking about two women. And if you don’t have this type of relationship in your life, maybe you’ll find a few friendship tips along the way.

Here are some amazing quotes about female friendship:

1. “It’s been my experience that people who make proclamations about themselves are usually the opposite of what they claim to be. If someone is truly a loyal friend, then they wouldn’t need to broadcast it; eventually, people will figure it out. I have a lot of good friends and not one of them has ever introduced themselves by saying, ‘I’m a very good friend.’” – Chelsea Handler

2. “I think a good friend, to me, is all about trust and loyalty. You don’t ever want to second-guess whether you can tell your friend something.” – Lauren Conrad

romantic quotes

3. “I feel there’s so much pressure, especially for women, to declare what their life’s going to be and what their career is, and are you married yet? Are you single? But you’re 30. And girlfriends are so important. You can have a boyfriend or husband when you’re 30, but you still need your girlfriends.” – Kristen Wiig

4. “I think that, definitely in your 30s and 40s and early 50s, a lot of women can lose sight of each other because the pressures of marriage and family can take over, but I’ve found that in my mom’s generation and for different women I’ve known in their 60s, they’ve seemed to really find each other again, in a significant way. Whether it’s that they got divorced or the kids are grown up, they have all this time again. I’ve known more women in their 60s who have traveled with each other or see each other all the time and hang out all the time. I feel like it can be rediscovered as a primary relationship, maybe later in life.” – Greta Gerwig

5. “Amy [Poehler] made it clear that she wasn’t there to be cute. She wasn’t there to play wives and girlfriends in the boys’ scenes. . .I was so happy. Weirdly, I remember thinking, ‘My friend is here! My friend is here!’ Even though things had been going great for me at the show, with Amy there, I felt less alone.” – Tina Fey

6. “All I can tell you today is what I have learned. What I have discovered as a person in this world. And that is this: you can’t do it alone. As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler

7. “Girls get competitive, as though there’s only one spot in the world for everything — but that’s not true. We need to stick together and see there’s more to life than pleasing men. It’s important not to cut yourself off from female friendships. I think sometimes girls get scared of other girls, but you need each other.” – Zooey Deschanel

8. “Female friendships that work are relationships in which women help each other belong to themselves.” –Louise Bernikow

9. “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” – Anonymous

10. “Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.” – Anonymous

11. “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.” –Paulo Coelho

12. “Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo—what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” – Oprah Winfrey

13. “True friends are like diamonds—bright, beautiful, valuable and always in style.” – Nicole Richie

As you can see, great friends are not just those with whom you share the memories, but those with whom you share the best memories. The best friendship is one that’s supportive, competitive, but most of all brings out the best in you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these friendship quotes and hopefully gained some friendship tips along the way. If you don’t have this time of friendship in your life, look for people who won’t just tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you what you need to hear. That’s how you know you’ve found a good friend.

9 Easy Ways to Stop Farting Naturally

All humans and animals pass gas, but the social awkwardness of the noise and smell might have you searching the internet for how to stop farting naturally.  Our nine easy, natural remedies for farting will give you the knowledge you need to feel confident that you can overcome your excess gas with simple actions.

9 Easy Ways to Stop Farting Naturally

1. Avoid cruciferous veggies

The most likely culprits for your farting are some of your positive eating habits. It’s ok, because you can test yourself by reducing or eliminating cruciferous veggies from your diet to see if they are the trigger for gas. Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and similar vegetables can produce more bloating and gas than others.

2. Do yoga

Getting your body moving and flowing with gentle yoga poses is how to stop gas for many. Although some poses may work out gas as you move and flex, the movements themselves help your internal digestive and bowel organs do the work you need them to.

exercise quote

3. Eat slower

Eating so fast you barely taste your food is not what positive thinking people do. In fact, the slow food movement can help the healthy movement of your colon too. Take plenty of time to appreciate what went into each meal and eat over a longer period of time. This allows your body the time to digest before rushing into immediate action after a quick bite.

4. Chew more

Gulping food quickly without chewing it complete can also increase farting because you are swallowing air as you eat or drink. Let your saliva begin the process of breaking down food so your gut does not have to work so hard to get the nutrients out.

5. Get enough rest

Giving your body the rest it needs gives your digestive system some downtime when the body stops moving. As you rest, your gut can process all the healthy organic nutrition you gave it, so that gas is less of an issue during your waking hours.

6. Try ginger

That feeling of bloating means you have gas. Taking a small amount of ginger root to chew on, in a non-carbonated drink like tea or as candied ginger, can have a settling, calming effect on your gut. Ginger ale is not recommended, because sipping any carbonated beverage can cause the opposite problem: even more gas.

7. Fast with liquids

One ancient remedy to stop farting is to drink only liquids for a period of time, according to Victor Garcia-Nieto, author of A History of Celiac Disease. The period required for fasting is not detailed by the author; however, a 48-hour fast period is typical. As always, consult your naturopathic healer to know what is best for your body.

8. Try fennel

Our positive thinkers are highly encouraged to seek out natural remedies for gas and bloating. A research study of the uses of fennel essential oil mentions that it is gentle enough to be used on infants to reduce farting and spasms of the colon. The research mentions it is a potent and powerful helper for digestive health in general.

9. Eat more pineapple and papaya

Tropical fruit like pineapple and papaya both contain enzymes that work to help break down tougher food particles and make digestion easier. Thus, you are less likely to produce farting.

Closing Thoughts

Reading these natural remedies to stop farting should give you hope, knowing that you can easily obtain ingredients that will help avoid bloating and embarrassing gas. As you choose to remain positive, you can also choose to undertake these small healthy changes in your daily routines to prevent gas before it happens.

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regimen.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Tips On How To Keep The Conversation Going To Avoid Awkwardness On Your First Date

First dates can be a time of extreme trepidation, complete with sweaty palms and nervous twitches. Let’s call it awkwardness. Whether you’re the guy or the girl on a first date, the main responsibility is to keep the conversation moving, so things don’t start getting awkward.

It can be hard to do that, however, if you feel like any moment, you may pass out. Even worse, once a situation starts feeling socially awkward, it usually operates like a vicious spiral, trapping you in a vortex of awkwardness that can be hard to get out of.

10 Ways to Avoid First Date Awkwardness

To help keep awkwardness from happening, here are ten tips to help you keep the conversation going.

1. Ask Emotional Questions

One of the best things you can do on any date to kill the awkwardness is simply to form an emotional connection with the person you’re talking to. Even though this might not be the right time to talk to them about their favorite pet that died, you can still ask them why they chose their job or why they decided to live where they did.

2. Relax to Mitigate Awkwardness

Breathe. No matter what, you will get out of this first date alive, so remember to relax and enjoy the moment. If you’re tense, it’s a virtual guarantee that your date will feel awkwardness as well, so take a moment, relax, and enjoy your time together. After all, they’re out with you first, so they must have found something they like about you.

first date

3. Avoid Negative Subjects to Avoid Awkwardness

First dates have enough awkwardness with them without talking about naturally contentious subjects, such as politics or death. Avoid the temptation to dip into your rough childhood background simply to make conversation fodder.

4. Repeat What Was Just Said

If you can’t think of anything else to say when your date is talking, simply restate what they just said back to them. Not only will it give you something to say, it will also prove to them that you were listening.

5. Avoid Interview Questions

First dates are a time to get to know one another but remember you’re not interviewing each other for a formal position as your new boyfriend or girlfriend. Avoid “checklist” type questions that do nothing but create a tense atmosphere.

6. Kill Negative Self-Talk

To avoid awkwardness, spend some time reminding yourself that they are out with you in the first place. Telling yourself repeatedly how they’re better than you or how much you’re going to fail will only set you up for failure. To avoid awkwardness, tell yourself how much fun you will have and how great the evening will be before you arrive.

7. Acknowledge Awkwardness With a Smile

At the very least, smile at the person you’re talking to, even if you’re stressed out. Eventually, the personality you show the other person will begin to infiltrate your spirit and cause you to loosen up, freeing up the conversation and helping the date flow smoothly.

8. Be Interested in Them

You must be genuine on a first date, but expect they will also be. Henry Cloud once pointedly said, “Dating is about finding out who you are and others are. If you show up in a masquerade outfit, neither is going to happen.” Be yourself and be genuinely interested in who they are as well.

9. Don’t Over-Plan

It can be easy to spend way too long game planning for your upcoming date, over-engineering what you’re going to wear as well as what you’re going to talk. The problem with that is the moment things begin to deviate off of your planned route, it’ll stress you out and create tension. One of the best ways to avoid awkwardness is to expect the unexpected in any conversation. Who knows, you might even enjoy it!

first date

10. Ask For a Pep Talk

If you are severely stressed about your first date, there’s no shame in calling one of your trusted friends and asking for a quick pick-me-up. A few words of encouragement may just be what you need to get your mind on track.

While this list is by no means exhaustive, it should give you a good starting point on how to move forward with your first dates. It’s best not to try to memorize every single one of them and force them into the situation, but work them in naturally as they’re recalled to your mind.

Take heart in the simple fact that first dates will eventually become less socially awkward the more experience you have with them. The awkwardness will slowly start to drift away, and before you know it, you may just find yourself genuinely enjoying the moment.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Early Warnings of Disease That Most Women Ignore

Engrained in every human being is the ability to adapt to one’s environment. This environment can be internal – our thoughts, feelings, physical condition, etc. Or it can be external – people, places, things, and so on. We’ve developed this incredible gift for one reason and one reason only: survival. But there are times when this ingenious survival mechanism can bite us in the proverbial rear. One example is when we, consciously or unconsciously, look past signs that the body is trying to signal for our own good. We sort of passively accept something’s up and decide to do nothing about it. In the worst-case scenario, these symptoms can be signs of disease.

Today, we’re going to focus on seven warning signs of disease that most women ignore. For clarification, we’ll talk about what each sign could mean, along with how to identify if there’s a possible health issue.

Let’s do this thing!

7 Warning Signs of Disease Most Women Ignore

“We must claim our bodies as our own to love and honor in their infinite shapes and sizes. Fat, think, soft, hard, puckered, smooth, our bodies are our homes.” –  Abra Fortune

1. Too Frequent Urination

What it could mean: Having to go pee all of the time could signal a kidney or urinary problem, including urinary tract infection (UTI). It could also be a possible sign of a bacterial or hormonal imbalance.

How to identify it: Urologists, who are doctors that specialize in disorders of the urinary tract, consider having to urinate more than eight times over a 24-hour period abnormal. Of course, consider your daily fluid intake.

2. Heavier periods

What it could mean: The reason for an abnormally heavy period could be as harmless as a bit too much exercise or a change in the weather. Unfortunately, it could also be a sign of disease or some other health disorder, including issues with the uterus or thyroid.

How to identify it: A heavy period (menorrhagia) is defined as a period that lasts longer than seven days. Heavier-than-usual bleeding accompanied by menstrual cramps is another sign, as is the presence of clots on the tampon or pad.

3. Unusual excretions

What it could mean: While no one likes to talk about their, ahem, “bodily excretions,” it is at times necessary to safeguard health. There are many possible causes, among them a disorder of the bowel, such as infection, or some inflammatory condition, including inflammatory bowel disorder (IBD). While such severe conditions stemming from this symptom are rare, they do occur.

How to identify it: If your excretions are abnormally foul-smelling or appear greenish in coloration, it may be wise to seek the advice of your healthcare professional.

4. Changes of the breasts

What it could mean: Any pain or physical alteration of the breast that is not explainable by menstrual cycling or physical injury is nothing to speculate about. One shouldn’t overreact, but breast cancer is relatively common, and any abnormalisties warrant an examination by a qualified professional.

How to identify it: Swelling, irritation, dimpling, breast or nipple pain, redness or thickening of the breast or nipple, and discharge are possible signs of disease.

5. Post-menopausal bleeding

What it could mean: Bleeding after menopause isn’t normal and should be evaluated. While the spotting or bleeding may be completely harmless, it could also be the result of something serious. Per the Mayo Clinic, post-menopausal bleeding could be signs of cancer, infection, or trauma.

How to identify it: As mentioned, normal periods last up to seven days. Recurrently bleeding past this timeframe is a probable sign that something is amiss.

6. Sudden weight loss

What it could mean: A bunch of things. Sudden weight loss can result from bowel diseases, depression, gastroenteritis, bacterial infection, thyroid disorder, and even cancer.

How to identify a possible health issue: “Unexplained weight loss” is considered anything over 10 pounds (4.5 kg) or five percent of your body weight over a six- to 12-month timeframe. Also, pay attention to what others say about your appearance; or if your loved ones express concern.PCOS

7. Hair growth in “non-hair” places

What it could mean: More than likely, a hormonal imbalance. The hormones androgen and testosterone can cause the sudden growth of facial hair, for example. If left unchecked, a simple hormonal imbalance – something rather harmless with the right treatment– can manifest into a metabolic disorder, infertility, and even an increased risk of cancer.

How to identify a possible health issue: If you’re female, you likely pay close attention to your body. If you see a sudden growth of hair around the face, shoulders, arms, back, or legs, it’s a good idea to check in with your healthcare professional.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Find Your Soulmate Without Even Looking

In this generation, one of the rare things to find is true love. More so, a soulmate. Someone having a trail of exes and finding it difficult to trust them is the current trend. To some, love was buried long ago with the ancestors. To others, their perfect person is only in their minds. They are still trying to find them in different people and places. This is the mystery of Love.

This doesn’t entirely mean they don’t exist. In fact, everyone has his/her soulmate somewhere just that you have to recognize them. And here is where most of us fail. When you think you found yours, they do something that automatically alters your conviction and the process of finding begins.
Let’s have a look at how to attract a soulmate (without even looking);

Focus and work on yourself

Vironika Tugaleva once said that a soulmate is not found, they are recognized and I tend to agree with her to a bigger extent. Most of us are all around looking for the right person. Our conviction when we don’t find them is “I’ve been looking in the wrong place”, or, “I have been using the wrong methods.” We get carried away in the business of looking that we even forget ourselves in the process. The secret is simple. Stop finding the ‘one’ and start working on that person within you.
If you are still looking for the right one, trying one relationship to the other, then you need to shift your focus. The missing part of the puzzle is not in the world, it is within you. Take time to heal your wounds, explore, develop and accept yourself. Learn to be whole by yourself. In other words, enjoy being single first before you get to enjoy being with someone else.

Be yourself

Oftenly, people will try to alter who they are to impress others in their quest for finding the right one. There are two possible outcomes in this case. One is that you’re likely to find someone similar to who you are pretending to be or the right person will not recognize you in your pretentious nature. In the process, you might never find your right person.
Just be yourself, do what you love to do and your right one will find you. You are more attractive to your soulmate if you are yourself.

Don’t be too rushy

This sounds too cliché’ right? Yes, it may be, but most of us have been victims of rushing into romantic relationships probably thinking its true love. In most cases, when you feel a connection to someone, you’d try to catch their attention by being seductive. If they are your right one, be sure they’re also into you. If you both pay attention to the signs of true love and allow it to develop then there’s a chance it will be a successful relationship.
If you feel the urge to have them as soon as possible, then you really need to check yourself. It might be lust which will eventually be disappointing.

Cultivate desirable traits in yourself

What traits would you enjoy in your partner? Make a list of those traits and try to develop them in yourself. If you would want to have a humorous person, sports persons or an instrumentalist, try to learn and enjoy these things. In the long run, you will be able to sustain the relationship when that person comes.



How can you know that someone is your soulmate? There is a natural attraction that you find in that special person. All you need to do is be sensitive and aware. There are questions you also need to ask yourself. Why do I need a relationship right now? If you were recently in a relationship, then you are just looking for a rebound. Be aware of your situation. Again you know those very sweet and irresistible people who can make you feel like they are the ones? Well, they might be the ones but how would you know? Don’t get carried away too easily.

Basically, keep an open mind, explore, develop your social network, and live life the way you want to. Be aware of any unusual connection, and let things unfold without rushing into conclusions. This way, the right person for you will come and you will be proud of yourself. These are the simple facts on how to attract soulmate without necessarily having to look for them. If you are lucky enough, you will find your twin flame as your soul mate, who knows!

I Stopped Drinking Coffee For 7 Days And Here is What Happened To My Body

Coffee is a beverage that the majority of Americans, and people around the world for that matter, drink everyday, and for obvious reasons. The first being it catches you with is its amazing aroma. It has a delicious and comforting taste. You can even customize its flavor with flavored creamers, adjust the sweetness with sugar, or keep it black. On top of all this, the caffeine wakes you up and brings on a feeling of productivity, even if just temporarily.

I’ve been drinking this amazing drink since I was around 13 years old before I even had anything important enough to do that required that much energy. Whether we’d like to admit it or not, caffeine and all the characteristics of it are indeed addictive. As tempting as all of these things about it can be to have every morning (and a few times throughout the day), it does come with certain side effects that were beginning to make me feel icky. I felt somewhat dependent on it, almost like I was running off it at times.


Everyone’s favorite drink has bitter compounds, such as chlorogenic acids, aliphatic acids. and tannins. These bitter compounds make it highly acidic, which is not very good for your body’s natural pH state, which keeps everything in balance. This high acidity also wears down your tooth enamel, staining your teeth everytime you drink it. This left me feeling sort of insecure with my slightly, but still noticeable yellow tinged teeth.

Whenever I felt lazy or a little tired, I reached for the coffee pot instantly. A study published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine found that caffeine intake even a whole six hours before bedtime can disrupt your sleep cycle that night. Knowing these things, I considered If I could possibly go on a seven-day detox to test the theory that I would feel any better or worse.

This is what happened when I stopped drinking coffee

My Week off of Coffee:

There I was, my first day of going cold turkey, with a newborn baby and a toddler screaming in my face, reminding me why I love the drink so much. I wanted that delicious smelling energy oh so badly. I couldn’t give up now though.

Day 1: The first change I saw in myself was how lethargic and at times downright exhausted I felt, especially by the afternoon. Caffeine works to energize you by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter named Adenosine. Caffeine is very similar in structure to Adenosine, which is a chemical that normally binds to brain receptors to make us tired. When we consume foods and drinks with caffeine, the caffeine binds to these brain receptors instead. This blocks Adenosine and makes us alert. Thus, the more you take in, the more Adenosine receptors your brain makes, which then makes you need more caffeine to stay awake and alert.

Day 2: Anything that wasn’t sleep got on my nerves. This could definitely be due to the fact that caffeine excites the adrenal glands, which are the stress regulating glands in the body.

Day 3: I had a mild headache. The reason for this is, when you stop drinking it so suddenly, your body feels deprived of the adrenaline and dopamine hormones it had gotten used to, that act as natural stimulants with the caffeine. Now, all of the Adenosine that was being blocked by caffeine before, floods into your brain. This results in a change in your brain’s chemistry, causing a headache.

Wesley Delbridge, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetics told Prevention, “To minimize the pain, don’t quit cold turkey.” ( I wish I would have known this before I started my detox). He says to, instead, cut your intake just a bit every two or three days. By eliminating just a half cup, replacing it with black or green tea, trying decaf, or even mixing decaf with your caffeinated cup, will help you avoid withdrawal symptoms like headaches.

Day 4: One other downside I noticed was a bigger craving for sugar. Coffee temporarily suppresses your appetite, so when you abstain from it for a bit, your body seeks a quick fat or sugar fix. Just adding creamer and sugar can easily put you at over 200 calories per cup. Ironically, drinking it black, without all the extra added stuff, is one of the few substances that is known to mobilize fats in your fat tissues and increases metabolism, so I might try black coffee for weight loss in the future. During this time of cravings, I also noticed I was falling asleep and waking up at healthier times.

After the seven days, I felt better than I would have normally. I had no irritability, cravings for junk food, or exhaustion. What I got from this no coffee experiment was, first and foremost, everything in moderation. It matters less that you drink this stimulative drink and more so how much you are drinking and at what times of the day. Also, I’m definitely going to try drink mine black, or at least with milk and cinnamon instead of creamer and sugar, as often as I can. It’s very much worth noting that coffee has just as many health benefits as it does negative side effects. To name a few, it’s the number one source of antioxidants for the average American.

According to Scranton University’s research, drinking more than three cups a day can decrease your risk of anything from Parkinson’s disease to breast cancer. These health benefits can also come from fruit and veggies though. As mentioned before, studies have shown that you can use coffee for weight loss because it not only mobilizes fats, but it stimulates your nervous system, which then sends a signal directly to your fat cells, telling them to break down fat. A few other biologically active compounds in it help to speed up your metabolism as well.

Weighing the pros and the cons, drinking it black and in smaller quantities seems like the way to go if you’re like me and just can’t seem to let go of your cup of joy completely.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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