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10 Easy Ways to Help Gingivitis Naturally

“Gingivitis can lead to much more serious gum disease called periodontitis and tooth loss. The most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene.” ~ The Mayo Clinic

Every tooth is surrounded by gum tissue that connects via cells to those small bones – otherwise known as “teeth” – within the mouth. Gingivitis is the accumulation of bacteria that slowly begins to “eat away” at the flesh around our teeth. It is a severe periodontal disease that can result in tooth loss.

Generally, the first symptoms of gingivitis include bleeding of the mouth, oral discomfort, and irritation. As gingivitis progresses, bacterial contamination may result in oral inflammation of the bone fragments, gums, ligaments, and nerves that surround the teeth. If the condition is allowed to develop without intervention, tooth loss or a severely receded gum line may result.

Poor oral hygiene is by far the most common cause of gingivitis – and it’s entirely preventable. We have at our disposal a variety of relatively inexpensive (and useful) oral care products that can render the oral condition obsolete. Nearly every case of gingivitis stems from the infiltration of bacteria that is allowed to grow into plaque.

There are exceptions to every case, however, and gingivitis is no different. Seemingly non-related conditions, including hypertension, substance abuse, and even pregnancy, can increase the risk of developing gum disease.

Despite the serious nature of the effects of gingivitis, it is a relatively mild condition under most circumstances. Usually, the condition is entirely reversible, provided that the individual takes the necessary steps to improve their oral health and, if necessary, seeks out a dental professional. Once an effective treatment regimen is underway, the condition may begin to regress within a couple of days.

The cool thing is that you needn’t spend a boatload of money to take care of plaque and gingivitis. In this article, we’re going to give you some cheap gum care options that you can make in the comfort of your own home.

Here are 10 ways to heal gingivitis naturally:

  1. Get your daily calcium.

Calcium is a crucial element for healthy bones, cells, nerves, and muscles. Our teeth, of course, are ordinary, shapely bones that protrude from the jaw. Calcium is critical to the formation and maintenance of healthy teeth. It also strengthens the jaw bones and optimizes bone strength.

The best sources of calcium are fat-free dairy, green leafy veggies, soy products, and bread.

  1. Use a peppermint mouthwash.

This remedy is as effective as it is simple. Just drop a few peppermint leaves into some drinking water for a half an hour. It works excellently as a post-brushing mouthwash. Peppermint is incredibly effective because it tames inflammation, kills bacteria, and soothes irritated skin.


  1. Massage your gums.

While this may sound a bit too simple, many people neglect the health of their gums. Massaging your gums helps to increase blood flow around your mouth. Try rubbing your gums for 30 seconds to a minute prior to brushing your teeth!

  1. Use clove oil.

Clove is a fantastic anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. It is also an effective pain reliever when you have an achy tooth or gum. Though it serves best as a temporary solution, clove oil may just save the day the next time you’re dealing with a toothache!

  1. Take vitamin C.

We all know that vitamin C is necessary for a healthy immune system, and this certainly helps. But vitamin C may also help to expedite the healing of gingivitis. Many sources of “C” are packed with antioxidants as well, including grapefruit, oranges, lemon, and lime.

  1. Consider a natural herb.

While there are probably a few herbs that could help kick gingivitis to the curb, an herb called Echinacea has proven to be particularly useful. It is a potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent; properties that are crucial to ward off the symptoms of gingivitis.

  1. Try coconut oil or sesame.

Coconut and sesame oil are excellent antibacterial agents. In addition, both have been shown to stem blood loss and heal receding gums. They are also great skin soothers, helping to get rid of the annoying gum irritation and sensitivity that usually accompanies gingivitis.

  1. Eat more veggies.

Fresh raw vegetables are vital – not only to oral health but to our overall health and wellbeing. As far as oral health, vegetables (especially carrots) serve as a natural rinse, while stimulating blood flow to the gums.

  1. Mix in some baking soda.

Baking soda is perhaps the most effective and versatile natural health remedy around. In terms of healing gingivitis, baking soda capitalizes on its super antibacterial properties to neutralize germs around the gums. Interestingly, baking soda meshes these potent cleaning properties with protective qualities. For example, baking soda (a.k.a. “sodium bicarbonate”) has been shown to safeguard uber-sensitive tooth enamel!

  1. Try a water and sage recipe.

Sage effectively whitens teeth, protects gum tissue, and soothes skin irritation. Due to these properties, sage – known as the “Savior herb” in some circles – is often used as an oral treatment. Simply add a tablespoon of naturally powdered sage to some drinking water and bring to a simmer. Cool and then serve … err … rinse for 30 seconds!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Looking For True Love

There are very few things in the world greater than true love. Most others don’t love others the way they should. It’s not about being obsessed with someone or whatever else the media tries to feed you about love. Consider these questions to see if you’re ready for true love and would recognize true love signs.

1. Have I been in a relationship long enough with myself to consider anyone else?

If you can’t be alone for very long, that’s not a good sign. You need to be able to fully be comfortable with yourself and like your own company before seeking anyone else’s. If you haven’t been out of a relationship for very long, you need to make sure you’re healthy, which means healing old pain. It also means learning to love yourself. Spend time taking yourself out and treating yourself the right way. Then, you will know who is good for you because they will treat you the way you treat yourself.

2. Do I love them because of how they make me feel?

Love isn’t necessarily about how someone makes you feel. True love is about making a decision to love someone–to seek their benefit regardless of how they make you feel at any moment. That’s a tall order. True love is somewhat of a sacrifice. It’s maturity. Somewhere down the road, your relationship won’t be 50-50. At times, it’ll be 20-80. If it’s real love, you can face this.

3. Am I healthy enough to love another person?

No one is going to be perfect, but you need to, at least, be honest and comfortable with yourself in order to admit that you have a particular issue. After that, you have to be willing to learn a healthier way of dealing with things. That’s all that’s needed, and there is no shame in that. Being in true love means being able to be vulnerable with your partner. Let them see all of you and what needs to be healed. If your pain and fear cause you to act in unhealthy ways, you are going to hurt your partner, and you should not be in a relationship.

4. Do I love myself?

If you don’t genuinely love and accept yourself, you cannot love someone else. When you treat yourself the right way, you are able to treat someone else the right way. If you do not genuinely love and accept yourself, you will not treat your partner with respect, honesty or anything else because you will naturally hurt them with your selfishness.

5. What do I have that is of benefit to another human being?

You don’t enter a relationship to fulfill your own needs. You enter one with the question of whether you have something to benefit your partner, and it’s not about your body or something materialistic. You need to have an open heart, be caring, understanding and have other attributes that would promote and not inhibit the best in your partner. They must have the same for you.

6. Do I value myself enough to be with a healthy person?

If you don’t value yourself enough to be with a healthy person, you will not have true love. Being with someone who is unhealthy ends up being a one-sided relationship where you give everything, and they take everything. It’s not worth it. Besides selling yourself short and experiencing monumental heartache, you will not be doing your partner any favours keeping them involved in a lie. If you really love someone, you will let them face their own consequences so they can get better.

true love

7. Am I ready to be a couple?

There is a certain amount of time you need to devote to being a couple to thrive, but you also must maintain your individuality. It’s a balancing act that requires honest reflection. You want to grow together by bonding and sharing experiences together, but you can’t forget to be who you are separately because it’s healthy to do so, and you also want to have something new to contribute to the relationship years down the road.

8. Am I enough on my own?

If you feel incomplete on your own, you are not ready for a relationship. Do not be with someone who feels incomplete. You should not have to complete anyone. You should merely complement and add to the relationship because you are enough on your own and so should the other person be enough on their own. You are not less than a person. You are a complete person. You will find others have strengths where you are weak, but this does not make you deficient. It simply makes you different.

Real love doesn’t hurt you. It comforts you. It sets you up for success. It doesn’t break you down. Above all, it is real, but you must love yourself and be able to recognize true love signs to have it.

How to Learn To Love Yourself With These 10 Self Love Tips

We get plenty of unsolicited advice from those in our social circles, such as that we need to make more time for ourselves. Yes, we should strive to find that work-life balance and enjoy more moments alone and with loved ones. We should make time for hobbies and take that vacation we’ve been talking about for years. The sad part is that many of us know what’s good for us, but we never dedicate ourselves to our deepest passions. We are too caught up in the daily grind, and what relaxes us or feeds our soul gets quickly lost in the shuffle.

We are here to say that you are a wonderful person. As a human being with so much goodness inside you, you’re worth so much more than that, and that’s why you can learn to love yourself with these 10 self-love tips:

Learn to Love Yourself with these Self Love Tips

1. Fill yourself with positive energies.

This means try adopting more of an Eastern philosophy than a Western one. Don’t focus so much on raising your self-esteem. Focus on ways of thinking that do not compare you to anything. Kristin Neff explained in Human Development: “Drawing on the writings of Buddhist scholars, I have defined self-compassion as having 3 main components: (a) self-kindness versus self-judgment, (b) a sense of common humanity versus isolation, and (c) mindfulness versus overidentification.”

positive quote

2. Radiate the light within you.

This means when you have a compliment to share or you see something you love, just say it. If you’re good at loving yourself, you praise yourself for making good choices and giving back to others. At first, doing this without inhibition will take people by surprise. However, the more that people see this trait in you, they will come to expect it.

3. Loving yourself means accepting your own limitations.

Some people describe this as not setting expectations that are too high for yourself or others to fill. In reality, we mean that you put forth your best effort in each situation, but are not afraid to accept failure or achieving less than your goal. Even people with high self-esteem, Neff explains, still do things like cheat or experiment with drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity when they are young. Moving forward, we learn from our mistakes and accept ourselves in spite of them.

4. Spend time alone reflecting on what’s important today.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t establish long-term goals. To love yourself, you need time away from noise and distraction. Sit quietly in a room or lay down on your bed with your eyes closed and just breathe in and out, appreciating the solitude of the moment.

5. Listen to your intuition.

There is an inner voice some people pay more attention to than others. By loving yourself, we don’t mean listening to those negative tapes sometimes playing in your head, especially if you are full of self-doubt. We do mean heeding warnings and removing yourself from situations that feel uncomfortable.

6. Create appropriate boundaries with everyone.

We don’t just mean to do this with loved ones. That’s sometimes easier to do with the people we know well. This advice is crucial for people-pleasers in the workplace (where your boss or colleagues may try to take advantage of you if you have a weaker personality).

7. Give yourself time to deal with emotions.

This advice is important to remember before big events, such as meetings with the boss or breaking up with a romantic partner. Emotions are not positive or negative. They are just notions that the brain communicates to you as important. These ideas must be resolved or they can manifest in other ways, including illness or depression.

8. Do what makes you feel good.

Loving yourself could mean searching for a romantic attachment. If you’re single and crave affection, then be sure to make time to meet people who could be prospective partners and enjoy time with them. You don’t have to sit home and be alone just because you aren’t in a relationship. There are dating apps for every type of relationship we might seek.

9. Take breaks from your schedule.

Loving yourself could involve taking an afternoon off to sit at the beach and watch the waves crash onto the sand. Or, take a walk after dinner with your youngest child. Your body needs to relax each day to avoid getting too stressed out.

10. Try a Guided Meditation.

You could easily type this phrase into Google and find millions of videos on the subject. For example, you could try a 15-minute body scan that encourages you to use controlled breathing with your eyes closed and to feel the sensations in specific parts of your body. A guided meditation forces the participant to stay in the moment and relax.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Harvard Researchers Reveal The Food You Never Want to Eat If You Have Anxiety

The “Standard American Diet” and Anxiety

Americans don’t have the best reputation when it comes to eating healthy. Some of this bashing is deserved, and some is fictitious and overblown. (For example, we’re not the “fattest” country in the world. We’re not even in the Top 20, as a matter of fact.)

But Americans are perhaps the most fervent consumers of sugar in the world. And this habit may be at least partially to blame for spiking stress and anxiety numbers.

Like drugs, sugar provides the brain with a hit of the feel-good chemical dopamine. Also like drugs, sugar is incredibly addictive and, over time, changes the way that the brain functions.

One way that the brain changes is that it appears to impair the body’s ability to cope with stress. Our stress response, of course, originates in the brain – and this response negatively impacts our whole being. Per Harvard Health:

“Over time, repeated activation of the stress response takes a toll on the body. Research suggests that chronic stress contributes to high blood pressure, promotes the formation of artery-clogging deposits, and causes brain changes that may contribute to anxiety, depression, and addiction.”

In other words, sugar may not be the cause of anxiety; but the substance’s effect on the body-brain dynamic may just ultra-sensitize our innate stress response.

Most of us know that eating too much dessert and processed food causes health problems like obesity and diabetes. Less attention has been paid to the mental health problems attributable to a high-sugar diet.

Various studies have demonstrated the adverse impact that refined sugar has on things like learning, memory, and mood. Aside from ballooning the human waistline, sugar and its companion high fructose corn syrup have contributed to a myriad of mental health problems.

One such mental health problem is anxiety – and the problem is massive in scope. Consider the following:

– Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States.

– Anxiety disorders affect over 40 million American adults every year.

– Just 37 percent of people with diagnosable anxiety disorders seek and receive appropriate treatment.

Now, here are some sugar factoids for you:

– The average American consumes approximately 66 pounds of sugar per year…

– U.S. adults consume more than 2-3 times the maximum recommended daily intake (RDI) of added sugars.

– According to research, sugar produces characteristics of cravings and withdrawal that are similar to individuals addicted to drugs like cocaine.


Sugar and the Brain

Our brain is packed with nerve cells, or neurons, that send millions and millions of chemical messages every day. This nonstop neural activity requires fuel – and the brain relies on sugar energy for that fuel.

According to the Department of Neurobiology at Harvard University Medical School (HMS), “Brain functions such as thinking, memory, and learning are closely linked to glucose levels and how efficiently the brain uses this fuel source.”

Vera Novak, MD, Ph.D., an associate professor of medicine at an HMS-affiliated hospital, says, “The brain is dependent on sugar as its main fuel. It cannot be without it.”

The problem – and it’s a big one – is that we’re over-consuming the wrong type of sugar. Instead of opting for natural sugars, such as those found in fresh fruits, for example, we’re reaching for a Snickers bar, a pint of ice cream, or an energy drink.

It doesn’t help that upwards of 61 percent of the foods bought in America contain unnatural, processed sugars.

“If you are otherwise healthy and cut back on processed sugar, you may feel your anxiety improving slowly because you may experience fewer ups and downs caused by the excess sugar.” ~ Uma Naidoo, M.D., Harvard Medical School

The Answer: Natural Sugar

In many parts of Asia, including China and Japan, fruit is considered a legit dessert. Strawberries, bananas, apples and other fruits are often sliced and enjoyed as an after-meal treat. On the other hand, give the average Chinese or Japanese person a Pop Tart, and they’ll probably ask for the nearest garbage bin.

Their tastes are completely different. The sugary stuff that’s so readily available in vending machines across the U.S. isn’t nearly as prevalent, so they eat nature’s version of sugar – fruit.

The chemical composition of natural sugar is drastically different from that of the processed variety. In addition to consuming fructose in its natural state, fruits like strawberries, bananas, and pears provide plenty of fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals.

Whole fruits are classified as “good carbs” – and are the healthy choice to supply the brain’s energy. Per Livestrong, here are the richest sources of natural glucose, in order from greatest to least:

– Dried fruits: raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dried figs, etc.
– Fresh fruits: kiwi, plums, papaya, honeydew, tangerines, strawberries, etc.
– Natural honey
– Grains, beans, vegetables, nuts

It isn’t necessary to eliminate all added sugar from your diet; moderation is entirely possible. Given the evidence, however, elimination or minimal intake of sugary stuff may just be one of the best things for our mental health. Just as important is to make a habit of eating fresh, whole fruits.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains What Happens to Your Mood When You Use Turmeric Every Day

Your mood can be influenced by little things, but you might be surprised by some of these little things. Specifically, check out what science has shown can happen to your mood when you use turmeric every day. Small changes in your diet can have positive health effects for your body. In regards to turmeric, this is due to improvements in brain neurotransmitters, which directly relate to your mental health.

Getting to the root of mood: using turmeric as a nutrient

Turmeric is used in some of the most amazing cooking recipes, like curry dishes. It also gives food a vibrant, mustard-yellow color. One organic variety grown in Okinawa, Japan, provides some of the most potent turmeric available to consumers. You will find spring and autumn varieties of turmeric. Both produce various micronutrients, including curcumin. Curcumin is found in each variety of Japanese ukon or turmeric.

Our diet affects our mood, in part through the gut and digestion. Additionally, the gut modifies our biological response to stressors. In other words, when we are less stressed, we digest food better. When we are better nourished, the body is not stressed and worried about when, where, and what we will eat. A diet rich with turmeric can improve both mental and physical health.

Turmeric’s connection to physical health

Turmeric, a superfood, contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B1, B2, B12, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, selenium. It also provides 40 micronutrients that nourish the body. Using organic turmeric daily shows positive thinking put into action. When you nourish your body with it, you reduce the inflammation in your brain and body with antioxidants. A healthy brain is a brain in a happy mood.

Turmeric’s connection to mental health

In a study of turmeric and major depression, science shows that it provides positive healing effects. Its role as an antioxidant and inflammation reducer may help improve mental health. Turmeric’s positive effects on the brain increases levels of dopamine and serotonin. It also aids in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal regulation, which can all affect your mood.turmeric

Other health benefits of organic turmeric include:

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Acts as a natural painkiller
  • Supports anti-cancer properties through cell apoptosis
  • Helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease
  • Kills parasites
  • Antibacterial
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Improves digestion
  • Fights inflammation comparable to steroidal and non-steroidal drugs
  • Detoxifies the liver
  • Antioxidant – exceeding the power of Vitamin C

The research study also showed that it reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression better than a placebo. The participants in the study took 500 mg twice per day every day. They saw positive improvements in depressed and anxious mood symptoms for up to four weeks. Taking it changes your mood, just like exercise. This fact demonstrates that simple holistic methods can achieve better mental health.

Science explains how turmeric changes your mood

One study revealed the science behind what happens to mood when you use it daily. This study showed that it had a positive affect on Gulf War illness symptoms, including cognitive and mood problems. Toxic chemicals used in the Gulf War caused damage to rats’ brains, yet a daily dose of turmeric helped neurons to regrow and repair brain damage. Additionally, it reduced inflammation from the toxic chemicals. Measurements of mood, including motivation to complete a task, positively improved by use of turmeric, while anxiety reduced.

If you choose to increase your intake of organically grown turmeric and turmeric essential oils, you should also experience a positive change. Furthermore, it will impact your physical and mental health. Science shows that it can be as effective as popular pharmaceutical antidepressants. In summary, as a natural and holistic approach to mental health, positive thinking people choose turmeric over the psychiatrist.

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regimen.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Simple And Easy Things You Can Do To Make Your Home Look Beautiful

Making a home beautiful is every homeowner’s dream and there are simple and easy things that most anyone can do to improve and beautify their home. With the hundreds of creative ideas found in the area of design, there is no shortage as to what can be done to make your abode more beautiful.

That’s especially true when you employ professionals such as a custom home builder.

However, when aiming to sell your home or make a lasting impression, enlisting the help of a real estate staging company can elevate your home’s appeal to new heights. Staging OC professionals specialize in creating inviting spaces that resonate with potential buyers, showcasing the true potential of your property.

By utilizing expert staging techniques, such as strategically arranging furniture and incorporating tasteful decor, you can highlight your home’s best features and create an emotional connection with prospective buyers. With their creative touch, your abode will shine brightly, making it irresistible to anyone who steps through the door.

For those considering a quicker and more straightforward path to move on to the next adventure, there’s another option that doesn’t involve staging or months of waiting for the right buyer to come along—selling your home directly for cash.

Choosing to sell your house cash means bypassing the traditional real estate process and connecting with buyers who are ready to purchase without contingencies or delays. This is an especially attractive choice for homeowners who are looking to avoid the cost and effort of repairs, upgrades, or staging altogether. It’s a great way to simplify the selling process while still ensuring you receive a fair offer for your beloved property.

It’s fairly easy to narrow down the many ideas out there to ten simple and practical things that are adaptable to most any situation in which decorating and organizing a household are involved. Here are the ten that can give you a jump start on making your home a more inviting and beautiful place.

Easy Things You Can Do To Make Your Home Look Beautiful

positive energy plants

1. Greenery and Flowers

Depending on the time of year, greenery and flowers, whether real or faux, can be placed in any room of a home to add beauty, color and texture. If you have a flower or herb garden in your backyard, or have found a local grocery or craft store that carries an array of real and faux flowers and plants, choose some and bring them inside where they can add the right touch to a specific area. Place them in clear glass jars, upscale vases, twine covered pots or galvanized steel containers and proceed to arrange them on tabletops, shelves, niches or other spots in kitchen, dining and living areas.

2. Wreaths for all Seasons

Wreaths are another item that can dress up the front entrance of a house, or any of its interior rooms. They can be used on a seasonal basis and rotated to reflect changes. A standard grapevine wreath form can be easily transformed from spring to summer, and fall to winter. Add an initial, monogram, or a welcome sign to the wreath and alter it through seasonal flowers, foliage, ribbons and other embellishments that coordinate with the time of year, environment, house style or region of the country. Once again, faux flowers or plants can be used.

3. Incorporating Color

If you have incorporated pops of color through flowers and plants, you can do the same thing through paint or colorful tape on walls or other focal points in a room. If all walls are neutral or white, add a splash of your favorite color that blends in with the remaining walls and furnishings. If you don’t want to integrate color through painting or taping a wall, use furniture and accessories in colors that highlight the room’s architecture. A coastal blue or a crisp gray side table, buffet or sofa table, or even pillows in bright prints or solids, can change the look of a room.

4. Hand-lettered Signs, Initials, Printables and Photographs

Use stencils to create a home DIY hand lettered sign. There are any number of stencils, even free ones, in both script and print that can be laid out, traced on backing, colored in and framed to create a picture and inspirational effect on a mantel, wall or shelf. Take your favorite saying, poem or quote and put it almost anywhere.

The same is true of metal or wooden initials that can be used individually or in groups to make a declaration of sorts. You’ve seen the EAT letters often used in kitchen seating areas, and there are many others that send a short, but sweet message. Better yet, come up with your own ideas for wording.

Printables are another upcoming design element, many of which are free, and can be easily printed, framed and placed in different spaces.

Don’t forget those family photographs that have been packed away for years or left out in the open to gather dust. Create photo groupings on a wall or shelf. Use uniform sized whimsical frames of the same color and group them so they create a point of focus in the room or space. Rotate the pictures on a monthly basis to highlight family members and important life events.

5. Area Rugs

An area rug can change the face of a room. It can bring texture, depth, warmth and beauty to an area. An area rung also has a framing or outlining effect that can define and anchor a space. Again, color is important, as you want it to enhance furnishings and accessories with coordinating colors to enrich what is already in the room.

6. Vignettes

Vignettes are one way of expressing your personal decorating taste and style as well as utilizing a number of items in one area, and they are fairly simple to pull together. A vignette represents a grouping or setting of items usually centered around a theme. The items are placed on flat surface areas where they can bring a polished and finished look to tabletop, shelf or dresser. Vignettes become a point of interest and beauty in most any room. Most vignettes contain personal items mixed with other design elements. A good example of a vignette is a grouping of three to five items, in an odd number configuration, that are of varying heights, widths and sizes. A simple vignette would be a grouping of small and large candles displayed on a tray and placed on a small table or ottoman.

Creating a stylish vignette on a vanity can enhance its functionality and visual appeal, transforming it into a focal point in your bathroom or dressing area. A carefully curated vignette on a vanity might include a mix of elegant items such as a decorative jewelry box, a chic tray holding your favorite perfumes, and a charming picture frame. A well-designed vanity vignette not only organizes your essentials but also reflects your personal style. The wall hung timber vanity, with its sleek lines and natural warmth, serves as an excellent backdrop for showcasing your carefully chosen items. A well-designed vanity vignette not only organizes your essentials but also reflects your personal style.

7. Decluttering and Eliminating

There are other aspects to making a home look beautiful besides adorning it and if you truly want to organize your home, and enhance its appearance, decluttering it as well as eliminating extraneous items can definitely add to the enjoyment of various spaces. When there are leftover packing boxes, files, paper trash and boxes of mementos sitting around taking up space, it’s time to take a look at the big picture and store the items, recycle them, or find a storage area in your house for it all.

Eliminating a surplus of decorative items or furnishings in any room can open it up and give it a chance to breathe and stand on its own. Many areas in a house need purging of plain old stuff that may be nice but just needs to go, or be transferred to another area, or stored for future use.

8. Organization Center

Organize your home with a command center in the kitchen or pantry area that presents the big picture of the goings-on in your house. You can use an erasable and magnetized white board or do a home DIY model out of chicken wire or wood that has a large calendar insert for various activities. Make room for other items that can be taped or attached. The calendar and areas around it should allow enough space to jot down important duties, grocery lists, invitations, and other daily tasks.

9. Repurposing

Repurposing is not only saving you money, but you are taking items of value, which you already own, and transforming or reassigning them to other uses. You’re promoting sustainability and environmental standards, plus adding to the beauty of your house. One example of repurposing is the reuse of those tea cups from grandma that are no longer being used. Simply get some potting soil, fill the cups to the right level and add succulent plants to the cups. You can beautify an over the sink area with a row of teacups.

10. Rearranging

Rearranging living room or dining room furniture pieces and accessories is one more way to add space to an area, do away with a closed in and cluttered look and shine a new light on what you already own. Visualize the space, make up your own arrangement possibilities with paper cutouts, or go online and find one of the many free rearranging templates that help you define your spaces and apply the right configurations for the areas that are being changed. Your spaces can become more organized, usable and a whole lot more attractive.

When it comes to making a home look more beautiful, the ideas are endless. Some are more along the lines of decorating purposes, while others are for organizing and reconfiguring spaces and items to adapt to your lifestyle.

Incorporate one or all of these 10 simple and easy things to do to give your house the looks that will improve its appearance. You’ll be glad you took the simple and easy way out to beauty.

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