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5 Ways to Bring Magic Into Your Life by Learning to Appreciate What You Have

What makes it so difficult to appreciate the simple pleasures of life? Why do we often focus on what we want instead of reflecting on what we’re given? It seems we’re constantly yearning for things not yet achieved, spinning our wheels in a never-ending pursuit of that special tonic that we believe will make us happy. But as we furiously chase that shiny new object, we spend less and less time enjoying our life.

Most of what we’ve attained were dreams or goals. We longed to have our beloved children. Our deepest desire was to be a homeowner. We hoped we’d finally land a decent job. Yet, when we achieve our goals, we still struggle to appreciate life. Taking the best things in life for granted is not new, but you can recognize the magic of daily tender mercies with five principles to help you live a joyful life.

Here’s how to bring magic in your life by learning to appreciate what you have:


Live in the Moment 

Being mindful is a state of focused attention on the present. When you live in the moment, you can fully appreciate all the details of your life. The sunrise, a chirping bird, your child’s smile, and even your food becomes more enjoyable. Tasks that once seemed tedious will be more fulfilling when you focus on the present. Research has shown that being present in your daily activities allows you to appreciate life and be more effective in pursuing your goals. But being mindful takes practice; therefore, the best way to start is by doing one thing at a time. Single-tasking helps you remain focused on the present. So take ownership of your time, and remember the Zen Proverb: “When walking, walk. When eating, eat.”

Embrace the Power of Giving 

We’ve all heard the phrase, “It’s better to give than to receive.” But this adage is more than just a religious axiom parents use to induce small children to share. Throughout history, scholars and philosophers have agreed that true happiness lies in helping others. Lending a helping hand to someone less fortunate enables you to appreciate what you have more meaningfully. Studies have shown that altruism releases pleasurable endorphins known as a helper’s high. Whether you’re giving your time or your resources, helping others can increase life expectancy, reduce stress, and improve your mental health. Doing good things for others elicits strong feelings of self-worth and satisfaction, which can help you appreciate yourself and your current situation in life.

Develop a Gratitude Mindset 

Gratitude is a mindset and emotion that enables us to view our lives through hope and positivity. Developing a thankful practice allows a stuck mindset to release itself from the burden of focusing on the half-empty glass. Not everyone is instinctively appreciative, but you can develop a grateful mindset by acknowledging the blessings in your life. Making gratitude a habit will enable you to focus on your goals without dwelling on your failures.

Keeping a nighttime gratitude journal or practicing a morning thank you mantra are great boosters that will help you sustain a positive mindset and appreciate your life. Once you’ve established a gratitude habit, you’ll develop a deeper satisfaction with your life and feel less anxiety about your future.

Embrace Your Challenges 

No one’s life is perfect. As we navigate the bumpy roadblocks in life, we all deal with failure, loss, and sometimes tragedy. Yet, if we allow ourselves to view these struggles as character-building opportunities, we can experience tremendous growth during the unexpected detours on our journey. One of the surest ways to find contentment is to be thankful during the most difficult times in your life. When we understand and appreciate life’s challenges, peaceful security emerges from knowing that our inevitable trials can ultimately be endured.


Accept Yourself 

Becoming comfortable with your life is not just about being grateful for the things you have. Accepting yourself unlocks the magic that comes from honoring the real you. Celebrate your uniqueness, and never compare yourself to others. Show yourself compassion, and explore your inner power by taking daily time to appreciate yourself and recognize your greatness.

Often, we find ourselves frantically chasing our goals and planning for the future without stopping to appreciate the pleasures of the here and now. Taking our health, family, and freedom for granted has become the norm. But we can experience the serenity of inner peace by simply appreciating the good things in our lives.

Living with a grateful mindset takes practice. Yet focusing on the present will make you more productive and happier. Acknowledging the grace around you through these five principles will reveal the magic panacea that comes from openly embracing your life.


How to Stop Panic Attacks: 5 Simple Mindfulness Techniques

Panic attacks are more common than you might think. They quickly overwhelm you. Besides those racing thoughts, people also often have physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, and nausea. These incidents can come on out of nowhere, and leave you feeling downright helpless. To make matters worse, they are also often accompanied by severe anxiety and depression. You’ll be relieved to know that you can use mindfulness to stop panic attacks in their tracks.

It’s not uncommon for people who are suffering from these types of attacks to feel like they are alone, but if you are prone to panic them, know that millions of people just like you find ways to overcome them. There are many mindfulness techniques that you can use to overcome a panic attack and lessen its hold on you in the future.

5 Effective Techniques to Help You Stop Panic Attacks

Here are five mindfulness techniques that can help you overcome the symptoms of a panic attack, putting you on the road to recovery:

stop panic attacks1. Recognize Your Panic Attacks

One of the first steps to taking control of your panic attacks is to recognize that you are having one. It’s common for people who are having a panic attack to feel like they are having a heart attack or a stroke. But to overcome your panic attacks, you must first recognize when you are having one. If it’s your first time, you should see a doctor immediately to rule out other, life-threatening possibilities. But if you have experienced these before and know that you are otherwise healthy, remember that panic attacks come and go. Life will not be this way forever, even if in the moment you don’t feel well.

Mayo Clinic reports these common early signs of a panic attack:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Hyperventilating (rapid breathing)
  • Perspiring
  • Shaky or trembling hands
  • Interrupted sleep
  • Unexplained feelings of tension or nervousness
  • A sense of worrying
  • Avoiding dealing with issues.

2. Practice Breathing Techniques to Stop Panic Attacks

Many people have difficulty breathing when they are having a panic attack. To lessen these symptoms, try to focus on breathing deeply. The oxygen that you receive through deep breathing will help you feel better, lessening symptoms like a racing heart and nausea. This technique also gives you something to focus on, lessening your feelings of helplessness.

After many years of debate, a 2021 study emerged. Researchers concluded that using “respiratory-focused interventions,” significantly improved symptoms related to anxiety.

3. Find a Focus Object

If you want to overcome panic attack symptoms, pick a familiar object to focus on.  Mindfulness coaches refer to this method as object-focused meditation or concentration meditation.

This can be looking at your shoes or feeling the fabric of your shirt. Think about all of the details of the object. The texture of the fabric in your hand or the grain on a piece of wood could be your focus object. Think of all of the ways that you could describe this object. Also, if you are in a noisy or crowded space, try to find somewhere it is quieter so that you can focus more effectively.

4. Repeat a Positive Phrase or Mantra

To stop panic attack symptoms, try focusing on repeating a phrase that you feel connected to that has a positive message and grounds you in reality. For instance, you could tell yourself, “This is not forever, and I have a full and happy life to live.”

Choose whatever mantra makes you feel connected to the here and now but also reminds you that the way that you are feeling will pass and that you should not give up hope for a better life that is free of anxiety and depression.

5. Relax Your Muscles

To overcome panic attack symptoms, try relaxing your muscles in increments. Similar to breathing exercises, muscle relaxation meditation is another way psychiatrists suggest trying to the stop panic attacks. Because it helps you focus on one thing, this intervention will help alleviate the symptoms themselves.

Here’s why this activity works.  People who are experiencing a panic attack will often clench their muscles, causing even more pain and discomfort. Focus on uncurling your fingers and toes, then move to your forearms, shoulders, and through your torso.

This could also reduce your feelings of nausea if those sensations are triggered by the clenching of your stomach muscles.


panic attack infographic

Final Thoughts on Knowing How to Use Meditation to Stop Panic Attacks

If you’ve ever suffered a panic attack, then you know how frightening and alone a person can feel when they are having one. If you or a loved one experiences them, there are things that you or your friend or family member can do to overcome them and lessen its hold on you in the present and in the future. Finding the right combination of mindfulness techniques that works for you or the loved one is key. The next time that you or a loved one needs to stop a panic attack immediately, try one technique at a time.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Perform the Lower Abs Workout: A Beginner Guide

It’s fairly easy to get a workout on your middle and upper abdominal muscles. The standard crunches are extremely effective for those muscles. The oblique (side) muscles can easily be worked out by doing lying and standing side leg lifts and by simply bicycling around. The lower abdominal muscles are seemingly the hardest to work on, but don’t worry. We’ve got you covered completely on your lower abs workout.

Lower abs control your lower body in a way that is both effective in high muscle control and is highly manipulative of your pelvis. A lower abs workout has to consider this. There’s not a lot that you can do with your pelvis that doesn’t automatically engage the lower abdominal muscles.

These are the two best sets of lower abs workout at home in the world:

The Best Lower Abs Workout: Lower Leg Raises

The traditional leg raise. Lie on your back with your hands at your sides or resting on your belly. Slowly lift both legs straight up in the air to form a 90-degree angle with your body. Lower them and then slowly raise them again.

This exercise is the most common lower ab exercise in the world and there’s a reason: It works. It gets everything engaged, but specifically hones in on your lower ab muscles. It’s the perfect workout for people who just want to add one additional exercise to their routine to target their lower abs. This lower abs workout will do it.


A variation of this exercise involves bending both of your knees, keep your torso flat against the ground, and twisting your legs (together) to one side. Then, lift your legs off the ground like before, targeting your lower ab muscles. This will rip one whole side of your entire abdominal wall at a time. However, you should do fewer side lower ab lifts than you do regular straight leg lifts. The side muscles are generally a different species than the front abs and must be eased into all workouts a little at a time.

The far more difficult lower leg slow drop. This one targets your lower abs, your obliques, and your lower back muscles and it’s amazing. It does things with your lower body that you never thought could be done with the shape of your pelvic area. It is, however, a far more difficult lower abs workout at home.

Lie flat on your back with your hands resting on your belly. Raise your legs to a 90-degree angle, at right angles with the rest of your body. Then, using deliberately slow and controlled movement, slowly lower your legs to a 45-degree angle (diagonally) and then slowly raise them up to right angles again.

This requires vast muscle burning in your lower abs and this lower abs workout is so effective that many bodybuilders only use this move instead of the one above it. It does things with your lower back and lower ab region that makes you look godlike or goddesslike. The effect is mesmerizing. However, it is very difficult to do without trying to whip your legs in either direction because it is so hard. Keep it very slow, very controlled and only do it if you’re sure that your weak lower abdominal muscles can handle it. Even the best lower abs workout must be done carefully.

Major Pooch Smooth: Bicycling on Your Back

This is the second most effective set of exercises. If you don’t have a beer gut, but rather a small pooch in your lower abdomen, then this exercise is perfect for your situation.

Lying Bicycling Position. The basic bicycling exercise involves placing your hands behind your head, lifting one of your knees, and then pedaling in the air as if you are on a bicycle. This involves a lot of knee lifts and foot circles in the air but, more than anything, it involves targeting the circular pooch around your lower abdomen.

Upside Down Tilted Bicycling Position (with or without Weights). This position is just like the one above, but with your hips up on some foam bricks lifting your feet above the chest. You can do this exercise with or without ankle weights around your feet. This exercise is perfect for total exposure bikini weather. It’s really intense, but the results look REALLY good.

Final Thoughts:

The importance of exercise is not just about looking and feeling good with our lower abs workout. It is also about longevity. A body in motion stays in motion, pardon our pun. But, seriously, there are a lot of instances where a person’s health declines rapidly after retirement or after picking a more sedentary job for their later years. They get fat, immobile and out of shape, putting greater pressure on their internal organs and joints.

If you’d like to live forever, stay fit forever. Think about the 80-year-old at the gym who is in fantastic condition and think about the 20-year-old in the computer lab who is not. You can significantly increase your lifespan (not to mention your quality of life) by pedaling a little faster, whether it be in a floor exercise or mountain biking in a nearby canyon.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Drinks To Lose Weight Fast (That Actually Taste Good)

It takes a lot of determination and self-discipline to decide to lose weight. The next step is establishing a plan on how to do it and what better way than to use drinks.

For a long time, taking drinks to lose weight has helped to change physique to a great extent and within a short period.

There are lots of drinks to lose weight out there ranging from infusions to smoothies. Here are the top of the list drinks for weight loss:

8 Drinks To Lose Weight Fast

1. Flat belly smoothie


  • Tablespoon of honey
  • Plain yogurt
  • Half a glass of water
  • Ripe banana
  • Tablespoon of unsalted, raw peanut butter


  • To half a glass of water, add honey
  • Blend the rest of the ingredients until smooth
  • Add the blended ingredients to the glass of water
  • Seize out the solid residues and drink the smoothie regularly

Don’t let that belly put you down. Cucumber, parsley, and cilantro are low-calorie foods which are full of antioxidants and vitamins. Bananas help speed up metabolism in the by making it easier for the body to break down fat into energy.

2. Beets and Apple juice


  • Three beetroots
  • An apple
  • Two carrots
  • A tangerine
  • Glass of water


  • Juice the beetroot and tangerine then add chopped apple.
  • Cut the carrots into tiny cubes then blend
  • Add all the ingredients to a glass of water then blend
  • Drink twice a day

Beets help you lose weight fast because they contain zero fat and are a fiber-rich which is essential for proper digestion. It is also very rich in magnesium which supports the functioning of muscles which means more fat is broken down.

3. Carrot smoothie


  • Three carrots
  • ¼ beetroot
  • ½ lemon
  • ¼ of a watermelon
  • Handful of mint
  • Plain yogurt


  • Blend all the ingredients with the yogurt
  • Drink twice a day

Plain yogurt is a big drink with low calories, so it gives the impression of a full stomach. It is also practically impossible to gain weight because of carrots and watermelons. The latter is also virtually water.

4. The citric combo


  • Three Oranges
  • One strawberry
  • Two tangerines
  • A glass of water


• Squeeze the fruits for juice and add to water

This is one of the best drinks to lose weight. This juice is fantastic because it incorporates water which is vital to losing weight fast. Lemon and orange juice don’t mainly help to burn fat, but they are deficient in calories.

5. Apple cider vinegar


  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice
  • One tablespoon, ground cinnamon
  • Two tablespoons of ACV
  • Two tablespoons of raw honey
  • Water


  • Add fresh lemon juice, ACV, honey, and cinnamon into a glass.
  • Add water to the glass then stir the ingredients
  • Drink daily

Drinks to lose weight

Apple cider vinegar suppresses appetite due to its pectin fibers making you full for longer. It also enhances metabolism preventing fat accumulation. Cinnamon reduces LDL levels in the body, thus lowering cholesterol levels. The honey is a natural sweetener.

6. The fat juicer


  • ½ cucumber
  • Five broccoli florets
  • Five arugula leaves
  • 5 Brussel sprouts
  • ½ beetroot


  • Section the broccoli florets and Brussels sprouts
  • Roll the arugula leaves
  • Peel the cucumber and beetroot
  • Blend ingredients and then add water

Brussel sprouts and broccoli might not be the greatest of things, but boy do they work. Broccoli contains phytochemicals that helps you to lose weight fast, and Brussel sprouts have a high fiber content which helps to lower the cholesterol level in the body.

7. Lean- body green smoothie


  • Three watermelon slices
  • Plain yogurt
  • A handful of fresh spinach
  • Half a cucumber


  • Blend the spinach.
  • Add cucumber and watermelon slices.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients then blend.

This green smoothie is rich is not only healthy, but it’s also sweet. The spinach replaces the high-calorie meals with low-calorie counting contributing to the daily calorie deficit. The watermelon adds water and sweetens the drink.

8. The slimmer


  • A sliced lemon
  • Pitcher of water
  • A cup of strawberries
  • Five mint leaves


  • Wash all the ingredients thoroughly
  • Muddle the ingredients together to release the juices
  • Add water and let it sit for about 2 hours for diffusion of flavor
  • Drink within two days

Cucumbers and strawberries are loved because they aid in digestion which allows for quick metabolism. Water is the key part of this recipe because it’s an integral part of all drinks to lose weight.

Taking drinks to lose weight is becoming more and more popular with some people even replacing all their meals with drinks for weight loss only. With the right ingredients to give you energy, it is possible.

It is, however, important to remember that most of these drinks lack proteins and fats which are still an essential part of the diet. Therefore it’s necessary to find alternative sources in order to maintain a balanced diet still.

10 Amazing Inspiring Quotes About Loving Yourself You Should Read

Our world is often filled with voices telling us what we should do to become successful or happy or wealthy. One group tells you to lose weight, another tells you where to shop, how to dress, and how much money you should earn. Other times, it’s those people who are close to you who offer criticizing words. “You will never be good enough for that person or that job because you aren’t …” The list is endless of how you don’t come up to the world’s standards to be granted a perfect life. Whether or not they meant those words to help, it’s very likely that they went deep and wounded your heart.

It is time to reconsider the kinds of things that you are allowing to influence the way you see yourself. When your best friend says something positive about you, do you believe it? Can you accept their affirmation? Invest some time in reading the following quotes about loving yourself. There is no better time than right now to tell yourself that you are an incredibly valuable person. Read on for these quotes about loving yourself that will help change your self-image.

10 Inspirational Quotes About Loving Yourself That Will Change Your Life

  1. “You are lovable. Yes, you are! Never deny yourself.” – Akiroq Brost

    Speak this truth into your heart and mind several times a day until it becomes a fact. Say it, believe it, own it. You are lovable!

self love quote

  1. “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.”

    You’ve got to fill yourself up with self-love before you can begin to give love to anyone else. Without loving yourself, your gift of love to others will only seem hollow and empty.

  2. “Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.” – Steve Maraboli

    It’s ok to mess up. Everyone does. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Whatever you think of as a mistake, forgive yourself. Let it go. The world will begin to see a person of great strength and character as they observe you stepping over your problems.

  3. “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” – Brené Brown

    Sometimes, the most challenging thing about loving yourself is having to make a few divisions between yourself and those who may ask for more than you have to give. They may want your time or skills, but in order to care for your own health, there are times when you must say no.

  4. “Regardless of how anyone else feels about me, I am going to choose to be happy and completely love myself today.”

    Look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Make a decision about that person who’s grinning at you, maybe feeling a little bit silly or even embarrassed. Today, choose to be totally happy with that person. That is someone you love, and you have decided to make them very happy today.

  5. “I am enough. Who I am is enough. What I do is enough, and what I have is enough.”

    There is no need for you to pretend to know more than you do. There is no need for you to spend hours trying to create the perfect look of this year’s summer or winter season to impress that certain person. Your friends like you the way you are – they are content with you as you are. The real you is enough for your real friends.

  6. “Yes, you are enough. You are worthy … acceptable … lovable. You do deserve to be loved. Being loved, especially by yourself, is your birthright. Loving yourself is not a selfish act. It’s necessary.” – Akiroq Brost

    This love of yourself, this respect and honor belongs to you. It is imprinted on your heart. You are accepted and complete just the way you are.

  7. “Demonstrate love by giving it, unconditionally to yourself. And as you do, you will attract others into your life who will love you without conditions.”

    As you learn to care for and love yourself freely and without limitation, you will see how much amazing love will be offered to you with no strings attached.

  8. “Stop underestimating yourself.”

    You are a person with a big heart; you are a person of excellence. Those around you see it in your eyes. Remind yourself that your mind is filled with a lot to give the world around you.

  9. “You are magnificent and unique. Love yourself and stay unique and you will beautify this world with your unique art of life.” – Debasish Mridha

    There has never been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. You are a special, one-of-a-kind blossom. The world around you will be enhanced by your exclusive splendor.

Go ahead. Try repeating these words to yourself. It may seem uncomfortable or even a little strange at first. But read them through and think about these quotes about loving yourself. Make a decision that you are going to learn to give love to yourself. It really is a good thing to take care of yourself first.

Accepting and loving yourself will take some time and effort on your part. Simply reading through a list of quotes once a day about loving yourself will not change your life overnight. But when you put your heart into it, when you meditate on these quotes about loving yourself, speaking them as though you believe them, one day you will find that they have become a reality.

Signs Of A Stroke : What To Look For

A stroke is a serious blockage in a vessel in the brain, or it is bleeding in the brain. Strokes can often be fatal when they are not properly identified and treated as soon as possible, or they can have debilitating results that affect the afflicted individual for the rest of his or her life. Altogether, approximately 700,000 men and women suffer from strokes annually in the United States.

While they can affect any individual regardless of age, ethnicity or health status, a stroke is statistically more likely to occur in women as well as in those who have high blood pressure, who have diabetes and who are African-Americans.

While it is important to understand if you are included in a high-risk category for potentially suffering from a stroke in the future, you also need to understand the common signs and symptoms of a stroke. Be aware that some signs are universal regardless of gender. However, there are some specific signs of a stroke in women that differ from the signs of a stroke in men.

The Importance of Seeking Treatment as Soon as Possible

The brain requires a steady supply of oxygen for optimal health and function. This oxygen is delivered through the blood. Numerous vessels carry blood. But when even a single vessel is blocked or is impaired because of a hemorrhage or rupture, the brain could be negatively affected within a very short period of time.

If the condition is identified and treated early, long-term effects may be prevented or minimized. However, more than two-thirds of individuals who survive a stroke experience minor or serious disability afterward. This could potentially leave you partially paralyzed, with diminished brain function and more.

signs of a stroke

Common Signs of a Stroke to Look For

Understanding the signs of a stroke and seeking treatment as soon as possible is essential. Many signs of a stroke in men and women are similar. For example, facial drooping may be one of the first noticeable signs of a stroke. If you or a loved one tries to smile and only a portion of the face is affected by the effort, the individual should receive medical attention without delay. In addition, one arm may feel numb or tingly.

When the person raises both arms overhead, the affected arm may gradually lower. Difficulty with clear speech is also common. The individual may have trouble repeating a simple sentence back to you without slurring at least a few of the words. It is essential to seek emergency medical attention when even one of these signs is identified.

Other Warning Signs of a Stroke That Should Not Be Overlooked

Remember that minutes count when a person is having a stroke. When in doubt, always err on the side of caution. In addition to these common signs of a stroke, other symptoms may or may not be present. For example, some people who are having a stroke may feel confused or dizzy. Mobility issues that extend beyond movement of an arm may be noticed, and this type of issue usually only affects one side of the body.

An intense headache may develop suddenly and without an apparent cause. Vision loss or blurry vision in one or both eyes may also be experienced. Remember that the brain controls all aspects of body function. While a stroke usually affects one side of the brain and body, it is possible for symptoms to be experienced elsewhere. Any signs of confusion, severe headache or general movement are signs that emergency medical attention may be needed.

Specific Signs of a Stroke in Women

It is important to note that women may experience other symptoms that are not common in men who are experiencing a stroke. For example, women may be much more likely to experience confusion, dizziness and general disorientation. Mood changes, agitation, a seizure, severe nausea, unexplained pain and even hallucinations are also much more common in women who are suffering from a stroke than in men.

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Signs of a Stroke

Some people will identify signs of a potential stroke in themselves, and they will immediately request emergency medical assistance. However, because a stroke can impact brain function and cause confusion in both men and women, many signs of a stroke are identified by friends and family members who are with the individual at the time. Regardless of your age and health status, it is essential that you understand what common and more unusual stroke signs are.

It is equally important that you regularly observe those around you to determine if any of these symptoms are present. Keep in mind that not all signs or symptoms may be present in all individuals. Your effort at being observant may save a life or may promote an improved quality of life after the stroke.

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