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10 Surefire Tips To Deal With Stubborn Kids

If getting your child to do even the smallest tasks requires an exhausting battle each day, there is a good chance that you have a stubborn kid on your hands. But while it may be tempting to firmly dig in your heels right along with them, this will most likely just prolong the frustration for both of you.

So what is a parent supposed to do when the stress of it all has finally reached the boiling point? Well, luckily, we have ten surefire tips that can help.

1. Don’t Lose Your Temper

Take a deep breath. Go to another room for a minute or two. Or count to ten. Just be sure to do what it takes to stay calm and not lose your temper. Otherwise, the situation will only further escalate, which is counterproductive to getting the main goal of cooperation achieved.

2. Listen to What They Are Trying to Tell You

If your child is being stubborn about not wanting to do something, stop and ask them questions about why they are acting like that. There could be an important underlying reason. For example, if they keep refusing to go to school each morning, it could be because they are being bullied or the teacher is being mean to them.

3. Work With Them to Create a Plan

One of the best ways to gain cooperation with a child on specific tasks and goals is to work with them to come up with a plan together. Try making a chart that lists out the chores. Ask the child questions about each one and explain why the tasks and goals are all important.

4. Set a Good Example of How to Work Out Disagreements

If a child sees their parents fighting all the time, they will learn to copy the same behavior. So it is very important that they see a good example of how to handle disagreements calmly. That is why parenting experts suggest that any heated debates be reserved for times when the little ones aren’t around. Or, better yet, parents learn to work things out in an amicable manner.

5. Stop Arguments in Their Tracks

Sometimes, even when parents are doing everything right, kids simply don’t want to do what is being asked of them. For cases like this, it is best to nip arguments in the bud right away. This can be done by stating firmly and clearly what type of behavior is expected of them. Be sure to mention the importance of respect and how their compliance is necessary for their own safety and well being. Then, tell them the consequences that will occur if they continue their poor behavior.

6. Offer Choices

Allowing kids to make choices about small things that affect them helps them to learn to make better choices later on in life about major things. Keep the choices within reason though, such as offering small incremental changes to the time that they go to bed or the outfit that they wear to school.

7. Reinforce Positive Behavior

Complimenting children is very important for helping them to develop a good self-esteem. It also helps encourage them to keep working towards their goals and maintaining their positive behavior. So speak up with a few kind words each time that they go to bed without a fight or eat their meal without a fuss.


8. Try a Reward System

Kids love stickers and small treasures. And these items cost next to nothing to buy. So they work great for including in a reward system to change their stubborn behavior.

9. Compromise

Whenever possible, work things out with your kids through compromise. For example, if they want to wear an outfit that isn’t appropriate for school, try offering an alternative that will make you both happy, such as a longer skirt, added leggings, or a different jacket.

10. Get Professional Guidance

If everything else has failed, and your child’s stubborn behavior has reached the point where nothing you do is helping to modify it, consider getting some counseling through a licensed family therapist for them and yourself.

As you can see, all of these ten tips for how to deal with stubborn kids are very simple to understand and apply. But the trick to making them work is consistency. Children learn good behavior more easily when they know what to expect and what is expected of them. So if they are constantly in doubt about what they are supposed to do, it can lead to them feeling anxious and confused.

And remember, there is nothing wrong with asking for a little professional guidance if you need it. So don’t wait too long to seek outside help if your child’s stubborn behavior has gotten out of hand.


Inspirational Quotes About Happiness To Boost Up Your Mood When You Are Feeling Low

Happiness is an emotion that is often hard to find. Sometimes it is buried so deep in our subconscious that we feel it is forever nonexistent. Inspirational quotes help to nudge that inner feeling to the surface can also force you to evaluate your life by comparing it to the person behind the quote. Their story can provide an eye-opening change behind your own personal sadness.

Positive inspirational quotes can lift your spirit on the gloomiest of days. It is easy to fall prey to the rejection and negative nature of those around you. When you find those positive inspirational quotes that stick in your head, nothing will seem impossible.

The Best Inspirational Quotes

1. “Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”  Franklin D. Roosevelt

2. “I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, “This is what it is to be happy.”
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

3. “Those who are not looking for happiness are the most likely to find it, because those who are searching forget that the surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

4. “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, then there will be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be.” Anne Frank

5. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” Helen Keller

inspirational quotes

6. “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” Thich Nhat Hanh

7. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi

8. “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

9. “There’s nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

10.“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.”
Tom Bodett

11.”Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world.”
Orhan Pamuk, Snow

12.“So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?”
Hunter S. Thompson

13.“It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters,”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations

14.“A negative mind will never give you a positive life.”

15.“Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

16.“I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself.”  Albert Einstein

17.“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Herman Cain

18.“Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you.” Mary Lou Retton

19.”Money doesn’t bring happiness and creativity. Your creativity and happiness brings money.” Sam Rosen

20.”When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.” Helen Keller

Happiness does not happen by accident. We do not wake up one morning and break out in an explosion of happy laughter. But, by keeping these inspirational quotes close at hand, joy will be much easier to come by. Never let the crab apples in your life decide how you will feel today. Put your favorite inspirational quotes on your refrigerator door, in a picture frame or place on your bedroom mirror. Little subtle reminders will make your day more pleasant to handle.

8 Simple Exercises That Are Perfect For Relief From Lower Back Pain

Back pain arises as a result of physical injury, incorrect posture, and misalignments that are neglected, pulling muscles out of place. If you are one of the 65 million Americans reporting lower back pain and discomfort on a regular basis, it’s no wonder that we seek relief from this additional stress and strain.

Lower back pain treatment is solved in a number of ways, but not all of these options are accessible to everyone. For those experiencing mild to moderate pain on occasion, all that might be necessary is a simple pain management medication. Other options might be surgical relief or a chiropractic protocol for moderate to severe pain. If cost is an option and you find yourself in need of pain relief in between medical and chiropractic appointments, however, it might be beneficial to try some simple exercises at home to get the blood flowing and those vertebrae moving.

Doing these exercises regularly has proven to ease lower back pain and provide some relief from the stress that chronic pain can bring to your daily life. Practice these on a consistent basis, and you’ll be feeling better with each repetition.

Here are 8 exercises that will give you relief from lower back pain:

Good Posture Stretch 

Sit up straight in a chair, with spine extended fully from hips to the base of the skull. Bend your head down so that your chin touches your chest, or at least as close as you can get without straining. You should feel a stretch, but no pain. Hold the fully extended position with the chin touching the chest for 30 seconds, then release the head back up until you are looking straight ahead. Repeat at least three times to feel a loosening of the neck muscles, upper back, and mid back region.

Arm Circles 

Extend arms out fully to the side so that your arms are parallel to the ground. Perform a circle with the wrists while arms are fully extended, ten times forward, ten times back. Lower arms back down to your sides and repeat another full set forward and backward.

Ballerina Stretch 

Reach arms upward, clasping hands and fingers together over your head. Pull left arm to the right as you stretch over to the right, leaving arms fully extended overhead. Hold for five to ten seconds, then release and go over to the left side, pulling the right arm with your left. Hold on that side as well. As you leave the fully extended position, put both hands on top of your head as you fully extend “chicken wings” out to the side on either side of your face. Twist your spine one way, looking left, then right as you perform the twist with hands atop your head. Release your arms back down by your sides.

Wall Toe Touches 

This is a slow, deliberate stretch designed to relieve lower back pain if done correctly. Stand with your back against the wall. As you slowly bend forward, reaching your fingertips toward your toes, pull your navel to the spine and curl yourself into a C as much as possible until you are touching your toes. Stay in contact with your toes for as long as possible, arms fully extended, then slowly roll back up until you are in contact with the wall again. If you need assistance returning to a standing position, put your hands on your shins, then your upper thighs, to support you. Repeat five times slowly for best results.


Lie on your stomach on a firm surface. Slowly extend arms out as if you were Superman, then work to raise arms and upper body off the ground as much as possible, using the strength from your lower back and torso. Hold for 2-3 seconds, then return to the floor. Repeat ten times with upper body, then lift the legs and buttocks the same way, holding for 2-3 seconds and returning to the floor.

As a culminating move, and if you are strong enough, combine the lower body extension with the upper body extension, hold, and then return to the floor. Tightening that core will reduce lower back pain and strengthen your whole body from the inside out.

Cat Cow

Lower yourself to your hands and knees. Start by inhaling, releasing your belly toward the floor, and flexing your back so that its surface looks like a bowl. As you exhale, band your head toward the ground, arch your back like a cat, and fully extend your spine into what resembles a C curve. Combine breathing with the concave, convex motion of this exercise and you will increase the mobility of the vertebrae and loosen up the joints along the spine.

relax muscles

Down Dog

We can’t say enough about this yoga-inspired active stretch; it truly works all of the muscles in the neck, upper back, lower back, and legs. Lower yourself to a V position, with your hands and feet pushing away from the ground and your head in neutral position. Hold this position as long as possible, feeling the muscles in your back and along the backs of your legs lengthen and strengthen while your neck muscles rest in a neutral position, allowing for the release of additional tension. Drop down into child’s pose, a prone position where knees are bent and body is tucked in along the tops of legs while arms are extended forward away from the rest of the body. Relax in this position, taking deep breaths and deepening the stretch as you are able.

Proactive Stretching For A Healthier Life

Lower back pain doesn’t have to plague your life; combining conventional methods of lower back pain treatment with daily stretching and physical activity will allow you to remain mobile and active well into your golden years. Enjoy your newfound flexibility, youth and strength by renewing yourself with these exercises; when done regularly, they will turn back the clock and improve your health and vitality.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Reveal 10 Reasons You Should Drink Black Coffee Every Day

Caffeine is one of the most popular stimulants in the United States. Many people begin every day with a mean cup of joe. Some people love the taste while others love the effects. Regardless, there are always questions surrounding the health benefits of java. For example, is coffee for weight loss effective? Here are 10 health reasons you should drink black coffee every day.

1. Cleansing your system 

You’ve probably heard people say that coffee is a natural diuretic. This means that it can increases the rate at which you’ll urinate. While cleanses should always be used with caution, coffee can help clean out your system. Through our digestive and urinary systems, our bodies are able to release viruses and other harmful bacteria. Coffee helps to increase the rate at which these processes function. You can now rest assured that those frequent bathroom breaks from black coffee are not so bad after all.

2. Aiding in weight loss 

Weight loss has become somewhat of an obsession in our current society. Question marks often linger around the question of coffee for weight loss. The reality isn’t as simple as many may hope. It has been shown that a cup of joe can increase our metabolic rate which can result in the burning of fat. Our bodies get used to this pretty quickly and the effects stop after a while. However, that cup of caffeine can also act as a powerful hunger suppressant that has the possibility of resulting in less of an appetite.

3. Decreased risk of Alzheimers Disease and Dementia 

Alzheimers Disease (AD) and Dementia are both associated with memory loss, especially in older age. It is well-known and documented that caffeine provides a quick stimulation to the body’s central nervous system. Many people are curious about the long-term effect of coffee on cognitive functioning. Previous studies have shown it to have a positive effective against a decline in cognitive ability. In a CAIDE study, drinking 3-5 cups of joe per day was correlated with a decreased risk in both Dementia and AD. More specifics about this telling study can be found here.

4. Helps against depression

Depression is a serious condition that affects countless people in the United States. While expert attention should always be sought, there are daily routines that have been shown to be beneficial. Drinking a cup of java is one of these. One study suggests that drinking more than a few cups a day or more can lead to a decreased risk for depression.

5. Protecting against Parkinson’s Disease 

Parkinson’s is perhaps one of the most frightening neurodegenerative diseases. It may sound too good to be true, but a moderate amount of caffeine taken on a daily basis may have a protective effect against this awful disease. This prospective relationship between moderate caffeine intake and protection against Parkinson’s was primarily observed amongst female participants. More studies are currently underway to learn more about this potential connection. At this point, it seems that a cup of joe every morning can only help protect against Parkinson’s.

6. Related to eight of our genes 

While this isn’t directly related to making you healthy, it is incredibly interesting. Scientists have identified a total of eight genes that relate to our consumption of this wonderful java juice. Two of these genes were previously identified. This discovery can help lead to more answers concerning the way in which caffeine effects each individual differently.

7. Provides important nutrients 

While drinking that warm cup of joe in the morning, you’re probably not thinking of all the wonderful nutrients that are being absorbed. To be sure, black java is very rich in antioxidants and also helps with inflammation. In terms of specific nutrients, that cup every morning can bring you Vitamin B5, B2, B3, magnesium, potassium and manganese.


8. Increases cognitive functioning 

While that morning cup of java won’t turn you into an Einstein, there are some definite cognitive benefits. Roughly 40 minutes after consumption, the caffeine enters the brain and raises the amount of the norepinephrine and dopamine transmitters. This helps neurons to fire faster and can enhance your mood, energy and memory.

9. Reduction of type 2 diabetes 

Type 2 Diabetes is a condition affecting millions of Americans today. Fortunately, that morning habit of caffeine consumption may be contributing to a lower risk of this form of Diabetes. The Harvard School of Public Health(HSPH) conducted a study to discover what changes are made. Participants who increased the amount of joe they drank by more than one cup a day experienced an 11% lower risk for type 2 diabetes over a four-year period. This was in contrast to participants who made no changes in their consumption.

10. It makes us feel good 

One of the simplest health benefits of that java is making you feel good. Caffeine helps us to tap into many reward systems engrained in our brain. That feeling you get after taking a sip isn’t insignificant. However, this is also the reason that caffeine is so addictive.

It’s nice to hear that a cup of joe can do more than just wake you up in the morning. There are several health benefits associated with this daily routine. However, it is important to read into each study conducted to ensure the best understanding of the results. Furthermore, a medical professional should be consulted before greatly enhancing your daily intake of caffeine.

Reasons to drink coffee everyday

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Powerful Tips To Change Self Criticism Into Self appreciation

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Gustav Jung

Expressing disapproval for a person or a thing comes naturally to most. While criticism in moderation can help to identify a fault or problem that is worth examining, it can also become a slippery slope of negativity with unintended consequences. Self criticism may allow us to learn from our mistakes, but it can also paralyze us with doubts and fears.

In today’s complex and fast-paced society, insisting on total control or seeking perfection are high-water marks that are rarely, if ever, achievable. Learning to limit unhealthy self criticism of ourselves can improve our mental and physical state. As the old adage states, “We are own worst critics.”

Steps You Can Take To Turn Criticism Into Self Appreciation

1. Do To Others As You Would Have Them Do To You

While it may seem counter-intuitive at first glance, understanding how to curtail criticism towards others is a solid first step in improving your own state of mind. Learning to criticize those around us less often helps to prevent the tendency of expecting too much from others. The immediately limits negative interactions that cause avoidable stress in our day-to-day lives.

Becoming less critical of others provides us with a path to follow when we turn our attention inwards. It takes practice to learn self-appreciation and the discipline required to change how we view others is transferable to how we view ourselves.

help quote

2. Become The Change Outwardly That You Want To See Within

The people that interact with you will learn how to treat you partially based on how you treat yourself. Expressing critical thoughts about yourself in front of others can influence their opinion of you in a negative way. It can also encourage them to become over-critical.

This can be even more devastating in front of children. This can lead to less appreciation for you in everyone’s eyes. Learning to avoid verbal criticism in front of others teaches us to keep our doubts and fears in check while fostering a healthier mindset.

3. Learn To Recognize Who You Truly Are

No matter where you go, there you are. Self-doubt and expecting too much from yourself can lead to serious depression. Become more realistic about what you can expect from yourself. Only then will you be able to set realistic goals that are obtainable.

Remember to stay in the present. Dwelling in the past not only prevents you from moving forward, it can fuel doubts about your present position. Continuously looking towards the future can also be detrimental in developing self-appreciation, especially when unexpecting obstacles turn up. Focusing on yourself at this moment can fend off the depression that often develops from self criticism.

4. Learn To Appreciate The Good… And The Not So Good

Your inner critic will remain silent if everything goes according to plan. Unfortunately, this rarely happens in our day-to-day lives. Learning to appreciate our efforts can go a long way towards realizing that often an outcome can be good enough. Flipping the script on your inner critic is a wonderful way to appreciate yourself.

Finding a way to pull some good out of a bad situation will also produce results. Everyone fails, and everyone makes mistakes. Place yourself in a loved one’s position, and become more constructive. There are silver linings that avoid criticism.

5. Accept Compliments From Others

When we become over-critical about ourselves we tend to shy away from compliments. At a time when we need to hear them the most, we tend to turn a deaf ear on the appreciation that others express towards us. It becomes very difficult to accept positive accolades when we feel so negative about ourselves.


Practice accepting these positive statements even if you feel they are undeserved. A simple “thank you” can help to eliminate the criticism that prevents us from being appreciative of ourselves and our situations.

6. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Understanding ourselves can help to limit the damage caused by our inner critic. There are times though that all of the work we put in is simply not enough. That, in itself, can make matters worse.

If you find yourself struggling with your self-critic, don’t be afraid to reach out for professional help. Talking with someone who is equipped for the conversation can produce real results. Healthy and wholesome practices may overcome stubborn self-doubts and fears.

Some Final Thoughts…

Recognizing an over-critical mentality is a big step towards a more positive lifestyle. Taking the time to understand ourselves allows us to put into practice habits that can break the negative cycle. Learning to appreciate yourself allows you to work free from limitations and creates a healthier you!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Beliefs That Keep You From Finding Your Soulmate

Millions of people around the world are searching for their soulmate and hoping to find that one person that will make them feel whole. Are you one of them? And have you tried many things to no avail? Does internet dating, clubbing, speed dating, bar hopping, and being set up by your friends always end with the same loneliness at the end of the night? You are not alone.

In the modern world, there are many ways for people to find love. But finding love isn’t just about where to go or meet up with people. Sometimes people may have limiting mindsets or beliefs that keep them from connecting with that one special person that they may share their lives with. Let’s explore five common limiting beliefs that prevent people from finding their soulmates.

“There’s No One Good Left To Love”

Many people feel that everyone “good” out there has already been taken and that there’s no one left for them to love. And when you feel like there is no one “good” available anymore then you start to judge everyone you meet as “bad”. How can you let yourself open up to love if everyone you come across is immediately judged as bad?

This mindset can easily happen to people who have had their heart broken in the past. After your trust has been betrayed, it is important to not become jaded and let it ruin your future. While there actually are plenty of bad people out there that can hurt you, don’t forget that there are just as many if not more good people that are worth loving and sharing your life with.

When you start to overcome the bad experiences that have left you scarred, then it will be easier to move forward in the quest of finding your soulmate.

“They Will Change For Me Once We’re Together”

This is a common limiting belief that both sexes frequently struggle with. It also frequently leads to people getting into bad relationships and starting unhealthy patterns.

The bottom line? When you meet and start to date someone, ask yourself if you could live with them the exact way they are without them changing a single thing about themselves. If the answer is no, then you need to consider that this person is probably not the one you’re meant to be with.

Most of the time, you just can’t change who somebody is no matter how much you love them. If people want to change anything about their lives and who they are, then that is a decision they usually need to make for themselves. And if you find yourself wanting to change everything about your partner, then they are probably not your soulmate.

“I Need To Find Someone My Parents Will Approve Of”

When it comes to finding your soulmate, you may be inclined to settle for someone that pleases your parents instead of pleasing yourself. Unfortunately, a lot of people make this mistake and ultimately end up marrying someone that they never truley loved but whom their parents adored.

And maybe it isn’t your parents you are looking to please. Maybe you are trying to find someone that your church or religion approves of. Maybe you’re trying to find someone that fits in with your group of friends.

But how can this person be your soulmate if you aren’t the one choosing them? It is important for you to date based off of your own preferences and not the preferences of your loved ones.

“I Need To Settle Down Before The Age Of 30!”

This belief has caused many people to marry someone completely wrong for them just so they wouldn’t be single by a certain age. But you can’t rush love.

Contrary to the messages that we receive from the world around us, it’s okay to be single. And there are plenty of happy singles who are well into their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and older. If you find your soulmate and are happy with them at a young age, then that is perfect. But don’t jump into spending the rest of your life with the wrong person just so you don’t have to be alone.

It is worth it to develop the belief that it’s better to be single by the time you reach whatever age than it is to be trapped with someone who is totally wrong for you.


“I Don’t Mind A Few Red Flags”

Stop right there.

Some things are red flags for a reason. Maybe you absolutely can’t be with someone who smokes or maybe you are allergic to cats and can’t be with someone who has them. Could the red flags you’re ignoring even point to signs of abuse?

This belief causes people to get stuck in bad relationships over and over again. Why get yourself stuck in something bad if you have an inkling that this person isn’t right for you? Don’t ignore red flags when they come alone. And foster the belief that you are worth being with someone without major red flags.

Don’t let limiting beliefs keep you from discovering your soulmate

Whatever limiting belief is holding you back, it is okay to admit you have a problem and find a way to try and move on. After all, finding love is a beautiful thing so why hold yourself back?

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