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10 Hidden Signs You May Be Being Cheated On By Your Partner

Being cheated on is tough. Cheating is one of the top reasons that relationships end. It is a betrayal and can be extremely hard to get past (but not impossible). It can also be hard to repair the feelings of the person who is being cheated on. Finding out a partner has been unfaithful comes as a shock that many people aren’t prepared for and their emotions can run wild.

Dealing with these emotions all at once can be very hard to handle, but sometimes our partners unknowingly give us subtle signs in advance that they are stepping out on the relationship. If you can learn to recognize these signs, it can help you to process the feelings more effectively rather than all at once.

Below are ten not-so-obvious signs you are being cheated on:

1. Your partner is being more secretive than usual.

Maybe your partner is planning a surprise party in your honor, but intuition will prevail in a situation like this. If your partner is suddenly hiding their phone, deleting messages, or not being honest about where they’ve been, this is a good sign that you are being cheated on.

2. Your partner doesn’t argue with you anymore.

It’s nice to think that your partner is suddenly always on your side, but if you’re usually involved in a normal level of relationship “tiffs”, this would be rare. They may have stopped arguing with you because they have another relationship they are committing themselves to.

3. Your partner doesn’t say “I love you” anymore.

It’s possible that they may just be forgetting to say it, but probably not. If your partner is suddenly not saying those three magic words anymore, it can be a sign that the flames are dying out of the relationship and also that there may be someone else.

4. Your partner has unexplained absences.

If cheating is going on, your partner may start coming home from work late, going in early, or going in on days off. They may tell you they will be in one place, but are actually somewhere else. This is one of the signs you are being cheated on.

5. Your partner begins dressing nicer or wearing nicer perfume/cologne.

This is especially true if your partner doesn’t usually do these things for you. They may be trying to impress someone else who has caught their eye. Unless there is a good reason for the change in style, this is a good indicator you are being cheated on.

6. Everything you do seems to annoy your partner.

One of the signs that you are being cheated on is that suddenly you and your partner just can’t seem to get along. It may seem that everything you do gets on their nerves and you feel like you are walking on eggshells around them.

7. Your partner’s usually predictable behavior suddenly changes.toxic relationship quote

If your partner is the type of person that does everything the same way all the time, or has a certain routine and then they suddenly change up out of nowhere, this is one of the signs that you are being cheated on. Maybe they are suddenly listening to new music, getting coffee from a new place, or anything else out of the ordinary. It may be nothing or it could be a new person in their life.


8. Your partner suddenly has new “gifts” that they wouldn’t usually buy for themselves.

Your husband suddenly has new cuff links. Or your wife is suddenly wearing a new charm bracelet. This isn’t so bad, but what is suspicious is that they didn’t tell you about it. You may have stumbled across it in some random sock drawer as if they were hiding it. This can be a sign that your partner is cheating.

9. Your partner starts criticizing everything about you and/or starts putting you down.

They used to be the most supportive person in the world, but now they think that you are a failure at everything. You can’t seem to do anything right in their eyes. Even the most well-thought out intentions seem to displease them. If this happens, there is a possibility that your partner is cheating on you.

10. Your partner suddenly starts talking differently.

This can happen if your partner has new friends, new co-workers, or new clients that they spend time with. However, if they don’t have any new people in their life (that you know of), they are spending time with someone who is influencing their lingo. This is a good sign that your partner is cheating.

Pay Attention to the Signs

Signs that your partner is cheating isn’t always as obvious as finding lipstick on their collar. Some people get good at hiding their infidelity. Despite this, there are usually inconspicuous clues that your partner is cheating, like the clues provided above. Use these to figure out what’s going in in your relationship and to prepare yourself before the cheating gets dropped on you like a bomb.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Inspiring Books That Will Change Your Life

Let’s face it, changing your life around can be a difficult process. However, if you realize the nature of change it can be helpful for you to make the needed adjustments in your life. First of all, you will definitely have to do things differently. If you desire change, please be aware that it might mean stepping out of your comfort zone, as noted repeatedly by motivational speaker Anthony Robbins.

It’s also important to note that any change, whether it is organizational or personal, can actually be extremely painful. Indeed, sometimes we get used to things that are even bad for us. Once we have to change these bad habits, it can be a daunting process. However, it is for our benefit that we do so. How do we attain this needed change? One way is through books that can inspire us and coach us. Here are seven possible examples.

7 Inspiring Books That Will Change Your Life

The Art Of Happiness by the Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama has always been an individual who has emphasized personal reflection and meditation when you’re on a journey to find true fulfillment and happiness. His Holiness the Dalai Lama believes that you can find complete and total purpose. Indeed, there are ways to be more inspiring and more positive. With that purpose, he believes you will find clarity, vision, and focus. In doing that, he believes you will be laying the foundation to empower you to embark on the correct path and journey to changing your life for the better.


The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Simply put, Dr. Schwartz believes creating change in your life will only occur if you change your attitude and your thinking. You have to prepare your mind and align your thinking to the journey of your own personal change. That is the key to the message of this book. Dr. Schwartz says the only thing that is stopping you from moving mountains is yourself. Train yourself to use the right words. If you believe you can move mountains, you can if you do; if you don’t believe you can move a mountain then you cannot. Belief triggers the power to accomplish great things.

The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino

Although this little book has been around since 1968, it still has much wisdom we can glean from. First of all, have you ever wondered what attributes truly successful people have? This inspiring book does a great job of educating you on that. Another reason why it can be added to the list of inspiring books would be because it teaches you all about the power of positive thinking. There is no question the book has great tactics and strategies for those who want to change themselves for the better.

Everything Happens For A Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler

As a professor at Duke Divinity School, Kate Bowler literally thought life was her oyster. Of course, this was until she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer at the age of 35. To say she was blindsided and shocked by these developments would definitely be an understatement. However, this book takes a heartbreaking and real look at the process of receiving a cancer diagnosis and how one goes through treating it. The book, above all else, is real. There is no questioning the fact it is full of grace, beauty, grief, and lots of wisdom. Bowler elaborate on the many coping skills she has learned from this gut-wrenching process.

Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

In this work, Anthony Robbins details how everyone has the power immediately to control how they think, how they feel, and what they should do. In short, anything they want to do and anything they desire in their life, they have the power to achieve it. Anthony Robbins believes that this power is available in every moment of the day and it is something that with practice we can harness for our own better good. He believes it is all about changing your perception of yourself.

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff by Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson believes that when you are able to manage the small stuff in your life, you will realize true happiness. The reason for this is that it is usually the small stuff that creates the most pain in your life. This is why Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff is a very supportive and inspiring book that is full of a lot of practical tips on living a more joyful and peaceful life. Indeed, this book has been inspiring and delightful to literally millions of people for decades now.

Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath

This is a great book for those who know they need to make changes in their lives, but they are not sure how to go about doing it effectively. However, in this inspiring back chip and Dan share some tips on how you can create and continue positive change in your life. First of all, they educate people that they should not worry about the middle part of a project. Rather, they should just simply focus on having a strong beginning and a strong ending and that will get the ball rolling.


All of these inspiring books are very effective at giving you the pointers you need to improve your life. However, these aren’t the only inspiring works out there. Talk to others in order to get their recommendations and you will definitely find the right book for your motivational needs.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

15 Weight Loss Makeovers That Will Help You Lose Weight

To lose weight, it takes time, patience, dedication, and extreme willpower. No one said it would come easily, but the end result (as well as the strength and health gained along the way) will always be worth it. You can always lose weight fast with weight loss fads, but to have lasting results, plain old diet and exercise are the way to go. If you want to lose extra weight but don’t have the motivation, we hope these photos of people who have lost extra weight will inspire you.

Here are 15 weight loss makeovers that will inspire you to lose extra weight:

1. 211 pounds down and looking happier than ever.

Transformation 384 to 173 Total weight loss of 206 lbs.

2. This goes to show you that age can’t stop you if you want to lose extra weight.

My Mum’s incredible weight loss transformation

3. Wow, can you tell these are the same people? This couple definitely knows how to lose weight as a team!

This couple’s incredible weight loss transformation from r/pics

4. Watch this woman literally shrink before your eyes! If you want to lose weight, this is the ultimate motivation.

Weight loss transformation from r/interestingasfuck

5. These twins lost a combined 143 pounds. If you want to know how to lose weight, they can definitely give you pointers.

Twin weight loss transformation M/18/6’1″ [240 > 175 = 65lbs] (left) M/18/6’1″ [260 > 182 = 78lbs] (right) from r/progresspics

exercise quote

6. 90 pounds down and confidence gained. What a transformation!

F/27/5’7” [235lbs>145lbs=90lbs] Weight Loss Transformation from r/progresspics

7. From 444 to 190 pounds, this woman worked hard to become her best self.

(F, 30, 5’10”, 444 > 190) I need to get serious about losing the rest in 2016 from r/progresspics

8. Same woman in both pics, just 130 pounds lighter in the second.

Female/21/5’5 (255 lbs > 125 lbs = 130 lbs loss) I hit my ultimate weight goal this week. Doing a size 2 happy dance!

9. It’s hard to believe this is the same person! There’s no way to lose weight fast; just work hard and you’ll reach your goals!

F/38/5’7″ [408 > 188 = 220] (25 Months, Varied) Found a TRUE Before Pic, Face Gains, Mission Goal Weight in 2018 from r/progresspics

10. 100 pounds down in 17 months – talk about an inspiration!

F/58/5’6 [283lbs>183lbs=100lbs] (17months) Same jacket after 20-40-60-80-100 pounds lost. Thanks CICO and walking! Celebrating 100 by joining gym. from r/progresspics

11. 151 pounds down in two years.

F/27/5’0” [304lbs > 153lbs = 151lbs] (2 Years) For each pound that I lose, I capture a Pokémon! I have finally caught the entire First Generation. Now to start on Gen 2! from r/progresspics

Also, this woman knows how to have fun AND lose weight at the same time!

12. 125 pounds lost and looking like a totally new person.

F/27/5’4 [250 > 125 = 125 lost] Goal weight achieved! from r/progresspics

13. From obese to bodybuilding. Sometimes you don’t just lose weight; you gain a whole new passion in life.

F/27/5’4″ [260lbs > 130lbs = 130lbs] (2 years) from obesity to bodybuilding from r/progresspics

14. This woman definitely knows how to keep herself motivated to lose weight!

F/30/5’9” [320lbs > 165lbs = 154lbs ] (2 years) 20lbs left to go, keeping myself motivated by focusing on how far I have come from r/progresspics

15. We couldn’t leave the guys out! Remember, you CAN lose weight if you stay positive, work hard, and pace yourself.

M/37/5’6″ [334lbs > 193lbs = 141lbs] (16 months) Trying to remember I’m more than a number on the scale. from r/progresspics

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Keys To Happiness, According To Science

Everyone wants to achieve happiness in his or her life. Happiness can be elusive, especially when we rely on external forces to make us happy. Everyone has difficult circumstances in their lives, but these happiness tips can help us create a spirit of joy in our own lives.

Scientists and researchers have compiled these 10 happiness tips to help you make the best of your own life, no matter your circumstances. Keep them in mind as you react to life’s stresses and joys.

10 Keys to Achieving Happiness, According to Science


1. Stop Pressuring Yourself to Achieve Money or Fame

Money may make life easier, but it won’t make you happy on its own. Neither will status or fame. Linda Esposito, LCSW, says “The concept of “everyone” does not exist when it comes to experiencing joy.” Everyone needs to find their own measures that will make them happy, and no one can tell you what your life “should” be before you can be satisfied with your life.

2. What You Want Versus What You Have

People who are more satisfied with what they have are happier overall. A University of Northern British Columbia study in the 1980s found that people who aspired to have more money, friends, career success, and health than others were less happy. Being content with what they had was linked to a higher level of satisfaction.

3. It Can Be Genetically Determined

Psychologist David Lykken says that our “set point” of how happy we are is determined by genes, but whether we can overcome this depends on training and experience. Even with a low “set point,” a person can encourage themselves to be happy with the power of positive thinking.

4. Reach Out to Others

Contributing positively to another person’s life can make us happy. When we give time and money to a cause, we are bolstering our own chances at a happy life. Feeling useful is a great way to be happy.

The number of personal connections we have is also associated with happiness. Christine Carter from the University of California at Berkeley says that both the quantity and quality of someone’s social connections positively affects their well-being.

5. Give Yourself Challenges

People who stimulate their minds regularly are happier. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi states that performing creative or artistic activities, as well as learning new skills, is related to a better outlook on life.

6. Be Thankful

Practice an “attitude of gratitude” to make yourself happy. When we think about the things we already have in life and count our blessings, we can boost our mood naturally. Think about your family, your children, your job, and the good experiences you have had in life.

7. Avoid Unhelpful People

As much as possible, try to avoid engaging with narcissistic or toxic people. If you do have to deal with them, try to separate yourself from their manipulation as much as you can. Don’t let yourself be dragged into their drama. Letting go of unhelpful relationships can greatly improve your life.

8. Be Truthful

Robert Feldman, a psychologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, wrote The Liar in Your Life. He states that 60 percent of people can’t get through a 10-minute conversation without lying. When you are truthful, your conscience is clear and you don’t have to deal with the consequences of stretching the truth.

9. Exercise

Harvard study states that people with higher well-being are more likely to be physically active. People who are happier exercise more, which in turn boosts their mood. Getting into the trap of believing that exercise is too difficult means that people are less likely to exercise. Exercise can only have positive impacts on the mind.


10. Try to Smile

Sometimes putting on a happy face really is the best way to cheer yourself up. Studies show that smiling on its own decreases anxiety, even in stressful situations. Unhappy people may feel like being told to smile when they are upset is counterproductive, but it really can help.

Final Thoughts

When we look within for happiness, we are much more likely to achieve it. Only you yourself can choose to be happy. Stop relying on other people to make you happy, and instead cultivate a spirit of thankfulness in yourself.

Being thankful for life’s blessings will bring you joy. These happiness tips will lead you toward a more peaceful and fulfilled existence.

How To Practice Body Positivity Every Single Day

Learning to promote and practice body positivity is a difficult skill to acquire in today’s modern world. With so many external forces telling us how we should be, what we should look like, how we should dress, and how to have proper style, it’s easy to lose focus on oneself and seek approval from outside forces.

However, part of being a respectable person is having a positive self-image and imparting that positivity upon others. Maintaining a positive attitude, however, is not always that easy. Sometimes, we may wake up and look in the mirror feeling insecure and full of self-doubt. While we look for external sources to provide us with reassurance and gratification, the true answer to practicing positivity and removing negative thoughts comes from within.

The following is a list of guidelines and suggestions to practice body positivity:

Invest in Yourself

The first recommendation for practicing body positivity is to invest in yourself. To be comfortable in your own skin, be comfortable with being alone and do not rely on others for approval. Identify all of the things that you like about yourself and do not be hypocritical about your flaws because everybody has them. If you are truly struggling with your self-image, it may be helpful to spend time talking to a counselor to discuss your body image issues and to learn further strategies to respect and love yourself.

In addition to counseling, other ways to invest in yourself include treating yourself in ways that will help to project a positive self-image. This can include getting a new haircut, purchasing some new clothing, or buying some new accessories catered to your style. Try not to invest in a drastic makeover, overuse of makeup, and a complete wardrobe overhaul as you want a look that is manageable and that accentuates your favorite things about yourself. Another option could be to invest in classes that help maintain a positive self-image. Classes like yoga and pilates offered at community fitness centers can help you to look your best and to feel great about yourself.

exercise quote

Love Your Own Image

Another way to practice positive self-image is to take the time daily to appreciate yourself and surround yourself with positivity. Before you walk out the door everyday, look in the mirror, smile at yourself, and tell yourself that you look great to promote body positivity  You can also join social networking groups associated with positive body image. Some social networking groups have great reinforcement strategies such as daily quotes to inspire body positivity , inspirational images, or even podcasts, videocasts, and articles about feeling great about yourself.

Know that some days you will feel better about yourself than others, but don’t take the negative days to heart. We all have imperfections and setbacks, but it’s the way that we accept our flaws and embrace who we are that truly demonstrates a positive self-image.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is another way to practice body positivity, but allow yourself some wiggle room. Make sure to eat a proper and balanced diet including proteins, carbohydrates, and even fats. When you eat things that are good for you, you will feel good, too. Do not get caught up in fad diets that will only leave your weight fluctuating up and down like a yo-yo. Eating a balanced diet and properly hydrating with water will promote a positive mindset, as you will feel better, sleep better, and your skin will naturally glow.

Barring any allergies or food sensitivities, you should try not to restrict yourself from having treats on occasion. Grabbing a mocha on Friday mornings or enjoying an extra piece of birthday cake at the office is not going to do drastic damage when the rest of the foods that you are putting into your body are nutritious and good for you. When you allow yourself to have rewards and don’t focus on every calorie, you will exude more self-confidence and indirectly let others know that it’s okay for them to do the same.

Exercise for Health, Not Weight Loss

Along with maintaining a healthy diet, exercise has an immediate impact on body positivity . Just like fad diets, do not force yourself into extreme or unhealthy exercise programs because advertisements or testimonials told you to do so. Find an exercise routine for you that is sustainable in the long run. Maybe you enjoy taking a hike every Saturday, maybe you have fallen in love with the zen mentality of yoga, maybe you really enjoy bodybuilding and packing on muscle.

The idea of exercise is that you get your body moving and that you are actually having fun doing it. As you find exercises that you enjoy, it is important not exercise with the mentality of drastically dropping weight or aiming for a complete body transformation. The benefits of exercise will come with time as long as you dedicate yourself to doing it. Furthermore, you’ll be more likely to stick to your exercise program when your goals are realistic, attainable, and fun to do.

Compliment, Don’t Criticize Others

A final recommendation for being body positive is to compliment, and not to criticize others. A person who truly possesses a positive self-image knows how sensitive criticism can be for others and will never try to put others down. Try to make an effort to offer a compliment to someone on a daily basis both in person and on social media. Studies have shown that social media has a direct influence on body positivity What’s more, the active use of words that encourage body positivity can change the brain.

Also, do not allow some of the exaggerated, photo-shopped, and hyperbolic representations of body image in the media, advertisements, and Hollywood inform the way that you should perceive yourself and others. Elect to treat yourself and others with kindness and respect, and your upbeat demeanor will inspire others to have a similar mindset.

Attaining a positive self-image and body positivity requires more inward efforts to treat yourself right and truly value yourself despite any flaws. Making efforts toward having more body positiivity  can eliminate depression and low self esteem. Taking the time to invest in yourself and to create and sustain a mentality of positive self-image will help you look your best and exude confidence. Similarly, you will inspire others to have respect for themselves and treat others with the respect that they deserve.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

We’re all looking for extra help with staying fit and trimming. Unfortunately, most of us have fallen for “quick fixes” that have the opposite effect. That’s why fitness enthusiasts and trainers in the know have turned to a whole-and-healthy-foods approach that incorporates superfoods like apple cider vinegar for weight loss.

It’s great to lose weight with apple cider vinegar because it helps you burn fat, feel full and energized, and lower your blood sugar naturally! Not only can you jumpstart your weight loss with apple cider vinegar, but it can also help you keep off the pounds.

Check out these ten awesome advantages of apple cider vinegar for weight loss:

apple cider vinegar

1. Torch More Fat

A study fed a group of lab rats the same high-fat diet but gave some apple cider vinegar (ACV) daily. The rats who got the ACV weighed less and had less abdominal fat than those that didn’t take the ACV! The study suggests that weight loss with apple cider vinegar is possible because it helps the body burn fat more effectively.

2. Eat Less, Naturally

Another great benefit of ACV is that it’s a natural appetite suppressant. Acetic acid helps you feel full by preventing your blood sugar from spiking so you don’t get that “hangry” feeling. Speaking of blood sugar…

3. Keep Blood Sugar in Check

If you’re diabetic, have pre-diabetes, or have metabolic syndrome, you know how important it is to keep your blood sugar levels steady and maintain insulin production. Apple cider vinegar can improve insulin sensitivity, making it easier for your body to burn fat and lose weight.

4. Lower Blood Pressure and Triglycerides

That acetic acid is coming back to save the day again! A human study found that people who took a daily dose of ACV lowered their triglycerides and systolic blood pressure. We all want to lose weight and look great, but these are two internal health markers that come along with healthy body weight.

5. Get a Healthy Gut

Raw apple cider vinegar has something called “the mother,” which is chock full of probiotics or “good bacteria.” It’s the stuff that helps our digestive system hum along. You can lose weight with apple cider vinegar because the body processes food better and can absorb more of the nutrients you eat!

6. Fire Up Your Metabolism

Part of the reason for weight loss with apple cider vinegar is because it helps you metabolize food better. An enzyme called AMPK is linked with better fat-burning and more lower absorption of sugars and fats. It also helps you maintain the proper alkaline balance, which supports a healthy metabolism.

7. Digest Food Better

That sour flavor is a dead giveaway that ACV is a fermented food. Learn to love it! Fermented foods help balance your colon and keep your #2’s on point by supporting healthy digestion.

8. Be Less…Puffy

You generally have less bloating when digesting your food like a champ, as you do with a daily ACV regimen. No food babies here!

9. Block Carbs

Say what now?! You heard us right. ACV can help your body convert carbs to glucose (a.k.a. energy) more efficiently, blocking the absorption of those carbs as sugars (a.k.a. fat).

10. Get an Energy Boost

Sometimes when you’re starting to work out more and eat less, you have a dip in your energy levels while your body adjusts to the new routine. Mixing some ACV into a glass of water can give you a healthy energy boost. As a result, you can power through to your weight loss goals!

From head to toe, inside and out, ACV is a natural way to manage your weight and feel good. Apple cider vinegar is safe and healthy for most people, but if you have acid reflux or heartburn issues, you should use caution and talk to your doctor first.

Make sure to get ACV “with the mother” for the best benefits. You can find it at most grocery stores and health food stores. You can reach your weight loss goal with apple cider vinegar by taking just 1-2 tablespoons a day. Here are some tips on how to work ACV into your diet:

  • Mix 1/2 or 1 tablespoon of ACV into a glass of cold water with a little honey about 15 minutes before each meal.
  • Swap out balsamic or red wine vinegar for apple cider vinegar in salad dressing.
  • Try taking your ACV in this hot drink.
  • If you decide to drink your ACV, try to use a straw to protect your teeth.

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss

Final Thought on Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Loss

If you want to boost your efforts to take control of your health and lose weight, give ACV a try. It is worth a try, even if you are a skeptic.

So here is our question to you. How will you achieve weight loss with apple cider vinegar? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!

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