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Experts Explain 5 Ways to Cope With Loneliness And Depression

Loneliness and depression are feelings far too many of us are intimately familiar with. As the world becomes more and more uncertain, people are beginning to feel more isolated and alone than ever before. Personal and professional problems alike can contribute to this, and sometimes it seems like there’s no way out.

There’s a way out, though, and it starts with a few small steps you can take to help yourself overcome loneliness and your depression. These five simple techniques backed by expert opinion will give you some insight into how to beat depression.

1. Reach Out

When you’re feeling isolated, it could stem from the fact that you’re, well, isolated. To fix this, try reaching out to friends and family. It doesn’t have to be for anything in particular; just have a talk.

Research suggests that human interaction isn’t just good for your mental health, but crucial. You’d be surprised at just how much having lunch with someone or even just talking on the phone can help to boost your mood.

2. Embrace the Silence

On the opposite end of the spectrum, try to make peace with yourself and being by yourself. This can be especially helpful if your solitude is more emotional than physical, but it works just as well no matter where your loneliness stems from.

Many of us believe that we need other people to find personal fulfillment, but this is a dangerous mindset to have. Each of us is a complete person on their own and relying too heavily on others can lead to many problems. Sometimes it can be necessary to remind ourselves of our own worth and remember that we can be happy all on our own.

3. Make Small Changes

Not everything has to be dramatic. The fact is, most change is gradual, so it’s unrealistic to expect your loneliness and depression to just vanish overnight because you want it to. Major change is the culmination of a lot of minor change, so start small and work your way up.

If you’re used to being inside all the time, try taking a walk every so often or sitting outside and enjoying the weather. If you’ve got a poor diet, try to promise yourself you’ll make a good meal once a week or so. Little things like this add up over time, and you’ll really start to notice the impact they have on your mood, your confidence, and your overall health.

4. Start a Hobby

One of the symptoms of depression is a disinterest in things that previously brought you joy. If this is the case for you, try to fill that void with something new. Trying new hobbies or activities can be tough, but it’s worth the effort to regain some of the passion for life you may have lost.

Being able to do something constructive with your free time rather than simply wallow in the loneliness and depression can improve your mental health significantly. Whether it’s learning a skill, returning to something you once loved, or trying a new activity, it can all help to improve your mood. It can also be a good way to meet new people if you feel you’re lacking friends.

5. Make Friends

Speaking of friends, a good way to break out of the depression rut is to try and make some. Loneliness and depression thrive with isolation, and the worst possible thing for either of these problems is feeling like you have no one to reach out to. If this is where you’re at, or even if your current social circle is somewhat lacking, it might be worth it to try and meet some new people.

Loneliness and depression

It can be tough to get yourself out there and try to make friends, especially as an adult. One way to try and overcome the awkwardness and apprehension could be in a class setting, which also gives you a chance to get out of the house and learn. Like-minded individuals have a better chance of understanding and sympathizing with your struggles, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and find some new people to talk to.

Final Thoughts

It can be tough trying to figure out how to beat depression and overcome loneliness, but it is possible. The road to recovery isn’t easy by any stretch, but remembering simple techniques like these five can help to pave the way and make things just a bit easier.

It’s also important to remember that professional help is always an option if you or a loved one are struggling with loneliness and depression. There’s no shame in needing the assistance, especially when any of these techniques can be integrated into professional treatment with little issue.


10 Things That Aren’t True About Introverts (That Most People Believe)

Since there are more extroverts than introverts in the world, us introverts often feel misunderstood and alone. “The problem is that labeling someone as an introvert is a very shallow assessment,” composer and filmmaker Carl King wrote. He thinks introversion goes a lot deeper than most people think.

King wrote a list of common myths about introverts after discovering a book called The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World by Marti Laney, Psy.D. “It felt like someone had written an encyclopedia entry on a rare race of people to which I belong. Not only had it explained many of my eccentricities, it helped me to redefine my entire life in a new and productive context.”

Carl pointed out a portion of Laney’s book that talks about how introverts and extroverts’ brains are simply wired differently. “If the science behind the book is correct, it turns out that introverts are people who are oversensitive to dopamine, so too much external stimulation overdoses and exhausts them. Conversely, extroverts can’t get enough dopamine, and they require adrenaline for their brains to create it. Extroverts also have a shorter pathway and less blood-flow to the brain. The messages of an extrovert’s nervous system mostly bypass the Broca’s area in the frontal lobe, which is where a large portion of contemplation takes place.”

The book states that only 25% of the population is an introvert. “There are even fewer that are as extreme as I am. This leads to a lot of misunderstandings.”

With that said, we hope these myths about introverts can be cleared up with the following list written by Carl King. We know that it might be difficult to stay positive as an introvert living in an extroverted world, but just remember: you’re not alone! 25% of the population (or more) is right there with you.

Here are 10 myths about introverts that most people believe:

1. They don’t like to talk.

Introverts actually love to talk! They just prefer not to talk about mundane, everyday subjects that often come up in small talk. If you start any type of intellectual conversation, you can rest assured that the introvert will happily chime in (and probably won’t stop talking).

2. All introverts are shy.

While some introverts CAN be shy, not all of them are. Most just like to keep to themselves until they have a reason to talk. Introverts can be just as friendly as extroverts, but they like to conserve energy and not carry on conversations when they don’t have to.


Introverts are not rude; that’s just society’s perception based on untrue facts. Like we said before, introverts only talk when necessary, which doesn’t make them rude or unfriendly; it just means they don’t want to talk every second. Introverts don’t really care about fitting in; they just wish people would take more time to understand them and leave them in peace.

4. Introverts don’t like people.

Introverts are just like everyone else; they like select people that they have allowed into their lives who have proven themselves loyal friends or family. They have a different way of interacting with the world than extroverts, so their reserved nature might make them seem antisocial, but they do enjoy having rich, meaningful friendships.

5. They hate going out in public.

Introverts enjoy quieter places and activities most of the time. They can go out to any place, of course, but they don’t like staying too long. Once they’ve had their fill, they like to go home and soak in a hot bath or curl up in bed with a good book.

6. Introverts never like being around people.

Introverts need more alone time than extroverts, but they do enjoy being around people, just in smaller doses.

7. They are strange.

Isn’t everyone strange in their own way? Introverts don’t like being put in a box; they simply have a personality trait that makes them who they are, and they don’t like being judged for that.

8. Introverts are self-centered.

It might seem that way since they keep to themselves a lot, but that doesn’t make them arrogant jerks. It just means they need more time to process life in their own heads.

9. Introverts don’t know how to have fun.

Introverts have fun in a different way than extroverts typically do, but that doesn’t mean they’re boring. It just means they have their own definition of fun.

10. They can morph into extroverts.

They can act a little more extroverted at parties, but they will never become a true extrovert and wouldn’t want to anyway.

Remember: if you ever feel isolated and lonely as an introvert, try to implement positive thinking. Focus on your strengths and the things that make you so unique. Introverts have plenty of positive characteristics such as the ability to contemplate decisions before acting, excellent listening skills, and innate creative skills.

Being born as an introvert simply means you derive your energy from within rather than from the outside world; it doesn’t make you weird or unlikable. We sincerely hope these myths about introverts can clear the air and show you facts about introverts instead.

Which of these myths can you relate to most? Share with us in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The Power Of Self Acceptance: 10 Ways To Accept Yourself

It is said that only those who can accept themselves can truly make change. That might lead someone to ask why they need to change if they accept themselves. Self acceptance isn’t about accepting yourself only when you’re perfect, and self acceptance is not about neglecting yourself for the sake of acceptance. It means being aware of your strengths and weaknesses, not beating yourself up over them and making changes in a healthy way to be the best version of yourself.

Self acceptance is incredibly freeing as well. When you embrace who you are and how amazing that is, you stop caring about others’ acceptance of you. You find how you are different from others and how this difference makes you relevant to the world. Your difference is what sets you apart, but it is also why others need you. It’s time to start accepting how amazing you are.

Here are 10 ways to embrace self-acceptance:

1. Let Go of Perfection 

The world’s idea of perfection is impossible and unattainable; however, you can be the perfect you. Understand that you’ll only cultivate unhappiness trying to reach an impossible standard of perfection. Let go of whatever you consider to be perfect and cultivate a loving attitude towards imperfection.

2. Be Yourself 

You can either be happy by being yourself, or you can spend your whole life with regret blindly following other people who are not being their true selves. People who will talk about you do so because they’re unhealthy. It’s their deal and not yours. Healthy people will not talk about you. They’ll only cheer you on.

self acceptance

3. Stop Beating Yourself Up 

Criticizing every little thing you do will halt your growth faster than anything else. You’re basically saying that you are not good enough when you criticize yourself, so the part of yourself that you’re criticizing won’t even try. When you can be honest with yourself about your mistakes in a loving way, you have room and the possibility of seeking change.

4. Love Yourself 

Far too many people don’t love themselves, and they claim to love others. You can’t love others until you really love yourself, because to love yourself is to be healthy. There is some emerging advice that you can love others even if you don’t love yourself. It’s a recipe for disaster. If you don’t love yourself, you’re not going to truly love others, which means you won’t respect them. Loving yourself is about nurturing yourself, self-care and an attitude that shows you care about your well-being.

5. Take Care of Yourself 

Along the same reasoning as the last tip, you can’t take care of others unless you, first, take care of yourself. It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. If you want to achieve something, get showered or anything else that has to do with your life, you have to be the one to make that decision, and follow that through.

6. Your Opinion Matters 

You know how you feel, and you know all of the thoughts you think. That said, your opinion of yourself is infinitely more important than what anyone else thinks of you. Besides, what they think of you is none of your business. That’s just a funny way of saying to keep the focus on yourself and not what people think about you. You don’t wait for others’ acceptance. What you have to say can stand on its own.

7. Pursue Your Goals 

Creating goals and making time to pursue them helps you to get in-touch with the real you, and it facilitates an easier and happier life. Creating the life you want and the goals you want to achieve helps you to be happy and appreciate yourself for your unique qualities. Going against the flow is stressful. Doing what you love promotes happiness.

8. Take Time for Self-Awareness 

Whether you take time to journal or express yourself in some other way, it’s good to get in-touch with how you feel, what your thoughts are, how to resolve issues and what you want to do in the world. The power of acceptance is in acknowledging what’s inside.

9. Acknowledge Your Faults in a Healthy Way 

Admitting a fault doesn’t make you weak because you let it be known. Admitting a fault makes you strong. It’s not about ignoring what’s wrong, and it’s not about thinking you’re a horrible person when you openly admit the behaviors you’re doing. There are healthy and unhealthy ways to think or behave. Choosing the healthy way is far better than an unhealthy way because it promotes a better life for you and others.

10. Change Your Thoughts 

If you have negative thoughts, get rid of them. Your brain will believe just about anything you tell it, and you have those annoying inner dialogue statements that ever repeat. You might have to slow down your thinking to discover all the negative things you tell yourself. Challenge unhealthy thoughts, and replace them with healthy ones.

The power of acceptance is beautiful. You don’t need others’ acceptance to be happy. All the acceptance you need is already within yourself, if you’re willing to accept that.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Amazing Essential Oils That Will Work Magic On Your Dehydrated Skin

Our bodies are wonderful and complex structures designed to stay within homeostasis (balance). Sometimes we need a little boost from something that is just as complex, for relief and maintenance. This is why essential oils are appreciated by not only E.O. lovers but by Chiropractors, Licensed Massage Therapists plus many more doctors and professionals around the globe.

Essential oils can not only be applied topically but taken internally, depending on the oil. When applied to the skin it’s potent nutrient is absorbed in our bodies with in SECONDS. These powerful healing properties derived of herbs, plants, fruits and vegetables are boosting our immunity for our over all well-being. More people are being educated on the benefits of natural essential oils over traditional lotions and ointments. When these essential oils are applied, they create beneficial change unlike traditional ointments that are only temporary.

Here below is a walk through of healing essential oils for your skin. Apply this to your dehydrating skin care plan for a healthier daily routine!

Top 10 Essential Oils For Dehydrated Skin 


This essential oil is wonderful for babies, children and even burns! It is so sensitive that a carrier oil is not needed for application. The benefits not only relieve dry skin but also relieves stress which could cause the dry itchiness. It is an over all great choice for your dehydrated skin care.

essential oils for weight loss

German Chamomile

Another calming and safe essential oil for sensitive dehydrated skin. It can treat skin conditions such as dry itchy skin and inflammation. Chamomile essential oil has a high content of azulene, which can be found in most dehydrated skin care products (minus the additives and impurities).


This is a great essential oil for the face! This will need a carrier oil for safe application. If used in liquid form, try using a cotton ball to the dry skin. Frankincense essential oil helps reduce pain and inflammation as it boosts the immunity. It can be used as an anti-aging serum which in turn hydrates the skin and leaving it feeling smooth and tight. Grape seed oil is a great carrier oil for this essential oil.


This is such a powerful multi-purpose essential oil for dehydrated skin and dehydrated skin care. Sometimes bacteria, microbial and fungal properties develop and needs a strong kick for healing. Myrrh is a safe and effective way to cleanse and heal the skin. It acts as an astringent, cutting to the source of the problem, but leaves your skin happier and healthier!

Tea Tree

Have you ever cleaned something with a chemical without wearing gloves? It can be painful and uncomfortable, for those of you who experienced the harsh chemicals on your hands. Tea Tree essential oil eliminates the layered dead skin cells and relieves that itchy, dehydrated skin.


This sweet smelling essential oil can primarily be used for reducing inflammation. Another great benefit is increasing circulation. People forget that circulation is beneficial to the skin because it brings more oxygen and healing nutrients to speed up restoration.


This popular earthy but sweet scent has healing properties for a wide range of maladies. From dermatitis and eczema to scalp treatment and dandruff you will find relief of several symptoms, including scar tissue and healing wounds.



This wonderful sweet smelling oil is great as an antibiotic. Use coconut oil as a carrier oil to create an antibacterial or disinfecting ointment. It can reduce and prevent inflammation. There are so many benefits to rose essential oil. Try this the next time you need an antibiotic ointment.

Carrot Seed

This essential oil is probably mother nature’s fountain of youth for it contain Vitamin E and Vitamin C. These two vitamins work together to restore, hydrate and protect for that younger looking skin. It is also highly rich in antioxidants, which breaks down free radical damage caused by harmful irritants. Try this in your next dehydrating skin care for flawless looking skin!

Ylang Ylang

When it comes to skin irritations this is the way to go. Some dehydrated skin issues start with irritants. This essential oil covers a wide range of irritants. It can reduce inflammation especially in bug bites, rashes and eczema. Mix 12 drops with 1 fluid ounce melted coconut oil then refrigerate and you have yourself an antihistamine cream.

What Is Dehydrated Skin? 

Dry skin is nothing more than a symptom of an issue or ailment. Here are two major issues it could be.
Using harmful products, cleaners and detergents: Our skin is a barrier. If our skin is having a reaction to a substance then chances are, our bodies are rejecting it. Be mindful of your daily uses.
WATER, WATER and some more WATER. Our bodies are 65%-70% water; not soda, coffee or energy drinks. It is important to have a goal of drinking half our body weight in WATER! So go ahead, drink up! You’ll be so happy you did!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Lower Back Pain : Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Sometimes we know instantly what causes our backs to hurt. We stayed bent over too long gardening. We tried to lift something heavy. We carried the baby for hours while she slept on our shoulder. These things are explainable, even if they hurt.

Lower back pain is the number one cause of disability around the world, and of days off work and doctor visits in America. It affects men and women alike or around 80 percent of the population. It frequently manifests as a dull ache. It can quickly escalate to a sharp, stabbing pain. It lasts from a few hours to a few weeks.

Lower Back Pain Symptoms

There aren’t many. They are immediately recognizable, however. When the back catches and you can’t move, you’ve got a symptom. When pain radiates across the lower back, hips, and down the legs, it’s a symptom. Shooting, stabbing pains are a symptom as well.

Further lower back pain symptoms include losing bladder and bowel control, legs that won’t support you, or a burning pain radiating down the legs and feet, causing tingling or numbness.

lower back pain

Causes of Lower Back Pain

The spine comprises a tube protecting the nerves that carry messages to the brain and back again. This column runs from the end of the brain stem to the end of the spinal column. Protecting this tube are bony vertebrae. To keep the vertebrae from rubbing against each other and wearing out, rubbery discs act as cushions. The whole is joined by ligaments. Tendons attach the muscles to the spine.

Back pain rarely happens to the actual bones. Muscle damages, sometimes kidney stones, arthritis, and blown discs are more often the causes of lower back pain. Muscle strain from lifting the wrong way, twisting the wrong way, or overreaching yourself are the most common occurrences.

Ruptured discs, herniated discs, and degenerating discs are serious causes of lower back pain. This happens in the lumbar region, or low back, and is a sign of aging. The rubbery discs begin to disintegrate over time.

Traumatic occurrences to the spine from auto accidents, sporting accidents, or a massive fall are also causes of low back pain.

There are events that happen to the nerves, too, which will cause lower back pain. Sciatica is the most prevalent. The sciatic nerve runs from the lumbar region through the buttocks and down the back of the legs. Pinch that nerve, and you’ll be in a lot of pain.

When a herniated disc or ruptured disc presses against the nerve, it’s called radiculopathy. You’ll feel the numbness and tingling to tell you to see the doctor.

The bony vertebrae come out of place, too. When they do, you’ll feel the pain as they pinch those delicate nerves.

Lower Back Pain Treatment

The first and most important lower back pain treatment, according to doctors, is plain rest. When the body is in resting or sleep mode, it heals itself. It usually doesn’t need help, but severe pain calls for a little more than the body can do for itself.

If you’re not into chemical medications, then the holistic way of lower back pain treatment works just as well. Try lying on an ice pack for 20 minutes at a go. The cold confuses the nerves, so they don’t send painful signals to the brain. The ice also keeps the blood flow away from the area, reducing the swelling and pain.

For the next 20 minutes, lie on a heating pad. The heat soothes the painful muscles, relaxing them.

Medications as low back pain treatment include a long line of over the counter muscle relaxers such as ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, and aspirin. Prescription muscle relaxers and pain killers are simply too many to list here. Most doctors usually begin with steroids to take down swelling combined with a pain killer.

Then doctors move on to physical therapy exercises for back pain treatment. Physical therapists will have you exercise gently in their facility, then do the same exercises at home two to three times per day. By the end of the two to three weeks, you should be feeling better.

If the injury is serious enough, the doctor will advise wearing a TENS machine to help with the pain. The machine uses electrodes to send gentle electrical impulses to the injured area. The impulses block signals from the painful nerves while simultaneously exciting endorphins (the body’s feel-good chemicals).

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How I Beat Acne Naturally In Just 1 Week

How to get rid of acne–that’s a question on the mind of many.  It’s something I can identify with on a personal note.

I’ve always struggled with acne from the time I hit puberty until now. Acne has always been an issue that has left me feeling less than perfect and pretty self-conscious at the same time.  With such negative feelings surrounding this skin condition, I was trying to figure out how to eliminate acne. My research was full of surprises, but after trying a few of these things, I beat my acne in just a week.

Here’s how I learned how to get rid of acne naturally.

lose weight

I Changed My Diet

First, I evaluated my diet and the foods I was taking in daily. Two significant culprits for acne are dairy and empty carbs. Then I learned how to get rid of acne by cutting out processed sugars and flour from my diet and opting for vegetables, whole wheat, and fruits. I also cut out my greasy food options, though that was a healthy move since greasy food causing acne has little scientific basis. I also tried to cut out my chocolate. However, I admit to indulging in a bit of dark chocolate one night.

I Kept My Hands Away

One of the biggest acne-causing problems is actually in our hands. I am the worst about picking at a pimple or touching my face throughout the day, especially if I’m stressed, but this can be terrible when learning to get rid of acne. This behavior worsens acne since it can lead to scarring, infection, and swollen skin. Poor hygiene is not always the cause of acne either, and when people, myself included, respond to this idea with heavier washes, it irritates the skin more to cause flare-ups. Instead, I washed gently with a mild acne cleanser and soap. I also tried not to stress too much during the week by trying yoga and other stress-relieving things.

I Tried Natural Options

Finally, when learning how to get rid of acne, I decided to try a few natural remedies to try at home. These are remedies that are backed by science, and they work. Since acne treatments can be pricey, I wanted to find something that was inexpensive and effective without too many chemicals or side effects. These are the three that worked for me! You should note that everyone’s skin is different, and the remedies might take a little longer to work for you.

  • Honey and Cinnamon

I heard about this honey and cinnamon mask from an online search. I thought it sounded pretty interesting, so I researched and tried it for myself. First, antioxidants have been proven more effective than leading acne medications like retinoids and benzoyl peroxide. Honey and cinnamon both have antioxidants and other benefits for the skin. They also have inflammation reducers and bacteria fighters in the natural products, and they help fight acne.

I made my mask by mixing one teaspoon of cinnamon with two tablespoons of honey. I cleaned my face thoroughly and applied the mask to my face. Finally, I let it rest for 10 minutes before rinsing it away and patting my face dry. It made my face feel amazing too.

  • Green Tea

I love green tea. I drink a glass every morning because I don’t like coffee. Green tea is loaded with benefits for the body but has antioxidants. While there aren’t any major studies out there right now proving that drinking green tea will help with acne, there are studies that show how applying it to the skin can help. Green tea helps fight inflammation and bacteria, and the major antioxidant also helps inhibit the growth of P. acnes, found in acne-prone skin. I start by steeping a green tea bag in boiling water for three to four minutes. Then I let it cool down before applying the tea to my face with a cotton ball. I let the tea dry and rinse my face with cool water. I’ve also heard of people mixing the tea leaves with honey to make a face mask, though I’ve never tried that.

  • Tea Tree Oil

I’ve always been an advocate for essential oils. I think they have so many benefits and uses in the body and outside the body, so when I heard about Tea Tree oil is great for acne spot treatments, I immediately had to get my bottle out and give it a shot. Tea Tree oil reduces inflammation when placed on the skin. It also helps to reduce acne just like the other spot treatments. However, it should be noted that this oil does not work as fast as medicated options. However, it does not dry the skin out as much. I mixed one drop of the oil in with nine drops of water. I dipped a cotton swab in the mixture and applied it right onto my pimples, using it twice a day.

Final Thoughts on Learning How to Get Rid of Acne

Over the course of the week, I tried these three natural remedies along with changing up my diet and habits to help get rid of acne naturally. It seemed to work because my acne is much clearer now. Today, I feel more confident than ever. Plus, I’m loaded with an arsenal of information about how to get rid of acne.

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