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Six Ways to Stop Hating and Start Appreciating Yourself Right Now

Self-hatred starts out a lot of different ways. Perhaps, a person is bullied or abused. Or they have been criticized for too many years. All of the negative comments, insults, and hurtful things that have been done to them build up in the mind over time. And if someone isn’t careful, they will start to take all of the negativity deep into their sub-conscious, where it festers and turns into further negative beliefs that make them think that all of it is their fault.

Because of the damaging nature of self-hatred, it is crucial that people learn to change their negative thoughts by starting to appreciate themselves. That way, they can begin to have more of a consistent flow of repetitive positive thoughts that will help boost their self-esteem and encourage change in the way that they treat themselves and allow others to treat them.

In order to begin the process, it helps to try practicing the following six ways to stop hating and start appreciating yourself:

Think About All That You Have Accomplished

If you don’t appreciate yourself because you don’t believe that you have accomplished enough in your life, and it seems like everyone else is further ahead in their careers or goals than you are, then you can stop this negative self-talk quickly by making a list of everything that you do in a day at your job, in your home, and for other people. Afterwards, if you still feel that you fall short of where you want to be, then come up with a step-by-step plan that will help you get back on track.

good enough quote

Consider the Validity of the Negative Messages

Sometimes, in order to appreciate yourself, you have to take a hard look at what other people have been saying about you to see if there is any validity to their messages. For example, one of the tricks that bullies use to make their victims feel worthless inside is to tell them how ugly they are. That does not mean that what they have to say is the truth though. They could be targeting you for the opposite reason, which is that you are actually more attractive than they are. And they feel jealous over your looks. So try challenging their messages by looking closely at yourself in the mirror for a few minutes. Then, mentally tell yourself what you like about all of your features and how amazing it is that you are so unique.

Remember There Are Others Worse Off Than You

One great way to appreciate where you are in life is to consider that there are many other people in far worse situations than what you are in. Some are homeless. Others have no family or friends. And they would love to have a job, house, and loved ones like you have.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

In reality, all of us on this planet are just doing the best we can in life. And if you stop to appreciate this fact, instead of comparing yourself to other people, things won’t seem so bad. We all have qualities and talents that make us unique. And it is wonderful to stand out and be different than other people.

Do Something Kind for Yourself

Think about the last time that you rewarded yourself for a job well done. Has it been a while? If so, that needs to change. Just be sure that whatever rewards you give yourself will lift you up inside, not tear you down.


Ask Those Who Care About You to Tell You What They Appreciate About You

It may be a little scary at first, but it is alright to let others know that you have been feeling really down for a while. Ask them to help you feel better by telling them that you would like to hear about any of the things that they appreciate about you. Just remember to do the same for them too though. After all, research shows that everyone can always use a little extra encouragement.

In conclusion, these are just six of the ways to stop hating and start appreciating yourself today. If you find a few others that work for you, give those a try too. And remember, the key to the process of ending self-hatred is to lift yourself up inside. It also means that you stop allowing others that don’t appreciate you to tear you down though. So if you are being regularly bullied or insulted by anyone, be sure to get the help you need to get their negative influence out of your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

21 Motivational Quotes To Lose Weight (And Keep It Off)

Losing weight can be a difficult process. It is hard to change the habits of a lifetime and focus on healthy eating and exercise. Motivational quotes can help you put things in perspective and encourage you along your path to healthy living. When you find it difficult to get up and exercise, turn to these quotes to get you up and moving. Our motivational quotes will encourage you to eat healthy, paving the way toward a strong and lean body.

Our 21 fitness motivational quotes are great to keep on hand when you are feeling discouraged about the process of losing weight. These motivational quotes will remind you that losing weight is hard for everyone and boost your mood when you are feeling low.

21 Motivational Quotes to Guide You on Your Weight Loss Journey

1. “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.” -Jerry Rice

2. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.” -Aristotle

3. “No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.” -Unknown

4. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” -Wayne Gretzky

5. “Sweat is just fat crying.” -Unknown

6. “I will make sweat my best accessory. I will run harder than my mascara.” -Unknown

7. “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” -Tommy Lasorda

8. “In two decades I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.” -Erma Bombeck

motivational quotes

9. “You’re only one workout away from a good mood.” -Unknown

10. “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” -Mahatma Gandhi

11. “Making excuses burns zero calories per hour.” -Unknown

12. “Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.” -Elizabeth Berg

13. “When people tell me they can’t afford to join a gym, I tell them to go outside; planet Earth is a gym and we’re already members. Run, climb, sweat, and enjoy all of the natural wonder that is available to you.” -Steve Maraboli

14. “Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision.” -Toni Sorensen

15. “Excuses don’t kill the fat, exercises do.” -Amit Kalantri

16. “I get better everyday, every day I get better.” -Joseph C. Reyes

17. “I am more than my measurements. The cycle of body-shaming needs to end. I’m over it… My body is MY body. I’ll call the shots.” -Ashley Graham

18. “Healthy living is a learnable skill.” -Claude Viens

19. “People practically always steal food when they are hungry, and low-calorie diets mean weakness and hunger… No! Counting calories is for the birds. There should be no sensation of hunger in proper weight reduction.” -Dr. Blake F. Donaldson

20. “I’ve gotten to the point where I’m not even a little apologetic about this business of not eating stuff that’s bad for me. No one else has to live with my fat, work through my energy and mood swings, pay my doctor bills, fight my cravings, to face my family history of diabetes and cancer. If people insist, I can get a little testy.” -Dana Carpender

21. “We know, too, how much better we feel for a bit of exercise. Those “feel-good” hormones lift our spirits, boost self-esteem and improve our overall sense of well-being. It’s a sort of built-in reward system. There’s a reason for that. It’s because we are meant to be active.” – Liberty Forrest

Final Thoughts

Motivational quotes can inspire us to get up off the couch and start making positive changes in our lives. The power to change your life starts with you.

Fitness motivational quotes will lend you a little strength to keep going when weight loss seems too difficult and you feel like giving up. With these quotes in hand, you’ll be able to step forward and make the changes you need to bring health, self-esteem, and positivity back to your life.

Life Is Short : Let Go Of The Past And Move On

Things fell apart and now you are falling apart, as well. If you’re like most people, you may be having a hard time coping with all that you have to do while holding onto pain, no matter where it originates from. Whether someone broke your heart or you got fired from your job, you may find that you can’t let go of past pain.

While it’s normal to go through a phase of acceptance, you may find it’s taking a long time to be able to let go and move on. I’ve been there. Someone has hurt you and you keep replaying what happened in your mind. You try to understand how things turned out the way that they did, but no matter how many times you play it over in your head, you can’t find the answer. What do you do?

How and Why You Should Let Go Of Past Pain or Anger

If you here, you are probably tired of dealing with the pain and negative feelings that are a consequence of what happened to you. Whether it’s a relationship or a broken friendship, if you aren’t able to continue on with life, as usual, it may be time to let go and move on.

Staying stuck in a past relationship or failure may seem valid but the truth is that if you keep going back to that moment, you may never reach your goals. Focusing on what went wrong has its place, but once you figure it out, it’s time to move forward with the lessons learned.

When holding onto that breakup or that fight you had with your best friend starts affecting your life, whether it be your dating life, career, or even hygiene, it’s time to take action and let go. The following tips can help you to finally let go and live the fulfilling life that you want to.

Understand why you feel the way that you do. 

Before you can move forward, it is highly important that you try to understand why the situation hurt you the way that it did. It’s healthy to pinpoint why you feel so bad and find the underlying conditions that may be making it seem larger than life. Perhaps you have a pattern of being abandoned and when your partner left you, you felt abandoned once again and don’t know how to deal with it. You may have a hard time communicating with others and when your friendship fell apart, you may have blamed yourself. Once you understand why you feel the way that you do, you can more easily find a solution for it.

Allow the emotions to happen and let them out. 

Some people try to be strong and hold everything inside. While it may be necessary at times, like when you’re at work or caring for your children, it’s important to let them out. Whether you meet a friend for coffee to cry a little or you visit your therapist to express yourself, letting your feelings out can go far in helping you to heal.

Start a new exercise routine or join a class. 

Focusing on something new can be a fantastic way to look forward to the future. Whether you take up spinning as a way to lose weight and try something new or you take painting classes, it will help to distract you and can even help improve your self-esteem after you lost some confidence from the negative situation.

Make a clear decision to let go. 

You may have thought about how you want to let go of past situations, but have you made the decision to actually let go? It can be a positive step forward to simply say that you are letting go. Once you know that it is what you want to do, you can more easily take the steps to do so.

let go

Focus on the present. 

The past has already happened. What are you doing now? Maybe you have started a new job since your ex-partner left you? Focus on how well it’s going and how much you like it, instead of spending your days thinking about how much you may miss your ex.

Get to know new people to let go of the ones who are no longer present. 

It helps to meet new people. While they can’t replace the feelings that you had for your ex-partner or old friend, you will find that they can also bring beautiful things to your life as well.

In Conclusion

If you’re done with waking up every day feeling sad about what happened in the past, don’t stay there. Follow the above-mentioned tips to help you get started towards loving your future. The past is in the past. What is in your future? It’s bound to better than you could have imagined!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Friendship Goals : Tips On How To Get The Friends You Want

It can be overwhelming making new companions, but it is worth it end the end, as friends play a big role in our well-being. Our friends shape who we are, and they are people who are there to listen. However, if you find it intimidating making new friends, rest assured that you are not alone, which is especially true in adulthood. Have you found yourself reading friendship quotes in want of new friends? If so, we can help.

There are many factors that can cause you to look for new friends, which may include a move, a lifestyle change, or simply growing apart from ones you were once close to in life. This can lead you to wonder, “Where do I start when searching for friends?”

Read further to learn friendship tips on how to establish meaningful and rewarding friendships.

1. Just be You!

The most important factor to establishing a new friendship is being yourself. If you partake in activities and events that you find enjoyable, there is a likely chance that you may meet individuals that share your interests, which will lead to new friends. Surrounding yourself with friends that share your interests allows you to be open and enjoy your favorite activities!

2. Get Personal

If you are just establishing a new friendship, talking about the weather can become boring. Don’t be afraid to open up and talk about deeper topics. According to research, this is known as the “Fast Friends” method. This is when each individual chooses to gradually tell the other something personal and vise versa. In addition, you can also ask each other questions, such as: “If you could eat a meal with anyone from the past, whom would it be?” This is a quick way to get to know someone and develop a strong bond.

friend quote

3. Set Goals

You may also have success making a new friendship if you set goals for yourself. For example, next time you go to an event, try to meet at least one new person. In addition, opening up will also improve you social skills, which will help you establish friendships.

4. Put on a Happy Face!

Although it may sound cliché, smiling is a powerful way to attract new acquaintances. A casual smile will significantly increase the likelihood that you will be approached by another because you are perceived as kinder, happier, and more pleasant than someone with a grim demeanor. In addition, having a positive attitude when talking with new acquaintances can also help you get the friendships that you want.

5. Don’t be Afraid to Make the First Move

Although it can be difficult to conjure up the courage to invite a new acquaintance out, it is a great way to let someone know that you want to establish a friendship. If you meet new acquaintances, but don’t schedule time to see them again, you won’t be able to develop friendships.

However, it is also important to take note that individuals have busy schedules, so a “no” may be due to work or other obligations. Don’t take it personal. If you feel comfortable, ask them for a rain check.

6. Get Outside of Your Friend Bubble

While you may have went you entire life sticking to one group of friends, it is beneficial to think outside the box when you are making a new friendship. An individual doesn’t have to be the same age, sex, or race as you to be a good friend. In addition, don’t be afraid to make friends with individuals who have a different sexual preference than you. If you eliminate all the factors that don’t matter and look at what a person has to offer on the inside, it can result in you finding numerous lifelong friends.

7. Get Contact Info

There are times when individuals meet at an event, party, or other social gathering and fail to get each other’s contact information. If you are out and meet someone that you think will be a good friend, ask for his or her contact info after you feel comfortable. If you don’t feel comfortable asking for his or her phone number, ask for his or her social media contact info, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. This can also help you get to know about your new friend.

Although we hope these friendship tips have helped, it is important to remember that there isn’t a secret trick to making new friends or getting the friends you want. You will find that bonds will happen with those you naturally click with. In addition, developing strong friendships takes time. A positive attitude and being yourself are the most effective and natural ways to get a friendship that reminds you of meaningful friendship quotes!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Love Quotes : 8 Priceless Love Quotes To Make You Feel Good About Love

Whether you are actively looking for love or are already in love, we all need a passion-pick-me-up occasionally. It’s unfortunate, but also common that we forget why we need love, or how we fell for one another in the first place. This happens through no fault of our own. The everyday pressures of life tend to force us to put romance on the back burner.

That said, we must never forget how to love. Love is the root of all happiness, and without it, we are all indeed doomed to float through our remaining days as hapless husks of human beings. The following list is a collection of the best love quotes created for those who need a little jump-start in the romance department.

Here are 8 love quotes to make you feel good about love:

hot mess

1. William Shakespeare – “Love is blind, and lovers cannot see, The pretty follies that themselves commit”

This line from the Merchant of Venice is one of the most honest quotes about love. When we first fall in love, it can be hard to see the forest from the trees. New lovers are very prone to looking past each other’s faults.

2. James Joyce – “First we feel. Then we fall.”

Although quite forward for his generation, the Irishman conveyed some of the most primal feelings of love in his writings. His novels hold some of the most provocative love quotes of all time. This quote is such an honest narration of the feeling of lust before love.

3. Emily Dickinson – “Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.”

If anyone knows how to create love quotes, it’s Emily Dickinson. Her take on love throughout her works is so hopeful and full of wonder. She pin-points young love to a tee.

4. Helen Keller – “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”

When you think of Hellen Keller, you don’t automatically think love quotes. However, this quote by her speaks to the true nature of love. It’s not something that can be bought in a shop or even seen for that matter. Love is a feeling. We can say, “I love you” until we are blue in the face, but if our significant other does not feel your love you are just wasting breath on empty words.

5. Bette Davis – “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.”

The best love quotes teach us something about ourselves. This quote reminds us that even after we are no longer with a person that we were once in love with, we rarely stop loving them altogether. Love is not like a light switch. We cannot just shut it off when a relationship has ended.

6. Jane Austin – “You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I LOVE YOU.”

love quotes

No other author’s writings have transcended time like Jane Austin. Her stories and love quotes have become the basis for modern romance films, TV shows, and novels alike. Austin wrote about slow-burning love stories that completely consumed her characters by the end of their tales.

7. Oscar Wilde – “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”

One of the most authentic love quotes comes from non-other than Oscar Wilde. When we fall in love, we start to forget how our lives were before that person entered it. After years of being together, it gets harder and harder to remember what it was like. When a person fits so seamlessly into our lives it’s as if they were always there just waiting for time to uncover them and reveal them to us.

8. Mahatma Gandhi – “Where there is love there is life.”

This is one of the best love quotes because it depicts love in its purest form. Love is life.
Quotes about love are separated from their original works so that they might lift us up when we are down. They remind us why it is so important to love and to be loved. Love doesn’t judge us on the way that we look or by how much money we have in our bank accounts.
It’s not something you can capture and lock away forever. Love just is, and if you’re lucky enough to have found it, remember these quotes about love and try to emulate them in your own way.

Researchers Explain How Money CAN Buy You Happiness…

“Despite rising incomes, people around the world are feeling increasingly pressed for time, undermining well-being. We show that the time famine of modern life can be reduced by using money to buy time.”

– Whillans, et al., “Buying time promotes happiness”

“I have some money, now what?”

Think about this question: What if someone came up and handed you a non-strings-attached 40 bucks? What would you do with it? (For the purpose of this article, you do have to spend it – though kudos to the savers.)

Hold onto that answer.

Science has a reply to the question posed earlier – and we’ll talk about that more in a bit.

A number of studies have been done on the relationship – if any – between income and happiness. Most studies show that once a certain level of income is attained that permits people to meet basic needs and a little more (e.g. savings, paying debt), happiness levels drop precipitously.

In other words, our long-term happy meter rises faster when we don’t have to stress about paying the mortgage, car note, electric bills, etc. When does this meter peak? Probably when you’re rich, right?

Getting rich may stoke your happiness for a while, but it won’t last.

Not if you’re trading this money for time.

“Well, I’m not convinced.”

Okay, understandable. It’s kind of hard to believe that someone who can buy anything would feel only a smidgen happier than the middle-class household.

Researchers Explain How Money CAN Buy You Happiness…

Now, scientists from UBC, Harvard, and two other international universities may have an answer. Turns out that money can buy you happiness, but only if it buys you more time.

TIME, according to researchers, is far more important to happiness than being flush with cash – and it all has to do with time-stress.


Time-stress, which has “detrimental effects” on life satisfaction, is defined as “worry about time, or lack thereof.” Worrying about the number of things on your to-do list; worrying about missing deadlines or being late; worrying about finances and work …worry, worry, and more worry.

Time-stress is linked to obesity, hypertension, insomnia, increased risk of disease, lower life expectancy, and more.

The survey and experiment

The fundamental questions are these: (1)To what effect, if any, does spending money on time-saving measures affect happiness? (2) If yes, does this effect on happiness supersede money the spent on consumer goods?

Researchers wanted to account for certain unknowns (e.g., cultural bias), so they used a large participant group of over 6,000 people from four developed nations. Citizens from Canada, the Netherlands, United States, and Denmark were all involved in the study.

First came the survey. Researchers administered questionnaires containing two questions (paraphrasing, here):

(1) Do you spend money, if so – how much – paying someone else to do certain tasks to have more free time?

(2) How satisfied are you with your life?

The respondents also reported certain demographic information, including:

– annual household income

– number of hours worked per week

– age

– marital status

– number of children living at home

In a second study, researchers found working adults from Vancouver, Canada to participate in a spending experiment. Each of the 60 adults was given $40 to spend on two consecutive weekends.

On the first weekend, each person was to spend the $40 on a time-saving activity. On the second, they were asked to spend $40 on a material purchase of their choosing. Researchers then contacted each person and asked, in simple terms, how happy they were feeling – and compared the responses for both weekends.

“Uh, you might want to rethink that purchase…”

Across every demographic measure (including income), the relationship between those who spend money on time-saving services and life satisfaction was much stronger than those who did not.

Here are some interesting data from the study:

– 50% of people spend money on time-saving measures.

– The mean (average) amount spent per month on time-saving measures was $80 to $99 USD (or equivalent) per month.

– Cooking, household maintenance, and shopping are the three time-saving measures for which people are most likely to pay.

“And maybe that one too…”

What did you do with the hypothetical $40 given to you earlier? (Again, apologies to those whose first instinct was to bank it – but that would’ve been wrong, too.)

Statistics show that about 98 percent of people would choose to spend money on a “thing” than a “service.” More specifically, a service that frees up their time, e.g., a babysitter, cleaning service, etc.

Here are a few more takeaways from the study:

– Greater life satisfaction is reported by those who spend a regularly-scheduled amount of money on time-saving purchases.

– The effects of time-stress are felt much less by people who prioritize time over money.

– Money spent on time-saving measures instead of consumer products drastically increases the overall happiness of individuals.

Now, about that $40…

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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