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Scientists Explain 10 Health Benefits Of Sleeping Next to Someone You Love

Sleep is essential to health just as much as food, water, and air. If you’re sleeping next to someone, it might even boost your wellbeing, experts say. Despite the snores, the blanket hogging, the unintended kicking, and a series of nocturnal disturbances, dozens of researchers have suggested that sharing a bed with another person has long-term benefits. Here are some health benefits to sleeping next to someone you love, as scientists explain:

“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” – Thomas Dekker

Here Are 10 Health Benefits of Sleeping Next to Someone You Love

1. It helps you fall asleep faster.

Does this situation sound familiar? You’re all alone in bed and your mind starts to wander. Your brain becomes active again and you begin to overthink. Tuning out makes it harder for you to get some sleep and the agitation grows. When you’re sharing the bed with someone you love, however, you have the tendency to relax because sleeping with a loved one gives you a sense of security. When your body is relaxed, then you fall asleep in minutes.

2. It lessens your stress levels.

Expert Andrea Petersen wrote in the Wall Street Journal that cortisol levels drop when you’re sharing a bed with someone you love. It also releases oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, that eases a person’s anxiety. When your stress levels are low, you lessen your risk of developing heart disease, cancer, and other serious chronic illnesses as well.

3. It reduces body inflammation.

Petersen also said that while stress levels go down when you’re sleeping with a loved one, the level of cytokines in your body also reduces. Cytokines cause body inflammation and pain. Hence, another warm body in bed relieves of you these physical problems. Who needs a pain reliever when you have cuddle therapy?

4. It lowers your blood pressure.

Researchers from the University of North California conducted a sleep and intimacy experiment with 59 women who kept a diary of hugs and cuddles they received from their partners. After analyzing their oxytocin levels and checking their blood pressure, the researchers learned that those with the highest levels of oxytocin had the lowest blood pressure as well. This hormone seems to work like natural angina medication because it helps minimize the constriction in the blood vessels. Dr. David Hamilton, the author of “Why Kindness Is Good for You,” told Daily Mail about the implications of the experiment.

5. It promotes ideal sleeping conditions.

Your body temperature begins to drop as you sleep. When your body feels colder, the warmth of the person sleeping next to you can help keep you snug as a bug. According to Natalie Dautovich of the National Sleep Foundation, sharing a blanket with someone in bed can get especially warmer. It’s nice to have the most ideal sleeping conditions with just the right mix of warm and cold, right?

6. Quality sleep energizes you.

When you have the perfect sleeping conditions with someone next to you, then you get the best quality of sleep. So, you don’t wake up in a cranky mood or have a headache. Instead, you look forward to your day with more positive energy. Your mind is also clear and refreshed to embrace positive thinking and positive thoughts.

7. It improves your immune system.

If you’re sharing your bed with your better half, it can sometimes lead to lovemaking, which could then boost your immune system. According to experts from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, couples who regularly have intimacy in bed have higher chances of fighting the flu or common colds because they release more antibodies that make their body healthier.

8. It slows down your aging.

Scottish neuropsychologist David Weeks wrote in the book “Secrets of the Superyoung” that sharing a bed with someone you love and having regular quality cuddle time and lovemaking can make you look 10 years younger, too.  Besides, when you’ve got lower stress levels, your body naturally feels a lot younger.

9. You become in sync with your partner.

Couples who go to bed at the same time (and likely wake up at the same time) have well-tuned body clocks. They become each other’s social timekeepers. According to a study published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, this synchronicity can show how much couples are satisfied in their relationship.

10. The physical closeness while sleeping improves your relationship.

mind tricks

Another study from the University of Hertfordshire looked into the effects of physical contact during sleep among 1,000 couples. They learned that those who kept a sleeping distance of 2.5 cm from each other, which means they’ve been cuddling or lying in bed close and tight, generally have a good relationship. At least 86.5 percent of couples in the study apparently slept in this position.

Final thoughts

The benefits of sleeping next to someone you love far outweigh the drawbacks, especially when it comes to your health and wellness. Besides, if you’re in a great relationship, there’s always someone to look forward to when you wake up in the morning, right?


If You Feel Depressed, Repeat These 12 Phrases

Before depression medications like Xanax and Prozac were introduced and became the norm for depression treatment, people relied on phrases or mantras to help calm their system and relieve anxiety. The practice of repeating phrases until you feel better has been done for centuries among those who believe in various faith traditions. These phrases are like hymns and chants that implore spiritual and psychological healing, but you can still use these phrases to repeat under your breath as a remedy for when you’re feeling depressed.

“Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret, and depression. Do not repeat them in the future.” – Swami Sivananda

Here Are 12 Phrases to Repeat to Yourself if You’re Feeling Depressed

depressed person

1. I am strong.

It’s a misconception that only the weak and the needy suffer from depression. It’s also a myth that those who ask for help are actually the weakest because they depend on someone else. On the contrary, many depressed people who ask for help show self-awareness, and that’s a sign of strength. It shows that they want to change their situation.

2. I will get better.

Depression triggers hopelessness. Saying these words repeatedly promotes positive thoughts despite your emotionally stormy state. The reality is, eventually, you will get better because the dark clouds hanging over you won’t be there forever.

3. I am still breathing.

Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh believes in mindful breathing and shared a similar phrase in his book “You Are Here.” Concentrating on the breaths you take while chanting this phrase helps the mind unite with the body, thus bringing a sense of calmness.

4. Let it go.

There is a lot of wisdom in the famous words from Elsa, the animated Disney character from “Frozen.” If you find yourself in an obsessive state of anxiety, worrying about things that haven’t happened or won’t likely happen or conflicts that might arise, then say these three words repeatedly.

5. Be not afraid.

Some are depressed because of anxiety or fear of the unknown.

Perhaps that’s why this phrase, and its variation, “Fear not,” is repeated over a hundred times in the Scriptures. Many people, including the non-religious, find comfort in it. There seems to be a healing power in meditating on the words of a Higher Being, and repeating the phrase could pacify anxieties. While the fear is still there, uttering the phrase gives you control over it.

6. There’s no danger.

Depression can trigger thoughts and feelings that might make you feel your life is under threat. Saying these words repeatedly should appease your thoughts and open your eyes to the reality that the danger is all in your mind.  This phrase goes hand in hand with, “Be not afraid. “

7. I have inner peace.

“Om Shanti Om” means inner peace, and it is the most straightforward mantra that Tibetan monks often chant. Invite inner peace into your mind and body to relieve depression and its physical symptoms. You will start feeling your tensed chest loosen up by telling yourself you have inner peace.

8. My thoughts, words, and actions contribute to my happiness and freedom.

This phrase encourages a life of positivity, compassion, and empathy. It implores a person to live as a servant of life who is in harmony with other beings, including nature and the environment. It has its roots in the tenets of Jivamukti Yoga, which shows the path to enlightenment.

9. Someday, this pain of being depressed will make sense.

People who haven’t experienced sadness or pain aren’t interested because they have no depth and growth. While it seems like life is full of misfortunes now, and it’s causing a wave of depression in you, be assured that one day you’ll see the purpose in your pain.  You will find your strength, resilience, and maturity by repeating the phrase.

10. I need to be kind to myself in my suffering.

Kristin Neff’s book “Self-Compassion” had a similar mantra for handling negative emotions. She said it’s vital to acknowledge your pain and suffering so you can treat yourself with compassion in moments of difficulty. It follows the same advice as famed teacher Pema Chödrön in the book “When Things Fall Apart,” where she instructs followers to face their problems, not run away from them. Feeling depressed should help you see what’s vital to your life and trigger your drive to overcome it. After all, life is about surviving.

11. One step at a time.

Depression may spike because you feel a loss of control over a situation that’s causing stress. This phrase helps to remind yourself to beat that depressed feeling slowly but surely. When life drags you down, your best choice is to take a moment to help lessen the weight of your burden. One day, nothing will hold you back.

anxiety quote

12. Trust in the process.

Obstacles are part of life, but depression sometimes leads you to ask questions like, “Why me?” or, “Why does this keep happening to me?” or, “Why is my life so challenging?” It’s hard to see the right path clearly during your most troubled times, but with this phrase, you can condition your mind to see obstacles as part of a learning opportunity. They’re not there to make a victim out of you. You have to trust in the process.

Final Thoughts on Coping When You Feel Depressed

Depression can be crippling but it’s an emotion you can help control with positive thinking. The choice is yours – you can either let this pain hold you back or let this feeling enlighten you. Hopefully, one of these suggested phrases will help you find peace.

10 Face Exercises That Make You Look Younger

As a reader who is a positive thinker, you likely have zero desire to undergo anti-aging surgery. So then what do you do about the inevitable sagging and wrinkling that comes with age? Good news! You can find a variety of face and neck exercises that will help you look younger naturally without the scars of surgery (or any fear of poor outcomes).

We recommend holding each of these 10 face exercises for a count of 30 seconds while you slow your breathing to a relaxed rate. Repeat two to three times daily for the maximum, positive, anti-aging effect.

You really can’t over-practice these tightening techniques to look younger naturally. As you do these exercises, try to increase the duration or intensity of the muscle work until you feel the warmth of each gentle stretch in your facial muscles.

Here are 10 face exercises that help you look younger:

1. Turkey neck tightener

This list is about the face, but a toned neck is also important to help you look younger. This anti-sagging exercise fights the dreaded wrinkly-looking “turkey neck” that we can get if we don’t do any anti-aging face and neck exercises.

Lift your chin, tilting your head back until the skin under your jaw is taut. Push out your lower jaw, press your tongue on your lower gum line, and roll your bottom lip out.

2. Under eye lifter

Those bags under your eyes reveal not enough rest, but this simple face exercise can help you look younger, fast. Without moving or tilting your head, look up with just your eyes until you feel a strain. This will feel as if you are looking at the inside of both eyebrows. The eyelids may flutter as you look up, while putting strain on an under-used muscle. While you do this exercise to look younger naturally, remember to breathe deeply.

dark circles under eyes

Related: How to Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

3. Cheek apple lifter

A research study found that smile muscle training after corrective dental surgery can improve muscle tone and build confidence for how patients feel about their appearance in social situations. So, consider this a smiling exercise.
With clean hands, pinch the corner of your mouth, near where your smile line would be if you have one. While pinching tightly enough to feel resistance (but not to hurt yourself), smile as big as you can. You will feel a pull in your facial muscle that will lift the apples of your cheeks. Try to do one side at a time.

4. Upper eye lifter

The eyes are the windows to the soul, and a lift in your eye area is the big anti-aging impact that positive thinking readers want to see. Using the three middle fingers of both hands, press your fingertips near the lower brow line of both eyebrows. Press in and push upward gently with your fingers while frowning and creating resistance with your eyebrows.

5. Jowl lifter

Lift your neck as in the turkey neck exercise. Then, turn your head to either side, and stick out your lower jaw. You will strengthen the muscles and help reduce the appearance of sagging jowls.

6. Neck line definer

Turn your neck to either side until you can see in the mirror the vertical muscles and tendons of your neck. These vertical lines help elongate and define a graceful neck, making you look younger. Hold this pose for ten seconds on each side.

7. Collar bone definer

The collar bone is an area that accentuates the base of a young face and neck and it is a difficult area to tone. With your neck turned as in the neck line definer exercise, rotate your opposite shoulder forward about two to three inches until you see a triangular shaped hollow form between the neck and collar bone. Repeat for each side.

8. Forehead line eraser

Gently press upward at your hairline with the fingertips of both hands while frowning slightly. Do not wrinkle your forehead, but frown so that you push downward enough to create resistance against your fingers pressing upwards.

9. Nostril to upper lip line eraser

Place your clean thumbs inside your upper cheek near your gums. Smile, closing your upper lip to press down against your thumbs.

10. Chin lifter

To tone your chin, roll your lower lip up over your teeth. Push your tongue between your teeth and lower lip, pressing your lower lip against your tongue.

Closing Thoughts

In a review of nine studies for facial rejuvenation, the researchers found that all nine studies reported positive outcomes for facial exercises, with the participants looking younger. Those are the kind of results we want, and you will see them if you begin faithfully participating in the above exercises.

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regimen.


Why Being An Introvert Is The Best Thing Ever

The benefits of having a naturally outgoing personality are obvious. Introverts know how much our culture values people who seem to feed off of the adoration of others, and they can feel inadequate at meeting that standard. The realization that it’s not a lack of self-esteem that stops introverts from doing so can be powerful. For many, it is simply a matter of temperament.

If you’re reading this and silently nodding your head, or if you have an introverted loved one that you wish would be more social, don’t worry! Increasingly, we are learning that many introvert characteristics can be powerful advantages.

Here’s why being an introvert is the best:

Introverts are self-motivated, independent people.

According to psychologist and writer Scott Kaufman, extroverts may experience greater rewards from social recognition. Their brains are more sensitive to the dopamine triggers that accompany these experiences, and they are more excited by the prospect of rewards related to social status. Since introverted people are not as susceptible to these reward triggers, many have learned to be motivated by more personal, intellectual, or creative rewards. Accordingly, they rely on self-affirming goals and benefit from more consistent motivations rooted in stable values, rather than in inconsistent social pressures.


If you’re a good listener with keen observation skills, you might be an introvert.

Extroverts are often practiced speakers; introverts are often practiced listeners. Both listening and speaking are skills that take effort to learn. Because introverts are less rewarded by being at the center of social situations, they’re usually better at observing complex relationships in a group and reading people’s motivations. If you’re unsure about a new person you just met, ask your introverted friend who you dragged along to the party. You might be surprised by their insight!

Introverts have more time and energy to pursue intellectual pursuits.

A recent study published in the Journal of Personality reveals that, although extroverts feel a stronger initial sense of wellness, social activity is draining to everyone. Because of their tendency to engage in social activity due to those increased rewards, extroverts are far more likely to feel drained of creativity and energy in their personal space. Many introverts use this unspent energy to pursue intellectual and creative pursuits that can benefit them professionally and add to a sense of accomplishment.

Emerging technologies favor introverts.

As technology becomes increasingly intertwined with our lives, introverts benefit from social platforms that keep us connected yet impose distance between us. Social media gives us the freedom to engage socially in limited formats while still enjoying their personal space. This makes introverts, who are typically more comfortable alone than extroverts, thrive in an emerging culture that may leave many extroverts feeling unfulfilled.

Less can be more. People listen when introverts speak.

We have all encountered extroverts who seem to have an emotional need to dominate the center of social events. They seem less concerned with what they are saying, than that they continue to speak. Although this kind of person often attracts a lot of attention, their words may earn diminishing returns. Eventually, everyone knows they are full of it! We’ve all probably witnessed the power of a confident introvert who suddenly speaks up to correct an important detail of the extrovert’s extemporaneous diatribe. When an introvert speaks up, people tend to listen.

Mystery is sexy: How introverts intrigue.

When confident introverts have learned the power of selectively expressing their thoughts, they can seem mysterious. Who was that introvert who spoke up with authority, yet seemed to be satisfied with returning to the quiet conversation they were having with their small circle of trusted friends? I don’t know, but everyone is talking about it! Mystery can be powerfully appealing.


Introverts tend to form deeper, longer lasting relationships.

Because they are less prone to seek new exciting social situations, introverts tend to focus their efforts on a small number of trusted friends. While the friendships of extroverts can be many and varied, introverts tend to form strong, long-lasting bonds that can be intensely rewarding.

Remember, most people are a blend of personality types. Few are fully introverted or extroverted. Understanding your personality type is like having a map on your life’s journey. If you’re an introvert, don’t be afraid to occasionally take a left turn onto Extrovert Street. You might find the detour to be worth it.

Be comfortable with who you are, and never feel the need to change to meet societies expectations. There are benefits and setbacks to every personality. Take strength from the many introvert characteristics that can help you to live an amazing life!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Inspirational Quotes About Life : 10 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Succeed

Although most of us would never admit it, we all get a little down on ourselves now and then. When it comes to judgment, we are our own worst enemy. We tend to think very critically about how we present ourselves to others, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as those self-analyzing thoughts don’t get out of hand.
The following list is a collection of inspirational quotes about life to help get you through, up, and over those roadblocks on the highway of growth!

Here are 10 inspirational quotes that will inspire you to succeed:

1. “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” – Carol Burnett

Though some might find it harsh, this is one of the most honest inspirational quotes about life. Once you become an adult, no one else can make things happen for you except for you. We shouldn’t look at this as a negative. There will be people along the way that will help and bestow great knowledge upon you, but you ultimately hold the power to change things for yourself.

2. “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt was such a wise and ambitious woman. She understood how to take things day by day. There is no such thing as an overnight success. It is so important to remember that tomorrow is a new day that may hold a ton of new possibilities.

3. “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

Some people spend a lifetime talking about what they’d like to do or what they plan to do, but it takes a true dreamer to take the steps towards what they really want. This is one of those inspirational quotes that separate the talkers from the doers.

4. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

Taking the first step towards whatever your goal is will always be the hardest step to take. It’s the most crucial part of the process. We must remember that not everything is going to come together for us immediately, and that’s okay. It’s perfectly normal.

5. “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney

One of the best inspirational quotes about life comes from the biggest dreamers of all time. If you are lucky enough to pinpoint your dreams and goals you owe it to yourself to pursue them.

6. “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” – Dalai Lama

Being kind to people does not only benefit others. When we are sympathetic to those around us, and we receive that kindness back, it releases tension that we might not have even known we were holding.

inspirational quotes about life

7. “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is such an inspiring person who is almost guaranteed to have experienced some defeats throughout her life. Her inspirational quotes about life are sprouted from the most accurate depictions of real-life struggles.

8. “Either you run the day or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn

Remember to try not to let the clock get the better of you. Following a plan or scheduling out your day can do wonders for your daily progress.

9. “Never, never, never, give up.” – Winston Churchill

Giving up is the end game for all dreams and goals in life. You should never give up on whatever you are striving towards. There will always be nay-sayers and bumps in the road that will make you feel like things are not going to go your way. However, you must never give up!

10. “Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th time.” – Julie Andrews

We are all afraid of being judged. We are all afraid of making mistakes. We will fail, probably many times. Failing is just a part of life. If at first, you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.

All these inspirational quotes about life come from people that have been through the trenches and have come out on the other side with great success. They are prime examples of how perseverance, hard work, and dedication override all of life’s little obstructions.
Whenever you are feeling down on yourself, or like your journey has halted, remember the greats that have come before you and their inspirational quotes about life. You are not alone in this. Believe and trust in yourself.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Types of People to Never Let Go

One sad but inevitable part of life is that we lose touch with people. In some cases, this is a good thing – in others, not so much. When it comes right down to it, some of us aren’t very proactive about appreciating the good people and making the effort necessary to keep them around. Maybe they’ve disappointed you once or twice, and you said, “To hell with it.” Maybe it was their bad. But maybe not.

Perhaps a little bit of perspective is in order. Regardless of our differences, we can all agree on the following things: (a) life is short; (b) we’re all human; and (c) because of “b” we are all likely to screw things up, sometimes badly. Again, all of us make mistakes, even in relationships. But none of us should look at this as a deal-breaker – especially when a relationship between two good, well-intentioned people is at stake. This is particularly true concerning people that make us better, simply by having them in our lives.

Human beings also have a reputation for being too prideful. That too can get in the way of a healthy relationship. Sometimes we’re not comfortable with saying, “I’m sorry,” or, “I think I misunderstood you,” regardless of the good that can come from doing so.

The point is this: there are some people in life we should never let go. Life is too short to not keep in touch. Often, our “reason” for not picking up the phone or dropping by is pitiful – and we know it. With all of this in mind …

… here are 5 types of people to never let go:

  1. The Honest One

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” ~ William Shakespeare

Never let them go, because: The Honest One will remind you to live up to your ideals – the most important of these ideals being to remain true to yourself and others.

Honesty is a way of life. Honesty is a virtue. Despite these attributes, not all of us appreciate the unfettered “tell it like it is” approach of such a person. Sometimes we don’t want to hear what they have to say, even if what they have to say is for our own good. But whatever our excuse may be, we should make a sincere effort to keep these truth-tellers in our life.

We can all identify a time – perhaps more than one – when we didn’t want to hear the truth about ourselves. But there’s no escaping the fact that the Honest One is probably right – and we would be smart to listen.

toxic people

  1. The Teacher

“Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” ~ Immanuel Kant

Never let them go, because: The Teacher has a way of imparting useful knowledge in a loving and nonjudgmental manner.

Wisdom is best defined as “profound common sense.” Wisdom is more common sense than book smarts, though they’re certainly not exclusive. (Socrates and Confucius, anyone?)

The Wise One is someone who can seemingly devise a super simple solution to any problem. Not only can they design the solution, but they’ll also hand you a friggin’ blueprint. They’ll patiently listen as if you’re the only person in their world at the moment, and, with a look of compassion and thoughtfulness, effortlessly deliver their wisdom to you. The question then becomes: what are you going to do with said wisdom now that you have it?

  1. The Motivator

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better, and your better is best.” ~ St. Jerome

Never let them go, because: The Motivator will always encourage and inspire you to live up to your potential.

The Motivator is cheerful, disciplined, and always willing to help. When life has us in a rut, motivators have an uncanny way of transferring some of their contagious energy to someone in need. Perhaps the most beautiful thing about such a person is that they love, indeed, live for, inspiring others. It isn’t unusual for such a person to craft this inspirational attitude through the overcoming of personal adversity. Speaker and life coach Les Brown is an excellent example of someone who wholeheartedly embraces and  embodies these characteristics, having personally triumphed over tragedy to fulfill his calling.

  1. The Kneeslapper

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” ~ Charlie Chaplin

Never let them go, because: The Kneeslapper brings light to your day – and, if you’re lucky enough, to your life – through smart humor.

Laughter is the best medicine, and The Kneeslapper is the skilled surgeon. You probably know a person or two who can effortlessly replace the tension in any room with unabashed laughter. This is a real gift from an unusually gifted human being; and make no mistake, it is a gift. Going further, it a precious talent that our world desperately needs. Humor has been, and always will be, the spice of life.

  1. The Connector

“Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.” ~ Ben Stein

Never let them go, because: The Connector is a faithful friend that will drop everything to introduce you to the right people to have in your life.

The Connector is the person who seems to know everyone. More than that, they are more than happy to introduce two people who have common interests and mutual needs. While they may not have the “answer” to your problem, they more than likely know of someone who does. This person is usually gregarious, selfless, honest, and loving. What’s amazing is that all of their relationships are genuine, stemming from a real love of people – and the desire to bring people together.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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