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5 Types of People to Never Let Go

One sad but inevitable part of life is that we lose touch with people. In some cases, this is a good thing – in others, not so much. When it comes right down to it, some of us aren’t very proactive about appreciating the good people and making the effort necessary to keep them around. Maybe they’ve disappointed you once or twice, and you said, “To hell with it.” Maybe it was their bad. But maybe not.

Perhaps a little bit of perspective is in order. Regardless of our differences, we can all agree on the following things: (a) life is short; (b) we’re all human; and (c) because of “b” we are all likely to screw things up, sometimes badly. Again, all of us make mistakes, even in relationships. But none of us should look at this as a deal-breaker – especially when a relationship between two good, well-intentioned people is at stake. This is particularly true concerning people that make us better, simply by having them in our lives.

Human beings also have a reputation for being too prideful. That too can get in the way of a healthy relationship. Sometimes we’re not comfortable with saying, “I’m sorry,” or, “I think I misunderstood you,” regardless of the good that can come from doing so.

The point is this: there are some people in life we should never let go. Life is too short to not keep in touch. Often, our “reason” for not picking up the phone or dropping by is pitiful – and we know it. With all of this in mind …

… here are 5 types of people to never let go:

  1. The Honest One

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” ~ William Shakespeare

Never let them go, because: The Honest One will remind you to live up to your ideals – the most important of these ideals being to remain true to yourself and others.

Honesty is a way of life. Honesty is a virtue. Despite these attributes, not all of us appreciate the unfettered “tell it like it is” approach of such a person. Sometimes we don’t want to hear what they have to say, even if what they have to say is for our own good. But whatever our excuse may be, we should make a sincere effort to keep these truth-tellers in our life.

We can all identify a time – perhaps more than one – when we didn’t want to hear the truth about ourselves. But there’s no escaping the fact that the Honest One is probably right – and we would be smart to listen.

toxic people

  1. The Teacher

“Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.” ~ Immanuel Kant

Never let them go, because: The Teacher has a way of imparting useful knowledge in a loving and nonjudgmental manner.

Wisdom is best defined as “profound common sense.” Wisdom is more common sense than book smarts, though they’re certainly not exclusive. (Socrates and Confucius, anyone?)

The Wise One is someone who can seemingly devise a super simple solution to any problem. Not only can they design the solution, but they’ll also hand you a friggin’ blueprint. They’ll patiently listen as if you’re the only person in their world at the moment, and, with a look of compassion and thoughtfulness, effortlessly deliver their wisdom to you. The question then becomes: what are you going to do with said wisdom now that you have it?

  1. The Motivator

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better, and your better is best.” ~ St. Jerome

Never let them go, because: The Motivator will always encourage and inspire you to live up to your potential.

The Motivator is cheerful, disciplined, and always willing to help. When life has us in a rut, motivators have an uncanny way of transferring some of their contagious energy to someone in need. Perhaps the most beautiful thing about such a person is that they love, indeed, live for, inspiring others. It isn’t unusual for such a person to craft this inspirational attitude through the overcoming of personal adversity. Speaker and life coach Les Brown is an excellent example of someone who wholeheartedly embraces and  embodies these characteristics, having personally triumphed over tragedy to fulfill his calling.

  1. The Kneeslapper

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” ~ Charlie Chaplin

Never let them go, because: The Kneeslapper brings light to your day – and, if you’re lucky enough, to your life – through smart humor.

Laughter is the best medicine, and The Kneeslapper is the skilled surgeon. You probably know a person or two who can effortlessly replace the tension in any room with unabashed laughter. This is a real gift from an unusually gifted human being; and make no mistake, it is a gift. Going further, it a precious talent that our world desperately needs. Humor has been, and always will be, the spice of life.

  1. The Connector

“Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.” ~ Ben Stein

Never let them go, because: The Connector is a faithful friend that will drop everything to introduce you to the right people to have in your life.

The Connector is the person who seems to know everyone. More than that, they are more than happy to introduce two people who have common interests and mutual needs. While they may not have the “answer” to your problem, they more than likely know of someone who does. This person is usually gregarious, selfless, honest, and loving. What’s amazing is that all of their relationships are genuine, stemming from a real love of people – and the desire to bring people together.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Make Your Home Look Expensive On A Budget

With the success of shows such as Love It Or List It on HGTV, more and more home owners are looking to renovate their house to look more classy. Many aspiring designers flock to sites such as Pinterest for their fool proof plan dreams only to feel discouraged by the costs of renovation. Visit sites like if you plan to repair or replace your driveway.

Fear you not – you too can have the living room, kitchen, and bedroom of your dreams! It’s easier than it seems to have your home look expensive on a bargain. One of the easiest ways to elevate any space is by incorporating exquisite Italian marble, which adds a touch of luxury and sophistication without breaking the bank. With the right thinking and a visit to, a gorgeous house of your own is able to conquer. We’ve put together a simple how-to guide on DIY home decor, so relax and read on.

Five Tips For Redecorating That Don’t Cost An Arm and a Leg!

1. Splurge on a few classic pieces 

We know we said this was going to be about bargain shopping, but a few pricier additions to your home will last you a lifetime. A nice rug for your living room won’t fray and need to be replaced. Investing in a sturdy sofa helps your lounge look great. If you’re on an extremely tight budget, try a consignment store or furniture outlet for unique pieces. Investing in high-quality jarrah dining tables Perth may also help make your home look more luxurious.

Other items to look for in your shopping include headboards, dressers, and curtains that may wither and wear with time. These items may also be passed down to your children or other family members to cherish and keep the memories alive.


2. Go minimalist and de-clutter your home 

If you’re feeling stressed and anxious, studies have shown when you organize your home, you could find the key to finding your inner piece. Instead of holding onto furniture and accessories attracting dust in the attic, think about donating or selling them. Concentrate on how much easier it will be to breathe when you rid yourself of unwanted junk and have space for yourself. Less is more, and less stuff means less to clean too!

The art of minimalism plays a key role in de-cluttering your space. When you organize your home, think of what’s most important for you to keep. A simplified set-upwill help you look straight out of a lifestyle magazine. You may also be able to sell your unwanted items for a few bucks and help contribute to redecorating costs.

3. Get creative with your friends 

Original art makes any home look more expensive. Throw a party or have a painting day with your children to make one-of-a-kind pieces you won’t find in the Louvre. Art is always subjective, so don’t fret if you feel overwhelmed and inadequate in your skills. Paint a mural, make a plate, just be creative! You may also put up custom imprinted wall calendars and other artistic home decor items.

DIY home decor isn’t all about artwork – many people enjoy renovating yard sale furniture into a work to be admired by all. Check your local listings for a rummage sale or free chairs etc. you can jazz up and make statement pieces.

4. Create a mood with light and greenery 

As well as being budget friendly, natural light in your home creates a mood that can spruce up your place. Simply open your windows for a free solution to megawatt light bulbs during the day and enhance the mood with standing lamps at night.

A well-kept plant will also produce a tropical and exotic appearance around the house. Try to organize your home with plants that have positive energy so you and your guests will feel comfortable and in awe of the natural beauty.

5. Use your uniqueness to create an atmosphere 

When you’re happy with your decor, it’s certain to shine. Positive energy will certainly radiate throughout your domicile even if the atmosphere seems a little shabby. Treat your friends and family to a dinner party or potluck dinner when you’re watching the funds. There’s nothing richer than love and light throughout your residence.

Get funky with your decor! By showcasing your personality, your place can become your own and even more enjoyable. Take pride in your residence and others will see the appeal even when you’re not able to deck out every room.

Don’t Stress To Impress!

When you want to feel fancy, a simple rejuvenation of your house may do the trick, such as installing a solid wood front door. However, the beauty of your residence is inside of you. Spreading a positive vibe and not worrying about how others think are richer aspects than any expensive piece.

By organizing and rearranging your place, you can create a new mood that will welcome you in and provide a place to relax. The appeal of your place comes from your optimism and willingness to enjoy your life. Happy decorating and have a pleasant time. We know your DIY home decor will be perfect.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Habits That Can Improve Mental Health, According to Psychology

The importance of mental health

The quality of your mental health affects pretty much every aspect of your life, including how you behave, feel, and think. The quality of your mental health determines how well you cope with stress, overcome adversity, and achieve your goals. When you’re energetic and positive, these things come easily; when you’re downtrodden and negative, everything seems much more difficult.

What does it mean to have good mental health? Well, contrary to popular belief, it does not mean feeling happy all (or even most of) the time. Of course, happiness is wonderful, and we should all feel happy now and again – it’s just not the cause or effect of good mental health. Instead, good mental health means feeling and thinking in a positive manner more often than not.

People with a good state of mental health often report the following:

  • Relatively high self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Feelings of compassion and love for others
  • Good balance between work and home life
  • Adaptability to change
  • Deriving a sense of purpose from something (work-related or otherwise.)
  • Enjoying one or more hobbies on a regular basis
  • Ability to bounce back from stress

mental health quote

Habits of the mentally healthy

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” – Khalil Gibran

Basic human psychology dictates that your habits –  at least to some degree – affect the state of your mental health. If you eat junk food all the time, drink too much, and forget to exercise, for example, you’re probably going to be in a less-than-ideal healthy mental state. If, on the other hand, you’re proactive about your health and practice the right habits, you’re likely to feel good mentally.

With that said, here are 10 habits that can improve mental health, according to psychology:

  1. Regular Exercise

If even 30 years ago you were to say that the mind can affect the body, some people – including so-called “experts” – would’ve looked at you as if you were crazy. Well, times are a-changin’. We’ve long established the mind-body connection and have learned some fascinating things.

Exercise increases the number of “feel-good” chemicals in the brain, improves memory, and sharpens thinking skills. It also enhances focus and concentration and works as an excellent outlet for stress.

  1. Meditation or yoga

“Meditation … has long been acknowledged as a tool to master the mind to cope with stress. Science is increasingly validating those claims …” – Mental Health America

While yoga and meditation are technically different practices, the latter is an integral part of the former. In fact, the two methods are very similar – and thus produce many of the same benefits.

  1. Getting good sleep

Psychology often points to sleep difficulties as a symptom of mental health disorders, particularly anxiety and depression. A study undertaken at the University of Oxford finds that the opposite may be the case. The study’s lead author Daniel Freeman, a professor of clinical psychology at Oxford, says that making a habit of getting quality sleep (the National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours) may “tackle a wide range of psychological and emotional problems.”

  1. Don’t Multitask

It’s estimated that less than 2 percent of the population can multitask “effectively.” Psychology, however, says that the brain is incapable of doing two things at once unless it’s, say, walking and chewing gum or driving and listening to the radio. (Of course, you don’t have to put much thought into chewing gum.)

The big problem with multitasking is two-fold. First, it depletes the brain’s energy reserves more quickly. Second, it can be very stressful. Both issues run counterproductive to good mental health. Instead, work on creating a habit of single-tasking. Focus on one thing at a time.

  1. Mindfulness

There really is nothing mystical about mindfulness. The practice generally involves two things: (1) attention to the present moment at the exclusion of everything else, and (2) the non-judgment of thoughts.

It does take effort, however, to make mindfulness a habit. Still, the benefits to your mental health can be extraordinary.

  1. Good work-life balance

Mentally-healthy people seem to strike a good balance between work and personal life. The cultivation of such balance (and its positive effect on our psychology) cannot be overstated. Too much or too little focus on one or the other can lead to the development of mental health problems including anxiety, depression, and burnout.

With this in mind, do your best to make a habit of keeping work at work.

  1. Stop procrastinating

Procrastination is one of the most stress-inducing habits there is – and it can wreak havoc on your mental state. If you have something that needs to be done, it’s much less mentally painful to just do it. You’ll discover that taking action immediately reduces stress. It turns out that the thing you were trying your best to avoid actually isn’t so bad, after all!

  1. Take Digital breaks

Relax! This is not to say that your gizmos are bad – far from it! Smartphones and other digital devices bring a wealth of relevant and profitable information to both individuals and businesses.

Instead, it’s the “joined at the hip” relationship that people have with such devices that may be unhealthy. It’s been argued, for example, that concentration and focus have waned with the proliferation of digital devices. Make a habit of taking a digital sabbatical every now and again. (Once a week seems to do it for many.)

  1. Eat well

Granted, the advice to “eat a well-balanced diet” sounds like it’s getting old. But do you know why it’s such enduring advice? Because eating well does wonders for your mental health.

Research shows, for example, that adequate amounts of amino acids, essential fats, complex carbs, vitamins, and minerals can create a balanced mood and an overall sense of wellbeing.

  1. Talk to someone

Once again, human beings are social creatures. We all experience issues with our mental health at some point. So if you are not feeling like your usual self, reach out to someone. A bit of talking can do wonders for your mental health!

(Note: The contents of this article are intended for entertainment and/or educational purposes only. Please see the advice of your healthcare professional regarding the diagnosing and/or treatment of any disorder.)

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things That Happen When You Get Toxic People Out of Your Life

Holding on to relationships that make you unhappy won’t be good for your well-being. Yes, you used to value that person in your life, But if that person becomes a significant burden, the toxicity will slowly kill your sanity and even hinder positive thinking.  Letting go of toxic people could be the best thing you can do. It might sound harsh, but you will be a better person for it. Some good things can happen when you get toxic people out of your life.

Here Are 10 Things That Will Change When You Get Toxic People Out of Your Life

“There’s folks you just don’t need. You’re better off without em’. Your life is just a little better because they ain’t in it.” – William Gay

1. Your life will not be over.

It’s hard to let go of someone with whom you’ve shared a long history, and that’s understandable. It might be hard to imagine your life without this person because of your shared moments, so how could you cut them out? While moving on from toxic people can be complicated and painful, know that your life will continue.  You’ll soon realize that without them, more doors of opportunity will actually open, and like a Phoenix, you can rebuild your life after this loss.

2. You’ll be rid of the drama.

Toxic people love drama and like to involve people in it. You might have willingly offered sympathy and support to them before because of what they mean to you. You might have even given some advice because you care for their welfare. But they likely brushed your advice off. Toxic people, unfortunately, don’t want solutions to their problems, despite your intentions to help them. Once they are gone from your life, you’re no longer affected by their drama. You’re no longer fighting their never-ending battles with yourself and with other people. You’re free from the arguments, too.

toxic people quote

3. You won’t feel stressed out.

Toxic people are also called emotional vampires because they can bleed you dry. They can be manipulative and bring you down with them because of their pessimism, their criticisms, and their tendency to talk bad about other people. Being with a toxic person who always keeps you on edge isn’t a healthy way to live. In fact, the stress of dealing with them can actually wreck your brain cells, according to experts from Germany’s Friedrich Schiller University. Without them, your stress levels will decrease because you have controlled the chaos and blocked off the poison draining you.

4. You’ll gain more energy.

After staying in a relationship with an emotional moocher, you’ll find that you will have more energy to pursue other exciting things. Stuff you wanted to try out before but couldn’t because you had been convinced it was worthless. Because of your renewed optimism and regained positivity, your zest for life will return. You’ll have time to focus on and do other things.

5. You’ll enjoy life more.

You’ll pursue life with hope when you’ve finally escaped the negativity. Even failures or disappointments can’t shake you because you’re living according to your rules as you always wanted. You’ll see the worth in what you’re doing, whether it’s a big or small project, and enjoy life more.  You’ll find plenty of things to be happy about and grateful for because no one is constantly showing you what’s bad about something good.

6. You’ll regain your self-esteem and self-worth.

The venom that comes from toxic people might have dampened your self-esteem, but once they’re no longer in your life, you regain what you lost. You’ll find your power again and grow more confident each day you pursue new things … because no one says you can’t do it.

7. You’ll evolve as a person.

You won’t be the same person after you get toxic people out of your life.  You’ll evolve into someone better, someone more positive. You’ll find that you’ve smartened up about dealing with people. You’ve likely also reaped a lot of patience, empathy, and understanding for every person’s journey because you know how hard it can be for them.

8. You get to reconnect with other people.

When you are with a toxic person, your relationships with others might suffer casualties. You’ve probably distanced yourself from others so they wouldn’t be involved in a toxic individual’s drama, gossip, and meanness. But now that this person is gone, you can reconnect with friends and family. Better yet, you’ll have more room for new friends and acquaintances with whom you can form new bonds.

9. You’ll surround yourself with more caring people.

When you’ve regained or formed new relationships, you’ll have more good people surrounding your life. Life will be happier when you’re with friends and family who genuinely care for your welfare and help you to be positive. You’ll have the social support you didn’t have because of your relationship with that toxic person.

10. You’ll be happy with your life in general.

You’ll find that pursuing happiness is simple once you’ve cut out toxic people from your life. The secret is free to enjoy your choices, from pressures and negativity.

toxic people

Final Thoughts on Eliminating Toxic People From Your Life

Life’s too short to hold on to relationships that burden or hold you back. Letting go of toxic friends, family members, or intimate relationships is hard. Experts say you might feel guilt, but it’s still a choice you must make. Take that first step into a better life. You will be in a much better place with people and situations that let you fly and spread your wings.

11 Couples Who Define Everyone’s Relationship Goals

No matter if you’re single or in a relationship, it’s hard not to smile at two people who are obviously in love. Couples who truly love each other just exude an aura of pure joy that is utterly infectious. The pictures of couples below have relationship goals written all over them, and you’ll quickly see why. We hope these pictures either make you believe in love again, or help you appreciate your partner even more!

Here are 11 cute couples who are definitely every couple’s relationship goals:

1. Kissing in front of a gorgeous waterfall should be a couples goal for everyone.

A post shared by ETHAN GLENN (@ethantglenn) on

2. Even if you’re not a fan of Coachella, you have to admit that this is a beautiful couple!

A post shared by ? ? ?? (@ggrae) on

3. Same couple as above, but we had to post them again because they’re just so darn cute!

A post shared by D A V I D R I C E (@davidbenrice) on

end your relationship

4. This cute couple picture is set in a field of beautiful wildflowers, which makes them look even more perfect.

A post shared by Me and Mango (@me_and_mango) on

5. This cute couple is doing van life the right way!

b.y.o.b. // bring your own bus

A post shared by Abby Clayden (@abbyclaydenphoto) on

6. You can just feel the love between these two in this pic!

A post shared by Travel & Style (@julesshingarey) on

7. Traveling the world together = relationship goals.

A post shared by IEVA URENCEVA | travel lover ? (@catchagypsea) on

And a few more photos we couldn’t pass up …

8. Who wouldn’t want to wake up in a place like this with their partner?

9. The unbreakable bond between this dynamic duo is quite obvious.

10. We all just want love and a good view when we look out our window.

11. Awww, this picture makes us fall in love (and want a nap at the same time).

Are any of these photos relationship goals for you? Share with us in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Use Baking Soda To Relieve Arthritis Pain

Baking soda might be a miracle ingredient, especially in how it may help relieve inflammation and arthritis pain.

Raise your hand if your mom always kept baking soda in the house. (Raises both hands.) While stats are a bit sketchy, an unofficial estimate of baking-soda-loving mothers is around 95 percent. (Okay, I just made that up. But it’s probably close!)

Anyways, baking soda is another one of those miracle substances capable of handling just about every job, in or out of the kitchen. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) has been used for a long (long!) time. It works as a natural home remedy for various conditions. Just a half teaspoon of the stuff can ease or cure an acute acid reflux or heartburn. Need to whiten your teeth? Make homemade baking soda toothpaste!

Now, baking soda is being touted as an “inexpensive, safe way to combat autoimmune disease,” including arthritis!

What Is Baking Soda?

Baking soda, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), is a white crystalline powder, perfect for cooking, cleaning, and personal care. It is a chemical compound comprising sodium ions (Na+) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3-). Baking soda is a versatile substance with both acidic and alkaline properties. That makes it useful in various applications.

In cooking, baking soda is primarily used as a leavening agent. It produces carbon dioxide gas when combined with acidic pantry ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, or buttermilk. That chemical reaction causes the dough or batter to rise and become light and fluffy. This reaction is known as the “acid-base” or “alkali-acid” reaction and is commonly used in baking recipes for cakes, cookies, bread, and other baked goods.

Baking soda is also used for its cleaning properties. Due to its alkaline nature, it can effectively neutralize odors and act as a mild abrasive cleaner. It can be used to clean various surfaces, such as countertops, sinks, and stovetops. Additionally, it can help remove stains, deodorize refrigerators, and even be used as a natural alternative for cleaning personal care items like toothbrushes or hairbrushes.

Beyond cooking and cleaning, baking soda has many other applications. It can be used as a gentle exfoliant in skincare products or as a natural remedy for certain skin conditions like sunburns or insect bites. It is sometimes used as a household deodorizer, placed in the fridge, or sprinkled on carpets and upholstery to absorb unwanted odors.

It’s worth noting that while baking soda is generally safe for consumption and has many practical uses, it’s essential to use it in appropriate quantities and follow recommended guidelines. Excessive consumption or misuse can lead to health risks, particularly for individuals with certain medical conditions. It’s advisable to consult appropriate sources or healthcare professionals for specific guidance and precautions when using baking soda for therapeutic purposes.

The Study of The Use of Baking Soda for Inflammation

baking soda foot soak

Learn how to make a baking soda foot sook for callus removal.

Researchers at Augusta University’s MCG Department of Physiology say that baking soda helps promote a proper pH balance. We’ll bypass the science lesson for now; know that “pH” measures the body’s acidity levels. Health experts and other scientists believe balancing our body’s pH is vital for good health. Including for keeping inflammation in check.

Getting back to the study, Dr. Paul O’Connor, a physiologist, and co-author, says that consuming sodium bicarbonate helps normalize our pH levels. Baking soda does this by encouraging the production of stomach acid. This helps to ensure that we properly digest our next meal while making it less likely that we’ll suffer indigestion or stomachache. And, of course, this helps limit inflammation.

Besides smoothing over the digestive process – an essential aspect of limiting diabetes symptoms – consuming baking soda acts on the spleen. Here, the substance serves as a sort-of buffer: “Certainly drinking bicarbonate affects the spleen and we think it’s through the (cells),” says Dr. O’Connor.

Dr. O’Connor used an experiment involving humans and rats to test the degree of these benefits. (Scientists use rats in many medical experiments because their characteristics apparently resemble those of humans on a genetic and biological level – as well as behaviorally in some respects. Who knew?)

O’Connor and his team administered a mix of water and baking soda to each group over two weeks. Following two weeks and a series of tests, scientists found a change in the immune cells of the test subjects. Specifically, the sodium bicarbonate caused the immune cells to suppress inflammatory responses. This occurred even in the cells of people who, before the baking soda experiment, were having problems with inflammation.

How Baking Soda Works

Dr. O’Connor’s study demonstrates the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of baking soda, and does so in two big ways. First, sodium bicarbonate encourages the stable production of stomach acid, which is essential to the proper digestion of food. Our body’s ability to digest foods and absorb nutrients is critical to keeping inflammation in check.baking soda

Second, baking soda acts on both the stomach and the spleen – a part of the immune system – by calming the immune response and strengthening the anti-inflammatory response. Under the right conditions, the stomach and spleen cells perform two functions. It “tells” the immune system that it’s not under attack and “switches off” already-activated inflammation markers.

Final Thoughts on How to use Baking Soda to Reduce Arthritis Pain

“While there is no fix-all miracle cure out there, there is a reason that home remedies like apple cider vinegar and baking soda have been around for ages. This could really help … patients with inflammation.” – Michelle Neilly, integrative nutritionist

Convinced? Baking soda proves itself as an effective alternative treatment for arthritis. As mentioned, a faulty immune system and overactive inflammation signals both drive arthritic pain. Also, given this product’s relatively cheap cost, we lose nothing (and can gain much) by giving it a go! Especially in comparison to prescription arthritis medications, baking soda deserves a try.

(Note: Information provided in this article on baking soda for arthritis is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare provider regarding any potential treatment.)

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