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Proven Tips To Learn The Art Of Self Acceptance

It is human nature to seek acceptance. People have many goals in life, but most will admit that they are pursuing happiness. Recent studies have confirmed that the clearest path to happiness is to learn self acceptance. As logical and trite as that piece of information may sound, it is not as simple to accomplish as one might think on the surface.

The power of acceptance is unquestionably important to most people. With society, family members and friends weighing in with their expectations for you, it is not always simple to stay true to yourself and embrace self acceptance. It is far too tempting to fall prey to “people pleaser” urges that will take you off your path.
While accepting yourself for who you are sounds so simple, it is not that easy for most of us.

Proven Steps to Acceptance of Yourself 

  • Be Kind to Yourself
  • Forgive Yourself
  • Release the Past
  • Acknowledge Your Strengths
  • Quiet Your Inner Critic
  • Establish a Support System

past quote

Treat Yourself Well 

Most people are nicer to other people than they are to themself. The power of acceptance means you must treat yourself with the same kindness as you treat your best friends and family. Edit the thoughts in your head. If you would not say those negative and cruel things to others, then you should not be saying them to yourself.

We all have an inner monologue that is critical and judging us for every thought and action. This voice undermines your self-esteem and makes acceptance of your actions difficult.

Be True to Yourself 

From the beginning of life, we are programmed to be responsible citizens, good children, dedicated students, loyal friends and a loving brother or sister to our siblings. The pressure starts building at an early age to live up to the expectations of others. This explains why it is so difficult to listen to your inner thoughts that can guide you to your authentic self.

Acceptance of what our elders tell us early on causes us to doubt our own thoughts and desires. Schools often teach us how to conform. At an early age, children learn to repress their true nature so they will “fit in” as expected. If you want to be happy, you need to allow your true desires and personality to surface.

As adults, our lives become even more complicated placing many expectations on us. We are led to believe that we can find happiness by marrying the perfect person, having a family and working hard at a job that will reward us for that hard work.

Forgive Yourself and Others 

We’ve all made mistakes. It’s called being human. Stop punishing yourself by thinking about all of your failures and disappointments in life. You have to quiet your inner cynic if you want to enjoy life.


Once you stop looking backwards, then you can open yourself up to an exciting future where you can shine. Tap into your strengths and passions so that you can offer your unique gifts to the world and live the meaningful life you were meant to live. Approach your future with a positive attitude, always remembering to honor who you are and what you want.

Create a Positive Support System 

If you crave acceptance and happiness, then you have to surround yourself with positive people. It is far too easy to fall into relationships without deliberately selecting the people you want in your life. Work associates and family members aren’t typically hand picked by you.

All you need to remember to manage these key relationships is to limit the time you spend with negative people. If you have family members who bring you down, then you should limit your time around them, or in the worst cases, eliminate them from your life altogether.

Carefully select friends and romantic partners based on how they make you feel. Do they build you up, or tear you down. If you want to be happy, you have to spend time with happy people who make you feel good about yourself. It’s that simple.


Self acceptance and happiness go hand in hand. We all deserve happiness, but we often are the very person who is unintentionally pushing those good vibes away. By taking some deliberate action and following some of the tips above, you can transform your life.

While happiness is something we all want, it is important to distinguish between being able to accept yourself and wanting the acceptance of others. Happiness is at your fingertips always, when you follow your own path and do the things you love. Spending time with upbeat and supportive friends and family members rounds out a pleasurable life experience.


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Train Your Brain To Appreciate The Little Things In Life

The alarm sounds. It’s time to jump into action, do all the morning routine, hurry off to work, grab a quick bite for lunch, back to work, quick dinner, evening routine, fall into bed exhausted, repeat. It’s no wonder The World Health Organization now states that globally 1 in 13 suffer from anxiety. Although you may not be able to control what day to day living throws at you, there are ways to find peace of mind in spite of it all.

One major adjustment many experts agree can help change your mental outlook and make life more enjoyable is to train your mind to focus on the positive things that are happening all the time around you. By acknowledging little things to be thankful for you can move your life focus from your head to your heart. And that’s where the joy is.

Here’s how to train your brain to appreciate life more:

The Time Is Now

Right now, take a look around you. Consider all the little things you have to be grateful for. Jot them down if you can for future reference. Many people who would never consider journaling, which is a wonderfully therapeutic thing by the way, often have an app on their phone or laptop for taking notes. Use it to mention how blue the sky is, or you’re wearing that favorite outfit you bought while shopping with your best friend, or you just had a wonderful, satisfying meal. The cat is purring, the dog is watching you with adoring eyes. It’s all for you, so take a moment to appreciate it before pressing matters cause you to forget.

Decide What’s Important

Grab a blank piece of paper. Write down the most important people and goals of your life. Then take time to appreciate every point of contact, every small achievement made. Reach out to the ones you treasure and make their day. It will make yours, too. Reward yourself for every small victory along the way. Write it in your notes. You’re not failing. Your winning as you let your heart appreciate life and be thankful for every small blessing.

Be On The Move

It’s a proven fact that taking the time for physical exercise can have a huge impact on both body and mental state. Just taking several half-hour brisk walks per week can make all the difference. And getting outdoors can also get you out of your own head. Take note of your surroundings. Appreciate the sounds, the sights, and the activity around you. Appreciate the small things, and the big things fall into place. And again, take literal note of it. Soon you’ll be your own morale booster. See how wonderful you are?

Giving Away the Blues

Do you realize that in performing random acts of kindness, you can give away your mental blahs along with the action? Suddenly the weight of the world is a golden nugget of self-worth. Yes, you are a valuable member of the human race, and at least one other person knows it. Write it down—it’s a red-letter day! Make it your goal to touch at least one life with kindness every day. Sometimes it’s as easy as saying thank you, appreciating that lovely bit of color the store clerk is wearing, picking up the coin that elderly person dropped. Then take a moment to appreciate yourself and the fact that you could!


Unplug Your Processor—Reboot!

Everyone needs to take time to disengage. Turn on the soothing music, open a good book, turn off the phone and shut out the world. Just for a little while, don’t require anything, just remember the good things. Even two minutes of quiet meditation can help you get through a day. A few minutes of gratitude can mean a better night’s sleep. A whole day of quiet taken periodically can help reset your mind for future challenges.

Life is full of wonderful, tiny joys that can be so easy to miss. Take the time to review your journal or notes and appreciate all the good and beautiful moments. These are the important things. Yeah, not everything in life is pretty or easy or comfortable. What you carry with you from one moment to the next becomes your life, and looking back with appreciation and gratitude makes it a life well lived.

Don’t look for perfection in yourself or anyone else. Do appreciate yourself and the good you can do now, and celebrate the chance moments when it all came together and was just, well, right. Appreciate life-enhancing moments. Write them down. Create new moments, enjoy spontaneous ones. Happy today to you!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

15 Weight Loss Transformations That Show Why The Hard Work Is Worth It

Many people want to lose weight, but few actually put in the hard work to do so. However, weight loss transformation can only take place by making that sacrifice and choosing to live a healthier lifestyle. Also, losing weight doesn’t have to feel like drudgery; there are countless activities to get you moving that don’t involve grinding at the gym. No matter what you choose, we hope these before and after pictures will inspire you to start your own weight loss transformation and live your best life possible!

Here are 15 weight loss transformations that show hard work really does pay off:

1. Over 250 pounds down; you go girl!

2. This just goes to show you that in three years, you could be living a whole new life!

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3. 296 to 130 lbs in just 9 months!

4. 231 lbs down and looking about 20 years younger. Amazing work!

5. These are truly inspiring weight loss pictures; she looks so much happier!

6. 100 pounds down; what an amazing weight loss transformation!

7. Can you believe this is the same woman in both pics?

exercise quote

8. This almost doesn’t even look like the same person in the after pic!

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9. 300 lbs down and an even brighter smile!

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10. We’re cheering you on from afar girl!

11. Great work Jessica!

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12. We have no words for this weight loss transformation…just wow.

13. This mom should be called “supermom” for all her hard work!

14. Same outfit, totally different body.

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15. She’s beautiful in the before and after weight loss pictures, but she’s absolutely radiant in the second pic!

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We truly hope these inspired you to start your own health journey. Which picture motivated you the most? Share with us in the comments!

How To Fix Your Dehydrated Skin With These Natural Home Remedies

Throughout the year, our skin seems to take on quite a bit of thing from lotions to heat to sunburn. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, anyone can suffer from dehydrated skin any season, and it is often uncomfortable and difficult to resolve. Luckily, there are ways you can essentially fix your dehydrated skin and help it get back to normal.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at several dehydrated skin treatment options that are not only easy but quick to help you get your skin back to normal. These home remedies are ideal for those on a budget or who want to get the most out of their skin without using chemical loaded lotions.

Here are five home remedies for your dehydrated skin:

Olive Oil Remedy

Since olive oil has healthy fatty acids and antioxidants, it’s a shame that we don’t use it on our skin more often. It can help condition your dry skin and soothe any itchiness or discomfort that comes with dehydrated skin. There are several ways to use olive oil for your skin care routine as well. You can try mixing some with your moisturizer, put some on before your shower, or even make a brown sugar and olive oil scrub that you can use to exfoliate the dry skin before moisturizing.

Milk Remedy

You’ve probably seen those movies where the queen takes a milk bath for her skin. There is some truth to that. In fact, milk has many soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that make it ideal for ridding the skin of dryness and itchiness. The lactic acid that is found in milk works as a natural exfoliant to increase the moisture retention properties of the skin. You might also find that milk lightens the complexion. To reserve milk, try soaking a washcloth in the milk to put on your dry skin areas for seven minutes. Wash the milk away with another cloth soaked in a bowl of lukewarm water. You can also add some rose water into the milk and rub it all over your body, letting it sit for ten minutes. Wash it away for softer skin, and try doing it twice daily for the best results.

Yogurt Remedy

With anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, yogurt is a great skin treatment to sooth the dry, cracked, and itchy skin that comes with dehydrated skin. The lactic acid in the yogurt is also beneficial for removing any bacteria or germs. You can apply it onto your skin, letting it sit as a mask for 10 minutes, then taking a shower to remove it. Doing this daily will help exfoliate and hydrate the skin. You can also try mixing yogurt with a few other ingredients like papaya or honey to create a skin mask for your skin’s hydration.

Honey Remedy

Full of beneficial properties, honey might be sticky, but it is great for your dry skin. This has humectant, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties, and it also hydrates the skin with natural moisturizers. The stickiness of the honey locks in the moisture on the skin while providing many minerals and vitamins that are essential for the health of your skin. Before you shower, try rubbing honey on your dry skin, let it sit as a mask for five or even ten minutes. Wash it away when you shower. You can also try making olive oil, honey, and beeswax mask to apply to your body, sit for ten minutes, then wash away in the shower. Honey can be used daily for softer skin.

dehydrated skin

Coconut Oil Remedy

Coconut oil has a variety of health benefits, and helping your dry skin is one. It has fatty acids that help fill in the gaps and make up for the moisture loss in your skin. You can apply the oil liberally to your dry areas before you go to bed. When you wake up the next day, wash it away for softer, smoother skin. You can also apply the oil directly after taking a shower or bath. This should be done while your skin still has warmth from the bath to help the skin soak up the coconut oil better. Doing this daily can keep your skin soft and supple.


Dehydrated skin is uncomfortable in many ways, and no matter the season, dry skin can plague anyone. Luckily, there are enough home remedies to help you eliminate the dry skin and help get your soft skin back without having to leave your home. Things like olive oil, coconut oil, and milk are often items right in your kitchen. The most exciting part is being able to use them to help give you a natural dehydrated skin treatement without breaking the bank. When your skin is just too dehydrated and dry, you can give it some moisture to help get your skin back to normal.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Spot A Narcissist At Work: 5 Signs You Should Not Ignore

Everyone, at some point in their lives, encounters a narcissist. Whether it is an interpersonal friendship, intimate relationship or at the office, dealing with a narcissistic person is mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting. If your boss or co-worker is a narcissist, it makes it even more difficult; you essentially have to endure this person’s behaviors for eight to ten hours a day at work. An overt narcissist will always display several classic symptoms. Once you recognize you are in the clenches of a narcissistic person, you can employ tactics that will help you cope with their irrational and exhausting behavior.

Here are 5 signs of a narcissist you should not ignore:

Me, Me, Me

Someone with a narcissistic personality gets the ultimate pleasure from talking about him or herself. He or she will never ask questions to get to know you or ask for opinions or ideas involving projects at work. Narcissistic people only enjoy hearing themselves talk and will often monopolize conversations at work while excessively talking about their many achievements, endeavors and accolades. They have the mentality that no one is better than they are. And if you try to talk about your endeavors or achievements, they are quick to cut you down or shift the focus back on to their seemingly incredible feats of success.

Co-workers with narcissistic personality traits will also always feel the need to interrupt people at the office, because they think that their ideas, thoughts and opinions need to be expressed immediately, regardless of proper etiquette, manners or timing.


Excessively Negative And Toxic To Be Around 

If someone in your office has narcissistic personality disorder, he or she thrives on creating drama and spreading their doom-and-gloom attitude all over the office. At the core of their center, narcissistic people are actually very self-conscious, fearful and lonely; you would never know it by how they outwardly act. A narcissist inadvertently wants to make you feel as down and gloomy as they secretly feel about themselves on the inside. The only way to do that is to throw a tantrum, criticize, attack, ridicule, put down and judge others. Their goal is to make you feel inferior, especially if you challenge their ideas or opinions or make them feel threatened in any way during the work day. The slightest little bit of constructive criticism will drive them into a downward shame spiral where their only defense is to retaliate with negativity and toxicity.

The Blame Game 

Once the narcissistic co-workers have been triggered in some capacity and have lashed out with negativity, harshness, passive-aggressive behavior or criticism, they will immediately shift the blame to the offending parties when their behavior is brought to their attention. It will suddenly become your fault that they acted out in such an inappropriate manner because you are the one who gave the neutral performance feedback. A narcissist simply cannot be held accountable or responsible for their actions or lack of action. Everyone and everything is to blame for why they messed up and why they reacted in an inappropriate way.

Charming And Idealistic With No Intent To Deliver On Promises 

A narcissistic person will charm the pants off of a new client, boss or customer. You may notice that the initial impressions of a narcissist are often favorable. They are great at manipulating people to get what they want. Thus, they can easily persuade people to believe in their ideas or perceptions. Over time, however, a person with narcissistic personality disorder reveals their true self: a person lacking in substance and morals. Unfortunately for many duped by the narcissist, this is not discovered until expectations are unmet, deadlines have passed and budgets are overspent.

Breaking Rules And Pushing The Envelope 

A narcissist’s arrogance and sense of self-entitlement knows no boundaries when it comes to being unethical. On a large scale, he or she may take dangerous shortcuts that may jeopardize client information or set up a fellow colleague for failure. Since a narcissist will do anything to get ahead and shift the blame, he or she may concoct schemes to frame someone else in lieu of admitting fault and taking the fall on a failed project or assignment. Narcissists are also known for falsifying and exaggerating the information in reports, stealing supplies from around the office, and even committing white-collar crimes.

These are all classic signs of narcissism. These types of people may never admit fault and may spend an excessive amount of time doting on their own achievements and bragging about all of the important people they know. However, every now and again they do have kind moments. The key to tolerating a narcissist is to acknowledge these moments, and express direct thanks when this person seemingly does a selfless act or goes above and beyond the call of duty. Your gratitude may lessen the probability of a narcissist’s rage.

10 Animals Most People Never Knew Existed

There are literally millions of animal species on Earth, and scientists are discovering new ones each year. Animals are fascinating to observe and learn about because they all have different ways of surviving and adapting to their environment. Today, we want to explore the animal kingdom a bit and talk about the weird animals that often get overlooked. See if you have heard about any of these strange animals before!

Here are 10 animals you (probably) never knew existed:

1. Great Blue-Spotted Mudskipper

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These strange looking amphibious fish are found along the coastlines of several East Asian countries and are known for their ability to stay out of the water for long periods of time.

2. Greater Sage-Grouse

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These birds live in the western U.S. and southern Canada. Males have a pair of gular sacs on their throat that inflate during courtship to impress females.

3. Maned Wolf

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This might look like a tall fox, but it’s actually not a fox or a wolf! It’s a distantly related member of the Canidae family and is native to South America.


4. North Sulawesi Babirusa

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Native to only a few small islands in Indonesia, this weird animal that you didn’t even know existed before has four tusks, which are the result of enlarged upper and lower canine teeth.

5. Irrawaddy Dolphin

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This unusual animal is native to South Asia, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia and is most closely related to the killer whale.

6. Dumbo Octopus

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Is this little guy adorable or what?

7. Pangolin

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Those scales definitely look like they could hurt somebody!

8. Leaf Insect

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These weird animals almost look unreal! Have you ever seen one of these before?

9. Axolotl

These strange looking creatures can actually regrow their limbs! They’re kind of cute, too. 🙂

10. Giant oarfish

This is the longest (known) bony fish on the planet, reaching a length of up to 56 feet!

Which of these animals do you think is the weirdest? Share with us in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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