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5 Foods That Make You Age Slower

What you put in your mouth affects both your physical and mental functions. Ever wonder why you’ve gained or lost a few pounds for no apparent reason? Have you had one of those days you can’t remember a thing? Your diet may have something to do with it. Your diet also affects how you age. More specifically, it plays a part in whether you age gracefully or show signs of early aging. While we cannot prevent time from moving forward, we can be proactive in reducing the physical and mental effects of aging. Certain foods can help you age slower.

While it’s not essential to fully understand digestive and metabolic functions, understanding the basics can be helpful. All food and drink pass through the stomach, eventually ending up in your small intestine. Your small intestine breaks down everything you eat and drink into its essential elements, including vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Your gut delivers the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from healthy foods into your body’s cells, which provide nourishment. Contrastly, when you eat junk, your cells – for lack of a better term – feel like crap.

Your food choice also affects the rate at which your metabolism hums or sputters. For example, protein-rich foods boost your metabolism, while complex and refined carbs – as they are tough to break down – significantly slow your metabolism. When your metabolic rate is slow, you’re more at risk for developing many health conditions directly or indirectly linked to an impaired inflammatory response. In short, healthy food helps to keep your metabolism going. By contrast, junk food slows your metabolism – increasing inflammation and promoting aging.

It all comes down to this: if you want to age slower, you must first slow inflammation and improve your metabolic health. People who show signs of aging too early often avoid keeping inflammation in check.

The Role of Food in Aging

“Poor-quality foods, like trans fats, cause inflammation – and aging is basically a chronic inflammatory state. Can you look older because you’re eating like crap? Absolutely.” – Timothy Harlan, MD, assistant professor at Tulane University School of Medicine

Before we get to the five foods that make you age slower, let’s add another tool to your anti-aging toolkit by reviewing the foods to avoid at all costs! (Remember: “Prevention is the best medicine.”)

age slower

Stay away from the following:

  • Deep-fried stuff: anything that is deep-fried is terrible. This includes the pre-packaged stuff, like potato chips and French fries.
  • Doughnuts and pastries: laced with fat, pastries contain a boatload of sugar. Excess sugar intake is tied to the early development of wrinkles.
  • Fatty meats: also high in “sat fats,” fatty meats offer little nutritional value.
  • Processed meats: most processed meat is high in saturated fat and nitrates, accelerating inflammation and aging.
  • Too much booze: up to two drinks per day may be beneficial, but anything beyond an occasional couple of beers or glasses of wine causes early aging.

Now that you know what to avoid, let’s get to the important stuff.

Here are five foods that make you age slower!

“Ninety percent of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs. You are what you eat.” – Victor Lindlahr

  1. Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils are packed with fiber and protein, which help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Fiber helps us feel fuller for longer, while protein helps build muscle and burn fat while providing a steady dose of energy. Perhaps most importantly, beans are low on the glycemic (read: sugar) scale, providing the above benefits without causing inflammation or slowing the metabolism. Both help to slow the aging process.

Black, kidney, navy, and pinto beans are all great choices, as are garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and dried peas.

  1. Carrots

Carrots are one of the best health foods available, mainly due to a large helping of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant, safeguarding our cells and DNA from free radicals such as environmental pollutants. Free radicals can cause early aging, and beta-carotene is a preventative measure in this regard. Carrots also contain the nutrient falcarinol, which has anti-cancer properties.

Try eating raw and whole to get the most nutritional value from carrots. Chopping and cooking the vegetable allows some of the nutrients to “leak” out.

  1. Soy Products

Products derived from soybeans, such as tofu and edamame, help to prevent cellular aging. Edamame has a rich supply of isoflavones, a class of phytochemicals with anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Tofu, a favorite of vegetarians and vegans, has the same benefits as edamame but with a healthy dose of protein and essential amino acids! Tofu is mineral-dense, containing calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, and zinc!

In short, if you want to prevent early aging, load up on soy products!  (Note: If you are eating tofu, we recommend organic sprouted tofu!)

  1. Salmon

As we know, diseases affecting the brain and heart tend to target older adults. A good solution is to substitute some of that red meat for freshwater fish such as salmon, which provides healthy fatty acids. Researchers state that omega-3 fatty acids can ward off age-related cognitive decline. Freshwater fish is also loaded with potassium, which may help prevent the development of heart disease.

Finally, salmon is one of the few foods that contain a good dose of selenium, a mineral that promotes thyroid health, regulates hormonal activity, and keeps the metabolism revved up!

  1. Citrus Fruits

Lemons, limes, grapefruit, oranges, mandarins, and tangerines are some of the best foods to slow aging. Let us count the ways citrus helps:

  • Contains a boatload of vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties, fights infections, and limits inflammation.
  • Contains anti-aging flavonoids and carotenoids.
  • Wards off age-related cognitive decline, heart disease, and various types of cancer.

memory loss

Final Thoughts on Eating to Age Slower

Health foods, such as those mentioned above, go a long way in limiting the physical and mental effects of aging. Diet is a critical factor, and we’ve given you five of the most potent foods to help you age slower. If you need additional proof, ask someone in your life who has aged gracefully to list some of their favorite foods! The chances are pretty good. They’ll give you some fantastic items to incorporate into your diet.

Stay healthy, eat right, age slower, and age beautifully!

25 Photos That Will Warm Even The Coldest Heart

Sometimes, you just need to look at some adorable photos of babies or animals to get through your day. Maybe you got to work late, spilled your morning coffee, or just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Even though your day may have started off on the wrong note, you can always turn it around with something that brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Or, maybe you have been having an awesome day, but why not make it even better?

No matter how your day started, we guarantee these photos will make you smile and warm even the coldest heart.

Here are 25 cute instagram photos guaranteed to make you smile:

1. Photos of golden retrievers are a surefire way to warm your heart!

2. Awww, this cat just wants to cuddle. (and maybe steal this woman’s arm)

A post shared by Cat Lover Club (@cat_lover_clubs) on

3. Photos of babies are another guaranteed way to make you smile, especially when this cute little gal is the model!

4. Awww, floppy-eared bunnies are just too cute for words.

A post shared by Teddy? & Luna? (@teddy.and.luna) on

5. Just a dog and her bird friends hangin’ out.

A post shared by Loulou (@loulouminidachshund) on

smile quote

6. These heroic people ran to the scene of an accident to help stabilize an overturned van until emergency responders could arrive.

Faith in humanity restored.

7. This kind teacher made his students PB&J sandwiches before they had to take a three hour exam. What a great guy!

8. Photos of pitbulls can always warm your heart, especially if they’re babies!

A post shared by Bullymagazine (@bullymagazine) on

9. What a stylish little fella! Maybe we’ll take some fashion tips from him.

A post shared by Or Daniel (@therealordaniel) on

10. Just in case you were wondering, your suspicions were correct.

We wanted to include as many dog photos as possible on this list because they’re one of the best ways to make people smile!

11. See, we bet you can’t help but grin at the sight of these two!

12. Isn’t she just the sweetest little thing?!

13. Even hedgehogs need cuddles. And cute stuffed animal friends.

14. Sometimes they even wear mini sunglasses if they feel like it.

15. Random acts of kindness are what keep our world going.

16. This will help keep things in perspective in your marriage.

Let us know if you try it out!

17. Photos of people being kind to one another will never get old.

18. This is definitely a mutually beneficial relationship.

A post shared by The Official @Support.The_Blue (@support.the_blue) on

Don’t you just love how protective dogs are of babies?

19. This cop is truly serving the people and gives us hope in humanity.

A post shared by The Official @Support.The_Blue (@support.the_blue) on

20. How can you not smile at Instagram photos of adorable babies?!

A post shared by thoseangels (@world4babies) on

(If you ever need to smile, just look through the thousands of other pictures of babies on Instagram).

21. Baby bunnies are just the cutest.

(There are plenty of bunny pics on Instagram, too).

22. Photos of adorable culinary creations are pretty great, too.

A post shared by Yan (@msyan_) on

23. Still together after all those years.

True love

24. These are just too cute to eat!

(But we will eat one or two anyway).

25. We wanted to leave you with this, because photos capturing human love are the most powerful, heart-warming kind of all.

Did these photos make your heart happy? Which of them was your favorite? Please share with us in the comments!

How To Use Flax Seeds For Weight Loss: 5 Amazing Benefits Of Flax Seeds

Flaxseeds can be used to help manage weight and promote good health. While flaxseeds certainly have amazing benefits, many people are still not sure how to add them to their regular diet. With the right recipes and lifestyle changes, you’ll be able to use flaxseeds to their full advantage.

Benefits of flax seeds

While adding flax seeds for weight loss may seem like a new fad, it’s a great way to encourage a healthier lifestyle. If you’re hoping to use flaxseeds in your diet but not sure where to begin, read on.

1. Eat Flaxseeds with Whole Grain Cereals

Whole grains are an excellent choice on their own and are a great way to curb the appetite while giving you a nutritional boost. Depending on the texture you prefer, you cause ground or whole flaxseeds in your cereal or oatmeal. With the ground flaxseeds, you’ll notice that the seeds easily dissolve, making them barely noticeable as you eat.

The benefit of adding something as nutritionally potent as flaxseed to already healthy cereal is the added boost of fiber. The fiber works to promote slower absorption and digestion which will allow you to feel cooler faster. Adding fiber to your diet is a helpful way to aid with weight management.


9 Reasons You Need To Eat Flaxseed Every Day

2. Put Flaxseeds In Your Salads for a Nuttier Flavor

There’s nothing better than a tasty salad that is packed with extra toppings. Salads by themselves are filled with healthy fats, lots of veggies and potentially frits, as well as high-quality protein. The benefits of flax seeds are that they are a great way to keep the variety going in your salads. If you choose to spice up your next salad by adding flax seeds for weight loss, you’ll find that they taste just like sunflower seeds or crushed nuts.

Another alternative for adding the wonderful nutrients of flaxseeds to your salad is to use flaxseed oil in your salad dressing. The salad dressing is already full of healthy fats and other nutrients. By adding flaxseed oil, you’ll be able to load up your salad with omega-3s, which encourage healthier hair, skin, and higher functioning hearts and brains. For a double whammy, consider using flaxseed oil alongside ground or whole flaxseeds in your salad as well.

3. When Eating Yogurt, Add in a Handful of Flaxseeds

Eating yogurt regularly will work to reduce hunger and make you feel fuller faster. Regularly adding yogurt to your diet will help you keep from overeating. Yogurts on their own are already high in protein, probiotics, calcium, and similar ingredient. With the benefit of flaxseeds, your yogurt gets a boost of omega-3 fatty acids, taking your any-time snack to the next level. Don’t be afraid to mix in some fruit and nuts to your yogurt too.

4. Smoothies are Better with Flaxseeeds

When trying to use flax seeds for weight loss, smoothies are a must for staving off hunger while building up your body’s level of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Take advantage of your smoothie time by throwing in one or two tablespoons of flaxseeds into the blender. The flaxseeds will add fiber, healthy fats, and protein to an already healthy snack.

Another great way to add flaxseeds to your smoothies is to use flaxseed oil. While you may have to go to a specialty store for it, the flaxseed oil blends more seamlessly into your smoothie, but still has all the wonderful benefits of flax seeds themselves. Typically, flaxseed oil is found in the refrigerated supplements aisle in natural food stores. Once you purchase the flaxseed oil, you will find that you can easily add it to any meal or drink.

5. Try out Other Flaxseed Products

As more people learn of the benefits of flax seeds, more companies are coming out with products that are full of flaxseeds. These products range from flaxseed bread to whole grain cereals chock full of the seeds. Easily boost the benefits of flax seeds by regularly pairing one of these flaxseed products with your meals.

Similarly, when cooking or baking your own baked goods and meals, consider adding flax seeds. There are excellent recipes for flaxseed crusted chicken, casseroles topped with flaxseed, and cookies with the benefits of flax seeds baked into them.

The more creative you get with how you eat and cook with flaxseeds, the better your health will be. Use these five food ideas to help increase your intake of flaxseeds and promote a healthier diet.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Remove Facial Hair for Women

Facial hair is a common occurrence, and while many think it only affects men, women get it, too. Men often embrace their facial hair, but women want to learn how to remove facial hair when they get it. Facial hair for women typically appears on their cheeks, jawline, or upper lip.

Facial hair on women can occur because of hormonal imbalances, medications, genetics, or medical conditions. While facial hair is essentially a harmless problem, it can interfere with the confidence levels of women. Sometimes facial hair on women can be a sign of an underlying condition, but in most cases, it is normal. Stubble and mustache removal is a must for women who cope with this condition.

Facial hair removal methods can sometimes be invasive or uncomfortable. Luckily, there are many options for gentle facial hair removal since you are dealing with delicate skin. No matter where the hair is on your face, finding ways to do it without irritation is ideal.

How to Remove Facial Hair for Women

When it comes to learning how to remove facial hair, you might feel lost at first, but there are plenty of options. You can try cosmetic treatments for removing facial hair or try home remedies with ingredients you already have. Whichever method you choose, figuring out how the best way to remove facial hair is life-changing for women.

how to remove facial hair for women1. Shaving

Shaving your facial hair is one of the easiest and fasted hair removal methods. It allows you to remove the hair quickly and continue about your day. You can safely shave facial hair on your upper lip, chin, eyebrows, and sideburns.

When you shave, the results aren’t permanent so, you’ll likely have to do it every couple of days. Wash your face and apply soap or shaving cream to achieve a smooth surface and prevent cuts. Once you’ve covered the skin surface, glide the razor over your skin in the direction of hair growth.

2. Tweezing

Tweezing is a hair removal method that requires plucking or pulling hair from the roots. It is an inexpensive and effective way to remove facial hair for women. You can use this method on any facial hair, but it is typically used for eyebrows.

The results of tweezing tend to last longer than shaving, lasting anywhere from three to eight weeks. Tweezing can be slightly uncomfortable but doesn’t usually become painful. If you experience pain or inflammation in the freshly tweezed area, rub an ice cube over it.

3. Epilation

Epilation is a hair removal technique that can keep facial hair away for up to four weeks. Epilators work by removing multiple hairs from the root at the same time. With this method, the hairs tend to grow back softer and finer, making them less noticeable.

Epilation doesn’t require skin preparation, but exfoliating a few days before can help soften the skin and prevent ingrown hairs. When you use an epilator, hold your skin taut and move in the direction of hair growth. Please don’t move the epilator too quickly or press too hard, as it can break the hair.

4. Waxing

Waxing is a way to remove all of the facial hair in one area. Use soft wax designed for facial hair. You can choose from wax strips that warm in your hands or wax melted in a warmer and applied with a stick. If you use the melted wax option, make sure to get plenty of sticks because you won’t want to dip the same one twice.

Before waxing your face, make sure to wash your hands and clean and exfoliate your face. Do a patch test on a small spot to see if you’re allergic before applying to the entire area. You should also make sure the wax isn’t too hot but melted enough to glide over your skin.

5. Laser Removal

While many facial hair removal techniques are temporary, laser removal can offer lasting results. Laser removal involves damaging hair follicles with pulsating beams. When the hair follicles are damaged, it results in the loss of facial hair.

After laser hair removal, the hair could come back after six months, but it will be finer and unnoticeable. In many instances, the hair never comes back, making it a permanent option. Laser hair removal can be used on the upper lip, chin, and other areas of your face, but you should avoid using it near your eyes.

6. Depilatory Creams

Depilatory creams remove facial hair and keep it away for a longer period than shaving. These creams contain sodium, titanium dioxide, and barium sulfide, breaking down proteins in the hair and making them dissolve and wash away. The chemicals are generally safe, but there is a risk that you will react to them.

If you haven’t used depilatory creams before, do a small patch test for sensitivity or an allergy. Wait 24 hours after the patch test, and if you haven’t experienced any skin redness, bumps, or itchiness, you can apply the cream to the entire area.

7. Threading

Threading is a hair removal method that you can use on your eyebrows, upper lip, side of the face, and chin. This technique uses thread to pull and twist unwanted hair from the face until it comes out of the follicle. Threading works better and lasts longer than shaving or tweezing, and it doesn’t cause ingrown hairs.

Another benefit of threading is that it doesn’t involve chemicals, so there’s no risk of a reaction. You might experience a little pain or discomfort during the process, but some threading technicians apply numbing cream to the area. Using a warm compress on the area after the process can help, too.

how to remove facial hair for women8. Sugaring

Sugaring is gentler and less painful on the skin than waxing, and it uses natural ingredients like lemon juice, sugar, and water. The results of this hair removal method last for up to six weeks, much longer than other methods. While the process is similar to waxing, sugaring uses a pasty mixture of lemon, water, and sugar.

Sugaring also requires you to apply the paste in the opposite direction of hair growth and removing it in the same direction as the hair grows. The paste doesn’t stick to your skin like wax does, preventing irritation and hair follicle breakage.

9. Coil Hair Removers

Coil hair removers look like small slinkies, and they grab facial hair to remove it from the root. It is similar to tweezing but much faster since you don’t have to do each hair individually. While coil hair removers look complicated, they are easy to use.

Exfoliate your skin before using a coil hair remover to avoid getting ingrown hairs. This method works best on the upper lip, chin, and cheeks. You should avoid using it on your eyebrows, though, as you won’t get the shape you desire.

10. Electrolysis Session

Electrolysis for hair removal is approved by the FDA, making it a popular and safe option. This method uses an electric current and a fine needle-shaped electrode or metal probe.

The electrolysis process zaps individual hairs and requires several treatments for permanent results. Each treatment can last 15 minutes to an hour, and the number of treatments you need varies based on the case.

11. Prescription Creams

Prescription creams can eliminate unwanted facial hair for women. These creams aren’t permanent solutions, but they result in finer, softer hair when it grows back. Plus, prescription creams slow the growth of hair, allowing for smooth skin with continual use.

12. Hair Removal Creams

Hair removal creams, sometimes known as depilatories, dissolve the hair down to the root. The breakdown of the hair’s protein structure allows hair to come off easily once you remove the cream. These creams can cause irritation and skin issues if you have sensitive skin, so do a spot test first.

Natural Home Remedies to Remove Facial Hair

  • Turmeric: This spice works to remove unwanted facial hair and inhibits further hair growth. Use turmeric and water to create a paste, and apply it all over your face. Rinse it off after five to ten minutes, repeating the process at least twice a week.
  • Egg White: Egg whites help you get rid of unwanted facial hair and tone and minimize pores. To try this method, mix one egg white with one tablespoon of sugar and cornstarch, making a paste. Apply it to your face and let it sit for 25 minutes before peeling the paste off, repeating two to three times each week.
  • Gelatin: Unflavored gelatin can help when you’re trying to learn how to remove facial hair. Mix one tablespoon of gelatin with three tablespoons of milk and a few drops of lemon juice. Heat the mixture in the microwave until it is warm, and then apply it to your face, peeling it off after ten minutes. Avoid accidentally getting it on your eyebrows, and use lavender if it irritates your skin.
  • Raw Papaya: Papaya contains papain, which breaks down hair follicles and acts as an exfoliant. To use it on your face, grind peeled papaya and add one teaspoon of turmeric. Apply the mixture to your face, wiping it off in the opposite direction of hair growth after fifteen minutes.

how to remove facial hair for womenFinal Thoughts on How to Remove Facial Hair

While facial hair is normal, women tend to want to get rid of it. If you are wondering how to remove facial hair, these methods can make a difference. They might not all work for you, so keep trying until you find the one that removes the facial hair.

Many of the hair removal methods aren’t permanent and might require regular treatment. Whichever method you decide to try, make sure to do a spot test to ensure you won’t experience adverse reactions. Once you figure out how to remove facial hair, your confidence levels will drastically improve.

Anxiety Relief Techniques : 8 Easy Ways To Beat Anxiety

A recent poll found that more than 70 percent of adults feel the sting of stress and anxiety daily. The feeling of impending doom, nervousness, and sheer panic can be life-altering. While some deal with fear from stress, others feel irrational anger, restlessness and have difficulties concentrating in their jobs.

Some level of anxiety is good because it allows the body to react to dangerous situations. However, too much cortisol being pumped through the system can cause health problems. When stress interferes with your everyday life, you must act. Constant worry and angst can cause long-term damage.

Here are some simple ways to combat anxiety.

1. Reduce Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a stimulant that speeds up the heart and makes the body feel jittery. The last thing you need is to experience heart palpitations and be jumpy when you are already out of sorts. Caffeine is addictive, and research has found that it follows the same pathways as cocaine in the brain. In moderation, caffeine can be okay. However, monitoring your intake can help with anxiety.

2. Chew Gum

If you are one of those people who loves to chew gum, it can help with your anxiety levels. Scientists have proven that chewing gum increases blood flow to the head. The constant motion is also known to work out tension and causes brain waves to relax. Research shows that people who chew gum have a lower stress level than those who don’t.

3. Laugh Often

Laughter really is the best medicine. When you laugh, you are bringing much-needed oxygen into your body, which goes straight to your brain. An excellent laughing spell can improve your mood, release muscle tension and help your immune system. The best thing laughter does is stimulate your stress responses. Best of all, you always feel better when you have a smile on your face.

4. Consider Herbal Supplements

While your doctor may be quick to offer medications that are full of side-effects, you may want to try herbal remedies before you go that route. Herbs like kava-kava, valerian root, green tea, ashwagandha, lemon balm, and lavender can help with stress. Many of these holistic treatments alter the GABA receptors and bring quick relief. Check with your doctor if you currently take any medications as herbs may interact with them.

5. Exercise Regularly

One of the best things you can do when you feel stressed is to exercise. Did you know that moving your body can naturally raise your serotonin levels in your brain? There is plenty of research that shows how regular exercise can combat stress, fatigue, and anxiety. As your workout heats up, it releases endorphins to make you feel good throughout your body. These endorphins can help you sleep better, and it promotes a better state of mental well-being.


6. Use Aromatherapy

Much has been learned about aromatherapy the past couple of decades. Just lighting a candle or putting some essential oils on your pressure points can bring relief from anxiety. Some of the most valuable scents for mental health issues are neroli, rose, bergamot, chamomile, vetiver, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, orange, and frankincense. Not only will these aromas help with your angst, they can improve your mood and help you sleep better too.

7. Engage with Family and Friends

One of the things that anxiety and panic causes is people to isolate themselves. Sitting behind four walls with nothing to do can make mental matters worse. Even though it may be uncomfortable, push yourself to go out with family and friends. Entertain people at your home or go to a movie. Whatever you do, interact with others to keep yourself mentally healthy.

8. Sign Up for Yoga

Many people have learned that Eastern medicine and techniques have a significant impact on our health, and Yoga is no exception. The primary purpose of this exercise is to unite both mind and body. By increasing body and breath awareness, you can learn to control your breathing and release tension in your muscles, two common problems of constant unease. Doing these simple exercises can help to lower cortisol levels, reduce blood pressure, and increase the GABA transmitter in your brain responsible for your moods.

Suffering from anxiety is no easy feat. You must learn to be present in the moment. When derealization and heart palpitations send your nerves on edge, look around and notice of things you can see and touch. By incorporating a few of these techniques into your everyday life, you can soon learn how to combat your anxiety and lower your risk for further health problems.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Vegan Recipes: 6 Delicious Breakfast Vegan Recipes You Can Make Every Morning

More and more people are following a plant-based vegan diet. Research has shown that following a vegan diet can lead to less heart disease, lower weight and increased longevity. Sadly, some people are resistant to following a planet based vegan lifestyle because they believe that their diet will be reduced to eating nothing but rabbit food.

However, there are a number of tasty recipes that you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you want to start your day with all the nutrition and energy you need to stay ahead, then consider these tasty plant-based vegan recipes.

These vegan recipes are designed to fill you up while tasting great.

Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are taking the world by storm for its ability to create resistant starch and lower your caloric intake. Creating overnight oats is simple. Take a mason jar and put in two cups of oatmeal. Then add almond milk and something sweet such as blueberries, bananas, strawberries or pure maple syrup. Place the oats in your refrigerator overnight. By the next morning, you will have one of the great healthy and filling vegan breakfast recipes that healthy people love.

Vegan Pancakes

You can never say that pancakes are too unhealthy with this vegan creation. All you need are oats, bananas and water or almond milk. Place two cups of oatmeal and a cup of almond milk into a blender. Then add two sliced bananas into the blender and blend into a batter. Take the batter and place it onto a frying pan to make delicious vegan pancakes. You can sweeten up the meal with strawberries, blueberries, almond butter and real maple syrup.

Vegan French Toast

French toast is a breakfast favorite and thankfully one of the great vegan recipes that you can make in minutes. Blend some flour and almond to create a batter. Than add some day old bread slices to the batter. Now, fry up your vegan french toast like you would conventional french toast. Add some almond butter and real maple syrup for a breakfast that tastes decadent yet is completely healthy for your body.

Flourless Pumpkin Muffins

Now you can have guilt free vegan pumpkin muffins in as little as 10 minutes. Place one and a half cup of oats, a half a cup of canned pumpkin, one tablespoon of cinnamon, a quarter of a tablespoon of nutmeg and a quarter of a tablespoon of ginger and place into a blender. Mix well. Then add a third of a cup of cranberries and mix some more. Spoon the batter into muffin cups and bake for 10 minutes. Cool before serving and enjoy your tasty and totally vegan breakfast cup cakes.

No-Bake Granola Bars

If you are the type that likes to “grab and go” your breakfast, then these no-bake granola bars will be your vegan breakfast of choice. All you need is two cups of oats, your choice of seeds and dried fruit plus coconut oil and honey to bound your ingredients together. Heat up your liquids, add the dry ingredients and press all the ingredients onto a baking pan. Just like that you have one of the easiest vegan recipes you can make. In fact, you can make a week’s worth of vegan no-bake granola bars in just a few minutes.

vegan recipes

Strawberry-Infused Quinoa Breakfast Cereal

Cereal was one of those breakfast staples you had as a kid. However, all the added sugar from your supermarket cereals were not the best for your body. Fear not, this cereal is perfectly healthy for you while being one of the tastiest vegan recipes around. All you need is quinoa, your choice of fruit and almond milk. However, the secret to this breakfast recipe is take your almond milk and blend it with strawberries to create a strawberry almond milk blend that wakes up your quinoa cereal. Best of all, this is one of the vegan recipes you can make in minutes.

Now you can have a tasty and perfectly healthy vegan breakfast any time you want. From no-bake recipes to decadent tasting vegan pancakes and french toast, there is a vegan recipe out there that you will absolutely fall in love with. The key is to try out as many of these recipes as you can until you find the one that you’ll love.

A great way to get started with creating an awesome vegan breakfast routine is to stock up on vegan staples like oats, quinoa, fruits, almond milk and vegan bread. Then you can get started discovering the vegan breakfast that is right for you. Enjoy a tasty and filling breakfast while staying healthy with these tasty vegan recipes today.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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