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8 Magical Quotes About Forgiveness To Help You Let Go And Move On

Many people have a difficult time letting go of old hurts and what may seem like injustices they have endured. Letting go and moving on has been a topic that many of our greatest leaders have tackled as they created their own forgiveness quotes. Because, as Skip Richard notes, forgiving “can be a powerful opportunity for re-connection both with the offender and with ourselves.”

Since choosing not to forgive may hurt ourselves more than the other person, it is important to our own well-being that we forgive. Holding on to grudges and re-living events does not benefit anyone. Healing can begin by reading some relevant forgiveness quotes and pondering how they can inspire us. Take time to think about these forgiveness quotes and how they can impact your own thoughts.

Here is a collection of eight of the best forgiveness quotes by those who have experienced holding on to anger and who know the truth about this subject, to help you begin your journey to forgiveness.

8 quotes about forgiveness:

1. Mahatma Ghandi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

2. Nelson Mandela

“When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive.”

3. Maya Angelou

“Hate. It has caused a lot of problems in this world, but it has not solved one yet.”


4. Jack Canfield

“It can be hard to forgive and let go but it’s important to remember that harboring the resentment and holding a grudge can hurt you even more. The word ‘forgive’ really means to give something up for yourself, not for them.”

5. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude.”

6. Joel Osteen

“When we don’t forgive, we’re not hurting the other person. We’re not hurting the company that did us wrong. [And] we’re not hurting God. We’re only hurting ourselves.”

7. Marianne Williamson

“Forgiveness is not always easy. At times it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive the one that inflicted it. And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.”

8. Deepak Chopra

“In the process of letting go, you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.”

Scientific reasons to Let Go and Move On

In addition to these quotes about forgiveness, scientific studies have shown that holding on to grudges increases cortisol production while diminishing oxytocin, the “love hormone.” According to Psychology Today, “Feelings of anger or revenge activate the ‘fight-or-flight’ stress response of your sympathetic nervous system which causes cortisol levels to spike.” In addition to this, anger raises blood pressure while reducing the tone of your vagus nerve, causing distress that can harm your health.

On the other hand, oxytocin has been studied for its role in increasing social interaction. Katie Lancaster, a Ph.D. candidate in psychology at UVA, has commented on a study and what was learned. She maintains, “We found that people with higher oxytocin levels showed greater recruitment of brain regions that support social cognition, suggesting that these people are naturally attending to the more social aspects of the interactions.”
In other words, increased cortisol from resentment is unhealthy, while increased oyxtocin from forgiveness is beneficial.

Final Thoughts

While reading forgiveness quotes is good, it is only the first step in learning more about how we can change our emotions and lives. Since forgiveness begins in the heart, quotes about forgiveness may help us look at how we carry emotional baggage from the past that might be hurting us in the present. Even the best forgiveness quotes will do nothing until we look at ourselves and become aware of what we are thinking.

Become inspired by our greatest leaders who have met the challenge of forgiving those that caused them harm. They learned that by letting go and moving on, peace could be attained and healing could begin. After reading these eight inspiring quotes and the scientific knowledge behind the magic of forgiveness, we can all learn and move toward a brighter future; we can be free of the baggage of the past that weighs us down and harms our health.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This Is What Happened To My Body When I Took Apple Cider Vinegar Daily

I’m always looking for new ways to improve my body. And for a while I have heard about apple cider vinegar. Well, let’s say I was not excited about the idea of drinking vinegar. However, I could not ignore the benefits that have been associated with this liquid.

Many have claimed weight loss with apple cider vinegar. So, I thought I would give it a shot. According to some of my research, I should take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water everyday. With that in mind, I decided to go to my local super market, buy a bottle of apple cider vinegar and give it a shot.

Weight loss with apple cider vinegar

It fills me up

I started taking apple cider vinegar between breakfast and lunch. And let’s just say that this drink really did help suppress my appetite. I stated eating less for lunch and dinner without snacking in-between meals. Within a week, I began to experience weight loss with apple cider vinegar. My weight was down a little over a pound. Best of all, it was easy to integrate apple cider into my daily routine. Yes, the drink took a little while to get used to. However, my body was able to adjust to the strong taste.

I began to see the results

In addition to experiencing weight loss with apple cider vinegar, I also began to see the results in the mirror. My stomach was starting to slim down. Doing a little more research, I found that daily consumption of apple cider vinegar leads to a reduction of belly fat. A research study, which measured the belly fat of 175 on apple cider vinegar, showed that the patients in the study were able to lose an average of 2.6 pound after consuming one table spoon of the liquid a day. Those who consumed two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar were able to drop 3.7 pounds. After reading that study, I decided to up my consumption of apple cider vinegar to two tablespoons per day. Let me put it this way, apple cider vinegar for weight loss is no myth.

I also started to feel healthier

As I continued to take apple cider vinegar, on a daily basis, my overall health improved. In the past, I would catch a bad cough during the winter months. However, my daily consumption of my water plus apple cider vinegar drink staved off any coughing fits.

My digestion improved

I have a confession to make – going to the bathroom was an ordeal for me when I had to poop. After a month of taking apple cider vinegar, however, I found my digestion vastly improved. I am now about to poop once a day like clockwork. And let’s just say I don’t have to read half a magazine during my bathroom visit anymore. Apple cider vinegar appears to have helped my digestion. While I originally intended to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss, I’m sure glad that I’m able to experience healthier digestion as a side benefit.

weight loss with apple cider vinegar

My skin is healthier

One of the really unexpected side effects of apple cider vinegar is the effect it had on my skin. For the first time in my life, I had a nice glow to my face. My usual paleness was gone. As it turns out, apple cider vinegar has the same PH level of the critical protective acid mantle layer of my skin. Therefore, the more apple cider vinegar I take, the better my skin was protected. So in addition to weight loss with apple cider vinegar, my digestion and my skin began to see vast improvements. Seriously, what can’t apple cider vinegar do?

I now have more energy than ever

Weight loss with apple cider vinegar is just the beginning of my body’s transformation. My digestion is better, my both is healthier and my energy levels are way off the charts. In the past, I used to get burned out by the late afternoon. Today, I can spend the morning at the gym, breeze through an eight hour day at the office and still have the energy to party at night. Let’s just say apple cider vinegar will be staying in my daily routine for a long, long time.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

17 Motivational Quotes To Read When You Aren’t Feeling Motivated

Are you going through a phase where you feel less motivated than usual? It happens to all of us. Life has many peaks and valleys. Sometimes we need some help to get back on track. Having a store of motivational quotes in your arsenal can help you recapture the determination you need to accomplish your goals. Having a high motivation level will also affect your thought process. It will help you to be more observant and correctly respond to changing circumstances in your life.

Motivational quotes are a great way to give yourself a boost when life bogs you down. You can print up the motivational quotes and hang them where you will get continual reminders. We need to be able to face those struggles that test our resilience. Difficult circumstances can cause us to think negatively. Having strategically placed motivational quotes about life in our home and offices can help offset negative thinking and get the mind back on a positive track.

Best Motivational Quotes to Read

1. “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” – A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

2. “The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others.” – Hasidic Proverb

3. “Falling down is an accident; staying down is a choice.” – Unknown

4. “Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future. Act now, without delay.” – Simone de Beauvoir

5. “If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.” – Unknown

6. “Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. … Your own hope. … Your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen … yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.” – Bradley Whitford

motivational quotes

7. “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” – Norman Vincent Peale

8. “If we keep doing what we are doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.” – Steven R. Covey

9. “Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.” – Oprah Winfrey

10. “Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

11. “Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.” – Unknown

And a few more …

12. “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential … these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius

13. “If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” – Dale Carnegie

14. “One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” – Maya Angelou


15. “Your problem is how you are going to spend this one and precious life you have been issued. Whether you’re going to spend it trying to look good and creating the illusion that you have power over circumstances, or whether you are going to taste it, enjoy it and find out the truth about who you are.” – Anne Lamott

16. “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller

17. “You should never regret anything in life. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it is experience.” – Unknown

Closing Thoughts

There are thousands of motivational quotes about life, love, success, and positive thinking available. How you feel about yourself really does matter. What you expect or believe to be possible in your life can directly influence your own actions. In short, motivation, influenced by your own expectations and beliefs, directly affects how you behave.

The use of motivational quotes is like a shot of positivity in your life. It is not a magic bullet, but a way to keep your own motivations sharp and fresh. If you are properly motivated, you will have an increased level of effort and energy. Motivation will also increase your perseverance in reaching your goals. Motivation enhances your expectation and performance. When your motivation level is lagging, choose one or several of these motivational quotes to help bolster you up.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Homemade Mud Masks That Make You Look Younger Naturally

Everyone likes to look younger naturally! Mud masks always sound challenging and a bit messy for a relaxing Sunday afternoon – after all, who likes feeling gritty and having a pack of dirt on their face? Actually, mud masks aren’t made from the mud you find in the garden or in the park. They’re different types of clay mixed with water and other natural ingredients. Whether that makes it more appealing to you or not, it’s been proven that they’re great for your skin and help with age reduction, acne, droopy patches, skin spots, and any other skin issues you might have!

Unfortunately, in order to look younger naturally, committing to a skincare routine with a mud mask is often expensive. However, did you know that you can also make those masks at home? Again, you need to be very careful of the types of ingredients you pick and your skin’s reaction to them but opting for a DIY mask is a great way to both save yourself some money and look younger naturally. Here are some of our favorite DIY mud mask recipes. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try something new!

Here Are 7 Homemade Mud Masks to Look Younger Naturally

At the end of the day, the best wrinkle is the one you never get!” – Dr. Katie Rodan & Dr. Kathy Fields

1. Green tea mud mask

Like drinking tea, this one is very particular to every person. Some love it, others feel like they might throw up just at the smell. It’s incredibly simple to make this natural mud mask. Make yourself some green tea and mix two tablespoons of it with two tablespoons of your favorite clay. Green tea is a very strong natural antioxidant. Just like it’s good for your guts, it’s also very good at detoxing your skin. But make sure to let the green tea cool before you put it in the clay, otherwise, you might find yourself in hot water – no pun intended.

face mask

2. Coffee mud mask

Mix your two teaspoons of clay with one teaspoon of ground coffee and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and you’ll find your face both smelling and feeling amazing. If you feel like it, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, for extra hydration. Coffee not only works as an excellent exfoliant but it’s also anti-inflammatory and it can help reduce acne breakouts. Meanwhile, the apple cider vinegar not only makes the texture easy to spread on your face, but it also controls the pH levels of your skin. The whole combination is a great germ-killer for a clear skin.

3. Honey mud mask

You get this mask by mixing two tablespoons of clay with one tablespoon of honey and warm water each. If your skin is dry, you definitely have to try this mud mask. Honey is great for adding that little bit of moisture into your skin. It also acts as a natural antioxidant, which helps with breakouts, wrinkles, and other unpleasant skin conditions. Besides, it’ll get your face feeling silky smooth like nothing else and it might even ease your sugar craving!

4. Avocado mud mask

Instead of mashing the avocado on your toast, try mashing it in your clay to create a refreshing avocado mud mask. If you feel like it, increase the antioxidant effect by adding honey or your favorite essential oil. This is a wonderful mask if you tend to suffer from flare-ups or breakouts because avocado cools your skin and helps it calm down after stress. Besides, it’s added bonus is that it’s full of vitamins that will help your skin glow beautifully, thereby reduce aging.

5. Charcoal mud mask

This might sound a little scary, but again, we’re not talking about using actual hot charcoal off your barbecue! You can get activated charcoal in pretty much any pharmacy. Mix it with your clay and with some tea tree oil to create one of the most cleansing mud masks in the world. Not only will it have an incredibly positive effect on your blackheads and pimples, but it’s also one of the best ingredients to make sure your skin keeps tight and healthy.

6. Aloe Vera mud mask

There’s a lot more use for Aloe Vera than applying it to your raw skin when you have a sunburn. Try mixing it in with your clay for a cooling, relaxing mask that will give your face a fresh glow. Aloe Vera is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredient that can help with any inflammation you have. It will also help your skin feel refreshed and cool, and this is great especially if you’re struggling with acne. It’s also a great way to clean up clogged pores in your face.

7. Yogurt mud mask

Last but not least, we have to mention the magic anti-aging powers of Greek yogurt. Simply combine one tablespoon of yogurt with one tablespoon of warm water and two tablespoons of clay for some of the best anti-aging magic you’ll ever witness. The naturally grown bacteria in Greek yogurt are wonderful for the skin and help with wrinkles and droopy patches. Besides, yogurt is one of the best antioxidants you can find on the market. If you don’t like eating it, then using it in a mask is a great compromise.

Final thoughts

You can’t just get youthful skin with positive thinking – take your life in your hands and get your fingers dirty for some DIY masks so you can look younger naturally! Not only will they improve your skincare incredibly but you’ll also find them easier on your purse than store-bought masks. Take care of your face now before it’s too late! Time to say goodbye to aging!

Skin Care Tips You Need To Know About

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(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains 15 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Lose Extra Weight

Have you ever questioned yourself about how to lose weight? Anyone who has tried to lose extra weight will say that it takes a lot of effort and commitment. The benefits of shedding off those extra pounds, however, can change (and prolong) your life. Here are some science-backed reasons that explain the benefits of weight loss.

Here Are 15 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Lose Extra Weight

“While weight loss is important, what’s more important is the quality of food you put in your body – food is information that quickly changes your metabolism and genes.” – Mark Hyman

1. Your nails become stronger.

Brittle nails could be the result of iron deficiency due to obesity, as per a study published in the journal Nutrients. Experts recommend adding more fish, spinach, and legumes to your diet, which are not only high in iron but can also help with your weight loss, as these foods contain healthy fat.

2. Your joint and back pains disappear.

A strong evidence from a study published in Obesity Reviews shows that when you lose extra weight, it relieves joint and back pains because there’s less pressure on your body. Experts said that for each pound you lose, you could lessen the load your knees support by as much as four times, so you can walk better, stand or sit longer, and move about without feeling that continual pain.

3. Your dental health improves.

Losing weight prevents the development of periodontitis, which could cause frequent inflammation of the gums. A 2003 study revealed that it’s common for obese individuals to have periodontal disease, but people with lower body mass index (BMI) presented fewer risks of dental problems.

4. Your skin will get clearer.

Obesity and overweight issues have been linked to various skin conditions like allergies, dark or red patches, skin tags, psoriasis and itchy skin, according to the Nursing Standard. If you lose extra weight, you’ll develop less dry skin, as well as slowly repair the damage that fat tissues have caused in your epidermis.

5. Your body processes insulin better.

Most people with weight issues have diabetes because fat makes the body less responsive to insulin, the hormone that regulates the blood glucose levels. If you lose those extra pounds, your body becomes more insulin sensitive, according to a 2017 study published in Nutrition & Diabetes. In other words, you decrease your risk of developing Type II diabetes if you’re not overweight.

exercise quote

6. Your kidneys function better as well.

Too many fat tissues in the body can cause a deficiency in nephron, which supposedly helps the kidneys absorb and filter toxins. When you lose the extra weight, you lessen your risk of a kidney failure, according to a research published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases.

7. You lessen your risk of cancer or beat the disease.

Some cancers, including the most common type of breast cancer, are linked to obesity and overweight problems, according to the National Cancer Institute. Apparently, fat tissues affect the hormones that damage DNA, which then triggers cancer development. Losing weight, therefore, mitigates this risk, as well as increases the chances of beating the disease.

8. Your heart becomes healthier.

People who are overweight are prone to heart problems. Doctors frequently advise patients with cardiovascular diseases to start exercising to manage their weight. Your body gains a lot of health benefits even if you lose just five to 15 percent of extra weight, according to experts at the Washington University School of Medicine. It’s great if you’re aiming to lose extra weight. Your efforts of dropping just a few percent of your body weight quickly pay off, especially for your heart.

9. You stop snoring.

Interlinked to cardiovascular problems, you could also reduce your snoring and sleep problems with weight loss. The American College of Physicians actually recommends losing weight first for sleep apnea patients, as this decreases extra fat tissue in the throat. If you are overweight, you snore louder because your airways are blocked.

10. Your blood pressure levels off.

High blood pressure or hypertension can lead to stroke and heart attack, but you can mitigate the risks through weight loss and exercise. Losing weight is a better option than taking hypertension medications to keep your blood pressure low, according to experts at the Cochrane Collaboration.

11. You’ll feel colder.

You’ll lose natural insulators in your body with weight loss, so you could be more inclined to bring a cardigan or a jacket at the movie house or restaurant. Weight loss causes the thyroid hormones to decrease, according to a study in the journal Thyroid Dysfunction: Hypothyroidism, Thyrotoxicosis, and Thyroid Function Tests, which could be why you’ll feel chillier.

12. Your sex life improves.

Having a fit and leaner body will apparently make sex better, according to the respondents of a survey from Duke University Medical Center. In the same poll, those who were obese or overweight indicated that they were 25 times more dissatisfied with their sex life.

13. You become fertile.

Weight loss can improve the odds of women getting pregnant, especially if they have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which has been linked to obesity. On the other hand, overweight men improved the quality of their semen by losing weight and improving their lifestyle, which also contributed to their ability to reproduce, according to the journal Reproductive Health.

14. Your mood is more positive.

There’s a mood-boosting benefit to losing weight through exercises, according to Dr. Jeremy Sibold, who conducted a study on weight loss. Ideally, he said that your happy mood could last for up to 12 hours. Why is this? First, even moderate exercise routines lower your stress hormones. Next, if you pair up exercises with a good diet, you’re likely to boost your mood even more. A poor diet has been linked to mood swings and depression, according to a paper in Psychiatry Research.

15. Your brain’s cognitive function improves.

Fat tissues cause inflammation, which can irritate and affect every organ in the body, including the brain. It’s imperative that you lose the extra weight so your brain function doesn’t deteriorate. A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism showed that women who lost weight following a bariatric surgery manifested sharper planning, organizing, and decision-making skills. Importantly, all of these involve the brain’s cognitive functions. A more recent study in the journal Neuroscience & Behavioral Reviews showed significant improvements in the attention, memory, language, and motor skills of previously obese and overweight people who lost weight.

Final thoughts

In closing, if you lose extra weight, you’ll find a big boost to your self-image and appearance. More than that, you’ll feel so much better on the inside! So, keep exercising, be active, and maintain a good diet for a healthier life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains 5 Things That Make People Feel Tired All The Time

Do you always feel tired?

The Fatigue Epidemic

As many as one to two people out of ten report that they feel tired or exhausted, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Here are some particularly important numbers from the CDC study:

  • More women report that they always feel tired or exhausted than men across all age demographics (15.3% to 10.1%).
  • The percentage of women who say they always feel tired or exhausted is consistent across age groups (from 18 to 64 years and up).
  • The rate of men who report feeling very tired or exhausted increases by 71% from the ages 18-44 years (8.7%) to 45-64 years (12.2%).

As with many health studies, the above numbers likely understate the extent of the problem. Numbers aside, there is one fact that we can take away from all of this: far too many of us are suffering from fatigue. Even worse, we have chosen to simply “put up with it.” This is a bad idea, as we will talk about shortly.

When you feel tired all of the time, it negatively affects every aspect of your life –  personally, professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. At its worst, feeling tired can even be deadly. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that “driver fatigue” causes over 100,000 vehicle crashes every year; resulting in 71,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths.

When we choose to ignore feeling tired, we put our health – and quite possibly, our lives – at risk.

5 Big Reasons Why You Always Feel Tired, According to Science

“Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment.” – Dale Carnegie

1. Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep is the number one reason for the fatigue epidemic in the United States. It is estimated that more than one in three U.S. adults (35%) do not get enough shuteye. Besides ensuring a dreadful day to come, a poor night’s sleep – when allowed to remain a consistent habit – increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and stroke. In addition to making you always tired, poor sleeping habits also lower our tolerance for stress.

Expert tips:

  • Go to bed 30 minutes earlier; make this your “wind down time.”
  • Sleep in a room that is relatively noise-free, cool, and comfortable.
  • Go to bed at the same time every night, even on the weekends.

health quotes

2. Bad Diet

What fuel is to your car, food is to your body. You wouldn’t fill your car with the wrong type of fuel; so why do so many of us make an exception for our precious body? It makes absolutely no sense, and a bad diet will simply make you feel always tired. Understand, accept, and adjust your lifestyle to this fact. Every thing you put into your body directly affects how you think, feel, and act. This knowledge equips you to live healthier than the vast majority of people.

Expert tips:

  • Prioritize protein and fiber for every meal.
  • Eat something healthy every three to four hours.
  • When possible, eat more whole (less processed) foods.

3. Lack of Physical Activity

We didn’t evolve to be couch dwellers. Not in the slightest. Think about this: For the first 199,000-plus years of our roughly 200,000 year history, our Homo Sapien ancestors – with whom we share well over 99 percent of our DNA – foraged, hunted, and gathered. In other words, they were in perpetual movement. If not, they perished. Now, fast-forward to 2018: 80 percent of us do not get the recommended amount of exercise. Over 20 percent of people don’t get any exercise at all. With such a genetic history, and the predominantly unhealthy behaviors of most adults, it’s no wonder researchers find a strong correlation between physical movement and energy levels.

Expert tips:

  • Don’t think of exercise as boring; find an activity that’s fun and also breaks a sweat!
  • Try high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. (Example: The Tabata Routine)
  • Get up and move around. Even if you’re at the office, just move!

4. Excessive Stress

Not all stress is bad! In fact, multiple studies have shown that a little stress can improve performance and the urgency needed to complete our to-do’s. Prolonged periods of high stress, however, throws the brain-body chemical balance out of whack. As a result, our body produces far too many stress chemicals than is necessary. When allowed to continue, this can damage our heart and drain our energy, making you feel like you’re always tired.

Expert tips:

  • Pinpoint the things causing too much stress.
  • Refuse to take on more than you can handle (learn to say “no,” for example).
  • Eliminate the people in your life who are toxic.

5. Medical Problems

Of course, no “stress list” would be complete without mentioning underlying medical conditions. If you’ve tried sleeping better, exercising more, eating healthier, and limiting your exposure to stress only to find you’re still always tired, it may be advisable to see your health and wellness professional.  Here’s a list of underlying medical disorders that are known to cause excessive feelings of tiredness:

  • Anemia
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Food intolerance
  • Heart disease
  • Nutrient/vitamin deficiencies
  • Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  • Pregnancy
  • Urinary tract infection

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