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Saturated Vs Unsaturated Fat: Which One is Better? The Answer Will Blow your Mind

Though fats have gotten a bad name over the years, the fact is few living things would be alive without them. There are essential fatty acids that the body doesn’t make and must come from the diet. Fat makes up the membranes of cells, insulates internal organs, regulates body temperature, makes skin and hair soft and supple, helps the body use fat soluble vitamins and provides fuel during lean times. What’s bad about fat is that too many people eat too much of it, or they eat too much of the “wrong” kind of fat. But it’s not really our fault. Fat makes foods taste even better than they do anyway, and they are everywhere, at least in the United States. The consequences of this are explosions in the rates of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Facts About Saturated vs Unsaturated Fat

There are two main types of fat. One is unsaturated, and the other is saturated. These are further broken down into subgroups.

Unsaturated fats can be monounsaturated fats or polyunsaturated fats. Technically, this has to do with whether the bonds in the long chains of carbon that help to make up fats are completely filled, or saturated with hydrogen molecules. If the carbons can stand to be attached to more hydrogen atoms, it is an unsaturated fat.

toxic health foods

When people eat these fats in moderation instead of saturated fats, the levels of “bad,” or LDL cholesterol goes down. This is the cholesterol that helps to form plaque on the walls of arteries ad contributes to cardiovascular disease. Polyunsaturated fats tend to be found in vegetable oils, though one type of important fat, the omega-3 fatty acids, are found in cold water fish and fish liver oil as well as the oil pressed from flaxseeds. Monounsaturated fats such as olive and canola oil also help to lower the risk of heart disease. They’re found in other foods such as avocados and many varieties of nuts and seeds and have good amounts of vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the body from damage by free radical molecules.

Most animal fats such as lard or tallow are saturated fats. Even some vegetable fats, such as coconut and palm kernel oil are saturated fats. These fats have a higher melting point than unsaturated fat, so they tend to be solid at room temperature. Ingesting too much saturated fat and trans fat can boost LDL cholesterol levels, which can put a person at greater risk for cardiovascular disease. When it comes to saturated vs unsaturated fat, nutritionists recommend that saturated fats be no greater than 10 percent of the total calorie count a person has every day, though organizations such as the American Heart Association recommend that saturated fats be kept at even lower levels. The AHA recommends no more than 7 percent saturated fat in a person’s total calorie count.

Not only do saturated fats increase the risk of heart disease, but they might even increase the risk of prostate and colon cancer.

Trans fats can be especially devastating to health. Indeed, in 2015 the Food and Drug Administration determined that trans fats are so dangerous that they were simply not safe to eat and should be phased out.

Trans fats can be natural or synthetic. They are naturally found in meat and dairy products but in small amounts. The synthetic kind occur when oils that are usually liquid at room temperate are partially hydrogenated to make them solid. Hydrogenation means that hydrogen has been added to these fats, and transfats are often found in snacks and store-bought desserts.

What Can Be Done?

One way to win the battle of saturated vs unsaturated fat is to cut down on saturated fats and replace them with unsaturated fats. For example, instead of using butter to cook, a person can use olive, canola or another oil that contains unsaturated fat. They can replace that tub of ice cream with a container of Greek yogurt, and swap out those processed snack foods with fruits, nuts and veggies.

It’s also important to read the labels on foodstuffs before they’re brought to the checkout counter at the grocery store. Be wary of packages that proclaim “Reduced Fat,” on the cover. The label may reveal that the fat that has been cut out has been replaced by carbohydrates and sugars, which may be even worse than the fat.

The problem of saturated vs unsaturated fat does not have to be daunting or condemn a person to a life of tasteless silage. It’s surprisingly fun figuring out new ways to plan and enjoy healthier meals that are low in saturated fat.

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5 Amazing Tips to Practice Acceptance and Live a Peaceful Life

Have you ever looked at someone else and envied his life? Perhaps he has a great job, positive attitude, wonderful family, and everything seems to be working for him? You probably imagine that you would feel so much more peaceful if your life was like his.

However, this is not true. Living a peaceful life is not so much about having the perfect set of circumstances. Living a peaceful life is about finding acceptance of your limitations and life events. This can be challenging when you are facing troubling circumstances. The power of acceptance means that you can rise above your life’s challenges and keep a joyful soul no matter what.

Tips to Practice Acceptance and Live a Peaceful Life

Change What You Can Change

Some people believe that self acceptance means that you just stop growing, changing, and striving toward your goals. “I’ve always been overweight. I’ll never be healthy,” or, “I’m just a hot head. I never will master this temper,” and similar comments both reflect the idea that life is inevitable and nothing can be changed.

However, some things are within your control. You can practice self acceptance by appreciating your own special gifts and using them to gain control over factors that you are able to master. Perfection is impossible for anyone, but you can strive for imperfect progress.

Self acceptance appreciates the steps that you have taken to improve yourself and takes joy in achieving small victories.

change life quote

Let Go of What Is Unchangeable

Gaining acceptance of the fact that some things are out of your control is difficult. However, not all things can be changed. When people face illness, disability, job loss, and other challenges, often these things are nothing that could be avoided. Rather than continually trying to figure out ways that the problems could have been avoided, just accept the circumstances and give grace to your past self. Chances are, in the past, you just did the best that you could. That has to be enough for anyone.

It is okay to mourn your losses. Some pills are quite bitter ones to swallow. But don’t mourn too long. Try to spend more time looking forward to the new possibilities that life might bring you.

Focus on Everyday Beauty

Those who have gained acceptance of their limitations and circumstances learn to find joy in everyday beauty. Even when things are tough, noticing the beauty that is right in front of you can bring you smidgens of joy during depressing times.

Whether it is the smile of a child at the grocery store, the delicate veins on a leaf, the brilliance of your friend’s red sweater, the flavor of a hot cup of tea, or the sound of the birds singing each day, these small moments of beauty can give you peace and lead to acceptance of the bad along with the good.

No one’s life is ever completely awful or completely good. In each person’s life there are some hard things. But when you take on the practice of finding beauty everywhere, the power of acceptance will help you rise above negativity.


Imagine yourself as a calm, strong, confident person overflowing with acceptance of your circumstances. Now, picture that person dealing with the circumstances you are facing. If you were that person, how would you react to that irritating circumstance, that trying person, or that limitation on your life?

Strive toward behaving that way, even when you don’t feel like it. Over time, you will gain the habit of behaving with serenity when hard things crop up. As your behavior changes, so will your feelings.

Open Up to the Possibilities

So perhaps you are financially or physically limited in some way. Perhaps your life looks nothing like you pictured it. Perhaps someone you trusted let you down. Yes, it is tough, but look at each challenge as a doorway to a new life. The options may not be what you ever expected, but if you allow yourself to be open to new possibilities, you can still accomplish great things.

Stewart O’Nan wrote in his book The Odds, A Love Story, “You couldn’t relive your life, skipping the awful parts, without losing what made it worthwhile. You had to accept it as a whole–like the world, or the person you loved.”

The key to finding peace in your life is to acknowledge that both the good and the bad will make you who you are. Even the dark times will lend depth to your soul and resilience to your character. You can approach life with a measure of serenity and enjoy each moment as it comes.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Simple Ways to Appreciate What You Have

What makes it so difficult to appreciate the simple pleasures of life? Why do we so often focus on the things we want, instead of reflecting on what we’re given? It seems we’re in a constant state of yearning for things not yet achieved, spinning our wheels in a never-ending pursuit of that one special tonic we believe will make us happy. But as we furiously chase that shiny new object, we spend less and less time enjoying our life.

Most of what we’ve attained in our lives were once dreams or goals. Perhaps you longed to have the beloved children you now call your own. Or maybe your deepest desire was to be a homeowner. Maybe you hoped you’d finally land a decent job. Yet so often, when we achieve our goals, we still find it difficult to appreciate life. Taking the best things in life for granted is not new, but you can recognize the magic of daily tender mercies with five principles to help you live a joyful life.

5 Simple Ways to Appreciate What You Have

1, Live in the Moment 

Being mindful is a state of focused attention on the present. When you live in the moment, you’re able to fully appreciate all the details of your life. The morning sunrise, a chirping bird, your child’s smile, and even your food becomes more enjoyable. Tasks that once seemed tedious will be more fulfilling when you focus on the present. In fact, research has shown that being present in your daily activities allows you to appreciate life and be more effective in the pursuit of your goals. But being mindful takes practice; therefore the best way to start is by doing one thing at a time. Single-tasking helps you remain focused on the present. So take ownership of your time, and remember the Zen Proverb: “When walking, walk. When eating, eat.”

life quote

2. Embrace the Power of Giving 

We’ve all heard the phrase, “It’s better to give than to receive.” But this adage is more than just a religious axiom parents use to induce small children to share. Throughout history, scholars and philosophers have agreed that true happiness lies in helping others. Lending a helping hand to someone less fortunate enables you to appreciate what you have in a more meaningful way. Studies have shown that the act of altruism releases pleasurable endorphins known as a “helper’s high.” Whether you’re giving your time or your resources, helping others can increase life-expectancy, reduce stress, and improve your mental health. Doing good things for others elicits strong feelings of self-worth and satisfaction, which can help you appreciate yourself and your current situation in life.

3. Develop a Gratitude Mindset 

Gratitude is a mindset and emotion that enables us to view our lives through the lens of hope and positivity. Developing a practice of being thankful allows a stuck mindset to release itself from the burden of focusing on the half-empty glass. Not everyone is instinctively appreciative, but you can develop a grateful mindset with a daily practice of acknowledging the blessings in your life. Making gratitude a habit will enable you to focus on your goals without dwelling on your failures. Keeping a nighttime gratitude journal or practicing a morning “thank you” mantra are great boosters that will help you sustain a positive mindset and appreciate your life. Once you’ve established a gratitude habit, you’ll develop a deeper satisfaction with your life, and feel less anxiety about your future.

4. Embrace Your Challenges 

No one’s life is perfect. As we navigate through the bumpy roadblocks in life, we all deal with failure, loss, and sometimes tragedy. Yet if we allow ourselves to view these struggles as character-building opportunities, we can experience tremendous growth during the unexpected detours on our journey. One of the surest ways to find contentment is to be thankful during the most difficult times in your life. When we understand and appreciate life’s challenges, a peaceful security emerges from knowing that the inevitable trials we face can ultimately be endured.

5. Accept Yourself 

Becoming comfortable with your life is not just about being grateful for the things you have. Accepting yourself unlocks the magic that comes from honoring the real you. Celebrate your uniqueness, and never compare yourself to others. Show yourself compassion, and explore your inner power by taking time every day to appreciate yourself and recognize your greatness.


Often we find ourselves frantically chasing our goals and planning for the future without stopping to appreciate the pleasures of the here and now. Taking for granted our health, family, and freedom have become the norm. But we can experience the serenity of inner peace by simply appreciating the good things in our life.

Living with a grateful mindset takes practice. Yet focusing on the present will allow you to be more productive and have a happier existence. Acknowledging the grace around you through these five principles will reveal the magic panacea that comes from openly embracing your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Fabulous Books About Body Positivity You Should Read

Body positivity means being comfortable with your shape, no matter whether you are slim or curvy. The media and popular perception project an unrealistic and sometimes dangerous image of the “perfect” body. Rather than working to fit within society’s ideals, body positive people work to accept themselves just as they are. When you practice body positivity, you will find that you have a better view of yourself both inside and out.

Body positive books help the reader by reinforcing ideas of self-acceptance. Many of these books also promote mindfulness, a state where the reader accepts his or her own thoughts and feelings. No matter your body shape, you will be able to find an affirming, positive book in this article. These books contain many helpful body positivity quotes that will help you on your journey to better health.

10 Body Positivity Books that will Change Your Outlook

1. Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls by Jes Baker

This book has a revolutionary approach to body positivity. Popular blogger and activist, Jes Baker, wrote this book as a rebuttal to society’s constant stream of negativity toward plus-size women. She emphasizes that larger women are attractive and appealing just as they are. They slay and look stunning in plus size homecoming dresses at Peaches Boutique. The book also has a number of essays from other writers, including male writers, touching on the issues of body positivity for men as well. Anyone would benefit from reading this book and adopting Baker’s philosophy.

self love quote

2. Celebrate Your Body (and Its Changes, Too!) by Sonya Renee Taylor

This is one of the first body positive books written specifically for young girls going through puberty. This is an affirming, informative book for young girls. Medically accurate, it walks young girls through the changes that are happening in their bodies. Girls of all body shapes and sizes feel welcomed by the inclusive text and illustrations.

3. Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

Brach’s book provides a comprehensive view of accepting yourself. She works to help people come to terms with themselves, both mentally and physically. She is concerned with breaking down the feelings of self-loathing that are all too common in today’s society. Her book is not specifically about body positivity, but the topic is a major part of the text.

4. Health at Every Size by Linda Bacon

This book provides medical evidence that larger people are not necessarily unhealthy. Bacon breaks down what is wrong with popular diet fads and promotes a healthy lifestyle. She tells her readers that dieting for the sake of major weight loss can be hazardous to your health.

5. Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

First published in 1995, this book was ahead of its time. The book has been updated with each new edition. The authors seek to reshape people’s ideas about food. The book details how to eat healthfully while respecting the size and shape of your body. A major part of the book deals with people’s emotional relationship to food and body positivity.

6. Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield

This book provides strategies to transform readers’ mental and physical health. The author relies on behavioral psychology to help people change the way they think about their bodies. The book promotes healthy living through common sense principles.

7. The Gifts of Imperfection by Dr. Brené Brown

This book contains ten “guideposts” for changing your attitude toward yourself. This book promotes positive thinking and compassion toward yourself. The author provides many body positivity quotes that the reader can think back on after the book is finished.

8. MegaYoga by Megan Garcia

The yoga world is dominated by thin instructors. Garcia provides concrete tips for practicing yoga in a larger body, including modified poses. She emphasizes that yoga is beneficial for everyone, not just stereotypically slender people. Garcia has also produced a DVD with yoga instruction.

9. Hot & Heavy: Fierce Fat Girls on Life, Love & Fashion by Virgie Tovar

This book is a compilation of essays by many authors. The book shows examples of how to practice body positivity. It also covers finding friends and emphasizing the importance of fashion in body acceptance.

10. Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent

This book is not specifically about accepting your body shape. It encourages all women to get in touch with their powerful female essence. This alternative health book provides another way for women to reach self-acceptance. The book teaches important lessons in overcoming self-loathing and trauma.

Final Thoughts

These ten books will help the reader achieve a healthier sense of self. These books provide a path to health and self-acceptance while staying body positive. These books will help anyone who is struggling to accept themselves just as they are.

6 Things to Never Do When You’re Having A Panic Attack

A panic attack can be a dreadful experience. It can cause you to feel breathless and make you think that you are going to suffocate. A panic attack can also make you think that you are not in control of your life.

You can overcome a panic attack through positivity. What we mean here are positive thoughts. A panic attack stems from anxiety, which in turn often stems from stress and negativity. The key is to be positive and eliminate the fear and stress found in your life. Here are tips to help you get through the next panic attack you may suffer.

1. Reflect and Write Down Your Thoughts Instead Of Focusing On Them.

Reflections can help you overcome panic attacks. John Tsilimparis of the Anxiety and Panic Disorder Center of Los Angeles suggests that you write down your negative thoughts in a journal. By doing this, you help create distance between your negative thoughts and the reality of your situation. Don’t let your racing and negative thoughts and emotions overwhelm you. Write them down on paper instead.

It is easy to see how irrational your thoughts are when they are written down on paper. No, you are not going to die or fall breathless to the ground as you may imagine. So, try writing down how you feel the next time you feel a panic attack setting in. It may just calm you down.

2. Avoid Shallow Breathing. Try A Deep Breathing Technique To Calm Yourself Down Instead.

Deep breathing is another technique you can use to overcome panic attack. People often have rapid, shallow breathing during a panic attack. This often makes anxiety worse and can add to the feeling of breathlessness. Breathe slowly and deeply. Mara Wilson has a great video on how you can use deep breathing to help calm yourself down. Give it a try and watch your anxiety dissipate slowly.

3. Do Not Suppress Your Thoughts; Let Them Flow Naturally.

If you are suffering from a panic attack, you should try not to suppress your thoughts. Suppressing your thoughts only makes the panic attacks and anxiety worse. Clinical research has shown that when you try to suppress a thought, you end up thinking about that thought much more frequently. It may seem counterproductive, but try to let the thought or emotion flow. The feeling or thought may subside by itself. At the very least, it will bother you less than if you tried to repress it.

4. Don’t Add Additional Stress; Remove Negative People From Your Life.

Stress is another contributing factor to panic and anxiety. It can serve as a trigger for a panic attack. You should try to remove as much stress from your life as possible. The less stress you have in your life, the better off you will be.

Not only can stress cause a panic attack, but it can make a panic attack worse. Limit or avoid stress when you are feeling anxious or panicky. You do not want to add any more stress or worry into your life when you are trying to overcome panic attack.

panic attacks

To help with this, you should try and eliminate negative people from your life. They often add stress, anxiety, and worry to your life. This can cause a panic attack outbreak or make an existing one even worse. Try to surround yourself with positive people who support you and will cheer you up. Keeping good company will help you overcome panic attack.

5. Don’t Validate Your Fears. Face Them Head-On Instead.

Validating your fears is another no-no when you are suffering from panic attacks. What we mean here is trying to add validation to your fear by finding material that may support the fear and anxiety. For example, let us say you are deathly afraid of going to public squares. To add validation to your fear, you seek out news articles on public square kidnappings and muggings. This only reinforces your fear and does not make you feel any less anxious when you have to go to a public square.

Don’t reinforce your fear. Instead, try to face it head-on. That way, you will see that your concerns are unfounded. Validating your worries makes you more scared and anxious. Stop feeding your fears. Instead, take that scary but powerful first step in confronting your fear and anxiety.

6. Don’t Binge Out, Deprive Yourself Of Sleep, Or Isolate Yourself From People

Anxiety and panic attacks often go hand-in-hand with insomnia, inactivity and a poor diet. Exercise can help you overcome anxiety and achieve a good night’s sleep. A healthy diet will help you feel more energetic and strong. When you are healthy physically, you tend to feel better mentally as well. There are strong links between good mental health and nutrition and exercise.

Don’t deprive yourself of sleep or eat junk food when facing a panic attack. Often, this can make symptoms such as indigestion and fatigue even worse. Try to eat healthy foods and get some much-needed rest. It will be good for your body and your mind. Do not isolate yourself or lock yourself up in a room either. While you may need some time alone, it is a bad idea to withdraw from others completely.

Don’t Let Anxiety And Panic Get The Better Of You.

There is much you can do to overcome those dreaded moments of panic and anxiety. Write your thoughts down, breathe deeply, get some exercise, and avoid new sources of stress. At the same time, you want to avoid suppressing your thoughts, adding new stress, isolating yourself, or giving into sleep deprivation and negative people and thoughts. By incorporating these things into your life, you will be well on your way to managing and preventing future panic attacks.

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50 Health Tips That Will Improve Your Wellbeing

“Many cultures have used the concept of energy to help people achieve a more complete type of health. Energy helps us to see new ways in which the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects of healing relate to one another.” – Astrid Pujari, MD

When you think about it, personal energy contributes to everything that we do – for better or for worse. When our energy is positive, we’re capable of doing just about everything and doing it well. On the other hand, when it’s negative, everything becomes that much more difficult.

Going a step further, when our energy is good, so is our health. Indeed, health and energy levels are inextricably linked. When we’re healthy, we’re brimming with positive energy. We’re more inspired, creative, driven, and bold. We’re ready to take on the world! The wonderful thing about good health and positive energy is that you can choose to create them. This fact should give you a sense of empowerment and joy!

Part of having high levels of positive energy – and good health – is embracing and prioritizing health-boosting habits.

Here we’re going to give you not one, not ten, but fifty health-boosting habits that will improve both your positive energy and sense of wellbeing!

Let’s do this!

Here are 50 energy-boosting tips to increase wellbeing:

  1. Breathe.

This is number one for a good reason. Too many of us are shallow chest breathers. Deep breath = deep energy. Shallow breath = shallow energy.

  1. Walk whenever and wherever possible.

Take the stairs, park away from the building, get outside during your breaks, etc.

  1. Abstain from junk food.

Listen up, sugar is possibly the worst substance ever invented.  It is nothing but empty calories that results in a nasty energy crash.

  1. Eat good carbs.

Forget all of the nonsense about “zero carbs.” Good carbs – from fruit, veggies, etc. – are key to health.

  1. Eat healthy fats.

Like carbs, some fats are better than others. The fat in pizza? Bad. The fat in an avocado? Good. Eat the good ones.

  1. Chew mindfully.

Take manageable bites of food and learn to savor the taste and texture of each bite.

  1. Drink water.

Most of our body is made up of H20 – and we need lots of it. Aim for at least eight, 8-ounce glasses of water daily.

  1. Cut back on meats.

If you chow meat like Homer Simpson does donuts, dial it back a notch.

  1. Do fun exercise.

Gosh, it’s annoying when people insist that exercise should be joyless and painful. Find something fun that also breaks a sweat. That’s exercise!

  1. Don’t weigh yourself so much.

Perhaps nothing kills the motivation to live healthily than living by the scale.

  1. Get to bed.

Yes, smartphones and all that are fun – but they can be harmful. Put them away when it’s lights out.

  1. Try a digital sabbatical.

Building off #11, many of us use our phones way too much. Try going a day (or two) without them. (It’s glorious, by the way.)

  1. Get outside.

Did you have parents who told you to “go outside and play”? Same thing goes as an adult! Sunshine and fresh air are good for you.


  1. Meditate.

Meditation has demonstrated numerous benefits for your mental and physical health.

  1. Keep learning.

Keep your brain active by doing crosswords, Sudoku, or other similar activities. Your brain spawns new connections throughout life if you keep it active!

  1. Do something nice.

A random act of kindness has a way of generating feel-good energy.

  1. Refuse toxic company.

People who drain your positivity while consuming your time are energy vampires – stay away.

  1. Practice gratitude.

Regardless of your lot in life, there is always something for which to be grateful.

  1. Connect with family.

Or reconnect; family is life.

  1. Forgive.

Holding grudges drains your energy whether or not you realize it. Forgiveness is letting go, moving on, and freeing your energy to focus on the important things.

  1. Play a kids game.

While this one may sound wacky, give it a go! You may just rediscover some long-lost youth! (Twister, anyone?)

  1. Give thanks.

Thank the people you meet on your daily journey, even if it’s for something small.

  1. Smile at a stranger.

No, it’s not just you. The transfer of energy between two human souls is very real.

  1. Do something you fear.

Confronting something you’re afraid of has a way of giving you massive confidence, and confidence begets energy.

  1. Forget the chair.

Try standing and working whenever possible. You’ll feel a big energy boost!

  1. Make alone time.

Too much interaction can drain your energy. Yes, extroverts, this even applies to you!

  1. Take a power nap.

Even a 20-minute snooze can do some real good. Your brain will thank you!

  1. Sit up straight.

Maintaining a straight posture encourages healthy blood flow.

  1. Laugh at something.

Humor is the spice of life. Anyone who has watched some ridiculous animal video on YouTube when down, you know you agree.

life quote

  1. Write things down.

Folks, we drain A LOT of mental energy by trying to remember stuff. Write it down instead.

  1. Read a good book.

Reading a good old-fashioned book is still the best brain-booster.

  1. Play with Fido.

Pets are great, aren’t they? Make sure you’re playing with yours on the regular.

  1. Splash cold water.

A bit old-school? Perhaps. But nonetheless effective.

  1. Get out and explore.

Our brain craves novelty. One of the best ways to give it what it wants is to go someplace new.

  1. Cut back on the caffeine.

Caffeine is a serious double-edged sword. Used in moderation, it can provide excellent cognitive benefits. In moderation.

  1. Try green tea.

While we’re on the subject of beverages, try drinking green tea. It is loaded with antioxidant and nutrients that have powerful effects on the brain and body.

  1. Stop with the selfies.

Seriously, folks. You already know what you look like. Go for a walk or do some pushups. Do anything else, really.

  1. Take a warm bath.

And add some Epsom salt. ‘Nough said.

  1. Wake up earlier.

You shouldn’t be rushing around in the morning – it drains a LOT of energy. Solve this little problem by waking up 10 minutes earlier.

  1. Darken your screen.

If you must work late, save your eyes by using an app like Flux. Too much computer time can disrupt your sleep and strain your eyes.

  1. Take a few days off.

Why are you not using those vacation days? Seriously. Waiting…

  1. Do yoga.

Or meditation. Anything to take your mind off auto-pilot.

  1. Single-task.

Okay, folks, this one is absolutely critical. Multitasking, besides being near impossible, is a huge energy cipher. Do one thing at … a … time.

  1. Get a physical.

See a doc at least once a year and put your mind at ease.

  1. Take probiotics.

Most Americans do not pay enough attention to their gut. Believe it or not, your gut has a big impact on how you feel (read: energy levels.)

  1. Get a massage.

According to the Mayo Clinic, regular massages may be helpful in reducing anxiety, easing digestion, preventing headaches, eliminating joint pain, and curing insomnia.

  1. Try acupuncture.

Meditation, yoga, and now acupuncture. Even the most cynical scientists are being forced to cop to the benefits of age-old health practices.

  1. Get rid of clutter.

The places where you live and work should be as minimalist as possible. Disorganization breeds frustration, which drains energy.

  1. Manage your time.

You can’t effectively manage your energy if you don’t know where your time goes.

  1. Practice gentle self-discipline.

Recognize when you’re off on a tangent and gently bring yourself back. No need to be too harsh with yourself.

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