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6 Proven Supplements To Improve Your Mood And Mental Health (That Most People Ignore)

How can you know whether or not you’re doing enough for your mental health? First, did you know that around 40 percent of Americans take some supplements and undergo some “alternative” treatment?

Harvard University researchers estimate that this percentage rises to about 50 percent among those diagnosed with a mental health condition. In other words, many of us need some boosts for our brain and mental health.

Additionally, more people take supplements, but more medical professionals attest to the benefits of doing so. You can easily find evidence to suggest that some nutrients even boost brainpower! In short, if you’re not using supplementation for brain benefits, you may want to reconsider.

Here are six supplements that improve your mood and mental health

(Note: Information provided in this article is intended for entertainment purposes only. If you have questions about any potential treatment, please consult with your healthcare provider.)

1 – Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba goes back some 270 million years. It is so old, in fact, that some people refer to it as a “living fossil.”

Yes, ginkgo could have been sprouting when the dinosaurs were roaming about! (Wonder if any T-Rex munched on a ginkgo tree … hmm …)

Brain Benefits: Researchers consider ginkgo an effective supplement for cognition. First, it boosts brain circulation (blood flow). Also, ginkgo contains excellent memory-boosting properties and fantastic brain protection benefits. In part, this is because of its high concentration of antioxidants. Europeans widely use ginkgo as a treatment for, or in preventing, dementia.

What researchers say: A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded the following:

“Safe and appears capable of stabilizing and, in a substantial number of cases, improving the cognitive performance and the social functioning of demented patients for 6 months to 1 year. Although modest, the changes induced by EGb were objectively measured by the ADAS-Cog and were of sufficient magnitude to be recognized by the caregivers…”

2 – Valerian root

Valerian is an herbal supplement extracted from the root of a pinkish flower species. There are thought to be over 400 variations of valerian extract. Its prevalence has led to its cultivation and processing across three continents: North America, Europe, and Asia.

Brain Benefits: Valerian root acts as a natural relaxer (sedative) on the brain and nervous system. For this reason, it treats anxiety, psychological stress, and sleep disturbances such as insomnia. Some believe it also acts on the brain’s GABA receptors, which help calm the nervous system.

What researchers say: In one study, researchers found that valerian does help inhibit GABA receptors

3 – Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s are a type of fatty acid (along with omega-6 and omega-9) found in foods like avocados, olive oil, and salmon. Unlike most dietary fats, omega-3s contain remarkable health-promoting traits. Since the body cannot produce omega-3s, we must acquire them through our diet or via supplements. Many scientists recommend 2000 milligrams (mg) as the optimal daily intake of omega-3s for brain and mental health.

Brain Benefits: Omega-3 fatty acids may be the most potent health-promoting supplement in existence. Given that our brain contains nearly 60 percent fat, you’ll find it no surprise that omega-3s pack some profound mental health benefits as well. Physiologically, the acids in omega-3s (DHA and EPA) regulate inflammation. They also maintain nerve cell function and structure. Finally, they ensure proper communication between neurons. They are also very healthy for your heart.

What researchers say: One study points out that fat makes up about sixty percent of the human brain. They noted that deficiencies in fatty acids can lead to cognitive diseased and impaired brain health. They also note that it’s essential for parents to make sure that children, especially under six years of age, consume enough fatty acid-rich foods for healthy brain development.

omega 3

4 – Magnesium

Magnesium involves itself in more than 300 important biochemical reactions in the human body. Along with omega-3s, you should consider taking magnesium supplements every day, especially considering that over 80 percent of Americans do not consume enough of this nutrient.

Brain Benefits: Our bodies need magnesium for optimal functioning between nerve cells in the brain. Getting the recommended daily intake (RDI) of magnesium linnks to lower rates of anxiety and depression in some studies. Brain scans show that magnesium helps normalize brain areas thought to induce impulsive behavior.

What the researchers say: A study published in The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals who tested within the normal RDI for magnesium were far less likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression.

5 – Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is an amino acid that is critical for good health. As with nearly every other item on this list, many of us do not get enough. An estimated 50 percent of the population has a B-12 deficiency.

Brain Benefits: Vitamin B-12 is critical for the nervous system and brain health. B-12 acts as a building block of neurotransmitters that support mood stability, motivation, learning, and memory.

What the researchers say: Per a study published by the journal Neurology, “This study suggests that vitamin B(12) and folate may be involved in the development of AD (Alzheimer’s Disease).”

6 – Vitamin D

One doesn’t generally associate the “sunshine vitamin” with mental health. But despite popular belief, one can find vitamin D everywhere in the brain. As such, vitamin D influences how our grey matter functions.

Brain Benefits: As a disproportionately large number of vitamin-D receptors reside in the memory part of our brain (the hippocampus), the vitamin likely influences memory formation and retrieval. Vitamin D also resides in the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Additionally, this area of the brain helps in the growth of neurons.

vitamin d

What the researchers say: In a study undertaken at the University of Cambridge, neuroscientist Dr. David Llewellyn found that people who are low in vitamin D scored lower on some tests that evaluate mental ability. Dr. Llewelyn found that the lowest 25% of all test takers were more than twice as likely to be deficient in vitamin D.

7 Adult Behaviors of Someone Who Had Addicted Parents As a Child

Children of addicted parents do not forget the emotional, psychological, and spiritual pain inflicted upon them. Often, they carry it well into adulthood. These children are all-too-familiar with negative emotions. First, they feel helpless and alone. Also, sometimes they develop deep anger or depression. And, of course, fear is constant. Such emotions often solidify their pain and these feelings linger below the surface. Put simply, seeing one’s parents destroy themselves through addiction is traumatic. If a concerned third party does not intervene, many children of addicts never recover from the turbulent household environment they grew up in.

Behavioral scientists note that addicts believe their actions to be harmful only to themselvesif at all. The lens of substance abuse clouds their perception. In reality, addiction is officially recognized by these same experts as a family disease. It inevitably drags those who love and care for the addict down with them. Family members of addicts don’t need an expert to state what is plainly obvious to them: that the household of an addict is rife with abuse, dysfunction, and uncertainty.

Research shows that as the child of an addicted parent gets older, the lingering effects of past trauma will remain if no efforts at resolution or healing occur. This conclusion holds true across a wide range of demographics – including victims of child abuse, neglect, and isolation. Importantly, most children of addicted parents are unavoidably subjected to emotional abuse and neglect. This takes place due to having an addicted caretaker.

Seven Adult Behaviors of Someone Who Had Addicted Parents As A Child

“My father totaled the family car during a bender, stole the savings from my parents’ joint bank account, showed up at my mother’s office begging for money to buy drugs, and tried to pick us up at school without permission.” – Alana Levinson: Surviving the Secret of Childhood Trauma of a Parent’s Drug Addiction

1. Anxiety and depression

Fortunately, most of us will never face the persistent, debilitating anxiety that affects some adult children of addicts. A study published in the journal Nature cites the hormonal, cognitive, and social developments of childhood. This study suggests that, for children of addicts, physical changes to the brain likely increases the development of anxiety and depression. This negative physical effect often carries on into adulthood.

“One of the things that happens when you’re really young is that your brain makes associations … and a lot of these things are stored and processed in an unconscious way.” – Bruce D. Perry, child and adolescent psychiatrist, senior fellow at the ChildTrauma Academy

mental illness quote

2. Impulsiveness

In some ways, the child who witnessed the self-destructive behavior of an addicted parent is never allowed to grow up. While that may sound cliché, it is true. Indeed, adverse childhood experiences leave a deep impact on a child’s personality. Addicts are nothing if not impulsive. For example, they place their desire for a substance above everything – even the emotional well-being of their children. An adult child of an addict can mirror these behaviors.

3. Separation and withdrawal

Long-term exposure to emotional and psychological trauma leads to the tendency to separate and withdraw from one’s social circle. If not for the intervention of a concerned third party, children of addicts have no means of escaping their toxic home environment. When exposed to isolating experience for extended periods, fear may cause them to withdraw.

4. A sense of shakiness or instability

A well-documented behavior of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), this condition afflicts many adults who had addicted parents. These general feelings of “shakiness and instability” are also the result of being exposed to a toxic and volatile environment. This sense of instability leads a child of an addicted parent to have fears. Such fears might include fear of having a nervous or emotional breakdown. Fortunately, the person usually doesn’t experience such a breakdown.

5. Catastrophizing

Catastrophizing is defined as “an irrational thought … in believing that something is far worse than it actually is.” Imagining the worst possible outcome marks this behavior. Psychologically, the tendency to catastrophize is likely a learned behavior or a symptom of clinical anxiety and depression. Children with addicted parents continuously live in an unstable environment. Sadly, they learn to fear the worst.

6. Fear of rejection

Children of parent-addicts rarely receive the love and healthy support they need to develop socially. They tend to develop abandonment issues, including the fear of rejection. These conditioned response develop from this lack of crucial love and support, which should be naturally and freely given by parents. This fear of rejection often evidences from an early age, such as in the child’s social interactions (or lack of them). If their social development remains stunted, these fears often manifest in future relationships. As an adult, they may fear intimacy or commitment.

 7. Substance abuse

Finally, children of addicted parents face the genuine risk of substance abuse. While addiction stems from both environmental and genetic reasons, a child’s upbringing can certainly play a part. Thousands of scientifically-validated studies demonstrate a link between genes and addiction. One leading study, published in the American Journal of Psychology, concludes that genetics are the determining factor in 50 to 60 percent of substance abuse cases.

Getting Help …

If you are a child of a parent-addict:

Call the NineLine Hotline (free and open 24/7): 1-800-999-9999

Or visit “Voice for the Children”:

If you are seeking help for substance abuse:

Call the SAMHSA Hotline (free, 24/7, in English and Spanish): 1-800-662-4257

Or visit the SAMHSA website:

If you want to help:

Your First Step: (Multiple charities for volunteering or donating.)

Voice for the Children:

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


7 Things That Help You To Lose Weight Fast Naturally

Weight loss for many people seems like a phenomenon shrouded in mystery. The primary reason people find it hard to lose weight fast naturally is not that they lack the capacity to shed weight, rather it is because people lack the proper information to lose weight. Most of the information concerning weight loss from various information sources offers questionable advice and lacks the backing of evidence-based science.

The basic rule of thumb to remember is that the body always stores the excess calories it does not need. In most cases, the body stores the calories in the form of fat. In a situation where an individual is expending more energy than they are consuming, then the body converts the stores of fat into energy resulting in weight loss. This article delves into how to lose weight fast naturally.

Lose Weight Fast Naturally With Home Remedies

Cinnamon Tea

The level of sugar in the blood usually has a direct impact on body weight due to its impact on levels of hunger and energy. When blood sugar levels are balanced, it is not likely that an individual will have a large appetite. Further, the body’s metabolism in such a case will shift into the use of fat as a source of energy instead of converting foods into fat. Cinnamon tea is an effective remedy in balancing blood sugar.


Adding Protein to the Diet

Contrary to what one would expect, proteins have the potential to be an effective remedy for weight loss. The body’s metabolism switches to overdrive when digesting and breaking down protein. Essentially, the body tends to burn calories faster. Therefore, high protein diets increase the rate of metabolism by up to 80 to 100 calories a day. Additionally, high protein diets evoke the feeling of fullness thus leading to a decrease in appetite.

Green Tea

Green tea is considered a weight loss remedy due to its components catechins, theanine, and caffeine. Catechins are antioxidants known to help to lower lipid absorption in the gut. Further, theanine is an amino acid responsible for the stimulation of production of dopamine, a compound known to invoke feelings of happiness. For individuals who binge on food in times of stress, this compound offers the perfect counterbalance to curb overeating.

Limiting Sugar Intake

Sugar is the common culprit in regards to the world’s leading lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Numerous people consume ample amounts of sugar both intentionally and without their knowledge. For example, in contemporary society, many processed foods and beverages such as soft drinks contain sugar additives. Limiting sugar intake is one of the effective ways to lose weight fast.

Impact of Fruits and Vegetables

Low calorie, high volume foods are another effective remedy on how to lose weight fast naturally. For example, incorporating fruits and vegetables into one’s diet is highly beneficial. Crowding out the plate with vegetables and snacking on fruits as well as reducing carbohydrate intake are effective strategies that people apply to lose weight naturally. Not only does this strategy improve the phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber intake, but it also causes an individual to fill up on nutritious foods thus curbing the cravings for foods that cause weight gain. Therefore, a low calorie, high-volume diet is one of the effective ways to lose weight fast.


Ginger is an all-rounded root as far as remedies for different complications in the body are concerned including blood pressure, toothaches, cardiovascular disease and in this case, how to lose weight fast naturally. The root can be used as a powerful supplement for weight loss. One of its properties is that it aids in the reduction of excess gas in the gut and abdomen thus mitigating issues of indigestion and discomfort.

Further, the root helps to reduce inflammation as well as irritation in the gut thus improving the digestive process. One of the primary reasons people gain too much weight is due to slow digestive processes. Therefore, improving this process leads to weight loss.

In addition to enhancing digestion, ginger acts as a natural appetite suppressant. Therefore, using ginger can regulate unhealthy cravings and help one feel full for extended periods of time. Ginger also induces a spike in metabolism rates causing faster digestion. Consequently, the root helps one to lose weight naturally by preventing overeating and enhancing digestion of food.

Effective Exercise Routines

When looking into ways on how to lose weight fast naturally, many people forget that if you want to lose weight fast you have to factor in the safety of the technique. Many techniques promise brilliant results but people end up adding back the weight. It is advisable to engage in exercise at least 150 minutes every week. The exercise routine should be of moderate intensity and include aerobic exercise.

The secret lies in identifying an exercise routine that one enjoys enabling the individual to stick with it for an extended period. There are numerous options such as Zumba, cycling, jogging, dance, yoga, and many more. Avoiding a monotonous exercise routine is the only way to guarantee consistency.

While many purported fitness experts swear by certain fad diets, it is important to review what a particular diet does to your body and its sustainability before committing to it. When learning how to lose weight fast naturally, it is important to seek accurate information to prevent falling victim to unsustainable practices.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

13 Qualities of People with High Emotional Intelligence

How can you know if you have high emotional intelligence? Emotional Intelligence – also known as Emotional Quota or EQ for short – is identified by three key commonalities according to Psychology Today. These include the ability to:

  1. Accurately identify your own emotions, as well as those of others.
  2. Utilize emotions and apply them to tasks such as thinking and problem-solving.
  3. Manage emotions, including controlling your own (as well as to cheer up or calm down another person).

These are all great qualities when it comes to the workplace, as people with high Emotional Intelligence can do certain things better than others.

“It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence; it is not the triumph of heart over head—it is the unique intersection of both.” – David Caruso

Here Are 13 Qualities of People with High Emotional Intelligence

1. They are human chameleons.

People with high Emotional Intelligence aren’t afraid of change as they understand it is a normal part of life. Instead of clinging to old ways, they adapt to their new environment. They allow themselves to learn and grow.

2. They are self-aware.

People with high Emotional Intelligence aren’t necessarily cocky or over-confident, but they know their strengths and weaknesses and will play to them. Often, they will search out work environments that best suit their personal strengths, which allows them to really thrive.

3. They’re empathetic.

This is the factor that most people think of when they hear the term Emotional Intelligence – and for good reason. People with high Emotional Intelligence levels are excellent at reading their own and others’ emotions. They use this to their advantage in forming relationships as well as garnering a sense of respect and understanding among peers.

4. They’re rarely perfectionists.

People with high Emotional Intelligence are generally less likely to have perfectionist tendencies. Generally, they understand that nothing in life is perfect, so they tend to take on whatever life throws their way and make the best of it.

emotional intelligence

5. They’re balanced and some of the healthiest people you will meet.

Because Emotional Intelligence means having a higher understanding of emotions and their own self-awareness, High EQ’s often demonstrate a balanced work/life schedule. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, and living an overall healthy and active lifestyle.

6. They’re grateful.

High EQ’s see the good in just about everything, and this overly positive outlook on life is due to their ability to find something in their life each day that they are grateful for. It might be small, but it is something good.

7. They don’t get easily distracted.

Despite being highly receptive to other’s emotions, High EQ’s are able to separate themselves from thoughts of distraction to focus on the task at hand.

8. They’re ambitious.

Studies have shown that more and more people with High EQ’s are the go-getter type, often demonstrating themselves as high achievers since childhood. This can be linked to the emotional gratification that they feel when finishing a job well, combined with the boost of joy provided by others’ happiness.

9. They don’t dwell on the past.

People with high Emotional Intelligence don’t have time to dwell on the past as they are too excited for the possibilities ahead. Whilst these possibilities can sometimes scare them or bring anxiety, they are generally more excited than fearful by the options and opportunities ahead.

10. They set boundaries.

This may seem contradictory to the nature of High EQ’s as they tend to be people-pleasers, but they know how to say no to people and still be polite. They can justify saying no as it keeps them from getting overwhelmed by commitments. This protects those with high Emotional Intelligence from burning out, and therefore allows them to be able to help others.

11. They are great at managing their emotions.

Due to their exceptional understanding of emotions and their level of self-awareness, High EQ’s are proficient at managing and controlling their emotions. An example is that in a stressful situation, they are able to remain (or at least appear) calm. They effectively redirect the stress, anger, or frustration they may be feeling at the time to productive activity, aiming their focus at situations and events rather than people. They are the least likely person to snap and yell at you in a moment of panic.

12. They are creative thinkers.

While someone with high Emotional Intelligence might not necessarily work in a particularly creative field, they will often have a creative outlook or be the “out-of-the-box thinker” of the office. This is linked back to their overall awareness of others’ emotions and their never-ending curiosity for life and the people in it. This allows them to see all of the other possible solutions available. In turn, this makes them a huge business asset.

13. They are hard to offend.

This is probably my favorite characteristic of people with high Emotional Intelligence. They are some of the most easygoing people you will meet. You can’t easily offend them because they have a firm grasp on who they are as a person. For this reason, they are unlikely to be swayed by someone else’s opinion if it contradicts with their sense of self-worth. They know who they are and they don’t care about other opinions.

Final thoughts

Overall, Emotionally Intelligent people are some the kindest, most easygoing, respectful, and understanding people you will meet. While some people naturally have this positive outlook on life, you can acquire these skills and traits. By slowing down a bit every day to stop and think about how your actions are impacting others, you can raise your Emotional Intelligence by being more empathetic and understanding. It only takes a second to be kind, and the benefits far outweigh the cost.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

30 Things People Born After the Year 2000 Will Never Understand

If you were born before the year 2000, then you probably feel like the world we live in now just doesn’t compare. Who can forget listening to CD’s that our best friends burned for us, watching all the 90’s cartoons, or waiting for someone to get off the phone so we could use the Internet? Ahh, simpler, more positive times, how we miss them so. We hope this list of all the things that existed before the year 2000 will bring you a sense of nostalgia and take you on a trip back to the good ol’ days.

Here are 30 things people born after the year 2000 will never understand:

1. Burning songs on a CD

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2. The days of ring pops and developing film

3. How excited we got when this rolled into the classroom

4. How we could watch The Sandlot over and over and it would never get old

5. Picking up our pictures at Walgreens when they were developed

6. Signing into your account on Windows

7. People born after the year 2000 will never know the excitement of buying a new toy at Toys R’ Us or going to Blockbuster on a Friday night.

8. Our massive Pokemon card collection

9. Our version of video games

10. The days long before the Wii

11. Playing video games on a Sega

12. Who these people/cartoons are

13. The truth behind this statement

life quote

14. Watching everything on VHS

15. How long it took to put our favorite songs on a CD

16. The horror of this image

17. Playgrounds that were actually fun

18. People born after the year 2000 will never understand having to get off the phone to use the Internet.

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19. One of the best shows on Nickelodeon

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20. One of the best party favors you could get in the 90s

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21. Playing 4 square at recess

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22. The days where boardgames were actually cool

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23. Getting coupons on all the grocery aisles

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24. How fun summer in the 90s was

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25. Having book fairs at school

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26. Trix yogurt back in the day

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27. People born after the year 2000 probably haven’t seen the Parent Trap, anyway.

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28. How excited we got to watch this show

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29. Having to hold onto our walkman over every bump

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30. Or while we were waiting for the Internet to load…

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Do you remember all of these things only 90s kids will understand? Let us know in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

3 Face Masks For Acne You Can Make At Home

Forget the spa! If you enjoy using safe ingredients that you mixed together yourself, you will find the perfect face masks for acne you want to use below. We’ve got recipes for three face masks for acne you can create with ingredients that you probably already have in your home. You can even invite a few friends over for a spa in your own home setting.

Three DIY Face Masks for Acne

As a natural face wash and moisturizer: Oatmeal Mask

Why it’s effective: Oatmeal contains saponins, a phytochemical that serves as a natural lather and possesses soap-like qualities. Saponins are also a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. In addition, oats contain a good amount of healthy fat, which works great as a natural moisturizer. This acne face mask could  effectively replace your face wash!



– ½ cup of water

– 1/3 cup of finely-ground (colloidal) oatmeal

– 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt

– 2 tablespoons of honey

– 1 small to medium-sized egg white



– Bring the water to a simmer (hot but not boiling).

– Add the oatmeal and allow it to sit for 2-3 minutes.

– Add the 2 tbsp. of plain yogurt, 2 tbsp. of honey, and the egg white.

– Mix the ingredients in a small, plastic bowl.

– Using clean hands, apply a thin layer of the oatmeal mix onto your face.

– Allow the mask to remain for 15 minutes.

– Rinse your face thoroughly with warm water.

– If you have any extra, you can refrigerate it for up to three days.


For dry or damaged skin: Natural Honey-Avocado Mask

Why it’s effective: Natural (non-processed) honey is a power skin hydrator. It also works as a natural antibacterial and antioxidant, and is an excellent moisturizer that helps to soothe the skin. Avocados are not only delicious, but they’re also packed with healthy fats and chlorophyll which are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. The vitamin E in avocado moisturizes and replenishes the skin, while the fruit’s delicate fibers are great for “holding” the finished mask in place. The concoction also includes olive oil and mango, which both help to soften the skin. Because of its high concentration of vitamin C, mango provides a bit of a brightening effect. All of these qualities make it ine of the most healthy and refreshing (but potent) face masks for acne!



Two tablespoons each of:

– avocado

– olive oil

– natural honey

– 1 mango



– Mash the mango thoroughly in a small bowl.

– Add the avocado, honey, and olive oil to the mango.

– Mix thoroughly.

– Using clean hands, apply a generous layer to your face, making sure to cover every area.

– Allow the mix to remain for about 15 minutes and remove with a warm cloth. (If you prefer to rinse your face, you can, but the recipe works best if the mixture is simply wiped off per the recipe provided.)

– If you have extra, you can refrigerate it for up to two days.


For exfoliation and detoxification: Coffee Bean-Cocoa Mask

Why it’s effective: Our final of the three face masks for acne helps kill off those pesky toxins that so often find their way below the skin’s surface. Coffee beans are a natural exfoliator, which serves primarily to remove dead skin while adding a bit of brightness to your complexion. Cocoa powder kills off free radicals and is a strong antioxidant; it also helps to detoxify the skin of pollutants and other harmful substances. Milk contains lactic acid, which serves as a natural exfoliant. Honey acts as the hydrating component in this acne face mask.



– 1 cup of unsweetened, whole milk (almond milk is a viable alternative)

– ½ cup of unsweetened cocoa powder

– ½ cup of finely ground coffee beans

– 1 tablespoon of honey

– 1 tablespoon of lemon juice



– First, in a small bowl, mix the coffee grounds with the cocoa powder.

– Next, pour in the whole milk (or almond milk) and stir the mixture into a paste (to thicken, add some more.)

– Finally, pour in the lemon juice and honey, adding a final stir.

– Using clean hands, apply a thin layer to your face and allow it to sit for around 15 or 20 minutes.

– Wash your face thoroughly with warm water.

– If you have any extra, you can refrigerate it for up to three days.

get rid of acne


Bonus: Other face mask ingredients!

If you’re a more adventurous soul in the kitchen, you probably like the thought of whipping up your own homemade mask. Here are some ingredients to keep in mind, as they will help you do just that! These ingredients will help you concoct your own, personalized face masks for acne.

  • Aloe vera: an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent
  • Apple cider vinegar: an alkalizer, which helps balance acid levels in the body
  • Cinnamon: a natural antibacterial (anti-microbial)
  • Coconut oil: moisturizer and antibacterial
  • Honey: for rehydration and also as a potent antibiotic
  • Sodium bicarbonate (“Baking soda”): anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and exfoliator
  • Turmeric: anti-inflammatory that also serves as an antioxidant
  • Papaya: an anti-inflammatory that also helps remove dead skin cells
  • Greek or plain yogurt: a moisturizer and antibacterial that also soothes the skin
  • Green tea powder: a powerful antioxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory

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