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8 Things That Relieve Depression Naturally (Without Medicine)

Many people are affected by depression. Depression isn’t just temporary sadness. It affects every area of one’s life. The relationships, job, and physical health are affected. If not careful, depression can be so bad that it even feels like a chore to get out of bed or worse.

Some people suffering from this don’t require a psychiatrist for medicine to treat their symptoms. These people only have to make some adjustments to overcome their symptoms. And even those who need a prescription to treat their symptoms need to make some adjustments to get the best results in overcoming them.

Eight Ways to Relieve Depression Without Medication

The following list includes eight powerful tips to help deal with depression:

1. Go outside to get some sunshine

Getting some exposure to natural sunlight goes a long way to stay healthy. Sun exposure assists in regulating the person’s internal clock and getting a good night’s sleep.

2. Exercise

It’s always imperative to consult your physician first before starting an exercise regime. Secondly, walking is always a great exercise. It’s inexpensive and low impact. You should walk at least 30 minutes a day and at least three times per week.

3. Get sufficient amounts of Omega 3 fatty acid

This supplement assists in the neuron connectivity of the body. Also, it comes from fatty fish, such as certain types of eggs and salmon.

4. Obtain enough sleep

Making changes to the environment and routine will assist in getting more sleep. Other key factors include the following: Avoid drinking alcohol, avoid drinking caffeine drinks in the late afternoon or later, go to bed every night at the same time, eliminate noise and clutter in the bedroom and surrounding areas, and perform pre-bed relaxing activities, such as reading or a warm bath.

5. Have fun

keeping in contact with friends and making new friendships. Regularly go places to mingle and have fun together. No deep conversation is needed, just enjoying other people is sufficient to remove feelings of isolation.

6. Adjust your physiology

Scientific evidence shows that physiology affects one’s mood. The depressed person may act out in certain ways, such as making the shoulders slump forward, breathing shallowly, having a soft and monotone pitch in talking, having little movement, not being very animated, and looking down a lot.

The passionate and more upbeat person will act the opposite of the depressed person. He/she will stand up or sit straight with the shoulders back, take deep breaths, smile more often throughout the day, have variety in pitch, and more. Thus, changing one’s physiology into the acts of someone more passionate and energetic will help one deal with depression.

7. Continual tracking of one’s thoughts

Doing self-evaluation of one’s thoughts when he/she feels like crying, laying in the bed all/most of the day, and having no motivation will assist the person to adjust his/her own thought process. Observing whether or not thoughts about the past or future, instead of the present is key. Also taking note of the things going on in the surroundings and being grateful goes a long way in overcoming depression.


In observing the thought process, ask whether or not assumptions and judgments are being made. Assumptions make a huge mess for people. Thinking that a person doing something means he/she doesn’t care isn’t necessarily the case many times. It could be a terrible thing to assume this when in actuality no one but the person knows what is going through his/her head. People process situations differently as they filter all their sensory input through their beliefs, past experiences, and perceptions. So, thinking an act of person shows he/she doesn’t care could harm relationships with someone who truly does care.

When it comes to making judgments, it’s best to accept something without the attachment of a story. It’s dangerous to assign “shouldn’ts” and “should’s” to people and events in one’s life. In standing in one small spot in time and space, a different perspective can develop than the present perception from a different standpoint throughout the years. So, it’s vital to just observe, and don’t judge.

8. Do something different

A breeding ground for loneliness and depression is maintaining a stale routine with no adventure. Thus, pushing oneself beyond the comfort zone for a little adventure will eliminate depressed symptoms. Just going to a nearby park or store is a wonderful first step in changing the old, worn-out routine. Other small, but effective steps just to get out of the ordinary include joining an online forum on a self-interested topic along with reaching out to someone in the forum, going to the library, and more.

How to beat depression infographic

Final Thoughts on Dealing With Depression

Suffering from depression can wreak havoc in one’s life. This is the case even if medicine is needed or not. This is also especially true when life throws some hard and unexpected blows.

All-in-all, it’s imperative to take the bull by the horns and proactively apply the steps above to overcome these symptoms. In doing so, life and the quality thereof will get back on track and improved tremendously.

Dieticians Explain The Weight Loss Benefits of White Tea Leaves

Tea has been touted for its many health benefits for centuries, including weight loss. Although its existence is certainly not new, awareness has begun to increase regarding the heightened benefits of white tea leaves. Ongoing studies suggest this tea may be the superior choice for day-to-day use.

Most nutritionists will agree: the less processing, the greater nutritional benefits of most any food. Of all the pure tea products currently offered on the market, white tea is the least processed, thus retaining more of its nutrients. It also contains less caffeine. The result? A better balance of nutrition and sustained energy.

Where Does White Tea Come From?

Healthy tea, either green or white, are both harvested from the same plant. White tea leaves are harvested at an earlier stage of growth, then steamed and dried quickly, enabling greater retention of nutritive qualities. The tea is named for the coating of fine silver fibers found on the young leaves and buds. This tea is harvested primarily in China along with a few other Asian countries.

Benefits of White Tea Leaves

All tea leaves contain several naturally-occurring nutrients believed to boost metabolism and aid in meeting weight loss goals. Dietitians and nutritionists agree that white tea leaves can be beneficial for whole body health as well as weight goals.


Among the different tea varieties, white tea leaves contain a high concentration of catechins, flavonoids believed to help improve memory function, especially if ingested consistently over time. Catechins are also believed to help fight heart disease. The longer you steep your tea, the more healthful catechins are released. For maximum benefit, dietitians suggests drinking three cups per day.

Catechins also help increase metabolism and provide anti-depressive qualities. When consumed daily, tea can help prevent cognitive dysfunction. This tea’s smooth, almost sweet taste makes it palatable without added sugar or milk, meaning fewer empty calories. Also, it provides more energy to keep you active longer and your body fighting the production of new fat cells.

Amino Acids and Caffeine:

Included in white tea benefits is the presence of the amino acid L-Theanine, which relaxes without adverse drowsiness. L-Theanine, combined with the lower amount of caffeine in white tea leaves, helps to reduce mental fatigue and increase general alertness and attention.

While green tea also contains these same components, white tea benefits from the early harvest and quick processing time by having a better balance between energy and stress relief. Taken together, these ingredients can help make your body a fat-fighting machine while regulating blood pressure and even assisting in the prevention of cancer.


Antioxidants boost the immune system. They also battle the effects of aging. A proper balance of these strong nutrients is known to boost cardiovascular health and increase energy levels. White tea leaves are an excellent source of these key health requirements.

The antioxidants in tea may also help to reduce bad cholesterol and even help fight against harmful bacteria in your mouth, reducing tooth decay which affects your general health. So you can both look better and feel better able to face each day with confidence and renewed vigor.

Assists With Weight Loss:

When added to a healthy diet and exercise, tea helps to restrict fat formation and absorption. If you drink it daily, it stimulates metabolism and helps to curb hunger pangs. The antioxidant EGCG found in tea is attributed with many of these weight loss benefits.

Of course, tea alone cannot meet your weight loss goals. But with an increase in metabolism and alertness, you will be more motivated to include those fat-burning workouts into your busy schedule. With fewer hunger pangs, it will be easier to resist tempting sweets and snacks.matcha tea

Final Thoughts

Adding tea to your daily routine can certainly benefit you in many ways, both now and into the future. Combined with a positive outlook and creative, nutritional meals, you can be on the road to your own mental and physical well-being. Many easy steps will move you ever closer to your weight-loss goal. You can take one step just by drinking white tea on a daily basis.

You may also find it beneficial to write out your long-term goals, outlining small steps that will add up to big success. Near the top of the list, place be a relaxing cup of tea with your meals or as a high-metabolic start to your day.

Since tea contains caffeine, it is not recommended you drink it too close to bedtime. However, the benefits will continue to act by reducing the production of new fat cells while burning off those unwanted fat deposits. Taking such simple steps will keep you checking off goals and creating your own weight-loss success story.

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Strong Women Quotes That Will Change your Life

Harper’s Bazaar opened up 2017 with a fragrant list of strong women quotes, for strong women. Now, snowballing into mid-2018, strong feminine influence is flooding the globe, raining movements and igniting fierceness.

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Ran — Objectivism philosopher, scientist, and playwright.

From the #metoo movement to the Women’s March and beyond, the divine feminine has awakened, and progression is a compassionate momentum of female empowerment and equality.

Best Strong Women Quotes

strong women

Words of Resilience

Past and present, strong women are loud and usually come in large groups. They enforce the empowered woman’s manifestation into future leadership positions, nurturing change.

Combining their voices makes this storyline of strong women quotes worthy of comment.

Historical Strength

  • “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” – Jane Goodall
  • “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man; if you want anything done, ask a woman.” — Margaret Thatcher
  • “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.” — Mother Teresa
  • “When a man gives his opinion, he’s a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she’s a bitch.” — Bette Davis
  • “It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union…. Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less.” – Susan B. Anthony
  • “To the wrongs that need resistance, to the right that needs assistance, to the future in the distance, give yourself.” — Carrie Chapman Catt, 1919’s president of the National Woman Suffrage Association who helped uphold the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. — which was, less than 100 years ago?

Gaining Momentum

  • “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” – Coco Chanel “Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.” — Maya Angelou, civil rights activist and poet.
  • “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done.” – Lucille Ball
  • “Turn your wounds into wisdom.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.” – Jennifer Aniston
  • “You can’t please everyone, and you can’t make everyone like you.” – Katie Couric “… women ARE complicated. Women are multifaceted. Not because women are crazy. But because people are crazy, and women happen to be people.” –Tavi Gevinson
  • “When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit. So let’s keep going — let’s keep going until every one of the 161 million women and girls across America has the opportunity she deserves to have.” —Hillary Clinton

In the Moment

  • “Always speak your mind, and be bold, and be obnoxious and do whatever you want and don’t let anyone tell you to stop it.” – Chelsea Handler, activist and comedian.
  • “We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.” — Michelle Obama
  • “Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for.” – Jennifer Lopez
  • “Women will be hidden no more. We will not remain hidden figures. We have names…It was Woman that gave you Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It was Woman that gave you Malcolm X. And according to the Bible, it was a woman that gave you Jesus. Don’t you ever forget it.” —Janelle Monáe
  • “Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak. Sometimes you’re just strong enough to let go.” –Taylor Swift
  • We won’t ask men to change the world, we’re going to do it ourselves. We’re going to stand up for ourselves, we’re going to raise our voices and we’re going to change the world,” — Malala Yousafzai, youngest Nobel Peace Prize recipient and world human rights activist

Living Inertia

When you have a 20-year-old woman leading The World Economic Forum, schooling prominent world leaders on basic human rights, this is proof that progress is a verb.

All women are a living representation of the law of inertia — “… an object in motion stays in motion…”.

Moreover, women also show to be an exception to this rule, repeatedly proving that when acted upon by an unbalanced force(8), they will use it to their advantage.

“Power is not given to you; you have to take it.” – Beyoncé Knowles

7 Home Remedies That Relieve Lower Back Pain Naturally

Lower Back: The Arch You Lean on
Lower back pain is an unfortunate reality for most people at some point in their lives. The lower back, also known as lumbar spine, is the arched column that supports the torso and upper body. It endures the greatest amount of stress from motion, rotation, bending, twisting and all the weight-lifting you do in a day. Lower back pain is the most frequently reported disability that causes absence from work, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

The lumbar spine has a complex network of muscles and ligaments that support it. The process of aging, as well as wear and tear from daily activities frequently causes muscle strain which triggers pain. Sedentary occupationswhich involve sitting all day can be equally damaging to the spine. Spinal discs perform the role of shock absorbers in the spine. They can rupture from excessive pressure or improper use causing them to bulge, commonly known as herniated discs.

7 Ways to Help Your Lower Back Pain Naturally

1) Improve your posture: Poor posture negatively impacts the arch of your backbone. Slouching, while seated or standing, is one of the most easily corrected, yet often the most neglected, posture problem. By reminding yourself not to slouch until it leads to consistently good posture, you will do your spine a favor.

2) Gentle exercises: Yoga is great for stretching and toning those tense muscles and ligaments, or get into the ritual of exercises recommended by physical therapists and medical experts to accomplish the same goals. Staying active and incorporating a form of light aerobic exercise, as much as the level of pain will allow, releases endorphins, a chemical produced in the brain which is the body’s own natural pain and stress fighter.

3) Heat/Cold Therapy: When pain is acute, use heating pads or ice packs to reduce inflammation where it hurts and provides lower back pain relief.

4) Massage: Many therapeutic massage therapists offer targeted therapy for lower back pain relief and they can be quite effective when combined with other treatments. Massage helps in two ways: it eases the taut, painful muscles and calms the mind, thereby alleviating anxiety. Pain causes anxiety, and anxiety can worsen pain, as many studieshave increasingly suggested.

lower back pain

5) Maintain a healthy weight: With all the weight bearing the lumbar spine has to do, it helps enormously to eat healthy and stay trim to the extent possible.

6) Regular sleep: Never underestimate the value of a good night’s sleep. Rest and good sleep promote healing, but it can be challenging to find a painless sleep position when you have lower back pain. Using a support pillow under your knees if you’re a back sleeper, or placing one between your knees if you sleep on your side can help decrease pain. Over-the-counter painkillers, if your doctor permits, reduce pain when it is severe and enable you to sleep.

7) Soak in the bathtub: Relaxing and invigorating, a good soak in warm water will loosen the muscles. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the water and the scent will relax your mind and body through aromatherapy.

Sometimes, medical or surgical intervention becomes necessary for lower back pain treatment. A good chiropractor performs spinal manipulations that help restore the normal alignment of the vertebral column. Severe pain going down the legs, and/or numbness and tingling in the feet could be an indication of a pinched sciatic nerve that a spine physician or a neurosurgeon can diagnose and treat.

True of almost everything, how you nurture and care for your spinal health throughout your life will determine the state of it when you are older. The healthier and fitter you are in your overall health, exercise regularly, listen to your body, practice relaxation in some form, the more successful your lower back pain treatment will be. Chronic lower back pain can often be prevented, or at least reduced, and can be managed at home using techniques that are quite simple once you get into the habit of paying attention to the very first symptoms of lower back pain.

8 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

Acne. Pimples. Zits. No matter what you call them, the feelings that you experience when you have an outbreak are the same. Discomfort. Embarrassment. Frustration. But you’re not alone. Nearly 85% of people get acne at some point in their lives, usually their teen years, though it doesn’t always end there. As such, there seems to be a never-ending quest to find out how to get rid of acne.  Some even run to their doctor to get prescriptions for treatments like benzoyl peroxide, according to Dr. Josh Axe. Fortunately, many natural remedies exist that often work just as well.

If you want to learn how to get rid of acne the natural way, here’s a look at eight remedies that many turn to get rid of acne for good.

1. Change Your Diet

Fighting acne starts with changing your body’s internal environment. Oftentimes, the foods that we eat trigger acne for a variety of reasons. You can’t get rid of acne without addressing the nutritional aspect of it.

For one thing, many of the foods we eat, like processed foods and sugar, cause inflammation in the body. Many types of acne come from the body being in an inflamed state, according to the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Sticking to a more plant-based diet will reduce inflammation in the body.

The other reason is that some of the foods we eat inherently have extra hormones in them. For example, cow’s milk has a number of hormones in it because it naturally has the growth hormones baby cows need to grow. Those hormones can cause hormonal imbalances in the human system, leading to acne, according to Mind/ Body/ Green. As these two statistics demonstrate, it’s nearly impossible to learn how to get rid of acne, without acknowledging the food side of the issue.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

In order to rid yourself of your acne, you need to address the pH levels in your skin. Dr. Axe recommends using apple cider vinegar as your toner. It has a variety of helpful things in it, including enzymes, magnesium, and potassium. This combination kills the bacteria and fungi on the skin that can cause acne breakouts. Just dab a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar on the affected areas.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains some important properties that fight two of the types of bacteria that can cause acne, S. epidermidis and P. acnes. This natural remedy comes from the Outback, that is to say, Australia. Five percent tea tree oil applied to acne has been shown to be as effective at treating acne as the same amount of benzoyl peroxide.

To make an anti-acne potion, combine one part tea tree oil, with nine parts water. Apply to a cotton ball and dab on your zits. You can do this a couple of times a day.

4. Honey and Oatmeal

Don’t be fooled by honey’s sweetness. It has numerous antibiotic properties that fight conditions like acne. To make an acne-fighting paste for your skin, Reader’s Digest suggests making a mixture consisting of 1/2 cup of the sweet stuff, combined with 1 cup of plain oatmeal. Apply it for half an hour.

It’s also important to note that honey can get rid of acne scars, so if you’re particularly plagued with acne scars, definitely try honey.

5. Honey and Cinnamon Mask

This facial mask brings another potent acne-fighting ingredient into the mix, cinnamon. Honey and cinnamon together have some very strong antioxidants and antibacterials, as well as being anti-inflammatory. To make this mask, combine 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, with coconut oil and raw honey.

how to get rid of acne

Apply to the face for about 10 minutes. Wipe the mixture off with a damp washcloth, taking care to be gentle in the process. You don’t want to damage the skin further. Be aware as well that cinnamon can irritate the eyes, so be sure to keep this mask away from the eye area.

6. Green Tea Wash

Green tea’s antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds do more than keep your insides healthy. They help you get rid of acne. To make the most of this remedy, steep your green tea as usual and allow to cool. Once it is, use it as a face wash.

7. Aloe Vera

Don’t let aloe vera’s gentle healing properties fool you. Aloe can not only help you get rid of acne, it can get rid of acne scars, too. It’s so healing, you definitely don’t want to overlook it as a remedy as you learn how to get rid of acne. Just apply some of the plant’s gel directly on your face, either at the pimple site or as an overall moisturizer. And side note, aloe is also an excellent way to get rid of acne scars.

8. Take a Probiotic

Here’s the final recommendation in your quest to learn how to get rid of acne, and it’s from Dr. Axe again. Taking a probiotic supplement helps you to fight acne naturally by keeping your immune system and your digestion healthy. It also improves the skin from the inside out.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Rid of Acne

In this post, you’ve learned much about how to get rid of acne naturally. Natural remedies like tea tree oil have been proven to be just as effective as some prescription medications like benzoyl peroxide. Others, like honey and aloe, not only fight acne but do away with of acne scars as well. One thing is for certain, all the remedies on this list are effective natural treatments for your acne.

Learning how to get rid of acne naturally is a process, one that requires you to learn a bit about nutrition, as well as skin health. But when you do, you’ll see that fighting and beating acne is well within your grasp.

How to Use Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Today, processed and fast foods are available in every street corner making it difficult to resist. While these foods are convenient and even tasty, studies have shown that they increase the risk of life-threatening diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

In case you are struggling to lose weight, using essential oils is a great and sure way of winning the battle. Some of the essential oils for weight loss you should give a try include:

How to Use Essential Oils for Weight Loss

1. Lemon essential oil 

This is a multipurpose oil that can be used for not only your physical health but also your mental wellbeing. It contains limonene which absorbs fats present in the body aiding in weight loss.

It also helps in enhancing norepinephrine in the brain eliminating nervousness and tension and consequently boosting your mood. Drink 1-2 drops of this oil every day as it is easy and safe to ingest. You can also choose to inhale it directly from the bottle or blend it with carrier oils and massage it in the cellulite build-up areas to remove toxins in the fat cells.

2. Grapevine essential oil 

One of the most important essential oils for weight loss is the grapevine essential oil. This oil is extracted from the rind which is highly concentrated in nootkatone a component that aids metabolism making it easy for your body to get rid of excessive fats.

You may choose to drink 1-2 drops of it every morning to encourage fat loss, inhale it directly to reduce cravings, rub it topically on your temples, chest, the waist and under your nose to reduce your appetite or use a diffuser to diffuse it to curb cravings.

3. Ginger essential oil 

The gingerols present in this oil helps in reducing inflammation in your intestines consequently making digestion and absorption of nutrients easier.

By decreasing inflammation, this oil also reduces your vulnerability to diseases related to poor digestion as well as protects you from getting obese. Mix 1-2 drops of it with warm water, raw honey and fresh lemon juice and drink or inhale directly to reduce cravings and appetite.

4. Cinnamon essential oil 

Cinnamon essential oil helps the body in releasing insulin which is necessary for stabilizing your blood sugar levels. This aids in preventing chronic fatigue and moodiness as well as reducing sugar cravings and overeating.

This is one of those essential oils for weight loss that can be applied topically, inhaled directly or diffused to discourage overeating.

5. Bergamot essential oil 

When you are stressed, anxious or feeling low, it is easy to indulge in emotional eating. Overeating may be a short-term solution to your problems but it can lead to weight gain and low self-esteem.

You can inhale this oil or add a few drops to your shower on bad days to improve your mood and prevent you from overeating to reduce stress.

6. Peppermint essential oil 

If you have indigestion issues or if your stomach is bloating, peppermint essential oil is the oil to go for. This essential oil contains menthol which gives your stomach muscles a relaxing effect.

Menthol also curbs overeating and prevent cravings by changing your perception towards food through influencing your neurosensory perceptions. Drink 1-2 drops, diffuse it or inhale directly to aid digestion.

7. Lavender essential oil 

Like bergamot oil, lavender essential oil can be taken to prevent stress and reduce emotional eating aiding in weight loss. This is because it helps reduce anxiety, stress and other emotional eating triggers. It can also help your body release excess oil by lowering cortisol levels.You can inhale 2-3 drops of this oil directly to release tension or diffuse it to reduce food temptation and nervousness.

8. Fennel essential oil 

This is one of the best essential oils for weight loss when it comes to preventing weight gain. It has melatonin which helps reduce appetite thus preventing you from gaining extra calories.

Its seeds are also used to support digestion. You can mix funnel 1-2 drops of it with water and drink it before meal to prevent you from overeating and to aid digestion or apply it topically to curb cravings.

essential oils for weight loss

9. Orange essential oil 

Orange oil has a sharp scent that helps to enhance mood for those people suffering from stress and depression. It also helps in reducing appetite and preventing overindulgence in food. You can inhale it or drink 1-2 drops of it before meals to lower your appetite.

Although bad eating habits are major contributors to weight gain, other factors can lead to weight gain. You should, therefore, look into them even as you watch your diet.

If you are already struggling with weight gain issues, start watching your portions, eat a balanced diet and exercise. Also, depending on what is leading to your weight gain, choose the essential oils for weight loss that best fits your situation.

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