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Science Explains 9 Things That Happen When You Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D

Have you been diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency? You’re not alone. Vitamin D deficiency has almost become an epidemic, especially for those who live in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun is an important source of vitamin D. We absorb it through our skin.
People in the Far North live with less sunshine. Add in the fact that our lifestyles and technology keep us indoors, and the danger of low vitamin D increases dramatically. It’s no wonder that reportedly more than 40 percent of Americans have a vitamin D deficiency.

To complicate matters, many may not even know they have low vitamin D. Some may drink a couple of glasses of milk daily and think that’s enough to keep their bones healthy. Their fatigue and general aches and pains are often dismissed as something else. They don’t realize that vitamin D deficiency causes many other health problems. Read on to find out more about the danger of low vitamin D.

Muscle Weakness
Sometimes muscle weakness is has mistaken for simply being tired. If you’re experiencing general fatigue, muscle weakness may go undetected. Symptoms become stronger as the low vitamin D worsens. General aches turn into muscle and bone pain.

Bone Pain
Probably the most well-known danger of low vitamin D is problems with the bones. One study conducted in Minnesota of 150 patients with musculoskeletal pain found that 93 percent had a low level of vitamin D. Your bones stop growing in adulthood, but old bone tissue is constantly being replaced by newer tissue. Low vitamin D causes interference with the process and eventually leads to osteoporosis.

Chronic Respiratory Problems
Research has indicated that vitamin D may help prevent constant respiratory problems. For severe asthma increasing vitamin D intake is important. Symptoms range from becoming easily winded to feeling like you can’t breathe. This, in turn, can cause a panic attack.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can occur when you have a prolonged lack of sunlight. This is best seen in people who relocate to a less sunny place. The Vitamin D Council says it’s because vitamin D helps your brain’s neurotransmitters produce serotonin to give you a happy feeling. Indeed, studies indicate episodes of depression as a danger of low vitamin D.

Chronic Infections
Since vitamin D affects over 2,000 of our genes, chronic infections can be a danger of low vitamin D. An adequate amount keeps the immune system strong and healthy. Without it, you’re more susceptible to infections and disease.

Cardiovascular Disease
Damaged blood vessels, blood clots, and other heart conditions can result from deficiencies in vitamin D according to the National Institutes of health. Low vitamin D can also be one of the causes of high blood pressure. Symptoms you may experience from cardiovascular disease include dizziness, breathing problems, swollen legs, and chest pain. Discuss these symptoms with your doctor right away.


Psoriasis, that scaley itch on your scalp or elsewhere has not been directly linked to a lack of vitamin D. However, it is often used in treating the condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, low vitamin D makes it more difficult to ward off psoriasis.

Chronic Pain
Low levels of vitamin D may be responsible for chronic pain. The connection was discovered as recently as 2010 when researchers discovered a link between the two. Your doctor will tell you the best way to up your intake. No one wants to live in pain; adequate vitamin D could be a simple solution.

danger of low vitamin d


Your body needs energy to feel good, and vitamin D, along with other vitamins create energy. Being tired most of the day interferes with both work and play. You’re less likely to get out and be active in the sunlight. This compounds the problem resulting in even lower vitamin D.

As you’ve learned, low vitamin D can be the culprit for a myriad of health issues. More and more studies are being conducted that may link even more problems to a low level of vitamin D. Dementia, crankiness, reduced endurance, even a lower life expectancy may be attributed to low vitamin D.

If you live a lifestyle that doesn’t get you out into the sunshine very much, and if you aren’t taking supplements, now is the time to make those changes. Food is nutritious but it’s hard to get an adequate amount of vitamin D from it. If you experience any of the symptoms a low vitamin D deficiency causes, or even if you don’t you should have your vitamin D level checked. Your doctor can perform a simple blood test to find out. Don’t wait until your Medicare wellness exam to learn you are one of the four in 10 Americans with low vitamin D.

15 Inspiring Before And After Weight Loss Photos of Couples Who Transformed Their Bodies

Losing weight is no easy feat, but getting in shape becomes a little easier if you have a partner by your side. You can look on Instagram and see fit couples everywhere, but not all of them show where they started before they got ripped. Some people lose hundreds of pounds together and take their health to a whole new level. Today, we want to showcase these stories and hopefully inspire you with these amazing before and after weight loss photos of couples.

Here are 15 before and after photos of couples who achieved weight loss together:

1. What a difference four years and 240 pounds can make!

A post shared by Heather (@heather_sleeved_3.30.15) on

2. Way to go guys! This weight loss couple is 220 pounds down, and it only took them three years.

3. As this now-fit couple can attest to, hard work definitely pays off!

4. Couples who get in shape together, stay together.

5. This lovely couple personally lost a ton of weight on the ketogenic diet. Awesome transformation!

A post shared by Andrew (@bigmike80_) on

6. He wanted to gain weight, but she wanted to slim down. Looks like they both reached their goals!

A post shared by Roxanne (@dudeitsroxy) on

7. Wow, we almost couldn’t tell these are the same people in both photos!

8. If you want to talk about a transformation, check this out! Together, this fitness couple lost 407 lbs in just two years!

A post shared by Lexiiii ? (@fatgirlfedup) on

9. As this couple says, “Same happy, different healthy!”

10. If you’re like me, you almost didn’t recognize these two in the after pic!

These next few are sure to inspire you …

11. It’s just amazing what two people can achieve together.

12. And here is another couple who lost over 400 lbs together!

A post shared by ? ???1??????? (@vibewithredd_) on

13. These two are beautiful in both pictures, but definitely look happier in the after photo.

14. As these two would attest, their weight loss journey brought them so much closer together.

A post shared by Aaj Tak (@aajtak) on

15. Almost a three-year difference and look where their fitness journey took them.


Did any of these inspire you to hit the gym with your hubby? We sure hope so!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

20 Illustrations That Reveal The Truth About Married Life

Everyone knows married life isn’t perfect; it comes with plenty of fights and makeups, laughs and breakdowns, and obstacles and breakthroughs. Marriage takes a lot of work, but two people who really love and care for one another can stand the test of time. Israeli comic artist Yehuda DeVir gets inspiration from his wife and creates funny, relatable marriage comics that reveal the truth about married life. Today, we bring you some of his marriage illustrations and hope that you enjoy them!

Here are 20 illustrations that show what marriage is really like:

1. “I woke up like this.”

2. Watching sports together always makes for a fun time!

3. “We” are on a diet.

4. Mini vacation.

5. Ladies (and long-haired guys), don’t forget to put up your hair when you cook!

6. Unhappy ending.

7. It’s alive!

8. That moment when your husband shaves his beard once winter is over.

9. Series killer.

10. Admit it, guys; we all know you’re guilty of this sometimes.

11. Love hurts.

12. Married couples always have each other’s backs.

married couples

13. Mission: grab all the groceries in one trip!

14. “Everything I can do, she can do better!”

15. Do they even make umbrellas big enough for two people?

16. Driving = the perfect time for some CARaoke!

17. One of the duties of marriage is pulling out each other’s gray hairs, right?

18. Everyone has that one thing they can’t stand about their other half …

19. To all the men out there: thanks for cleaning our hair out of drains and carpets. We truly appreciate it.

20. All work and no play = no fun!

Did you enjoy this marriage art? Which of these marriage comics was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Explains What Happens to A Woman’s Body from A Copper IUD

What is a copper IUD and can it be dangerous to a woman?

IUDs: The Basics

First, let’s discuss the basics of intrauterine devices, or IUDs. Structurally, an IUD is a contraceptive device. It is made up of flexible plastic, which may or may not be wrapped in copper. This depends on the manufacturer. Functionally, most IUDs prevent pregnancy by releasing the pregnancy preventing hormone levonorgestrel. One IUD product, ParaGard, is free of hormones.

As of this writing, five main companies produce IUDs: Kyleena, Mirena, Skyla, Lileeta, and ParaGard.

Scour the web and you will find countless advocates of IUDs. From Planned Parenthood, to WebMD, to professors and clinicians at prestigious medical schools, IUDs are marketed as an extremely safe. People will laud them as an effective form of contraception, which can be reversed. These claims are not all false. IUDs are relatively safe. Relatively being the key word.

Many of even the harshest critics of the contraceptive device admit that the devices are “a very safe and supremely effective contraceptive method.”

Also, IUD-related appointments have seen as much as a 900 percent increase since January of 2017. We can reasonably assume, then, that complications from such a device will arise.

The Copper IUD: Newer Isn’t Always Better

Something to mention about IUDs: they’ve been around since the 1970s. As with pretty much every medical device or procedure, IUDs have gotten safer and more reliable. However, newer copper IUDs seem to buck the near-universal “newer is better” medical axiom.

Patients have reported extreme side effects. These include heavier and more frequent menstrual periods, painful abdominal cramping, pelvic inflammatory disease, complications from intercourse, and more. Compared with past case studies, more women with copper IUDs are undergoing emergency (potentially life-threatening) surgery to extract the device.

Class action lawsuits against the manufacturers of copper IUD devices has risen significantly. The law firm representing victims in the Copper & Mirena IUD Class Action Lawsuit cites the following symptoms as reported by their clients:

  • Allergies and food intolerance
  • Bleeding gums
  • Cognitive difficulties (“brain fog”)
  • Dizziness and disorientation
  • Extreme fatigue and exhaustion
  • Severe depression
  • Severe PMS symptoms (e.g., increased aching, bloating, irritability)
  • Heart palpitations
  • Menstrual clotting and bleeding irregularities
  • Tremors and getting “the shakes”
  • Hot flashes
  • Sudden and unexplainable weight gain
  • Premature menopause
  • Puncturing of the uterine wall (perforation)

Under-reporting of Complications from Copper IUD 

“We collected a case series of broken IUDs … for the purpose of creating awareness and to illustrate our management of this not entirely rare clinical scenario …” – Levine, E.M., et al., “The ‘Broken’ IUD: Its Detection and Clinical Management”

In a disturbing article published in the Open Journal of Clinical & Medical Case Reports, five OB-GYNs report what they’ve seen in the their own practice. These doctors of gynecology have noted such observations as:

  • Fractured pieces of copper within the uterine wall
  • Puncturing of the uterine wall
  • Uterine infection
  • Transferal of broken copper into other organs
  • Bleeding, cramping, and abdominal pain

One health institution reported having received three IUD cases over just a nine-month period – a rate far higher than normal. Perhaps most troubling is the conclusion that health emergencies from “Broken IUDs” is likely to be significantly under-reported. In other words, far more women are like experiencing severe complications from IUDs, yet opting against medical intervention.

strong women quotes

The Need for Awareness

Most medical researchers and practitioners who advocate for copper IUDs are not trying to deceive. Research data from nearly every study attests to these very claims. But the severe complications surfacing from an evolving technology causes legitimate cause. Until recently, this technology has proved safe and worthwhile.

Closing Thoughts

Women, your reproductive health is a sacred and sensitive health topic. You need to and ought to be informed about your own body. If you (or a woman you know) is considering using a copper IUD, do your research. Inform yourself before making any decisions.


7 Phrases People Say That Makes Them Think They’re Not Good Enough (Without Even Realizing It)

You may be creating self doubt without knowing it. By repeating phrases you may have heard as a child, you can be reinforcing doubt in your mind. With the idea to overcome doubt, by realizing what these negative phrases consist of, you can go on to a more positive view. As Honore de Balzac wrote, “When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.”

Especially in creativity, one will have periods when nothing is happening, and at these times, doubt can enter in. The truth is that we need these periods of rest to move on to new creative ideas. The gremlin of “I’m not good enough” has an insidious way of creeping in without your knowing it. Self doubt can take over the microphone without your realizing that you’ve given it permission to run the show. Here are seven examples of how one can derail their creativity as well as their power through the doubt demon:

1. “It’s just lucky.”

When someone praises you for success, you respond to yourself with something like, “I was just lucky.” Instead, say “Thank you” and admit that you are great! Because your talents and abilities as well as hard work probably contributed to your success.

2. “I wonder what they’re thinking about me.”

People with low self esteem cannot stand conflict and are most concerned about the opinion of others. Rather than clearing arguments through communication, they associate with negative people. Realize that everyone cares about themselves and throw the people that cause conflict out the door; get on with your life.

3. You say bad words about yourself or make fun of yourself.

Talking about yourself, you may use derogatory words to express your shortcomings. Instead, know that if you don’t attract attention to your shortcomings, they will most likely not be noticed.

4. You say, “I’m sorry” all the time.

Typically, when someone bumps into you, you say, “I’m sorry.” Someone with low self-esteem thinks everything is their fault. Instead, the next time you think you need to apologize, analyze if it was really your fault before you make that apology.

5. “I don’t really think that, but I will agree.”

Trying to please others can be a fear of failure and a problem that stems from childhood. Instead, realize that strangers may not know what is best for you; only you can know that.

6. “I’m going to take a nap.”

Low self esteem leads to physical symptons, such as fatigue and unexplained drowsiness. By taking a nap, a person avoids dealing with problems and concerns. Instead, you might consult a therapist to devise strategies to address problems.

7. “What should I choose?”

If constant indecision is a problem, such as in restaurants or stores, it might be low self esteem; people with this problem cannot make the simplest of decisions. If you’re among the indecisive at a restaurant for dinner, according to the Bright Side, always choose the Ceasar Salad!

How to Overcome Doubt

life quote

“Our doubts are traitors,
and make us lose the good we oft might win,
by fearing to attempt.”
? William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

Staying centered in the present is one way of overcoming doubt. By being present, you can ignore past experience and focus on the positive. Meditating is one means of focusing on the present. Another way to break free of negative reflection is to nurture yourself; make sure you have time for play. Keep a gratitude journal and write down at least three things that you are thankful for each day. Connecting with others may also help improve your self-love. Gain assurance from friends or family and leave behind the “why me?” attitude.

As Louise Hay would say, “Be kind to yourself. Begin to love and approve of yourself.”
Because we have the opportunity to choose between love or fear, by choosing to see fear as passing clouds, your can move on to action and overcome doubt, despite the fear. One of Hay’s affirmations include the words, “I rise above thoughts that attempt to make me angry or afraid.”


8 Ways to Get Past A Difficult Breakup

Going through a difficult breakup is one of the most unpleasant experiences in anyone’s life. It’s a big change to try and train yourself out of loving the person you’ve been so close to. That’s why it’s important to take all the right steps to make sure you don’t wallow in sorrow and self-pity forever. You can (and probably should) push yourself toward recovery as soon as possible.

Whether or not you instigated the breakup doesn’t really matter. Pain and regret will always find their way into your heart after a difficult breakup and sometimes just reminding yourself to think positively doesn’t quite cut it. Even though at the moment it feels like the pain will never go away, it’s up to you to put your brain in recovery mode and convince yourself that this, too, shall pass. Here are some helpful tips on habits you can teach yourself to help you get over that difficult breakup.

Here Are 8 Positive Tips to Help You Get Past A Difficult Breakup

“After a breakup, it takes a couple weeks for the fog to settle, but it’s always a period of self-priority and growth. Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they’re right in front of your face and they’re really difficult, but we must make them.” – Brittany Murphy

1. Unfollow them on social media.

The more contact you have with your ex, the more difficult it will be for you to let them go. When you follow their life, it fills you with a feeling of regret that you’re not part of it anymore – and it makes you susceptible to false hopes and dreams of getting back together. Cutting off is hard, but once you do it, you’ll feel so much better. It’ll give you the time and space you need to focus on yourself and heal rather than dwelling in the past and getting lost in ideas of what could have been.

2. Remind yourself why the breakup happened.

The most important mindset to put yourself into after a difficult breakup is that you’re better off this way. Remind yourself what was it that caused the breakdown of your relationship. Take a moment to think about how unhappy you would have been if things had kept going the way they did. Let yourself enjoy things you couldn’t enjoy before. Allow yourself to be happy with you because of you – not because of somebody else’s validation, or lack thereof.

3. Talk to your friends and family.

One of the most common feelings after a difficult breakup is second-guessing – wondering whether you took a bad step and whether there’s anything you can do to fix whatever broke in your relationship. The best remedy for that is to talk about your feelings to trusted friends or family members. Explain to them, in detail, why your relationship no longer works, and the set of circumstances that led you to where you are. Even if your friends have no advice to offer, it will help you to voice all your feelings and remind you that what you did was right.

4. Allow yourself to cry.

Another problem that people often have after a difficult breakup is that they try to internalize their emotions. Unfortunately, sometimes those bottled emotions they come out in public, or in places where they can’t be controlled. If you need to cry and wallow in misery for a few days, let yourself do it. It’s better to let it all out now than bottle it up and wait for the pressure to blow the cap off. Being in touch with your emotions will help you channel all your pain and grief in one place so that it doesn’t affect the other areas of your life.

difficult breakup

5. Write it down.

Journaling can be a surprisingly helpful method of therapy. Whether you want to write it in a blog or an actual physical journal, reflection is a very helpful tool. It’ll allow you to go back and read what you wrote the day before, and the day before that. You will see how your emotions evolve and come to realize that healing is slowly happening. If nothing else, it’ll give you hope that things will keep getting better – and provide you with tangible proof of this in the form of your own written words.

6. Tell yourself that you want to be happy.

Even if you don’t feel like you can ever be happy again, remind yourself that happiness is your long-term goal. Smile, even when you don’t feel like it. Pretend to be happy until one day you won’t have to pretend anymore. It doesn’t matter whether you feel miserable. Convince your mind to do some positive thinking by incorporating happiness into your physical reactions and, sooner or later, your brain will follow suit. It’s all about convincing yourself that happiness is what you want and what you believe you will get.

7. Adopt healthy habits.

When depression after a difficult breakup hits you, it’s easy to eat unhealthy food or spend whole nights not sleeping a wink. As tempting as it is to fall into those bad habits, try to establish a routine in your everyday life that’ll bring back the structure and support you’re craving. A great start is to go to bed at a reasonable time every night. It creates the impression that you have your life together and also helps you feel well-rested and ready for the next day.

8. Tell yourself you deserve better.

It’s difficult, especially if you were convinced that your ex was your soul mate. However, always remind yourself that life goes on and that you’ll meet someone better – even if it feels impossible now. You’ll find someone who’ll cherish and love you the way you deserve to be loved. Once you get into that positive mindset, you’ll more easily find the strength and courage to pick yourself up off the ground and keep moving.

Final thoughts

When a long relationship suddenly end, you might feel like the solid ground beneath your feet has been taken away. Don’t allow yourself to spend too long in self-deprecating thoughts. Instead, look towards the future and everything that awaits you. Understand that there’s life outside your previous relationship. And the more effort you make to discover and embrace that life, the easier you’ll find it to get over your breakup.

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