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8 Signs You Are Stressed Out (And How To Relax)

The fact that we have an organization called The American Institute of Stress just to help us understand and cope should be a dead giveaway to how stressed out most of us are. Definitions of stress vary, and so do the different kinds of stress. Some kinds, such as making positive changes in our lives or learning new skills, can be good for us. Others, like worrying over a job or about an illness, can be debilitating.

We live in stressful times, and we have little control over many situations. How can we put our stress into perspective and find stress relief techniques? Around 2,000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Epictetus summed it up this way: “It’s not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters.” One of the best ways to deal with stress is to change the way we look at things. Another is to recognize its signs and nip it in the bud before it takes over our lives.

Eight Signs That You Are Stressed Out

1. You get sick a lot, and the illnesses stick around. 

The American Psychological Association says that three out of four people experience physical problems caused by stress. When we are stressed out our bodies work overtime to release cortisol, a hormone that is helpful when we’re being chased by a tiger but harmful when we stay in a constant state of “fight or flight.” Too much cortisol weakens our immune systems and makes us more likely to get sick. A change in the way you view stress, along with habits like meditation and exercise, usually helps.

2. You have trouble sleeping at night. 

When we’re stressed out during the day, we get into a state of arousal that makes it hard to fall asleep at night. When we can’t sleep at night, we get even more worked up. Of course, that leads to more stress the next day, and the cycle continues. It helps to develop a relaxing bedtime ritual and avoid caffeine or other substances that could keep you awake.

3. You have a headache almost every day. 

If you’re having pressure or pulsing pain around your temples or scalp, you might be having tension headaches. Although they are uncomfortable, they are usually different from the severe symptoms caused by migraines. Try to find ways to relax your neck and scalp muscles to relieve the pain.

4. You can’t think clearly. 

If you aren’t sleeping well, there is a good reason you can’t concentrate, but there may also another cause. Research shows that the brain’s memory center, the hippocampus, shrinks when it is overwhelmed by cortisol, and this may even be related to dementia later in life. Mindfulness and deep breathing exercises are good stress relief techniques.

5. Your mood changes, and it affects your personality and libido. 

Anxiety might make you feel overwhelmed, moody, or depressed. If you find yourself doubting your abilities or avoiding other people, stress is probably interfering with your emotional health. Your libido might also suffer. Try to identify and eliminate as much stress as possible and see a doctor to rule out physical problems. Communicate with your partner and stay in touch with friends.

stressed out

6. Your behavior changes. 

Anxiety can make it hard to get things done. You may procrastinate or feel overwhelmed by responsibilities, or you may bite your nails, have trouble being still, or move from one activity to another without finishing anything. When you relax, your nervous behaviors should return to normal.

7. You drink too much or abuse other substances. 

Taking a drink of alcohol can be a relaxing way to spend time with friends, but it just makes stress worse when it gets out of hand. Instead of turning to alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes, call a friend, go to a movie, or take a walk. Nature can be healing.

8. Your neck is killing you. 

The old expression about a “pain in the neck” explains a lot. We all tend to tense our shoulder and back muscles when we get stressed out or tired. This alone can lead to painful muscle spasms, but it gets worse when inactivity or poor posture complicates the stress reaction.

Final Thoughts

Stress has many causes, and it takes work to create a healthier lifestyle. We can start by eating a good diet, exercising regularly, and engaging in stress relief techniques like yoga, meditation, or listening to uplifting music. Studies have shown that taking the time to write about our feelings, even if we throw what we write away, can make us happier and more relaxed. It is also important to get enough sleep, avoid stimulants, and avoid taking on more responsibilities than we can handle. Remember that the way we see things determines how stressed out we are.

Ways to relieve stress

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10 Delicious Vegan Recipes For People Who Wants To Lose Weight Naturally

Weight loss isn’t as hard as people may first think. In order for a person to lose weight, they don’t need to buy expensive diet plans. They don’t need to pay for expensive surgeries. They most certainly don’t have to pay for expensive medications. Simply changing your grocery list and adding exercise into your daily repertoire is all that is necessary to lose weight.

Taste doesn’t have to be sacrificed for weight lost. Focusing on vegan recipes, below is a list of 10 delicious meals that will lead to weight loss without breaking your bank.

10 Delicious Vegan Recipes

vegan lifestyle

1) Guacamole Dip & Veggie Snacks

We’ll begin with a snack because snacking is one of the hardest things to curb for people trying to lose weight. With a fresh, homemade bowl of guacamole and some vegetables, like carrots, celery, bell pepper, or cucumbers, you an curb your appetite while enjoying a healthy, low fat snack.

The main ingredient in guacamole is avocados, and there is a variety of secondary ingredients that can be used. Cilantro, lemon juice, tomato, and onions are just a few of the things that can be added to guacamole.

A person would be hard pressed to find a healthier snack than guacamole and dippers.

2) Avocado Hummus

Here is another dish made with avocados. This dish consists of chickpeas, avocados, cilanto, garlic, and lemon juice.

Hummus can be used as a spread or as a dip. Perfect with crackers or veggie chips, hummus is a healthy addition to any person’s diet.

3) Parsnip Fries

If giving up delicious things like fries is daunting to you, but you still want to lose weight parsnip fries are a great substitute.

Normal fries are typically deep fried in fatty oils, often containing unhealthy additives as well.

In order to make parsnip fries, simply slice your parsnips, add a little bit of grapeseed oil and oregano, sprinkle it with paprika and bake it in the oven. Onion powder, pepper, and salt can also be added accordingly to an individual’s tastes.

4) Roasted Broccoli

Broccoli is great with almost every meal, but it is also great by itself. Specifically, it is great roasted with lemon juice and garlic.

Simply take 2 broccoli crowns and cut them in half. Next, use just a little bit of olive oil to smother the broccoli in. Put the pan in the oven at 425 degrees for 35 minutes after adding lemon juice, pepper, and garlic.

The is just one of the delicious vegan recipes for weight loss that is easy and cheap to make.

5) Berry Almond Smoothie Bowl

Utilizing vegan recipes for weight loss doesn’t mean you have to give up sweat things. It just means you have to seek your sugar from natural sources. Several vegan breakfast recipes can supply you with the sugar you desire.

The berry almond smoothie bowl can be made to accommodate an individual’s specific tastes by altering the types of fruit and berries in the dish. A great way to prepare this dish is by using raspberries, cardamom, blueberries, and coconut flakes. Almonds, of course, are also used in the dish.

Vegan recipes are typically seen as boring to a person who has just began the diet, but with this dish, a person can have a delightful meal for breakfast.

6) Quinoa & Chia Oatmeal Mix

Here is another one of the most delicious vegan breakfast recipes. This is a more orthodox breakfast than the previously mentioned almond/berry mix, but it doesn’t lack in taste.

vegan recipe
Simply take two cups of rolled oats, a cup of wheat, a cup of quinoa, and a cup of dried fruit. Mix all of these together with extra ingrediants like cinnamon or artificial sweetener and you’ll will have one of the most delicious vegan recipes possible.

7) Peanut Butter & Fig Crispbread

Transitioning to a vegan diet can be a tricky process. You are switching to a healthier diet in order to lose weight, but it is still important to consume protein and necessary fats. Studies have shown the importance of having protein in your diet, and it can be tricky to consume enough of this vital substance on a vegan diet. This is where the peanut butter & fig crispbread comes in. It is also rich in fiber.

vegan recipes

This is one of the easiest vegan recipes to make. Simply take 2 rye crispbreads, some peanut butter, figs, and whatever else you might like to add in. Mix the ingredients together and spread it onto the bread to complete the meal.

8) Sauteed Carrots

Carrots are one of the most delicious root vegetables there are. Take some baby carrots and sesame oil and cook the carrots on low heat, adding pure maple syrup and salt. This results in one of the simplest of vegan recipes.

9) Carrot-Peanut Noodle Salad

Here is a unique dish to add some variety to your diet.

Despite the name of the dish, carrot-peanut noodle salad contains no noodles. Instead, carrots are sliced thinly to create the illusion of a noodle dish. Add peanut oil and peanut butter, and you can then have a delicious meal in just a few minutes.

healthy breakfast recipes infographic

10) Moroccan Chickpea-Stuffed Acorn Squash

Here is something for the entire family. This dish is a complete meal on its own, containing nearly every necessary food type in existence.

Acorn squash, chopped onion, winter squash, and chickpeas are just a few of the possible ingredients to this dish. This meal provides opportunity for customization. Experiment with your ingredients until you find the perfect combination for your taste buds.

10 Signs You Are Not Shy, You Are Actually An Introvert

People who are described as an introvert often get a bad rap in a world where extroversion is highly prized. After further study, though, you will find it easy to understand the considerable value an introvert brings to the table. Living life focused inward, the typical introvert knows what they want. As such, they do not need much from the outside world to be happy.

Introverted people aren’t necessarily shy. Being shy and being introverted belong in two different categories in many cases. Thse folks don’t avoid people due to fear or anxiety. They simply feel more comfortable relating to others one-on-one or in a small group.

Below are 10 signs that you are an introvert.

Do these characteristics describe you?

1. Being in a large group of people drains your energy.

An introvert needs time alone to recharge. While introverts are capable of spending time at parties (and may even seem like the life of the party on occasion), they can’t keep it up for long. They need to retreat to a quiet place or they may start to zone out. Large groups of people overwhelm introverts, causing them to become agitated or tired. They can also be bothered by too much noise and light, which saps their energy. An introvert often feels all alone even in a large crowd. Additionally, they may find networking activities stressful.

2. People tell you that you’re “too intense.”

If this is your personality type, small talk is off the table. You enjoy philosophical conversations and thought-provoking subjects. You will jump right into serious debates without thinking twice about it. An introvert appreciates lively and deep reflection about books and movies. These cerebral behaviors indicate you are an introvert. What some may call intensity is more likely wisdom. If you have been called an “old soul,” you are most likely an introvert.

3. You dislike small talk.

If you are aggravated by small talk, you are merely manifesting a classic sign of introvert nature. You probably avoid chit-chat whenever possible. Not only does it makes you anxious, but it also seems phony and insincere.

4. You easily get distracted.

Noisy environments with too much stimulation will distract introverts. They often seek out quiet spots to refuel after time in a crowd or chaotic environment. Contrary to extroverts (who are easily bored), the ongoing, inner monologue keeps the mind active. While they may appear quiet on the outside, they are actively thinking at all times. If you are an introvert, you may find this active inner life exhausting and distracting at times.

5. An introvert seeks peaceful and beautiful environments.

Since these folks are negatively impacted by noise, light, and crowds, they seek out places that are peaceful. Places they can relax and think. If you are an introvert, you choose your environment based on its ability to calm you. Stimulating, loud, and chaotic places make any introvert anxious and uncomfortable.

6. You are prudent and thoughtful before making decisions.

Introverted people want all the facts before they make a decision. Instead of acting with impulsiveness, they like to mull things over before making up their mind about important matters. If you are an introvert, you avoid risks. You proceed with caution. First, you evaluate the information at hand. As a result, you never rush decisions. In addition, you think before you speak, and carefully choose your words in a deliberate manner. Your friends probably think of you as cautious.

7. An introvert likes to watch others to learn new tasks.

While extroverts often jump right in (with both feet) to learn something, figuring things out through trial and error, their introverted counterparts prefer to watch others and learn. Additionally, they would rather practice on their own to perfect their skills before trying them out.

8. As an introvert, you live in your head.

You have a non-stop inner monologue that is lively and interesting to you. That is part of the reason you find it so easy to be alone. As a person with a full inner life, you don’t really need a lot of outside stimulation to be happy. You think everything over and tend to be very analytical. You feel the most alive when focusing intently on subject matter that deeply interests you.

introvertsFinal Thoughts

People often view the terms “introvert” and “shy” as complementary terms. Contrary to what people think, they can be mutually exclusive. People might think it is easy to recognize these characteristics. (The shy one in the corner, right? Wrong.) In fact, they often appear to be outgoing to others.

An introvert may seem hard to get to know since they won’t always make an effort to reach out to new people voluntarily. While their inherent nature may seem a bit standoffish, they make loyal and good friends. Most have a few close friends. They rarely seek out and maintain a lot of friendships.



How White Tea Leaves Help You In Losing Weight Fast

For centuries tea has been recognized for its exceptional medicinal values. Many of us know the benefits of green and black tea leaves but not white tea leaves. Have you ever taken white tea? Did you know that white tea is healthier than any other type of tea you have ever taken? Although the three forms of tea are produced from one plant at different stages of is growth the least processed tea is the white tea. It has the highest nutritious content and high levels of antioxidants.

But where are white tea leaves obtained from and what are the common white tea benefits? This type of tea comes from very young leaves and buds of the tea plant. The white tea leaves are steamed and dried to get the white tea. Because the process is simple, the white tea leaves retain more nutrients compared to green and black tea. These factors make white tea very expensive compared to other varieties.

How White Tea Leaves Support Weight Loss

White tea can be used to boost the effects of caffeine among other stimulants. Moreover, its antioxidant properties protect the body against cancer, prevent aging and make the immune system strong. But, can you rely on white tea leaves for weight loss? Of course, you can! This article will outline outstanding white tea benefits including how it helps with weight loss.

white tea leaves

1. Ensures new fat cells aren’t formed

When you take more food than what the body requires, it’s stored as fat so that body can use it in the future for energy. Preadipocyte cells are the cells the body transforms into adipocytes or fat cells during this process. When these fat cell precursors are treated using white tea, the formation of brand new fat cells is inhibited. White tea reduces the genes expressions linked to the creation of new fat cells.

2. White tea leaves can break down fat

The body is designed to oxidize or break down fat to form energy. Fat oxidation is usually linked to weight gain and studies have found that obese individuals have a low-fat oxidation process while fat oxidation for lean people is higher. Luckily, a cup of white tea can help. The caffeine in white tea stimulates fat oxidation by activating your central nervous system. White tea stimulates fat break down from mature fat cells.

3. It curbs hunger pangs

Most people gain weight when they overeat due to hunger pangs. By sipping white tea you will keep those hunger pangs away. Its consumption will restrict you from drinking or eating for the sake of it. This means you can rely on white tea leaves for weight loss if you want to keep your weight under control.

4. Minimizes the absorption of calories

A polyphenol (Epigallocatechin gallate -EGCG) found in white tea can ensure that your body doesn’t absorb calories. EGCG hinders the accumulation of body fat meaning more calories will be excreted through the stool instead of being stored in the body.

5. It boosts metabolism

The metabolic rate can be simply defined as the rate at which the body burns calories. When you have a fast metabolism it means that your body is capable of burning more calories each time your body engages in any activity or even when your body is resting. Note that this is partially genetic.

However, the body can sense dieting or any restriction of food each time you try to starve yourself. It responds by slowing the metabolism process. The body also adapts to weight loss by decreasing the metabolic rate. This is why it’s sometimes very difficult to lose weight or maintain weight loss. Fortunately, white tea may counter this metabolic rate decrease since the tea polyphenols increase the rate at which the body burns calories.

Juices for weight loss

6. It can stimulate lipolysis

Other than inhibiting and mobilizing fat, white tea can also stimulate the fat burning process also known as lipolysis. It helps the body burn excess fat efficiently and the end result is losing weight.

Note that white tea leaves also contain caffeine; therefore, the tea intake must be regulated. Excessive caffeine can harm the body. White tea shouldn’t be consumed at bedtime because it can cause you to lose your sleep due to its caffeine content. Additionally, sugars, cream, and whole milk should not be added to white tea because they will destroy its benefits. All these white tea properties for weight loss will assist you to prevent weight gain. However, you need to remember that taking white tea alone may not give miraculous results. You have to take a proper healthy diet always and workout regularly to maximize the white tea benefits and its results.

Other than the caffeine content, taking white tea will not harm your body meaning you can consume it regularly in limited quantities. Now you can make white tea leaves an essential part of the weight loss journey and you will enjoy watching those pounds melt off for good!

10 Signs You Have Met Your Soul Mate

There isn’t a person alive who doesn’t long for a deep connection with another human being. It’s in our DNA to want to share our life with another person. We want to be seen and valued for who we are, warts and all. That’s why the ongoing discussion about finding a soul mate is never ending; in the movies, in books, and in our own psyche.

The larger question is: how do we find the perfect soul mate. Huffington Post reminds us that there are seven billion people in the world, so how will we recognize them when we finally meet? Is there only one soul mate for each of us? People worry that if they don’t meet that one perfect person they will never feel whole.

Signs You’ve Met Your Soul Mate

1. Your connection to the perfect soul mate is much more than physical. 

The intimacy you share is not all about lust. It is about so much more. You are connected at your core from a deeper place. While the sex is going to be good, the connection is spiritual and goes well beyond sex. In fact, many people believe that your soul mate can be a friend instead of a romantic liaison.

2. You have no doubts about being committed to your soul mate for life. 

While your past dating life may have been plagued with doubt about whether it was true love or simply infatuation, there is no doubt in your mind that you have finally found the perfect soul mate when you finally meet. The difference between this relationship and others is almost impossible to describe.

3. You feel like you can finally let your guard down around them. 

Feeling safe enough in someone’s presence to be authentic and show them who you really are is one of the most powerful soul mate signs. It’s hard to be vulnerable. It feels risky with most other people, but that’s what makes soul mates different.

4. When you are around them you feel a sense of calm and peace. 

There is nothing like feeling fully loved and accepted for who you are. This type of connection is spiritual and leads to a place of peace. The anxiety that we feel in life is associated with uncertainty and a feeling that life is out of control.

5. You never attack one another, screaming and threatening to leave. 

One of the major soul mate signs relates to having a compassion and sensitivity for one another that won’t allow this type of mean-spirited behavior.

6. You are capable of giving in because you want to make your partner happy. 

When you truly love someone in a deep and meaningful way, you are capable of putting them first and leaving your ego out of the equation.

7. The connection was instant. 

When you met, it was like you had known them all your life. A feeling of familiarity was instant. This type of feeling about another person has fueled a lot of speculation with believers in reincarnation. One theory floating around is that soul mates actually carry some of each other’s soul inside of them from a past life.

8. You bring out the best in one another. 

We’ve all met couples who seem to argue all the time and who bring out the worst in one another. Soul mates are just the opposite. They bring out the best in each other because they want to make their beloved proud. They see the good things inside and encourage their partner to flourish.

soul mate
9. You share the same values and want the same things out of life. 

Some of the reasons couples struggle is because they have different value systems and are on different paths to their future. The only way to connect at a deep level is to share values and to want the same things out of your journey. It is impossible to truly connect if you don’t agree on the “big things.” We’re not talking about decorating ideas or what type of car you want, but rather what you believe is your purpose in life.

10. You feel like you truly know them. 

You can look at your soul mate and know what they are feeling. This type of intuitive understanding of another person is rare and should be cherished.


It is not surprising that people are searching far and wide for promised soul mates. Life can be lonely unless you feel loved and understood. As society continues to hide behind electronic devices instead of spending time with each other “in the flesh,” it is easy to understand the allure of that “special someone” who wants nothing more than to be with you and love you, always.

Psychology Explains Why Women Are More Attracted To Introverts

Have you ever thought of what your dream guy would be? Of course, you have! Whether you were six and dreaming about true love or twenty-six and just wishing for someone who would listen to you, most women have thought about this topic once or twice. Now that you are thinking about it, what is your dream love like? Do you prefer tall and handsome or short and cute? This may come as a surprise, but with regards to personality, women are becoming more and more attracted to introverts.

First, let us define an introvert. Although a quick google search will deem an introverted individual to be “a shy, reticent person”, there is much more to it than that. An introvert may prefer small groups of friends or simply hanging out by themselves as opposed to being a part of a huge crowd. They have a tendency to be quiet until they get to know another person, but this can vary extremely from introvert to introvert.

So, what makes introverts so attractive? Let’s find out. Also, if you are not sure if you are an introvert, if you relate to the items listed below, they could be signs you are an introvert.

1. Extreme Passion
One of the first introvert characteristics that comes to mind is passion. Since introverts often do not have huge friend circles, they often take on their passion with a huge passion. What we mean is that introverts pour their heart into what they are passionate about, whether it is a hobby, work, or maybe you if you’re lucky!

2. The Element of Mystery
Because introverted people are sometimes naturally quiet individuals, women are often first interested in an introverted man because they are not sure about them. This element of mystique often peaks interest and can encourage a woman to get to know the introverted man more than she would someone who is more extroverted.

3. Undivided Attention
Extroverts may be attracted to introverts because they feel that they will be the center of their world. While this may not always be the case, it can create a sense of security and increase a blooming attraction.

4. Introverted People are GREAT Listeners
When you come home from a long day at work and want to vent to someone, but your extroverted boyfriend has probably already started telling a story. This would likely not be the case if you were dating an introvert who fits the stereotype of being a good listener. Although, keep in mind that not all introverted people are superb listeners and this quality could diminish as the person gets more comfortable with you (so enjoy it while it lasts!).

5. A Breath of Fresh Air
If you are used to dating men rowdyre loud and roudy, an introverted man will literally be a breath of fresh air. Introverted individuals do not tend to raise their voice unless extremely angry (and sometimes not even then) and if in a social situation will most likely observe and listen instead of interrupting and butting into the ongoing conversation. Doesn’t that just sound relaxing?

6. Self-Awareness
Another outstanding quality about introverted individuals is that they generally have a pretty good sense of self-awareness. They know thier personal attributes, what they like, and what they do not like. While they would never be rude, you can trust that an introverted individual will be straightforward with you and their feelings.

7. They Know What You Want
Because introverted people spend so much time listening and observing, an introverted man will catch on to things that make you happy very quickly. This means no more dropping not-so-subtle hints to your boyfriend about things you want to do because the introverted man has likely already caught on and will suggest it before you have the chance to drop a hint!

8. Value Separate Time
Especially at the beginning of a new relationship, it can feel important to be with your significant other 24/7. However, if you choose to date an introverted man, he will likely be respectful of your need for a little alone time (because he will need it to). Even if you eventually move in together, you will be grateful for this mutual respect.

9. Pay Attention to Details
With the constant observation and listening, introverts also tend to pay attention to every single detail. This means that your significant other should remember your anniversary, birthday, and any other special holidays that you two may share.

10. Organization Matters
Although it may seem like a feminine attribute, a lot of introverted men are extremely organized. This is nice because not only will they be on time for your date, but if you two move in together you will not have to constantly push piles of their stuff out of the way to get to the closet.

11. Ability to Maintain Long-Term Relationships
Most introverts are in a relationship for the long-haul. This can be a refreshing change if you are used to guys who are only interested in a few weeks.


12. Great at Collaborating
This skill is great in the workplace and in your relationship. Between the passion that the introverted man will have for you, your relationship, and the ability to listen and work together, this should make any arguments that you may have easy to work through.

Final Thoughts
If you haven’t ever dated an introverted man, now is the time to try something new. You will find qualities that you may not be used to if you frequent extroverts, such as listening, passion, and self-awarenss.

Keep in mind that these are general qualities, not universal rules. Not every introvert will demonstrate ALL of these introvert characteristics, but you are likely to see a few of them in each introvert that you meet! The signs you are an introvert are likely to vary from person to person, because we are all unique!

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