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8 Healthy Breakfast Recipes That Help You Lose Weight

If you are looking to lose weight, then you need to make sure you are eating healthy breakfast recipes every single day. Breakfast has oftentimes been referred to as the most important meal of the day, but you don’t have to eat the same thing every single day.

Changing up your morning routine and trying new healthy breakfast recipes keeps you motivated to make healthy choices throughout the day. You don’t have to spend a long time preparing these meals, and some of them you can even prep the night before to save you even more time. Here are a few breakfast ideas that will help you on your journey to losing weight.

Cereal with Raspberry and Yogurt

When eating cereal, substitute yogurt for your milk to help conserve a few calories first thing in the morning. Place yogurt in a bowl and sprinkle cereal, nuts, fruit, chocolate chips, and a pinch of cinnamon on top for a delicious breakfast meal. If you are taking this with you on the road, keep the toppings separate from the yogurt until it is time to eat it to keep it from getting soggy.

Fluffy Parmesan Eggs

To make one of the delicious egg healthy breakfast recipes, first, preheat the oven to 450 degrees, and separate the egg whites from the yolks and place in individual small bowls. Using an electric mixer, beat the egg whites until they are the right consistency. Mix in the parmesan and scallions with a spatula and make four mounds of this mixture on a cookie sheet. Use a spoon to make a crater in the center of each mound and place in the oven for about three minutes. Take it out and place an egg yolk in the center of each mound and place in the oven for another 3-5 minutes or until they appear to be done.

Overnight Coconut Oatmeal

If you are looking for a quick and easy breakfast you can grab and go, try making overnight coconut oatmeal. At night, combine your oats, coconut milk, and salt and cover in a bowl. Refrigerate all night and in the morning, top with apricots or hazelnuts and enjoy! You can eat this either hot or cold depending on your preference.

Almond And Berry Smoothie

Healthy breakfast recipes don’t have to take hours upon hours to prepare. Sometimes, all it takes is throwing a few things in a blender, pushing a button and it’s ready to go. For this smoothie recipe, all you have to do is mix desired fruit (berries or bananas), almond milk, almonds, cinnamon and vanilla until it becomes a smooth consistency in a blender. Once it is fully blended, pour into a bowl or a cup and enjoy your breakfast on the go.

Omlet With Kale and Avocado

Healthy breakfast recipes can help make your diet stay on track and keep you on your path to losing weight. For this recipe, take 2-4 eggs in a bowl and beat them until the mixture is frothy, add salt and pepper for taste. In a skillet on low heat, warm olive oil and add egg mixture. You will cook the egg mixture until the bottom is set (the center will still be a tad runny), and then flip the omelet over to cook the other side. Once both sides are cooked and it is no longer runny, place the omelet on a plate. In a separate bowl, mix kale, olive oil, lime juice, cilantro, and sunflower seeds with salt and red pepper (if desired), and sprinkle on top of the egg omelet. For added nutrients and energy throughout the day, slice an avocado and place on top of kale mixture.

Protein Pancakes

To make your usual pancakes have more nutritional value, consider adding some protein powder to the mixture and you will get much more out of this delicious breakfast choice. If you want to make your pancakes even more hearty, add oatmeal as well and you will stay full longer and not be hungry throughout the morning hours. Building muscle with the use of protein powder will help you stay fit and strong as you are trying to lose weight.

Apple-Pumpkin Smoothie

In the fall when Starbucks releases their pumpkin spice latte, don’t fall for this fattening drink if you are on a mission for weight loss. Instead, make your own healthier alternative by adding almond milk, apples, pumpkin, Greek yogurt, ice, syrup, and pumpkin pie spice and mix it all in a blender. You will get your desired taste of fall without having all of the added calories that come with a Starbucks beverage.

Banana Chocolate Oatmeal

Another favorite of the healthy breakfast recipes is another alternative to morning oatmeal. Prepare your oats and simply top with chocolate-hazelnut spread and sliced banana. If you are wanting to prepare this breakfast the night before, combine your oats with water and cover in a refrigerator overnight. In the morning, all you have to do is add your toppings and enjoy either cold or warmed up.

healthy breakfast recipes

Eating healthy in the mornings is a great way to start your day off on the right foot and with these healthy breakfast recipes, you will experience weight loss with no problem, as long as you continue to eat healthy throughout the day and focus on exercise.

If you have a workout partner who could benefit from trying some of your recopies, share the love and tell them your secrets to help them be more successful in their diet and exercise routines. Having an accountability partner is a good idea to help you stay on track and make sure you don’t skip any meals, especially the most important meal of the day – breakfast.

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10 Signs of A Jealous Partner

Do you have a partner who behaves spitefully when you direct even the slightest attention away from them? Are they jealous of your every move?

It’s hard to make a relationship stronger when your partner is often negative. You must recognize the signs that he’s jealous and controlling early on. Don’t invest too much time in a non-productive partnership. We reveal ten signs of a jealous partner–and offer tips to try to salvage the relationship.

Ten Signs of a Jealous Partner

If you find that he or she exhibits behaviors like these ten, you might need to find a new one:

1. Your significant other doesn’t call you, text you, or respond when you’re out with your friends.

This behavior is your partner’s way of showing you that he or she resents the time you spend with others because you’re not with them. If he or she isn’t happy, then they don’t want you to be happy. Like anything else in life that feels overwhelming, the feeling of being ignored when you’re doing something that makes you happy is not acceptable.

pop memeWhat should you do?

You may want to have an honest conversation with your partner to determine why they won’t answer your calls or texts when you are out with your friends. It’s always good to assume the best about your partner instead of immediately judging their motives. Without accusing them, ask your significant other a couple of questions such as these:

  • Were you upset that I was out with friends? Why?
  • Would you prefer I not call you when I’m out with friends?
  • How could we work it out for me to call and you to be able to answer?

Hopefully, they’ll be honest with you to understand better why they did what they did. If they are unwilling to answer your questions, remind them of your commitment to your relationship and how important it is for both of you to stay committed to your relationship for it to work out.

2. He or she won’t admit to feeling jealous but instead will withhold affection.

Sometimes, your love refuses to be intimate, especially after fighting. It feels like he or she is making you pay twice for their poor choice of behavior instead of accepting responsibility for their actions. You can tell if he or she really loves you by the way they look at you.

What should you do?

Jealousy is hard to admit. No one wants to be characterized as a jealous person. Your partner may not be aware of their feelings, or they may feel embarrassed to admit them.  If you’re sensing they seem jealous, you need to initiate a conversation with them. Ask them questions about how they’re feeling and why they’re doing what they’re doing.  It may take several conversations to get to the bottom of what they’re really feeling, but that’s okay. Be patient but firm with them.

Lack of affection in a relationship isn’t healthy, and using affection as a weapon is a sign of a deeper problem. Discuss your concerns with your partner, honestly and openly. Reassure them of your love and commitment to your relationship. But tell them you’re concerned that there could be deeper issues at hand, and you wonder if it would be helpful to speak with a pastor or counselor about their jealousy.

3. Your partner often makes excuses for not taking you out.

He or she doesn’t want you where you’ll attract attention from other people. If there is something your significant other doesn’t want to do with you, do it alone. Don’t let this person hold you back or make you regret not doing things that make you happy. You are the one who decides how to live your best life!

What should you do?

Don’t assume that your partner knows you like to go out. Express your desire to go out to your partner, explaining what you enjoy doing, like movies, going out to eat, or hiking on weekends. It seems weird to explain the obvious, but a partner isn’t intuitive enough to know these things. Assume your partner is probably clueless.

On the other hand, if you know for sure your partner won’t take you out because they’re angry at you, you must ask them why. Relationships are messy, and they require lots of messy conversations, so don’t be afraid to get in there with your questions. If your partner is unwilling to talk to you or ignores your questions, you may want to consider if this is a healthy relationship.

4. He or she wants to decide the mood for both of you.

He or she will work hard to adjust any plans to be in control. And they will sabotage things they don’t want to do. When he or she feels great, they expect you to feel the same. When he or she is feeling down, they expect you to be miserable. You don’t get to have a say in what you do with your time together because they remain firmly in control.

What should you do?

Some partners, by nature, like to lead in a relationship. They may assume that’s how you feel, too. It could be that they’re prideful or just plain ignorant. Don’t assume they’re mean to you, but be honest with them, telling them you’re uncomfortable with what they’re doing. Please don’t fall prey to their moodiness or control. Gently push back, but be firm in expressing your opinions. A healthy relationship doesn’t involve one partner controlling the other. If you are experiencing this, you may need to evaluate if this is a healthy relationship for you to be in right now.

5. Your love will take steps to avoid being alone with you. 

It’s hard for him to overcome jealousy. The underlying problem could be that you have both gotten into a boring intimacy pattern, and he doesn’t want to admit it. You could spice things up and increase both of your libidos by trying something new, like taking tango lessons.

What should you do?

For your relationship to last, you need time together. If your partner doesn’t want to be alone with you, this is a signal that there’s something broken in your relationship. Try to talk with your partner about this. If they’re unwilling, it may be time to suggest that you two should seek out some help for your relationship to succeed.

6. If you are in an excellent mood, your partner cuts you down.

Or, he or she brings up something negative to change your mood. You know that positive thinking, especially daily meditation, will lower your stress levels. Even when you haven’t done anything wrong, he or she feels better about themself by bringing you down. This is because your love suffers from low self-esteem or another personal problem with nothing to do with your relationship. Your partner is the jealous type, and his or her insecurities affect many of the days you spend together.


What should you do?

Your partner may be doing this without realizing it. They may lack a clear understanding of what’s driving their reactions.  A relationship with someone who isn’t emotionally mature can be tumultuous. Find ways to encourage your partner to share their feelings. Gently but firmly push back when they try to counter your mood. Explain that this makes you feel uncomfortable when they do this. If you sense they’re jealous of you, point this out.

Ask them questions about their feelings of jealousy, such as

  • Are their things that I’m doing to make you feel jealous?
  • Do you feel jealous of others or just me?
  • What do you think you should do about these feelings?
  • What can I do to help you when you’re tempted to feel jealous?
  • Do you think you should talk to a counselor about these feelings?

If they’re honest, encourage them. Remind them that everyone gets jealous, and you’re no different, but constant jealousy isn’t healthy.

7. He or she resists your positive influences.

You can pray for your partner and think positive thoughts, but they must want to commit to change. You want them to overcome jealousy, but they enjoy being miserable. When you suggest taking a walk on the beach together, he or she says, “No, I’ll stay home in my boxers and watch UFC. No fun today.”

What should you do?

Trust is a foundational part of any romantic relationship. You need to know that the other person has your best interest in mind so you can feel completely safe and loved. If your significant other resists your efforts to improve your relationship, it could mean that they don’t trust you. They may not feel like you have their best interest in mind. Lack of trust can erode your relationship and break down your ability to have honest, open conversations.

Gently but honestly, ask your partner questions about whether they trust you. Find out if they have past relationships where trust was a problem. Many times, people bring the baggage of failed relationships with them. This causes problems because they fear the same thing may happen again.

8. To make you feel jealous, your partner pays attention to other people.

He or she often looks at them, flirts with them, and adds them to Facebook or Instagram. However, whenever this happens, you aren’t “allowed” to feel jealous. If you try it, they get livid.

What should you do?

Don’t assume your partner is doing this on purpose. You can’t read their mind. When you’re alone,  ask your partner why they were paying attention to other people, but not you. Find out if there was something you did or said to cause them to feel this way. Everyone feels jealous once in a while. It’s a normal human temptation. Reassure them of your love and commitment, but you don’t feel comfortable when they do this.

Gently push back if they blame you for something you didn’t do. Don fall prey to their insecurities, but ask them questions to draw them out, such as

  • Do you think you may have felt jealous? Why?
  • What do you think you could do when you’re tempted to feel jealous?
  • How can I help you when you’re feeling jealous?
  • Jealousy isn’t a good basis for our relationship. What can we do to change?

9. He or she leaves the restaurant if you talk to another person.

Your partner doesn’t give you a chance to explain that you are reconnecting with a long-lost friend or a college study partner. Instead, they storm off, enraged that you know other people.

What should you do?

Studies show that when a person has trust issues, they will keep an eye on or test their partner’s loyalty. Their distrust may be rooted in a fear that you’re planning to leave them for someone else. Lack of trust in a relationship can turn into imaginative thinking that isn’t based on facts. It causes jealousy and suspicion. It would help if you got to the bottom of your partner’s trust issues. These can run deep-rooted from early experiences as a child.

Talk to your partner about your concerns related to trust and jealousy. Assure them of your love and commitment but that you think you both need outside help to work out these issues. If they’re unwilling, you need to consider getting counseling for yourself. You also need to evaluate if your partner really wants to change and to fight for your relationship.

10. He or she makes up details about past relationships.

You hate this because your love does it in front of friends, colleagues, or family members. If he or she were not insecure, they wouldn’t judge you for the past. A significant other who loves you will not use anything you might have shared to embarrass you.

Decide if your special someone is a positive person in your life. Be honest with yourself. Examine this person’s recent behavior patterns. Oprah Winfrey once said, “I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear.” If he or she treats you poorly most of the time, you can do better. You can choose to love yourself more and to set yourself free from this control problem. Wait for the partner who treats you right most of the time.

What should you do?

If your partner does this, initiate a conversation about honesty in your relationship. Try to understand what prompted them to lie to you. Are they feeling insecure in your relationship? Find out what you can do to help them. Honestly, tell your partner that you’re not comfortable with their lying to you. They don’t need to exaggerate the details of their past relationships for you to love them more.

Explain how important your relationship is to your partner, but remind them that for a relationship to grow, you need honesty and openness. If your partner isn’t willing to commit to being open and honest, you may want to re-evaluate your relationship. It may not be as healthy as you thought.  Please don’t assume you can change your partner unless they desire to change. Without this, there’s a good chance your partner will continue in their unhealthy patterns of jealousy and lying.

jealous partnerFinal thoughts on dealing with a jealous partner

Don’t let a jealous partner ruin your life. Your personal mental well-being and happiness are at stake here. If the tips to offset the jealousy fail to work, consider whether it’s your significant other is worth the heartache.

5 Important Stretches For Anyone Over 40

The importance of doing stretches

Many of us think of stretching as a quick routine performed before working out. This perception is wrong.

“A lot of people don’t understand that stretching has to happen on a regular basis. It should be daily, “says David Nolan, a physical therapist at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Stretching our bodies becomes more important as we age since we’re more prone to aches and pains. The occasional ache or pain is nothing to worry about, but it’s still a good idea to stretch for keeping our body limber and feeling better.

Though this article focuses on five good stretching exercises for the 40-and-over crowd, we can all benefit from incorporating them into our daily routines. Perform each stretch 4-5 times per week.

“Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.” – Harvard Health Publications

5 Stretches To Remember If You’re Over 40

1. Shoulder Rolls


Shoulder rolls, a straightforward exercise, helps maintain and increase the range of motion in your arms and upper back.

Rob Danoff, D.O., a physician and program director at Philadelphia’s Aria Health System, says, “(Shoulder rolls) help diffuse tension and open up your ribs for easier breathing.”

How: (a) Slowly and naturally roll your shoulders forward in big circles. (b) Perform 10 repetitions and then reverse the motion and do another 10 reps.

You don’t want to feel any trembling (shakiness) when doing the exercise; if you do, stop for the time being and try again tomorrow.

2. “Cat and Cow”


Rachel Southard, a director of personal training, states that one of the most common complaints she hears from the 40-plus crowd is back pain. As we age, it is essential that we stretch the upper, mid, and lower sections of our back.

The Cat and Cow exercise helps create and maintain mobility of the spine. Southard explains the importance of spinal mobility, “We use our core muscles – which wrap around the truck and include the abdominals as well as the muscles in our (lower) back – all day long to sit up, walk, bend, and lift things.”


(a) On the floor, (it may be more comfortable to use a mat) assume the “hands and knees” position, down on all fours. Square the shoulders with your hands and the knees with your hips.

(b) Push into the ground with your hands, pull your abdominals up and in, lowering your head [Like an upside-down ‘U’].

(c) Lift your chin and tailbone to the sky, creating an arch, while dropping your belly towards the floor.

(d) Assume the starting position and repeat 10 times.

3. Neck Stretches

Stretching the neck is crucial for increasing mobility and avoiding painful strains. Neck stretches also increase strength, release tension, and help maintain flexibility.


Perform each two-part movement 5-10 times.

(a) Look straight ahead and square the shoulders.

(b) Slowly turn your head to the left as far as possible, keeping your shoulders square.

(c) Return to position (a) and perform the same movement on the right side.

(d) Hold position (a) and perform the same movement up and down (like a slow, dramatic head nod.)

(e) Hold position (a) then tilt your neck to the left side as far as possible. Reassume starting position and perform the same movement on the opposite side.

4. Hip Flexor Release

sciatic stretch

According to Ms. Southard, most of us neglect to stretch our hip flexors, the areas of the leg responsible for (you guessed it) extending the hips. Hip pain can be tremendously burdensome; neglecting our hips can lead to muscular degeneration, and may eventually require a hip replacement.

So, let’s stretch those hips!


(a) Place your left knee on the floor (again, a mat may help) and move your right foot toward until you’re in a lunge position.

(b) Keeping your right foot flat, lower the left hip toward the floor until you feel a stretching in the flexor area. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.

(c) Switch sides – the left foot in front and drop the right hip.

5. Quad Stretches

Quadriceps are the largest muscle in the leg – located at the top of the thighs. They’re also the strongest and leanest muscle in your legs; making them very important to stretch.

So let’s do it! Stand near something that you can hold to gain/regain your balance. You may also hold onto something if you wish.


(a) Starting position is your upper body and head square; stomach muscles engaged.

(b) Maintaining position (a), lift your left leg back and grab the top of your right foot.

(c) Holding position, pull your foot up towards your bottom. Keep your knee down and pointed to the ground. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds.

(d) Switch and repeat the movement. Perform 3-5 times with each leg.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Harvard University. (2013, September 1). The importance of stretching – Harvard Health. Retrieved from

Heid, M. (2016, June 23). 8 Best Stretches To Do If You’re Over 40 | Prevention. Retrieved from
Rabbitt, M. (2017, July 10). Over 40? Do These 5 Stretches Every Week To Stay Ache-Free?: Pre-Workout Piriformis Roll | Prevention. Retrieved from

How to Teach Yourself to Be More Positive

Having negative thoughts is normal every once in a while. Sometimes, things can be stressful, and those negative thoughts can come creeping in your brain. However, the effect that a lack of positive thought combined with negative self-talk has on your overall mental health can be detrimental. Negativity can cause depression and anxiety, and leave you feeling lost and with a lack of motivation.

You may feel stuck in your life and unable to move forward or change your situation because you’re too used to filling your brain with negative self-talk. Words can have a profound impact on your mind and on your overall mental health. Negative words can make it hard for your neuro-chemicals that help prevent stress and regulate emotions to work properly.

Negative words can even overwork the fear center of your brain, which will cause an influx of stress hormones to overrun your body, making it more and more difficult to see the positive things in life. Changing the words you use inwardly – and outwardly – can train your brain to be more positive.

How Positive Words Can Help The Brain To Start Thinking Positively

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” – Alphonse Karr


Using words that are correlated with positivity can help your brain function better with cognitive reasoning. They can also help strengthen your frontal lobes. When you use positive words, your motivation increases.

Rather than lamenting that something is difficult and that you don’t think you can overcome it, try instead saying, “This is a challenge and I will do my best.” This simple change in how you talk to yourself can kickstart your motivation and make it easier to overcome stressful challenges, and allows your brain to work better and come up with solutions that you might otherwise not be able to.


Keeping positive words in mind, rather than negative ones, can change how you view other people. When you hold negative words in your head, you’re more likely to react to people with doubt and suspicion, since the fear part of your brain is more stimulated. On the other hand, when you focus on positive words, you become more likely to react to others with good faith.


The words you use can change the way you perceive your reality. The next time you find yourself interacting with someone and you feel that they have bad intentions, but you’re not sure why, try looking at the situation with more positive words in mind. You may project your negative thoughts onto another person without you knowing it.

How to be positive in 6 easy steps


When you allow negativity to cloud your mind, your mental health suffers. Focusing on negative words can make recovering from depression even harder. The symptoms of depression like lack of motivation, hopelessness and negative-self-image worsen if you allow yourself to indulge in negative words.

Being kind to yourself is one of the greatest ways to help combat the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and one of the best ways to do that is to start using positive words and affirmations when you self-talk. Using positive words over a prolonged length of time can increase your happiness, motivation and overall mental health.

Training your brain to use positive words can seem difficult, especially if you’re used to using negative words. Yet, doing something so simple as changing the words you use when you self-talk can have the most profound impact on your life. Try to keep track of how many negative words you use through the day. When you catch yourself thinking something negative about a situation or towards yourself, write it down and reflect on it at the end of the day.

Then, see how you can change the words into more positive ones that look towards a positive outlook, rather than dwelling on a bad or stressful situation. Turn each negative thought into a positive one just by changing the vocabulary you use. For example, instead of saying to yourself, “I don’t have the time to do this,” try saying, “I will rearrange my schedule and find the time to do this.” You’ll be amazed by how quickly your whole outlook begins to change when you train your brain into assessing a situation with a more constructive way.

11 Signs You Have Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome may seem like just another buzzword in the media at the moment, but it is a very real condition that many people face daily. In our view-obsessed society, it might be time we consider Impostor Syndrome a little more carefully. So, what is Impostor Syndrome and what do you do if you have it?

“People who feel like impostors have unsustainably high self-expectations around competence. No one likes to fail, but impostors experience shame when they fail …” – Dr. Valerie Young

Here Are 11 Signs You Have Impostor Syndrome

impostor syndrome

1. You have difficulty accepting praise.

Though a lot of people aren’t great at accepting compliments, “impostors” struggle to internalize their success to the point that they can’t accept praise as valid. It’s not false modesty; they genuinely do not believe they deserve the credit they are being given.

2. You’re an over-worker.

Overworking is both an observed and self-perceived pattern of Impostor Syndrome. It is where a person tends to keep investing energy and effort into a project, long after the point where it would be more than acceptable to the average person. They often recognize this behavior in themselves, yet are unable to stop themselves.

3. You feel the need to be the best.

There is a reason Impostor Syndrome is often linked to overachievers. It’s due to the driving need to be the very best. Many people with Impostor Syndrome were high achievers from an early age and felt the heightened compulsion to excel as they progressed and came into contact with each new influx of smart and talented people.

4. You’re described as a perfectionist.

Along with the compulsion to be the very best, people with Impostor Syndrome often display traits referred to as “the superman/superwoman aspects” of their personality. They hold themselves to impossible standards of perfection – expecting themselves to accomplish any task they set their mind to in a flawless manner. If they don’t achieve this standard, it is considered failure, which proceeds to fuel these perfectionist tendencies.

5. The fear of failure can paralyze you.

Failure is not an option for those who struggle with this syndrome. They internalize failure, perpetuating the toxic cycle that controls every thought and action. It is quite common for someone with Impostor Syndrome to avoid trying something than possibly fail at it.

6. You avoid showing confidence.

More common in women with Impostor Syndrome, avoiding displays of confidence plays into an ingrained feeling of inadequacy. They might believe that by showing confidence, people will assume they are overcompensating. In other situations, they might feel they lack the intelligence and talent to back up confidence, so they rarely express confidence.

7. You actually dread success.

People with Impostor Syndrome experience the fear of failure in multiple ways. They’re anxious about success due to not feeling worthy of it. They have a sense of guilt about success as they recognize that their drive for it often pushes them away from friends and family. They are often unsure of success as whole because it may lead to more responsibility and progression, which they feel they don’t deserve in the first place.

8. You compare your struggles and obstacles to those of others.

Though it is normal for everyone to compare themselves to others on occasion, people with Impostor Syndrome have a persistent voice in their head telling them that everyone is getting by with fewer struggles in life. This leads them to believe there is something wrong with them, which only feeds the insecurities they have.

9. You associate praise with charm over actual talent.

While people with Impostor Syndrome tend to be highly intelligent and possess high levels of intuition, they rely on this to interact with other people, who generally find them charming. When this is used in professional scenarios, it is common for any praise received – from supervisors or other authority figures – to be perceived as due to their charm rather than any intelligence or talent the individual has demonstrated. This brings them to further doubt their own intelligence or abilities.

10. You focus more on what you haven’t done.

Because the standards those with Impostor Syndrome set for themselves are so high, they find it difficult to meet their goals and milestones according to their expectations. Because of this, they have a tendency not to dwell on what they have accomplished, which is often a great deal. Instead, they focus on what they haven’t achieved by their standards.

11. You’re convinced you aren’t enough.

Let’s get personal here. Probably the biggest sign that you have Impostor Syndrome is the persistent and overwhelming feeling that you are a fraud. That one day people will realize you aren’t everything they think you are. It’s the feeling that you aren’t as qualified as your peers or that you lucked yourself into your position.

Fortunately, there is good news about these negative, debilitating thoughts. Read on.

be positive

Here Are 4 Ways to Fix Impostor Syndrome

These signs may seem a bit direct and accusatory. But it is important to remember that Impostor Syndrome is incredibly common. Nearly everyone experiences high levels of self-doubt at some point during their lives. There are also a few things that you can do to help manage any feelings of insecurity you may be facing.

1. Acknowledge your thoughts.

Studies show strong links between Impostor Syndrome and Anxiety Disorders. For this reason, it is very important to acknowledge the “Impostor” thoughts as they happen. This will allow your brain a chance to recognize that it is just a thought and will enable you to be aware of the thought and choose to ignore it.

2. Share your experiences with others.

Talking with trusted friends, family, and colleagues can help to create a supportive environment and can help you find people who can relate to your current state of mind and situation.

3. Understand that other people are just as uncertain as you.

If you acknowledge that other people you perceive as successful have moments of self-doubt and uncertainty as well, it makes it easier to face the thoughts often associated with Impostor Syndrome. It makes you feel less alone.

4. Think positively about the effort you are putting into your projects.

Viewing your effort in projects as a positive thing can help to ease the feeling of being a fraud, as you are acknowledging the positive efforts you have in an undertaking or project.

Final thoughts

At the end of the day, Impostor Syndrome is a persistent and overwhelming feeling of self-doubt and lack of personal worth. It is important to remain positive in spite of these emotions and to acknowledge that, though you may not understand why others believe in you, others do believe in you – and they must have a reason. Impostor Syndrome is common for people to face at one or more points in their life, and with positive thinking, you will realize how important it is to not give up or let yourself feel alone.

10 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life

Modern-day life brings us many factors that weigh us down mentally, physically, and spiritually. If these negative aspects of life are allowed to take over and become all-consuming, we can become physically ill or even say or do things to others that could, in turn, be harmful to them thus spreading the poison of negativity. Therefore, it is imperative that we all learn to take care of our own mind, body, and soul.

One way we can work to lift the burden of negativity from our shoulders is to be aware of how actions bring consequences. More specifically, we can practice the laws of karma and let that guide us to a life of peace.

Karma is basically an understanding that good becomes good and bad becomes bad, and life is a constant exchange of cause and effect. As we practice the law of karma, we can find inner peace which will give us better mental clarity, better physical health, and also be extended outwards to help others improve their lives.

10 Laws of Karma


The First Law of Karma – The Great Law

  • Known as the Law of Cause and Effect, this law basically says you get what you give. In other words, if you project positivity and happiness to others. Then, in turn, you will receive the same.

The Second Law of Karma – Creation

  • Things, both good and bad, don’t just happen. Therefore, create the good and positive things you want to see in your life.

The Third Law of Karma – Humility

  • Be accepting of the good and bad in your life. Do not dwell on the bad, otherwise those negative feelings associated with it will remain with you.

The Fourth Law of Karma – Growth

  • Understand we only have control over ourselves. We cannot change our surroundings, be it people or our environment. We can, however, change who we are in our hearts and minds.

The Fifth Law of Karma – Responsibility

  • If something feels wrong, most times the conflict is within ourselves. We represent what is around us, and what is around us mirrors us. Therefore, we must take responsibility for the things in our lives.

The Sixth Law – Connection

  • Everything in the universe is connected. Even if something seems insignificant, it must be completed as its completion will lay the foundation for the next step in life. Each phase of a project in our lives is equally important as the one before or after it.

The Seventh Law – Focus

  • One can not truly focus on more than one task at a time. Attempting to do so will open the door to negativity; therefore, staying focused on one thing at a time will bring us peace.

The Eighth Law – Here and Now

  • Dwelling on our past prevents us from truly living today and from achieving new personal growth.

The Ninth Law – Change

  • We are destined to repeat history until we learn the lessons needed to change our paths in life.

The Tenth Law – Patience and Reward

  • All rewards in life come at a price. True peace and happiness come from doing what we are supposed to do and patiently waiting for the reward as it will come to us when the time is right.

Benefits and Tips to Practice Laws of Karma



Following the laws of karma has many benefits. Ultimately, it will help you de-stress your life, which will also help improve your health by lowering blood pressure and controlling stress hormones that wreak havoc on our bodies. It will let you view the world with new eyes as the dark veil of negativity is vanquished from your life. You will also be able to spread peace and kindness to others which will start a cycle of positivity for everyone.

Tips to Practice Law of Karma

In order to effectively practice laws of karma, you must remember a few simple basic concepts: 1. Be kind to yourself. 2. Be kind to others. Do not beat yourself up over things you can not change. Keep the circle of kindness, sharing, and love in motion so negativity is blocked from everyone that circle impacts. It does not take huge acts to accomplish this.

A smile and a friendly nod or sharing a drink of water with a thirsty stranger are simple enough to brighten the day. By following these tips to practice law of karma, happiness and peace will become abundant and infectious among all creatures in life.

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