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10 Detox Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss

In recent years, juicing has become one of the most sought-after methods of cleansing as it allows the body to receive a large dose of nutrients without having to ingest the fiber that makes it nearly impossible to eat without getting a stomachache.

Are you aware that doctors suggest you get 6 to 8 servings of vegetables each day? How are you measuring up? A lot of people have a difficult time achieving this and that’s where juicing shines! Utilizing juices for weight loss can make life a lot easier and following a healthy diet as simple as it can be. If you’re struggling to eat enough fruits and vegetables during the day, opt for one (or more) of the following recipes. Here are the best juicing recipes for weight loss!

1. The Green Machine
This is one of those juicing recipes for weight loss that pleases almost everyone. Give it a shot!

  • 2 green apples, cut in half
  • 3 stalks celery, no leaves
  • 1 cucumber
  • 8 leaves kale
  • 1/2 lemon, peeled
  • 1 piece fresh ginger
  • Optional- sprig of mint

2. Tropical Carrot Apple
The best juicing recipes for weight loss don’t taste like a mouthful of spinach. If you have a sweet tooth and love tropical flavor, try this one!

  • 1 large apple, quartered
  • 1/4 (15 ounce) can pineapple chunks
  • 2 large carrots
  • 2 pieces fresh ginger

3. Zesty Lemon Apple

  • 2 lemons, peeled and halved
  • 4 apples, quartered
  • 2 cucumbers, halved
  • 1 cup water

4. Green Juice for Kids
If your child or a child you know needs help with getting their vegatbles in slip them this juice- they won’t believe that it has kale and spinach in it.

  • 2 oranges, peeled
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • 1 green apple, quartered
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 1 leaf kale

5. The Red Zinger
This is another one of those juices for weight loss that will also detox the body and give it an extra boost of energy. Try it in the mornings to get the full effect!

  • 2 lemons
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 2 beets

6. Green Lemonade
Juicing recipes for weight loss can be a refreshing addition to a summer party when you put a healthy spin on a classic beverage such as lemonade.

  • 1 cup spinach
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 4 leaves of kale
  • 1 piece ginger
  • 2 apples
  • 1 lemon

7. Allergy Assister
If you have issues with allergies, try this recipe. It’s loaded with vitamins C, K, A, and a good source of folate and iron.

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 cup pineapple
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup seedless grapes
  • 1/2 cup parsley
  • 1 apple
  • Optional- 1 ming sprig

8. Orange Dreamcicle
Dreamcicles? It’s amazing to see how indulgent juicing recipes for weight loss can be! You are sure to love this one.

  • 2 medium apples
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1 orange (peeled)
  • 2 medium pears
  • 1 5″ sweet potato

juicing recipes for weight loss


9. Easy Detox
Detox your body with the ingredients found in this juice. It’s simple and easy to remember- perfect for when you’re trying to run out the door.

  • 2 apples
  • 2 carrots
  • 4 stalks of celery

10. Green Ginger Ale
If you enjoy a little spice, try this recipe for ginger ale- minus all the artificial ingredients and sugars that come in the soda.

  • 3 medium apples
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • 1 lime

The benefits of these juicing recipes for weight loss are many and they are very easy to make from the comfort of your home. Incorporating juicing recipes for weight loss in your daily routine can save you time on meal prep, money on expensive store bought juices, and ensure that you are putting the freshest of nutrients directly into your body. Find your favorites and feel free to get creative with adjusting other recipes to better suit your needs!

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How to Control Blood Sugar Naturally (Without Medicine)

There are two basic types of diabetes. The first type is called type one. It stems from problems with the immune system, so there is no cure for it or any way to prevent it from happening to a person. In fact, most people who develop it have some close relative with the condition, which is why doctors believe that it may be related to genetics. The other type, type-two diabetes, is different, though. It usually develops because of obesity and poor eating habits. And it is possible to control blood sugar naturally and reverse it.

One of the main problems with trying to treat type-two diabetes is that the prescription medications that doctors recommend that people with this condition take have a lot of harmful side effects. They can damage the kidneys and liver, cause incontinence, and even worsen a person’s health instead of improving it. Because of this, many people are beginning to try out the following methods of how to control blood sugar naturally.

control blood sugar naturally

1 – Hintonia Latiflora

Hintonia latiflora is a tree that grows in dry, hot climates, such as Mexico. In the spring, it has white, billowing flowers along its branches that look like trumpets. But the bark is where its most important medicinal properties lie. Researchers in Germany who studied the bark found that when they gave an extract made from it to people with type-two diabetes, it improved their blood sugar levels as well as prescription medications. But being a good option for how to control blood sugar naturally wasn’t all it could do. It also lowered high cholesterol levels, decreased the risk of developing cataracts, and helped open up constricted blood vessels that diabetics commonly suffer with. And it didn’t cause any dangerous side effects.

2 – Cinnamon

Studies have shown that cinnamon may work just as well as the body’s insulin to open up the cells so that sugar can get inside them. And unlike other methods of how to control blood sugar naturally, it is effortless to find and use this common kitchen spice. All a diabetic person has to do is purchase a bottle of high-quality ground cinnamon from their local grocery store, then sprinkle some of it on their oatmeal or yogurt a couple of times a day. It is also available in easy-to-take capsules that only cost a few dollars at most health food stores.

3 – Weight Loss

One of the problems that type-two diabetics suffer with is weight gain, especially around the abdominal region. It occurs because the body can’t properly use insulin to open up the cells to absorb the sugar in the bloodstream for energy. So it gets turned into fat instead.

Studies have shown that being overweight by even a few pounds causes stress to the body that can trigger type-two diabetes to develop, though. That is why doctors recommend that patients who are starting to show signs of this condition do what they can to control blood sugar naturally.

how to control blood sugar naturally

4 – Diet

Because type-two diabetics already have too much sugar floating freely in their bloodstream, it is vital that they do what they can not to consume foods that could increase the amount further. White-flour products, white rice, and all sources of refined sugar have to be eliminated from the diet, or at least reduced as much as possible, as one of the most critical parts of how to control blood sugar naturally.

And a diabetes diet of whole-grain foods, lean meats, and fresh fruits and vegetables have to replace them to control blood sugar naturally.

If you’re Type 2 diabetic, you have too much blood glucose or blood sugar floating freely in your bloodstream. Blood glucose gives you energy, and it comes from the food you eat. Insulin is a hormone that processes glucose from food into your body. If your body isn’t creating enough insulin, the glucose stays in your bloodstream rather than getting processed.  A healthy diet is one great way to control your blood sugar naturally.

Consume more whole grain fiber

According to a 2019 article by The National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI) 

… individuals with diabetes should consume at least half of all grains as whole grains.

Add whole grains to your meals and snacks. Here are some whole grain sources to try the following options:

  • Oatmeal, whole-grain cereals without sugar
  • Whole-grain bread-Always read the label. The first ingredient should be whole wheat or another kind of whole-grain.
  • Whole grain rice-bulgur, millet, wheat berries or quinoa
  • Whole grain pasta- You can also try other healthy alternative pasta made from brown rice, chickpeas, or lentils.
  • Seeds and nuts- Try sunflower seeds, almonds, or pumpkin seeds.

Eliminate sugar from your diet  

Try to eliminate all sources of white sugar from your diets, such as white flour and white rice. Also, stay away from foods with high fructose corn syrup, which is similar to regular sugar. Studies show that a diet high in sugar is detrimental to your metabolism. It also makes you a higher risk for heart disease, carrying extra weight and Type 2 diabetes.

What is sugar? There are three kinds of sugar:  sucrose, glucose, and fructose. They all have the same level of calories, but your body processes them differently.

  • Sucrose- Sucrose is regular table sugar. Sucrose is half glucose and half fructose. It’s found in candies, ice cream, sweet cereals, and sodas.
  • Glucose– This source is a simple sugar that’s used with other sugars. It’s not as sweet as sucrose or fructose.
  • Fructose– Fructose is often called fruit sugar. It’s found naturally in fruit, honey, and in root veggies. It’s sweeter than glucose and sucrose and doesn’t affect your blood sugar like the other two.

Fructose and glucose absorb into your bloodstream quickly. Fructose raises your blood sugar slowly, but glucose builds your blood sugar very quickly, releasing insulin to your body. Sucrose is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. The glucose gets used for energy, but the fructose gets stored as fat. For this reason, these two together are more harmful than eating them separately.

Avoid eating foods that are high in starch or carbohydrates. Always read food labels to see if any concealed sugars could elevate your blood sugar.

control blood sugar naturally

5 – Exercise

Mild forms of exercise, such as walking, are essential to the treatment of type-two diabetes because they help the body use up excess sugar before the body stores it as fat. It also helps burn fat that was caused by high blood sugar levels. For best results, type-two diabetics should aim for at least 30 minutes of walking a day, preferably a short time after they eat a meal.

Research shows that daily exercise helps you control your blood sugar and manage your Type 2 diabetes. Walking is an excellent source of activity, and it’s something most people can do every day.  Walk at least 30 minutes a day for the best results. Other forms of exercise, such as gardening or housework, also benefit those with Type 2 diabetes.

6 – Learn to Better Manage Stress

Researchers found that emotional stress factors into Type 2 diabetes. The study determined that people who suffer from various emotional stresses are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. These include:

  • Depression
  • Sleeping problems
  • Anger
  • Hostility
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

What is stress?

 Stress is an emotional or physical reaction to something you experience. It’s a normal feeling for everyone, but if you have fear that lasts a long time, it can harm your health, cause you to lose focus, and affect your happiness. Of course, not all stress is bad. Good stress can motivate you to finish a school paper, paint the living room, or hire a plumber to fix the leaky kitchen sink. But if stress is a common, daily experience for you, you may want to find ways to lower your stress.

Identify what triggers your stress

Regular stress such as work, parenting, or school affects your life. But sometimes higher levels of stress occur, such as

  • Divorce
  • Losing your job
  • Illness or broken bones
  • Loss of parent or sibling

Sometimes you experience stress in the form of trauma such as war, a natural disaster that puts you in danger like a hurricane, tornado, or flood, a life-threatening assault.

Meditate to minimize your stress response

Meditation is a great way to reduce your feelings of stress. Set aside ten minutes a day to meditate will help you relax. Meditation also reduces your tension by relaxing your muscles. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes a day to meditate at home or attend a class on meditation to learn some helpful techniques.

7 -Adopt a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset helps you deal with the stress of having Type 2 diabetes. A happier outlook on life can boost your ability to deal with life problems. These things will help improve your positive mindset and help you control your diabetes.

?     Count your blessings

?     Forgive others and yourself

?     Spend time with friends

?     Faith

?     Good physical habits-diet, sleep, and exercise

positivity and happiness

8 – Get the Sleep You Need

Sleep is an essential part of staying healthy and stress-free. Adults should get seven hours of sleep every night. Getting a decent rest every night helps your stress hormones and boosts your immune system. Sleep also helps your control calories better, lower blood pressure, and improves your breathing and heart health.

If you have Type 2 diabetes, it’s essential that you get a good night’s sleep. Keep your blood sugar at the right levels in the evening before bed. If your blood sugar is too high or too low, you won’t sleep. E

at a high fiber, low-fat snack before bed such as low-fat cheese on a whole wheat cracker or an apple with a teaspoon of peanut butter. This will keep your blood sugar steady. Be sure to limit the size of your snack, though otherwise, you will gain weight.

9 – Consume Foods Rich in Magnesium

Studies show that people who have Type 2 diabetes are often deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is crucial since it helps your body regulate insulin release.

Foods high in magnesium include the following:

  • Bananas- One banana gives you 37 mg of magnesium.
  • Leafy greens-Try kale, spinach, collard greens, or turnip greens for rich sources of magnesium.
  • Dark chocolate-It has 64 mg in just 1 ounce.
  • Avocadoes- High in potassium and vitamin K, one avocado provides 58 mg magnesium.
  • Nuts-Almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts have the highest amounts of magnesium. One ounce of cashews gives you 82mg of magnesium.
  • Legumes-A one-cup serving of black beans gives you an impressive 120 mg of magnesium.
  • Seeds-Flax, chia, or pumpkin seeds are the highest.
  • Whole grains-Besides magnesium provides vitamin B, selenium, and fiber.
  • Fatty fish-Salmon, mackerel, and halibut are the highest in magnesium

10 – Monitor Your Progress

Keeping track of your progress is a great way to control your blood sugar. Start a journal. Create pages or columns for food, exercise, and weight.

In another part of your journal, record things that you’re grateful for. Write down your daily blessings or something that you’ve accomplished. Record good days and bad days. This way, you can revisit what you wrote to see patterns for what works best. Add little sayings or quotes in the front of your journal to boost your positivity.

In the exercise area, include meditation, too. You could also record when you spent time with friends or family. Add the dates to your journal so you can watch the days, weeks, and months go by. You’ll be surprised at what you learn about yourself and your habits.

pop meme

11 – Drink Plenty of Water

It’s easy to forget to drink enough water every day. If you have Type 2 diabetes, it is essential that you drink extra water because it helps your body flush the glucose out of your kidneys.

Having too high of blood sugar will cause dehydration. You should aim to drink at least 1.2 liters of plain water every day. Other alternatives to stay hydrated is to drink seltzer water, green teas, vegetable juices, or flavored waters. Here are some simple ways to incorporate more water into your day.

  • Keep your water bottle with you all the time. Refill your water bottle whenever it gets low
  • Drink a cup of green tea for breakfast
  • Drink water at certain times of the day or when you do certain things. For instance, every time you walk into your kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water.
  • Set the alarm on your phone to remind you to drink a glass of water.
  • Buy seltzer water. Seltzer water is trendy and comes in many flavors without any added calories or additives. Keep seltzer water in your fridge so you can grab a bottle or can whenever you want.
  • Keep a log of your hydration. Jot down every time you drink a glass or bottle of water. There are apps for keeping track of how much water you drink, too. This habit is good because you can look back at the patterns of your day when you’re not drinking enough water.

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Final Thoughts on How to Control Your Blood Sugar Naturally

As you can see, learning how to control blood sugar naturally isn’t as hard as most people think. All it takes is a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and exercise and some inexpensive herbal remedies that have proven to be effective at lowering high blood sugar levels. It is important to mention though that type-two diabetics should always consult with their doctor first before they try any of these though, because some herbal remedies could interfere with other medications that a person takes.

How to Release Attachments to Emotional Pain

While you may feel like your path to healing requires you to focus on your pain–this couldn’t be further from the truth. When it comes to your past and how you’ve been hurt before, the best and healthiest thing that you can do now is to let go.

The Secret to Let Go of Past Pain

“Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is, therefore, the means for correcting our misperceptions.” -Gerald Jampolsky

While trying to let go may seem like the hardest thing to do, it is what will set you free from the pain that you are feeling. Holding on to the pain of the past will only keep you bonded to your pain, unable to feel happiness or joy. If you hope to be free of the past but aren’t sure how to begin, read these six tips to let go and let goodness into your life again.

1. Understand the Difference Between Expectations and Reality in Your Relationships

We all have certain idealistic expectations for our lives and the people that we connect with. However, life will never be exactly what we thought it would be, so let go of those expectations. We have to accept ourselves and others in our lives the way they are.

The first step is to be aware of how you are and the role you play in relationships. In the same vein, you need to accept the truths about the people that are in your life. Exercise appreciation for them and be grateful they are in your life, exactly the way they are.

2. Respond Rationally to Unexpected Outcomes

Whatever expectation or hope we have for the future, life has a funny way of doing the opposite. When life offers us different outcomes than we hoped for, we have to respond in a rational way. This can mean setting up boundaries between yourself and others, as well as let go of people we can no longer accommodate in our lives.

3. Self Limiting Beliefs are Brought on by Ourselves

Oftentimes, the only thing holding us back from accomplishing our dreams is ourselves. When you think, “I could never achieve that” or “that’s impossible for me”, you are the only one holding yourself down.

Now is the time to let go of past self-doubt and start believing in yourself. While other people may come into your life sharing their own limiting beliefs, be the voice of truth and reason, showing the world and yourself that you can do anything you want to.

4. Understand that you Can’t Control Other People

The only thing you can control is yourself and the way you respond to things. While you may wish that you had the power to control how others treat you, everyone else can only be responsible for their own actions. While this can be frustrating at times, it allows you the freedom to truly focus on being the person that you want to be.

compete with you

5. Focus on How You Think About Yourself

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Focusing on what others think about you is the fastest way to an unhappy life. Allow yourself to be free of other people’s opinions of you and your life. Be happy and at peace with yourself without looking to receive approval from others.

6. Allow Room for Mistakes

Mistakes and failures are part of the human condition. We all make mistakes, don’t beat yourself up about them. Learn to accept what happened and move on without obsessing over it or worrying about it.

A Work in Progress

We are all works in progress. Taking time to let go and heal is apart of this process. By allowing yourself to live free of the pain and embarrassment of the past, you’ll be able to be open to the joy and hope that the future holds.

Use these six tips to let go as a guide to keep you focused on this journey. Remember to love yourself and strive to be the best version of “you” that you can be. Negativity will always exist in the world, but as you work to understand yourself more, you’ll be able to outshine the negative with the light of your positive self-love.

The Best Depression Advice Ever (From People Living With Depression)

Depression can make it challenging to live and can affect every area of your life. Approximately 16 million adults in the U.S. suffer from the disorder and have at least one major depressive episode. This anxiety disorder increases the risk of being hospitalized. Understandably, it can affect both your personal and professional life.

Some of the most common symptoms associated with depression include a loss of appetite, a change in sleeping patterns, agitation, fatigue, and weight gain or loss. Depression can often be caused by hereditary factors, illness, abuse, and hormone changes. Although the condition may be challenging to cope with, it can often be treated. In other words, you can regain your life back and feel more like yourself. We want to share the best advice for those living with depression.

Following are suggestions for battling depression. These tips are given by those who have also suffered from it.

Avoid Isolating Yourself

When you have a change in your mood and go to a dark place, it can be easy to isolate yourself from the rest of the world and spend most of your time alone. Unfortunately, isolating can cause the symptoms to become more severe. It can make it even more challenging to regain your joy or hope. Seeking help is necessary to prevent depression from escalating by speaking to a medical professional or therapist.

Getting the help that you need also means spending more time with family members and friends throughout the week to improve your mood. You’ll be more distracted and can spend time enjoying activities with loved ones, which will provide you with the right support system. – Kristen B., Asheville, NC

Follow the Doctor’s Orders

Many people make the mistake of failing to follow their doctor’s orders, which can cause their mood to become more severe over time. You’ll need to trust the instructions provided by the medical professional, which may include medication and scheduling routine appointments. The medication won’t work well if it’s not taken on the right days or at the right times. You’ll also need to practice transparency with each doctor’s visit to ensure that you receive proper treatment and can begin to make progress. – Sharon S., Topeka, KS

Abstain from Alcohol

Although consuming alcohol may temporarily numb the emotional pain that you feel, it won’t benefit you in the long run. Alcohol consumption can lead to an addiction and can won’t offer long-term treatment that benefits your overall health. – Robert G., Pittsburgh, PA

Give Yourself Compassion

If you’re ready to overcome depression, you’ll need to practice being compassionate towards yourself to make it an easier process. Avoid taking on depression as your identity and allow it to become your enemy rather than becoming at odds with yourself. Treating yourself better can allow you to value yourself and have the motivation you need to deal with depression. – Stephanie S., Los Angeles, CA

Express Yourself in Writing

An effective way to deal with depression is to write down your thoughts and feelings each day. Putting down your thoughts and emotions in writing can help you to process what you’re experiencing and get it off your chest. Using a private journal to record your thoughts will also allow you to reflect on the progress that you’ve made or discover if certain events trigger your depressive episodes. – Bryan R., Montreal, Quebec

Work on Your Self-Image

Most people who suffer from depression have low self-esteem and a poor image of themselves. Make it a point to boost your confidence by practicing positive thinking about yourself and avoid speaking negatively. Specific lifestyle changes can also be made by exercising throughout the week and eating healthy. – Ana G., Rome, Italy

Spend Time in the Sun

Exposure to sunlight is proven to increase the level of serotonin in the body, which can immediately improve your mood. Try to get 30 to 60 minutes of time in the sun every 24 hours, whether you’re walking outdoors or are laying outside. – Daniel K., Ft. Myers, FL


Improve Your Quality of Sleep

Many people make the mistake of getting insufficient sleep throughout the week, as well as too much sleep. If you want to overcome depression, aim for seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Use blackout curtains and a white noise machine to avoid waking up due to outside noises or light. Avoid sleeping more than 10 hours each day, which can make it easy to have a lack of energy. If you have difficulty falling asleep each night, take serotonin and avoid using electronics an hour before your bedtime. Reading, take a bath, and dimming the lights can put your mind and body at ease before it’s time to fall asleep. – Nancy R., Anchorage, AL.

Although it can be challenging to have hope when you’re suffering from depression or anxiety, many solutions will prove to be useful and effective when you’re feeling low. With the right treatment and techniques practiced consistently, you can begin to overcome the disorder and learn how to cope with it long-term.

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Science Explains The Benefits Of Flax Seeds For Your Skin

Did you know there is one seed that can improve your health, fight off disease and give you healthy, glowing, beautiful skin? The beauty benefits of flaxseeds are the talk of the skin care industry. Keep reading to find out why.

Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are tiny nutrition powerhouses. These brown and golden seeds have been cultivated and eaten for thousands of years. In the 8th century, King Charlemagne was so convinced of their health-promoting properties that he ordered all his subjects to eat them. What is in them that makes them so good for us? Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber. Charlemagne couldn’t have known that way back then, but he was on to something. Science is beginning to confirm that flax seeds are indeed one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

Scroll down to see the many benefits of flaxseeds.

Flax Facts About Health and Nutrition

The health benefits of flaxseeds, Linum usitatissimum, come from the omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber. Flax helps reduce cholesterol, control blood sugar, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. There is some evidence that flax may guard against cancer and inhibit tumor growth. The fiber improves digestion, gut health and immunity.

Toasted flax seeds score high on the tasty meter but cooking destroys many of the nutrients. Research has shown that they are best eaten raw. They are better digested when ground rather than eaten whole. Eat one to two tablespoons of ground flax seeds every day to keep your skin healthy and glowing from the inside.

Beauty Benefits of Flaxseeds

Your skin is your first-line defense against the outside world. Taking care of your skin helps you stay healthy from head to toe. Your skin gets its nourishment from the inside and out. What you put in your body matters as much as what you put on your skin. Flax seeds for skin care are an important part of your beauty routine. Eat flax seeds for skin health and use them in your daily skin care to get the most benefits of flaxseeds. With regular use your skin will take on a radiant glow.

1. Get Your Glow On

You don’t need expensive cosmetics to get healthy, radiant skin. Omega-3s in flax give your skin what it needs to look vibrant and youthful.

2. Reduce and Prevent Wrinkles

The omega-3s in flax seeds help your body produce collagen that keeps skin smooth and elastic. As we age the amount of collagen in the skin decreases. Fine lines start to appear. Collagen-boosting foods help our bodies replace some of what we lose with age. Cosmetics and facial care products with collagen have been around for a long time. Only recently have collagen-boosting foods become a hot topic in the beauty world.

3. Sun Damage and Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is usually associated with sun exposure. It has also linked to inflammation. The omega-3s in flax help reduce inflammation.

The lignans in flax are antioxidants that protect the skin from sun damage in a different way. Sun exposure robs the body of antioxidants. It causes the production of free radicals. Free radicals are nasty little molecules that produce inflammation. They damage cell function and DNA in skin cells. Lignans restore the antioxidants and fight off free radicals. Flax seed may even slow the progression of melanoma. Lignans also work to prevent inflammation.

4. Soothe Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is often caused by a disruption of the natural oil barrier on the skin’s surface. The omega-3s in flax seeds help maintain this barrier. Regular consumption may improve skin-sensitivity problems.

5. Redness, Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis

These skin conditions are a result of inflammation in the skin. Flax seeds reduce inflammation and also speed the healing process.

6. Acne

Flax seeds help control the production of sebum, the natural oily barrier, in the skin. This may help control acne.

benefits of flaxseeds

7. Flax Seeds For Skin Care

Use flax seeds in your beauty routine to keep your skin soft, radiant and looking young.

8. Cleanse and Exfoliate

Cleanse and exfoliate with water and ground flax seeds.

9. Firm Skin

Make a face pack with water and ground flax seeds for a skin firming mask. Apply several layers of the paste to your face to cover it completely. Let it dry before rinsing off.

10. Soften fine lines

Rub a few drops of flaxseed oil into your skin. It will nourish your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

A healthy you is a beautiful you. Enjoy all these benefits of flax seed for skin care and health without the cost of expensive beauty products and medications.

Flax seeds can affect how some medications work. Talk with your doctor if you have health conditions or are taking medications before you add flax seeds to your diet.

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How To Control Blood Sugar Naturally

The growing number of people with high blood sugar continues to mount. Age and lifestyle have been found to be more prevalent in cause than genetics. The question of how to control blood sugar naturally, is a subject that everyone needs to be aware of.

According to the American Diabetes Association, the number of people with some form of diabetes was projected to grow by 165% from 2000 to 2025. This is not an unfounded number given the current state of this disease. In 2015, 84.1 million Americans age 18 and older were diagnosed with prediabetes and over 1.5 million new cases per year have been reported since 2015.

Not All Sugar is Alike 

The age-old theory of cutting out sugar to control blood sugar naturally, is only true to a point. It is the type of sugar that affects the body’s ability to manage. For instance, whole-wheat bread, brown rice and legumes have complex sugar content that is actually good for maintaining weight and adding necessary vitamins to your system. Simple sugar, on the other hand, does not metabolize quickly, causing a fluctuation of blood sugar levels. You find this type of sugar in foods like packaged snacks, fruit drinks, soda, and cereal.

A Generation of Slow Movers 

The world of technology has become a comfortable way of life for many. The days of jumping in our cars to meet a new client or walking across a plant to check on the status of an order, are over. We now rely on laptops and iPhones for communication. While this may seem like a time-saving measure, it is also a blood sugar nightmare. Exercise is necessary to control blood sugar naturally. Movement of any type will help to keep levels regulated. Some top ways to place exercise in your daily routine include:

  • Brisk walking
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Aerobics or Yoga

Adding exercise to your daily routine can help to eliminate the conditions of prediabetes.

How Aging Plays a Part 

Almost one-third of adults in the US over the age of 65 years have diabetes. This is due to the natural aging process that brings about insulin resistance and slowed physical activity. This is a major concern as more and more people enter their senior years. Learning how to control blood sugar naturally once your body begins to weaken, can greatly affect one’s quality of life.

If you are heading toward retirement, recognize that diabetes will be a real concern and take steps to control blood sugar naturally. Use a portable meter for monitoring your blood glucose in addition to follow-ups to your doctor. Your physician has probably already ordered an A1C test to keep an eye on how much oxygen-carrying protein is in your red blood cells. From here, diets, exercise and supplements may be suggested as a way to control blood sugar naturally. If caught in the early stages, you can control your own diabetic aging process.

Using a Glycemic Index 

The Glycemic Index was developed as a way to rank carbohydrates based on their rate of glycemic response. By knowing which foods are responsible for triggering the fluctuation of blood sugar, you can learn to control blood sugar naturally. Understanding your glycemic index in relationship to carbohydrates and portions consumed can help you get a better handle on what your body needs to stay regulated.

Magnesium and Chromium 

Magnesium and chromium are two essential minerals that the body needs to control blood sugar levels. It is not unusual for people to fall short in these natural minerals with a regular diet. With food processing, the natural state of minerals can be decreased significantly. Chromium-rich foods include egg yolks, whole-grain products, high-bran cereals, coffee, nuts, green beans, broccoli and meat. Magnesium-rich foods include dark leafy greens, whole grains, fish, dark chocolate, bananas, avocados and beans. If you find that you are lacking in these sufficient minerals, there are natural supplements on the market to help you balance the difference.

control blood sugar naturally

Water, Water, Water 

Your kidneys help to flush out excess blood sugar that builds up in the body. It also keeps your blood hydrated. Fruit drinks and soft drinks contain sugar that can raise the blood sugar levels, defeating the purpose of eliminating excess blood sugar. Get in the habit of drinking plenty of water. You will be surprised to see a decrease of weight gain, too.

Diabetes is a troubling disease that can effect your daily life and create other medical issues. Without the proper stability, your heart can become weakened and distressed.

Other ways on how to control blood sugar naturally is getting enough sleep, losing weight and taking steps to manage stress.

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