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Health Expert Explains 6 Ways To Lose Weight If You Have PCOS

Losing weight is difficult for most people, unlike gaining weight, which is super expeditious by contrast. Specific disorders, like those of the endocrine system, can add another degree of difficulty. PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is one such disorder.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is a condition wherein it’s difficult for the body to use the hormone insulin, “which normally helps convert sugars and starches from foods into energy.” Also called insulin resistance, the stunting of insulin production causes a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. When this happens, fat from our foods is stored in our cells more efficiently.

The onset of PCOS highly correlates with pregnancy, with about 10% of childbearing-age women developing the condition. Usually starting after puberty, “some of its effects seem to have little to do with fertility.”

PCOS Symptoms

The symptoms of PCOS tend to vary. “People can get multiple symptoms for multiple reasons,” explains Dr. Karen Carlson, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. “PCOS is a syndrome with a spectrum of symptoms that you can get, but not everybody gets everything.”

The three main symptoms of PCOS include: high levels of androgen, irregular periods, and multiple cysts. A patient must display two of the three symptoms to be diagnosed with PCOS.

Additional PCOS symptoms include:

  • Acne
    Excessive hair growth in the face, chest, or buttocks
    Oily skin
    Thinning hair and hair loss

While hormone abnormalities related to PCOS make losing weight very challenging, it is possible with a disciplined, logical approach.


Here are six ways to lose weight if you have PCOS:

Here are some tips to help you manage your weight if you struggle with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

1. Eat a high-fiber, low-sugar diet.

A good portion of your diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Keeping processed food to a minimum is crucial – doing so will help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Fatty foods should also be strictly monitored, as these also tend to destabilize blood sugar.

Consuming dietary fiber is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy weight and encourage weight loss. It promotes a healthy digestive system, a feeling of fullness, and blood sugar regularity.

2. Eat regularly throughout the day.

Per WebMD: “After about 3 hours without food, blood sugar begins to fall. And after 4 hours, your body has already digested whatever you sent down earlier. Once you’ve crossed the 5-hour mark, your blood sugar begins to plummet, and you grab whatever you can to refuel.”

Bear in mind that your meals needn’t be large or filling. Use your intuition and eat to a point where you will feel comfortable doing so again in 4 to 5 hours. (You may need to experiment a bit here.)


3. Don’t eliminate carbs.

Dr. Angela Grassi, the founder of the PCOS Nutrition Center in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, says, “Eat balanced meals with a little bit of carbs like whole grains.” Grassi, who has PCOS, advises abstaining from high glycemic-index carbs (anything with a high level of artificial sugars.)

Excellent sources of healthy carbohydrates include all vegetables, whole fruits, legumes (peas, kidney beans, lentils), nuts, and seeds.

4. Get to the gym.

Exercise should be a non-negotiable activity for people with medical conditions, including PCOS. But just because there is no substitute for exercise doesn’t mean it has to be boring!

Every day, do something fun that happens to break a sweat for thirty minutes. Ideas: basketball, tennis, yoga, badminton, ultimate frisbee, or racquetball.

5. Manage stress

Women diagnosed with PCOS tend to have higher-than-normal levels of anxiety. Anxiety, while okay (even healthy) to some extent, produces an exacerbated stress response if left unchecked. Under stress, the body releases a flood of hormones that hasten weight gain.

Consider taking mindfulness meditation, yoga, or some other regimented breathing routine. Exercise is another fantastic stress-buster!

6. Practice good sleep hygiene

Research shows chronically undersleep people are more likely to be overweight or obese. Poor sleep is also associated with insulin resistance, the main problem affecting PCOS patients.

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF), the U.S.’s preeminent sleep science and research organization, provides the following tips:

– Develop a sleep schedule and wake up at the same time every day: “This helps to regulate your body’s clock and could help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night.”

– Incorporate a relaxing bedtime routine: “(A nightly routine) helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety.”

– Avoid long naps: Try limiting daytime naps to 30-45 minutes.


How to be healthy

Final Thoughts on Dealing With PCOS

PCOS, like other hormone-related conditions, can be tough to manage. The best advice is to seek guidance from a medical professional, especially if you are considering a new exercise or nutritional routine.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Scientists Explain Why Your Eyes Twitch (And How to Fix It)

Have you ever wondered why your eyes twitch? If you are reading this, there’s a chance you’re wondering why your eyes twitch. Believe me, it’s normal. Eye twitching happens to everyone now and again. It’s not typically painful but can be quite irritating, especially if you have been minding your own business.

So, if you’re wondering why your eyes twitch, know that an eye twitch is a muscle spasm of one or both of the upper and lower eyelids. The technical name for eye-twitching is Myokymia. There are many causes for eye twitching, but most are not incredibly serious. There are also several ways to help reduce the severity of the twitches.

“Twitches are typically benign and should only last for a few weeks. The problem is that once you develop these twitches, they tend to cause a vicious cycle.” – Dr. Donny Suh

Here Are 10 Reasons Why Your Eyes Twitch

  1. Excessive intake of alcohol
  2. Bright lights
  3. Caffeine
  4. Fatigue
  5. Irritation of the surface of the eye or inner eyelid
  6. Physical exertion
  7. Smoking
  8. Stress
  9. Windy weather
  10. Dry eyes

These sorts of twitches, though irritating, typically go away on their own. More serious and recurring twitches are often something called Benign Essential Blepharospasm, which is a movement disorder (dystonia) of the muscles around the eye. Hemifacial spasms are typically caused by a small artery that repeatedly irritates a facial nerve.

Though these conditions are more serious than the random twitching of Myokymia, they are only more serious in that the twitching is more common and can therefore be more irritating for the eye. There are also a few conditions why your eyes twitch. In other words, they can be symptomatic but are not the only symptom. These conditions include:

  1. Tourette’s Syndrome
  2. Bell’s Palsy
  3. Multiple Sclerosis

Why Your Eyes Twitch and How to Fix It

While the abovementioned twitching is involuntary and often irritating, there are things we can do to reduce the occurrence. These include:

  • Reducing your intake of caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Keeping the surface of your eye lubricated using artificial tears or over-the-counter eye-drops
  • Applying a warm compress to your eye when twitching begins
  • Taking an antihistamine tablet or using antihistamine eye-drops

There is no known cure for Benign Essential Blepharospasms but there are ways to reduce the severity of the twitches, the most common being injecting Botox into the muscles of the eye to help reduce the contraction and twitches within the muscle. This is also often used in Hemifacial Spasms. Apart from this, there are several medications your doctor may prescribe to ease the twitches.

Whatever treatment is suggested for your eyes twitching, it is important to remain calm and positive during the twitching episode. Also, try not to feel self-conscious from this, as it is incredibly normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Listen to your body and consider seeking medical attention if the twitching persists after a week.

If you find eye twitching is happening more frequently, take note of the times that they occur. Also, log what you have been eating and drinking during this time. Note if you have been getting enough sleep, as well as recording your current stress levels. If you notice the spasms occurring around bedtime, try to go to bed thirty minutes to an hour earlier to ensure that you are getting enough sleep and to provide your eyelids with a chance to rest.

Final thoughts

Positive thinking, a positive attitude, eating well, limiting your tobacco use, and getting enough sleep are typically enough to prevent or minimize the frequency of your eyes twitching. At the end of the day, you are likely the only one who notices it, so there is no need to feel embarrassed. Twitching eyes are completely normal and there is typically nothing to worry about.

dark circles under eyes

Related: How to Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes


16 Most Beautiful And Inspiring Body Positivity Quotes From Celebrities

Body positivity means accepting our bodies in our current state. It means putting aside preconceived notions of what we “should” look like. When we feel like we are too thin or too overweight, we are putting a great deal of pressure on ourselves to conform to society’s standards. Body positivity quotes can help us get past these negative feelings and show us a new way to love ourselves.

It can be difficult at first to practice body positivity. Body positivity quotes can help you remember what is truly important and help you move forward in your life with joy. Even famous celebrities have struggled with their own body image. They share their wisdom in these body positivity quotes.

16 Body Positivity Quotes from Celebrities to Help You Change Your Attitude

1. “I love how I look. I am a full woman and I’m strong, and I’m powerful, and I’m beautiful at the same time.”  — Serena Williams

2. “Before I made this record, I was doing everything to try to get my music heard. I tried to lose weight, I was making awful music. It was only until I started being myself did the music start to flow and people start to listen.”

— Sam Smith

3. “Everything we see that’s labeled as beautiful is very skinny. In the song, I kind of say, ‘F*** them skinny girls.’ But it’s all love…I went overboard with the video to show that I’m not going to hide. And those big-booty dancers I have, they’re not going to hide. Black girls should feel sexy, powerful and important too.”

— Nicki Minaj

4. “You’re a human being, you live once and life is wonderful, so eat the damn red velvet cupcake.” –Emma Stone

5. “I don’t really care what I look like that much. And I think that women out there should just be happy with how they look and they shouldn’t really try to conform to any stereotype. Just be happy and hopefully healthy.”

— Rebel Wilson

6. “This is who I am. I am proud at any size. And I love you, and want you to be proud in any form you may take as well.”

— Lady Gaga

7. “We live in a day and age where people make it impossible for women, men, anyone to embrace themselves exactly how they are. Diversity is sexy! Loving yourself is sexy! You know what is not sexy? Misogyny, objectifying, labeling, comparing and body shaming! Talking about people’s bodies as if they’re on display asking for your approval/opinion. They are not! Celebrate yourself. Celebrate others. The things that make us different from one another make us beautiful.”

— Ariana Grande

8. “I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body.” –Demi Lovato

9. “Appearance has so little to do with where we should get our confidence from.”

–Amy Schumer

10. “I’ve never wanted to look like the models on the covers of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I’m very proud of that.”


11. “I definitely have body issues, but everybody does. When you come to the realization that everybody does—even the people that I consider flawless—then you can start to live with the way you are.”

— Taylor Swift

12. “I am not a woman whose self-worth comes from her dress size.”  –Kristen Bell

body positivity

13. ”My limbs work, so I’m not going to complain about the way my body is shaped.”

–Drew Barrymore

14. “I want to be the person who feels great in her body and can say that she loves it and doesn’t want to change anything.”

–Emma Watson

15. “I’m pretty comfortable with my body. I’m imperfect. The imperfections are there. People are going to see them, but I take the view you only live once.”

–Kate Hudson

16. “The female body is something that’s so beautiful. I wish women would be proud of their bodies and not diss other women for being proud of theirs!”  — Christina Aguilera

Final Thoughts About Body Positivity Quotes

Body positivity is a crucial part of reaching peace with ourselves. When we practice body positivity, we learn to accept our flaws and imperfections as a part of ourselves. Everyone looks at himself or herself through a critical eye. Let go of your wishes to change your body shape and accept the body you have right now.

Society has strict and punishing guidelines about how we should look. Body positivity is liberating for both men and women and is a step toward better mental and emotional health.

8 Natural Anxiety Relief Techniques That Really Work

Today, millions of people across the world suffer from anxiety. Day-to-day problems are the leading causes of stress and anxiety. Some of these challenges include chronic illnesses, disabilities, loss of property, family disagreements, and financial difficulties. People who suffer from anxiety live in constant fear of the things that are likely to happen in the future. It is a dangerous experience that lowers an individual’s self-esteem and level of productivity, irrespective of the level of fear.

What makes anxiety more dangerous is that many people who suffer from it do not admit that they have a problem. Since it is a mental illness, they end up doing the unthinkable, including committing suicide. However, the good news is that there are numerous ways that can help you get out of this challenging situation. This guide provides the best anxiety relief techniques that you should consider.

1. Spend Time with Family and Friends 
When you are stressful, you should spend time with your friends, workmates, and family members. Social support from your loved ones is essential because it will help you get through tough times successfully. Social connections give an individual a sense of belonging. When interacting with your friends, your body releases a natural stress reliever, which is known as oxytocin. People who rarely associate with their friends and relatives are likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

2. Get Enough Sleep 
This is one of the best anxiety relief techniques. When suffering from depression or anxiety, you need to go to bed early because your body requires additional rest and sleep. As an adult, you should sleep for at least 8 hours per day. Getting enough sleep every day lowers stress hormones, such as cortisol, in your body. Additionally, it will shift your attention and thoughts from those things that are causing stress in your life.

3. Exercise 
Regular exercises will not only help in keeping your body in good shape, but they will also play a significant role in minimizing stress and anxiety. Activities such as running, climbing, walking, swimming, and dancing are effective anxiety relief methods. When stressed, you should join your friends in performing physical exercises to promote your mental well-being and boost your confidence. Exercises are essential for every human being because they improve the quality of sleep.

4. Eat Balanced Diets 
When feeling anxious, you should not skip any meal because diet affects anxiety. You should prepare balanced diets to keep your body strong and healthy. Moreover, it is advisable to consume at least one glass of fresh juice every morning to keep your body calm. Some people also use supplements, such as lemon balm, valerian root, green tea, omega-3 fatty acids, to relieve anxiety and stress. They contain anti-anxiety effects.

5. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption 
Excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and some processed foods can aggravate anxiety and trigger panic attacks, which are challenging to handle. Therefore, when suffering from depression, you should limit alcohol and caffeine intake. You need to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. Even if you practice the other anxiety relief techniques and fail to quit drinking alcohol, you will still feel anxious.

6. Listen to Your Favorite Music 
Slow-paced or soothing songs have a relaxing effect on the body. When your body is relaxed, the heart rate and blood pressure are always low. When listening to your favorite music, you focus on the lyrics and forget about the things that are stressing you. Good music calms your body and gives you time to meditate. Meditation and calming down relieve anxiety and stress.

7. Deep Breathing 
When anxious, the sympathetic nervous system of your body gets activated. This process increases your heart rate because it signals the fight-or-flight mode in your body. When in this state, your body releases a lot of stress hormones. Additionally, your body is likely to suffer from blood pressure. Deep breathing is an important anxiety relief method because it helps in activating the parasympathetic nervous system of your body. This system controls the relaxation process, allowing your body to feel more peaceful and calm. Some of the types of deep breathing include belly-breathing and diaphragmatic breathing.

anxiety relief techniques

8. Laugh Out Loudly Laughing is also one of the best anxiety relief techniques that you need to consider. People who always laugh are not likely to suffer from anxiety. Laughter is good for your health because it lowers the stress hormones in your body. Also, it helps in relieving tension by relaxing the muscles. Therefore, when stressed, you can engage in activities that are likely to trigger laughter, such as chatting with your friends and watching funny movies.

In conclusion, you need to understand that spending time with your pet can improve your mood and help in combating stress. When lonely and anxious, your pet will provide companionship and keep you active. Therefore, stress will reduce because you will not focus on the things that are making you feel anxious.

However, if your case escalates, it is advisable to visit a therapist for assistance. The professional will ask you questions concerning your personal life and help you address various things that are making you feel bad. Additionally, your therapist is likely to advise you to practice the above anxiety relief techniques to make your life happy.

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7 Things to Remember when you are Overwhelmed with Criticism at Work

Professional settings can often be hotbeds of criticism, high stakes competition and break-neck paces. Changes can happen fast and, whether you like it or not, mistakes are made from time to time. It is during these times that things fall through the cracks and escape our attention.

Then again, these aren’t the only conditions that create an environment for serious criticisms. Sometimes the critique can be directed at a project you worked really hard on, but it didn’t meet requirements or expectations. These kinds of harsh assessments can lead to excessive self criticism, cause you to anxiously avoid criticism at all costs, or influence you to reflexively reject input. Before you let the judgments of colleagues, clients and superiors get the best of you, here are 7 things you can remember to help keep you in the game.

There was a reason you got this job in the first place.
You possess the skills and experience to do your job, even if it may not feel like it. It may not always be easy to find your footing at first, particularly when entering a new career or taking on a brand new project. Just keep in mind that you would not have been hired at all if you weren’t qualified and capable.

Your work being criticized is unavoidable.
It doesn’t matter how good you are at what you do, it is impossible to please absolutely everyone all of the time. Eventually, someone somewhere isn’t going to be satisfied with your work. Sometimes professional evaluations are based more in opinion than they are in solid fact. In these cases, you may want to further educate yourself on the preferences of your clients and supervisors to correct the issue.

Use the suggestions to your advantage.
Another person’s perspective can be a tremendous asset, even in the form of harsh evaluation. Rather than trying to avoid criticism, you may want to try seeking it every once in a while. Not only will it help you get use to being criticized, it will allow you to get a more complete view of what is expected from your work and give you an advantage against your competitors.

You’re not being fired.
If you were going to be fired, that’s probably what would have happened. Criticism is an opportunity to rise to the challenge and make the necessary corrections to your work before your job is in serious jeopardy. Certainly take the insights seriously, but realize that critical commentary doesn’t mean definite termination. Take a deep breath and try to concentrate on making the corrections.

Remind yourself of your strengths.
Negative feedback can lead to a cyclical pattern of self-doubt. A serious crisis of confidence can make every professional decision into a nightmare of anxiety and second-guessing. Before you get tangled up in that toxic spiral of self criticism, remind yourself about all of the things you do well. Refocusing your attention on something positive for a moment may help you keep the incoming negativity in perspective.

Be sure the criticism is deserved.
There are going to be plenty of times that you will rightfully deserve a bit of criticism. It happens to the best of us. However, there may also be times you receive an assessment that is wholly unfair and unjustified. This could be because your work was mistaken for someone else’s, or it could just be that the criticism is purely an emotional outburst with no basis in your actual work. Be able to recognize the difference between what is deserved, and what is unacceptable.

Prepare to adjust your natural response.
Being told to improve doesn’t feel all that great for most of us. In fact, it can be a real kick in the stomach, sometimes. Try to see these negative appraisals of your work as a way for you to improve on your responses and strengthen your professional relationships. If you begin to doubt yourself, look for ways to stay positive and remain confident. If you feel angry and upset, you may want to remove yourself, refocus, and revisit the issues after a moment to collect yourself.


Avoiding and ignoring criticism will likely be damaging to your work, and ultimately, to your career. The sometimes harsh estimations and assessments of your abilities can be extremely challenging to deal with. This can lead you to develop anxiety about future projects and become overly critical of your own work in hopes of dodging future professional critique. It may also make you resistant to the idea of outside input in an effort to prove that your way is the right way.

Having ideas means having them shot down sometimes. And there is no way you can avoid the inevitability of human error. If you do a job long enough, it is only a matter of time until an accident happens or a mistake is made. It is your choice as to how you handle those workplace situations when they arise. When it begins to feel as though you are being overwhelmed, you can choose to cower from your critic or confront them with resilience and an open mind. Remember, in the wise words of Aristotle:

“Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”

10 Proven Techniques To Cleanse Negative Energy From Your Life

Everyone has felt the sensation of something simply being wrong. Whether it is in your home, office, or yourself, these negative vibes can truly affect your well being and productivity. When you feel this way, you may need to cleanse the negative energy in your space.

Clearing negative energy is an important step in moving into any new location. Most people do this without thinking about it, oblivious to the fact that they cleanse negative energy. In order to cleanse negative energy from your life, you already decorate, clean, and do small things to help with this endeavor. Below is a list of techniques to cleanse negative energy from your life, including yourself and your new environment.

Liven Things Up

Bring some life into your space, literally. Plants are a great way to bring life to an office or work area. There are a variety of appropriate plants for any type of room. Even if you don’t spend much time in an area, something like a cactus can even be put in a room and needs little attention.

Make Your Space Feel Like Home

Surround yourself with things you like. This one is a no-brainer. If you put things you enjoy seeing in your work area it will make you more happy. Photos, hobbies, stickers, and posters are great items to decorate an office or cubical. This is a great way to cleanse negative energy.


If the area you are cleansing permits it, incense can be a great way to cleanse negative energy. Several types of sage can be used to cleanse an area. Copal and Boswellia resin can also be used to cleanse an area.


We’ve already covered live plants, but freshly picked flowers can liven up a room as well. Everything about flowers encouraging positive energy, from the smell to the colors, flowers use their properties to cleanse negative energy.

Palo Santo

Making an area suitable for your lifestyle doesn’t only consist of removing negative energy. Bringing proven positive energy providers into your space can serve your purpose too. Palo Santo means “holy wood” in Spanish, and it has thousands of years of tradition behind it. This isn’t burnt as easily as other natural remedies like sage; you must walk around your space blowing on the wood until you have covered the entire area.


This is one of the most well-known methods of cleansing negative energy. There are two options to choose from: sprinkle the salt or leave it in a bowl. The first option consists of sprinkling the salt along rugs and carpets then vacuuming it up. The second method consists of simply leaving salt out in a bowl at all times.

Black Tourmaline

Also known as the protection crystal, black tourmaline is an absorber of negative energy. Placing a piece of black tourmaline at each corner of a room is a sure-fire way to cleanse negative energy.


We’ve talked a lot about cleansing an area but not about cleansing the body. Music is one of the most simplest ways to accomplish this. People use music for this reason without even knowing. Music has the power to calm a person down, relax them, and cleanse negative energy from their bodies.

cleanse negative energy

Mineral Baths

It will take some experimenting to find the perfect bathing agent for each person, but once a match is found, people never want to bath with out it. Options are available in outstanding numbers. Himalayan sea salt is a popular additive, but lavender is also very good as well. Find the additive that works for you and stick to it.

Breathing Exercises

Everyone knows the trick to take deep breathes to help them relax, but few people know what is really happening when they do this. Deep breathing exercises are a great way to bring tranquility to the body. This is one of the first things that should be tried upon wishing to cleanse the body of negative energy.

In Conclusion

These 10 ways are sure to satisfy anyone that tries them. Someone who has exhausted their resources has surely found a new technique to try.

Some of the methods and techniques are well known, but I hope, in reading the article you discovered new methods of negative energy cleansing that you can put to use immediately.

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