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Want to Lose Weight Without Gym? Here’s What you Need to Do…

You’ve tried Atkins. And then you tried Weight Watchers. You’ve tried sugar-free, fat-free, sodium-free and gluten-free. What else is left when you’re trying to shed those stubborn pounds? The good news is that anyone can lose weight without gym, with the right mindset. You don’t have to rely on trendy diets and exhausting exercises to get the body that you’ve always wanted. In fact, you can lose weight without gym equipment at all! You just need a positive attitude… and a few industry secrets.

1. Eat Breakfast 

Did you know that you can lose weight by eating more at the breakfast table? It might seem counterproductive, but studies have shown that people who eat breakfast at least four times a week have lower BMIs than people who skip the morning bagels. It has to do with kick-starting the metabolism and staving off hunger pains before they begin. People who eat a satisfying meal in the AM won’t be tempted to overindulge in the PM.

2. Brush Your Teeth Instead

Late-night snackers, this tip is for you! Whenever you feel like hitting the refrigerator in the middle of the night, grab your toothbrush instead. The fresh, satisfying tingle of a minty mouth will discourage you from messing it up with food, and the physical act of brushing can also distract you from your cravings. Many binges start with just one moment of impulsiveness, and getting past that will also get you past the urge to binge.

3. Slow Down 

Unless you’re living in a Charles Dickens novel where your gruel is going to be taken away from you if you don’t scarf it down right away, there’s no benefit to eating quickly. Research has made it clear that fast eaters are more likely to be obese than people who take their time at the dinner table. This means that it can really help your weight loss goals to slow down, chew your food thoroughly and appreciate what’s on your plate!

4. Reduce Your Portions 

If you want to lose weight without gym time, this is the way to do it. You can cut down your caloric intake by as much as 20-30 percent if you’re willing to eat just a little bit less at every meal. For example, instead of cooking three chicken tenders for dinner, limit yourself to two. Instead of throwing back a six-ounce bag of peanuts, save three ounces for later. You won’t have to deprive yourself of whatever you want to eat, but you won’t eat too much of it, either.

5. Take Baby Steps 

Throwing out your chocolate won’t make you crave it any less. As a matter of fact, it might make you crave it even more! We always want what we can’t have, especially when it looks so decadent in those TV commercials filled with beautiful women and flowing cascades of cocoa. Instead of forcing yourself into a painful chocoholic detox, try making small, sustainable lifestyle changes that gradually reduce your reliance on Hershey and Cadbury.

6. Consume More Protein 

There’s a reason why athletes and bodybuilders are all about the protein. Not only is it good for you on a nutritional level, but it also works as a natural appetite suppressant. It will make you feel fuller for longer periods of time, so you’ll consume less food without even trying. It can be very helpful if you’re trying to lose weight without gym memberships and celebrity diets. The next time that you’re at the grocery store, stock up on eggs, beans, lentils and poultry.


7. Buy Smaller Dishes

Think about a regular-sized scoop of ice cream. If it’s perched on top of a tiny cone, it’s going to look enormous. If it’s a sad little lump at the bottom of a bowl, however, you’ll want to add more scoops to get your money’s worth. Using smaller dishes can trick your brain into thinking that you’re consuming more food than you are, so consider updating your tableware if you’re serious in your desire to lose weight fast.

lose weight without gym

8. Drink More Water 

It’s actually a myth that you need eight glasses a day, but drinking more water is always good for your health. It’s a nice way to lose weight without gym routines or low-carb diets, too. In addition to filling up your stomach, it will stop your body from bloating, hoarding sodium and retaining unnecessary water weight. This isn’t even getting into all of the ways that hydration will make your hair shine and your skin glow!

These are just a few things to keep in mind if you want to lose weight fast. Don’t believe the misconceptions about diet and exercise being the only ways to slim down! It’s entirely possible to lose weight without gym facilities or trendy meal plans. You just have to be willing to work for it.

Good luck! You can do it!

lose weight without gym



10 Things You Must Do If You Want to Change Your Life

Change is rarely an easy thing. For some, the task feels so overwhelming that they aim to avoid it entirely. However, refusing to change your life if it isn’t going well can have a severely negative impact on a person’s emotional and mental wellbeing, as well as halt their self-growth.

Change doesn’t have to be scary or difficult. Instead, these 10 simple tips below will help you change your life in small ways that will make a big impact on your overall well-being.

Change your Life

Be Honest and Speak-Up

Many people are hesitant to speak their honest thoughts, opinions, and feelings out loud because they fear doing so will cost them friends. However, Lolly Daskal, the CEO of Lead From Within says that “honesty is the cornerstone of success,” and many other positive attributes, such as confidence, hinge on one’s ability to not only be honest with themselves but with others as well.

Allow Yourself to Really Feel Your Emotions

A research team at the Harvard Decision Science Laboratory discovered that strong emotions which are commonly labeled as negative can actually have positive effects on a person’s life. For example, the team’s research suggests that anger has the ability to help people feel powerful in their own lives and can help them to overcome their fears. Therefore, Covisioning President, Marcia Reynolds, Psy.D, suggests that harnessing your anger and internalizing can be incredibly useful when it comes to overcoming personal challenges and making improvements that will change your life.

Take a Moment to Focus

Each day, carve out a small bit of time to focus on your goals for the day, and the attitude you want to have to go into that day. In doing so, clinical psychologist John Duffy, Ph.D suggests trying to make each day a better day than the day before. This could be something as small as not sleeping in or making an extra effort to help someone in need.

Forgive and Move On to Greener Pastures

According to Lolly Daskal, switching things up within your social circle can truly change your life, as long as you are surrounding yourself with the right people. While it’s imperative to be able to forgive those who have caused you pain or heartache, it’s equally as important to learn from those lessons by instead choosing to fill your life with people who are in your corner and truly want what is best for you.

Learn How to Unstuck Yourself

Many people experience phases in their lives when they start to feel stagnant or stuck, which can lead to unhappiness. Luckily, there is a way to unstuck yourself when this happens. Clinical psychologist Deborah Serani, Psy.D says to first reflect, and then get active, as these two components are critical if you want to change your life. First, take a moment to understand what is making you feel stuck. Next, understand where it is making you feel stuck (i.e. home, work, school, etc). Lastly, focus on your inner-self (your mind and your heart) to determine the best course of action.

Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Ari Tuckman, Psy.D says that although most people understand that getting enough sleep is important, they often overlook it. Although many people feel like foregoing a little bit of sleep provides them with extra time to do something more productive, Tuckman says that just one night of shortened rest can put a serious damper on a person’s ability to solve complex problems, pay attention, and remember things.

Focus on Gratitude

Focusing on what your life lacks versus what it has is a surefire way to become unhappy, according to psychotherapist and founder of Urban Balance, Joyce Marter, LCPC. Showing a bit of gratitude can go a long way when it comes to manifesting positivity and success in one’s life. An easy way to show gratitude is to express thanks to someone who did something kind for you recently.

Minimize and Focus On What is Essential

Many people are living in excess of what is essential, and if this is true for you, it’s important to understand how doing so can create complexity and stress in your life. Lead From Within CEO, Lolly Daskal, says that simplifying your life allows you to focus the things that are the most important, and create the necessary space you need to change your life for better.

change your life

Accept What Cannot Be Changed

Psychologist Jennifer Delgado suggests that failure to accept unchangeable circumstances can lead to feelings of being stuck, unhappiness, and blinds us from realizing our true potential. When faced with a difficult situation that is beyond our control, Delgado says the best course of action is to change our perception of that situation, because it is ultimately our reactions to these situations which will be the determining factor in how we feel about them.

Final Thoughts

Lastly, remember that if you want to change your life, doing so requires a commitment in order for them to be successful. Don’t just implement these small changes today and tomorrow, but the next day and every day after.

As legendary race car driver Mario Andretti has famously said, “Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” With that in mind, make that commitment today to change your life for better!


12 Healthy Foods You Can Regrow At Home Forever

As you aim to have a more organic diet, it can be difficult to keep your home stocked with essentials. From the rising costs of fresh produce to the short shelf life of fruits and vegetables, it is no surprise that people are turning their backs on the standard supermarket model and opting to use their own gardens instead.

Growing Super Foods

“I would like to see people more aware of where their food comes from.” -Anthony Bourdain

Whether you currently have a garden at home or have been dreaming about growing plants of your own, now is the time to start planting seeds to grow your own superfoods. While you won’t be able to grow everything in your home garden, there are some great plants you can easily keep at home. Read on for 12 of the easiest plants to bring to your garden.

1. Lettuce

Lettuce is incredibly simple to grow. Take any leftover lettuce and have the leaves inside a bowl that has a small amount of water at the bottom. Make sure the bowl is in a well-lit area and that the leaves are misted regularly throughout the week. In just three to four days, you; ‘ll see that roots are starting to form. At this point, place your growing head of lettuce in the soil.

2. Celery

Looking for healthy foods to grow at home? Lettuce is another great option. Cut off the base of the celery, placing it inside a small bowl with a little warm water. The celery will start to sprout if it is ket facing direct sunlight for a week. At this point, you’ll start to see the leaves of the celery thickening. Then, you can plant the celery in the soil.

3. Lemongrass

When it comes to healthy foods to grow at home, lemongrass is another winner. Take the root of any leftover lemongrass and place it inside a jar or bowl, making sure to cover it with water. Once left in the sunlight, you’ll start to see new growth in about a week.

4. Bean Sprouts

Growing bean sprouts is relatively easy. Get about a tablespoon of the sprouts you hope to grow inside a jar covered with water. Leave the jar overnight and then drain off the water in the morning. Keep the container covered with a towel and then rinse the beans again the next morning. Repeat this process until the sprouts appear and they are your ideal size.

5. Avocado

Everyone loves avocados but not everyone loves their prices.
Good thing you can easily grow avocados right out of your home garden. The next time you get your hands on an avocado seed, stick a few toothpicks in it to have it suspended over water inside a jar or bowl. Make sure the water reached the bottom of your seed and keep the jar inside a warm area away from direct sunlight. Add more water as needed.

6. Potatoes

Potatoes can be easily grown from discarded potato peelings. Be sure to use the peelings with eyes on them. Cut each peeling into two-inch pieces. Then, let them try through the night and plant them the next day in the four-inch deep soil. The eyes should be faced up as you plant them. In a few weeks, you’ll start to see the potatoes sprouting.

7. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes can be grown as simply as regular potatoes. With sweet potatoes, cut one spud in half and leave it suspended with toothpicks above a shallow container of water. In a few days, you’ll see that roots and sprouts start to appear. As the sprouts reach around four inches, you can twist them off and place the sprouts in water. Once the roots inside the container grow to an inch, you can then plant them in the soil.

8. Ginger

Ginger is always a great food to have around. Start growing your own by taking a piece of the root and planting it in the soil. Keep the buds facing up and you’ll soon see new roots and shoots in a week.


9. Pineapple

Pineapple is such a fun fruit and an easy one to grow yourself. Cut off the top of a pineapple and suspend it over water with a few toothpicks. Keep your pineapple in the light and you’ll see that the roots start to grow in a week. Once the roots are formed, you can plant the pineapple in the soil.

10. Garlic

Garlic is easy enough to keep on hand once you start growing it in your garden. Start growing garlic by pulling off one clove and planting it, keeping the roots down in the soil. Try to keep your garlic in direct sunlight. As the new shoots grow, you’ll want to cut them back so that the plant can grow a bulb. Then, you can just take the bulb and replant it.


11. Onions

When growing onions, just take the roots of and cover it lightly with soil in a sunny area. When growing green onions, you’ll want to keep the base inside a container in direct sunlight. Be sure to change the water every so often, as your onions continue to grow.

12. Pumpkins

If you can never get enough of pumpkins, now is the time to start planting them. Spread pumpkin seeds inside a sunny area and cover them with soil. In about two to four weeks, you’ll see your pumpkins have started to grow.

Cultivating a Healthy Diet

The great thing about growing your own food is that you are in total control of the whole process. Whatever foods you enjoy eating, being able to grow most of them helps to turn the art of eating into an incredibly rewarding experience.

Use this guide to help kickstart your own garden. You’ll notice that with all of these superfoods readily available, you’ll start eating and feeling healthier.


Benefits of Meditation : 10 Amazing Reasons to Start Meditating Today

Have you ever tried meditation? When you know the benefits of meditation, you certainly will want to try it. Meditation is basically a way to focus on the present moment with your total attention. You avoid other distracting thoughts and focus all your attention on a single reference point. The reference point could be bodily sensations you are feeling, your breath or a mantra which is a single phrase or word. To meditate is deceivingly simple and an experience you will be happy you tried.
There are several styles of meditation. As a beginner, you must know yourself in order to know which style is best for you.

• If you need help with focusing and are a true beginner in meditation, you should try focused meditation. With focused meditation you would concentrate on any of the five senses, visualizations, your breath’s flow, touch or sounds.
• If you thrive best in silence or are looking to grow spiritually, spiritual meditation would be your best bet.
• If you are a person who dislikes silence, you may find peace in the repetition of Mantra meditation.
• Transcendental meditation is best for a person who seeks structured practice of meditation and want to maintain the practice of meditation.
• Movement meditation is best for a person who is tired of sitting all day at a desk or finds sitting still a distraction. That person would find peace in action. Most people think of Yoga as being the action of this type of meditation. However, you can also walk in the woods, work on gardening or practice any movement form.
• If you don’t have access to a meditation teacher, daily practice of mindfulness meditation is suited to you. Both focused observation and attention are promoted by this type of meditation.

Now that you are aware of several types of meditation, you most likely are thinking, “Why should I meditate?” Let’s take a look at the many benefits of meditation, and you surely will have an answer to that question.

The Benefits of Meditation

1. Meditation Decreases Your Stress, Anxiety and Depression

study was conducted by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. of the University of Massachusetts Medical School to determine whether meditation decreases a person’s stress, anxiety and depression. 25 people participated in this study. 16 people of 25 who were taught how to meditate over eight weeks were happier and calmer at the end of the eight weeks. The remaining 9 people did not meditate during the eight week period.

All of the 25 participants’ brain waves were scanned three times during the eight week period. The scans of the 16 people who meditated showed their brains had a significant shift in the activity of their brain’s cortex. The activity shifted from the right frontal lobe which is the stress lobe to the calmer left frontal lobe of the brain’s cortex. This shift indicated that those who meditated had fewer negative effects of stress, anxiety and depression and were calmer and happier than those who didn’t meditate.

Another study was conducted by the University of Wisconsin. This study reported that increased electrical activity was found in the left frontal lobe after eight weeks of training in meditation. Since the left frontal lobe is more active in people who are optimistic, it can be assumed that a feeling of optimism was followed by the meditation training. Meditate and be optimistic. Being optimistic is certainly one of the best benefits of meditation.

2. Meditation Improves Your Concentration

If you practice meditation regularly, you can improve your mental focus. By practicing meditation regularly, you actually alter your brain function. You may be equipped better for quiet brain activity than people who don’t meditate.
A recent study conducted by Giuseppe Pagnoni, an Italian neuroscientist, discovered that meditation changes people’s brain patterns and also gives them better mental focus which may improve their cognitive performance.
Pagnoni compared a group of meditators to a control group of twelve people who never meditated. Using an MRI machine, he found that meditators’ brains were more stable in their ventral posteromedial cortex. Pagnoni believed the posteromedial cortex region of the brain is linked to mind-wandering and spontaneous thoughts. Pagnoni’s hypothesis was proven when the greater stability in the posteromedial cortex region of those who meditated was observed. The meditators were better able to rein in wild thoughts and were also better able to focus on a tedious task as well.

3. Meditation Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

By inducing relaxation, meditation can improve your cardiovascular health. It does this by increasing the nitric oxide compound which causes you blood vessels to open up. This then lowers your blood pressure. This was one of the physical benefits of meditation reported in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2008 that 40 of 60 blood pressure patients were able to stop taking medication to reduce their blood pressure when they meditated.

4. Meditation Can Treat Insomnia

Not being able to get sufficient sleep, insomnia, can cause a person a number of serious health problems. Some people have tried to take sleeping pills to give them help in sleeping. Others have tried to stick to a regular schedule of hours of sleep. However, both of these methods tried failed and the condition persisted. When people tried mindfulness meditation, they were able to develop ways to help them with the consequences of their chronic insomnia and to avoid its nocturnal symptoms as well.

5. Your Risk of Acute Respiratory Infection can be Reduced with Meditation

The risk of Acute Respiratory Infection can be reduced with meditation. Influenza and viruses are illnesses many people suffer from. One of the best physical benefits of meditation is its making your immune system strong. Having a strong immune system can protect you from ARI. However, meditation has also been found to be useful in protecting you. In one research study, the results suggested that regular meditation may help you to reduce your risk of getting an ARI illness.

6. Meditation can Increase Your Tolerance of Pain

A therapy used to help people tolerate pain has been meditation. This is one of the outstanding benefits of meditation. The results of one study showed the pain ratings of people suffering from pain were significantly lowered after they meditated regularly.

7. Meditation can Help with Weight Loss

An eating disorder such as emotional eating is often the cause of obesity in both adults and teenagers. Even when not hungry, some people will eat large quantities of food causing them to be obese. It has been found that by including meditation into their routines they are better able to control both the conditions leading to their poor eating habits and the conditions associated with their poor eating habits.

8. Meditation can Increase Your Immunity

Meditation can not only maintain your immunity it can also strengthen it. Researchers in Infanta Cristina Hospital in Spain found that Transcendental Meditation increased the cell levels in the blood of people. This made them better able to fight off both bacteria and virus infections.

It was also found by a study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, that the genes which activate inflammation could be prevented to become active by meditation.

9. Meditation can Reduce the Severity of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome causes 10 to 15 percent of our population to suffer. Women are especially victims of this condition since more of them than men suffer from disorder. Mindfulness meditation can be used to help with the reduction of the severity of both the irregular bowel habits and the chronic abdominal pain of IBS symptoms.

The American Journal of Gastroenterology published a study in 2011 showing the participants who participated in a meditation had a reduction in their IBS symptoms. On the other hand, the control group of people who didn’t meditate had no reduction of symptoms.

Another study published in PLOS ONE was conducted by researchers related to Harvard University. The findings of this study showed a link between mediation and the lessening of a condition accompanying Crohn’s Disease, the Inflammatory Bowel Disorder.

10. Meditation Can Make You Happy

Meditate and be happy. One of the fantastic spiritual benefits of meditation is to make a person feel happy. The left side of your prefrontal cortex is the side that produces happiness. The right side of this cortex is the side that produces negative emotions. According to Ronnie Newman, director of research at the Art of Living Foundation, meditation decreases the negative emotions of the right side and increases the positive emotions of the left side. In addition, Newman has also claimed that meditation can increase a person’s acceptance and self-awareness contributing to his or her overall well-being. These are more spiritual benefits of meditation.

benefits of meditation

In Conclusion

It is obvious that meditation can lead to your living a healthier and happier life. Meditation can reduce your stress, increase your immunity, reduce the severity of the IBS symptoms, help with weight loss, help you to tolerate pain, treat insomnia, increase your concentration ability and also have other positive effects on your life. Best of all, meditation can add to your happiness.

12 Inspirational Quotes About Life That Will Get You Through Anything

When life is tough, it can feel like there’s no hope for you. While you might realize this isn’t true, getting out of a rut can be incredibly difficult. You might try to will yourself into positive thinking, but that can be hard without the proper guidance. Thankfully, help is available, in the form of inspirational quotes about life. When you read quotes like these, you can be inspired and remind yourself that there is hope out there, you just have to find it. These inspirational quotes about life are meant to help you out and feel better about life.

12 inspirational quotes about life

1. “I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It’s because of them I’m doing it myself.” – Albert Einstein 

Albert Einstein wasn’t just a brilliant scientist, he was also someone who had a great understanding of the needs of humans and the value of not giving up. Had Einstein given up, the world would be a very different place.

2.”The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.” —Randy Pausch 

Randy Pausch courageously battled cancer. This quote encapsulates just how strong Pausch’s resilience and refusal to give in was.

3. “Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.” – Larry Winget 

Here’s a reality check. If you find yourself dissatisfied with your health and financial situation, ask yourself if it was just bad luck or if you put yourself in those situations. Then, make a plan to remedy this.

4. “Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” – Earl Nightingale 

Earl Nightingale understands that we only have the life that has been given to us. Therefore, it’s essential that we not let time slip through our fingers.

5. “Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 

Think of yourself as being like a car. You aren’t a broken-down jalopy. Instead, you’re one fresh out of the showroom.

6. “One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you don’t feel like doing it.” – Unknown 

You can’t just sit around waiting for success to come to you. Instead, you need to push yourself at every moment possible.

7. “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert H. Schuller 

There is no obstacle you can’t overcome, provided you are willing to work through it

8. Don’t be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone.” – Andy Biersack 

Your personal integrity is of the utmost importance. Don’t let anyone call the shots in terms of what you believe.

9. “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine 

This is one of the most reassuring inspirational quotes, as it helps with perspective. Instead of seeing challenges as challenges, they can be instead seen as opportunities.

10. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” – Joseph Kennedy 

This is one of the best inspirational quotes because of how straightforward it is. There’s no use in despairing during difficult times. Instead, you need to remember inspirational quotes about life and take action.


11. “The biggest failure you can have in life is making the mistake of never trying at all.” – Unknown 

The best inspirational quotes can serve as rude awakenings. It’s better to try and fail than to never try at all.

12. “If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.” – H.G. Wells, author of The Time Machine

Famed author H.G. Wells further proved his wisdom with one of the best inspirational quotes about life. He reminds us that our past doesn’t have to determine our present or future.

We hope that these inspirational quotes about life provide you with a dosage of inspiration and excitement. As you read them, you should feel better about yourself and your circumstances. It won’t be instantaneous, but it will make a difference.

Many of these quotes come from famed and esteemed individuals. It’s important to remember that they weren’t always as influential or successful as they became. They had to work their way up and learn from their mistakes. By considering their wisdom, you can learn about how much your journey of life matters and how much it should be enjoyed, despite the bumps along the way. Make the most of these inspirational quotes about life and see how much better things turn out for you.

11 Reasons you Should Declutter your Home and Life

Living life to the fullest is an attitude that most people share. Does that mean filling every nook and cranny in the home with objects? Like healthy plants in a garden, healthy people require space and time to thrive. You claim breathing space when you declutter your home and living space. You can discover more time for people and activities you love as you declutter life.

Clutter is similar to weeds in a garden. Weeds steal nutrients and water from the soil. Clutter steals time and energy from people. Initially, it takes time to declutter your home, just like pulling weeds from the garden. But positive momentum quickly develops and build as places in the home open up, and new possibilities arise. As Robert Browning so simply put it, “Less is more.”

When you declutter your home, you will realize that a decluttered life is an automatic and recognizable benefit.

11 Reasons you Should Declutter your Home

declutter your home

1. Safety – In extreme cases, the clutter becomes a safety issue as items spill out of closets when the doors are opened. This can be dangerous. Also, normal indoor traffic patterns fill with objects and debris that can pose a hazard as the occupants might trip over objects and get hurt.

2. Maintenance – Because of clutter, areas in poor condition might go unseen. Perhaps a windowsill begins to rot, or a leak in the roof allows rain to damage a wall. All of this could be hidden by clutter.

3. Health – It’s a fact that homes have dust and dust mites that compromise air quality. When a home is full of clutter, it will be difficult to eliminate the dust that attracts mites. There can be such an obstacle course that a window cannot be opened to let in fresh air.

4. Clean – A clutter-free home will be easier to clean. Rodents and insects like living in conditions where items are stacked up, leaving room for garbage to fall in secret crevices, going unnoticed. Remove the piles, and the pests will often leave.

5. Time – Dusting around all the knick-knacks, moving piles to vacuum, and shuffling papers from place to place all take time. As you uncover more ways to declutter life, you find more time to participate in enjoyable activities.

6. Energy – Having many belongings can make it difficult to make choices. Decision fatigue is what some are calling this agonizing process. It takes a lot of mental energy to go back and forth between items picking the one that is perfect yet worrying that it isn’t!

7. Space – Whether a home is large or small, defining the space can be difficult during times of transition. However, when you declutter your home and garage for storage or for a new phase in life, you’ll find room for that home office or the bedroom needed for the college kid who visits home. You can’t enjoy rooms that have too much excess stuff.  Therefore, it’s time to relocate or re-purpose items. Remove unwanted or unnecessary things from the home to liberate the needed space.

8. Freedom – Belongings are meant for enjoyment. Belongings often tie people down because upkeep takes so much work. Some people feel shame because of the mess in the home. Cleaning out an area lifts the mood and frees a person from heavy shame or embarrassment.

9. Peace – The brain can experience stimulation overload from clutter. An orderly home is more appealing to the eye, visually calming.

declutter your home

10. Money – A yard sale can bring in money from selling unwanted goods. Save money by not repurchasing.

11. Fun – When you declutter your home, you will want to celebrate by hosting a party. This gathering will establish fun memories in the home. But you can’t enjoy that time if objects displace guests. Visitors will feel welcome and want to linger in such a beautiful, open space.

The time to act is now! If you are reading this, you’ve identified a place to start. Create a pile to give away, a pile to throw away, and a small pile to keep. Sort through one room. If that seems overwhelming, just do one closet or one drawer. Immediately after you categorize the items, put them away. Put them in the garbage can. Or put them in the care to take away or where they belong in your home.

You will feel so much lighter once your space is less cluttered. As you declutter your home, you will experience the exhilaration of reclaiming and personalizing your corner of the world.

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